spectrum utility - OpenLibra

spectrum utility - OpenLibra

spectrum utility - OpenLibra


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noth ing"<br />

3223 RETURN<br />

3250 RESTORE 33: FOR x-1 TO 3: R<br />

EAD p»: IF p(x)-r AND p«-b« THEN<br />

GO TO 3260<br />

3255 NEXT x: PRINT '"I can't tel<br />

1 you anything about" "the *|b«|<br />

• at present-": RETURN<br />

3260 PRINT ''The "|b»|" is carry<br />

ing! '<br />

3265 RESTORE 30: FOR y-1 TO 10:<br />

READ o«: IF o(y)-13+x THEN PRIN<br />

T " a '!•*: LET print=l<br />

3270 NEXT y<br />

3275 IF NOT print THEN PRINT<br />

nothi ng"<br />

3280 RETURN<br />

3299 REM SCORE<br />

3300 PRINT * "You have solved "}s<br />

c) of this" * "adventure. " : GO T<br />

O 100<br />


6020 PRINT • You are "I"alone "<br />

AND p(l)Or AND p(2)Or AND pr|"in a g1oomy"'"dungeon whose<br />

walls are llned""with solid st<br />

one slabs.They look depre<br />

sslngly impregnable." AND NOT r<<br />

1,4>|" A passage leads<br />

west." AND r(1,4)|*" The floor i<br />

s of firm sand." AND NOT r(l,6)|<br />

"There is a deep hole in the san<br />

d" AND r CI,6)<br />

6025 PRINT *" The only light in<br />

this dismal"'"p1 ace comes throug<br />

h a snail" 'barred window set in<br />

to an iron"'"door in the south w<br />

all.";" There lean iron ring on<br />

the floor" AND ring: RETURN<br />

6040 PRINT '" You are in the gua<br />

rdroom, which" Ms Illuminated b<br />

y the f1ickering"••1ight from a<br />

torch on the wall."'" A passage<br />

leads off to the east"*" and a f<br />

light of stone steps"'"1eads upw<br />

ards."<br />

6045 IF wake-0 THEN PRINT '" Th<br />

e guard slumps at a table,"'"asl<br />

eep. "<br />

6046 IF wake AND p(2)-2 THEN PR<br />

INT '"The guard is now awake."<br />

6050 RETURN<br />

6060 PRINT "You are in the jail<br />

er's store"*"room. There is litt<br />

le here of"'"interest apart from<br />

a wooden" 'cheat in one corner<br />

of the room.*'" A rough plank ha<br />

s been fixed to"'"one wall to se<br />


rve as a shelf."**" There is a t<br />

rapdoor in the"'"middle of the f<br />

loop,'! RETURN<br />

6160 PRINT '"You are in a confus<br />

ing network"'"of underground pas<br />

sages leading"'"in all direction<br />

s. "<br />

6163 IF r-4 OR r=6 OR

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