Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH - University of Texas School of Public ...

Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH - University of Texas School of Public ... Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH - University of Texas School of Public ...


Patricia Dolan Mullen p. 10 41. Palmer RC,* Fernandez ME, Tortolero-Luna G, Gonzales A, Mullen PD. Correlates of mammography screening among Hispanic women living in lower Rio Grande Valley farmworker communities. Health Education & Behavior. 2005 Aug;32(4):488-503. [doi: 10.1177/1090198105276213] 42. Cantor SB, Byrd TL, Groff JY, Reyes Y, Tortolero-Luna G, Mullen PD. The language translation process in survey research: A cost analysis. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2005 Aug;27(3):364-370. [doi: 10.1177/0739986305277940] � Oral presentation to: Society for Medical Decision Making, 1998, Cambridge, MA 43. Bakker MJ,* de Vries H, Mullen PD, Kok G. Predictors of perceiving smoking cessation counselling as a midwife’s role: A survey of Dutch midwives. European Journal of Public Health. 2005 Feb;15(1):39-42. [doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cki109] 44. Pruitt SL,* Mullen PD. Contraception or abortion? Inaccurate descriptions of emergency contraception in newspaper articles, 1992-2002. Contraception. 2005 Jan;71(1):14-21. [doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2004. 07.012] � Presented to: American Public Health Association, 2004, Washington, DC 45. Shegog R., Bartholomew LK, Czyzewski DI, Sockrider MM, Craver J, Pilney S, Mullen PD, Koeppl P, Gold RS, Fernandez M, Abramson SL. Development of an expert system knowledge base: A novel approach to promote guideline congruent asthma care. Journal of Asthma. 2004 Jun;41(4):385-402. [doi: 10.1081/JAS- 120026098] � Oral presentation to: American Thoracic Society, 2000, Toronto 46. Mullen PD. How can more smoking suspension during pregnancy become lifelong abstinence? Lessons learned about predictors, interventions, and gaps in our accumulated knowledge. [Invited article.] Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2004 Apr;6(Supp 2):s217-s238. [doi: 10.1080/14622200410001669150] � Presented to: World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 2000, Chicago � Presented to: International Workshop on Smoking in Pregnancy and Postpartum, Sep 2005, Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany [Invited update paper] 47. Nosek MA, Hughes RB, Howland CA, Young ME, Mullen PD, Shelton ML. The meaning of health for women with physical disabilities: A qualitative analysis. Family & Community Health. 2004 Jan;27(1):6-21. 48. Briss P, Rimer B, Reilley B, Coates RC, Lee NC, Mullen P, Corso P, Hutchinson AB, Hiatt R, Kerner J, George P, White C, Gandhi N, Saraiya M, Breslow R, Isham G, Teutsch S, Hinman AR, Lawrence R, & the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Promoting informed decisions about cancer screening in communities and health care systems. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004 Jan;26(1):67-80. [doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2003.09.012] 49. Sockrider MM,* Hudmon KS, Addy R, Mullen PD. An exploratory study of control of smoking in the home to reduce infant exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2003 Dec;5(6):901- 910. [doi:10.1080/14622200310001615240] � Presented to: American Thoracic Society, 1992, Miami � Presented to: American Association of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 1997, San Francisco 50. Heesch KC,* Mâsse LC, Dunn AL, Frankowski RF, Dolan-Mullen P. Does adherence to a lifestyle physical activity intervention predict changes in physical activity? Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2003 Aug;26(4):333-348. [doi: 10.1023/A:1024205011001] � Presented to: American College of Sports Medicine, 2002, Indianapolis 51. Hughes RB, Nosek MA, Howland CA, Groff JY, Mullen PD. Health promotion for women with physical disabilities: A pilot study. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2003 Aug;48(3):182-188. 52. Stancic N,* Mullen PD, Frankowski RF, Prokhorov AV, McAlister AL. Continuing medical education: What delivery format do physicians prefer? Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2003 Sum;23(3):162-167. [doi: 10.1002/chp.1340230307]

Patricia Dolan Mullen p. 11 53. [Sobell MB, Sobell LC, Johnson K, Velasquez MM, Mullen PD, von Sternberg K, Nettleman MD, Ingersoll KS, Ceperich SD, Rosenthal J, Floyd RL, Sidhu JS.] Motivational intervention to reduce alcohol-exposed pregnancies: Florida, Texas, and Virginia, 1997-2001. MMWR Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. 2003 May 16;52(19):441-444. � Presented to: American Public Health Association, 2003, San Francisco 54. Project CHOICES Intervention Research Group [Member, Writing Group]. Reducing the risk of alcoholexposed pregnancies: A feasibility study of motivational counseling in community settings. [Invited article.] Pediatrics. 2003 May;111(5 Pt 2):1131-1135. [doi: 10.1542/peds.111.5.S1.1131; freely accessible at:] � Presented to: American Public Health Association, 2001, Atlanta � Presented to: Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 2000, New Orleans 55. Mullen PD, Cummins AG, Velasquez MM, von Sternberg K,* Carvajal R.* Jails as important but con-strained venues for addressing women’s health. Family & Community Health. 2003 Apr-June;26(2):76-88. � Presented to: Research Society on Alcoholism, 2000, Denver 56. Bakker MJ,* Mullen PD, de Vries H, van Breukelen G. Feasibility of implementation of a Dutch smoking cessation and relapse prevention protocol for pregnant women. Patient Education & Counseling. 2003 Jan;49(1):35-43. [doi: 10.1016/S0738-3991(02)00038-1] � Presented to: World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 2000, Chicago 57. Project CHOICES Survey Research Group [Member, Writing Group]. Alcohol-exposed pregnancy: Characteristics associated with risk. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2002 Oct;23(3):166-173. [doi 10.1016/S0749-3797(02)00495-6] � Presented to: American Public Health Association, 2001, Atlanta 58. Mullen PD, Ramírez G, Strouse D, Hedges LV, Sogolow E. Meta-analysis of the effects of behavioral HIV prevention interventions on the sexual risk reduction of sexually experienced adolescents in controlled studies in the United States. [Invited article.] Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2002 July 1;30(Suppl 1):s94-s105. [doi: 10.1097/01.QAI.0000019980.12814.DF] � Supplement nominated for the CDC Charles C. Shepard Science Award—see next 3 articles below 59. Johnson W, Semaan S, Hedges L, Ramírez G, Mullen PD, Sogolow E. A protocol for the analytic aspects of a systematic review of HIV prevention research. [Invited article.] Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2002 July 1; 30(Suppl 1):s 62-s72. [doi 10.1097/01.QAI.0000018888.47949.1B] 60. Semaan S, Kay L, Strouse D, Sogolow E, Mullen PD, Neumann MS, Flores SA, Peersman G, Johnson W, Lipman PD, Eke A, Tate R, Krayer M, Des Jarlais D. A profile of U.S.-based trials of behavioral and social interventions for HIV risk reduction. [Invited article.] Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2002 July 1;30(Suppl 1):s30-s50. [doi 10.1097/01.QAI.0000018886.51315.A9] 61. Sogolow E, Peersman G, Semaan S, Strouse D, Lyles CM, HIV/AIDS PRS Project Team [Mullen PD]. The HIV-AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) project: Scope, methods, and study classification results. [Invited article.] Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2002 July 1;30(Suppl 1):s15-s29. [doi: 10.1097/01.QAI.0000020602.22220.A6] � Presented to: World AIDS Conference, 1998, Geneva 62. Stotts AL,* DiClemente CC, Dolan-Mullen P. One-to-One: A motivational intervention for resistant pregnant smokers. Addictive Behaviors. 2002 Mar-Apr;27(2):275-292. � Presented to: Society for Behavioral Medicine, 1994, Boston � Presented to: World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 1994, Paris 63. McFarlane J, Hughes RB, Nosek MA, Groff JY, Swedlend N, Mullen PD. Abuse Assessment Screen- Disability (AAS-D): Measuring frequency, type, and perpetrator of abuse towards women with physical

<strong>Patricia</strong> <strong>Dolan</strong> <strong>Mullen</strong> p. 10<br />

41. Palmer RC,* Fernandez ME, Tortolero-Luna G, Gonzales A, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD. Correlates <strong>of</strong> mammography<br />

screening among Hispanic women living in lower Rio Grande Valley farmworker communities. Health<br />

Education & Behavior. 2005 Aug;32(4):488-503. [doi: 10.1177/1090198105276213]<br />

42. Cantor SB, Byrd TL, Gr<strong>of</strong>f JY, Reyes Y, Tortolero-Luna G, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD. The language translation process in<br />

survey research: A cost analysis. Hispanic Journal <strong>of</strong> Behavioral Sciences. 2005 Aug;27(3):364-370.<br />

[doi: 10.1177/0739986305277940]<br />

� Oral presentation to: Society for Medical Decision Making, 1998, Cambridge, MA<br />

43. Bakker MJ,* de Vries H, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD, Kok G. Predictors <strong>of</strong> perceiving smoking cessation counselling as a<br />

midwife’s role: A survey <strong>of</strong> Dutch midwives. European Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Public</strong> Health. 2005 Feb;15(1):39-42. [doi:<br />

10.1093/eurpub/cki109]<br />

44. Pruitt SL,* <strong>Mullen</strong> PD. Contraception or abortion? Inaccurate descriptions <strong>of</strong> emergency contraception in<br />

newspaper articles, 1992-2002. Contraception. 2005 Jan;71(1):14-21. [doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2004.<br />

07.012]<br />

� Presented to: American <strong>Public</strong> Health Association, 2004, Washington, DC<br />

45. Shegog R., Bartholomew LK, Czyzewski DI, Sockrider MM, Craver J, Pilney S, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD, Koeppl P, Gold<br />

RS, Fernandez M, Abramson SL. Development <strong>of</strong> an expert system knowledge base: A novel approach to<br />

promote guideline congruent asthma care. Journal <strong>of</strong> Asthma. 2004 Jun;41(4):385-402. [doi: 10.1081/JAS-<br />

120026098]<br />

� Oral presentation to: American Thoracic Society, 2000, Toronto<br />

46. <strong>Mullen</strong> PD. How can more smoking suspension during pregnancy become lifelong abstinence? Lessons<br />

learned about predictors, interventions, and gaps in our accumulated knowledge. [Invited article.] Nicotine &<br />

Tobacco Research. 2004 Apr;6(Supp 2):s217-s238. [doi: 10.1080/14622200410001669150]<br />

� Presented to: World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 2000, Chicago<br />

� Presented to: International Workshop on Smoking in Pregnancy and Postpartum, Sep 2005, Ernst Moritz<br />

Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany [Invited update paper]<br />

47. Nosek MA, Hughes RB, Howland CA, Young ME, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD, Shelton ML. The meaning <strong>of</strong> health for<br />

women with physical disabilities: A qualitative analysis. Family & Community Health. 2004 Jan;27(1):6-21.<br />

48. Briss P, Rimer B, Reilley B, Coates RC, Lee NC, <strong>Mullen</strong> P, Corso P, Hutchinson AB, Hiatt R, Kerner J,<br />

George P, White C, Gandhi N, Saraiya M, Breslow R, Isham G, Teutsch S, Hinman AR, Lawrence R, & the<br />

Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Promoting informed decisions about cancer screening in<br />

communities and health care systems. American Journal <strong>of</strong> Preventive Medicine. 2004 Jan;26(1):67-80. [doi:<br />

10.1016/j.amepre.2003.09.012]<br />

49. Sockrider MM,* Hudmon KS, Addy R, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD. An exploratory study <strong>of</strong> control <strong>of</strong> smoking in the home<br />

to reduce infant exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2003 Dec;5(6):901-<br />

910. [doi:10.1080/14622200310001615240]<br />

� Presented to: American Thoracic Society, 1992, Miami<br />

� Presented to: American Association <strong>of</strong> Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 1997, San Francisco<br />

50. Heesch KC,* Mâsse LC, Dunn AL, Frankowski RF, <strong>Dolan</strong>-<strong>Mullen</strong> P. Does adherence to a lifestyle physical<br />

activity intervention predict changes in physical activity? Journal <strong>of</strong> Behavioral Medicine. 2003<br />

Aug;26(4):333-348. [doi: 10.1023/A:1024205011001]<br />

� Presented to: American College <strong>of</strong> Sports Medicine, 2002, Indianapolis<br />

51. Hughes RB, Nosek MA, Howland CA, Gr<strong>of</strong>f JY, <strong>Mullen</strong> PD. Health promotion for women with physical<br />

disabilities: A pilot study. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2003 Aug;48(3):182-188.<br />

52. Stancic N,* <strong>Mullen</strong> PD, Frankowski RF, Prokhorov AV, McAlister AL. Continuing medical education: What<br />

delivery format do physicians prefer? Journal <strong>of</strong> Continuing Education in the Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essions. 2003<br />

Sum;23(3):162-167. [doi: 10.1002/chp.1340230307]

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