Finishing the Race

Of all the games instituted among the Greeks and the Romans, the races were the most ancient and the most highly esteemed … The contests were governed by strict regulations, from which there was no appeal. Those who desired their names entered as competitors for the prize had first to undergo a severe preparatory training. Harmful indulgence of appetite, or any other gratification that would lower mental or physical vigour, was strictly forbidden. For one to have any hope of success in these trials of strength and speed, the muscles must be strong and supple, and the nerves well under control. Every movement must be certain, every step swift and unswerving; the physical powers must reach the highest mark.

Of all the games instituted among the Greeks and the Romans, the races were the most ancient and the most highly esteemed … The contests were governed by strict regulations, from which there was no appeal. Those who desired their names entered as competitors for the prize had first to undergo a severe preparatory training. Harmful indulgence of appetite, or any other gratification that would lower mental or physical vigour, was strictly forbidden. For one to have any hope of success in these trials of strength and speed, the muscles must be strong and supple, and the nerves well under control. Every movement must be certain, every step swift and unswerving; the physical powers must reach the highest mark.


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touchingly portrayed: "I sware unto <strong>the</strong>e, and entered into a covenant with <strong>the</strong>e, saith <strong>the</strong><br />

Lord God, and thou becamest Mine." "And thou wast exceeding beautiful and thou didst<br />

prosper into a kingdom. And thy renown went forth among <strong>the</strong> hea<strong>the</strong>n for thy beauty: for it<br />

was perfect through My comeliness, which I had put upon <strong>the</strong>e. . . . But thou didst trust in<br />

thine own beauty, and playedst <strong>the</strong> harlot because of thy renown." "As a wife treacherously<br />

departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel,<br />

saith <strong>the</strong> Lord;" "as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her<br />

husband!" Ezekiel 16:8, 13-15, 32; Jeremiah 3:20.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> New Testament, language very similar is addressed to professed Christians who<br />

seek <strong>the</strong> friendship of <strong>the</strong> world above <strong>the</strong> favour of God. Says <strong>the</strong> apostle James: "Ye<br />

adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that <strong>the</strong> friendship of <strong>the</strong> world is enmity with<br />

God? whosoever <strong>the</strong>refore will be a friend of <strong>the</strong> world is <strong>the</strong> enemy of God." The woman<br />

(Babylon) of Revelation 17 is described as "arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked<br />

with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of<br />

abominations and filthiness:...and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon<br />

<strong>the</strong> Great, <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of harlots."<br />

Says <strong>the</strong> prophet: "I saw <strong>the</strong> woman drunk with <strong>the</strong> blood of <strong>the</strong> saints, and with <strong>the</strong><br />

blood of <strong>the</strong> martyrs of Jesus." Babylon is fur<strong>the</strong>r declared to be "that great city, which<br />

reigneth over <strong>the</strong> kings of <strong>the</strong> earth." Revelation 17:4-6, 18. The power that for so many<br />

centuries maintained despotic sway over <strong>the</strong> monarchs of Christendom is Rome. The purple<br />

and scarlet colour, <strong>the</strong> gold and precious stones and pearls, vividly picture <strong>the</strong> magnificence<br />

and more than kingly pomp affected by <strong>the</strong> haughty see of Rome. And no o<strong>the</strong>r power could<br />

be so truly declared "drunken with <strong>the</strong> blood of <strong>the</strong> saints" as that church which has so<br />

cruelly persecuted <strong>the</strong> followers of Christ. Babylon is also charged with <strong>the</strong> sin of unlawful<br />

connection with "<strong>the</strong> kings of <strong>the</strong> earth." It was by departure from <strong>the</strong> Lord, and alliance<br />

with <strong>the</strong> hea<strong>the</strong>n, that <strong>the</strong> Jewish church became a harlot; and Rome, corrupting herself in<br />

like manner by seeking <strong>the</strong> support of worldly powers, receives a like condemnation.<br />

Babylon is said to be "<strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r of harlots." By her daughters must be symbolized<br />

churches that cling to her doctrines and traditions, and follow her example of sacrificing <strong>the</strong><br />

truth and <strong>the</strong> approval of God, in order to form an unlawful alliance with <strong>the</strong> world. The<br />

message of Revelation 14, announcing <strong>the</strong> fall of Babylon must apply to religious bodies<br />

that were once pure and have become corrupt. Since this message follows <strong>the</strong> warning of <strong>the</strong><br />

judgment, it must be given in <strong>the</strong> last days; <strong>the</strong>refore it cannot refer to <strong>the</strong> Roman Church<br />

alone, for that church has been in a fallen condition for many centuries. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, in <strong>the</strong><br />

eighteenth chapter of <strong>the</strong> Revelation <strong>the</strong> people of God are called upon to come out of<br />

Babylon. According to this scripture, many of God's people must still be in Babylon.<br />

And in what religious bodies are <strong>the</strong> greater part of <strong>the</strong> followers of Christ now to be<br />

found? Without doubt, in <strong>the</strong> various churches professing <strong>the</strong> Protestant faith. At <strong>the</strong> time of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir rise <strong>the</strong>se churches took a noble stand for God and <strong>the</strong> truth, and His blessing was with<br />


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