Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission

Manual for Development Projects - Planning Commission


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Chapter-9<br />

The basic criteria <strong>for</strong> the selection of a rural water supply and sanitation scheme is that the initial proposal<br />

<strong>for</strong> the construction of the facilities should come from the beneficiaries. After the proposals are received<br />

from the community, the line departments will carry out a technical and financial feasibility of the proposal<br />

on the basis of present facilities, coverage, availability of source and willingness to bear the O&M cost by<br />

the beneficiaries. The community would then be provided with options in terms of quantity of water to be<br />

supplied, the daily hours of supply, and the type of service. The community has to decide whether they will<br />

choose community taps <strong>for</strong> the service or would like to have house connections. These options would<br />

decide the operational cost of the system. The system finally built would be that which is within the<br />

financial capability of the community to operate and maintain with their own resources. Ef<strong>for</strong>t will be<br />

made to replicate cheaper appropriate technology to reduce cost of maintenance to the community.<br />

Community management and participation to undertake O&M cost of the completed rural water supply<br />

scheme is essential. Besides, a unified policy <strong>for</strong> cost recovery, tariff and O&M costs is to be adopted <strong>for</strong><br />

rural water supply schemes.<br />

There should be no over-lapping with the schemes under the Peoples Programme and the schemes being<br />

implemented under the Annual <strong>Development</strong> Programme of the Federal/Provincial Governments and<br />

Local Bodies. These schemes will be supplementary to Social Action Programme and not a substitution of<br />

the Programme.<br />


SAP Operational Secretariat in Ministry of Local Government & Rural Developme.<br />

9.7 SAP operational secretariat has been established in the Ministry of Local Government & Rural<br />

<strong>Development</strong>, Islamabad with approval of Social Sectors Coordination Committee of the Cabinet (SSCC).<br />

The Secretariat is responsible to coordinate activities concerning implementation and monitoring of SAP<br />

projects through District Social Action Boards (DSABs).<br />

Role of District Social Action Boards (DSABs)<br />

Page 4 of 14<br />

9.8 To make the SAP fully operational at the districts level, the District Social Action Boards (DSABs)<br />

have been assigned the following functions:-<br />

http://hd2/pc/popup/ch9_p.html<br />


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