call Nesan at

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-22- itfiw Water Without water, life as we know it would not exist. We can relate it with our life in many ways. An example would be: its part of every living organism on the planet. Basically meaning that life is part of every living organism and so is water. Where are we in this world without water any way? Usually no one stops to think of this significance of water but the deeper meaning is truly meaningful. Our bodies are made up of 75% of water, which indicates that water is essential in our lives. People take life for granted and don't seem to appreciate it and the same thing with water, just because we have so much of it we forget to remember the importance of it. Water can be pure or contaminated with minerals. Life can also be pure, as in pure mQ;ryp of heart, and also contaminated with bad intentions and bad thoughts. We have filters to filter out the bacteria or minerals in water. There are also filters in human life, but in a human form, we have people that make us realize who we are and change us from being bad to good. Water is helpful in many ways; it has different roles and duties. There different ways of facilities include; help put out fires, brush teeth, water plants, to cook, to wash, to transport and to drink. Just like that we all can make our lives useful by helping others and by using our talents. For example becoming environmentalists, dentists, chefs, firefighters and etc. Although we might not realize the highest value of water, we should because we are able to compare it with something valuable to us. We can be hot tempered or cold tempered just like water. Life evolves around water and water evolves around life. -Shobhini Francis-Xavier fpof;Nf kiwe;j #upad; "Njhd;wpy; GfnohL Njhd;Wf m/jpdpy; Njhd;wpypy; Njhd;whJ ed;W" "Jhq;fhik fy;tp JzpTlik ,it %d;Wk; ePq;fh epydhs; gtw;F" khh;fop gd;dpuz;lhk; ehs; #upad; m];jkpf;fhJ vd;W $wg;gl;l rk;uhr;rpaj;jpy; ,Ue;J xU Jd;gkhd nra;jp mJjhd; khw;W rpd;jidapd; khw;Wf;fUj;jpd; Kd;NdhbAkhd Njhoh; ,ul;zh mth;fspd; kuzr; nra;jp vdJ Md;khit ,dk;Gupahj Nrhfk; ft;t ,jak; Fw;w czh;thy; Jbf;fpwJ ,ayhj;jd;ikahy; vd;id Rw;wp Xh; ,Wf;fkhdnksdk; nksdj;jpDs; ehd; ciwe;J NghfpNwd;. kuzk; gytif mfhy kuzk; ,aw;if kuzk; rpyh; kuzj;ij fz;L gag;gLtjhf $Wthh;fs; rpyh; kuzj;ij tpLjiy vd;W vz;Zthh;fs; mwpQh;fs;> rpe;jid rpw;gpfs; kuzj;ij Nerpg;gjhf $Wthh;fs; vJ vg;gb ,Ue;j NghJk; KbTiuahf ,Wjp thh;ijahf kuzk; JaiuAk; typiaAk; jUfpwJ tho;it nka;apay; mDgtj;Jld; ghh;g;gth;fSf;F khw;Wtop xd;Wk; JNuhf topay;y mJ xU cah;e;j rpe;jidapd; mDgtk; Vnddpy; ekf;Fk; %r;R jkpo;jhd; ehKk; ,e;j Ch;jhd;. NkijikfSk;> rpe;jid tpUk;gpfSf;Fk; mth;fsJ Jauk; epiwe;j tho;Tf;Fk; KbTf;Fk; G+kpg;ge;jpy; xU njhlh;gpUg;gJ khw;wKbah tpjp NghYk;. Njrpaj;Jf;Fk;; FWe;Njrpaj;Jf;Fk; NtWghL fz;l %j;j NghuhspNa ! NjhoNd! cd;id cyfpd; %j;j Fbahd jkpo; ,dk; milahsk; fz;Lnfhs;sj; jtwpaNjd;? cdJ murpay; gpuNtrKk; nghJTlik rpj;jhe;jNk cdJ KbTk; nghJTlik rpj;jhe;jNk Vnddpy; cdJ kuzj;jpy; $l vt;tsT Vw;wj;jho;;Tfs; rpe;jpf;fpd;wth;fSf;F cyfk; xU eifr;Rit ehlfk;. czh;fpd;wth;f;Sf;F cyfk; xU Jd;gtpay; ehlfk; rtg;ngl;bfSf;F gpzk; ahUilaJ vd;gjpy; mf;fiwapy;iy cdJ tho;tpd; KbT Jah; jP vdr; Rl;lNghJk; ek;gpf;iffis ,Wfg; gw;wpagb ehisa Gjpa cyif Nehf;fp -Njtd;- c∫Ô^ cˆÁ\ÔÁ· ∂§ÕmÿÔV^·... ÷Èkƒ gºÈVƒÁÔ”¬z khu;fop 29> 2006 Lankathas Pathmanathan LOFRANCO BARRISTERS PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS 416.223.8333 5255 Yonge Street, Suite 1300, North York, ON M2N 6P4 digi Media Creations

khu;fop 29> 2006 itfiw-23- “rp d;dz;zh> rpd;dz;zh> Nghfhij mz;zh> Nghfhij mz;zh' vd;W fiuapy; ,Ue;J ele;J flYf;Fs; ,wq;fp njhilasT jz;zPUf;Fs; epd;W mjw;F Nky; Nghf Kbahky;> mOjOJ $g;gpl;Lf; nfhz;bUe;jhd;> xU vl;L taJr; rpWtd;. kw;wtd; fly; fiuapypUe;J vz;gJ ahh; tiu fl Ys; nrd;W tpl;lhd;. jz;zPh; mtdpd; miuasT te;jpUe;jJ. mJ xU guitf; fly; vd;wgbahy; EhW ahh; Nghd gpwF jhd; jz;zPh; Mokhf ,Uf;Fk;. fly; Eiff;fhj fhyj;jpy; fly; tw;wp fw;fs; ntspg; gilahfj; njhpAk;. fw;fspdpilapy;> nghe;Jfspd; thrypy; XLk; ez;Lfs;> rpW kPd;fis flw;fiu Xuk; trpf;Fk; kf;fs; gpbg;ghh;fs;. kl;b nghWf;Fthh; fs;. fly; Eiff;Fk; NghJ fiuapy; kPdth;fs; tiy NghLthh;fs;. Njhzp apy; nrd;W gwp itj;J kPd; gpbg;ghh; fs;. md;W> flypy; vtUk; ,y;iy. Njhzp apy; nrd;W kPd; gpbg;gth;fs; fpof;Nf Ngha; tUthh;fs;. me;jj; Njhzpfis Ak; fhztpy;iy. fly; miyfs; rpwpJ nfhe;jspj;Jf; nfhz;L fiuapy; Nkhjpf; nfhz;bUe;jd. mlh;j;jpahf tsh;e;jpUe;j Ks;spfs; gyTk; fUfpr; nrj;Jg; Ngha; tpl;ljhy; my;yJ #Sf;Fg; Nghfpwth;fs; ge;jj;jhy; fhu zkpy;yhky; vhpj;J tpl;ljhy;> ,g;NghJ flw;fiuapy; mq;Fkpq;Fkhf XhpU Ks; spr; nrbfSk; ehfjhspr; nrbfSk; jhd; fhzg;gl;ld. flypd; Nkw;Gwk; nfhf;Ffs; kpje;J gwg;gJk;> jpBnudg; gha;e;J fly; ePUf;Fs; Ngha; vijNah gpbj;Jf; nfhz;L ntspNaWtJkha; ,Ue;jd. fiuapy;> fhfq;fs; rpy gwg; gJk; fiutJkhf ,Ue;jd. Jf;fk; mt w;wpd; njhz;ilapy; milgl;L ntsptur; rpukg;gLtJNghy; mtw;wpd; xyp fs;. mtw;iw eha; xd;W Juj;jpj; Ju j;jpg; gha;e;J nfhz;bUe;jJ. rpd;dz;zhTf;F ,g;nghOJ miyfis vjph;j;Jg; NghtJ f\;lkhf ,Ue; jJ. mjdhy; kpf kpf nkJthf muf;fp muf;fp efUtJk;> jk;gpia Xuf; fz; zhy; ghh;g;gJkhfg; Ngha;f; nfhz;b Ue;jhd;. 'flypy; tpOe;J rhfg; Nghwd;” vd;W nrhd;dNghJ 'Ngha;r; rh %Njrp. eP nrj;jh xz;Lk; Fb KOfpf; FiwQ;R NghfhJ. vd;dk; ehY FQ;Rfs; ,Uf; FJfs;.” vd;W tho;j;jp mDg;gpa jha; f;F mtd; ,g;gbr; nrhd;dJ ,d;W kl;Lky;y. mijg; Nghy mts; tho;j;jp aJk; ,J Kjy; jlit my;y. 'cd;u jk;gp jpUehtpd;u kfd; eLf; flYf;Fs;s Nghwhd;. rhfg; Nghwhdf; Fk;. mtd;u jk;gp fiuapy epz;L $g;gpz;Lf; nfhz;L epf;fpwhd;.” vd;whs; flw;fiuahy; M];jgj;jpupf;Fg; Ngha; tpl;L te;j nry;yk;> jpUehTf;fuRtpd; mf;fh Qhdj;jpw;F. Qhdk; mg;NghJ jhd; tPl;bw;F te;j jdJ fztd; tbNtyiu Ngha; ghh;j;jpl;L tur; nrhd; dhs;. tbNtyh; rhy;itia vLj;Jj; Njhspy; Nghl;Lf; nfhz;L flybf;Fg; NghdNghJ jUkuhrh miuasT jz; zPUf;Fs; Ngha; tpl;lhd;. fiuapy; Nghfhky; epd;w mtDila jk;gp eF yidg; ghh;j;J> 'jUkd; vq;Nf Nghwhd;?” vd;W Nfl;lhh; tbNtyh;. mtd; mOJ nfhz;L jpf;fpj; jpf;fpr; nrhd;dhd;: 'flypiy tpOe;J rhfg; Nghfpwhdhk;.” tbNtyh; 'jUkh> jUkh! jk;gp th!” vd;W $tp mioj;jhh;. ahuhtJ te;J $g;gpl khl;lhh;fsh? vd;w epiyapy; epd;w jUkuhrh clNd jpUk;Gtjh? tpLtjh? my;yJ nfhQ;r Neuk; mUf;fhzp fhl;b tpl;Lj; jpUk;G tjh vd;w Nahridapy; mg;gbNa nfhQ;r Neuk; epd;whd;. jpUk;gTk; 'jk;gp th! ehd; cd;u mk;khTld; fijf;fpwd;> th!” vd;whh; tbNtyh;. jUkuhrhtpd; mg;ghtpd; jkf;ifapd; fztd;> tbNtyh;. midtUk; mt Uf;F khpahij nfhLg;ghh;fs;. jUkuh rhTk; jhd;. xd;WNk Ngrhky; jpUk;gp ele;J te;jhd;> jUkuhrh. fiuf;F tUk;tiu tbNtyh; mt;tplj;jpNyNa epd;whh;. fiuf;F te;jTld; 'tPl;Lf;F el. ehDk; thwd;” vd;whh;. jUkDk; mt Dila jk;gp eFyDk; mtDf;Fg; gpd;dhy; tbNtyUk; flw;fiuia mL j;Js;s xOq;ifahy; mth;fSila tPl;bw;Fr; nrd;whh;fs;. tPl;Lf; Fe;jpy; ,Ue;j tPl;by; jq;fk; jUkid Kjypy; fz;Lk;> fhzhjJ Nghy ,Ue;jhs;. jUkDk; Kw;wj;jhy; “ Ngha;> epw;fhky; gpd; Nfhbg;Gwk; nrd;whd;. tbNtyiuf; fz;lJk; mts; vOe;J jLf;Fg; gha;; xd;iw vLj;J mth; ,Ug;gjw;F kw;wf; Fe;jpy; Nghl; lhs;. ntw;wpiyj; jl;il vLj;J mt Uf;F Kd;dhy; gt;tpakhf itj;jhs;. vy;NyhUNk tbNtyUf;F khpah ijjhd;. 'vd;d ele;jJ?” vd;W mth; Nfl;f tpy;iy. mjw;F Kd;Ng jq;fk;> 'mz;iz ,e;j %Njrpahiy ,q;f ,Uf;Nfyhik ,Uf;F. xt;nthU ehSk; VjhtJ gpur;idNahl thwhd;. New;W Rthpiy itr;r fhirf; fhNz y;y. vq;ifalh vd;W Nfl;lh xz;Lk; nrhy;whdpy;y. Nghd fpoik ,td; rpd; dtidg; gpbr;R fpzj;Jf;Fs;s js;spg; Nghl;lhd;. mtDf;Ff; ifaf; fhy Kwp Q;rpUe;jh ehd; vd;d nra;apwJ. gs; spf;Fk; xOq;fhg; Nghwhdpy;iy. Vjh tJ nrhd;dh> ngbaNshl Nre;jpUtd; vd;W gag;gLj;jpwhd;. mtq;fSk; ,e; jg; gf;fk; te;J jphpapwhq;f. mtUf;Ff; fbjk; Nghl;bUf;fpwd;. mth; nfhOk; gpiy ,Ue;J vd;d nra;apwJ. mth; te;jh vdf;Fj; jhd; mbg;ghh;. gps;is ais mbf;f khl;lhh;. ,e;jg; ngb ad;iu ml;lfhrk; jhq;f Kbahik ,Uf;F” vd;W epWj;jhky; nrhy;ypf; nfhz;Nl ,Ue;jtis VNjh NtW epidnthd;W jhf;fpaJNghy jpBnud mikjpahfp tpl;lhs;. jq;fj;jpd; fztd; jpUehTf;fuR ve;j KbitAk; jPu Nahrpj;J KbntLg;gth; my;y. jpBh; jPh;khdq;fs; vLg;gJ jhd; ggggUUUUeeee;; ;;JJJJffffssss;; ;; ggggwwwwffff;; ;;FFFFkkkk;; ;; NNNNjjjjrrrrkkkk;; ;; vd; ;.Nf.kfhypq; ;fk; ; mtUila tho;f;ifia Fg;Gw tPo;j; jpajw;F Kf;fpa fhuzk;. xd;iw epid j;jTld; nra;J Kbf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJ fhZk;. mjdhy; tUk; rhjf ghjf tpisTfisg; gw;wp mth;; rpe;jpf;f khl; lhh;. mjdhy;> mjpfkhf ghjfkhd tpisTfNs mtUf;F Vw;gl;bUe;jd. mg;gb ,y;yhtpl;lhy; mtUila FLk; gj;jpw;F ,j;jid f\;lk; te;jpUf;fhJ. mtiug; gw;wpa cwtpdhpd; fUj;J> mth;; gbj;Jk; Kl;lhs; vd;gNj. jq;fk; epidTfSld; Nghuhbf; nfhz;bUe; jhs;. Kd;dhy; ,Ue;j ntw;wpiyj; jl;lj;jpyp Ue;J ghf;Fj; Jz;Lfisg; nghWf;fp tha;f;Fs; Nghl;L tpl;L ntw;wpiyapy; Rz;zhk;G g+rpf; nfhz;bUe;jhh;> tb Ntyh;. xd;Wk; Ngrtpy;iy. mth; mg; gbj;jhd;. Mokhf Nahrpf;fpwhh; vd;gJ mjd; mh;j;jk;. gy nrhw;fs; NgrhkNy> mikjpahfNt ,Ue;J gytw;iwAk; KbntLf;Fk; ,ay;G mtUilaJ. nfhOk;gpy; mth; fil itj;jpUf;fpwhh;. ,uz;L %d;W khjq;fSf;F xUKiw my;yJ VjhtJ tpNrrq;fSf;F CU f;F tUthh;. te;J xU fpoik $l Chpy; epw;f khl;lhh;. FLk;gk; Chpy;. cwtpdh; gyh;. mjdhy; mbf;fb CU f;F tuNtz;ba epiy. Mdhy; ,g; NghJ ehl;L epiyikfs; khwpf; nfhz;L tUfpd;wd. tl fpof;F khfhzq;fspy; epiyik ,d;Dk; Nkhrkile;J tUfpd;wJ. ,ay;G epiy gpur;rpidf;Fs;shfp tpl; lJ. CUf;F mbf;fb tu KbahJ. tlf;fpd; fpuhkq;fs; midj;jpYk; gUe; Jfs;> FQ;Rfisg; ft;tpr; nry;tjw;F tl;lkpLfpd;wd. ghlrhiyfs; jhd; FQ;Rfspd; $Lfs;. milf;fyk; mq; Fjhd;. FQ;Rfs; mjpfk; mq;Fjhd; mjpfk; elkhLfpd;wd. M];gj;jphpf;F mg;ghYs;s tPnlhd;wpy; jhd; gUe;Jf spd; $Lfs; cs;sd vd;gJ fpuh kj;jpYs;sth;fSf;F njhpAk;. gpbj;Jf; nfhz;L Nghd FQ;Rfs; rpytw;iw capNuhL chpath;fs; Ngha;f; $l;b te;jJ mq;fpUe;Jjhd;. rpy njhiye;J NghdJk;> fhzhky; NghdJk; mq;fp Ue;J jhd;. 'vg;g mz;iz nfhOk;Gf;F NghNw q;f?” vd;W Nfl;lhs;> jq;fk;. ',d;wpiuTf;F” vd;whh; RUf;fkhf. mts; VjhtJ nrhy;thsh vd;W Nfl;gjw;fhfg; Ngrhky; ,Ue;jhh;. mt Sf;F vd;d nrhy;tjw;F ,Uf;fpwJ. jd; f\;lq;fs; vy;yhtw;iwAk; fb jj;jpy; vOjp tpl;lhs;. mJTkpy;yh ky; ,e;jg; nghpa kdpjhplk; jd; f\;lq;f isr; nrhy;tJ vg;gb? mtUf;F vy; yhk; Ghpe;jJ. mtUf;F vy;yhk; GhpAk; vd;W mtSf;Fk; njhpAk;. mjdhy; mtSk; xd;Wk; nrhy;ytpy;iy. kbapy; fple;j rhy;itia vLj;Jg; Nghl;Lf; nfhz;L 'thwd;> jq;fr;rp” vd;W nrhy;yp gliyiaj; jpwe;J Ngha; tpl; lhh;. mLj;j ehisf;F mLj;j ehs; fhiy Gifapuj;jpy; tPL jpUk;gp ,Ue;jhh;; jq; fj;jpd; fztd; jpUehTf;fuR. mth;; jpBnud;W te;jJ Vd; vd;gJ jq;fj;Jf; Fj;jhd; njhpAk;. VNjh KbTld; te; jpUf;fpwhh;. gLj;J tpbaNt vOe;J tpl;lhh;. NjePh; mUe;jpdhh;;. ntw;wpiy Nghl;lhh;. mLj;j tPl;by; Ngha; irf;fps; xd;iw> 'xU kzp Neuj;jpy nfhz;L te;J jhwd;” vd;W thq;fp te;jhh;;. ',q;fhy xUf;fhg; Nghapw;W thwd;” vd;W nrhy;yp tpl;L M];gj;jphpg; gf;fk; gs;spf;Fk; xOq;fhg; Nghwhdpy;iy. VjhtJ nrhd;dh> ngbaNshl Nre;jpUtd; vd;W gag;gLj;jpwhd;. gag;gLj;jpwhd; ” irf;fpis Xl;bdhh;;. 'jk;gp. vdf;F IQ;R gps;isas;. xU tid ehl;Lf;fhf mh;g;gzpg;gJ vd;W jPh;khdpj;J tpl;ld;. te;J $l;bf; nfhz;L Nghq;f” vd;W nrhy;yp tpl;L te;jpUe;jhh;;> jpUehTf;fuR. md;W khiyapy; nfhQ;rk; ,Ul;ba gpwF ,uz;L ngbad;fs;; ,uz;L irf; fpspy; jpUehTf;fuR tPl;bw;F te;jpUe; jhh;fs;. jpUehTf;fuRTk; tuNtw;whh;. eFyidf; $g;gpl;L 'rpd;dz;zhitg; Ngha; $l;bf; nfhz;L th” vd;W mD g;gpdhh;. 'rpd;dz;zhit vy;yh ,lKk; NjbAk; fhNzy;iy” vd;W eFyd; te;J mOjOJ nrhd;dhd;. jUkidf; fhztpy;iy. vy;yh ,lKk; jq;fKk; Nrh;e;J Njbdhs;. jpUehTf;fuR mLj;j fpoik nfhOk; Gf;F te;jNghJ jUkd; nghpag;ghtpd; filapy; epw;gjhf ahNuh nrhd;dhh;fs;. jpUehTf;fuR Ngha;g; ghh;f;ftpy;iy. capUlhdhtJ ,Uf;fpwhNd vd;W kl; Lk; re;Njhrg;gl;lhh;.

-22- itfiw<br />

W<strong>at</strong>er<br />

Without w<strong>at</strong>er, life as we know it would not<br />

exist. We can rel<strong>at</strong>e it with our life in many<br />

ways. An example would be: its part of<br />

every living organism on the planet.<br />

Basi<strong>call</strong>y meaning th<strong>at</strong> life is part of every<br />

living organism and so is w<strong>at</strong>er. Where are<br />

we in this world without w<strong>at</strong>er any way?<br />

Usually no one stops to think of this significance<br />

of w<strong>at</strong>er but the deeper meaning is<br />

truly meaningful.<br />

Our bodies are made up of 75% of w<strong>at</strong>er,<br />

which indic<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> w<strong>at</strong>er is essential in<br />

our lives. People take life for granted and<br />

don't seem to appreci<strong>at</strong>e it and the same<br />

thing with w<strong>at</strong>er, just because we have so<br />

much of it we forget to remember the<br />

importance of it.<br />

W<strong>at</strong>er can be pure or contamin<strong>at</strong>ed with<br />

minerals. Life can also be pure, as in pure<br />

mQ;ryp<br />

of heart, and also contamin<strong>at</strong>ed with bad<br />

intentions and bad thoughts. We have filters<br />

to filter out the bacteria or minerals in<br />

w<strong>at</strong>er. There are also filters in human life,<br />

but in a human form, we have people th<strong>at</strong><br />

make us realize who we are and change<br />

us from being bad to good.<br />

W<strong>at</strong>er is helpful in many ways; it has different<br />

roles and duties. There different<br />

ways of facilities include; help put out<br />

fires, brush teeth, w<strong>at</strong>er plants, to cook, to<br />

wash, to transport and to drink. Just like<br />

th<strong>at</strong> we all can make our lives useful by<br />

helping others and by using our talents.<br />

For example becoming environmentalists,<br />

dentists, chefs, firefighters and etc.<br />

Although we might not realize the highest<br />

value of w<strong>at</strong>er, we should because we are<br />

able to compare it with something valuable<br />

to us. We can be hot tempered or<br />

cold tempered just like w<strong>at</strong>er. Life evolves<br />

around w<strong>at</strong>er and w<strong>at</strong>er evolves around<br />

life.<br />

-Shobhini Francis-Xavier<br />

fpof;Nf kiwe;j #upad;<br />

"Njhd;wpy; GfnohL Njhd;Wf<br />

m/jpdpy;<br />

Njhd;wpypy; Njhd;whJ ed;W"<br />

"Jhq;fhik fy;tp JzpTlik ,it<br />

%d;Wk;<br />

ePq;fh epydhs; gtw;F"<br />

khh;fop gd;dpuz;lhk; ehs;<br />

#upad; m];jkpf;fhJ<br />

vd;W $wg;gl;l rk;uhr;rpaj;jpy;<br />

,Ue;J<br />

xU Jd;gkhd nra;jp<br />

mJjhd; khw;W rpd;jidapd;<br />

khw;Wf;fUj;jpd; Kd;NdhbAkhd<br />

Njhoh; ,ul;zh mth;fspd;<br />

kuzr; nra;jp<br />

vdJ Md;khit ,dk;Gupahj<br />

Nrhfk; ft;t ,jak;<br />

Fw;w czh;thy; Jbf;fpwJ<br />

,ayhj;jd;ikahy; vd;id<br />

Rw;wp Xh; ,Wf;fkhdnksdk;<br />

nksdj;jpDs; ehd;<br />

ciwe;J NghfpNwd;.<br />

kuzk; gytif<br />

mfhy kuzk;<br />

,aw;if kuzk;<br />

rpyh;<br />

kuzj;ij fz;L gag;gLtjhf<br />

$Wthh;fs;<br />

rpyh;<br />

kuzj;ij tpLjiy vd;W<br />

vz;Zthh;fs;<br />

mwpQh;fs;> rpe;jid rpw;gpfs;<br />

kuzj;ij Nerpg;gjhf<br />

$Wthh;fs;<br />

vJ vg;gb ,Ue;j NghJk;<br />

KbTiuahf ,Wjp thh;ijahf<br />

kuzk; JaiuAk; typiaAk;<br />

jUfpwJ<br />

tho;it nka;apay; mDgtj;Jld;<br />

ghh;g;gth;fSf;F<br />

khw;Wtop xd;Wk;<br />

JNuhf topay;y<br />

mJ xU cah;e;j<br />

rpe;jidapd; mDgtk;<br />

Vnddpy; ekf;Fk; %r;R jkpo;jhd;<br />

ehKk; ,e;j Ch;jhd;.<br />

NkijikfSk;> rpe;jid<br />

tpUk;gpfSf;Fk;<br />

mth;fsJ Jauk; epiwe;j<br />

tho;Tf;Fk; KbTf;Fk;<br />

G+kpg;ge;jpy; xU njhlh;gpUg;gJ<br />

khw;wKbah tpjp NghYk;.<br />

Njrpaj;Jf;Fk;; FWe;Njrpaj;Jf;Fk;<br />

NtWghL fz;l %j;j NghuhspNa !<br />

NjhoNd!<br />

cd;id cyfpd;<br />

%j;j Fbahd jkpo; ,dk;<br />

milahsk; fz;Lnfhs;sj;<br />

jtwpaNjd;?<br />

cdJ murpay; gpuNtrKk;<br />

nghJTlik rpj;jhe;jNk<br />

cdJ KbTk;<br />

nghJTlik rpj;jhe;jNk<br />

Vnddpy; cdJ kuzj;jpy; $l<br />

vt;tsT Vw;wj;jho;;Tfs;<br />

rpe;jpf;fpd;wth;fSf;F cyfk;<br />

xU eifr;Rit ehlfk;.<br />

czh;fpd;wth;f;Sf;F cyfk;<br />

xU Jd;gtpay; ehlfk;<br />

rtg;ngl;bfSf;F gpzk;<br />

ahUilaJ vd;gjpy; mf;fiwapy;iy<br />

cdJ tho;tpd; KbT<br />

Jah; jP vdr; Rl;lNghJk;<br />

ek;gpf;iffis ,Wfg; gw;wpagb<br />

ehisa Gjpa cyif Nehf;fp<br />

-Njtd;-<br />

c∫Ô^ cˆÁ\ÔÁ·<br />

∂§ÕmÿÔV^·...<br />

÷Èkƒ<br />

gºÈVƒÁÔ”¬z<br />

khu;fop 29> 2006<br />

Lank<strong>at</strong>has P<strong>at</strong>hman<strong>at</strong>han<br />



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