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<strong>CAMERON</strong> <strong>STREET</strong> <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL MEETING<br />

MONDAY OCTOBER 05, 2009<br />

PRESENT – Michael Giffen, Nicole Hagreen, Carla Bull, Kelly Bowen,<br />

Patricia Wark, Kristin Ellis, Laurie Fryer, Marilyn Hutchinson, Ruth Crittenden,<br />

Denise Spears<br />

REGRETS – Lisa Hansen, Cindy Lewis, Dianne Nobes<br />

1. POSITIONS FOR <strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL –<br />

� Patricia Wark has volunteered for the position of Chairperson.<br />

� Nichole Hagreen has volunteered for the position of Treasurer.<br />

� Sub Committees will be organized to handle different fundraising<br />

events.<br />


� “Math Night” is a go and will be scheduled for the early winter. This<br />

information session will help parents understand the math<br />

curriculum in order to better assist their children with math<br />

homework. The evening will be open to the entire community.<br />

� November parent/teacher conferences have been changed to<br />

October. An earlier conference will give parents and students<br />

feedback sooner. The Kindergarten students will still have their<br />

conferences in November.<br />

� The playground equipment has been ordered and will be installed<br />

in the spring 2010.<br />

3. FUNDRAISING GOALS FOR 2009/2010 <strong>SCHOOL</strong> YEAR –<br />

� The School Council committee will need to submit a fundraising<br />

plan by the next meeting. This plan can change at anytime during<br />

the school year.<br />

� Things to decide: How many fundraising events will be hosted?<br />

How will the money be distributed?<br />

� Carla Bull suggested getting a wish list from the teachers. Marilyn<br />

Hutchinson will be asking teachers for feedback.<br />

4. WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR -<br />

� Sharon Rich has once again volunteered to run the pizza sales for<br />

the school year. Thank you Sharon.<br />

� Carnival Night will be hosted again in the spring of 2010.<br />

� McDonald’s Night will be hosted before the end of October. Denise<br />

Spears will call McDonald’s to book an evening.

� Thank you to Rosalie. We would like to invite Rosalie to the<br />

McDonald’s night for some special recognition. Half the money<br />

raised at McDonald’s night will go to Rosalie’s favorite charity.<br />

Laurie Fryer will find out Rosalie’s favorite charity. Nicole Hagreen<br />

will organize a framed photo of the school. Mr. Giffen will look into<br />

submitting an article to the local paper.<br />

� It was agreed to try something different from McMillan. Kelly<br />

Bowen will start organizing Hawberry Farms. It will follow the same<br />

format as the McMillan fundraiser. We may still decide to do<br />

McMillan in the spring.<br />

� Kelly Bowen and Carla Bull would like to organize the Poppy Pin<br />

fundraiser.<br />

5. A GREAT START –<br />

� Many thanks to the committee members who organized and<br />

participated in the parent night as well as the apple fundraiser.<br />

Student Council raised $489.84 from the parent night and $486.43<br />

from the apple fundraiser. WAY TO GO…<br />

Kristin Ellis will be sending out thank you cards.<br />

6. A VOICE FOR THE <strong>SCHOOL</strong> –<br />

� The School Council committee will be responsible for discussing<br />

any issues or concerns regarding the school. Patricia Wark will be<br />

setting up a monthly agenda for each meeting. Please let her know<br />

of anything you wish to discuss in advance.<br />

� Regular monthly meetings will be held the first Monday of every<br />

month beginning at 7:00pm. The monthly meeting should only last<br />

for one hour but very often runs closer to two hours. If one hour is<br />

all a committee member can spare, then please feel free to leave at<br />

any time. Minutes of the meeting will be provided to committee<br />

members.<br />



<strong>CAMERON</strong> <strong>STREET</strong> <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL MEETING<br />

MONDAY NOVEMBER 02, 2009<br />

PRESENT – Michael Giffen, Rob Potter, Lisa Hansen, Sue Thompson,<br />

Carla Bull, Kelly Bowen, Patricia Wark, Denise Spears, Marsha Cann, Kristin<br />

Ellis<br />

Regrets- Cindy Lewis, Nicole Hagreen, Dianne Nobes<br />

1. Minutes – Review of meeting minutes from October 2009. One<br />

clarification regarding McDonalds’ night. Half the money raised at<br />

McDonald’s night will be going to the Salvation Army Food Bank. The emailed<br />

motion to donate $100.00 to the G & M Hospital Foundation in<br />

thanks to Rosalie passed.<br />

2. Presentation to Salvation Army – Two hundred dollars was raised<br />

during the McDonalds’ night. Denise Spears to organize a day and time to<br />

present a cheque for one hundred dollars. School Council members,<br />

students and staff will be invited for a picture opportunity.<br />

3. Fundraising Plan for 2009/2010 – The teacher wish list was reviewed.<br />

Thank you to Mrs. Hutchinson for putting the list together. It was decided<br />

that School Council set a goal to raise $10,000 for the year 2009/2010.<br />

The money raised this year will go toward field trips and general school<br />

needs. Any profit made from the sale of magazines will go directly to the<br />

grade 7 and 8 field trips. A surplus of $2,967.10 will be left in School<br />

Equipment (“earmarked” for technology). All other debt will be paid off as<br />

per September meeting. Mr. Giffen will submit the plan to the board.<br />

Patricia Wark and Nicole Hagreen will review the plan before it is sent out.<br />

4. Grade 7 and 8 field trip - School Council would like a breakdown of the<br />

field trip cost. (ie; how much for the bus and accommodation) It was<br />

suggested that the McMillan fundraiser could still happen in the New Year<br />

but will need to be organized by the grade 7 and 8 students and their<br />

parents.<br />

5. Lice Busters – Kristin Ellis presented information on an alternative nonpesticide<br />

treatment for head lice. Kristin will be summarizing a treatment<br />

letter to distribute to students/parents. What can we do to help eliminate<br />

this reoccurring problem? Can we offer parents financial help who cannot<br />

afford the treatment? Can we pay for a company to come in and educate<br />

students and parents? Lisa Hansen will organize a group of volunteers to<br />

do a round of head checks.

6. School Newsletter – Nicole Hagreen will discuss this in next months<br />

meeting.<br />

7. Teacher/School Council Meet and Greet – The School Council<br />

members would like to meet all the staff at Cameron. A Meet and Greet<br />

will be set up for Friday November 13 th from 8:15am to 8:45am.<br />

8. Website – Patricia Wark, Kristin Ellis and Marsha Cann will work together<br />

to include information about School Council on the Website. Mrs.<br />

Thompson is Cameron Street’s website administrator. If she experiences<br />

challenges she coordinates with a web tech who supports all schools in<br />

the SCDSB.<br />

9. Ontario Ministry of Education “Tips for School Council”<br />

Patricia Wark, Kristen Ellis and Marsha Cann will be putting together a<br />

survey for parents. As a committee we would like all parents to know what<br />

School Council does and how fundraising dollars are spent. Parents could<br />

also provide input on what are the barriers for volunteering or what they would<br />

like to see happen in the school.<br />

10. Fundraising Report – Kelly Bowen and Carla Bull presented the<br />

fundraising plan. Thank you for lots of terrific ideas. Sub-committees will be<br />

needed to help organize these events. Hawberry Farms/Fun Shaped Pasta<br />

campaigns will run in November. Sub-committee meeting will be scheduled<br />

to discuss December ideas- Canadian Tire candy canes and retail items for<br />

sale during the Christmas concert.<br />

11. Principal’s Report – The new school start time is now 8:55am. There is<br />

supervision in the schoolyard beginning at 8:40am. Cameron Street would<br />

like to be recognized as a Healthy School and will accept the Healthy Schools<br />

Challenge both with the Board and Ministry. Regarding H1N1, members of<br />

the Health Unit have been in to educate the students about the importance of<br />

hand washing. Absentee numbers are reported to Public Health to monitor.<br />

Numbers include all absentee students (could be sick, could be away for<br />

other reason). Check website for updates- www.simcoemuskokahealth.org.<br />

Literacy Night will be hosted on November 17 th . Parents are invited to listen<br />

to Ingrid Wegner discussing curriculum. A math coach will be invited to the<br />

next School Council meeting in December. A family math night will be<br />

organized for January or February.<br />

12. Builders’ Club- short power point presentation facilitated by Mr. Potter.<br />

The next meeting will be on Monday December 7, 2009 at 7:00pm.

<strong>CAMERON</strong> <strong>STREET</strong> <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL MEETING<br />

MONDAY DECEMBER 07, 2009<br />

PRESENT – Michael Giffen, Sue Thompson, Carla Bull, Kelly Bowen,<br />

Patricia Wark, Denise Spears, Marsha Cann, Ruth Crittenden, Trish Maher,<br />

Nicole Hagreen, Nina Robitaille, Cheryl McGinnis<br />

Regrets- Cindy Lewis, Lisa Hansen, Dianne Nobes, Kristin Ellis, Laurie Fryer<br />

1. Presentation by Cheryl McGinnis – Math Coach for Cameron Street –<br />

� Mrs. McGinnis helps teachers with co-planning and assessment.<br />

� The overall goal is to teach students math using problem solving.<br />

This will help students to connect literacy and math.<br />

� A family math night will be organized in January.<br />

� Concerns were raised regarding the difficulty providing math<br />

support at home.<br />

2. Presentation by Nina Robitaille –YMCA Active Schools Coordinator -<br />

� The following components are required to become a “Healthy<br />

School.” (Provide Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Bulling<br />

Prevention programs)<br />

� At Cameron a “Fruit and Juice Shack” is available every morning<br />

for students who have not had breakfast.<br />

� The Grade 6, 7, 8 Girls Club will talks about healthy eating and<br />

positive self esteem.<br />

� Kelly Bowen shared some schools have a bin of healthy snacks in<br />

the classroom.<br />

� Should we be looking at what we offer students? Eg. ice cream<br />

bars<br />

� For more ideas contact Jody Dawson with the Health Unit<br />

providing nutritional tools for schools.<br />

3. Review of Minutes from last meeting<br />

� Ruth Crittenden attended last months meeting and was not listed<br />

on the attendance.<br />

� All action items were completed from our November meeting<br />

except for the web site.

4. Request for Funds –<br />

� Tree Reading Program – Mrs. Thompson –<br />

School Council approved a request for $1,500.00.<br />

Ruth Crittenden offered the motion and it was seconded by Kelly Bowen.<br />

� A Day of Robots – Mr. Potter –<br />

An interactive demonstration about robots will be offered to all<br />

grades at the cost of approximately $2.00 per student.<br />

Ruth Crittenden offered the motion and it was seconded by Kelly<br />

Bowen. Mr. Giffen will ensure approval of the program from<br />

SCDSB.<br />

� Grade Three Field Trip – Mrs. Hare and Mr. Potter –<br />

In June the grade three students will be traveling by bus to the<br />

Craigleith School for their pioneer presentations. Denise Spears<br />

offered the motion and it was second by Nicole Hagreen.<br />

5. School Newsletter –<br />

� Nicole Hagreen will be working with Marsha Cann and Jan Plyley<br />

to create an easy to read format for our newsletter.<br />

� It was suggested to create columns to highlight events instead of<br />

reading text straight across.<br />

6. Georgian Bay Food Box –<br />

� This organization sells baskets of fruit and vegetables from local<br />

farmers. They would like to know if there is a parent interested in<br />

organizing orders at Cameron Street.<br />

� It was suggested that we use the newsletter to promote the<br />

program. Patricia Wark to submit information for newsletter.<br />

7. Invitation for Input for the SCDSB School Calendar –<br />

� Please give the calendar a good look and if you have any<br />

suggestions please E-Mail Patricia Wark by December 14, 2009.<br />

8. Survey Results -<br />

� Thank you to Patricia Wark, Kristen Ellis and Marsha Cann for<br />

creating and tabulating an informative parent survey.<br />

� Patricia Wark requested that each School Council member review<br />

the survey and pick three items to discuss during our next<br />

meeting.<br />

� Trish Maher suggested an information folder for parents who first<br />

join Cameron.

9. Lunch Program -<br />

� Kelly Bowen proposed doing a Pita Day in addition to the Pizza<br />

Day. The cost would be $5.00 for a Pita, Sun Chips and Juice or<br />

Milk. School Council would need a parent volunteer to organize<br />

an additional lunch. Kelly will look into a price without the chips.<br />

10. Principal’s Report –<br />

� Read All About It – Information about good books will be posted<br />

on the web site. Mr. Giffen will try to get books from Saunders as<br />

prizes.<br />

� Attendance area review meeting will be held on Tuesday<br />

December 15, 2009. Cameron Street is host school for the<br />

meeting. Public input is requested regarding the over enrollment<br />

at Mountain View versus the lower attendance at other schools.<br />

� Mr. Giffen would like to thank all the parents who volunteered for<br />

head checks. Six students were identified and notices for<br />

treatment were sent home. Mr. Giffen would like to ask Lisa<br />

Hansen to organize another head check on 2010.<br />

� Result of the Student Climate Survey. Students felt it was safe to<br />

come to school. However, they feel less safe in the yard.<br />

� Family math night will be arranged for late January. Literacy night<br />

was not well attended.<br />

11. Treasurer Report -<br />

� Nicole Hagreen has summarized the 2008/2009 fund raising year<br />

by event. The total amount raised last year was $21,078.87.<br />

Sharon Rich and her pizza sales took the number one spot for<br />

funds raised totaling $6,922.99. (Go Sharon)<br />

� So far the fund raising total for 2009/2010 is $2,414.51.<br />

� School Council also looked at the teacher request list. Marsha<br />

Cann suggested we could perhaps advertise to parents who may<br />

want to donate some of the small items.<br />

12. Fundraising Report -<br />

� Upcoming events include Canadian Tire candy cane sales on<br />

Saturday December 12 th from 10:00am to 4:00pm.<br />

� Christmas Market on Wednesday December 16 th from 5:00pm to<br />

8:00pm.<br />

The next meeting will be on Monday January 11, 2010 at 7:00pm.

<strong>CAMERON</strong> <strong>STREET</strong> <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL MEETING<br />

MONDAY JANUARY 11, 2010<br />

PRESENT – Michael Giffen, Trish Maher, Carla Bull, Kelly Bowen,<br />

Patricia Wark, Denise Spears, Ruth Crittenden, Nicole Hagreen, Rob Potter<br />

Regrets- Cindy Lewis, Lisa Hansen, Dianne Nobes, Kristin Ellis, Laurie Fryer,<br />

Marsha Cann<br />

4. Review of December 07 th minutes -<br />

� Approval of minutes was put forward by Ruth Crittenden and<br />

seconded by Carla Bull. Passed.<br />

� “A Day of Robots” will be presenting to all grades on January 20<br />

� Lisa Hansen has agreed to organize another head check for late<br />

January or early February.<br />

� Pita lunches are being offered on Tuesdays and good response<br />

for January.<br />

5. Healthy Active School Program – Next Steps<br />

� Patricia Wark will contact Jody Dawson to find out what is<br />

involved in an “audit” as mentioned by Nina at Dec. meeting.<br />

� Cameron Street will continue to promote activity and healthy<br />

eating within the school. Looking to have balance versus one<br />

extreme.<br />

� We need to find out more about what treats are provided to<br />

students for in class functions.<br />

6. Survey Results – Observations and Feedback<br />

� School Council members need to consider the small sample size<br />

of the survey when considering any results.<br />

� Some parents commented on wanting the McMillan fundraiser to<br />

return. Because of the nature of the product, McMillan is a lot of<br />

work to sort and deliver. Council would rather look at something<br />

simpler.<br />

� Forty-seven percent of parents surveyed wanted to see<br />

fundraising dollars spent on computers and software. Computers<br />

are based on student population. Is there a part School Council<br />

can play in funding more?<br />

� Sixty-eight percent of parents do not know how Cameron Street<br />

spends its fundraising dollars. Better communication is needed so<br />

parents know where the money is going. Will continue monthly

updates in the newsletter. It was suggested field trip permission<br />

forms highlight what a trip would have cost without fundraising<br />

contributions. The message needs to be clear and consistent.<br />

� New parents to the school need to be better informed about<br />

fundraising and how it helps the school. ACTION: Patricia<br />

working on a brochure for kindergarten parents and new families<br />

to the school. She will bring it to Council for feedback.<br />

7. Grade Eight Ottawa trip –<br />

� The grade eight students will distribute the Pita lunches every<br />

Tuesday for 10% of the profit earned. Motioned by Nicole<br />

Hagreen and seconded by Carla Bull. Passed.<br />

� Patricia Wark and Jill Lougheed have met to discuss other<br />

fundraising opportunities. These include a movie night, a Pita<br />

Night (similar to a McDonald’s night), dance-a-thon, breakfast or<br />

spaghetti dinner. All of these ideas promote school spirit, offer an<br />

opportunity for all Grade 8 students to participate and allow for the<br />

students to learn how a fundraising event works from beginning<br />

through to end.<br />

� Council would like to see initiative from grade eight students to<br />

raise funds for their trip to Ottawa and then will look at doing<br />

more. Suggestions were higher percentage of Pita profit or all<br />

profit generated in the month of March will go towards easing the<br />

cost of the trip.<br />

8. Fundraising – Review from now to June –<br />

� Kelly Bowen has found a dry mix substitute for McMillan.<br />

Gourmet Creations offers an all natural, no preservatives, dry mix<br />

for cookies, muffins etc. (all you have to do is add milk and eggs).<br />

Decision to try it out as we have been trying various new things<br />

this year. Could market this as something to do over March<br />

Break. Information will come out last week in January. If we sell<br />

less than 200 units will have to pay a shipping charge. It comes<br />

from Vancouver.<br />

� Carla Bull looking into Chuck-a-Puck event.<br />

� February- looking at a Valentine’s gift for a donation at Canadian<br />

Tire.<br />

� In May School Council will be organizing a trunk sale. It was also<br />

suggested to add a used book sale and a BBQ to this event.<br />

� June will be the Carnival.<br />

� Dates for fundraising events must be decided on. If there is a<br />

particular event you wish to run or be part of organizing please email<br />

Patricia Wark.

9. Snow removal at the church parking lot -<br />

� Used to donate annually and then fell by the wayside for many<br />

years. Was done last year.<br />

� It was decided to give $200.00 toward the snow removal for the<br />

church parking lot. Motioned by Nicole Hagreen and seconded by<br />

Carla Bull. Passed.<br />

10. Treasurer Report -<br />

� Nicole Hagreen has provided a breakdown of the fundraising total<br />

for the 2009/2010. Note that magazine profit goes to Grade 7 & 8<br />

Field Trips per Nov meeting minutes. We have raised over<br />

$8,000.<br />

� The target for fundraising was $10,000.00.<br />

11. Principal’s Report -<br />

� Family math night will be organized for Feb 3 or 4 Mr. Giffen to<br />

confirm the date. Parents and students will get a passport when<br />

they enter and will travel to five different stations. Every station<br />

will show a different method of learning ie: using software that is<br />

available. This will be a very interactive evening. There will be<br />

childcare, door prizes and a healthy snack offered. From 6:30 to<br />

8:00pm.<br />

� Cheryl McGinnis has been transferred and Rebecca Shay is now<br />

the math coach for Cameron Street.<br />

� There will be an Active Family Night organized for March.<br />

� Attendance Area Review is scheduled at CCI on February 02,<br />

2010. There are five scenarios to choose from. Cameron Street<br />

is currently only 90% occupied. Mr. Giffen is encouraging people<br />

to come to the meeting if you can.<br />

� Price Chopper has adopted Cameron Street Public School.<br />

Parents should mention at the cashier they are with Cameron<br />

Street Public School and a % is donated back to us.<br />

� Mrs. Hare and Mrs. Hall are planning to apply for the Metro<br />

Environmental Grant.<br />

12. Requests –<br />

� Could the primary Christmas concert night be changed to<br />

Thursday night instead of Wednesday? Mr. Potter will ask the<br />

primary teachers.<br />

� Is there a storage area for Council to keep smencils, signs, etc.?<br />

There is a locked box in the girls change room for storage and<br />

carnival “stuff” is there too. Needs to be gone through.<br />

The next meeting will be on Monday February 01, 2010 at 7:00pm.

<strong>CAMERON</strong> <strong>STREET</strong> <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL MEETING<br />

MONDAY FEBRUARY 01, 2010<br />

PRESENT – Michael Giffen, Carla Bull, Kelly Bowen, Patricia Wark,<br />

Denise Spears, Dianne Nobes, Marilyn Hutchinson, Pauline Clarance,<br />

Marybelle Randall, Laurie Fryer, Kristin Ellis<br />

Regrets- Cindy Lewis, Lisa Hansen, Marsha Cann, Nicole Hagreen, Trish Maher<br />

13. Welcome to Pauline Clarance and Marybelle Randall.<br />

14. Review and approval of agenda -<br />

� A healthy snack suggestion for Thursday night Math night was<br />

added.<br />

15. Review and approval of January minutes -<br />

� Clarification of item 4. Grade Eight Ottawa trip. Nicole Hagreen<br />

and Carla Bull had motioned for 5% profit for the grade eight<br />

Ottawa trip. There was then further discussion about doing 10%<br />

although this was not officially motioned by Nicole and Carla.<br />

Council will allocate 10% and something more to be determined.<br />

16. Updates from last months minutes<br />

� Lisa Hansen has organized a head check for Monday February<br />

08 th .<br />

� Patricia Wark and Michael Giffen will be meeting with Erika Haney<br />

on Tuesday February 02, 2010 to find out more about a Healthy<br />

Active School audit.<br />

� Patricia Wark has put together What Is School Council brochure<br />

for all new parents to the school. This was in response to survey<br />

results. The brochure will be added to a Kindergarten package<br />

and given out to new families. Please review the brochure and email<br />

any feedback to Patricia Wark by February 11 th .<br />

� Michael Giffen and Patricia Wark have been working on a “Family<br />

Handbook.” They would like to have it professionally printed. All<br />

information in the Hand Book can also be posted on the website.<br />

The Handbook will contain information such as an introduction of<br />

staff members, programs and clubs offered at Cameron Street,<br />

school goals, school expectations, etc.<br />

� Grade 8 Ottawa trip fundraising update. Carla Bull suggested<br />

matching any money raised by the grade eight students dollar for<br />

dollar with a cap. Previously Council has not been directly<br />

involved in fundraising for the grade 8 trip. In the past funds

aised by individual students who sold McMillan were allocated<br />

directly to their trip. The School Board no longer allows this.<br />

Marybelle indicated there are a group of parents interested in<br />

supporting fundraising for the trip. Mrs. Lougheed planning<br />

smaller initiatives such as carnation sales, chocolate hearts,<br />

business fair maybe, bake sale maybe. Mr. Giffen to suggest<br />

Dance-A-Thon to Mrs. Lougheed. Patricia Wark to forward to<br />

Marybelle previous suggestions which include movie night, Boston<br />

Pizza Celebrity Server, Pita Night, breakfast or spaghetti dinner.<br />

School Council is willing to help organize a fundraising event.<br />

17. Funding request for the purchase of Smart Board technology -<br />

� Request for funding presented by Mr. Giffen. School Council<br />

has agreed to purchase a Smart Board that measures 77<br />

inches. This board will be mounted to a wall in the library and<br />

available for all grades to use. The Simcoe County Board of<br />

Education will pay for training. Mr. Giffen will organize the<br />

training to be held at the school so teachers do not have to<br />

travel elsewhere. The cost is $3,605.00 plus tax. The amount<br />

of $2,661.89 will come out of the Equipment account<br />

(earmarked for technology in October) and approximately $700<br />

will come out of the Playground fund. Motion to support this<br />

purchase Smart Board was put forward by Patricia Wark and<br />

seconded by Kristin Ellis. Passed.<br />

� Mr. Giffen explained that the number of computers the Simcoe<br />

County Board of Education will provide to a school is related to<br />

the number of students attending. Additional computers can be<br />

provided through fundraising dollars.<br />

� There is a concern from school council members that an<br />

additional room needs to be provided for computer work. Library<br />

time is for reading. Space for technology needs to be discussed<br />

further.<br />

18. Fundraising – Review from now to June –<br />

� Kelly Bowen is waiting to see what kind of response she will get<br />

from the Gourmet Creations.<br />

� Canadian Tire will need volunteers for Saturday February 13 th<br />

from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Fundraising organizers are asking for<br />

one hour of your time.<br />

� The Trunk Sale is tentatively booked for May 15 th . School Council<br />

is looking for volunteers to help run the event. The Carnival will<br />

be held either on June 10 th , June 22 nd or June 28 th . Again school<br />

council would like to have a sub committee of volunteers to<br />

organize the event.<br />

� A Pita Day has been tentatively booked for February 18 th . A<br />

portion of the sales will be donated to Cameron Street.

19. Crossing Guard Gift -<br />

� It was decided to wait until the end of the school year. The<br />

crossing guards will be invited to the volunteer tea.<br />

20. Treasurer Report -<br />

� Nicole Hagreen has provided a breakdown of the fundraising total<br />

for the 2009/2010. So far School Council has raised $11,829.54<br />

21. Principal’s Report -<br />

� Thank you to Nicole Hagreen and Jan Plyley for their work on<br />

improving the newsletter.<br />

� Math Night will be on Thursday February 04 th from 6:30pm to<br />

8:00pm.<br />

� Builders’ Club Movie Night raised $626.00 for Haiti. The Federal<br />

Government will match this amount- in total $1,252.00 was<br />

raised.<br />

� Brody Wilson is a new staff member and will be the new special<br />

education coach.<br />

� Reminder of Area Attendance Review, Thursday Feb 4, 7pm at<br />

CCI.<br />

22. Around the Table –<br />

� School Council will provide fruit and veggie trays for the Math<br />

night (funding to come from Eat Well To Excel)<br />

� Kelly has Smencils for sale for Math night. Mr. Giffen will get<br />

students to help sell them.<br />

� Suggested Cameron host a Home Alone course. Dianne Nobes<br />

to find out more about the course. .<br />

Not enough time to meet for Trunk Sale and Carnival after the meeting so agreed<br />

to meet Friday February 5 th , 10:15am at Patricia’s house. Everyone welcome.<br />

The next meeting will be on Monday March 01, 2010 at 7:00pm.

<strong>CAMERON</strong> <strong>STREET</strong> <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>SCHOOL</strong> COUNCIL MEETING<br />

MONDAY MARCH 01, 2010<br />

PRESENT – Michael Giffen, Carla Bull, Kelly Bowen, Patricia Wark,<br />

Denise Spears, Nicole Hagreen, Sue Thompson, Marybelle Randall,<br />

Ruth Crittenden, Kristin Ellis, Elizabeth Madigan,<br />

Regrets- Cindy Lewis, Lisa Hansen, Marsha Cann, Trish Maher, Dianne Nobes,<br />

Pauline Clarance<br />

23. Welcome to Elizabeth Madigan.<br />

24. Review and approval of agenda -<br />

� Sue Thompson added school trustee information.<br />

25. Review and approval of February minutes -<br />

� Changes to number 5 under the heading “Funding request for the<br />

purchase of Smart Board technology.”<br />

� First change – The $500.00 silent donation to the Library will not<br />

go toward the cost of the Smart Board.<br />

� Second change – A separate point needs to be made for the last<br />

section of number five. Beginning at “There is a concern from<br />

school council members that an additional room needs to be<br />

provided for computer work. Library time is for reading. Space for<br />

technology needs to be discussed further.”<br />

� Motioned by Denise Spears and seconded by Marybelle Randall.<br />

26. School trustee information -<br />

� What can we do as parents when we do not agree with a new or<br />

existing policy or how money is being spent? If you have<br />

questions or concerns please contact Caroline Smith at<br />

(705) 737-4600 or you can e-mail her caroline.smith@rogers.com.<br />

She is the trustee for Collingwood and Clearview.<br />

� Some concerns that were mentioned for Cameron were the lack<br />

of computer space and two classrooms being closed for this<br />

school year. These classrooms could have been used in many<br />

ways. For example, a learning center and for a student reading<br />

room. Also Cameron does not have a Vice Principal.<br />

� It was suggested that we invite Caroline Smith to our next school<br />

council meeting.

27. Old Business Updates -<br />

� Michael Giffen and Patricia Wark met with Erica Haney regarding<br />

Healthy Active school plan. Nutrition Tools for Schools is an audit<br />

we can do however Erika cannot take us on until September. A<br />

committee (teacher lead) of teachers, students, parents and the<br />

principal be formed. Go through a checklist- includes items such as<br />

eat well to excel program, supervision over lunch and eating<br />

environment, fundraising, etc. What we take from it is what we’re<br />

doing well, acceptance, areas to work on & priority (ACTION<br />

PLAN). Work to promote and create a culture in the school.<br />

� Support teacher and identify changes. As a school council we<br />

could create a healthy school fundraising guideline. Our walking<br />

campaign could be further promoted. Ask staff for input. Have an<br />

“Active Family Night” showing examples of a healthy lunch and<br />

comparing the cost. Could we come up with some guidelines?<br />

Let’s start with small steps.<br />

� The Ministry of Education provides a school grant for $1,500.00<br />

toward Health Active school plans.<br />

� Family Handbook - Is still being worked on.<br />

� School Council is currently $3,000.00 over target. Money that is in<br />

General School needs will be used to clean up the teachers wish<br />

list from the beginning of the year. The wish list needs to be<br />

updated. ACTION: Patricia to e-mail teachers so we can prioritize<br />

wish list from the fall.<br />

� Revisit the percentage of Pita Profit to the grade eight students.<br />

This will be discussed in the next meeting.<br />

� Computers – Feedback from teachers is needed regarding our<br />

existing computer technology. School council can purchase more<br />

computers but the School Board will not cover the cost to maintain<br />

them. ACTION: Patricia to e-mail teachers for input.<br />

28. Fundraising Update –<br />

� Chuck-a-Puck will not go ahead as no one is returning Carla’s<br />

calls and the season is over.<br />

� Canadian Tire pussy willow sales will be held on Saturday April<br />

03 rd . Volunteers are needed for one hour.<br />

� Kristin Ellis suggested a family skate at the outdoor rink.<br />

� Wendy’s has asked Cameron to do a fundraising evening. No<br />

interest at this time as we would rather support businesses<br />

supporting us such as Pita Pit.<br />

� No interest in running a seedling fundraiser. .<br />

� Update on Gourmet Creations fundraiser will be at the next<br />

meeting.<br />

� It was suggested that we sell flats of pansies at the Trunk Sale.<br />

Carla Bull will ask Canadian Tire if they could give us a deal.<br />

Kristin Ellis will ask a friend who is a landscaper.

29. Clean up day -<br />

� Patricia suggested that the Adopt a School Yard program be<br />

rolled out to the school. Cindy Lewis came up with this idea at the<br />

end of the last school season but it was never introduced.<br />

Families volunteer for to keep the school yard clean for two weeks<br />

or monthly intervals. School Council would provide garbage bags<br />

and gloves. Information on this will be sent out in the next<br />

newsletter and a request for a volunteer to coordinate.<br />

� Would like to have the school yard cleaned up for the Trunk Sale.<br />

30. National Golf in Schools Program -<br />

� Kristin Ellis presented information on golf equipment that can be<br />

used for the physical education program from grades one to six.<br />

The cost is $450.00. Teachers will need to complete and submit<br />

the application for the equipment. Mr. Giffen indicated a few<br />

teachers are interested and he’ll appoint one of them to take the<br />

lead so it can be started next year.<br />

31. Principal’s Report -<br />

� Feedback on Math Night: Fewer stations, more time for question<br />

and answer and rooms were at times crowded. Also, more<br />

parents need to attend.<br />

� Tracey Hammond will be organizing an active family night in April<br />

or May. The grade 7 & 8 students will help to organize.<br />

� Another lice check will be organized after the March Break.<br />

Thank you to all the helpers. The message is getting better.<br />

� The Town facilitates babysitter and people saver courses and Mr.<br />

Giffen has offered Cameron Street to host.<br />

� Update on the Grade eight fundraising. Marybelle Randall, Jill<br />

Lougheed and Patty Fedorco are organizing the following:<br />

1. A Pita night on March 25th<br />

2. The Business Fair on March 31st<br />

� Ruth Hall is running a Waffle Wednesday with the grade 4, 5 and<br />

6’s. Whole-wheat waffles with fruit will be served.<br />

� The Healthy School $500.00 application has been submitted<br />

under cooking utensils and small appliances such as blender,<br />

crock pot and food processor.<br />

� Mr. Giffen has asked CCI if the hospitality program would be<br />

interesting in cooking a hot lunch for the school or running a soup<br />

day.<br />

� Crossing guard location and times. If you have any comments<br />

please e-mail hhynes@collingwood.ca. Please E-mail if you also<br />

have concerns regarding the speed limit signage or drainage<br />


32. Around the Table –<br />

� Carla clarified Price Choppers partnership with Cameron. Our<br />

previous understanding was incorrect and has nothing to do with<br />

mentioning you are from CSPS at the checkout. At times Price<br />

Choppers will receive extra food shipments or lunch bags and donate<br />

them to the school. They are also open to us making a request when it<br />

comes time for carnival.<br />

The next meeting will be on Monday April 12, 2010 at 7:00pm.

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