Documentation The Machine - Celestin Albers

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Data Collection

To collect data from users, I devised a plan to

create a signup website with dual purposes: to

gather more data than users anticipated and to

obtain their consent to use this data as I saw fit.

First, I designed a straightforward signup page

that requested the information I wanted to collect:

the user's name, dietary preferences, email

address, and agreement to the Terms of Service

(TOS). This form was simple and could be filled in

under a minute.

Here's where a malicious trick (publicized 11 years

ago) comes into play: if the user utilized the

browser's autofill function to fill in their name

or email, the browser would send all autofill data

to me. This data included not only the name and

email but also the user's address, postal code,

country, phone number, business name, and even

credit card details.

In addition, I used the provided email addresses to

perform a password lookup through Breach Directory,

a website that lists leaked passwords. This allowed

me to gather even more personal information.

All the collected data was then compiled and fed to

an AI, which created a personalized bio /

introduction for each user. These bios were then

laser engraved onto the paper plates and sold back

to the consumers for profit.

Why would anyone sign up for this? The answer is

simple: free drinks. Dutch people, known for their

love of bargains, could never resist a deal that

includes the word "free." This incentive ensured a

high signup rate, allowing me to collect enough

data for the project.


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