Connect Ignite Inspire Transform - Gracepoint Community Church

Connect Ignite Inspire Transform - Gracepoint Community Church

Connect Ignite Inspire Transform - Gracepoint Community Church


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Pg 7<br />


Pg 9<br />


Pg 12<br />

<strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong> <strong>Connect</strong><br />

<strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong> <strong>Ignite</strong><br />

<strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong> <strong>Inspire</strong><br />

<strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong> <strong>Transform</strong><br />



Pg 15<br />



Pg 39<br />

Page 1

The <strong>Connect</strong>ion Point<br />

serves a purpose within the <strong>Gracepoint</strong> <strong>Community</strong>:<br />

Page 2<br />

To CONNECT \kə-ˈnekt\ 1 : to become joined ... 2 a : to meet for the transference of [fellow travellers] b : to transfer ...<br />

as a step in traveling to a final destination 3 : to make a successful hit, shot, or throw 4 : to have or establish a rapport 5 : to<br />

establish a communications connection <br />

To IGNITE \ig-ˈnīt\ 1 : to subject to fire or intense heat; especially : to render luminous<br />

by heat<br />

2 a : to set afire; also : KINDLE b : to cause (a [heart or passion]) to burn 3 a : to heat up :<br />

EXCITE b : to set in motion : SPARK<br />

<br />

To INSPIRE \in-ˈspī(-ə)r\ 1 a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or<br />

supernatural inspiration b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence<br />

on c : to spur on :<br />

IMPEL, MOTIVATE d : AFFECT 2 a archaic : to<br />

breathe or blow into or upon b archaic : to infuse (as life) by breathing 3 a : to communicate to an agent<br />

supernaturally b : to draw forth or bring out <br />

4 : INHALE 1 5 a : BRING ABOUT, OCCASION b : INCITE 6 : to spread ([good]<br />

rumours) by indirect means or through the agency of the <strong>Connect</strong>ion Point.<br />

To TRANSFORM \tran(t)s- fȯrm\ 1 a : to change in composition or<br />

structure b : to change the inner essence and therefore outward<br />

appearance of c : to radically change in character or condition as to what<br />

one cares deeply about : CONVERT 2 : to subject to mathematical transformation <br />

3 : to cause (a [person]) to undergo a total transformation [of the heart<br />

and mind].

Inside This Issue<br />

4-5 Who Are We?<br />

6 Service Times and Locations<br />

7 For The Times They Are A Changing’ — by Bill Hogg<br />

9 Re-freshed Eyes—Phil Wagler<br />

10 Newcomer’s Dessert<br />

11 Life Groups<br />

12 Lessons from Highway 99—by Gregg Baker<br />

14 Calling All Tech Heads<br />

15 Worship—Why is it important? —by Jeremy Pue<br />

19 Kid’s Unlimited<br />

31 Operation Christmas Child<br />

32 Student Ministries<br />

35 Ascent (Young Adults Ministries)<br />

36 <strong>Community</strong> Dinner<br />

37 The Kindlings Muse<br />

37 <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Recommended Reading<br />

38 Christmas in November<br />

39 Upcoming… Classes, Events and Weekly Ministries<br />

40 Ladies Book Club<br />

41 Adults Unlimited<br />

43 Recipes by Marie<br />

44 Our Missionaries and Sponsorships<br />

45 Window on the World<br />

46 October Calendar<br />


Page 3

Welcome to <strong>Gracepoint</strong> – a church for people who have given up on church but haven't<br />

given up on God. Or, to put it more simply, a church for people who don't like church.<br />

Don't get us wrong – personally, we love church. We are the <strong>Church</strong> – the body of Christ.<br />

But let's face it – sometimes "church," with all its religiosity, legalism and sheer irrelevance,<br />

can leave people with a bad taste in their mouths. We want to change that by introducing<br />

them to church as it was meant to be: Grace-filled. Authentic. <strong>Transform</strong>ing. Externally-focused.<br />

These are our core values and what we work toward becoming every day<br />

with the help of God and each other.<br />


bill@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 208<br />


WAGLER<br />

phil@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 209<br />


I was born in Scotland and enjoyed a transatlantic boyhood because of my Dad’s<br />

work. I have been a construction worker, movie extra, talk show host, evangelist<br />

and adjunct professor. I have picked up Bachelors degrees in Industrial<br />

Engineering and Theology, and a Masters in Evangelism Studies. I hope to finish<br />

my doctorate in 2010. (So much packed into such a young life!) I am navigating my<br />

fourth culture and loving life in beautiful B.C.<br />

It is a great joy to be part of <strong>Gracepoint</strong> and to lead the staff team. I am excited<br />

about what God has in store for us as we journey together with Jesus.<br />

I am passionate about us becoming and being a church for those who have given<br />

up on church and connecting with those farthest from Christ. I want to see those<br />

who are “found” experiencing Jesus in the fullness of His grace, power and healing<br />

and being equipped and released as agents of transformation. I love preaching the<br />

gospel and expounding the Scriptures.<br />

I enjoy strong Starbucks coffee, movies, browsing in bookstores, watching<br />

Manchester United, barbecues and dabbling in the kitchen on vacation.<br />


I am an only child born in Ontario and was rescued by Jesus in my late<br />

teens. Together with my wife Jen we have served God’s Kingdom in different parts<br />

of the world and in Alberta, Ontario, and of course beautiful British Columbia. I<br />

have been a youth pastor, solo pastor, lead pastor, college dean, para-church<br />

servant, as well as working on dairy farms, lawn maintenance, hardware, and even<br />

dabbled in radio (and not just turning the dial!). My family joined the <strong>Gracepoint</strong><br />

family in 2010.<br />

Jen and I are the proud parents of Caleb, Benjamin, Jessie, Sadie, and Micah and we<br />

all enjoy our pooch, Molly. I love spending time with my wife and kids, hiking, and<br />

sports (pretty much everything, but mostly hockey, baseball, football and the other<br />

football - i.e. soccer). I’m an avid reader and student of culture and am passionate<br />

about inspiring the church to be on mission with God for the transformation of our<br />

cities, towns, and side roads. I am also an author of regular columns, a book, and a<br />

lot of scribble notes.<br />









Lisa Carpenter<br />

lisa@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 204<br />


Randy Plett<br />

randy@gracepoint.ca<br />

604-809-4050<br />




kevin@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 202<br />

Maxine Urena<br />

maxine@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 200<br />

Gregg Baker<br />

gregg@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 214<br />



OUR<br />

STAFF<br />

Connie Plett<br />

connie@gracepoint.ca<br />

604-727-2211<br />






jeremy@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 215<br />

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CAMPUS<br />

3487 King George Boulevard<br />


TIMES<br />

9:00am and 11:15am<br />



3487 King George Blvd<br />

Surrey, BC V4P 1B7<br />

604-538-1825<br />

fax 604-538-6139<br />

Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30<br />


TEAM<br />

Bill and Morag Hogg<br />

Phil Wagler<br />

Ernie and Marie Isaac<br />

Ron Marshall<br />

Bryan Jakeman<br />

Doug Stuart<br />

Cecil Rast<br />

Sam Rowland<br />

Lisa Carpenter<br />



CAMPUS<br />

6250 144th Street<br />


TIME<br />

10:30am<br />

Visit our website<br />


J!<br />

am encouraged and excited about a bunch of<br />

new ministries and new developments at<br />

<strong>Gracepoint</strong>. As I observe the new things I am<br />

stoked about what God is doing in us, amongst us and<br />

through us. I am also filled with a fresh anticipation<br />

that God wants to do a great work in us, amongst and<br />

through us as we step into the future together!<br />

God wants us to become a multiplying movement to<br />

reach those who have given up on church. Jesus has<br />

given us our marching orders. Our assignment from<br />

God is: to “Mentor, multiply and move people to<br />

follow Jesus Christ for His mission”.<br />

We are on a journey to become multi-site by design<br />

for the sake of Jesus and his mission. Up ahead, this<br />

will mean planting and developing fresh expressions<br />

and new <strong>Gracepoint</strong> campuses. Up ahead this means<br />

being on mission as a multiplying movement. In the<br />


short-term this means some retrofitting to<br />

strengthen the church and prepare us for God’s big<br />

future. This will involve creating cohesive<br />

communities at each campus and campus specific<br />

ministries. As part of our transition to campus<br />

specific ministry, Gregg Baker and Jeremy Pue are<br />

part of a new experiment - campus specific music<br />

pastors.<br />

Phil Wagler has joined our staff team as Senior<br />

Associate Pastor. I am looking forward to his<br />

leadership, gifts and passion for people<br />

development and multiplication making a<br />

difference. Jeremy Pue is leading a new ministry to<br />

our young adults, called Ascent Ministries. They are<br />

gathering weekly at the Rodeo Wired Monk ( Hwy 10<br />

and 152 nd Street). “Grace Based Parenting” is a new<br />

ministry spearheaded by Jeremy and Kathy Wilson –<br />

to help parents with the greatest job of all – raising<br />

Page 7

kids. Gregg Baker is heading up a new group – the<br />

Creative Design Team - which brings artists and<br />

creatives to craft our Sunday experiences. G.E.M.S.<br />

kicks off as a brand new ministry to girls. Behind the<br />

scenes, work, prayer and planning is happening in<br />

preparation for the launch of a new men’s ministry.<br />

Kevin Snyder has restructured our student ministries.<br />

If you want to find out what is happening with Junior<br />

High and Senior High, email Kevin at<br />

kevin@gracepoint.ca. The Kindlings is a great spiritual<br />

third place for pre-Christians and Christ followers to<br />

connect and converse. The Kindlings is a place and<br />

space for hospitable imaginative conversation about<br />

ideas that matter in contemporary life has moved<br />

to a new time and a new location!<br />

(See www.thekindlings.ca)<br />

Are you picking up a theme? God loves to do new<br />

things amongst his people.<br />

18 "Forget the former things;<br />

do not dwell on the past.<br />

19 See, I am doing a new thing!<br />

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?<br />

I am making a way in the desert<br />

and streams in the wasteland. ISAIAH 43:18-19<br />

God wants us to enjoy the new wine of the kingdom<br />

and to be open and receptive to him writing new<br />

chapters in our life together. (See Mark 2:18-22) This<br />

will mean fresh ministry initiatives, new programs and<br />

new ideas and the recalibration of existing ministry.<br />

It’s good to celebrate the new developments at<br />

<strong>Gracepoint</strong>! Can I challenge you with something new?<br />

With this new season of new staff, new stuff and new<br />

ministries – can I encourage you to make a new<br />

commitment? Can I challenge you to prioritize a new<br />

gathering? We are launching a new gathering on the<br />

last Wednesday of each month, called FUEL. It is a<br />

wonderful opportunity for us to gather and pray. With<br />

all this new stuff - new activities and ministries - we<br />

need to make a fresh commitment to prayer. As we<br />

step into this new season we need to step up our<br />

commitment to prayer, as an expression of our<br />

dependence the LORD. The words of Jesus are a<br />

prophetic word for <strong>Gracepoint</strong>: “My Father’s house<br />

shall be a house of prayer for the healing of the<br />

nations”.<br />

Page 8<br />

Can I challenge you with something new?<br />

Can I encourage you to make a new commitment?<br />

In your home you have a little box that controls your<br />

household climate. You can govern how cold or hot it is<br />

by touching a button or two on this wee box. Your<br />

thermostat sets the atmospherics in your home. We<br />

can influence the spiritual atmospherics around us<br />

through prayer! Jesus invites us to pray for the will of<br />

God to happen and the kingdom to come and the<br />

kingdom to advance. (see Luke 11:2)<br />

“Mentor,<br />

multiply and<br />

move people to<br />

follow Jesus<br />

Christ for His<br />

mission”<br />


To move forward as a Missional<br />

congregation we need the leadership<br />

of the Holy Spirit. As we step into a<br />

new season of ministry and a new<br />

season at <strong>Gracepoint</strong>, we need to be<br />

led by the Holy Spirit. To exercise<br />

transformational ministry we need<br />

the power and the energy of the Holy<br />

Spirit to be upon us! For our new<br />

initiatives to bear fruit for Jesus we<br />

need the Holy Spirit to work through<br />

us, in us and amongst us.<br />

As we gear up for externally focussed ministry – we<br />

need to be mindful that reaching the lost involves<br />

preaching treason in the devil’s ranks and engaging in<br />

spiritual warfare (Luke 10:3; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col 1:13-14).<br />

Our resources are not enough for this wonderful task<br />

(see Zech 4:6). We need to be God dependant. Let’s<br />

take time to pray together!<br />

The Psalmist declared:<br />

“Unless the LORD builds the house,<br />

its builders labour in vain.<br />

Unless the LORD watches over the city,<br />

the watchmen stand guard in vain. (Psalm 127:1)<br />

“FUEL” will happen in Studio A at our Surrey South<br />

campus. Join us for this new gathering. We will start<br />

with dinner at 6:30pm and then as we clear away the<br />

plates from a great meal we will turn our hearts to God<br />

through music and guided prayer. There will also be the<br />

opportunity to receive prayer. Come and enjoy the<br />

opportunity to linger in prayer!! Come and be<br />

refreshed. Our next FUEL gathering is on October 27th.<br />

To reserve your spot for dinner please email the office<br />

at maxine@gracepoint.ca.<br />

May God bless you and<br />

make you a blessing!<br />

Yours warmly in Christ.<br />

Bill Hogg ,<br />

Lead Pastor<br />


I<br />

’m new here. I’m only beginning to learn my way<br />

around the confusingly numbered avenues and<br />

streets city planners dreamed up. It’s quite the<br />

adventure. It’s fun. It’s disconcerting. It’s a<br />

numerical cornucopia that can turn into a cranium-<br />

crunching journey of vehicular sudoku.<br />

As a result, my only hope in these opening days of<br />

lower mainland living is to look around for landmarks<br />

that help guide me. The beauty of such a necessary<br />

exercise is that it causes me to look beyond signage to<br />

the personality of this area we have embraced. It is an<br />

area God has embraced. God loves Surrey, Langley,<br />

White Rock and Delta and with fresh eyes I am<br />

seeking to see what he sees.<br />

Fresh eyes, however, only last so long. Over time the<br />

brand-new becomes the same-old. I know that soon-<br />

hopefully sooner than soon-I’ll know my way with<br />

more familiarity and when that happens I’ll need<br />

re-freshed eyes. I’ll need the grace to keep seeing<br />

what God sees and not trust merely my own sight.<br />

Re-freshed eyes perceive by faith, not sight.<br />



Jesus always seemed to enter the familiar with<br />

re-freshed eyes. The people of Jericho knew Zacchaeus<br />

all too well and didn’t like what they saw. Only Jesus<br />

saw what the little man was really looking for as he<br />

clung to a sycamore tree branch. Re-freshed eyes: seeing<br />

the common, even the unwelcome, with the eyes of<br />

heaven. Jesus saw what Zaccheaus was squinting for and<br />

then entered into the very home of the white-collar<br />

criminal to see what was cooking. The rest, as they say,<br />

is redemptive history (Luke 19:1-10).<br />

So, as a point of grace in this area, how re-freshed are<br />

our eyes? Can we be a people who see what we always<br />

see anew? The regular at the coffee shop. That kid on<br />

the playground. The guy whose name you can never<br />

remember. That mom you see walking a stroller whose<br />

eyes always seem glazed over. The part of town you’d<br />

rather not view - even in the rearview mirror. That<br />

neighbourhood you only wish you could afford to live in.<br />

Yeah, re-freshed eyes are a gift of grace that keeps a<br />

people saved by grace pointing toward grace. If we’re<br />

going to be part of God’s advancing Kingdom we need to<br />

see well. We need to ask for re-freshed eyes. I’m<br />

already praying for that as I begin to find my way<br />

around. Will we pray and re-fresh together?<br />

Phil Phil Wagler<br />

Wagler<br />

Senior Associate Pastor<br />

phil@gracepoint.ca<br />

Page 9

axãvÉÅxÜáË WxááxÜà<br />

Page 10<br />


Bill and Morag Hogg’s home at 7:00pm<br />

If you are interested in attending please RSVP to maxine@gracepoint.ca<br />

Here at <strong>Gracepoint</strong> we love to meet new people all the time! We especially love it if those people have<br />

questions about <strong>Gracepoint</strong>, questions about God and faith, questions about how to get connected,<br />

questions about almost everything. Also, truth be told, we love any excuse to eat dessert! So, the<br />

creative minds here thought why not put meeting new people at <strong>Gracepoint</strong> together with eating<br />

dessert? Sounds like a great combo to us. If you are new here, or even if you have been attending for<br />

awhile, please accept our warmest invitation to attend the next Newcomers’ Dessert .<br />


GET A LIFE...group!<br />

Yes, <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Life Groups are a great way to connect with others and<br />

grow as a follower of Jesus. A variety of groups are up and going this fall and<br />

we’d love to see many new ones begin. If you have questions or want to know<br />

about getting plugged in, connect with Senior Associate Pastor Phil Wagler at<br />

phil@gracepoint.ca and check out the website to see existing groups.<br />


Page 11

Lessons Lessons from from Highway Highway Highway 99 99<br />

99<br />

Page 12<br />

I have been on full time staff here<br />

at <strong>Gracepoint</strong> for about three months<br />

now and there are so many things that<br />

I love about my new job. One of the<br />

smaller blessings that I have been<br />

enjoying is a much shorter commute<br />

combined with the fun of being back in<br />

a little red Honda Civic after all<br />

these years (my first two cars were<br />

Civics). For the past fourteen years<br />

our family has managed very well with<br />

one vehicle but the time has come for<br />

me to get back in the driver’s seat<br />

with some David Crowder Band playing<br />

loudly in the background as I drive to<br />

work each day (no offence Skytrain<br />

but I do not miss you). During the<br />

summer, the commute was gorgeous<br />

every day—looking out over the<br />

Pacific Ocean and soaking in some<br />

fabulous views of Mount Baker. With<br />

the arrival of Fall though, things<br />

often look a little different on the<br />

way to work.<br />

Just last week, I was driving<br />

along Highway 99 headed straight for<br />

the bend near the Serpentine River.<br />

The rain was coming<br />

down really hard<br />

and the skies were<br />

incredibly dark,<br />

heavy looking, and<br />

gray. My poor<br />

little windshield<br />

wipers were having<br />

a hard time<br />


keeping up as they<br />

continued to fling<br />

large quantities of<br />

water off either side<br />

of the car. I was<br />

travelling in the left<br />

lane when I noticed<br />

that I was coming up<br />

pretty fast on a fullyloaded<br />

18 wheeler in<br />

the right lane. The big<br />

rig was giving off an<br />

enormous amount of<br />

spray and as I quickly closed the<br />

gap, my visibility went from poor to<br />

almost nonexistent, so I eased my<br />

foot off of the accelerator pedal to<br />

regain some distance between my car<br />

and the truck. As my visibility<br />

improved with each incremental<br />

drop in speed, something inside me<br />

said, “go ahead and pass him.”<br />

Clearly, this was not the safe or<br />

prudent thing to do and I was<br />

surprised at this nudge because I<br />

am a guy who almost always errs on<br />

the side of caution.<br />

I was reminded of the scene in<br />

the movie “Days of Thunder” when Tom<br />

Cruise’s character, Cole Trickle,<br />

gets back in a race car after a<br />

particularly nasty accident which<br />

permanently sidelined his arch<br />

rival. In his first race back, Cole<br />

has to drive blindly through the<br />

smoke of another accident on the<br />

track, trusting that the way is<br />

(Continued on page 13)

clear for him to pass by. Initially,<br />

Cole resists and he takes his foot off<br />

the accelerator, but his pit boss is<br />

talking to him the entire time<br />

encouraging him that he can make it<br />

through safely if he just remains<br />

high on the track. In a split second<br />

decision, Cole puts his foot back on<br />

the gas and shoots through into the<br />

clear.<br />

In that moment, I felt exactly the<br />

same way in my little Honda,<br />

initially taking my foot off the<br />

accelerator and shifting down into<br />

fourth gear. But that whisper in my<br />

head said “go for it” and that’s<br />

exactly what I did. I put my foot back<br />

on the accelerator, dropped the<br />

hammer (if you can do that in a<br />

Civic), and passed the truck on the<br />

high side in the middle of the curve.<br />

The entire time (probably not more<br />

than a few seconds) I was almost<br />

completely blinded by the rain and<br />

spray until I passed by the truck,<br />

sailing toward my exit to King George<br />

Boulevard. I certainly will not tell<br />

you how fast I was going, but I was<br />

definitely pushing the limits of my<br />

poor little car.<br />

I I I I felt felt felt felt like like like like God God God God was was was was using using using using this this this this<br />

simple simple simple simple little little little little demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration to to to to<br />

teach teach teach teach me me me me yet yet yet yet again again again again that that that that I I I I can can can can trust trust trust trust<br />

Him Him Him Him completely completely completely completely even even even even when when when when I I I I cannot cannot cannot cannot<br />

see see see see beyond beyond beyond beyond the the the the curve. curve. curve. curve.<br />


As I zipped past the truck and slid<br />

over into the right lane, I noticed that<br />

the skies directly ahead of me were wide<br />

open and the morning sunlight streaming<br />

through was so bright that I had to<br />

squint. In the midst of this break in the<br />

darkness, there were some of the most<br />

gorgeous, bright white cumulous clouds I<br />

have ever seen surrounded by a small patch<br />

of beautiful cerulean blue sky. As I eased<br />

into my exit lane from the highway, I felt<br />

like God was using this simple little<br />

demonstration to teach me yet again that I<br />

can trust Him completely even when I<br />

cannot see beyond the curve. You see, it<br />

simply does not matter what lies beyond<br />

the curve. We all know that it may not be<br />

safety, bright blue skies, and happiness<br />

that lie around every corner as we blast<br />

through life, but we do know that God is<br />

good and we can trust Him with every<br />

single detail of our lives. So for now, I<br />

will close with two great scriptures for<br />

your consideration and daily meditation<br />

and prayer:<br />

Be Be Be Be still, still, still, still, and and and and know know know know that that that that I I I I am am am am God. God. God. God.<br />

Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10<br />

Trust Trust Trust Trust in in in in the the the the LORD LORD LORD LORD with with with with all all all all your your your your heart heart heart heart<br />

and and and and lean lean lean lean not not not not on on on on your your your your own own own own understanding;<br />

understanding;<br />

understanding;<br />

understanding;<br />

in in in in all all all all your your your your ways ways ways ways submit submit submit submit to to to to him, him, him, him, and and and and he he he he will will will will<br />

make make make make your your your your paths paths paths paths straight.<br />

straight.<br />

straight.<br />

straight.<br />

Proverbs Proverbs Proverbs Proverbs 3:5----6 3:5 3:5 3:5 6 6 6 (TNIV)<br />

(TNIV)<br />

Blessings on you for the journey ahead!<br />

Gregg Gregg Gregg Baker<br />

Baker<br />

Creative Programming Director<br />

Music Pastor (Bell Campus)<br />

gregg@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 214<br />

Page 13

Calling all Tech Heads who like to<br />

play with electronic toys<br />

Here at <strong>Gracepoint</strong>, we have a longstanding tradition of excellence in Audio, Video, Lighting, and<br />

Multimedia presentation. Currently, we have a great small team of dedicated technicians led by our<br />

Pastor of Technical Arts, Randy Plett, and we are looking forward to expanding this team to include<br />

many more talented, technically gifted people out there who would deeply enjoy being a part of this<br />

ministry. Randy and his crew are constantly called upon to make things happen at a moment’s notice<br />

so that those who attend our weekend services and special events at <strong>Gracepoint</strong> would rarely suspect<br />

that things are not going exactly as planned well in advance. Some might call it learning to fly by the<br />

seat of your pants, others might call it crazy, and still others might be<br />

excited and invigorated by just such an environment.<br />

So, if you love to play with technical toys, if you feel that you are gifted<br />

or just incredibly inspired to learn more about audio engineering,<br />

recording, video production (shooting and editing), and/or photography,<br />

then we would love to hear from you! We are always looking to add to<br />

our team of creative, God honouring technicians.<br />

If you would like to find out more, just send an email to randy@gracepoint.ca or<br />

gregg@gracepoint.ca or just stop in for a chat with us at the sound booth after the services at the<br />

Surrey South or Bell Campuses.<br />

Page 14<br />


Pastor Randy in his element<br />

Peter “The Director” Hogg

Worship – Why is it important?<br />

A<br />

ll throughout scripture we see examples of praise being given to God through words, song, and<br />

actions. The book of Psalms is a collection of poetry, songs, and prayers giving glory to God written by<br />

multiple authors. In Isaiah 6 and throughout the book of Revelation we have imagery of angels and<br />

creatures singing their praise to God in his presence – these were visions that had been received. 1 Peter 3:15<br />

says “…But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks<br />

you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” This suggests that if people are asking you for the hope you<br />

There is power in carefully<br />

crafted words put to a<br />

melody. Anyone would agree<br />

with this whether they come<br />

from a background of faith<br />

or not. If music can play such<br />

a profound role in our lives,<br />

wouldn’t it make sense to<br />

sing praises to God as part of<br />

our worship?<br />

have, you must be acting in a way that requires them to ask the question of you. What<br />

does the bible say about worship? Why is worship important? Let’s jump into it.<br />

Music has the ability to affect us all. In one way or another, I’m sure each one of us has<br />

been impacted by a song at some point in our life. Music has the ability to take us back to<br />

an experience earlier in life with a simple guitar riff, it has the ability to bring us to tears<br />

or put a smile on our face, and someone we’ve never met can connect with us on a<br />

personal level by singing something that resonates within us. There is power in carefully<br />

crafted words put to a melody. Anyone would agree with this whether they come from a<br />


Page 15

Page 16<br />

background of faith or not. If music can play such a profound role in our lives, wouldn’t it make sense to<br />

sing praises to God as part of our worship? If music is a gift that He has placed in the hands of mankind,<br />

isn’t it appropriate for us to give that back to the only One who is worthy?<br />

Now, not to go cliché on you… but worship isn’t only about music. We’re called as Christians to live a life<br />

that gives glory to God in all that we do. We are to strive to live as Jesus lived. We are to give praise to Jesus<br />

in more ways than just song. This requires some action, yes? It’s so easy for us to fall into the pattern of<br />

what’s “normal” in our day and age. I include myself when I say that the easy thing<br />

to do in life would be to live just like everybody else. When I get tired, I default to<br />

the easy road. When I’m frustrated, I default to the easy road. When things are<br />

starting to get hard, I default to the easy road – which is living just like everybody<br />

else. 1 Peter 3:15 says “…But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be<br />

prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the<br />

hope that you have.” I have heard many people use this passage in a way that says, “Always be ready to talk<br />

about your faith if someone asks you about it”. I don’t disagree with this—we should be well equipped<br />

when conversing with people. Spending a lot of time in the Word will help immeasurably with this. Also,<br />

encouraging one another in our spiritual journeys will help with this. However, I think that the phrase “to<br />

everyone who asks” is key in this passage. If someone is asking you for the reason for the hope you have, it<br />

is implied that you are acting in a way that sets you apart from others. When you live to glorify God in all<br />

you do, people will notice a difference in you and may even ask about it. Is this a form of giving praise to<br />

God? I think so. Is it a form of worship? Again, I’d have to say yes.<br />

So we understand that worship is not about rhymes written to melodies alone, but also a way of living.<br />

Strive to give glory to God in everything you do! Also, if music is something that can impact our lives so<br />

deeply, then it makes perfect sense to sing praises to God when we gather together as a form of worship.<br />

Looking at multiple scripture passages I’ve come up with 4 reasons that we should worship God with our<br />

lives, voices, and everything we are:<br />

1. He is worthy<br />

Deuteronomy 10:21-21 (NLT)<br />

“You must fear the Lord your God and worship him and cling to him. Your oaths must be in his name<br />

alone.<br />

He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty<br />

miracles<br />

that you have seen with you own eyes”.<br />

1 Chronicles 16:25 (NIV)<br />

“For great is the Lord and most worthy of our praise;”<br />

God created the heavens and the earth, knows us by name, and loves us enough that he sent his one and<br />

only Son to die for all of our sins. The punishment for sin used to be death – but Jesus paid that price for us.<br />

We can live freely because of His grace, He has saved us. He brought us up out the darkness and shined His<br />

light on us so that He can shine through us. He is worthy of our praise. He is worthy of more than we are<br />

able to give. He is worthy of our worship.<br />


If someone is asking you for<br />

the reason for the hope you<br />

have, it is implied that you<br />

are acting in a way that sets<br />

you apart from others.

2. We’re commanded<br />

Deuteronomy 13:4 (NIV)<br />

“It is the Lord your God you must follow and him you must revere. Keep his commands<br />

and obey him;<br />

serve him and hold fast to him.”<br />

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)<br />

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priest-hood, a holy nation, a people belonging to<br />

God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his<br />

wonderful light.”<br />

We are called to live lives that bring glory to God in all we do, and we are commanded to<br />

praise the One who called us out of the darkness and into the light. A typical response to<br />

this is, “Why does He command praise from us? He loves hearing His name sung to<br />

Himself?” – But scripture gives us two practical reasons that this is commanded of us<br />

besides that the fact that He is most worthy of our praise.<br />

3. Worship blesses us<br />

Psalm 112:1 (NIV)<br />

“Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his<br />

commands”<br />

Psalm 128:1-4 (NIV)<br />

“Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your<br />

labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within<br />

your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blesses<br />

who fears the Lord.”<br />

Deuteronomy 6:24 (NIV)<br />

“The Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the Lord our God, so that<br />

we might prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today.”<br />

God commands us to worship and praise Him not only because He’s worthy, but because<br />

He will bless us for living our lives in a way that is honoring to Him. He finds joy and favor in<br />

those who take delight in His commands. When we gather and worship in His name on<br />

Sundays, He can move in people’s hearts and work in them as a result of the worship. He<br />

longs for a relationship and a connection with us on a personal level, and worshipping Him<br />

is one way that we can connect with Him. In the same way, when we gather together and<br />

worship God as a community it can be encouraging to those around us.<br />


Page 17

4. Worship encourages others<br />

Page 18<br />

Colossians 3:16 (NLT)<br />

“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the<br />

wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”<br />

Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)<br />

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up<br />

meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as<br />

you see the Day approaching.”<br />

When we gather together and worship we are putting ourselves in a position where we are able to<br />

encourage one another and spur each other on in our spiritual journeys. This could be another practical<br />

reason for the command to worship God aside from the fact that He is worthy of our praise – that when we<br />

gather and bring praise to His name, we place ourselves in a position to be encouraged and to encourage<br />

others.<br />

A<br />

s you go out this week, I challenge you to strive to live a life that sets you apart from others.<br />

Don’t take the easy road; glorify God in all that you do. Sin can sometimes hold us back from<br />

taking that step of living our lives as an act of worship to God. If you have something that is<br />

weighing you down and holding you back, give it to God today. Repent. Ask for forgiveness. If you’re<br />

struggling with something, seek out the counsel of a trusted friend – someone that can hold you<br />

accountable and help you. There is something freeing about laying your troubles down before someone<br />

who will handle the situation with love and grace. We can live free because Jesus died for our sins, take joy<br />

in that. And you don’t have to go through this alone. He will be with you every step of the way and he is for<br />

you – not against. He wants to see you succeed. Take a step this week.<br />

Jeremy Pue<br />

Music Pastor (Surrey South Campus)<br />

Young Adult Pastor<br />

jeremy@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex. 215<br />



Loree Mitton<br />

loree@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex 203<br />


Your kids mean the world to you. We get that – and that's why we provide a safe,<br />

fun atmosphere where kids can discover God's truth, where the Bible is relevant,<br />

applicable and taught creatively by leaders who care deeply about your kids'<br />

spiritual growth. We believe there's no limit to what God can do when kids get<br />

involved in a Jesus-centered program like Kids Unlimited.<br />


Beth McGill<br />

beth@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex 206<br />


Naomi Hogg<br />

naomi@gracepoint.ca<br />

ext.212<br />




Michelle Rakotonaivo<br />

michelle@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex 207<br />

Carrie Craddock<br />

carrie@gracepoint.ca<br />

Ex 210<br />

Page 19

E ARLY CHILDHOOD (0-k)<br />

NURSERY (0-23 Months) is provided for babies & toddlers up to 2 years old.<br />

Children will be promoted automatically each month from Nursery to the Tadpool class when they turn 2 years old.<br />

Page 20<br />




TADPOOL-KERMIT (2-5 year olds)<br />

DiscipleLand Old Testament Series: GOD MADE US<br />

During the month of October, your children (ages 2-5) will continue to experience God's excitement as He created<br />

everything in the universe! Your kids will exalt the Lord for making such a delightful place to live and discover ways God<br />

made each person unique.<br />

Bible content: Genesis 1—13<br />

Quarter Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1 “God created heaven and earth.”<br />

Dear Parents,<br />

Welcome to DiscipleLand! We are thrilled that your child is a part of this exciting adventure<br />

of discovering God. We will learn together how God made us through songs, Bible stories,<br />

Bible verses, learning activities, present-day stories, and prayer. Your child will be<br />

encouraged to apply Biblical truths in practical ways.<br />

Each week your child will receive prayerfully designed, full-colour pages that focus on the<br />

Bible story, develop thinking skills, and provide personal application for the Bible truths. In<br />

addition, a section called “Parent Partners” provides opportunities to ask questions about<br />

the lesson, learn the memory verse together, and participate in suggested activities at home<br />

with your child.<br />

DiscipleLand Preschool is a child-centered, application-based study that guides children to<br />

discover a friendship with Jesus and introduces them to God’s wonderful character and His<br />

plans. The activities are specifically designed for both older and younger preschoolers. If<br />

you are interested in helping our Kids Unlimited Tadpool classes with some of the hands-on<br />

activities, please let me know.<br />

Thank you for the privilege of teaching God’s Word to your child. We pray that the<br />

principles we learn together will help launch your child into the lifelong adventure of walking<br />

with God and becoming Jesus’ disciple!<br />

Treasuring your prayers,<br />

Michelle Rakotonaivo<br />

Early Childhood Pastor<br />


Page 21

ELEMENTARY (gr.1-5)<br />

FROGSQUAD (Gr.1-3)/LEAPZONE (Gr. 4-5)<br />

Page 22<br />

Elevate will take your children on an imaginative journey of Biblical<br />

learning. Your children will learn how to apply Bible concepts and<br />

stories to their everyday lives.<br />


OCTOBER 3<br />

OCTOBER 17<br />

“Welcome aboard the Steadfast, a deep-sea rescue submarine. Join Captain Sandbar and his<br />

loyal first mate, Major Reefrash as they journey to the deepest parts of the ocean. Their<br />

mission: to rescue a stranded garbage submarine, the Scumscrubber.<br />

Join the mission and see how God wants us to live by studying passages from the Bible.”<br />


OCTOBER 24<br />

OCTOBER 31<br />


NOTE: There is no Family Devotional for OCT 10th due to a special Thanksgiving lesson<br />


Page 23

NEW: NEW:<br />

NEW: NEW:<br />

Page 24<br />

Midweek Midweek Midweek Kids Kids Kids Programs<br />

Programs Programs<br />

Programs<br />

Beginning Beginning Beginning Beginning Beginning Beginning this this this fall<br />

fall<br />

fall<br />

(Gr.1 (Gr.1-5) (Gr.1 5)<br />

Mondays @ 6:30-7:45pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Start Date: OCT 4TH<br />

The purpose of Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour Club is to bring girls into a<br />

living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.<br />

Leaders: Theresa Wiebe & Janet Loewen.<br />

To pre-register, contact Janet @ jamesandjanet@telus.net or 604-536-7668<br />

<strong>Gracepoint</strong> Children’s Choir<br />

(K (K-Gr.5) (K<br />

Gr.5)<br />

Thursdays @ 6:30-7:30pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Start Date: Thursday, Oct 7th<br />

The GCC leads worship at <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Sunday services and approximately<br />

5x’s a yr through singing and actions. Practices run during 2 semesters:<br />

October – December & January – April.<br />

Contact Deb Mitchell @ 604-541-5411 or debmitchell@shaw.ca<br />

(GR.1 (GR.1-6) (GR.1 (GR.1 6)<br />

Mondays @ 6:30-7:45pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Tree Climbers (Gr.1-2): Dads (or significant male figures) participate<br />

with their sons and the leaders. They enjoy games, a simple learning<br />

activity and hear a story with a Biblical emphasis.<br />

Stockade (Gr.3-6): Leaders and boys participate in games, stories, projects and earn<br />

merit badges to learn more about God’s plan for their lives.<br />

Contact Candice Tews for more info @ 604-542-9473 or ctews@telus.net<br />




Thurs, Oct.7 <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Children’s Choir begins @ 6:30pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Mon, Oct.4, 11,18,25: Girls Club begins @ 6:30pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Boys Club @ 6:30pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Thurs, Oct.7, 14, 21, 28: <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Children’s Choir begins @ 6:30pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Grace Based Parenting seminars @ 6:30pm, Surrey South Campus<br />

Sun, Oct.12 Thanksgiving<br />

Sun, Oct.24 Operation Christmas Child begins. Gift boxes due back to the church on Sun, Nov.14.<br />


1 2<br />

3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

10 11 12 13 14 15 16<br />

17 18 19 20 21 22 23<br />

24 25 26 27 28 29 30<br />

31<br />

Recommended Resources to <strong>Inspire</strong> & Equip Families:<br />


Practical ideas for nurturing children’s faith<br />

Guard Children From False Beliefs<br />

This month's topic is protecting kids from falsehood, something that's especially relevant as Halloween approaches.<br />

Parents can take a stand for God's truth-and help their children learn to do the same. The newsletter<br />

offers tips to safeguard impressionable children and to assure them that God always loves and protects them.<br />

Highlights of this month's issue include:<br />

• Ways to use Halloween (whether or not you participate in it) to explore God's truth.<br />

• Insights about protecting children from false beliefs and cults.<br />

• Discussion questions to help you talk about children's fears and beliefs.<br />

• Family activities that show where we can find real truth.<br />

Information and discussion questions about the new movie Flipped and the new album from country-pop singer<br />

Taylor Swift.<br />

With The Parent Link, you always get practical ideas for nurturing children's faith.<br />

Thanks for your dedication to children and families!<br />

Stephanie Martin<br />

Editor, The Parent Link<br />

OCTOBER 2010<br />


Page 25

P rotect Kids From False Beliefs<br />

Page 26<br />

Otober<br />

Many parents worry about shielding their children from dangerous non-Christian<br />

influences. This is especially true at Halloween, which has become a $6 billion<br />

holiday. Because of the costumes and candy, most children adore Halloween. But<br />

parents face a dilemma: How much should children participate in a holiday that<br />

focuses on scary images often glamorizing death and the<br />

occult?<br />

Avoiding Halloween entirely is one option. Another is<br />

providing Christian alternatives such as harvest events.<br />

Parents can also provide children with a faith-based<br />

understanding of Halloween. You can use the holiday to<br />

discover the differences between God’s truth and false<br />

beliefs. Here are ways to start:<br />

Explore children’s fears regarding death. Kids often ask<br />

tough questions that make adults uncomfortable. When<br />

topics such as death and the devil arise, let your home be a<br />

safe place where children can express their fears. Then turn to the Bible for answers.<br />

Share with children the history of Halloween. The holiday first marked the eve<br />

of All Hallows or All Saints’ Day, when Christians remember saints who’ve died. Talk<br />

about special family members or friends who are now in heaven with Jesus. Also<br />

share that all who believe in Jesus are called to be saints, or holy people (see Romans<br />

1:7).<br />

Put on the “armor of God” as protection against evil. Read aloud Ephesians<br />

6:10-20 and discuss how God keeps us safe. Let children dress up in this armor; for<br />

example, wear the belt of truth to recognize Satan’s lies and resist his temptations<br />

Trick or Truth?<br />

•According to a recent Gallup Poll, one in 10 Americans objects to celebrating<br />

Halloween because of religious beliefs. In a poll at about.com, 40% of respondents<br />

said Halloween activities are harmless and fun.<br />

•At edutopia.org, 52% of poll respondents said public schools should celebrate<br />

Halloween and that children whose parents object should be excused from the<br />

festivities. Another 41% said an alternative seasonal festival should include everyone.<br />


ASK GOD:<br />

1. To help you teach and remind<br />

children of God’s truths.<br />

2. To protect your children from evil<br />

forces and activities.<br />

3. To help your children learn to resist<br />

Satan’s temptations.<br />


Start now to safeguard children against<br />

being misled by the false teachings of<br />

cults.<br />

• Love and accept children<br />

unconditionally. Show them that<br />

church is the place to find God’s<br />

love and acceptance.<br />

• Teach children to think critically.<br />

They must know what they believe<br />

and why.<br />

• Expect and encourage kids to<br />

question their faith. Doubts help<br />

spur faith growth.<br />

• Teach kids to understand the Bible.<br />

Always look at the context of verses.<br />

• Talk to children about false<br />

religions. Otherwise, they’ll be<br />

unprepared to evaluate and respond<br />

to cults when they’re out on their<br />

own.<br />

• Pray and trust the Holy Spirit. God<br />

promises to keep his children safe in<br />

his truth.

OpenThe OpenTheBook<br />

Book<br />

“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the<br />

truth, and the life. No one can come<br />

to the Father except through me.”<br />

John 14:6<br />

Jesus, our Savior, is the only source of<br />

truth and the only way to eternal life.<br />



1. Bible Villains—Put a Biblical spin<br />

on children’s interest in “bad guys”<br />

by learning more about Bible-time<br />

villains such as Pharaoh, Goliath,<br />

Bathsheba, Delilah, Haman, Pilate,<br />

and Judas. Discuss these people’s<br />

actions and how we can avoid<br />

being like them.<br />

2. Reverse Trick or Treat—<br />

Surprise neighbors with an<br />

unexpected act of kindness. Bake<br />

some goodies and deliver them by<br />

ringing doorbells and saying,<br />

“Reverse trick or treat!” As you<br />

walk from home to home, talk<br />

about Biblical truths such as the<br />

Golden Rule—and why God tells us<br />

to love our neighbors.<br />

3. Let It Shine—Make some<br />

luminarias by decorating brown<br />

paper sacks and filling them each<br />

with sand and a votive candle. Line<br />

them along your sidewalk to light a<br />

path to faith in Christ at<br />

Halloween. Read aloud Isaiah 9:2<br />

and share ways you can help<br />

others see the light of Jesus all<br />

year long.<br />


“So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to<br />

these words of mine. Tie them to your hands<br />

and wear them on your forehead as<br />

reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk<br />

about them when you are at home and when<br />

you are ON THE ROAD, when you are going to<br />

bed and when you are getting up.”<br />

Deuteronomy 11:18-19, NLT<br />

Talk about children’s fears and beliefs by using these conversation<br />

-starting starting questions:<br />

1. What kinds of things frighten you the most, and why? Why do you think<br />

Jesus tells us to not be afraid (see John 6:20)?<br />

2. What makes you feel better when you’re scared? How do you comfort other<br />

people when they’re facing fears?<br />

3. How can you tell when other people are telling the truth?<br />

4. Why does Jesus want us to live according to his truth found in the Bible?<br />

How can we make sure we do that?<br />


Use these activities to discover where we can find real truth. The first works<br />

well with younger children, and the second works well with older children.<br />

• Pumpkin Matchup—Remove the seeds and pulp from two pumpkins.<br />

Carve them together, reserving large pieces from your designs. Place<br />

all the pieces on a tray in the center of the room. Place the carved<br />

pumpkins at opposite ends of the room. Then form two teams and<br />

have teams each stand by a pumpkin. Say: “Let’s complete our<br />

pumpkins. Race to match your team’s pieces to your pumpkin. If a<br />

piece doesn’t fit, return it to the pile. Afterward, say: “It isn’t always<br />

easy to find the right match for things.” Read 1 John 2:5. Say: “Jesus<br />

wants us to do things that match up with the Bible. Following Jesus<br />

makes us complete.”<br />

• Searching for the Truth—Fill a<br />

large tub with ice cubes and 20 or<br />

30 clear marbles. Have family<br />

members try to pick up the<br />

marbles with their bare toes. Ask:<br />

“How easy or difficult was this<br />

task? How were the marbles<br />

different from or similar to the<br />

ice? How is distinguishing between marbles and ice cubes with your<br />

toes like or unlike deciding what’s true and what isn’t?” Say: “What’s<br />

false often looks or feels like truth. Just as our feet got cold and numb<br />

from the ice while we were looking for the marbles, sometimes false<br />

things can make us numb to the truth. The best way to know truth is<br />

to pick up and hold on to God’s Word.” Read aloud Psalm 119:105<br />

and discuss ways that God’s Word lights our path and warms our<br />

hearts. Then enjoy a warm snack.<br />

Page 27

This page is designed to help educate parents and isn’t meant to endorse any movie, music, or product.<br />

Our prayer is that you’ll make informed decisions about what your children watch, listen to, and wear.<br />


Movie: Flipped (now in theaters)<br />

Genre: Comedy, drama, romance<br />

Rating: PG (for some language and thematic material)<br />

Cast: Madeline Carroll, Callan McAuliffe, Anthony Edwards, Rebecca De<br />

Mornay<br />

Synopsis: This coming-of-age movie, based on a young-adult novel<br />

about first love, takes Juli and Bryce from second grade to junior high.<br />

These neighbors and classmates discover who they are—as individuals<br />

and as a pair.<br />

Discussion Questions: At what age can someone truly fall in love? How can you tell<br />

whether your feelings are just a crush or something more? Read aloud 1 Corinthians<br />

13:4-7. What can our first relationships teach us about true love? For you, what are the<br />

most challenging parts of love, as God intends for it to be?<br />


Artist: Taylor Swift<br />

Album: Speak Now<br />

Artist Info: Country-pop sensation Swift, 20, started writing songs<br />

in school to deal with the pain of not fitting in. When other kids<br />

gave her grief, she wrote songs about them.<br />

Summary: For her third album, Swift wrote all the songs herself.<br />

She says the first single, “Mine,” is about her tendency to run from<br />

love. “Innocent” is about forgiving rapper Kanye West for interrupting her awards-show<br />

speech last year. It includes the line, “Today is never too late to be brand new.”<br />

Discussion Questions: What does it feel like to hold a grudge? How willing are you to<br />

forgive people who hurt you? Read aloud 2 Corinthians 5:17. In what ways are you a new<br />

creation? How can you let other people know that God has made them brand new, too?<br />

W<br />

Title Content<br />

Rating<br />

& Platform<br />

Ivy the Kiwi?<br />

Young Ivy goes on a journey to find her mom. Players<br />

maneuver Ivy via vines through storybook-like illustrations.<br />

This release, one of the first to use the new PlayStation<br />

E; DS, Wii<br />

Start the Party!<br />

Move, contains nine fast-paced mini-games.<br />

Contains comic mischief and mild cartoon violence.<br />

Players found cities, fight wars, and build wonders<br />

E; PS3<br />

Civilization RATINGS: V EC=Early of Childhood, the world E=Everyone in this history-based (ages 6+), strategy E10+ (ages game. 10+), T=Teen (ages E10+; 13+) PC<br />

Contains mild violence.<br />

Page 28<br />


RATINGS: EC=Early Childhood, E=Everyone (ages 6+), E10+ (ages 10+), T=Teen (ages 13+)<br />



What’s happening right now that<br />

may affect your children and family:<br />

• Some schools are banning Silly<br />

Bandz, the rubber bracelets and<br />

rings popular with children<br />

across the country, because<br />

they’re a distraction and kids<br />

are flinging them at one<br />

another.<br />

• To give their children an<br />

advantage in school, more<br />

parents are now “redshirting”<br />

their kindergartners, holding<br />

them back a year—especially if<br />

their birthdays are near<br />

registration cutoff dates.<br />

(livescience.com)<br />

______________<br />


• 69% of preteens say talks with<br />

their parents are very helpful<br />

for dealing with pressures and<br />

challenges.<br />



We need volunteer help for children’s ministry in the fall. Please go to our KU Info Table for our service opportunities<br />

sign-up form and more info or contact beth@gracepoint.ca.<br />

KU REGISTRATION (for kids 0-gr.5)<br />

Parents, if you haven’t already completed a 2010-11 KU Registration form for your children, please visit the KU Info<br />

table for a copy so that we can update our records for the fall.<br />

PARENTS:<br />

These are the leaders/teachers we still need for Fall on Sundays:<br />

At the 9am service, Surrey South<br />

At the 11:15am service, Surrey South<br />

� 2 leaders/shepherds (Grade 1&5)<br />

� 1 shepherd (Grade 4/5)<br />

� 4 large Group teachers (Grade 1-5- for all services) � 2 leaders (2-5yr. olds)<br />

� 1 class teacher (2/3yr. olds)<br />

� 4 nursery caregivers<br />

� 2 nursery caregivers<br />

*Also we need lots of helpers in various areas.<br />

At the 10:30am service, Bell Centre<br />

� 4 leaders (Grade 1/2, 3, 4/5)<br />




Thank you to all our wonderful<br />

KU volunteer crew who attended<br />

the KU fall training breakfast<br />

on Sat, Sept.11.<br />

It’s a joy partnering with you in<br />

Children’s Ministry at <strong>Gracepoint</strong>.<br />


Please consider getting involved as volunteers for<br />

Sunday mornings in Kids Unlimited. Please drop by<br />

the KU Info Table in the lobby to sign-up or talk to a<br />

KU staff or contact Beth McGill: beth@gracepoint.ca<br />

Page 29

Page 30<br />


Operation Christmas Child is a project of<br />

Samaritan’s Purse, a non-denominational Christian<br />

relief and development organization. The donations<br />

go to children who are often living in conditions<br />

affected by war, poverty and natural disaster.<br />

For more info, check out www.samaritanspurse.ca<br />

or call 1-800-303-1269<br />

L<br />

ast year over 300 shoeboxes full of gifts were donated by <strong>Gracepoint</strong> families. We encourage<br />

you to invite your friends and families to get involved in this rewarding and life-changing<br />

project again this season. It’s an opportunity to reach out and share tangible expressions of<br />

God’s love with children all around the globe .<br />

OCC boxes & flyers will be available in the lobby beginning SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24TH<br />

Donations due back to the church by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH<br />


If you and or your family are available after the deadline (Sun, Nov.14), and would like to help by<br />

delivering the gift-filled shoe-boxes to the local collection centre for packing & sorting, please<br />

contact Beth McGill: beth@gracepoint.ca<br />


Page 31

Page 32<br />

“My passion in youth<br />

ministry is to "love one<br />

student at a time" as my<br />

team of leaders and I<br />

seek to develop relevant<br />

and passionate<br />

followers of Jesus.”<br />



kevin@gracepoint.ca<br />

A bible<br />

study time for Grades 6-12<br />

On the first Sunday of the month, students<br />

are asked to remain in the service.<br />

Surrey Surrey South South South Campus Campus—the Campus Campus the Youth Room Room<br />

The The Campus Campus—Room Campus Campus Room B115<br />


October October Focus<br />

Focus<br />

10, 10, 17, 17, 24, 24, 31<br />


SR. HIGH<br />


GRADES 9-12<br />

Tuesdays 7-9pm<br />

Surrey South Campus<br />


Meet at the Surrey South Campus<br />

Check in at 5:30 on OCT 29TH<br />

Pick up at 2:30pm on OCT 31ST<br />

Cost $135 by Oct 5th or ($145 after)<br />

Pick up a registration form from Kevin<br />

Page 33


Page 34<br />

Where FAITH and FUN collide and...<br />

ALARMING things happen!<br />

Thursdays<br />

7 – 8:30pm<br />

3487 King George Blvd<br />

Surrey South Campus<br />


Lock-in/All-nighter<br />

at the Surrey South Campus<br />

FRI, OCT 22ND – SAT, OCT 23RD<br />

7:30pm – 7:30am<br />

Cost and Details to come.<br />

Check out on-line or<br />

get a brochure to register!<br />


Ascent Ministries is aimed at Young Adults in our community.<br />

We meet at Wired Monk Rodeo (152 nd Street & Highway 10)<br />

on Wednesday evenings at 7pm!<br />

Come and enjoy some coffee, fellowship, and time in the word together.<br />

H ere’s a quick update on what’s<br />

been happening at Ascent:<br />

� This fall we have over 25 people attending<br />

each gathering for our services “ Illustrated<br />

Bible Stories.. . For young adults.<br />

� The Ascent mailing list grew to a whopping 60<br />

young adults in the first two weeks – 51 of<br />

these people signed up on their own, and the<br />

rest were email addresses passed along to me<br />

by parents.<br />

� 116 people started following the ‘Ascent<br />

Ministries’ page on facebook, most of whom<br />

have also connected with me personally via<br />

social networking (twitter/facebook). It has<br />

proven to be a key tool in getting the news<br />

out about Ascent!<br />

� People are feeling very comfortable at the<br />

Wired Monk. This has been expressed to me<br />

a few times by people attending.<br />

� Our community of young adults is continuing<br />

to grow. Everyone is receptive to teaching<br />

and they are spending time growing and<br />

praying together, regularly.<br />

� Having musicians come in and play at the end<br />

of the night has been an incredible ‘third<br />

thing’ to encourage people to stick around<br />

and hang out. Most people are staying<br />

around for an hour after we’ve officially<br />

ended to spend time in community with each<br />

other.<br />

ASCENT<br />

And here are two testimonies from<br />

this summer:<br />

One young man says that he “loves the vibe<br />

and feel of the Ascent meetings at Wired<br />

Monk, and although he is a non-Christian<br />

(but curious) is loving learning more about<br />

Jesus.”<br />

One young woman posted this on the Ascent<br />

page wall after this last week: “I felt a rush of<br />

excitement when I left tonight. I didn’t realize<br />

how much I missed being in a group like this.<br />

It was great meeting some new people and I<br />

can’t wait to dive into this journey together.”<br />

In short – young adults are feeling<br />

comfortable spending time in fellowship<br />

with one another, and are showing a<br />

keen interest in learning more about<br />

Jesus and growing as a community<br />

through encouragement and<br />

accountability.<br />

It is so evident that God is preparing the<br />

way for some amazing work to be done<br />

in all of our hearts at Ascent this year.<br />

Please pray that people will continue to<br />

seek God and grow closer with one<br />

another through Him. Pray for a<br />

movement.<br />

I’ll see you all at the<br />

next Ascent gathering!<br />

Blessings on you,<br />

Jeremy Pue<br />

Young Adults Pastor<br />

Music Pastor (Surrey South Campus)<br />

jeremy@gracepoint.ca<br />

Page 35

Marie Isaac 572-0236 cater4umi@yahoo.ca<br />

Adrienne Alkema 536-8433 kalkema@gmail.com<br />

Judy Sojka 590-2205 jsojka@telus.net<br />

Rob and Kandy Yakemchuk 538-9731 yaksinstride@yahoo.ca<br />

Dane and Trish Jones 585-6803 trish_andrews@hotmail.com<br />

Lorraine Schroeder 541-2589 clschroeder@shaw.ca<br />

Fred & Pat Wiens 533-1496 efwiens@pacificcoast.net<br />

John & Dorothy Howat 538-0411 john@howat.org<br />

Dorothea Bergen 538-5684 endorphins_@hotmail.com<br />

Helen Jackson 532-3110 helenjackson@shaw.ca<br />

Page 36<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Dinner<br />


FOOD!!!!<br />

H istorically, this page has been primarily<br />

dedicated to sharing a recipe, a Sunday<br />

Night <strong>Community</strong> Dinner schedule, and the<br />

occasional comments about the dinner<br />

program. Well, we food lovers want to up the<br />

ante on this reserved space and focus on more<br />

‘food’ events within the church.<br />

Food plays a very important role in our lives,<br />

especially since it is one of the basic necessities<br />

for sustaining life. Besides feeding our physical<br />

bodies though, what happens around the food<br />

table also nourishes our souls. Within the<br />

scriptures, we find many examples where food<br />

was part of the circumstances and events<br />

recorded there. As early as Adam and Eve, we<br />

have the eating of the forbidden fruit, and then<br />

there was the time when an angel visited<br />

Abraham and prepared a feast for the father of<br />

Israel. There are also the examples of the fatted<br />

calf prepared for the prodigal son, Jesus eating<br />

with his disciples, and Jesus feeding the five<br />

thousand—just to name a few!<br />

Within <strong>Gracepoint</strong>, we have hosted the Alpha<br />

program where we invited friends and<br />

neighbours to a non-threatening environment<br />

that began each week with a meal shared<br />

around the table. As one who prepared the<br />



food, it was very interesting to watch as<br />

people came and ate together before<br />

hearing the word of God. Shy and reluctant<br />

to interact at first, many of the invited guests<br />

soon blossomed around the table. That<br />

fellowship drew them back until the spiritual<br />

component ‘kicked’ in. Lasting friendships<br />

were built and all of this began with simply<br />

eating together.<br />

This season, <strong>Gracepoint</strong> is beginning a new<br />

Wednesday night prayer/worship time called<br />

“FUEL” on the last Wednesday of every<br />

month. The evening will begin with a dinner<br />

at 6:30 pm. I would encourage you to carve<br />

out time in your schedule to participate. The<br />

shared meal time will be a great opportunity<br />

for you to get to know new friends, and<br />

develop the relationships you have. Who<br />

knows what miracles we may witness or<br />

what new ministries might be birthed as a<br />

result of this monthly gathering—and it all<br />

starts with a simple meal around a table.<br />

Oct 3 Marie Isaac<br />

10 Adrienne Alkema<br />

17 Judy Sojka<br />

24 Rob and Kandy Yakemchuk<br />

31 Dane and Trish Jones<br />

Nov 7 Lorraine Schroeder<br />

14 Fred and Pat Wiens<br />

21 John and Dorothy Howat<br />

28 Dorothea Bergen<br />

Dec 5 Helen Jackson<br />

12 Marie Isaac<br />

19 Adrienne Alkema<br />

26 Judy Sojka


25TH<br />

The conundrum of connectedness in the digital age.<br />


The Delta Lion Pub (11186 84th Ave, Delta)<br />

Starting at 6:30PM Register to attend the event and enjoy an evening of dinner and<br />

discussion. Email register@thekindlings.ca to reserve your place.<br />

As always, the show will be available on the web just days after recording.<br />

If you cannot join us live, please check it out on the web at www.thekindlings.ca<br />

<strong>Connect</strong>ion Point Recommended Reading List<br />

Oprah has her book club, Chapters has “Heather’s Picks,” we thought it would be good to ask staff, ministry<br />

leaders, and members of the church at large to share with us their top picks for life-giving, transformational,<br />

and inspiring literature. This month, we are featuring “Lisa’s Top Five”:<br />

Cold Tangerines – Shauna Niequist<br />

The 5 Love Languages – Gary Chapman<br />

Needless Casualties of War – John Paul Jackson<br />

The Anointing – RT Kendall<br />

Death by Meeting – Patrick Lencioni<br />

I f you have a top 5 you would like to share with us, please email Maxine@gracepoint.ca<br />


Page 37

Christmas in November<br />

Christmas will be in the air<br />

Bring your girlfriends to a festive night of fun<br />

The Gift of<br />

Page 38<br />

Monday and Tuesday,<br />

November 15 & 16<br />

Tickets available SOON!<br />

Host a table for $35 and invite 7 of your friends<br />




7:00pm at the Surrey South Campus<br />


8:30am-12:00pm at the Surrey South Campus. Cost $5: includes coffee, tea, snacks and worksheets.<br />

Please register online at www.gracepoint.ca<br />

"FALL BACK" - clocks go back - NOVEMBER 7TH<br />


9:00-12:30pm at the Surrey South Campus<br />


The apostle Paul exhorts us, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who<br />

belong to the family of believers.”<br />

(Galatians 6:10). We have an opportunity to encourage and assist people in need, in a concrete way. We have created<br />

a fund to help those in real need with real cash. On November 14th, we will receive a second offering at the end of the<br />

service dedicated to assisting people facing financial challenges. We will be doing this four times a year. May God bless<br />

you as you express the love of God in this way.<br />


A Family Event (ages 8-88)<br />

Meet the bible characters up close and personal. Trace major geographical movements on a giant map. Rekindle a<br />

desire to read the Bible and pray daily.<br />

Additional fees and details TBA<br />



WEDNESDAYS 7:30-9:30 at the Surrey South Campus.<br />

16 Years old and up. For more info contact Rob Veer at robveer@dccnet.com<br />


WEDNESDAYS 7:30pm at the Surrey South Campus<br />

in the Fireside Room<br />


Join us for a new gathering... Dinner ($10) at 6:30pm on the last Wed of each month at the Surrey South Campus. Put<br />

it in your calendar and make it a monthly priority. As we follow Jesus in the adventure of prayer we will meet for<br />

supper, worship through music and focused prayer as well as the opportunity to receive prayer. Come join the<br />

pastoral team as we linger in prayer!! To reserve your spot at dinner please email maxine@gracepoint.ca.<br />


Page 39

Mbejft!Cppl!Dmvc!!!<br />

Mbejft!Cppl!Dmvc!!<br />

Hey <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Gals!<br />

Do you love to read?<br />

Do you enjoy connecting with<br />

others over coffee & a good book?<br />

Then . . . the <strong>Gracepoint</strong> Bookclub just<br />

might be for YOU!<br />

This is not a college english course - there<br />

are no essays to write or tests to take.<br />

Just other women to share your thoughts &<br />

reactions with about the books read.<br />

Give it a try - you just might like it!<br />

Page 40<br />

WHEN? We meet the third Tuesday of each month<br />

Tuesday, October 19th @ 7:00 p.m.<br />

WHERE? Judy Marshall's place<br />

13112 - 66B Avenue Surrey BC<br />

WHAT'S THE BOOK? “Mennonite In A Little Black Dress:<br />

A Memoir of Going Home” by Rhonda Janzen.<br />


Adults Unlimited<br />

T<br />

his year we are continuing with the Adults Unlimited group. It is a group of adults (not all<br />

seniors!) who meet, usually once a month for social interaction. It is a good way to connect to<br />

others in the church as well as being a place to bring your church seeking friends.<br />

Last year we did the Circle Farm Tour out in Agassi, had a games night at church, went to<br />

Victoria for a day, and to the Van Dusen Gardens to see the Christmas lights. The group also<br />

went to the Surrey Olympic Celebration at Holland Park, drove to La Conner to see the Tulip<br />

fields, played a game of putting golf at Cultus Lake and Lawn bowled at a club in White Rock.<br />

Our visit to La Conner to see the Tulip fields<br />

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the group. We are starting October 1 st with a<br />

bowling evening followed by snacks at Boston Pizza. On the 29th of October there is a Gospel<br />

Quartet Concert at a church in Linden Washington and some have expressed interest in<br />

attending that. No tickets required as it is funded by a freewill offering.<br />


Page 41

Page 42<br />

Day trip<br />

Boston Pizza<br />

Bowling<br />

We plan to start the Christmas season with an<br />

evening of turkey dinner, and fellowship.<br />

We look forward to having you there.<br />

Details regarding all our events will<br />

appear in the weekly bulletin at church.<br />

If you would like to have your name added to the<br />

email list please contact Fred Wiens at<br />

efwiens@pacificcoast.net and you will receive<br />

the latest updates on the group.<br />


For further information and suggestions please<br />

contact JoAnn Lyons at 778-292-1229<br />

or Pat Wiens at 604-533-1496.









¼ CUP SUGAR<br />

1 ½ TSP VANILLA<br />




Recipe Recipe for: for:<br />

for:<br />

CARAMEL,<br />

CARAMEL,<br />



PECAN<br />

PECAN<br />

TORTE<br />

TORTE<br />

Got a favorite recipe that you would like to share,<br />

contact Marie at cater4umi @yahoo.ca<br />


From From the the the Kitchen Kitchen of:<br />

of:<br />

Marie Marie Isaac<br />

Isaac<br />

1. Mix together the chocolate crumbs and the melted butter. Press half of the crumbs into the bottom of an 8 or 9 inch<br />

spring form pan.<br />

2. Over hot water combine 1 ½ cups of the chocolate chips and ½ cup of the whipping cream, stir until chocolate is melted<br />

and cream is combined. Cool for about 30 minutes.<br />

3. Whip 1 ½ cups of whipping cream until forms soft peaks, blend into the cooled chocolate mixture.<br />

Combine the cream cheese, ¼ cup of caramel sauce and ½ cup of pecans.<br />

4. Carefully spread ½ of the chocolate whipped cream mixture over the crumbs in pan. Top with all the cream cheese<br />

mixture, then sprinkle remaining chocolate crumbs over this layer. Then add the remaining chocolate mixture.<br />

Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 4 to 24 hours.<br />

5. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving. Take torte from spring form pan and place on serving plate. Cut into<br />

wedges. Whip remaining ½ cup pf whipping cream. Mound the whipping cream in the center of torte and drizzle caramel<br />

topping over it and sprinkle with chopped pecans.<br />

Page 43

Our Missionaries & Sponsorships<br />

Page 44<br />

Garry and Kristen Corrigan<br />

Serving with the Canadian Conference of MB in Quebec<br />

John and Ev Wiens<br />

Serving with MBMSI in (Zaporozhve) Ukraine<br />

www.mbmsi.org<br />

Cecil Rast<br />

Jen Hubbard<br />

Serving with Youth for Christ in Surrey,<br />

www.gvyfc.org<br />

Brian Brown<br />

Sam Rowland<br />

Serving with Youth for Christ in Greater Vancouver,<br />

www.gvyfc.org<br />


Tim Ibbotson<br />

Serving with Young Life in Great Vancouver<br />

www.younglife.ca<br />

Rob and Judy Griffioen<br />

Serving with MBMS International in (PHUKET) Southern Thailand<br />

www.mbmsi.org<br />

Carolyn Thiessen<br />

Serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship in Greater Vancouver<br />

crtcare@telus.net<br />

Cynthia Friesen<br />

Serving with MBMS International in (PHUKET) Southern Thailand<br />


N<br />

astya was very dissatisfied with her life. She<br />

had gotten married at a young age and now<br />

there were problems in her marriage. She<br />

wondered what she could have done with her life if she<br />

hadn’t gotten married. She dreamed of traveling and<br />

was searching for some kind of fulfillment or purpose<br />

for her life.<br />

Then Nastya met MBMSI missionaries John & Evelyn<br />

Wiens through an English class that John was teaching.<br />

She was introduced to the Ukraine TREK team soon<br />

after they arrived in Zaporozhye. Team members Sarah<br />

Baffa and Jackie Waine spent the whole evening talking<br />

to her and they could tell that she felt lost. It was<br />

Jackie’s birthday in two days and she felt God prompting<br />

her to invite Nastya to her birthday party.<br />

Even though they hardly knew Nastya, she was eager to<br />

come to the party and also brought along her four-yearold<br />

daughter. She was very quiet at the party, but the<br />

team could tell that she really enjoyed being there.<br />

Over the next few weeks, Sarah and Jackie often met<br />

with Nastya for coffee. They shared the gospel with her<br />

and Nastya asked lots of questions. They could see that<br />

she was searching for the truth and that her heart was<br />

opening more and more.<br />

A few days before Christmas, missionary John Wiens ran<br />

into Nastya one morning at a coffee shop. After meeting<br />

and talking together, Nastya made the decision to<br />

follow Jesus!<br />


John and Ev Wiens In the Ukraine<br />

with MBMSI<br />

www.mbmsi.org<br />

Nastya’s life has been transformed and the TREK team was<br />

encouraged as they saw incredible growth in her during their<br />

time in Ukraine. Although there are many difficulties in her<br />

life, Nastya is so filled with joy and it is evident that the Holy<br />

Spirit is working in and through her. She is excited to tell<br />

other people about the changes that God has made in her<br />

life.<br />

When Nastya lost her job, she told the team, “If this had<br />

happened a few months before, when I didn’t have Christ in<br />

my life, I would have been a mess. But because I have God, I<br />

could just get up and carry on with my day. It just didn’t<br />

bother me; that’s God working in my life!”<br />

Pray that Nastya will continue to be on fire and passionate<br />

for Jesus. Praise God for bringing John & Evelyn and the TREK<br />

team into her life at a time where she was open and ready<br />

for the gospel. Pray also that Nastya’s husband will be drawn<br />

to Christ as he sees the amazing change in her life.<br />

“We pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious<br />

power so you will have all the endurance and patience you<br />

need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father.<br />

He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs<br />

to His people, who live in the light. For He has rescued us<br />

from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the<br />

Kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and<br />

forgave our sins.” - Colossians 2:11-14<br />


Page 45

Page 46<br />


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat<br />

3<br />

Meet the<br />

Pastors<br />

10 11<br />

4 5<br />

Sr. High<br />

HAPPY<br />


12<br />

Sr. High<br />

17 18 19<br />

Sr. High<br />

24 25<br />

The<br />

Kindlings<br />

31<br />

Halloween<br />


6 Evangelism Workshop<br />

14 610 Offering<br />

14 Newcomers’ Dessert<br />

15 & 16 Christmas in November<br />

23 Mini Leadership Summit<br />

25 The Kindlings Muse<br />

Ladies Book<br />

Club<br />

26<br />

Sr. High<br />

6<br />

Weekly Prayer<br />

Meeting<br />

ASCENT<br />

Men’s Floor<br />

Hockey<br />

13<br />

Weekly Prayer<br />

Meeting<br />

ASCENT<br />

Men’s Floor<br />

Hockey<br />

20<br />

Weekly Prayer<br />

Meeting<br />

ASCENT<br />

Men’s Floor<br />

Hockey<br />

27<br />

Monthly Prayer<br />

Gathering<br />

ASCENT<br />

Men’s Floor<br />

Hockey<br />


7<br />

Jr. High<br />

Children’s Choir<br />

Begins<br />

Grace Based<br />

Parenting<br />

14<br />

Jr. High<br />

Children’s Choir<br />

Grace Based<br />

Parenting<br />

21<br />

Jr. High<br />

Children’s Choir<br />

Grace Based<br />

Parenting<br />

28<br />

Jr. High<br />

Children’s Choir<br />

Grace Based<br />

Parenting<br />

1<br />

Adults<br />

Unlimited<br />

2<br />

8 9<br />

15 16<br />

22 23<br />

Mini<br />

Leadership<br />

Summit<br />

29 30<br />

BASEMENT SUITE FOR RENT: Bright, one bdrm suite on quiet street in Cedar Hills area,<br />

surrey. Private entrance, in suite washer and dryer, built-in vacuum, alarm system, heat,<br />

cable, included. Close to bus route. Non-smoking, no pets. $600 per month. Available<br />

September 1st. 604-584-6741.<br />


Oakland's - 62nd Ave and 152 St., 3 bdrm townhouse, private gated backyard, tandem<br />

parking/Garage Door opener. Appliances, washer/ dryer, hardwood floors on main,<br />

fireplace, window coverings, 2 full bathrooms. Centrally located ...walking distance to bus,<br />

school, stores and a short drive to YMCA. Lots amenities pool, exercise room.<br />

Non-smoking. Price: $1450. Contact: Diane (604) 536-2808 or Jordan (604) 970-6500

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