Spa & Wellness MexiCaribe 54, Summer 2024

For Spa & Wellness Enthusiasts and Industry Professionals alike. Providing up to date information on global & national spa trends, news & events, products & services, new launches, Spa experiences, networking opportunities and the growing community of spa in an expanding industry. We believe in bringing together the spa community. Read our online articles and magazine, answer poll questions, find suppliers and events, browse recruitment listings, add pictures to our gallery, follow our blog and join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and become a part of the Spa Community in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America.

For Spa & Wellness Enthusiasts and Industry Professionals alike. Providing up to date information on global & national spa trends, news & events, products & services, new launches, Spa experiences, networking opportunities and the growing community of spa in an expanding industry. We believe in bringing together the spa community. Read our online articles and magazine, answer poll questions, find suppliers and events, browse recruitment listings, add pictures to our gallery, follow our blog and join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and become a part of the Spa Community in Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America.


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ESP<br />

ENG<br />

IA generativa para experiencias personalizadas<br />

Las tecnologías de bienestar mente/cuerpo reflejan la expansión de la<br />

era digital en la industria del bienestar. La IA generativa desempeña<br />

un papel clave al recopilar y analizar datos para ofrecer experiencias<br />

de tratamiento personalizadas. Un ejemplo es la cama de tratamiento<br />

Augmented Massage de Metawell.<br />

El sistema de movimiento a sonido, pionero en la industria del spa,<br />

funciona con un algoritmo de IA que responde en tiempo real al<br />

contorno corporal de cada huésped, mediante la técnica de masaje<br />

de la terapeuta en el huésped. La máquina va aprendiendo el contorno<br />

del cuerpo sobre el que trabaja la terapeuta y responde con una<br />

experiencia sonora única cada vez, y este aprendizaje se almacena.<br />

Esta innovadora tecnología transforma cada tratamiento en una<br />

interpretación personalizada y siempre cambiante de una partitura<br />

musical. El sonido está vivo y sigue de cerca los gestos únicos de la<br />

terapeuta. Una pantalla guía a la terapeuta durante la experiencia, y unos<br />

sensores integrados analizan la posición y velocidad del movimiento de<br />

la terapeuta para producir sonido en tiempo real al unísono. La IA ayuda<br />

a ofrecer una experiencia única y placentera tanto para el huésped<br />

como para el proveedor de servicios.<br />

Generative AI for Personalized Experiences<br />

Mind/Body wellness technologies reflect the expansion of the<br />

digital age in the wellness industry. Generative AI plays a key role<br />

by collecting and analyzing data to deliver personalized treatment<br />

experiences. One example of this is Metawell’s Augmented<br />

Massage treatment bed.<br />

The motion-to-sound medium, groundbreaking in the spa industry,<br />

works with an AI algorithm that responds in real-time to the body<br />

contour of each guest, through the massaging technique of the<br />

therapist on the guest. The machine is learning the landscape<br />

of the body that the therapist is working on and responding to<br />

a unique sound experience every time – and this learning is<br />

stored. This innovative technology transforms every treatment<br />

into a bespoke and ever-changing interpretation of a musical<br />

score. The sound is alive, closely following the unique gestures<br />

of the therapist. A display guides the therapist throughout the<br />

experience, and built-in sensors analyze the position and speed of<br />

the therapist's movement, to produce live sound in unison. This is<br />

AI helping deliver a singular and delightful experience to both the<br />

guest and the service provider.<br />

ESP<br />

ENG<br />

Descubre tu edad de bienestar<br />

Esta innovadora estación de evaluación basada en IA personaliza<br />

el entrenamiento de los usuarios basándose en parámetros físicos<br />

y funcionales. Utilizando la IA, genera un programa de precisión<br />

adaptado a sus necesidades, objetivos y condiciones. Tras iniciar<br />

sesión con la Technogym App, Technogym Checkup usa pruebas<br />

precisas y confiables para medir composición corporal, fuerza,<br />

equilibrio, movilidad y habilidades cognitivas. La información obtenida<br />

es procesada por Technogym AI Coach para crear un protocolo de<br />

entrenamiento personalizado, basado en datos reales. Esto garantiza<br />

una experiencia de entrenamiento precisa, mejorando el estilo de vida<br />

del usuario.<br />

Además, Technogym Checkup calcula la edad de bienestar, que refleja<br />

las condiciones físicas y funcionales del usuario. Con este punto de<br />

partida, pueden mejorar progresivamente, disminuyendo su edad<br />

de bienestar. Se puede acceder a los datos desde cualquier lugar,<br />

permitiendo a los huéspedes de un resort u hotel continuar con su<br />

protocolo de entrenamiento incluso después de finalizar su estancia.<br />

Discover your <strong>Wellness</strong> Age<br />

This innovative AI-based assessment station customizes the<br />

users’ training based on physical and functional parameters. By<br />

using AI, it generates a precision program tailored to their needs,<br />

goals, and conditions. After logging in with the Technogym App,<br />

Technogym Checkup uses precise and reliable tests to measure<br />

body composition, strength, balance, mobility, and cognitive<br />

abilities. The data collected is then processed by Technogym AI<br />

Coach to create a personalized training protocol, based on real<br />

data. This ensures a precision training experience, improving the<br />

user’s lifestyle.<br />

Additionally, Technogym Checkup calculates the <strong>Wellness</strong> Age,<br />

reflecting the user’s physical and functional conditions. With this<br />

starting point, they can progressively improve, decreasing their<br />

<strong>Wellness</strong> Age. The data can be accessed from anywhere, allowing<br />

guests of a resort or hotel to continue their training protocol even<br />

after their stay concludes.<br />

Por/By Alina M. Hernandez, Gharieni Group<br />

www.gharienigroup.com<br />

Por/By Technogym<br />

www.technogym.com<br />

www.spawellnessmexico.com 49

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