Y5 Spring Shang Dynasty

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<strong>Shang</strong><br />

<strong>Dynasty</strong><br />

Year 5 <strong>Spring</strong> Term<br />

What can we tell abou the<br />

<strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong> from Fu Hao’s<br />


Unit Overview<br />

In this unit, pupils will learn when and where the <strong>Shang</strong><br />

<strong>Dynasty</strong> was based. They will explore how this period<br />

was before the formal recording of history so much of<br />

what we know now has been discovered by<br />

archaeologists.<br />

One of the most significant archaeological discoveries<br />

ever made was the excavation of Fu Hao’s tomb.<br />

Unlike many other tombs from this period, Fu Hao’s had<br />

been undisturbed by looters and raiders. Using what<br />

was found, historians were able to form conclusions<br />

about life during the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong>.<br />

During this unit, pupils will learn about the social<br />

structure of the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong>, religious beliefs and<br />

how rulers came to power. They will compare what<br />

they have learnt to what they know about other early<br />

civilisations and those eras that came afterwards.

Golden Threads<br />

Golden Threads: Invasion and Empire<br />

Timeline:<br />

1600 BC<br />

The <strong>Shang</strong> dynasty is<br />

founded when Cheng<br />

Tang overthrows the Xia<br />

dynasty<br />

In Key Stage 1, pupils learn about Farming and Homes throughout time so they will<br />

draw on this early knowledge further during this unit.<br />

In KS2, children have explored the Bronze Age, the Stone Age and the Iron Age, as<br />

well as the Romans and the Vikings, so they will be able to securely place this<br />

period of history within a timeline. They will also have knowledge of how ruler in<br />

different eras and regions come to power and the different religious beliefs of<br />

other nations and eras. However, this will be their first encouter with history<br />

beyond Europe.<br />

Family Tree<br />

1200 BC<br />

Fu Hao, one of the wives<br />

of King Wu Ding, dies..<br />

1250 BC<br />

King Wu Ding begins his<br />

reign..<br />

1046 BC<br />

Slaves revolt in protest<br />

against cruel treatment<br />

and increasing taxes. The<br />

<strong>Shang</strong> dynasty is<br />

overthrown and replaced<br />

by the Zhou dynasty..<br />

1075 BC<br />

The last <strong>Shang</strong> king, Di<br />

Xin, begins his reign..<br />


Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another - Enabling Everyone to Flourish<br />

Overview of Unit<br />

Lesson One:<br />

Pupils will be able to identify when<br />

and where the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong> ruled.<br />

To begin with, children will explore a photo of Zheng and her team at the dig.<br />

Children will have post-its and write questions that they would need to ask on<br />

one colour to put on the board. In another colour post-it they will make<br />

statements about what they can deduce from the picture. Another picture<br />

will then be added of the tomb itself. How does it link? What can they now<br />

conclude? What questions can they now answer and what new questions<br />

come to mind? The third stage could be to put on the board the list of items<br />

discovered. Who is in the tomb? What can they find out about the person<br />

through the objects that are in the tomb. What questions do they now want to<br />

ask? The final stage will be to show images of some of the objects.<br />

Children will learn when and where the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong> occurred. They will<br />

look at what was happening in other areas at this time. They will then create a<br />

simple timeline of Chinese history before researching a key element<br />

(terracotta Warrior, the Great Wall of China, a different dynasty, Confucius<br />

etc) and sharing key findings (5 sentences) with the class.

Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another - Enabling Everyone to Flourish<br />

Overview of Unit<br />

Lesson Two:<br />

Pupils will be able to say who Fu Hao<br />

was and discuss what was found in her<br />

tomb.<br />

In this lesson, pupils will learn who Fu Hao was and they will create a fact file<br />

of her life. Pupils will explore what was found in her tomb and categorise the<br />

items. Using hoops, each circle will be a different category (technology,<br />

religion, fashion, leisure, war) and then children decide where they would<br />

place each picture. In groups, children will research the different categories<br />

and present their findings to the class. They will imagine being a slave<br />

preparing the tomb of their master - what fate awaits them?<br />

Lesson Three:<br />

Pupils will be able to discuss what life<br />

was like during the dynasty.<br />

After recapping on the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong> and Fu Hao, children will learn about<br />

the social classes of the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong>. Throughout the lesson, pupils will<br />

draw links between what was found in Fu Hao’s tomb to support the<br />

information offered. They will learn how cities were organised the importance<br />

of the Yellow Rover. Children will make ginger millet porridge.

Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another - Enabling Everyone to Flourish<br />

Overview of Unit<br />

Lesson Four:<br />

Pupils will be able to list key facts<br />

about the religious beliefs of the<br />

<strong>Shang</strong> people.<br />

In this lesson, pupils will learn about the religious beliefs of the <strong>Shang</strong> people.<br />

They will learn about the different Gods and investigate how people<br />

responded to different situations (sacrifice, fasting etc) and make story<br />

boards to show this. They will examine messages on oracle bones and try to<br />

decipher them.<br />

Pupils will also learn about the fall of the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong>. They will place<br />

themselves in the shoes of <strong>Shang</strong> fighters at the Battle of Muye and debate<br />

whether they should defect.<br />

Lesson Five:<br />

Assessment: What can we tell about<br />

the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong> from Fu Hao’s<br />

tomb?<br />

In this final lesson, pupils will recap on the key points and they will write a<br />

description of how what was found in the tomb supports what we know about<br />

the <strong>Shang</strong> <strong>Dynasty</strong>.

Vocabulary<br />

Historical<br />

Knowledge<br />

I can examine causes and results of great events<br />

and the impact on people<br />

archeologist<br />

artefacts<br />

Someone who finds and studies buried objects to find<br />

out about the past.<br />

An object made by a human being, typically one of<br />

cultural or historical interest.<br />

Chronology<br />

I can place current studies on a timeline in relation<br />

to other studies I know and sequence key events of<br />

time studied.<br />

I can use relevant terms and periods labels.<br />

I can relate current studies to previous studies.<br />

I can make comparisons between different times in<br />

history<br />

bronze<br />

dynasty<br />

The first metal widely used by humans, made by melting<br />

and mixing copper and tin.<br />

A family that rule a country or state for many<br />

generations.<br />

Interpretation of<br />

History<br />

I can offer some reasons for different versions of<br />

events.<br />

Emperor<br />

General<br />

oracle bones<br />

A king or ruler of an empire or country.<br />

The leader of an army.<br />

Animal bones or turtle shells with Chinese writing, used<br />

to try and predict the future.<br />

Historical Enquiry<br />

I can begin to identify primary and secondary<br />

sources.<br />

I can use evidence to build up a picture of life in<br />

time studied.<br />

I can select relevant sections of information.<br />

I am confident in the use of book and e-learning for<br />

research<br />

Yellow River<br />

sacrifice<br />

A major river running across the north east of China.<br />

The act of killing an animal or person, or giving up a<br />

possession to a God.<br />

Organisatin &<br />

Communication<br />

I can fit events into a display sorted by time.<br />

I can use appropriate terms, matching dates to<br />

people and events.<br />

I can record and communicate knowledge in<br />

different forms.<br />

ancestors<br />

The people in your family who have already died, like<br />

your great-great<br />

Key Skillss

Homework Challenges<br />

Create one of your own oracle bones with a story using ancient Chinese pictures/writing<br />

Watch the BBC clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z39j2h v/articles/zqtn6yc<br />

Then write a story about living in ancient China, pretending to be a boy or girl living in<br />

those times<br />

How did the <strong>Shang</strong> army win battles? Find out about their weapons, and warriors. Draw<br />

some pictures of both and write a short paragraph explaining about the <strong>Shang</strong> Army.<br />

Assessment<br />

Socrative Quiz -<br />

Enrichments<br />

Forest School session cooking<br />

Chinese meals and building a<br />

burial vessal.<br />




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