Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis

Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis

Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis


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trivialize the serious problem of 'responsible parenthood'. The Second Vatican Council assured<br />

married couples in an understanding way that it is aware of their needs and difficulties.<br />

„Certain modern conditions often keep couples from arranging their married lives harmoniously;<br />

they find themselves in circumstances where at least temporarily the size of their families<br />

should not be increased.“ On the question of the number of children, the Council remarks:<br />

„The parents themselves should ultimately make this judgment, in the sight of God.“ In doing<br />

so, of course, they may not „proceed arbitrarily; they must always be governed according to a<br />

conscience dutifully conformed to the divine law itself, and should be submissive toward the<br />

Church's teaching office, which authentically interprets that law in the light of the gospel.“<br />

The married couple should be aware that „a true contradiction cannot exist between the divine<br />

laws pertaining to the transmission of life and those pertaining to the fostering of authentic<br />

conjugal love“ (Gaudium et spes, 50-51). The Council forewent „proposing concrete solutions“<br />

concerning particular methods of birth control. It did add, however, that „sons of the<br />

Church may not undertake methods of regulating procreation which are found blameworthy<br />

by the teaching authority of the Church in its unfolding of the divine law“ (Gaudium et spes,<br />

51). The conjugal gift, Pope Paul VI teaches, must remain open for the transmission of life,<br />

which does not mean that it is forbidden to the married couple „for grave motives and with<br />

due respect for the moral law, to avoid for the time being, or even for an intermediate period,<br />

a new birth.“ 51 Pope John Paul II also adjures spouses not to tear apart arbitrarily the two<br />

meanings of the conjugal gift, i.e. loving union and the awakening of new life. For then „they<br />

act as 'arbiters' of the divine plan and they 'manipulate' and degrade human sexuality - and<br />

with it themselves and their married partner - by altering its value of 'total' self-giving, which<br />

leads to an „objectively contradictory language.“<br />

The Pope exhorts pastors to come to a „unity of moral and pastoral judgments“ and professors<br />

to a „unified effort by theologians in this regard, inspired by a convinced adherence to the<br />

Magisterium, which is the one authentic guide of the People of God.“ The Pope continues:<br />

„When, instead, by means of recourse to periods of infertility, the couple respect the inseparable<br />

connection between the unitive and procreative meanings of human sexuality, they are<br />

acting as 'ministers' of God's plan and they 'benefit from' their sexuality according to the<br />

original dynamism of 'total' self-giving, without manipulation or alteration.“ 52 The popes are<br />

standing up for the protection of the dignity of man which is threatened today in a terrible way<br />

by ideological, journalistic, pedagogical, chemical, and medical forms of manipulation. At<br />

bottom, the 'anti-baby' pill is a form of manipulation whose consequences for the corning<br />

generation no scientist is able to foretell with certainty. It should also alarm us that manipulation,<br />

of which there was hardly any talk at the time the encyclical Humanae vitae was published<br />

(1968), has spread in recent discussions to sterilization, abortion, and the killing of invalids.<br />

§ 8 Marriage as a Contract<br />

I. „Each individual marriage“, it says in the encyclical Casti connubii, „in as much as it is a<br />

conjugal union of a particular man and woman, arises only from the free consent of each of<br />

the spouses.“ The only question in this union of wills, which „cannot be supplied by any human<br />

power,“ is „whether the contracting parties really wish to enter upon matrimony or to<br />

marry this particular person.“ On the other hand, the essential form of marriage is „entirely<br />

independent“ of the arbitrariness of the married couple (n. 6). Whereas other contracts are<br />

51 Humanae vitae, of July 25, 1968, n 10. Cf the Wort der deutschen Bischofe zur seelsorglichen Lage nach dem<br />

Erscheinen der Enzyklika Humanae Vitae, of August 8, 1968; <strong>Joseph</strong> <strong>Höffner</strong>, Zur Würdigung der Enzyklika<br />

'Humanae Vitae' in Reden und Aufsätze, 11:280-293.<br />

52 Familiaris consortio, 31-34.<br />


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