spectrum utility - OpenLibra

spectrum utility - OpenLibra

spectrum utility - OpenLibra


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tions. Last time, I described the<br />

simple cases of adding or subtracting<br />

one (INC and DEC) from<br />

a register, or register pair. There<br />

are a number of machine code<br />

instructions which allow more<br />

complex addition and subtrac<br />

tion. For these, the choice of<br />

register is more limited than with<br />

INC and DEC. A single register<br />

addition or subtraction must<br />

always involve the 'A' register.<br />

Addition takes the form of adding<br />

the contents of the A<br />

register to another register or<br />

byte in memory (addressed by<br />

the HL pair), or a number<br />

(operand) in the program, and<br />

placing the result in the A<br />

register. Similarly, subtraction<br />

involves taking the value of a<br />

register, memory byte, or<br />

operand from the value in 'A'<br />

and placing the result back in the<br />

A register.<br />

Two byte arithmetic is more<br />

restricted. Addition involves<br />

taking the contents of the HL<br />

register pair, adding the contents<br />

of another register, and<br />

placing the result in HL. Subtraction<br />

involves subtracting a<br />

register pair value from the value<br />

in HL, and placing the result in<br />

HL. In single byte arithmetic,<br />

numbers are restricted to the<br />

range 0 to 255, whilst the range<br />

for two byte arithmetic is 0 to<br />

65535.<br />

A further complication is the<br />

carry flag. It is possible to add<br />

two numbers, then add the<br />

value of carry (0 or 11 to the<br />

result just before storing the<br />

final value. And it is possible to<br />

subtract the complement (1<br />

minus the value) of the carry flag<br />

from the result of subtracting<br />

two values, before storing the<br />

result. This gives two forms of<br />

add (ADD and ADC) and two<br />

forms of subtract (SUB and<br />

SBC); without and with the<br />

Table 1 Testing Flags<br />

a) Symbols and flag values<br />

Flag Flag = 1 Flag = 0<br />

C C (Carry) NC (No carry)<br />

Z Z (Zero) NZ (No zero<br />

P/V PO (parity odd) PE (parity even)<br />

S P (positive) M (negative)<br />

b) Valid operations, and their opcodes<br />

Unconditional Operation<br />

Flag: C<br />

JP (C3) JPC (DA)<br />

JP NC ID2)<br />

JR (18)<br />

CALL (CD)<br />

JRC (38)<br />

JR NC (30)<br />

CALL C (DCl<br />

CALL NC (D4)<br />

RET (C9) RET C (D8)<br />

RET NC (DO)<br />

carry flag. Confused? I'll try and<br />

explain.<br />

For simple arithmetic, it's<br />

easier to use the forms of add or<br />

subtract which do not use the<br />

carry flag value (ADD and SUB).<br />

So, if you are adding two<br />

registers or two register pairs, or<br />

subtracting two registers, use<br />

ADD or SUB. That way there is<br />

little chance of a mistake being<br />

made by an incorrect setting of<br />

the carry flag. The carry flag will,<br />

of course, be set (or reset) by the<br />

result of the addition/subtrac<br />

tion. For more complicated<br />

arithmetic, involving numbers<br />

held in several bytes, you'll want<br />

to use ADC or SBC. The purpose<br />

of involving the carry flag is that<br />

you can register whether or<br />

not there has been an addition or<br />

subtraction which has resulted<br />

in a value greater or smaller than<br />

that allowed by the restrictions<br />

on the register size. In this way<br />

you can carry a value to the next<br />

addition/subtraction, as you<br />

would carry one into the 'tens'<br />

column, having added 6 and 5 in<br />

the 'units'. Before using ADC or<br />

SBC it is usual to reset (for ADCl<br />

or set (for SBC) the carry flag<br />

before carrying out the calculation.<br />

The assembly language in<br />

struction to set the carry flag is<br />

SCF. There is no direct instruction<br />

to reset the carry flag, but<br />

this can be carried out by first<br />

setting the carry flag with SCF<br />

followed by the instruction CCF<br />

(complement carry flag), which<br />

inverts the value of the carry flag<br />

(0 to 1, or 1 to 0). The two in<br />

structions are one byte each<br />

(opcodes are 37 (SCF) and 3F<br />

(CCF), hex). The carry flag can<br />

be reset in one byte; I'll show<br />

you how next time.<br />

You'll see all the opcodes for<br />

the add and subtract in Table 2.<br />

Note that for two byte subtraction,<br />

only SBC is available, so be<br />


Conditional Operations<br />

P/V<br />

JP PO (E2|<br />

JP PE (EA)<br />

CALL PO (E4)<br />

CALL PE (EC)<br />

RET PO (EO)<br />

RET PE (E8)<br />

sure to set the carry flag when<br />

using it for simple arithmetic. Fig<br />

2 in the examples section, later<br />

on, provides a BASIC program<br />

which should help to clarify any<br />

doubts about the different add<br />

and subtract instructions.<br />

Block loading<br />

The final piece of theory for this<br />

issue is the Z80's powerful<br />

block load instruction. It allows<br />

the values in a block of bytes (of<br />

any size) in memory to be moved<br />

to another location. It works like<br />

this:<br />

The starting address of the<br />

source block is loaded into the<br />

HL register pair, the starting address<br />

of the destination block is<br />

moved into DE, and the number<br />

of bytes to be moved goes into<br />

BC. Then one instruction LDIR<br />

performs the move. LDIR stands<br />

for LoaD Increment Repeat. The<br />

value in BC acts as a counter.<br />

The value in the byte addressed<br />

by HL is transferred to the byte<br />

addressed by DE: HL and DE are<br />

incremented, while BC is<br />

decremented, then the instruction<br />

repeats itself automatically<br />

until BC gets down to zero.<br />

There is a non-repeat alter<br />

native, LDI, where the byte<br />

value transfer takes place, and<br />

registers HL and DE are incremented,<br />

BC decremented,<br />

but the instruction is not<br />

repeated automatically. Begin<br />

ners to machine code would normally<br />

use LDIR, and this is<br />

shown in the examples.<br />

The Z80 offers an almost<br />

identical instruction called<br />

LDDR. To use this, the END addresses<br />

of the source and<br />

destination blocks are loaded into<br />

HL and DE, respectively,<br />

while BC still holds the number<br />

of bytes to be transferred. Each<br />

cycle of the instruction involves<br />

Z<br />

JPZ (CA)<br />

JP NZ (C2><br />

JRZ (28)<br />

HR N (20)<br />

CALL Z (CC)<br />

CALL NZ (C4)<br />

RET Z(C8)<br />

RET NZ (CO)<br />

transfer from (HL) to (DE), and<br />

all three register pairs<br />

decremented. LDD is the nonautomatic<br />

repeat version of<br />

LDDR. It doesn't really matter<br />

whether you use LDIR or LDDR<br />

unless there is some overlap between<br />

the source and destination<br />

blocks of memory. Then, the<br />

choice is critical if bytes are not<br />

going to be corrupted. I'll leave<br />

you to sort out which should be<br />

used, depending on whether the<br />

overlap is at the beginning or end<br />

of the source block! The block<br />

move opcodes are shown in<br />

Table 2.<br />

Examples<br />

The first two examples given<br />

this time are written in such a<br />

way that they will work on both<br />

theZX81 and Spectrum. Example<br />

1 is the flag demonstration<br />

program, and all details appear<br />

in f ig. 1 . Example 2<br />

demonstrates add and subtract,<br />

and should help explain any<br />

questions you might have on all<br />

the arithmetic instructions mentioned<br />

earlier. Fig. 2 contains the<br />

details of this.<br />

The final example carries out<br />

similar block move operations<br />

on both ZX81 and Spectrum;<br />

copying the display file to a safe<br />

area of RAM, then returning it<br />

'instantly'. Machine differences<br />

prevent the same code working<br />

on both machines, so ZX81<br />

users should refer to fig. 3, while<br />

Spectrum owners go to fig. 4.<br />

Next time we'll be looking at<br />

a stack which has little to do<br />

with chimneys, and some bit<br />

operations!<br />

Spectrum users should type in<br />

the following listing as shown<br />

(Figure IK A minor change<br />

should be made by ZX81 users.<br />

S<br />

JP P(F2)<br />

JP M (FA)<br />

CALL P IF4)<br />

CALL M (FC)<br />

RET P (FOl<br />

RET M (F8)<br />


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