Reefs for the Future - Nova Southeastern University

Reefs for the Future - Nova Southeastern University Reefs for the Future - Nova Southeastern University


Location Information Author Index Oral and Poster Exhibits Program General Special Presentations Information Recognitions 118 P-5.102 Ophélie LADRIÈRE*, Stéphane ROBERTY, Charlotte BAUDESSON, Philippe COMPÈRE, Fabrice FRANCK, Mathieu POULICEK The Tropical Sea Anemone Aiptasia Pallida as a Lab Model for the Study of Coral Bleaching P-5.103 Eric TAMBUTTÉ*, Denis ALLEMAND, Didier ZOCCOLA, Anders MEIBOM, Severine LOTTO, Natacha CAMINITI, Sylvie TAMBUTTÉ The Tissue-Skeleton Interface in the Scleractinian Coral Stylophora Pistillata P-5.104 Tyler WATERSON*, Daniel BARSHIS, Jonathon STILLMAN Capacity for Plastic Growth Response of Porites Lobata in Fluctuating Temperature Regimes Varies Between Colonies P-5.105 Ronald OSINGA*, Tim WIJGERDE, Fam CHARKO, Johan VERRETH, Dirk GRYMONPRE, Silvia LAVORANO Feeding Corals in Captivity: The Role of Prey Type and Prey Concentration P-5.106 Alan DAVIS* Preliminary Results: Reproduction and Zooxanthellae of Millepora Platyphylla P-5.107 Baraka KUGURU*, Nanette E. Chadwick CHADWICK, Yair ACHITUV, Sophie DOVE, Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG, Dan TCHERNOV Mechanisms of Microhabitat Segregation Among Corallimorpharians: Evidence from Physiological Parameters Related to Photosynthesis and Host Cellular Response to Irradiance P-5.108 Ernestina TENTORI*, Murray THOMSON Differential Expression of Soluble and Membrane-Bound Proteins in Soft Corals P-5.109 Elizabeth MCGINTY*, Laura MYDLARZ Production and Elimination of Reactive Oxygen Species in Different Symbiodinium Spp. in Culture P-5.110 Alan M. PIGGOT*, Bruce W. FOUKE A Quantitative Approach Linking Coral Mucus and Their Symbiotic Zooxannthellae in Response to Environmental Change P-5.111 Katie LIBERATORE*, Ingo BURGHARDT, Ursula SHEPHERD, Joshua LEFFLER Soft Corals, Nudibranchs and Zooxanthellae: Are There Differences in Symbiont Species Found in Each Host? P-5.112 Saki HARII*, Naoko YASUDA, Mauricio RODRIGUEZ-LANETTY, Michio HIDAKA Onset of Symbiosis and Distribution Patterns of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates in Scleractinian Coral Larvae P-5.113 Scott FAY*, Michele WEBER, Jere LIPPS The Cell Ecology of Symbiodinium in Soritid Foraminifera P-5.114 Marissa B. HIRST*, Anderson B. MAYFIELD, Ruth D. GATES Gene Expression in the Coral, Montipora Capitata, After Fragmentation and Transplantation: Insight Into Transcriptional Stress Response Using Real-Time PCR P-5.115 Maya VIZEL*, Esti KRAMARSKY-WINTER, Craig DOWNS, Yossi LOYA An ‘in Vitro’ Method of Coral Health Assessment: A New Approach P-5.116 Pierre-Laurent MERLE*, Thamilla ZAMOUM, Anthony BERTUCCI, Marie GEMINI, Denis ALLEMAND, Paola FURLA Thermal Stress on Two Mediterranean Gorgonians: Eunicella Singulari and Eunicella Cavolinii. Consequences of the Symbiosis on Heat Stress Resistance P-5.117 Shunichi TAKAHASHI*, Spencer WHITNEY, Shigeru ITOH, Tadashi MARUYAMA, Murray BADGER Photobleaching Mechanism in Symbiotic Symbiodinium Spp. Under Heat Stress P-5.118 Zoltan SZABO*, Marc W CREPEAU, Robert J TOONEN Preservation of Coral Samples in DMSO-Salt Buffer (SSDE) Is Superior to Ethanol P-5.119 Yi-Jun LUO*, Hui-Ju HUANG, Li-Hsueh WANG, Wan-Nan UANG, Lee-Shing FANG, Chii-Shiarng CHEN Ratiometric Imaging of Gastrodermal Lipid Body in Cnidaria-Dinoflagellate Endosymbiosis P-5.120 Chih-Yao CHANG*, Shao-En PENG, Chii-Shiarng CHEN Surface Proteins Identification of Symbiotic Gastrodermal Cells in Hermatypic Coral Euphyllia Glabrescens 11 th International Coral Reef Symposium ■ Reefs for the Future

P-5.121 Andrew BAIRD*, Irina YAKOVLEVA Symbionts Are a Deadly Burden for Coral Larvae P-5.122 Michiko OJIMI*, Naoko ISOMURA, Michio HIDAKA Telomerase Activity and Telomere Sequence in the CassiopeaJellyfish P-5.123 Yi-Cheng LEI*, Li-Hsueh WANG, Hsieh-He LI, Chii-Shian CHEN The Effect of Temperature on the Zooxanthellae Cell Proliferation P-5.124 Petra VISSER*, Pedro FRADE, Rolf BAK Different Sensitivity of Zooxanthellae Types Isolated from the Corals Madracis and Agaricia to Increasing Temperature P-5.125 Eldad HOCH*, Maoz FINE Genetic Diversity Within the Endolithic Alga Ostreobium Quekettii That Harbor the Scleractinian Corals Skeleton P-5.126 Itay COHEN, Zvy DUBINSKY* Physiological Adjustments to Depth- Dependent Changes in Light Quantity and Quality of the Red Sea Coral Stylophora Pistillata and Its Symbiotic Zooxanthellae P-5.127 Kathleen MCDOUGALL*, Angela SQUIER, Kenneth BOYD, Stuart GIBB, Craig DOWNS, Barbara BROWN Pigments as Indicators of Stress Mechanisms in Corals P-5.128 Joerg WIEDENMANN*, Cecilia D’ANGELO, Andrea DENZEL, Alexander VOGT, Mikhail MATZ, Franz OSWALD, Anya SALIH, Ulrich NIENHAUS Regulation of GFP-Like Protein Expression in Reef-Building Corals P-5.129 Ranjeet BHAGOOLI*, Andrew C. BAKER, Peter RALPH, Michio HIDAKA Variable Thermal And/or Irradiance Stress Responses of Photosystem II Among SymbiodiniumSpp. Isolated from Different Invertebrate Species P-5.130 Denise YOST*, Carys MITCHELMORE Searching for Sulfur in Symbiodinium: DMSP Implications for Coral Symbioses P-5.131 Miguel MENDOZA, Charles BIGGER* A Mechanism of Alloimmune Response in Primitive Phylum: Apoptosis in the Gorgonian Coral Swiftia Exserta P-5.132 Luc ROUGEE*, Abby COLLIER, Robert RICHMOND Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes in the Reef Building Coral Pocillopora Damicornis P-5.133 Ingo BURGHARDT*, Joshua LEFFLER, Katie LIBERATORE, Ursula SHEPHERD Ecology of “Solarpowered” Nudibranchia (Mollusca:Gastropoda) and Their Potential to Be an Alternative Model Organism for Understanding Bleaching P-5.134 Olivier DETOURNAY*, Santiago PEREZ, Virginia WEIS Regulation of Host Innate Immunity Plays a Role in Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate Symbiosis P-5.135 Marco VILLANUEVA*, Claudia MORERA, Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO, Patricia THOMÉ-ORTIZ, Tania ISLAS-FLORES Immunodetection and Partial Characterization of Two Putative Signal-Transduction Proteins in Symbiodinium Kawagutii P-5.136 Melissa ROTH*, Nancy KNOWLTON, Michael LATZ, Dimitri DEHEYN Response of Coral Fluorescence to Environmental Changes: Insights Into the Function of Coral Fluorescent Proteins P-5.137 Charles BIGGER*, Cecile OLANO Wound Healing in the Gorgonian Coral Swiftia Exserta P-5.138 Dustin KEMP*, Xavier HERNANDEZ-PECH, Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO, Gregory SCHMIDT, William FITT Micro-Niche Partitioning and the Photobiology of SymbiodiniumAssociated with Montastraea Faveolata P-5.139 David Arturo PAZ-GARCÍA*, Todd C. LAJEUNESSE, Héctor Efrain CHÁVEZ-ROMO, Francisco CORREA- SANDOVAL, Hector REYES-BONILLA Various Symbiodinium Spp. Distributed Among Differing Morphotypes and Genotypes of Porites Panamensis from the Gulf of California, Mexico 11 th International Coral Reef Symposium ■ Reefs for the Future 119 Location Information Special Recognitions General Information Program Exhibits Oral and Poster Presentations Author Index

Location<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Author Index Oral and Poster Exhibits<br />

Program<br />

General<br />

Special<br />

Presentations<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Recognitions<br />

118<br />

P-5.102 Ophélie LADRIÈRE*, Stéphane ROBERTY, Charlotte BAUDESSON, Philippe COMPÈRE, Fabrice FRANCK,<br />

Mathieu POULICEK<br />

The Tropical Sea Anemone Aiptasia Pallida as a Lab Model <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Study of Coral Bleaching<br />

P-5.103 Eric TAMBUTTÉ*, Denis ALLEMAND, Didier ZOCCOLA, Anders MEIBOM, Severine LOTTO,<br />

Natacha CAMINITI, Sylvie TAMBUTTÉ<br />

The Tissue-Skeleton Interface in <strong>the</strong> Scleractinian Coral Stylophora Pistillata<br />

P-5.104 Tyler WATERSON*, Daniel BARSHIS, Jonathon STILLMAN<br />

Capacity <strong>for</strong> Plastic Growth Response of Porites Lobata in Fluctuating Temperature Regimes<br />

Varies Between Colonies<br />

P-5.105 Ronald OSINGA*, Tim WIJGERDE, Fam CHARKO, Johan VERRETH, Dirk GRYMONPRE, Silvia LAVORANO<br />

Feeding Corals in Captivity: The Role of Prey Type and Prey Concentration<br />

P-5.106 Alan DAVIS*<br />

Preliminary Results: Reproduction and Zooxan<strong>the</strong>llae of Millepora Platyphylla<br />

P-5.107 Baraka KUGURU*, Nanette E. Chadwick CHADWICK, Yair ACHITUV, Sophie DOVE, Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG,<br />

Dan TCHERNOV<br />

Mechanisms of Microhabitat Segregation Among Corallimorpharians: Evidence from Physiological<br />

Parameters Related to Photosyn<strong>the</strong>sis and Host Cellular Response to Irradiance<br />

P-5.108 Ernestina TENTORI*, Murray THOMSON<br />

Differential Expression of Soluble and Membrane-Bound Proteins in Soft Corals<br />

P-5.109 Elizabeth MCGINTY*, Laura MYDLARZ<br />

Production and Elimination of Reactive Oxygen Species in Different Symbiodinium Spp. in Culture<br />

P-5.110 Alan M. PIGGOT*, Bruce W. FOUKE<br />

A Quantitative Approach Linking Coral Mucus and Their Symbiotic Zooxann<strong>the</strong>llae in Response to<br />

Environmental Change<br />

P-5.111 Katie LIBERATORE*, Ingo BURGHARDT, Ursula SHEPHERD, Joshua LEFFLER<br />

Soft Corals, Nudibranchs and Zooxan<strong>the</strong>llae: Are There Differences in Symbiont Species Found in<br />

Each Host?<br />

P-5.112 Saki HARII*, Naoko YASUDA, Mauricio RODRIGUEZ-LANETTY, Michio HIDAKA<br />

Onset of Symbiosis and Distribution Patterns of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates in Scleractinian Coral<br />

Larvae<br />

P-5.113 Scott FAY*, Michele WEBER, Jere LIPPS<br />

The Cell Ecology of Symbiodinium in Soritid Foraminifera<br />

P-5.114 Marissa B. HIRST*, Anderson B. MAYFIELD, Ruth D. GATES<br />

Gene Expression in <strong>the</strong> Coral, Montipora Capitata, After Fragmentation and Transplantation:<br />

Insight Into Transcriptional Stress Response Using Real-Time PCR<br />

P-5.115 Maya VIZEL*, Esti KRAMARSKY-WINTER, Craig DOWNS, Yossi LOYA<br />

An ‘in Vitro’ Method of Coral Health Assessment: A New Approach<br />

P-5.116 Pierre-Laurent MERLE*, Thamilla ZAMOUM, Anthony BERTUCCI, Marie GEMINI, Denis ALLEMAND,<br />

Paola FURLA<br />

Thermal Stress on Two Mediterranean Gorgonians: Eunicella Singulari and Eunicella Cavolinii.<br />

Consequences of <strong>the</strong> Symbiosis on Heat Stress Resistance<br />

P-5.117 Shunichi TAKAHASHI*, Spencer WHITNEY, Shigeru ITOH, Tadashi MARUYAMA, Murray BADGER<br />

Photobleaching Mechanism in Symbiotic Symbiodinium Spp. Under Heat Stress<br />

P-5.118 Zoltan SZABO*, Marc W CREPEAU, Robert J TOONEN<br />

Preservation of Coral Samples in DMSO-Salt Buffer (SSDE) Is Superior to Ethanol<br />

P-5.119 Yi-Jun LUO*, Hui-Ju HUANG, Li-Hsueh WANG, Wan-Nan UANG, Lee-Shing FANG, Chii-Shiarng CHEN<br />

Ratiometric Imaging of Gastrodermal Lipid Body in Cnidaria-Dinoflagellate Endosymbiosis<br />

P-5.120 Chih-Yao CHANG*, Shao-En PENG, Chii-Shiarng CHEN<br />

Surface Proteins Identification of Symbiotic Gastrodermal Cells in Hermatypic Coral Euphyllia<br />

Glabrescens<br />

11 th International Coral Reef Symposium ■ <strong>Reefs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Future</strong>

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