Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis

Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis

Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis


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Christian marriage and family are deeply grounded in the trinitarian God. For God is, as Pope<br />

John Paul II said in Mexico, „in his innermost mystery not loneliness, but family.“ 62 As unity<br />

and difference, the trinity is in an analogous sense the source of marriage and family for<br />

which unity and difference are also characteristic.<br />

2. The unity of the Logos with humanity in the Incarnation, the self -surrender of Christ on<br />

the cross and in the Eucharist, and the covenant of Christ with his Bride, the Church, do not<br />

merely find themselves reflected in marriage. Christian marriage is rather the participation in<br />

this divine love and its becoming present in the world. Not only does the testing, proving, and<br />

self-interpretation of the spouses take place in marriage, but also their sanctification.<br />

The sacrament does not abrogate the natural form of marriage, but takes it into the sacramental<br />

mystery. That is not the case with other sacraments. Birth is not baptism. Supper is not the<br />

Lord's Supper. But the marriage of Christians is the sacrament of marriage. Conjugal love is<br />

enriched and sanctified „by Christ's redeeming power“ (Gaudium et spes, 48). Whoever marries<br />

enters into Christ. He or she marries „in the Lord“ (I Co 7:39).<br />

The essential characteristics of fidelity and indissolubility which are proper to marriage by<br />

nature receive a new content and splendor through the sacrament. As an image of the never<br />

ending love between the one Christ and the one Church, the sacramental, consummated marriage<br />

can only exist as an indissoluble bond between a man and a woman. Since it is the „representation<br />

of the consummated union of Christ with the Church,“ marriage can „be nothing<br />

other than indissoluble and permanent.“ Grace fulfils the yearning of nature and gives it the<br />

strength „to be that for which its better knowledge and will strive.“ „Thus, the indissolubility<br />

of marriage is only the fulfillment of that towards which the pure and untainted heart, the<br />

naturally Christian soul ,presses and which only finds its end in death“ (Pius Xll). 63 Love<br />

without fidelity is deception. 'Marriage on trial' or 'marriage for a time' are not marriages, but<br />

life lies.<br />

Christian marriage lives out of the expectation of the eternal marriage feast which it prefigures.<br />

It bears an eschatological character. For „when people rise from the dead, they neither<br />

marry nor are given in marriage but live like angels in heaven“ (Mt 22:30) „In that stronger<br />

bond of love that joins hearts to God and to one another,“ the love of married couples will,<br />

according to the words of Pius XII, continue to exist „in the next life also, just as the souls<br />

will also remain those in which they have dwelt here below.“ 64<br />


The family is a natural community of life of the parents with their children (societas naturalis<br />

parentalis) developing out of the marriage on which God has poured out his blessings on fertility<br />

and it is, at the same time, the cell of human society. Whereas the theology of marriage<br />

has fortunately been deepened in recent decades, the theology of the family is still in its fancy,<br />

which is partially explained by the fact that only marriage and not the family is a sacrament.<br />

Nevertheless, the development of the theology of the family is urgently necessary. For it<br />

would be no minor shortcoming if, as often happens, one would see only the conjugal relationship<br />

of the spouses with its sexual problems but leave the family almost out of consideration,<br />

since the family is exceedingly important particularly for man as threatened by the impersonal<br />

forms of organization of the industrial age. Here it has to be remembered that the<br />

timelessly valid structure of the family is realized in the prevailing social and economic con-<br />

the priestly ministry as an 'acting-in-the-person-of-Christ' is the ministry of a man. The wide realm of the Marian<br />

ministry of the Church as the Bride of Christ is open to women.<br />

62 Pope John Paul II. Homily in Puebla. January 28. 1979 (AAS 71 [1979]:184).<br />

63 Text in Summe Pius' XII. ed. by F. Utz and J. F. Groner (Freiburg, Switzerland, 1954), 1:717, 919.<br />

64 Ibid, n 920.<br />


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