
GEZ VARLEY, Pulzar, MAKING MUSIC ON A BUDGET P2, Moshic, Oldskool Vinyl You Must Have PT2, SAMMY DEAN, DJ CHARTS, Jimster, Music Reviews, SKIRRA, Pascal Kleiman, TECH / SOFTWARE REVIEWS, Robert Haagsma

GEZ VARLEY, Pulzar, MAKING MUSIC ON A BUDGET P2, Moshic, Oldskool Vinyl You Must Have PT2, SAMMY DEAN, DJ CHARTS, Jimster, Music Reviews, SKIRRA, Pascal Kleiman, TECH / SOFTWARE REVIEWS, Robert Haagsma


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Hi Mike, thanks for agreeing to this<br />

my friend. So first things first, what’s<br />

going on in the world of Skirra at the<br />

moment?<br />

Hi ya Mark! It’s been crazy of late. But in a really<br />

good way! We relaunched Mechanikal in February, after a<br />

break from releases which has far exceeded anything I could<br />

have hoped for. The relaunch E.P. was a joint release<br />

between Carl Shorts and myself and got some really solid<br />

support.<br />

Since then, the demo box has been in meltdown,<br />

but the quality of techno that’s being sent in is truly<br />

amazing.<br />

We also have some next level releases in the schedule from<br />

some huge names in techno. I can’t say too much about<br />

some of them but short term, expect music from artists like<br />

Acerbic (A.K.A Chicago Loop), A follow up from one of my<br />

favorite artists in the game right now; MarAxe. And a whole<br />

load of new cuts from me.<br />

We also decided to launch a podcast called The<br />

Mechanikal Music Podcast at the beginning of the year. It<br />

was an idea that I have had for a while. I’m really blessed to<br />

be able to call a lot of the pioneers of the scene friends, so I<br />

thought; why not get them on a call and chat nonsense! It<br />

seems to be the sort of thing that people want, as the<br />

Youtube numbers are really healthy! I’ve got absolutely<br />

loads of artists, promoters, artist managers and DJ’s lined up<br />

for a chin flap! So far, we just released the 7th episode and<br />

have had people like Acerbic, MarAxe, D.A.V.E. The<br />

Drummer and Michaela join me on the show. It’s fun man. I<br />

love talking as most that know me know so it’s just a natural<br />

extension for my lip flapping!<br />

In terms of my own music, I’ve got some nice stuff<br />

on contract for the year but I’m turning most of my new<br />

material out on Mechanikal.<br />

Describe your style right this second.<br />

I’ve only got one mode man! Solid, driving,<br />

16th note percussive party music! Having the break<br />

away from the scene was such a tonic for me. I felt<br />

like I was starting to turn music out like a sausage<br />

factory. Instead of making 7-10 tracks a week and not<br />

being 100% happy with them, I got out of the studio<br />

and went to parties. I spent time on dancefloors which, if<br />

I’m honest, I didn’t really do all that much before. It’s<br />

amazing what being in a rave to enjoy it instead of working<br />

does for your inspiration. I nailed how it was I wanted the<br />

music to translate. I take weeks on E.P.s now. It might get<br />

finished in a few days but I force myself to sit with it now.<br />

The difference in terms of the appreciation I have for my<br />

own records now is huge. I’m really happy with what’s<br />

coming from my studio now.<br />

But they have always been so much fun. Plus; it’s the law<br />

that all DJ’s must have had bookings with empty dancefloors<br />

isn’t it?<br />

Best is also a hard one as I have loved every<br />

minute of DJing. The biggest was Boomtown Festival. That<br />

was amazing. Ayako Mori, D.A.V.E. The Drummer and myself<br />

hosted the Hydrauli” takeover in what was quite possibly the<br />

hottest marquee on earth! Didn’t stop it getting filled<br />

though.<br />

Of course, the Hydraulix parties are always<br />

amazing. It’s like a family reunion in the green room. And of<br />

course, I couldn’t go without mentioning the Collide parties.<br />

Every single one I’ve played has been so special.<br />

Tell us something interesting about<br />

yourself?<br />

Alright. I live with ten cats! No crap! We thought it<br />

would be a good idea to let our two breed. Let’s just say, it<br />

got out of control! Word to the wise! Neuter your cats<br />

people!!<br />

What’s the best piece of advice you<br />

would give to any newcomer trying<br />

to get into the world of Techno or<br />

dance music in general?<br />

Oh, this one is easy and not nearly enough people<br />

understand the importance of this. Forget being the most<br />

technical producer or DJ. Instead; put everything you have<br />

into building real, meaningful relationships in the industry. If<br />

your goal is to get a release on Drumcode before you’ve<br />

even begun building proper relationships with your peers and<br />

the people you are producing music for, then you may find<br />

the wait is a long one.<br />

If you build a network of people that you genuinely<br />

care about and the relationship isn’t built on what that<br />

person can do for your career, then the big name<br />

connections, agents and promoters will soon come. The<br />

underground scene is a very organic one. If you are genuine,<br />

the rest just happens.<br />

As for producers; one of the most crucial things you<br />

can ever prioritise when writing any kind of music is to lead<br />

with a story. Forget mix balancing, bus summing, EQing or<br />

mastering. That comes over time, through experience and<br />

good quality education.<br />

If you don’t know how to tell a story, you will just<br />

fall into the void of all the other thousands of releases that<br />

get sent to labels each week. Understanding proper<br />

phrasing, movement, creating emotion through tension and<br />

release and then putting it all together to tell a story that<br />

translates to a dance floor is what will put you out in front.<br />

What were the best and worst sets<br />

or gigs you’ve ever played?<br />

Haha! Honestly, I haven’t really had what you’d call<br />

a bad gig…yet! I’ve turned up to empty dancefloors, sure.<br />


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