fall 2007 final examination schedule - St. Cloud State University

fall 2007 final examination schedule - St. Cloud State University

fall 2007 final examination schedule - St. Cloud State University


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000430 CEEP 101 01 Applying Psychology 3<br />

TR 1400-1515 EB A119 Jensen, Marilyn<br />

000431 CEEP 101 02 Applying Psychology 3<br />

T 1400-1515 EB A119 Jensen, Marilyn<br />

R 1530-1645 EB A119<br />

000432 CEEP 102 01 Applying Psychology Lab 1<br />

T 1100-1200 EB B208 Jensen, Marilyn<br />

Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

000433 CEEP 102 02 Applying Psychology Lab 1<br />

R 1100-1200 EB B208 Jensen, Marilyn<br />

Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

000434 CEEP 262 01 � Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

T 1700-1945<br />

000435 CEEP 262<br />

EB A226 Mayhew, Kathryn<br />

02 � Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

T 1700-1945 EB A226 Mayhew, Kathryn<br />

000436 CEEP 262 03 Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 EB A226 Hotz, John<br />

000437 CEEP 262 04 Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 EB A226 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

000438 CEEP 262 05 Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

TR 1400-1515<br />

000439 CEEP 262<br />

EB A240 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

06 � Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

W 1700-1945<br />

000440 CEEP 262<br />

EB B208 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

07 � Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

R 1700-1945 EB A240 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002146 CEEP 262 54 ✔ Human Growth & Developmnt 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hoover, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

000441 CEEP 361 01 Intro to Educ Psychology 3<br />

TR 1100-1215 EB A226 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

000442 CEEP 361 02 Intro to Educ Psychology 3<br />

TR 1100-1215<br />

000443 CEEP 361<br />

EB A226 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

03 � Intro to Educ Psychology 3<br />

T 1700-1945<br />

000444 CEEP 361<br />

EB A240 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

04 � Intro to Educ Psychology 3<br />

W 1700-1945<br />

000445 CEEP 361<br />

EB A240 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

05 � Intro to Educ Psychology 3<br />

R 1700-1945 EB A227 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002147 CEEP 361 54 ✔ Intro to Educ Psychology 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hoover, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

002148 CEEP 384 54 ✔ Individual/Group Differnc 3<br />

Hours Arranged Jensen, Marilyn<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001978 CEEP 419 01 Profess/Sci Ethics Psych 3<br />

W 1300-1545 EB A119 Jensen, Marilyn<br />

002149 CEEP 430 54 ✔ Boys, Men and Masculinit 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hoover, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

002151 CEEP 465 54 ✔ <strong>St</strong>ress Management 3<br />

Hours Arranged Murphy, Robert<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

000449 CEEP 476 01 Res Methods in Appd Psych 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 EB A240 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002150 CEEP 530 54 ✔ Boys, Men and Masculinit 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hoover, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

000450 CEEP 652 01 Medical/Biologcl Factors 3<br />

M 1200-1445 EB A227 Kuhlman, Bradley<br />

000452 CEEP 654 01 Guidance for Spec Needs 3<br />

R 1400-1645 EB B213 Jensen, Marilyn<br />

Permission Required<br />

000451 CEEP 658 01 � Multicultural Counseling 3<br />

R 1700-1945 EB A239 Renn, Dorothy<br />

Permission Required<br />

000453 CEEP 665 01 Measurement Techniques 3<br />

W 0900-1145 EB A239 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required<br />

000454 CEEP 666 01 � Group Process/Dynamics 3<br />

W 1700-1945 EB A220A Wilson, Nona<br />

Permission Required<br />

000455 CEEP 666 02 Group Process/Dynamics 3<br />

W 1400-1645 EB A220A Hotz, John<br />

Permission Required<br />

000456 CEEP 666 03 Group Process/Dynamics 3<br />

M 1200-1445 EB A220A Lepkowski, William<br />

Permission Required<br />

000459 CEEP 667 01 � Career Development 3<br />

W 1700-1945 EB A227 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required<br />

000460 CEEP 668 01 � Counseling Procedures 3<br />

M 1700-1945 EB A220A <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required<br />

000461 CEEP 669 01 Supervised Counsel Prac 4<br />

R 0800-1400 EB A220A Kuhlman, Bradley<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

Insurance Fee $21.<br />

000462 CEEP 669 02 Supervised Counsel Prac 4<br />

T 0900-1500 EB A220A Downing, Trae<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

Insurance Fee $21.<br />

000463 CEEP 669 03 Supervised Counsel Prac 4<br />

R 0800-1400 EB A244 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

Insurance Fee $21.<br />

000464 CEEP 669 04 Supervised Counsel Prac 4<br />

T 0900-1500 EB A244 Wilson, Nona<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

Insurance Fee: $21.<br />

000465 CEEP 670 01 � Develop Guidance Prog/Pro 3<br />

M 1700-1945 EB B209 Lepkowski, William<br />

Permission Required<br />

000466 CEEP 672 01 � Fam/School/Org Partnershp 3<br />

W 1700-1945 EB A235 Mayhew, Kathryn<br />

Permission Required<br />

000467 CEEP 673 01 � Issues in <strong>St</strong>udent Develop 3<br />

W 1700-1945 EB B110 Macari, Daniel<br />

Permission Required<br />

002152 CEEP 677 54 ✔ <strong>St</strong>ress Mgmt Process/Techn 3<br />

Hours Arranged Kuhlman, Bradley<br />

Permission Required Murphy, Robert<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

000468 CEEP 678 01 � Intro to Grad <strong>St</strong>atistics 3<br />

M 1700-1945 EB A240 Murphy, Robert<br />

Additional fee $20<br />

000469 CEEP 678 02 Intro to Grad <strong>St</strong>atistics 3<br />

R 1400-1645 EB A235 Murphy, Robert<br />

Additional fee: $20<br />

000470 CEEP 678 03 � Intro to Grad <strong>St</strong>atistics 3<br />

F 1700-2000 EB A226 Murphy, Robert<br />

S 0900-1630 EB A226<br />

Course meets 1/18 & 19, 2/15 & 16, 3/21 & 22, 4/18 & 19.<br />

002153 CEEP 678 54 ✔ Intro to Grad <strong>St</strong>atistics 3<br />

Hours Arranged Murphy, Robert<br />

Permission Required Rudrud, Eric<br />

Online Course. Go to www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

000471 CEEP 681 01 Prac Small Group Process 3<br />

R 1330-1730 EB A244 Downing, Trae<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

000472 CEEP 681 02 Prac Small Group Process 3<br />

R 1330-1730 EB B213 Macari, Daniel<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

000473 CEEP 681 03 Prac Small Group Process 3<br />

R 1330-1730 EB A220A Wilson, Nona<br />

Permission Required<br />

000474 CEEP 690<br />

Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

01 � Sem: Adv Educ Psych 1-3<br />

M 1700-1945<br />

002261 CEEP 690<br />

EB A239 Hoover, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

02 � Globalism Human Rts & Env 1-3<br />

W 1700-1945 EB B107 Renn, Dorothy<br />

000475 CEEP 696 01 Supervised Internship 3-6<br />

R 1130-1300 EB A220 Lepkowski, William<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

000476 CEEP 696 02 Supervised Internship 3-6<br />

R 1130-1300 EB A229 Peterson, Terrance<br />

Permission Required<br />

000477 CEEP 696<br />

Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

03 � Supervised Internship 3-6<br />

W 1700-1830 EB A239 Hotz, John<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />

000481 CEEP 697 01 Internship <strong>St</strong>udent Affair 1-3<br />

Hours Arranged Macari, Daniel<br />

Permission Required Grading Option: SU-REQ<br />



001766 CJS 100 54 ✔ History Criminal Justice 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hesse, Mario<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001771 CJS 101 54 ✔ Survey Criminal Justice 3<br />

Hours Arranged Prout, Robert<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001092 CJS 111 01 Crime/Justice 3<br />

TR 0800-0915 SH 111A Schreiber, Francis<br />

001772 CJS 111 54 ✔ Crime/Justice 3<br />

Hours Arranged Schreiber, Francis<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001095 CJS 250 01 � Intro Private Security 3<br />

W 1800-2045 SH 208 Schumann, James<br />

001778 CJS 250 54 ✔ Intro Private Security 3<br />

Hours Arranged Schumann, James<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001183 CJS 287 01 Research Criminal Justice 3<br />

MWF 0900-0950 SH 209 Clifford, Mary<br />

001185 CJS 287 02 Research Criminal Justice 3<br />

MWF 1200-1250 SH 208 Clifford, Mary<br />

001186 CJS 287 03 Research Criminal Justice 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 SH 208 Schreiber, Francis<br />

001096 CJS 325 01 Comparative Crim Justice 3<br />

MWF 0900-0950 SH 208 Andzenge, Dick<br />

002645 CJS 325 54 ✔ Comparative Crim Justice 3<br />

Hours Arranged Andzenge, Dick<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Guided <strong>St</strong>udy Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001188 CJS 387 01 Crim Jus Research Methods 3<br />

TR 1400-1515<br />

001190 CJS 387<br />

SH 208 Gilbertson, Douglas<br />

02 � Crim Jus Research Methods 3<br />

T 1800-2045 SH 214 Gilbertson, Douglas<br />

001191 CJS 387 03 Crim Jus Research Methods 3<br />

TR 1100-1215 SH 208 Hesse, Mario<br />

001097 CJS 411 01 Organ Admin in Crim Just 3<br />

MWF 1100-1150 SH 208 Andzenge, Dick<br />

001100 CJS 411 02 Organ Admin in Crim Just 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 SH 208 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

001119 CJS 411 03 Organ Admin in Crim Just 3<br />

MWF 1400-1450 SH 208 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002646 CJS 411 54 ✔ Organ Admin in Crim Just 3<br />

Hours Arranged Andzenge, Dick<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Guided <strong>St</strong>udy Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001127 CJS 415 01 Corrections: Theory/Prac 3<br />

TR 0800-0915 SH 209 Hesse, Mario<br />

002647 CJS 415 54 ✔ Corrections: Theory/Prac 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hesse, Mario<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001129 CJS 420 01 � Critical Issues/Law Enfor 3<br />

W 1800-2045<br />

001143 CJS 420<br />

SH 308 Hand, Richard<br />

02 � Critical Issues/Law Enfor 3<br />

T 1700-1945<br />

001147 CJS 420<br />

SH 209 Hennessy, <strong>St</strong>ephen<br />

03 � Critical Issues/Law Enfor 3<br />

M 1800-2045<br />

001150 CJS 421<br />

SH 307 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

01 � P.O.S.T. Parts 1, 4, 6, 7 3<br />

T 1800-2045 SH 208 Bentrud, David<br />

002648 CJS 421 54 ✔ P.O.S.T. Parts 1, 4, 6, 7 3<br />

Hours Arranged Bentrud, David<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Guided <strong>St</strong>udy Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001153 CJS 422 01 � P.O.S.T. Parts 2, 3, 5 3<br />

R 1730-2015 SH 208 Klaphake, Roger<br />

002903 CJS 422 54 ✔ P.O.S.T. Parts 2, 3, 5 3<br />

Hours Arranged Klaphake, Roger<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

002649 CJS 430 54 ✔ Criminal Law 3<br />

Hours Arranged Seefeldt, Charles<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Guided <strong>St</strong>udy Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001157 CJS 431 01 Criminal Procedure 3<br />

MWF 1100-1150 SH 225 Seefeldt, Charles<br />

001160 CJS 431 02 Criminal Procedure 3<br />

MWF 1200-1250<br />

001164 CJS 431<br />

SH 225 Seefeldt, Charles<br />

03 � Criminal Procedure 3<br />

W 1800-2045 SH 225 Seefeldt, Charles<br />

002662 CJS 433 54 ✔ Ethical <strong>St</strong>udies Crim Just 3<br />

Hours Arranged Prout, Robert<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001168 CJS 441 01 Correctional Alternatives 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 SH 225 Hesse, Mario<br />

002668 CJS 441 54 ✔ Correctional Alternatives 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hesse, Mario<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001170 CJS 444 01 Internship 1-16<br />

Hours Arranged <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required<br />

$21 liability insurance per fiscal year.<br />

001171 CJS 444 02 Internship 1-16<br />

Hours Arranged Prout, Robert<br />

Permission Required<br />

$21 liability insurance per fiscal year.<br />

001172 CJS 446 01 � Child Abuse/Crim Just Sys 3<br />

T 1800-2045 SH 220 Harris, Tracy<br />

002673 CJS 446 54 ✔ Child Abuse/Crim Just Sys 3<br />

Hours Arranged Norman, J<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001174 CJS 450 01 Juvenile Justice System 3<br />

TR 0800-0915 SH 208 Lawrence, Richard<br />

002681 CJS 450 54 ✔ Juvenile Justice System 3<br />

Hours Arranged Lawrence, Richard<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001176 CJS 455 01 � Pri Sec Crim Just Comm 3<br />

T 1730-2015 SH 323 Heckendorn III, Mile<br />

002690 CJS 455 54 ✔ Pri Sec Crim Just Comm 3<br />

Hours Arranged Schumann, James<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

001178 CJS 461 01 � Juvenile Legal Process 3<br />

R 1800-2045 SH 214 Caldecott, Richard<br />

002904 CJS 465 54 ✔ Policing Diverse Society 3<br />

Hours Arranged Hennessy, <strong>St</strong>ephen<br />

Additional Fee: $65. Online Course. Go to<br />

www.stcloudstate.edu/continuingstudies.<br />

49<br />


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