Documentation The Machine - Celestin Albers

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The Location

During the project, I sought a suitable location

for the machine. Ideally, it would have been

placed in a shop in a busy street in the city

center near other restaurants or in the canteen

of a high-tech company. I was in discussions

with Kaleido, a student organization at the

TapijnKazerne grounds, right up until the

project's final stages. However, just days

before we were supposed to finalize the date

with our program, I was informed that I could

not prepare and serve food at their location

because they lacked the proper permits for such

an operation.

Scrambling to find an alternative, I realized

that no other location seemed to work for my

project. That's when my housemates, who had been

part of the test groups, suggested hosting it at

our house, a large former school building. While

this location wasn't ideal for making a broad

societal impact, my goal was not necessarily to

reach a wide audience but to make a significant

impact on those who did participate.

Specifically, I aimed to engage those who would

be enticed by free drinks and food without

reading the terms of service.


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