fall 2007 final examination schedule - St. Cloud State University

fall 2007 final examination schedule - St. Cloud State University

fall 2007 final examination schedule - St. Cloud State University


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002136 MME 101 04 Intro to Engr Profession 3<br />

MW 0800-0850 ECC 111 Covey, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

T 1400-1520 ECC 121<br />

002160 MME 200 01 Thermodynamics 3<br />

MWF 1300-1350 ECC 119 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002175 MME 210 01 Engineering Materials 3<br />

MW 1500-1550 ECC 121 Kasi, Balasubramania<br />

R 1230-1345 ECC 179A<br />

002168 MME 220 01 Engr Design Graphics 3<br />

MW 1400-1450 ECC 127 Yu, Warren<br />

R 1100-1215 ECC 127<br />

002142 MME 241 01 <strong>St</strong>atics 3<br />

MWF 0900-0950 ECC 121 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002155 MME 242 01 Dynamics 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 ECC 121 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002159 MME 320 01 Computer Assisted Design 3<br />

MW 1200-1250 ECC 127 Byun, Jeongmin<br />

R 0900-1015 ECC 127 Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002170 MME 330 01 Engr Material Process I 3<br />

MW 1400-1450 ECC 121 Byun, Jeongmin<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002171 MME 330 02 Engr Material Process I 3<br />

MW 1400-1450 ECC 121 Byun, Jeongmin<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002165 MME 340 01 <strong>St</strong>rength of Materials 3<br />

MWF 1300-1350 ECC 121 Bekkala, Andrew<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002156 MME 345 01 Mechanisms 3<br />

MWF 1100-1150 ECC 121 Yu, Warren<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002172 MME 350 01 Process Measuremt Sensors 2<br />

M 1500-1550 ECC 119 Miller, Kenneth<br />

T 0800-0920 ECC 119 Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002173 MME 350 02 Process Measuremt Sensors 2<br />

M 1500-1550 ECC 119 Miller, Kenneth<br />

T 0930-1050 ECC 119 Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002177 MME 360 01 Manufacturing Economics 2<br />

T 1100-1250 ECC 127 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002137 MME 400 01 Heat Transfer 3<br />

MWF 0900-0950 ECC 119 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002178 MME 401 01 Thermal Sciences Laborato 1<br />

R 1030-1145 ECC 179B Miller, Kenneth<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002179 MME 401 02 Thermal Sciences Laborato 1<br />

R 1200-1345 ECC 179B Miller, Kenneth<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002157 MME 411 01 Mechan Behav of Materials 3<br />

MWF 1200-1250 ECC 121 Covey, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002153 MME 442 01 Dynamics II 3<br />

MWF 1100-1150 ECC 119 Bekkala, Andrew<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002190 MME 460 01 � Quality Engineering 3<br />

T 1700-1930 ECC 126 Baliga, Bantwal<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002146 MME 464 01 Process/Tool Design 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 ECC 119 Byun, Jeongmin<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002215 MME 480 01 Engr Design Project I 3<br />

R 1600-1650 ECC 121 Baliga, Bantwal<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002216 MME 480 02 Engr Design Project I 3<br />

R 1600-1650 ECC 121 Bekkala, Andrew<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002217 MME 480 03 Engr Design Project I 3<br />

R 1600-1650 ECC 121 Byun, Jeongmin<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002218 MME 480 04 Engr Design Project I 3<br />

R 1600-1650 ECC 121 Covey, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002219 MME 480 05 Engr Design Project I 3<br />

R 1600-1650 ECC 121 Miller, Kenneth<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002220 MME 480 06 Engr Design Project I 3<br />

R 1600-1650 ECC 121 Yu, Warren<br />

Major <strong>St</strong>udents Only<br />

002138 MME 500 01 Heat Transfer 3<br />

MWF 0900-0950 ECC 119 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002158 MME 511 01 Mech Behavior of Material 3<br />

MWF 1200-1250 ECC 121 Covey, <strong>St</strong>even<br />

002154 MME 542 01 Dynamics II 3<br />

MWF 1100-1150<br />

002191 MME 560<br />

ECC 119 Bekkala, Andrew<br />

01 � Quality Engineering 3<br />

T 1700-1930 ECC 126 Baliga, Bantwal<br />

002147 MME 564 01 Process/Tool Design 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050<br />

002181 MME 601<br />

ECC 119 Byun, Jeongmin<br />

01 � Advanced Heat Transfer 3<br />

M 1730-1950<br />

002187 MME 650<br />

ECC 121 Miller, Kenneth<br />

01 � Adv Control Mech Systems 3<br />

T 1700-1930<br />

002196 MME 664<br />

ECC 121 Bekkala, Andrew<br />

01 � Production/Operatn Mgmt 3<br />

R 1700-1930 ECC 121 Baliga, Bantwal<br />

30<br />



000335 MILS 101 01 Foundations of Officershp 1<br />

M 1500-1550 SH 18 Zeitler, John<br />

000336 MILS 103 01 Basic Leadership Lab 1<br />

S 0700-1200 Zeitler, John<br />

000337 MILS 201 01 Indiv Leadership <strong>St</strong>udies 2<br />

MW 1300-1350 SH 18 Fussell, Derek<br />

000338 MILS 203 01 Basic Leadership Lab 2<br />

S 0700-1200 Fussell, Derek<br />

000339 MILS 301 01 Leadership/Prob Solving 3<br />

TR 1100-1215 SH 18 DeJesus, Alberto<br />

000340 MILS 303 01 Advance Leadership Lab 3<br />

S 0700-1200 DeJesus, Alberto<br />

000341 MILS 401 01 Leadership & Mgmt 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 SH 18 Fischer, James<br />

000342 MILS 403 01 Advance Leadership Lab 3<br />

S 0700-1200 Fischer, James<br />

MUSIC<br />


002969 MUS 606 01 Secondary Music Ed 2<br />

Hours Arranged PA 140 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002970 MUS 611 04 20th / 21st Centuries 2<br />

T 1630-1810<br />

002971 MUS 620<br />

PA 271 Hansen, Richard<br />

01 � Choral Conducting I 2<br />

T 1830-2010<br />

002972 MUS 622<br />

PA 250 Nelson, Lee<br />

01 � Inst Conducting I 2<br />

T 1830-2010 PA 271 Hansen, Richard<br />



002882 MUSE 201 01 Teaching K-8 Music 2<br />

TR 0930-1045 PA 140 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required<br />

002884 MUSE 201 02 Teaching K-8 Music 2<br />

MW 1400-1515 PA 140 Smale, Marcelyn<br />

Permission Required<br />

002973 MUSE 240 01 Intro to Music Ed 2<br />

MW 1600-1650 PA 140 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002974 MUSE 331 01 Elem Gen Music Methods 2<br />

MWF 0900-0950 PA 140 Smale, Marcelyn<br />

002975 MUSE 347 01 Brass Tech/Pedagogy 2<br />

TR 0830-0920 PA 113 Moore, Albert<br />

002892 MUSE 468 01 <strong>St</strong>udent Teaching Seminar 1<br />

Hours Arranged Smale, Marcelyn<br />



002895 MUSM 100 01 Intro Musical Concepts 3<br />

MWF 0900-0950 PA 141 Layne, R<br />

002898 MUSM 100 02 Intro Musical Concepts 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 PA 141 Layne, R<br />

002899 MUSM 100 03 Intro Musical Concepts 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 PA 141 Layne, R<br />

002902 MUSM 100 04 Intro Musical Concepts 3<br />

TR 1100-1215 PA 141 Layne, R<br />

002904 MUSM 100 05 Intro Musical Concepts 3<br />

MWF 1400-1450 PA 141 Moore, Albert<br />

002914 MUSM 123 01 Experiencing Live Music 3<br />

TR 1400-1515 PA 271 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

002976 MUSM 125 01 Music World Culture MGM 3<br />

TR 0930-1045 MC 122 Fuller, <strong>St</strong>ephen<br />

002977 MUSM 126 01 History Rock & Roll Music 3<br />

MWF 1300-1350 SH AUD Twombly, Kristian<br />

000751 MUSM 126 49 History Rock & Roll Music 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 Jorgenson, Gregory<br />

Paired with ITV course.<br />

000752 MUSM 126 51 History Rock & Roll Music 3<br />

MWF 1000-1050 Jorgenson, Gregory<br />

Permission Required PSEO/ITV Off-Campus Course.<br />

002979 MUSM 202 01 Theory II 3<br />

MW 1000-1050 PA 271 Krause, Melissa<br />

MF 1100-1150 KVAC 105 Miller, Scott<br />

002980 MUSM 212 01 Musicianship 2 1<br />

TR 1000-1050 PA 127 Krause, Melissa<br />

Smale, Marcelyn<br />

002981 MUSM 212 02 Musicianship 2 1<br />

TR 1100-1150 PA 127 Krause, Melissa<br />

Smale, Marcelyn<br />

002982 MUSM 301 01 Composition 1<br />

WF 0900-0950 PA 250 Miller, Scott<br />

002983 MUSM 304 01 Form and Analysis 2<br />

MWF 0800-0850 PA 250 Miller, Scott<br />

002984 MUSM 322 01 History Western Music 3<br />

TR 1100-1215<br />

002985 MUSM 325<br />

PA 271 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

01 � EA Arts Ensemble 3<br />

M 1700-1930 PA 158 Twombly, Kristian<br />

002986 MUSM 325 02 DIY Audio 3<br />

T 1630-1900<br />

002987 MUSM 325<br />

PA 158 Twombly, Kristian<br />

03 � Electronic Sound 3<br />

W 1800-2100 PA 158 Miller, Scott<br />

002988 MUSM 401 01 Advanced Composition 1<br />

Hours Arranged Miller, Scott<br />

Permission Required<br />

002989 MUSM 403 01 Counterpoint 2<br />

MWF 1100-1150 PA 250 Krause, Melissa<br />

003019 MUSM 436 01 Piano Literature 2<br />

Hours Arranged Wilhite, Carmen<br />

002992 MUSM 468 01 Jazz Improvisation 2<br />

MW 1200-1250 PA 113 Gast, Kim<br />

002990 MUSM 503 01 Counterpoint 1<br />

MWF 1100-1150 PA 250 Krause, Melissa<br />

003020 MUSM 536 01 Piano Literature 2<br />

Hours Arranged Wilhite, Carmen<br />

002993 MUSM 568 01 Jazz Improvisation 2<br />

MW 1200-1250 PA 113 Gast, Kim<br />


Instrument rental fee of $60/yr is assessed to students checking a<br />

university instrument and $30/yr fee for those students taking<br />

applied piano. Private lesson fee of $55/cr. is assessed to students<br />

registering for private lessons. Private lessons are available to<br />

music majors and non-majors. Lessons do count toward general<br />

education requirments in Humanities and Fine Arts. Contact music<br />

office for more information.<br />


002994 MUSP 101 01 Class Piano I 1<br />

MW 1000-1050 PA 163 Smale, Marcelyn<br />

Permission Required<br />

002995 MUSP 101 02 Class Piano I 1<br />

MW 1200-1250 PA 163 Smale, Marcelyn<br />

Permission Required<br />

003084 MUSP 102 01 Class Piano II 1<br />

MF 1100-1150 PA 163 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Permission Required<br />

002996 MUSP 103 01 Class Voice 1<br />

TR 1100-1150 PA 250 Nelson, Lee<br />

002997 MUSP 151 01 Vocal Ensemble 1<br />

TR 1400-1515 PA 127 Carlson, <strong>St</strong>anley<br />

Gender Restriction: Males<br />

002998 MUSP 155 01 Percussion Ensemble 1<br />

TR 1230-1345 PA 113 Vermillion, Terry<br />

Audition Required<br />

003000 MUSP 156 01 Chamber Ensemble 1<br />

Hours Arranged Judish, Marion<br />

Audition Required<br />

003002 MUSP 157 01 Jazz Ensemble 1<br />

TR 1530-1730 PA 113 Gast, Kim<br />

Audition Required<br />

003004 MUSP 158 01 <strong>St</strong>udio Jazz Band 1<br />

MW 1600-1650 PA 113 Gast, Kim<br />

Audition Required<br />

003005 MUSP 159 01 World Drumming Group 1<br />

M 1300-1350 PA 113 Vermillion, Terry<br />

003006 MUSP 161 01 Women’s Choir 1<br />

MWF 1300-1350 PA 127 Bot, Mary<br />

Gender Restriction: Females<br />

003007 MUSP 162 01 Concert Choir 1<br />

MW 1200-1250 PA 127 Nelson, Lee<br />

TR 1230-1345 PA 127 Audition Required<br />

003009 MUSP 164 01 Wind Ensemble 1<br />

MW 1400-1550 PA 113 Hansen, Richard<br />

F 1400-1450 PA 113<br />

Audition Required: Friday class meets bi-weekly beginning 9/14/07.<br />

003011 MUSP 166 01 � Campus Band 1<br />

R 1900-2130 PA 113 <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

003012 MUSP 167 01 <strong>University</strong> Orchestra 1<br />

TR 1400-1515 SH AUD O’Bryant, Daniel<br />

Audition Required<br />

003014 MUSP 168 01 � Husky Sports Band 1<br />

T 1900-2130 PA 113 Tuomaala, Glen<br />

Grading Option: Either<br />

003015 MUSP 258 01 Chamber Choir 1<br />

MW 1400-1450 PA 127 Nelson, Lee<br />

Audition Required<br />

003016 MUSP 270 01 Conducting I 2<br />

MWF 0900-0950 PA 113 O’Bryant, Daniel<br />

002999 MUSP 355 01 Percussion Ensemble 1<br />

TR 1230-1345 PA 113 Vermillion, Terry<br />

Permission Required<br />

003003 MUSP 357 01 Jazz Ensemble 1<br />

TR 1530-1730 PA 113 Gast, Kim<br />

Permission Required<br />

003008 MUSP 362 01 Concert Choir 1<br />

MW 1200-1250 PA 127 Nelson, Lee<br />

TR 1230-1345 PA 127 Permission Required<br />

003010 MUSP 364 01 Wind Ensemble 1<br />

MW 1400-1550 PA 113 Hansen, Richard<br />

F 1400-1450 PA 113 Permission Required<br />

Friday class meets bi-weekly beginning 9/14/07.<br />

003013 MUSP 367 01 ORCHESTRA 1<br />

TR 1400-1615 SH AUD O’Bryant, Daniel<br />

Permission Required

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