Reefs for the Future - Nova Southeastern University

Reefs for the Future - Nova Southeastern University Reefs for the Future - Nova Southeastern University


Location Information Author Index Oral and Poster Exhibits Program General Special Presentations Information Recognitions 138 P-14.467 Daniel BRAZEAU*, Daniel GLEASON Using a Multi-Locus Technique to Assess Population Genetic Structure and Infer Dispersal Patterns in Adult Populations of the Temperate Coral Oculina Arbuscula P-14.468 Susanna LOPEZ-LEGENTIL*, Joseph PAWLIK Genetic Structure of the Giant Barrel Sponge Xestospongia Muta in Northern Caribbean P-14.469 Benjamin VICTOR* Pelagic Larval Durations and Settlement Size in the Western Atlantic Lutjanus Spp. P-14.470 Tonatiuh TREJO-CANTWELL*, Brian W. BOWEN Recent Invasion of the Tropical Western Atlantic by an Indo-Pacific Deep-Sea Snapper P-14.471 Andia CHAVES-FONNEGRA*, Sally P. LEYS Glass Sponge Reefs on the Canadian Continental Shelf: Population Structure and Reproduction P-14.472 Joanne WILSON*, Peter MOUS, Chris ROTINSULU, Andreas MULJADI Understanding Potential Patterns of Larval Dispersal from Grouper Spawning Aggregations – Drifter Vial Studies from Raja Ampat Islands, Eastern Indonesia P-14.473 James MWALUMA, Boaz KAUNDA-ARARA*, Melckzedeck OSORE, Vidar ORESLAND Scale-Dependent Variability in Larval Supply in Coastal Kenya: Towards Estimating Connectivity of Reef Sites P-14.474 Elke MAIER*, Ralph TOLLRIAN, Beate NÜRNBERGER Population Genetic Structure of the Scleractinian Coral Seriatopora Hystrix on the Great Barrier Reef as Revealed by Microsatellites: Patterns of Reproduction and Dispersal P-14.475 Samantha WHITCRAFT*, John LAMKIN RACE to the REEF: Tracking Reef Fish from Open Ocean to Nursery Habitats to Coral Reefs and Back Again… P-14.476 Karen VON JUTERZENKA*, Neviaty ZAMANI, Richardus KASWADIJ, Indra JAYA, Tri PRARTONO Connectivity of West Javanese Coral Reefs and Coastal Ecosystem: The Results of Datamining P-14.477 John REED*, Shirley POMPONI, Robert GINSBURG Zonation of Mesophotic Reefs in the Bahamas P-14.478 Jérôme CATANÉO*, Paola FURLA, Denis ALLEMAND, Didier FORCIOLI Geographic Differentiation and Mass Mortalities of a Mediterranean Symbiotic Gorgonian: Eunicella Singularis P-14.479 Evelio VALEIRAS*, Evelio VALEIRAS Underwater Corridors as an Option to the Fragmentation of Marine Natural Spaces P-14.480 Ethan MACHEMER*, John WALTER, David KERSTETTER Corridors and Recruitment of Coral Reef Fishes P-14.481 Stacey WILLIAMS, Jorge GARCIA-SAIS, Brandi TODD* Seasonal Variation and Spatial Distribution Patterns of Echinodermata Larvae in La Parguera, Puerto Rico, with an Emphasis on Diadema Antillarum Larvae P-14.482 José Héctor LARA ARENAS*, Renata Bárbara RIVERA MADRID, Jesús Ernesto ARIAS GONZÁLEZ Microsatellite Analysis of Population Structure in Coral Montastraea Faveolatafrom Mexican Caribbean P-14.483 Brian J. ZGLICZYNSKI*, Edward E. DEMARTINI, Raymond C. BOLAND, Alan M. FRIEDLANDER Influences of Wind-Wave Exposure on the Distribution and Abundance of Recruit Reef Fishes on Back Reefs at Kure and Pearl & Hermes Atolls, NWHI P-14.484 Rikki GROBER-DUNSMORE*, Victor BONITO, Team KABATIA Community-Based MPA in Fiji Affords Reasonable Protection to Lethrinids P-14.485 Robert GINSBURG*, John REED Mesophotic Coral Reefs (30-100M), a Frontier of Reef Exploration P-14.486 Luis RODRIGUEZ, Hernan TORRES-PRATTS*, Tania LADO-INSUA, Nikolaos SCHIZAS Patterns of Genetic Variation of the Corallimorpharian, Ricordea Florida 11 th International Coral Reef Symposium ■ Reefs for the Future

P-14.487 Nathan KIRK*, Jason ANDRAS, Mary Alice COFFROTH Fine-Scale Population Structure of SymbiodiniumAssociated with the Common Caribbean Sea Fan Gorgonia Ventalinain the Florida Keys P-14.488 David Arturo PAZ-GARCÍA*, Francisco CORREA-SANDOVAL, Héctor Efrain CHÁVEZ-ROMO, Hector REYES- BONILLA, Ramón Andres LÓPEZ-PÉREZ, Pedro MEDINA-ROSAS, Martha Patricia HERNÁNDEZ-CORTÉS Genetic Structure of the Massive Coral Porites Panamensis (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) from the Mexican Pacific P-14.489 Héctor Efraín CHÁVEZ-ROMO*, Francisco CORREA-SANDOVAL, David Arturo PAZ-GARCÍA, Hector REYES- BONILLA, Ramón Andrés LÓPEZ PÉREZ, Pedro MEDINA-ROSAS, Martha Patricia HERNÁNDEZ-CORTÉS Genetic Structure of a Scleractinian Coral, Pocillopora Damicornis, in the Mexican Pacific P-14.490 David Arturo PAZ-GARCÍA*, Hector REYES-BONILLA, Martha Patricia HERNÁNDEZ-CORTÉS Genetic Variation in Two Morphotypes of Porites Panamensis from the Gulf of California, Mexico P-14.491 Christy PATTENGILL-SEMMENS*, Peter AUSTER, Brice SEMMENS Distributions and Diversity Hot-Spots of Gobies and Blennies Throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic: Implications for Managing Caribbean Reef Fish Diversity P-14.492 M. B. DEBIASSE*, V. P. RICHARDS, M. S. SHIVJI Genetic Connectivity in the Branching Vase Sponge (Callyspongia Vaginalis) Across the Florida Reef Tract and Caribbean P-14.493 Ron I. EYTAN*, Michael E. HELLBERG Stuck in a Hole: Extreme Differences in Genetic Differentiation Between Closely Related Caribbean Tube Blennies P-14.494 Wilfredo CAMPOS*, Pacifico BELDIA Ichthyoplankton Assemblages in Atolls Along Cagayan Ridge, Sulu Sea, Philippines P-14.495 Kazuhiko SAKAI* Crisis of Coral Metapopulations in Okinawa, Southern Japan P-14.496 Jiansheng LIAN*, Hui HUANG, Jianhui YANG, Xiubao LI Distribution of the Hermatypic Corals in Dongshan, Fujian Province, China and the Possible Link to the Tropical Warm Current Kuroshio P-14.497 Timothy WERNER*, Derek SKILLINGS, Benita CHICK Genetic Population Structure in a Widely Distributed Tropical Species of Sea Cucumber, Holothuria (Halodeima) Atra. P-14.498 Lina NORDLUND*, Johan ERLANDSSON, Martin GULLSTROM Human Exploitation of Invertebrates in Seagrass Meadows in East-Africa P-14.499 Richard UNSWORTH*, Pelayo SALINAS DE LEON, James BELL, Samantha GARRARD, David SMITH Do Mangroves and Seagrass Beds Contribute to Coral Reef Fish Productivity in the Indo-Pacific? P-14.500 Rachel RAVAGO GOTANCO*, Candice LUMIBAO, Ma. Josefa PANTE Genetic Connectivity of Siganus FuscescensPopulations Along the Northwest Luzon Coast Based on Microsatellite Data P-14.501 Vince RICHARDS*, Mahmood SHIVJI Genetic Evidence Supports Larval Retention in the Western Caribbean for an Invertebrate with High Dispersal Capability (Ophiothrix Suensonii: Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) P-14.502 David JONES*, John WALTER, Joe SERAFY Contribution of Mangrove Nursery Habitats to Replenishment of Adult Reef Fish Populations in Southern Florida P-14.503 Daniel BRAZEAU*, Paul SAMMARCO, Amy ATCHISON Genetic Structure in Coral Recruitment: Evidence of Extreme Patchiness in Settlement P-14.504 Horacio PÉREZ-ESPAÑA*, Juan Manuel VARGAS HERNÁNDEZ, Sarahi GÓMEZ VILLADA, Jacobo SANTANDER MONSALVO, Miguel Ángel LOZANO ABURTO, Alexandra ALVAREZ DEL CASTILLO CÁRDENAS, Miguel Ángel ROMÁN VÍVES First Description of a Southwestern Gulf of Mexico Reefs 11 th International Coral Reef Symposium ■ Reefs for the Future 139 Location Information Special Recognitions General Information Program Exhibits Oral and Poster Presentations Author Index

Location<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Author Index Oral and Poster Exhibits<br />

Program<br />

General<br />

Special<br />

Presentations<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Recognitions<br />

138<br />

P-14.467 Daniel BRAZEAU*, Daniel GLEASON<br />

Using a Multi-Locus Technique to Assess Population Genetic Structure and Infer Dispersal<br />

Patterns in Adult Populations of <strong>the</strong> Temperate Coral Oculina Arbuscula<br />

P-14.468 Susanna LOPEZ-LEGENTIL*, Joseph PAWLIK<br />

Genetic Structure of <strong>the</strong> Giant Barrel Sponge Xestospongia Muta in Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caribbean<br />

P-14.469 Benjamin VICTOR*<br />

Pelagic Larval Durations and Settlement Size in <strong>the</strong> Western Atlantic Lutjanus Spp.<br />

P-14.470 Tonatiuh TREJO-CANTWELL*, Brian W. BOWEN<br />

Recent Invasion of <strong>the</strong> Tropical Western Atlantic by an Indo-Pacific Deep-Sea Snapper<br />

P-14.471 Andia CHAVES-FONNEGRA*, Sally P. LEYS<br />

Glass Sponge <strong>Reefs</strong> on <strong>the</strong> Canadian Continental Shelf: Population Structure and Reproduction<br />

P-14.472 Joanne WILSON*, Peter MOUS, Chris ROTINSULU, Andreas MULJADI<br />

Understanding Potential Patterns of Larval Dispersal from Grouper Spawning Aggregations –<br />

Drifter Vial Studies from Raja Ampat Islands, Eastern Indonesia<br />

P-14.473 James MWALUMA, Boaz KAUNDA-ARARA*, Melckzedeck OSORE, Vidar ORESLAND<br />

Scale-Dependent Variability in Larval Supply in Coastal Kenya: Towards Estimating Connectivity of<br />

Reef Sites<br />

P-14.474 Elke MAIER*, Ralph TOLLRIAN, Beate NÜRNBERGER<br />

Population Genetic Structure of <strong>the</strong> Scleractinian Coral Seriatopora Hystrix on <strong>the</strong> Great Barrier<br />

Reef as Revealed by Microsatellites: Patterns of Reproduction and Dispersal<br />

P-14.475 Samantha WHITCRAFT*, John LAMKIN<br />

RACE to <strong>the</strong> REEF: Tracking Reef Fish from Open Ocean to Nursery Habitats to Coral <strong>Reefs</strong> and<br />

Back Again…<br />

P-14.476 Karen VON JUTERZENKA*, Neviaty ZAMANI, Richardus KASWADIJ, Indra JAYA, Tri PRARTONO<br />

Connectivity of West Javanese Coral <strong>Reefs</strong> and Coastal Ecosystem: The Results of Datamining<br />

P-14.477 John REED*, Shirley POMPONI, Robert GINSBURG<br />

Zonation of Mesophotic <strong>Reefs</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Bahamas<br />

P-14.478 Jérôme CATANÉO*, Paola FURLA, Denis ALLEMAND, Didier FORCIOLI<br />

Geographic Differentiation and Mass Mortalities of a Mediterranean Symbiotic Gorgonian:<br />

Eunicella Singularis<br />

P-14.479 Evelio VALEIRAS*, Evelio VALEIRAS<br />

Underwater Corridors as an Option to <strong>the</strong> Fragmentation of Marine Natural Spaces<br />

P-14.480 Ethan MACHEMER*, John WALTER, David KERSTETTER<br />

Corridors and Recruitment of Coral Reef Fishes<br />

P-14.481 Stacey WILLIAMS, Jorge GARCIA-SAIS, Brandi TODD*<br />

Seasonal Variation and Spatial Distribution Patterns of Echinodermata Larvae in La Parguera,<br />

Puerto Rico, with an Emphasis on Diadema Antillarum Larvae<br />

P-14.482 José Héctor LARA ARENAS*, Renata Bárbara RIVERA MADRID, Jesús Ernesto ARIAS GONZÁLEZ<br />

Microsatellite Analysis of Population Structure in Coral Montastraea Faveolatafrom Mexican<br />

Caribbean<br />

P-14.483 Brian J. ZGLICZYNSKI*, Edward E. DEMARTINI, Raymond C. BOLAND, Alan M. FRIEDLANDER<br />

Influences of Wind-Wave Exposure on <strong>the</strong> Distribution and Abundance of Recruit Reef Fishes on<br />

Back <strong>Reefs</strong> at Kure and Pearl & Hermes Atolls, NWHI<br />

P-14.484 Rikki GROBER-DUNSMORE*, Victor BONITO, Team KABATIA<br />

Community-Based MPA in Fiji Af<strong>for</strong>ds Reasonable Protection to Lethrinids<br />

P-14.485 Robert GINSBURG*, John REED<br />

Mesophotic Coral <strong>Reefs</strong> (30-100M), a Frontier of Reef Exploration<br />

P-14.486 Luis RODRIGUEZ, Hernan TORRES-PRATTS*, Tania LADO-INSUA, Nikolaos SCHIZAS<br />

Patterns of Genetic Variation of <strong>the</strong> Corallimorpharian, Ricordea Florida<br />

11 th International Coral Reef Symposium ■ <strong>Reefs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Future</strong>

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