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Journal of <strong>Family</strong> Violence, Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2006 ( C○ 2006)<br />

DOI: 10.1007/s10896-005-9002-2<br />

<strong>Fighting</strong> <strong>Families</strong>: <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Characteristics</strong> <strong>Associated</strong><br />

with Domestic Violence in Five Latin American Countries<br />

Dallan F. Flake 1 and Renata Forste 1,2<br />


Published online: 8 April 2006<br />

Domestic violence 3 is one of Latin America’s most<br />

pressing social problems, as each year between 10 and<br />

35% of Latina women are physically abused by their<br />

partners (Buvinic et al., 1999). Whereas the region is<br />

notorious for its high rates of political and social violence,<br />

much less understood is the violence that occurs<br />

behind closed doors—between husbands and wives. With<br />

so much attention centered on Latin America’s corruption,<br />

crime, and political instability, it is easily overlooked that<br />

the family is perhaps this region’s most violent social<br />

institution.<br />

Although domestic violence research has reached unprecedented<br />

heights, relatively little is known about how<br />

spouse abuse functions outside traditional Western regions<br />

of study such as North America and Europe. Culture is<br />

known to affect the magnitude and characteristics of inti-<br />

1 Department of Sociology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.<br />

2 To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department of Sociology,<br />

Brigham Young University, 2032 JFSB, Provo, UT 84602;<br />

e-mail: renata forste@byu.edu.<br />

3 While numerous forms of aggression are incorporated into the term<br />

domestic violence, the present study focuses exclusively on domestic<br />

violence involving physical abuse between heterosexual partners.<br />

This study uses data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) to examine the relationship<br />

between familial characteristics and the likelihood of experiencing domestic violence in Colombia, the<br />

Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Peru. Logistic regression techniques are used to measure<br />

relationships between marital status, family size, partner alcohol use, socioeconomic status (SES),<br />

decision-making power, and education homogamy and the likelihood of experiencing partner violence.<br />

Cohabitation, female-dominant decision making, and partner alcohol are positively associated with<br />

domestic violence across datasets. <strong>Family</strong> size, SES, and education homogamy emerged as statistically<br />

significant in some, but not all of the datasets. This study helps clarify the profile of the abused Latina<br />

and also tests the applicability of current abuse research to a non-Western setting.<br />

KEY WORDS: Latin America; spouse abuse; family violence; marital violence.<br />

19<br />

mate violence in different societies (Holtzworth-Munroe<br />

et al., 1997), but because few studies compare these issues<br />

in different cultural contexts, it remains unclear if presentday<br />

abuse research can be applied to non-Western settings.<br />

A few foundational studies have been conducted in Latin<br />

America (Ellsberg et al., 2000; Gonzales de Olarte &<br />

Gavilano Llosa, 1999); however, they tend to focus on<br />

women in a single city or country rather than examining<br />

broader patterns of domestic violence across Latin<br />

America.<br />

This study extends the domestic violence literature<br />

by examining family characteristics associated with<br />

spouse abuse across five Latin American countries.<br />

Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, and<br />

Peru were selected for analysis because they reflect the<br />

rich diversity of Latin America. The purpose of this study<br />

is twofold. First, it aims to create a more comprehensive<br />

profile of the abused Latina to inform researchers,<br />

policymakers, and women themselves of potential risk<br />

markers for abuse. Second, this study investigates the applicability<br />

of Western abuse research to less-developed<br />

countries. This may potentially be its most important<br />

contribution, as it could shed light on the relevance of<br />

current theories, models, programs, and policies to Latin<br />

America.<br />

0885-7482/06/0100-0019/0 C○ 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

20 Flake and Forste<br />

The Latin American Context<br />

Latin America is one of the most culturally heterogeneous<br />

regions in the world. The myriad races, ethnicities,<br />

languages, and lifestyles preclude the lumping together<br />

of Colombians, Dominicans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and<br />

Peruvians as part of a uniform “Latin American” culture.<br />

In examining domestic violence in Latin America, however,<br />

most of the countries share two characteristics—a<br />

legacy of social violence and rigid gender scripts—that<br />

are integral to understanding spouse abuse in the Latin<br />

American context.<br />

Latin America has long been one of the world’s most<br />

violent regions. Beginning with the Spanish Conquest and<br />

extending to the present day, political conflict has become<br />

a near permanent fixture in the lives of millions of Latinos.<br />

In Colombia, the constant war between the government<br />

and drug cartels has made the country one of the most violent<br />

places in the world. Colombia is currently engaged in<br />

one of its bloodiest conflicts to date, against the powerful<br />

guerilla organization FARC. The Dominican Republic,<br />

Haiti, and Nicaragua have been equally unstable. Corrupt<br />

regimes and bloody civil conflicts led to international military<br />

intervention in all three countries during the twentieth<br />

century. Peru has a similar history of political violence and<br />

is presently battling the Shining Path, a Maoist terrorist<br />

group whose stated goal is to destroy existing Peruvian<br />

institutions and replace them with a communist peasant<br />

regime. Since the Shining Path took up arms in 1980,<br />

approximately 30,000 persons have died in Peru.<br />

Buvinic and colleagues (1999) argue that societies<br />

with long histories of wars are vulnerable to outbreaks of<br />

social violence. The widespread availability of weapons,<br />

coupled with the attenuation of inhibitions against violence<br />

that war brings, tend to exacerbate already powerful<br />

contributing factors including inequality and high levels<br />

of poverty. The effects of political violence on Latin<br />

American society have been devastating: The region’s<br />

homicide rate of almost 30 murders per 100,000 people<br />

is more than double the world average (Murray &<br />

Lopez, 1996). Excessive political and social violence<br />

is associated with higher rates of domestic violence<br />

(Messing, 1999). In Latin America, violence is the subject<br />

of casual conversation and newspaper headlines. Children<br />

who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence can become<br />

desensitized to the deleterious effects of aggression<br />

and see it as a suitable way of obtaining what they want.<br />

The second characteristic of Latin American<br />

society—gender-based norms—reinforces male authority<br />

and superiority over females throughout much of Latin<br />

America. According to cross-cultural literature, two of<br />

the most enduring factors that promote violence against<br />

women are rigidly defined gender roles and a cultural definition<br />

of manhood that is linked to dominance (Counts<br />

et al., 1992). The term machismo is often used to describe<br />

Latino masculinity, and refers to the cultural expectation<br />

that males must show they are masculine, strong,<br />

and sexually aggressive, and even able to consume large<br />

amounts of alcohol without getting drunk (Giraldo, 1972).<br />

Machismo is largely viewed as an expression of an inferiority<br />

complex stemming from the Spanish Conquest<br />

(Riding, 1985). Hypermasculinity is a culturally accepted<br />

response to male dependency, powerlessness, feelings<br />

of inferiority, and low self-esteem (McCord & McCord,<br />

1960). Machismo, then, is the combination of feeling inferior<br />

and acting superior (Ingoldsby, 1991).<br />

Male dominance is reinforced by women’s role in<br />

Latin American society. Marianismo refers to the expectation<br />

that women embrace the veneration of the Virgin<br />

Mary in that they are capable of enduring any suffering<br />

inflicted upon them by males (Stevens, 1973). Latin<br />

American women are to be submissive, dependent, sexually<br />

faithful to their husbands, and are expected to take<br />

care of household needs and dedicate themselves entirely<br />

to their husbands and children. Because Latinas’ identities<br />

are defined by their roles as mothers and wives, Latino<br />

patriarchy denies women individuality on the basis of<br />

gender (Rivera, 1998). Nobel Prize laureate Octavio Paz<br />

(1961) observed that a woman who does not conform to<br />

the traditional female ideal is viewed as a “mala mujer”<br />

(bad woman) in Latin America.<br />

The <strong>Family</strong> as an Enabling Context for Abuse<br />

In describing the Latino family, social scientists generally<br />

focus on two concepts: familism and machismo.<br />

Familism refers to the Latino ideal of placing one’s family<br />

ahead of individual interests, and includes responsibilities<br />

and obligations to one’s immediate family members<br />

and other kin (Ingoldsby, 1991). As previously noted,<br />

machismo is the term used to describe Latino masculinity<br />

and is characterized by aggressiveness and hypersexuality<br />

(Giraldo, 1972). Although familism and machismo may<br />

appear at odds with one another, both concepts are evident<br />

in Latino families. The combination of familism and<br />

machismo may make Latino families more susceptible to<br />

domestic violence, since women are expected to fulfill familial<br />

obligations unconditionally within an overarching<br />

patriarchal family system.<br />

How can the family be a haven for love, support,<br />

and comfort, and yet be the place where one is most<br />

likely to be spanked, slapped, beat up, assaulted, or killed<br />

(Gelles, 1997)? <strong>Family</strong> violence researchers have sought

Domestic Violence in Latin America 21<br />

to resolve this paradox by examining how certain family<br />

characteristics influence the likelihood of domestic<br />

violence. <strong>Family</strong>-level explanations of violence tend to<br />

focus on issues of stress and power dynamics. Other<br />

aggravating factors, including marital status and drinking,<br />

are also commonly linked to domestic violence. The<br />

present study examines whether family characteristics<br />

associated with abuse in Western contexts are similarly<br />

related to domestic violence in Latin America. The following<br />

factors have been linked to wife abuse in Western<br />

literature; each is included in the present analyses.<br />

Marital Status<br />

Higher rates of domestic violence are consistently<br />

found among cohabitors compared to married couples. In<br />

an analysis of 14 marital violence studies, Brownridge<br />

and Halli (2000) conclude that on average, cohabitors are<br />

between 2 and 4 times more likely to engage in physical<br />

violence than married couples. Western theoretical<br />

explanations often point to the temporary and impermanent<br />

nature of cohabitation as a primary reason cohabitors<br />

are more abusive than married couples (Nock, 1995).<br />

Whereas cohabitation in Western countries usually serves<br />

as a trial period preceding marriage, the relationship is<br />

much more permanent in Latin America and might best be<br />

described as “surrogate marriage” (Castro Martin, 2002).<br />

Cohabitation has been an integral component of the Latin<br />

American family system since the colonial period, when<br />

the Catholic Church sanctioned informal sexual unions<br />

between Spanish colonizers and indigenous women. Because<br />

of the unique nature of cohabitation in Latin<br />

America, it is reasonable to expect that marital status<br />

would influence domestic violence differently in this region<br />

than in Western settings. Understanding the relationship<br />

between marital status and partner violence in Latin<br />

America is critical, given that cohabitation rates there are<br />

increasing. In some countries, more than half of couples<br />

opt to cohabit rather than marry (Castro Martin, 2002). If<br />

marital status does not influence violence in Latin America,<br />

the growing popularity of cohabitation need not be<br />

a concern for antiabuse coalitions. If cohabitation has a<br />

similar effect in Latin America as in Western countries,<br />

however, the growing prevalence of this relationship type<br />

would be reason for great alarm.<br />

Hypothesis 1: Cohabiting women are more likely to experience<br />

domestic violence than married women.<br />

<strong>Family</strong> Size<br />

Numerous studies have found a positive linear relationship<br />

between family size and domestic violence<br />

(Brinkerhoff & Lupri, 1988; Ellsberg et al., 2000;<br />

Farrington, 1977). The general perception among family<br />

violence researchers is that large families are more prone<br />

to violence because they experience greater stress associated<br />

with the necessity to provide for several children<br />

(Hoffman et al., 1994). <strong>Family</strong> size has a high potential<br />

for generating frustration because of its low probability of<br />

resolution. Violence not only becomes a possible response<br />

to this frustration, but also an acceptable one. <strong>Family</strong> size<br />

might be a particularly important characteristic of abuse in<br />

Latin America because of the high fertility rate. Although<br />

the region’s total fertility rate is gradually declining<br />

(2.7 children per woman), it remains much higher than<br />

rates in North America (2.1) and Europe (1.4) (Population<br />

Reference Bureau, 2002). High fertility rates, coupled<br />

with widespread poverty, can be a major source of stress<br />

for families.<br />

Hypothesis 2: Women with larger families are more likely<br />

to experience domestic violence than women with smaller<br />

families.<br />

Partner Alcohol Use<br />

The relationship between alcohol use and domestic<br />

violence is complex (Roizen, 1997). While most research<br />

confirms that alcohol and violence go hand-in-hand<br />

(Hotaling & Sugarman, 1986; Panet al., 1994), there is<br />

little agreement over the exact role alcohol plays in partner<br />

violence. Martin (1993) argues that the relationship<br />

between alcohol and violence differs depending on factors<br />

such as who has been drinking, the drinking context, and<br />

the relationship between perpetrator and victim. Theory<br />

building is difficult because so many factors combine to<br />

determine the link between alcohol and violence (Stith<br />

&Farley,1993). Selective disinhibition theory (Parker<br />

& Rebhun, 1995) might be the most promising explanation,<br />

positing that alcohol’s negative effects on people’s<br />

perceptions and judgment interact with a complex<br />

set of social and psychological factors to result in violence<br />

in certain cases. Understanding the relationship between<br />

alcohol and violence is particularly important in Latin<br />

America because gender scripts encourage heavy alcohol<br />

consumption among males (Giraldo, 1972). Although per<br />

capita alcohol consumption rates are comparable in Latin<br />

America and the United States, the prevalence of problem<br />

drinking is relatively high among Latinos (Madrigal,<br />

1998). A polarity has been established in Latin America,<br />

where low perception of problem drinking leads to social<br />

pressure to drink. The combination of problem drinking<br />

and social pressure to drink may make women in Latin<br />

America particularly susceptible to violence.

22 Flake and Forste<br />

Hypothesis 3: Women whose partners sometimes or frequently<br />

get drunk are more likely to experience domestic<br />

violence than women whose partners never get drunk.<br />

Socioeconomic Status<br />

It is commonly assumed that women who are poor<br />

are more likely to experience violence than women who<br />

are not poor (Ellsberg et al., 1999; Heise,1998; Jewkes,<br />

2002). Poverty is not necessarily viewed as a causal factor,<br />

but it is generally assumed to increase the risk of<br />

spouse abuse. In 9 of 11 case-comparison studies from<br />

the United States, Hotaling and Sugarman (1986) identified<br />

family income as a consistent marker of wife assault.<br />

The relationship between socioeconomic status and domestic<br />

violence is also well established internationally,<br />

in Cambodia (Nelson & Zimmerman, 1996), Nicaragua<br />

(Ellsberg et al., 2000), Chile (Larrain, 1993), and Thailand<br />

(Hoffman et al., 1994). A variety of domestic violence<br />

perspectives espouse the idea that domestic violence is<br />

more widespread among the poor because families living<br />

in impoverished conditions are subject to higher levels of<br />

stress than families not living in poverty (Martin et al.,<br />

1999). Carlson’s (1984) structural theory of intrafamilial<br />

violence contends that the inequitable distribution of societal<br />

resources causes stress and tension among people<br />

with insufficient material resources. When combined with<br />

other aggravating factors such as living conditions, overcrowding,<br />

a sense of hopelessness, and lack of employment<br />

opportunities, poverty can significantly increase the<br />

risk of domestic violence (Gonzales de Olarte & Gavilano<br />

Llosa, 1999; Heise,1998). Poverty may be an especially<br />

salient risk marker for abuse in Latin America, where<br />

44% of people live in poverty and 19% live in extreme<br />

poverty (Economic Commission for Latin America and<br />

the Caribbean, 2002). The prevalence of poverty suggests<br />

that millions of Latino families experience high levels of<br />

stress and tension associated with economic frustration.<br />

The stress associated with poverty may have a pronounced<br />

impact on domestic violence in Latin America.<br />

Hypothesis 4: <strong>Families</strong> with lower socioeconomic status<br />

are more likely to experience marital violence than families<br />

with higher socioeconomic status.<br />

Decision-Making Power<br />

One of the fundamental differences in the roles enacted<br />

by men and women in relationships involves power.<br />

A major part of how gender roles are identified in families<br />

is through decision-making power. Rettig (1993) argues<br />

that decision-making processes are key to understanding<br />

the dynamics of couple relationships because they reveal<br />

interaction and agency within relationships, and can indicate<br />

where individuals are acting out or resisting social<br />

norms. Decision-making power is an important dimension<br />

of marital power, as it represents how much say an individual<br />

has in the couple relationship. Coleman and Straus<br />

(1990) examined how four types of decision-making relationships<br />

influence spousal violence: egalitarian (couple<br />

makes decisions together), divided power (male makes<br />

some decisions, female makes others), female-dominant<br />

(female makes most decisions), and male-dominant (male<br />

makes most decisions). They found violence to be most<br />

prevalent among nonegalitarian couples, regardless of<br />

whether the man or woman dominated the decision making.<br />

Studies by Yllo (1993) and Kim and Sung (2000)<br />

reveal similar patterns. Given the rigidity of gender scripts<br />

in Latin America, decision making may have a particularly<br />

powerful effect on the likelihood of experiencing domestic<br />

violence. Female-dominant decision making may<br />

heighten the risk of domestic violence. Because of the<br />

cultural expectation that men should govern their families<br />

by making critical decisions, men whose partners dominate<br />

decision making might resort to violence to reassert<br />

dominance over their families. Male-dominant decision<br />

making may also increase the risk of domestic violence for<br />

women in Latin America, even though the man does not<br />

feel threatened by his partner. It is likely that dominance<br />

in decision making is indicative of a man’s dominion over<br />

other aspects of the couple relationship.<br />

Hypothesis 5: Women in nonegalitarian relationships, regardless<br />

of who dominates the decision making, are more<br />

likely to experience domestic violence than women in<br />

egalitarian relationships.<br />

Education Homogamy<br />

Status inconsistencies in relationships, specifically<br />

with regard to educational attainment, lead to higher levels<br />

of spouse abuse in Western contexts (Anderson, 1997).<br />

Violence is more likely to occur in nonhomogamous relationships,<br />

regardless of whether the male or female has<br />

more education. In patriarchal societies, women who have<br />

more education than their partners have a high risk of<br />

abuse because gender roles entail that husbands have<br />

more education than their wives (Okun, 1986; Walker,<br />

1984). O’Brien (1971) and Gelles (1974) contend that<br />

if a husband does not possess more skills and resources<br />

than his wife to legitimate his superior status, he may feel<br />

threatened by an educational disadvantage to his wife and<br />

may use physical force as a last resort. Men with higher<br />

levels of education than their wives are also more likely to

Domestic Violence in Latin America 23<br />

become violent. Goode (1971) explains this phenomenon<br />

in terms of access to resources: Men with higher levels<br />

of education possess more resources, which means they<br />

have the ability to use force.<br />

Hypothesis 6: Women with more or less education than<br />

their partners are more likely to experience domestic violence<br />

than women whose education levels are the same<br />

as their partners’.<br />

Based on this literature review, relationships between<br />

family characteristics and domestic violence in Latin<br />

America are examined. In so doing, this study aims to shed<br />

light on why some Latinas are more likely than others to<br />

experience abuse.<br />


Sample<br />

This analysis uses Demographic and Health Surveys<br />

(DHSs) conducted in Colombia (1995), the Dominican<br />

Republic (1999), Haiti (2000), Nicaragua (1998), and Peru<br />

(2000). DHSs are nationally representative household surveys<br />

with large sample sizes of women ages 15–49, which<br />

provide data for a wide range of monitoring and impact<br />

evaluation indicators in the areas of population, health,<br />

and nutrition. The datasets do not include all factors empirically<br />

linked to differential rates of domestic violence;<br />

thus the results should not be interpreted as definitive.<br />

Nonetheless, DHSs do contain measures of several significant<br />

family characteristics of violence, including marital<br />

status, family size, partner alcohol use, socioeconomic<br />

status, decision-making power, and education homogamy.<br />

Restricting the sample to women currently in a union, the<br />

sample sizes are 6,082 in Colombia, 588 in the Dominican<br />

Republic, 2,275 in Haiti, 6,728 in Nicaragua, and<br />

15,174 in Peru. Sample cases are weighted to adjust for<br />

oversampling of particular regions and to compensate for<br />

differences in response rates.<br />

Measures<br />

This study focuses exclusively on physical abuse between<br />

heterosexual partners and employs Gelles’ (1997)<br />

definition of violence: “An act carried out with the intention<br />

or perceived intention of causing physical pain or<br />

injury to another person” (p. 14). Physical aggression is<br />

operationalized differently in each of the datasets. The<br />

Colombia DHS asks respondents to list reasons they have<br />

been physically hit by their partners. A dichotomous variable<br />

was created to measure violence and is coded 1 if the<br />

respondent listed a reason she had been abused, and 0 if<br />

she had not been abused. In the Dominican Republic and<br />

Haiti, a series of questions was asked based on Straus’<br />

(1990) Conflict Tactics Scale. If the respondent answered<br />

“yes” to any of the physical aggression questions, her<br />

response was coded 1; if she answered “no” to all of the<br />

questions, her response was coded 0. The Nicaragua DHS<br />

asks if respondents “have ever experienced any physical<br />

violence at the hands of a partner.” “Yes” responses were<br />

coded 1; “no” responses were coded 0. The Peru DHS<br />

asks respondents if they have “ever been hit, pushed, or<br />

shoved by a partner.” Again, “yes” answers were coded<br />

1 and “no” answers were coded 0. Cases with missing<br />

dependent variable data were excluded from the analyses.<br />

The percentage of cases dropped is no greater than 10%<br />

in each of the datasets.<br />

Marital status is measured as a dichotomous variable<br />

coded 1 if the respondent is married and 0 if she is cohabiting.<br />

Divorced, widowed, and separated women are<br />

not included in this study. In Haiti, 97% of the sample are<br />

married. Thus, too few women are cohabiting to create a<br />

meaningful measure of marital status in Haiti. Based on<br />

US statistics, we anticipate cohabiting women to experience<br />

more violence than married women (Brownridge<br />

& Halli, 2000). <strong>Family</strong> size is measured by how many<br />

living children the woman has. We expect that women<br />

with larger families are more likely to experience violence<br />

than women with smaller families, since large families<br />

have higher stress levels associated with having to provide<br />

for several children (Hoffman et al., 1994). Partner<br />

alcohol use is measured by how often respondents’ partners<br />

come home drunk. Dummy variables were created<br />

for each response option: “never gets drunk,” “sometimes<br />

gets drunk,” and “frequently gets drunk.” Because response<br />

options in the Nicaragua DHS are slightly different,<br />

we adjusted the categories for uniformity. If the male<br />

“never comes home drunk,” the response is categorized<br />

as “never gets drunk”; if he comes home drunk “once in<br />

a while” or “once a month,” the response is categorized<br />

as “sometimes gets drunk”; and if he comes home drunk<br />

“twice a month,” “once a week,” or “almost daily,” the<br />

response is categorized as “frequently gets drunk.” Because<br />

alcohol weakens brain mechanisms that normally<br />

restrain aggression (Parker & Rebhun, 1995), we expect<br />

a positive, linear relationship between partner alcohol use<br />

and domestic violence.<br />

Decision-making power is determined by a series of<br />

questions that ask if the woman, her partner, or somebody<br />

else has the final say in certain household decisions (such<br />

as her own health care, making large household purchases,<br />

daily purchases, visits to family or relatives, and food to be<br />

prepared each day). Although the questions vary slightly<br />

across datasets, they are conceptually uniform in that they

24 Flake and Forste<br />

measure decision-making power with respect to household<br />

decisions. Response options include “respondent<br />

alone,” “respondent and partner,” “respondent and other<br />

person,” “partner alone,” “someone else,” and “other.”<br />

Respondents are classified into one of four relationship<br />

power types based on their answers to the “final say”<br />

questions: egalitarian (both partners have an equal say in<br />

most issues), divided power (man or woman is dominant<br />

in making decisions in different areas), female-dominant<br />

(woman makes most decisions), and male-dominant (man<br />

makes most decisions) (Straus, 1990). We expect the likelihood<br />

of violence to be greater in nonegalitarian relationships<br />

because there is a higher probability of conflict when<br />

couples do not make decisions together (Rettig, 1993).<br />

Education homogamy is measured with three dummy<br />

variables constructed by subtracting a woman’s total years<br />

of education from her partner’s total years of education.<br />

If the female and male have the same amount of schooling,<br />

the response is categorized as “homogamous”; if the<br />

male has more schooling, the response is categorized as<br />

“male has more than female”; if the female has more<br />

schooling, the response is categorized as “female has<br />

more than male.” Based on Western data (Okun, 1986),<br />

we expect women in nonhomogamous relationships to be<br />

more likely to be abused than women in homogamous<br />

relationships.<br />

Estimation<br />

Basic descriptive statistics are initially employed to<br />

provide a demographic profile of the samples. As the<br />

dependent variable is binary, each dataset is examined<br />

separately using logistic regression techniques. The equations<br />

express the log odds of being abused (versus not)<br />

as a linear function of a set of explanatory variables. The<br />

models’ coefficients represent the increase or decrease in<br />

the likelihood of physical abuse, associated with a unit (or<br />

category) change in an independent variable.<br />


Table I presents descriptive statistics on family<br />

factors influencing partner violence. The prevalence of<br />

spousal violence in all five countries is high, ranging<br />

from 16% in Haiti to 39% in Peru. The percentages could<br />

be much higher, as some women deny, minimize, and<br />

underreport abuse (Ellsberg et al., 2001). These data suggest<br />

that while domestic violence occurs throughout Latin<br />

America, the proportion of women who have experienced<br />

violence varies dramatically between countries. Cross-<br />

national variation in violence rates may be attributable to<br />

a wide array of sociodemographic and cultural factors.<br />

Differences in survey methodologies and variable operationalization<br />

may also help account for differential rates<br />

of violence.<br />

Couple relationships in Latin America are characterized<br />

by a strong affinity to cohabit rather than marry.<br />

In Colombia, Nicaragua, and Peru, approximately half of<br />

all women currently in relationships are cohabiting; in the<br />

Dominican Republic, two-thirds of women cohabit. Other<br />

characteristics of Latino families include relatively high<br />

fertility, alcohol use, and low socioeconomic status. While<br />

poverty affects families throughout Latin America, some<br />

countries are much poorer than others. In Colombia, 67%<br />

of couples own at least six (of a possible seven) household<br />

amenities included in the SES index. In comparison, 5%<br />

of Haitians own the same number of amenities.<br />

The power dynamics of couple relationships vary<br />

across countries, suggesting that patriarchal norms might<br />

not be uniform across Latin America. Decision-making<br />

power, for example, varies dramatically between countries.<br />

In the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, most<br />

couples make decisions together (egalitarian). In Haiti,<br />

most couples split household decision-making responsibilities<br />

(divided power) rather than make decisions together.<br />

In Peru, it is most common for females to control<br />

the decision making (female-dominant). There is also<br />

variance in education homogamy. The cultural expectation<br />

for males to have more education than their female<br />

partners persists in all five countries. In some countries,<br />

however, this norm is challenged: In Colombia, the Dominican<br />

Republic, and Nicaragua, one-third of women in<br />

relationships have more education than their partners.<br />

Logistic Regression Model<br />

Odds ratios presented in Table II provide at least partial<br />

support for the hypothesized relationships between<br />

family characteristics and the likelihood of experiencing<br />

partner violence. Marital status and partner alcohol use are<br />

the strongest predictors of abuse, having emerged as statistically<br />

significant in all of the datasets. Married women<br />

are far less likely to be physically abused than cohabiting<br />

women. The effect is strongest in the Dominican Republic,<br />

where married women are half as likely to be abused<br />

as cohabitors (p < .01). That the Dominican Republic<br />

has the lowest percentage of married women (35%) is<br />

important, as it indicates that marital status has a pronounced<br />

effect on domestic violence in that country. As<br />

hypothesized, partner alcohol use increases a woman’s

Domestic Violence in Latin America 25<br />

Table I. Demographic and Background Factors Influencing Partner Violence (Percentages)<br />

Colombia Dom. Rep. Haiti Nicaragua Peru<br />

(1995) (1999) (2000) (1998) (2000)<br />

Ever physically abused by partner 19.0 22.6 15.7 26.1 38.9<br />

Marital status<br />

Married 54.1 35.0 97.3 46.0 55.8<br />

Cohabiting 45.9 65.0 2.7 54.0 44.2<br />

<strong>Family</strong> size (living children)<br />

0–1 28.8 25.2 29.6 23.9 24.7<br />

2–4 57.7 62.2 45.9 50.3 55.7<br />

5+ 13.5 12.6 24.5 25.8 19.6<br />

Partner alcohol use<br />

Never gets drunk — 32.9 8.1 45.8 26.6<br />

Sometimes gets drunk — 25.5 9.6 40.9 65.7<br />

Frequently gets drunk — 8.0 2.6 12.0 6.9<br />

Missing — 33.7 79.7 1.2 .8<br />

SES (0–7)<br />

0–2 8.9 7.8 65.6 23.2 28.0<br />

3–5 24.0 47.5 29.4 50.4 31.5<br />

6–7 67.1 44.7 5.0 26.4 40.5<br />

Decision-making relationship<br />

Egalitarian — 44.5 19.2 60.1 32.5<br />

Divided power — 17.3 51.4 9.6 11.7<br />

Male-dominant — 8.8 4.3 11.1 8.5<br />

Female-dominant — 26.7 22.2 13.6 43.6<br />

Other — 9.5 2.9 5.6 3.7<br />

Education homogamy<br />

Homogamous 26.0 16.6 27.6 25.3 30.1<br />

Male has more than female 38.0 42.1 46.1 37.6 50.8<br />

Female has more than male 34.6 32.0 15.9 35.2 18.7<br />

Missing 1.4 9.3 10.4 1.9 .3<br />

[ N] 6082 588 2275 6728 15174<br />

Note. Statistics are weighted to represent population parameters. The reported sample sizes are weighted.<br />

likelihood of being assaulted. Women whose partners<br />

sometimes get drunk are between 1.3 (p < .001) and<br />

2.5 times (p < .001) more likely to experience violence<br />

than women whose partners never get drunk. Frequent<br />

drunkenness is associated with an even higher likelihood<br />

of violence: Women whose partners frequently get drunk<br />

are between 2.6 (p < .001) and 9.8 (p < .001) times more<br />

likely to be abused than women whose partners do not get<br />

drunk.<br />

As hypothesized, women who do not make decisions<br />

together with their partners are at a greater risk of being<br />

abused than women who share in the decision-making process<br />

(egalitarian). In Haiti, Nicaragua, and Peru, women<br />

in divided power relationships (she makes some decisions,<br />

he makes others) are between 1.2 (p < .01) and 2 times<br />

(p < .001) more likely to experience violence than women<br />

in egalitarian relationships. Women whose partners control<br />

decision making (male-dominant) are between 1.3 (p<br />

< .01) and 2.7 times (p < .001) more likely to be abused<br />

than women in egalitarian relationships. Male-dominant<br />

decision making is not statistically significant in the Dominican<br />

Republic or Peru. Female-dominant relationships<br />

have the strongest and most consistent effect on domestic<br />

violence. In each country, women who control the<br />

decision-making are much more likely to experience violence<br />

than women who share decision making with their<br />

partners.<br />

The hypothesized relationship between education<br />

homogamy and domestic violence is partially supported<br />

by these data. In Colombia and Haiti, women with less<br />

education than their partners are more likely to experience<br />

violence than women with the same level of education as<br />

their partners. In Nicaragua and Peru, women with more<br />

education than their partners have a higher likelihood of<br />

abuse than women who have the same amount of education<br />

as their partners. Education homogamy was not<br />

found to be associated with spouse abuse in the Dominican<br />


26 Flake and Forste<br />

Table II. <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Characteristics</strong> and the Likelihood of Experiencing Partner Violence (Odds Ratios)<br />

Colombia Dom. Rep. Haiti Nicaragua Peru<br />

(1995) (1999) (2000) (1998) (2000)<br />

Married .747 ∗∗∗ .519 ∗∗ – .593 ∗∗∗ .704 ∗∗∗<br />

<strong>Family</strong> size 1.276 ∗∗∗ .742 1.010 1.174 ∗∗∗ 1.210 ∗∗∗<br />

Partner alcohol use<br />

Never gets drunk — 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000<br />

Sometimes gets drunk — 2.441 ∗∗∗ 2.484 ∗∗∗ 1.298 ∗∗∗ 1.890 ∗∗∗<br />

Frequently gets drunk — 9.844 ∗∗∗ 4.800 ∗∗∗ 2.631 ∗∗∗ 8.233 ∗∗∗<br />

Socioeconomic status (0–7) 1.027 1.140 1.172 ∗∗∗ 1.009 1.004<br />

Decision-making relationship<br />

Egalitarian — 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000<br />

Divided power — 1.642 1.925 ∗∗∗ 2.026 ∗∗∗ 1.197 ∗∗<br />

Male-dominant — 1.526 2.750 ∗∗∗ 1.314 ∗∗ 1.084<br />

Female-dominant — 2.057 ∗∗ 2.318 ∗∗∗ 2.082 ∗∗∗ 1.378 ∗∗∗<br />

Education homogamy<br />

Homogamous 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000<br />

Male has more than female 1.190 ∗ 1.135 1.805 ∗∗∗ 1.013 1.076<br />

Female has more than male 1.140 1.185 1.067 1.158 ∗ 1.373 ∗∗∗<br />

−2 LL 5784.291 552.836 1866.065 7245.761 18897.311<br />

Chi-square 132.820 75.660 114.232 478.436 1382.728<br />

Df 5 10 9 10 10<br />

[ N] 6082 588 2275 6728 15174<br />

Note. Statistics are weighted to represent population parameters. The reported sample sizes are weighted.<br />

∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.<br />


Although domestic violence is a serious and<br />

widespread problem in Latin America, few researchers<br />

have sought to explain partner violence in the Latino context.<br />

This study examines the magnitude and characteristics<br />

of partner abuse in Colombia, the Dominican Republic,<br />

Haiti, Nicaragua, and Peru, and is one of the only<br />

violence studies to test a model across multiple datasets.<br />

This research offers several important contributions to the<br />

family violence literature and serves as a foundation for<br />

future research in Latin America.<br />

A major contribution of this study is that it tests<br />

the applicability of Western theoretical and empirical violence<br />

models to a non-Western setting. Previous research<br />

has focused primarily on wife abuse in North America and<br />

Europe. Thus, little is known about the nature of partner<br />

violence in cross-cultural settings. To address this gap<br />

in the violence literature, the current study examines how<br />

Western risk markers for abuse influence violence in Latin<br />

America. To at least some extent, each of the variables<br />

tested emerged as an important predictor of domestic violence,<br />

indicating that several risk markers for abuse are<br />

shared between Latin American and Western countries.<br />

This finding has significant implications for family violence<br />

researchers and policymakers, as it suggests that<br />

current research and policies might have some relevance<br />

in parts of Latin America. Much more research is needed<br />

to fully understand how the national context influences<br />

spouse abuse.<br />

This study helps clarify the profile of the abused<br />

Latina. If a woman cohabits in Latin America, she is<br />

more likely to experience violence than if she is married.<br />

While marriage is critical to reducing abuse among<br />

Latinas, there is a tendency for women to cohabit rather<br />

than marry. That cohabitation rates are increasing in every<br />

Latin American country (Castro Martin, 2002) isamajor<br />

concern, as it signifies that more and more women are<br />

inadvertently placing themselves at risk of partner violence.<br />

Socioeconomic conditions are likely to be part of<br />

the explanation for the high prevalence of cohabitation<br />

in Latin America. Castro Martin (2002) explains that unlike<br />

in developed countries, consensual unions in Latin<br />

America are most prevalent among the poor, suggesting<br />

that financial costs may deter couples from formal marriage.<br />

Although marriage is generally regarded as more<br />

desirable than cohabitation, consensual unions are easier<br />

to initiate and are less costly (Greene, 1991). Modifying<br />

existing marriage requirements to accommodate the poor<br />

could help reduce the incidence of domestic violence by<br />

encouraging couples to more fully commit to one another<br />

by marrying rather than cohabiting.<br />

Partner alcohol use also plays a critical role in partner<br />

violence. Of all the family factors included in the present

Domestic Violence in Latin America 27<br />

study, alcohol has the strongest and most consistent effect<br />

on the likelihood of experiencing domestic violence. Although<br />

alcohol consumption rates in Latin America are<br />

not extraordinarily high, problem drinking is more prevalent<br />

among Latinos than other groups (Madrigal, 1998).<br />

Given the rigid social expectation that macho men should<br />

be able to consume large quantities of alcohol (Giraldo,<br />

1972), it is unlikely that alcohol consumption rates can<br />

be lowered. A more plausible recommendation would be<br />

to educate men and women about drinking responsibly.<br />

Latino families should be educated about the risk of domestic<br />

violence that accompanies drunkenness. If men<br />

can learn to drink without getting drunk, they may be<br />

less likely to become violent, so long as casual drinking<br />

does not drastically alter their perceptions and judgment<br />

(Parker & Rebhun, 1995).<br />

In addition to marital status and partner alcohol use,<br />

power dynamics influence domestic violence in Latin<br />

America. Decision-making power, in particular, has a<br />

pronounced effect on the likelihood of abuse. Our findings<br />

suggest that if couples do not make decisions together,<br />

there is a greater likelihood of domestic violence<br />

than if they share in decision making. Power dynamics<br />

in Latin America are such that when one partner<br />

has more decision-making power than the other, there<br />

is a greater risk of marital conflict and violence. In<br />

particular, when females wield more decision-making<br />

power than their partners, they are more likely to be<br />

abused than when they share decision-making power<br />

equally. This finding lends support to theories of patriarchy,<br />

which suggest that men who have less power<br />

than their partners may turn to violence to reestablish<br />

culturally prescribed dominance over women (Straus<br />

et al., 1980).<br />

If a woman cohabits, has a large family, has a partner<br />

who gets drunk, does not share decision-making responsibilities<br />

with her partner, or does not have the same<br />

level of education as her partner, she is more likely to<br />

experience domestic violence than a woman who marries,<br />

has a small family, has a partner who never gets drunk,<br />

shares decision-making power with her partner, or has<br />

the same amount of education as her partner. The profile<br />

of the abused Latina appears quite similar to the profile<br />

of abuse victims in the United States, Great Britain,<br />

Switzerland, and other Western countries. The full picture<br />

remains blurred, however, as numerous factors were<br />

not tested in the present study. According to the ecological<br />

perspective, domestic violence is a multifaceted<br />

phenomenon grounded in an interplay of individual,<br />

family, community, and national characteristics (Heise,<br />

1998). To understand differences in abuse victims, one<br />

must consider the entire ecology of the individual:<br />

their home, workplace, church, family and community<br />

roles, and the overarching institutional patterns of culture<br />

(Bronfenbrenner, 1979).<br />

While this study makes important contributions to<br />

the understanding of domestic violence in Latin America,<br />

it is not without limitations. Two problems arise from the<br />

narrow focus of Demographic and Health Surveys, which<br />

are not designed primarily for the study of abuse. First,<br />

the operationalization of domestic violence questions is<br />

not always uniform, making cross-national comparisons<br />

somewhat difficult. Second, several family characteristics<br />

of abuse in Western cultures were not included in the DHS<br />

questionnaires. Religiosity, resource control, and attitudes<br />

toward violence may be important risk markers for abuse.<br />

These factors were unable to be included in the model,<br />

however, because the DHSs do not include measures of<br />

these variables.<br />

Findings from this study should not be interpreted<br />

as definitive, but rather as foundational. Much more research<br />

is needed to fully understand the characteristics of<br />

domestic violence in Latin America. To compare crossnational<br />

results more effectively, future research should<br />

employ standardized questionnaires and methodologies.<br />

Other types of abuse, including psychological and sexual<br />

abuse, and child maltreatment should be included to<br />

understand the entire scope of domestic violence. Power<br />

dynamics must also be emphasized. Machismo in particular<br />

may play a prominent role in explaining spouse<br />

abuse in Latin America, and can be measured with a variety<br />

of well-established scales, including the Bem Sex<br />

Role Inventory (Bem, 1974), Villemez and Toughey’s<br />

(1977) 28-point Macho Scale, the Hyper-Masculinity<br />

Index (Mosher, 1991), and Cuellar and colleagues’ (1995)<br />

17-item Machismo Scale. A final recommendation is to<br />

extend research to men. The vast majority of violence<br />

studies target women because they are generally more<br />

willing to participate and share their experiences with<br />

abuse. While understanding the risk markers of abuse for<br />

women is critical, it is equally essential—if not more so—<br />

that we uncover the reasons why men hit their partners. To<br />

effectively lower rates of intimate violence, we must create<br />

a thorough and comprehensive profile of the abuser—not<br />

just the abuse victim.<br />


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TITLE: <strong>Fighting</strong> <strong>Families</strong>: <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Characteristics</strong> <strong>Associated</strong> with<br />

Domestic Violence in Five Latin American Countries<br />

SOURCE: J Fam Violenceter Electron 21 no1/607/12 Ja<br />

20060442004<br />

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