Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis

Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis

Joseph Cardinal Höffner CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ... - Ordo Socialis


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). War and Peace in the Nuclear Age<br />

The stockpiles of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons are continually increasing. Even<br />

if only a small circle of specialists are informed about the details, it is nevertheless certain that<br />

the weapons stored thus far are of an enormous number and destructive force. A normal<br />

atomic bomb with a one megaton explosive force, the experts say, tears open a crater ninety<br />

meters deep and l,000 meters in diameter on sandy soil. Shock waves, heat waves, and radioactive<br />

radiation combine into an orgy of annihilation and lead through burns, organ lesions,<br />

and radioactive damage to the terrible death of innumerable people. Whereas the shock wave<br />

of a medium-sized atomic bomb has destructive effects within a radius of ten kilometers, the<br />

shock waves and heat waves of neutron weapons, which are manufactured, not as bombs, but<br />

as grenades or rockets, is relatively small. But the neutron radiation from these short-range<br />

weapons is all the stronger, inflicting an agonizing death, the throes of which last from one to<br />

fourteen days, upon people within a radius of a kilometer.<br />

This threat is growing to unimaginable proportions, since more and more states are coming<br />

into possession of nuclear weapons. It is not only carefully considered and well prepared<br />

plans of attack that could lead to the outbreak of war, but also misunderstandings and irrational<br />

action. Further, one can think only with horror that unscrupulous despots, such as have<br />

appeared again and again in the course of history and have fascinated the masses, could take<br />

possession of nuclear weapons. „Let one only amass the suitable materials, and the demonic<br />

will infallibly take possession of man and run away with him,“ writes C. G. Jung 32<br />

Nuclear ordnance depots are on the surface an expression of elemental political, economic,<br />

and ideological oppositions and interests; at bottom, however, they are a sign that the order of<br />

moral values has been shaken. Peace, said Pope John Paul II in Ireland on September 29,<br />

l979, is the result of the observance „of ethical principles.“ 33 In his message to the World Day<br />

of Peace l98l, the Pope sketched a sinister panorama of violations of the moral order: the<br />

stronger nations outrage the weaker ones. They make them politically, economically, and financially<br />

dependent. A given class or party arrogates the power to itself and oppresses the<br />

others. Terrorists lie in ambush to commit murder and spread fear and panic. Certain mass<br />

media seek to force people into psychological conformity. Wars arise, the Pope continues,<br />

through invasions, through ideological imperialism, through economic exploitation, and<br />

through other forms of injustice. 34 All these things generate deep mistrust among nations and<br />

fear of one another. The arms race does not end.<br />

c) Three Disputable Theses<br />

Recent discussions about war and peace have strayed in directions that do not lead to the desired<br />

end.<br />

First, it does not serve peace if there is no objective grappling with the question under consideration,<br />

but instead a mere arousal of feelings. Such slogans whipping up emotions are:<br />

„Peace at any price!“ „Better red than dead!“ „Destroy whatever destroys you!“ „Create peace<br />

without weapons!“ „Unilateral disarmament!“<br />

On December 8, l967, Pope Paul VI said in his peace message: „One cannot establish peace<br />

on an empty flood of words, which may indeed meet with approval because it addresses a<br />

deep and genuine longing of man, but which can also serve, and unfortunately often has<br />

served, to hide the lack of a genuine spirit of peace and true intentions of peace or even to<br />

mask subversive intentions and actions or partisan interests.“ The Pope warns against the<br />

32<br />

C. G. Jung, Mensch und Seele, selections by J. Jacobi (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1971), 255.<br />

33<br />

Dienst am Frieden, 214.<br />

34<br />

The text of the peace message in the official gazette of the Archdiocese of Cologne, January 15, 1981, n. 18,<br />

pp. 21ff.<br />


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