Fconomlc Growth TbdolEd

Fconomlc Growth TbdolEd Fconomlc Growth TbdolEd

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Developmcnt of Stnt€tes to Achleve Sustrhrble Fconomlc Growth TbdolEd w DA}USI {IMID SIDDQi,I ft. 6. sf,d ofnrD d.sE D.?al!d dB6.d.+ ldrltof Altr t.d!6&ofr'r|Ai Xn ld,Erde &ril2010

Developmcnt of Stnt€tes to Achleve Sustrhrble<br />

<strong>Fconomlc</strong> <strong>Growth</strong><br />

<strong>TbdolEd</strong><br />

w<br />


ft. 6. sf,d ofnrD d.sE<br />

D.?al!d dB6.d.+ ldrltof Altr<br />

t.d!6&ofr'r|Ai<br />

Xn ld,Erde<br />


Development of Strategies to Achieve Sustainrble<br />

Economic <strong>Growth</strong><br />


Subnifted lo Uni6ily of (,E hi<br />

in runllrcnr oflhe EquiFm.nt3 for tbc dqrcc of<br />

DOCTOR oF PHILOSOPHY in Economid<br />

AFI20l0<br />

R.sarch Su!.dis<br />

Dr. oei M&.d Alncd<br />

!@iatc Piof@r & DiEcro. C@t! for BuiB & E@mic Rsb<br />

IBtituc ofBNi|4 Adnintuhrio4 K.ehi<br />

H<br />

D.p.rtn@r of Eolmicr F&ulty of Ari!,<br />

Uniqity of l


ln ahc Nane of AILAH. fhe Me tun,flp Me MeftlN


I Danilh Ahm.d Siddiqui to }!ot rt Piud' Qdim Rs! Siddiqui h'Ebv doclarc mr no<br />

plir ol th. *o* pE$ntld bv n for lhis $ctis 'ntitLd "D'w'"'tunt oI Sta@'es 10<br />

lchlg S4toidbh Ewkic ed*''' b'ing ebmincd lo UniwBitv of Ka@hi' hs bdn<br />

tlosiaiz.d frod dtryh.Er' hoFr Fl*nc's iF oncn *ncdcr n@serv<br />

i -o*o* - t* -".o"" *d's fi' nsl'r b @@l dE &8t'! ir t'v o' rh' abow<br />

dcldtion !rw.! l.l* b.foE or.4n |i'r rh' N'd of {"gR<br />

| tudhd d@le $!r Inis eo *s qFi'd out dtiElv bv @ dd tntr il hts 'r''l' cfier<br />

wholry d in Fdr! bdn $trn @d ad rnv othsd'8r6<br />

Ddish ahrEd siddiqli<br />

c di(hE ld dF dGs/F oa Pn.D<br />

D.t rft of Eclfunics<br />

Uni6ity of Kdti, Krtelli<br />

r rhk $d dtd d@rd I hlr d.rR or<br />

i ii. ir".'i-r-l ;*re ep",<br />

;. **d;l-,"i<br />



I Le s@ rtmdf th. $6i. ritLd "D.d4p@r! otgrd2Sitt to tutAE Sabinatk<br />

E@Mic edlf st,tr,io,,Jbvnlt.D.ni$ Ano'd Siddiqu fd d' "rtt orhD &88<br />

rnd qrify ln.t io d* b6t oanv bwLrlg. h dn iB m ptlgitiz'd iddi.t<br />

z----.tJ<br />

asirte P;tus & Di@ior c€nltE fd Buii*$ & Edomic R.l&h<br />

rncitu& of Bsifts Adhinisr€iod, xtuhi

Certifi cate of APprorral<br />

This is ro erlit th.t Mr' Ddish Ann d Siddiqui hrs<br />

c@PlcLd his disrtd6<br />

'su@stullv<br />

in E6mic. titLd'D.E/qPted otsnabai.t to lchiN Sshi4bk E Mic Awh "<br />

'D. rlgd! ie foon..c.4L eln.t4o*d for$thDi$io in nnfiltEnl oflh'<br />

@uilffir of tle D.gd orDodo. of Fnih.ooht<br />

'' dE D'F tna of &moicr<br />

Reffh SuD.Fis,<br />

i-.r"i. niG ! or"* c""h rd BBi6 & E(Mn R.36h<br />

In*itlne ot B6ln $ alianisrndo, K@hr

Abstract<br />

r h. rh6n dpns MI\' ch3ptd wift rh' dmn rhm' ofiNtution'i ersl'tv md susuidbr'<br />

*;, ;;"<br />

".;"*;.",dptsh!6,h.Ecd'iB']nio\binsdinimr<br />

l*,"'l' '*"' *'"'- '" " "*nsr; mv b q*ridtr'h ndu( rduio*r q@trv<br />

'fr:l#J;;.;*, *"-*-'*:'*,1:-liiffi1*";"1^<br />

nmelv nsk rcducing r6hnolo3iB {d ori ftd s"liig tshobg6<br />

;;i;;;.;;:*-'*'**hdon'inobidriv'nendbolaronPrinciparosporen'I<br />

l"'",;;;;",;.;i'**'.'* ^:::1":' ]1il;' i:ffi il:l.l" ""<br />

ndmof i0iituri0n'l qualir' of5 v'u<br />

l;. ; ;..:;;"";;.*"*rem'<br />

::,';;"**"*''''rlorP!.nEnerJ$utr<br />

roveringihc pdnodo':uur<br />

juJ,''.,h a b6'd m<br />

"m?'md'\ctrs'dr<br />

Ih*inrrdos'ndi6"erhd<br />

lI,T.'';;;;;"-,";d"d@dsm.mer,ic'i'ch"iq"6 ^'|'Iid'b'sicm"er<br />

*,,""' !En dBms.d5dor'Fr'ol':":""11._<br />

:;.;,-.".".",<br />

'5o*-*.*'-'*'"" ' "n rh' bGtr BF{h n.d'r adinn€d b ri' de\eropine @m'6<br />

sn@r inda oIi.'iird'on\'<br />

;;;;;" *''"'"<br />

"krop'*roln.nBbins'tus<br />

;*;;;";;;''*"'"-'o@nmicp'do.*nd'dsins'icsd6&b<br />

"*i.l*i-*"""<br />

^-* * * t*-<br />

* 6insd tr'ttdorost/ rn d*a-!er".l isoridffi G<br />

!nn! $d loh.ts4l@li6 oitrr'ctdion !:tiDhr !'d dt<br />

" '**"<br />

::T.:T':.":"*-",.""orindndionsposniltrv<br />

;;;;;;; ;; .' dl'r &'!ins i..dim @ wav or<br />

"*<br />

'*'dids<br />

"tdiv'<br />

,*','t"" r-* U- t* irdtirtiion' Ritr iid do d 5@ b prods I<br />

-t'" 'ldEiru 'Irs<br />

;;:;;;;;;'"<br />

J-mrvdvitr'mn'l rh'*id"*ord*E@isareded<br />

.1- * toDfli bll is<br />

-.*"'*' -*-**<br />

sn ddfional upon lhe q0alitv ot plsrdr<br />

,*,"U"* "* n o *"t*<br />

" "'-"- rhaq whetr il(nuids sroMh dFMi6 r6@d for Pd(nia n*<br />

;;;;;;";';",*'"''.,*-noFrhdd irc $krngisriruriotrs rnrac!rheihpmrordti<br />

;;; ,* -."' * . parmns" of P{is@ ,*s ro Mrin idgni6@L rne ftss<br />

-*<br />

rd<br />

impa'1i'c@Dmic gmM' rth,,e<br />

i" **'i* * t*'"* -o **th rn P i$rs d @ii@sntd rhu *hibir areriabre rong<br />

'nd<br />

- -*a*" *" (j*"- t*tlilv Gr liidings i'diodc lh! incrc is cler uni diredion€l long<br />

,J" --"<br />

**-<br />

gD*l! in *hioh idirdiomr quar'e @ @ndic sp*h<br />

'*'iti'"<br />

-<br />

Houwei m .videm. ss lound for shd nn €ulrlirv in $v didion

( t,, t' t (, /,.!/ &l - F< a.t,, t. - 1 {-F ! L If v I G v,Fct t r r'J.t v.<br />

( ;-/a, : L J iJ gly,bt JP lev 6 )'/L r).u & Lt, tlt -1- ljv jP"r,r"'<br />

Q.,{ J g,1,t o (, p,3 r,, ut &t L -( v- ez - 4 $ - a } i rf{n +'{,! j7<br />

e;.-, h "t Cttt-Qti, J,L.,U J_tL jl.t.,e(6.'tr* Jlv Jy,u.tv"--<br />

, i -' 4Et - + )z,l'4', I "<br />

ct n rv 6, t -.tu - r-.:.' e t t4 - 7 v,lefu a'e t<br />

- 7 c.t<br />

a s. 2- L i g e /,!,'. j,,,' d5 t vQ &<br />

g<br />

L g'b DV. d ;? {t l2' i L<br />

tr< -7 g' : r! L e-tu',)\t r/. +,f1, ) t't z.,v t tt " -+ vft y,'!, r' it,','<br />

& J tl6,t?,L r'/U,eI Jt,,'tp|"ac,l,/g,!,t7. g'',t",1st6,I 'g'! 27 f vr,ct<br />

)v 6t !tt) irt't &. uz L ;6'r;. L Ar'e. { 7{67 z, :L 4 it,e 3:v,!'<br />

,J | -{r4 ^r, tL,F\h 4, i.F

Acknowledgments<br />

All .he lhants lnd Dois lo Atdi€ll|, Allah cMbling ne dd eiting<br />

'or<br />

lnoqldsc dd<br />

iders !o implcm.nl, and pDviding me st'Ensth 5'd mufse ro c'rv on lnd eohplish lhh<br />

Es@h- And @ntl6s elulition upon I lis I tol, Pbphct Muhmmd (pe@ b' upon him)'<br />

wh@ le{ninls bts.d o jusie tnl qlulnt hlvc l'd h' 1o un|.tute NlFh on lhis<br />

sbjcl. I tl$ lhdt( mv pamb fof .Mumgins re ud siYins ne all th' supp'rr and<br />

bactitrc i. th. D.nod of mv sndies, wilhour *hich I sinplv @ld 'ot $ink ol udctuking<br />

$is r4k. | !o.l$ indebl€d lo mv ftnilv for b'aring *ith ne io dimcux tin's'<br />

I wish io thank my 3rp€Fisot, Dr. QMi M|sod Ahne4 for hh valubL and crpcn<br />

guid,e, isiehlful @mmll ed en@mgeft ddne lhe ous otlhis sludv th lElp'd<br />

slEp. lhc didid $d f6us of nv llgdh H' h6 frelv giH his treio6 tim' dd mode<br />

ru f*l $.r my wlt h6 alw!}s ten his Fiditt- I lle Mi Mohsin llm0i'<br />

'hDwledg€<br />

Anna4 Econdilr, ADplidd E@n@ics R.srch €nlE (aERC) for hb suidlnce in lh' aF<br />

.r€conomclric l wonld ale st€oia[v rhlnk Di Shiliq ur R€hnal! Ch8iman D'pantent ot<br />

Eoonomic! fq cll lh€ dchl suppon hc povidcd, smetin€s going out ofihc wlv lo heD me<br />

In rh. cn4 I would d$ likc to lclodl.dg. tnc Dl' ofre'fimloo/ dEr hc m!& mv<br />

ftsrch srt r lor 66 ed -6ibl.<br />

for thN in dewloping @uti6 lik' P*id3n-

Table of Contents<br />


5.3 rN'truroNsAME.oNoMrcG - -----:1<br />

s33 l4qttuirwtuNolttutudud'nsoltuftllbns --<br />

3/s.'dn|9!n6dfu.nfu'@NhANlfB'.'''<br />

Frqr*efdi|eltal*ndF,*ldl|g|roratR|oeai{q|rqoc|l<br />

uzD 50d[ rEcrGocns p&al r<br />

721^c'|4dbne6c4obq'''''''<br />

--- -- ^<br />

-- --_-_<br />

cHAnrRT a*€NorA:D5acoR6u$orrk!lNDExotlN5rtunoNAtroso<br />

l@6,ircno{A!)^roBaBrrqas " ,' 16s<br />

PtEtr,iwtfr :{rtFrgg{+{qtiir{cFo{rE.lq4i+rr|lrs6-_ *:-'- _r|p<br />

s.2. D^rA D€{i froN ............. , .<br />

s.3. R!6as!oN Sft. acAnoN......<br />

"1<br />


4.7,<br />

3.3.<br />

qrm}||6rm,lisADc.o*d<br />

9,1.<br />

@-*-1"<br />

10.5.<br />

11.3.<br />

turwcw d ouufl d nsnMrqr ^nD<br />

d'rsr!$.com|mNdiiA<br />

fddrc GrMr n PantrN<br />

IHrMdrdotco{o{ErircTEqilou6loD^r D6drmd<br />

E0FRroLtusd5^xDAx{6s<br />

i|srlruDorcM.co$wG|ogB<br />

11.5.<br />

ratrtrxrrr4 amrFr*. -! i*--:+*<br />

Mr reEr^|5cn6t@f,nY---....<br />


List of Flgures

Na!:coi uGEMsfl_<br />

-*-*-*'n<br />

_-"*-*';<br />

rd.G rfr Er E|g.tr*@Ertu4wxD-*--_--_- ---_-"*- ;<br />

rs.t: rrtbrs|ffi OdrirEd{tr$}- --__-___--'---_-__--- ;<br />

r.rr t5 ErFgEtFlE6t---__-__-.-------_- ;;<br />

rds:ror.E.!6nkffd|Du<br />

Te'ilig*lc}sEeFq&fi<br />


Part 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: InFoducllon<br />

Tte Elaldship b€tw€ somio p.rfodaM t.d tllc qltlrtv ofdoncstic institltions has<br />

eme.8d |@tly N a mojd subj*l ol inl{Est 'lh€ litdturc shots lhot highd ihe quolitv of<br />

domestio in$ilulions the beltet lhc cilec$ d rhe Hrmm dcvelopm.nt and gm*lh of a<br />

cou.rry. Nonb ( l98l) tbmliEd rhe sDdy ol innitutio6 ds a spoEtd di$iplirc !d pDvid$ a<br />

snd theoElictl ffmewolk 6 to h)w lhcy idF.t 6@mic Frfodre'<br />

Thes iditulional<br />

dlrmiG m rhe@i@lly di$s*d in rh. smic liLdt@, howvd rc'v liltle hb b@ dm<br />

empirtully. Tbis th6is h . sall sl.p in .n .rlmnt to mpnic.llt t.lltze lh€ inpa'l of<br />

iGtirurions M @tmic !rctlh. Sp€jfdllt, n prcvi{rcs ! n..s aor i'siruidal qulitv<br />

lh{ @ he usat ro cmprE inrrn ids eB cdnrri.s' rhtn ticd io find ! link b.l@<br />

insiotioBl quli.y 0.d $srrinlbl. cmomic SDsdt Thh ontibdr6 ro insd$rional<br />

IiteBrG .s n provids a n.r atpmch of alArcSuing difeFnt idirotbnal medEs in !<br />

r@instut dd compdblc inlq ofinnnuionllized sNill cthnolosi6<br />

1.1 Back sround ol the ltesearch Problem<br />

sBl,imble economio sowth bi.gs cnh6ncal qulity of living oa misss lher€bv d{E6ing<br />

spolial inequrliry !s w.ll os pov.rty, ThG .ncouBges narions io slrive for lona sp€lls of<br />

economic grcwrh b ehiev. rhc l*el oldcvclopm.nl and sldtudl change Equir€d lo cabh_<br />

up with rhe developen woild. How€vd, not sll dtjds srcced in lnis en&ald despit<br />

implemqring MnMic poli.ics considodd oprimol b, mi.st sn thdi6. The diffeft@<br />

amng @unti6 sp*d tajEtory @uld b. .llriholcd io ihcir inneEnl inslituliodl

cha@&nsrics. Slandtrd crcwlh liLdbE i.strds insrnurional {t'vcloDn'nt 6 incruft tl in<br />

achieving susuidble stoMh si.e all orher facloE suld hishlv dcpend upon $c qul v of<br />

i.snulions.Iloqever.i.dilulionaIlitialuE,tllhoughnosl€ldborcriveo'theorc'ic!|osp-G<br />

of insrimiont ndly n d4td lh.n dpiriol a+'c! Th'E is nol m*h dDiricdl wo* ddne<br />

lo 6*$ lhe imt@t ofoveftll instilutions on eononic gorlh -ftc hain hinddne muld lE<br />

rhe availabilily of instilulionil dar0 thar could be ldlcd on empniol groun& lnstitutional<br />

qualitt is moutld in .mphi@l lir.dh uilizins d'k bas tmvidel<br />

bt veioB omm'rcid<br />

or rN4nmcdal oBanizalions Vanous siudies emplorins rh'$ trda sue trcmDl b<br />

aggEsate vlrious innnulioml D6uE to lod sme nsningtul esiimat€s of insn$iorul<br />

qulity rclN utioB. llo{.v.r, lh* cffods ic tor nDd' €rclusivelv ro judBc th' qDtlitv of<br />

innituids bur lnt ain i! to nsuE otdll @n@ic pc moe oths fe* fNus<br />

€xclusively on inslirulions bul l@k aa3re8ation, i.e liev lel! ahddl whal in$nu$ons nafters<br />

bln do nor fs6 d cxrlaiiing how thev lll fil it io d@id lhc ov€Blt imrg' of cdnsier<br />

insritltioMl pcrfdtM. F4 ldcmpl€d ro povid. 4 aggEgat 'll@E of innilulids but<br />

they w@ on ad hN bsis, cleltlv lqcking $!nd th{reliol i$rifielion<br />

Hend' theE is tt'd<br />

lor a n.* !t?.Mh of assE8aring ditrFnt in

2) To &vclop dnd lest a m.lho{tologv 1o N$ lhe ble o' insti$lios in $*aiMble MiMic<br />

3)'lb dlwl.rt dd 6r s mclhodoloe/ !o effirc $€ iNiudi6 smw$ Es ftr k*i3l!4 lh€ir<br />

inpad o Pakisrs\ odi. Frfollrr.M atl @!sl Elarimship bell|@ irblit'nio6 dd<br />

L3 Aenenl Stotzmenr ol MethodologJ/<br />

This lh.tb aiLmpll lo 0sg lh. ole ol innnulions in $sbiubL .o@ic snfih rd uiis<br />

portoe, it sll tust ficnpr b obi* dif.@r idtii$ml n66 in a tBninsful Mv<br />

!o quanlilrlively m€src insrnltional qulit, @ds ountrics- llis lhesis pnpos l'dcx of<br />

Inslirutionlli4d wial technolosies s !n oggEsote mdsure of instilutional qolirv Thh<br />

assEsrrio. is dorc in otjdtivc ndnq bled on hituipal comporcnr mlvsis l'stilllioB<br />

c lggEg.t.d in tedr of hN tlEv inp€.I th. gbsrh plrss' stcifiolb lhouBh Ed*iig<br />

n* thcrcby incMsins Otduclivig s.d cudin8 En1 stins oPponu'ilies o'd div'rting<br />

€soudca losad pdlDctiv. lclivili* This esrch pi'$nls thE i'dices of institrlions The<br />

Fid ind.x .ovid6 tr6uE of insitrdml qulitv of t )ar co€nng E pdiod of 2m246'<br />

Th. @d oe is basod on at€6ge vllws loibble fd c|w sridd s$dv Thc thid itrdd<br />

basod on titr sies, excludvelv feues lo h6uE insrirulion.l quliiv of Pbki$tn acro$<br />

tim.. Tie n*l last h to enablish die lint b.lween i.stitutioidl qualitv dd $slliilblc<br />

dmic 3lomh. Th. indirurias indiF !E Btd in ead&l gtNh mod'b ui'g<br />

rdd@d dslJlMic teli.iq6 Ar li6! blsic nod.l EpEsnling iNi'urios bv ptnel<br />

inder i3 l.sred 6ing cG slional p*l OLS as well d GMM bNd dvnanic panel<br />

enimdio.. Th€n rhe blsic g6${h mod€l condirioned to fit $e devcloping cou nd<br />

qyitunm.nt rnd 6rd m dcwloping sutiB BinA m stioMl it'i€x of innirutiod In<br />

thc n.rr Fr! inFcr or insdinios on domic Pe.aoMcc<br />

is cslcd aing tim. si6 dah<br />

for l'aftsra. .mploying CMM intudl.slimdion tFlhodolos/. l.lh' od ousl issu' of

inliillIim gmlh MB fd hlicd is addFs.d aing rh. Johte'Jelitrs oinreanlion<br />

0hriquc tud lhc cdnror caus.lny t6r<br />

1,1 conclusion ol the theti'"<br />

Dc rh6is ddu&s lhtl i.$inniml qudity is impdtdr &Lminart of snlidble d'mic<br />

gov,lh, Ituiilutims Dlty ! piv@l rclc in so*tn Pnls lhrud d@6ine fte risk of doing<br />

b6ims dd enablint aviMmor or inDlrlion by plusei.g i. nnl sking opportuitid x h<br />

.Lo ldrd dEr omg rs kids of idhdios, A.ri€l se.tinA inditdids e mft cffaire<br />

wry of eimulalhs eb{h dln dsk rcdrci.e in$ilutim tus[ 'ldming innhni{B dG n{x<br />

sem 1o pniuce d siSnifi€nl impa.t on go{1h in cNounbf envionndl' The Esulls<br />

remai.s uNhmg.d in dcveloping countsi€s' eltings md in$ituiionl Elms 'sp"i'llv plugging<br />

in mt sli4 ap?ononi6 litc clndio it ld'd b b. esnrill an &vclopm'm lscnda Th€<br />

.vil.E of ovq8.@ is.l$ l€sl€d md N sign of umidiliDl mvqged fi)nd bul is<br />

condnional upon $. qulity of pllwle institullons I is $rpnsi4 to disrd rha! whon<br />

insrirutions gnMh dtnamics fd Pahisran v@ rcsb4 nsk Ed(ing inslilutions sm'd to<br />

iifl|rc me ild s Ed Ekhs inrifutiod l. frl rh€ imp€4t of dti Ert sking<br />

idihnim o e:{)nffiic IE fo|lrr.F of P*is $tEd ro main insisnif@t Ine |n6is llso<br />

conclo&s lhol iosrirdrions ond grc$(h in Palisbn aF @inresnted and rhus cxhibil a Elbble<br />

lons run pl io.slil Thc crugei ctuslny lc$ nndinss indiotc lh|l $€rc k cleor Ni-<br />

di@lioml lms nn calelity betwen insliluions i0d Cmwt\ it wltich' lNtitutioMl qulig<br />

qls dmmjc gDuti. How€r, no.vi&n€ *6 fMd f.r slDn nn oDelilv in uv

7.5 Oven'lew d Contcnts<br />

TIF rh.sie is divid.n inb six Plns Inttdclix! liLEluE dicv, i'ni(s crdid! dPiric'!<br />

dalysh (cN @ulry), dpidal mlris (Pa(isl!i), ed @lusion Tne h'dluclory lsn<br />

dt inr lm ch.Dree And $. intrlduclort ch.pld chlp&t 2 giv" d @ ol hislo@tl<br />

sp*lh Frfdlll,|E kl 2 Rdiry of lildt@ dllitr chtFd m su$imbk goM|\<br />

inniNtiss ald mDiriol nudis, Ptn 3 orlhc thcsis includ6 tm ch.plo' chtFd 6 Dnents M<br />

ind.x ol iNliluti@ti4i did lchmbgns (!on l) for lh€ p.tiod o1200246 olcdng 84<br />

@ntris. 34 dala sc.ggegaled inlo 14 idicB Cltd.r ? |a@B dE i lx with<br />

.os&ti@l no&E 6wing l4l cdnti6 dd IOO &b sG sd lhF e osst4'r'd inlo<br />

37 indi@s. Palt 4 oflhe lt€is aitu ar €spnioillt t.sling rhe co$ 6u'!v i6p'ct of innhdioDs<br />

d !rc$rh dd imludls 2 chtlrds CtlFd 8 disx,s dE in!*l of inEititidl qul'ly<br />

m6!Ed try .bdemq aoncd !{ftl itxt,i, d saeliMble @l,Mic lD*ln<br />

Eing veio6 cl6<br />

ssdon .nd pdncl L.hniqc lhd include Ol,s ds wll 6 cMM dtomic p€ml<br />

'gimdids<br />

ChEGr 9 di$llss rho in!.d ofinnihnional qrlitv d CD*rh<br />

of45 d't'loping Nntits uing<br />

cN s..rinl ndiirtdrl in&r Pln 5 otttE tfids Fltilbnv fds o Ptli$n h imlud'!<br />

two ch.ptq6. Ch!fl.r cslcs iniiul'oool indcx for Patisrr for $e penod of 1984n006<br />

'0<br />

Bins 12 d!6 eu6. Tn!.d€ot of inslitltioul l.dcx o @mnL p€rfmu@ of tuknlln<br />

ic |ho cmpindl! rsss.d 6inc CMM mdhdolog/ Ch.FF ll hdi!|b 6Bl<br />

Eldidship b€trq inniu.ioml qulity ud ddmic pcrfm!rc in Parino using $'<br />

.tohdeJ@lius coinlegdrion l@hnique lnd fic C@g€r c.us.lity Lsl- Thc lasl tarl oflhe<br />

dFis $mruia irs nain fudinss shng wilh o.ir pol-v inpli{51i6

1.5 Li'',,L,'dol/s of.he t''fls<br />

The najor isw cdfrotins lhe thesis is rne .vailstililv of darr $res 'fhis could b€ the<br />

|!sn *ht instirutiml lit.m|ue. nos Gltb@tirc o $octisl a5pets of iditulionr'<br />

mostly ncsl@rs lhc @pticcl sp.c! Data oamon of 1he indi€s m'Nins dilfcE spel of<br />

innndions @ rvailable rsm 1980\' Thec ft eme indic's d'suring 3incc 70'g' bul lhts<br />

hsw @nF6tiwly sroll 6vdgc &d nG y laus€d in polill't Md huns flshis a'6<br />

olh& inDorunr o@ like coruplion, buBucratic inemcitci's'<br />

jusli@ sv*cn' cnd @nt&l<br />

.nfo@dmt ,cre lsse! n.gloccd ftcE ar. conside6ble l4ger numh€r old'lt soues aid<br />

in$iinidrl evcrns! ancr tE nid tin li6 but rhev e of iBgul& ft'q@rct wtrh saps n<br />

dif'€Fnl ycoro, whicb is noi viable fd a lat!' panel analvsis That k whv o$ paoel indcx<br />

cov.. 34 dari $uc {s omp.Fd to lo0 eurces in cos sclional inde* Th€e dltr $uds<br />

tunhd de.'@ b t2 in N oaline si.s @lyst for Patisb<br />

Ap,n fton availability, rhoso i.stirution.l i.asEs terc llrgclv bas'd on sud'vs ltesc<br />

streF rE md.lly bdsn on public od bIsifts pecFid thlr @ d bc t*tr liom Flitv<br />

This ould F!d@s bis hcn@ onplmking on d' qulit, of in{itulidal dl! Mom6'<br />

lhcE c@ld b. spl. bies l los.v€., bv inclusion of Le' 'umbor ofdae soures' lhk bid<br />

The€ colld bc difeEnes in dda collerion prd.dDres md oihq counlry_sDccific fodoB rb0l<br />

odd n.*c @Fnbil'ty dilTFult Howcvq, rh* iNritulioMl nj66 Emin ldcllv

Chapter2:<br />

Hlstorlcal Account of Natlons' <strong>Growth</strong><br />

Performance<br />

llitund gDMh Frfom!re of n tios nomallv followt difidt Dorns' This pDYid's<br />

c&eflions ro the rule *r bv mi.stsm grcw$ theori* $ar el a fixed p5trm for 4o6oric<br />

grcwrh fd lll ntlids Sone @mmics erch{p, vh'6 dl6 lait to qLh_uD toMtd<br />

susllinalle gowth htving implenent d noft or tes similar policies This uom'lv coold b€<br />

l(nbutol 1o munLy speilic f*b6 ltEl due pt'h d'FndcM snd de& a$mplids st bv<br />

Counrr,6 p|6@ difr.rnl Dolici6 fc th.ir so"dr traiau*v Th' pioGG of indNltitl<br />

dovelopnent, c@l Britlin dd unh€d soles puNe grotrh wilh littre or m goredmenr<br />

int.nenlio4 putlt fiMc€d bv piltE enLlprie- He& th€ gotmncnl mlc {6 indi@l<br />

povdins 3ubsidi6 to privtc iflcsrDent sooe h&'omt6 iowlrd susr'intbl' sowlh ew<br />

difeMl ond stracring apt@h€s wilh tctivc inwtrcmdl of 8ov'mmflt in planning dd<br />

inv.sh€nr. CdnLies li*e f_m@,cerunv Sptin, Iblv, ond Rush dd ht6 joined l'v<br />

lrplr! e{ dner involvcmmr in indusritliadon D@ss bv qPablc gorcdmenls othc'<br />

E@p.o counlri6lik l).nn&k Netherlsndr swie'rltn! B€lgium' dd swcd€' pursu'd<br />

llroscthq ! difr€Fnl pdh lowrd lhis .da!our' Hcre, lh' goveddtnl tule wa!<br />

conpmtivcly les rnd in die alorcsid Durc9ca ountties Th' gov€mndt w6 mrnrv<br />

inwlvcd in .shbt-6hing dd slEngd..ins insliotions thal diBrlv nElen ftc @.mic<br />

go$4h. Oovemenl iNread of giving speilic Fogms fd stt@tudl d'veloDtnml<br />

impdved demedtic inslitutions, maftel inniiuii@ Druvidcd nnrNs lo aglicuhml 4d

dspoddion, d*elop.d dablins hunf Reurces tnd st an excnsive €suld|ory<br />

fd.stt ro avoid slsts tnd b provi{t sbbilitv<br />

orhd @unries lhot ltu c.ugncup thc sDalh b.nd*!gm aho putsued ditreMt policit' s<br />

th.ir prcd&srs did h rh. induslrial rcvolution ln Esl Arian @onom'es' solehr'nr<br />

sdoFr.d o divc ot s rh. LG con.6 in indusoial Evolutim Th'v di@tlv inlolv'd in<br />

ptdning .nd {teElopncnt idc iryins trl invdlins it sto6 lh ould lard pov'&<br />

dp.Etire adwl!s.. ln mntls! Ijdn Ancrien @ulri6 w'rc l'$ involved in dircotin8<br />

€oononic odirnies, md insLad, fausd ddrc on sial developncnr'<br />

2.1 Ct *'th ln developing dru"d.s<br />

rreveloping eunaics hid odvml.s€' of backwa.dn'$ Thcv weE nol involv'd in<br />

cunb.tsme F@.ss ol inve.tioB {d mth.r ho@w techmlosi's rm d\*elof€d wcld ln<br />

rhb w!y, ttEy @ld c.lch uP 10 $e d.wl@ wld TlE choi@ of lalmlos/ in opcn<br />

n.*cl u6uld dcFid d cNt 's giv€n odN@ni sobE H<br />

pu6led pr@tive indunridl dd Mtomic policv 0in lo delv lhc compaBlire dvanugc<br />

dacmin€d by ihei. c(torMt slructuE to follo{ ft€ w.si'm sttl' induslrillizltion Tn'v<br />

E on simibr scsi.s, which *@ puocd in nrdufitl doluriM Md msidtEd !<br />

{ir.ing .ombimlid. 'Ilcy haw f@ued on Emoving dbbnid3, liniting gov'mmc't<br />

in|.flcnlioos md devcloping institutions. llowevor, .uDi for a iw, bv tud lorse. ihct<br />

gto${rr p€rfmsnG h.s nol b.d sglimblc Their Erewlh is bd6f ed pasld bv nmpanl<br />

irtl.tid, nsi.e in qulny ud Pn sial indic.M Cumul'riw outpur hls &clined in mor<br />

ofrhc counti6of thccmmo.@llh,eit6l lnd $!thd EuEp. d ltlhic Egios<br />

Thh o. b. evid.nl from Fisne I ond 2 t!l@n from Bam dd Sllt_i_Mortin (2004) lhar<br />

digl.ys rhe *id.N oa convaad@- At.E!. cDP gmwlh nE lor th. p€ridl of 196&2000<br />

is Elcn m yair, whc€s r-dis d.ricb innid inme Fr qpiir'

Flau!! t dilplry wld 6Plc of I 14 cMt14 ti!.6!sl no ti!||r ofcw'iga4<br />

,1'e'.t:c*.4'/er&,5'.*<br />

I T<br />

t Ill<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.':<br />


flgne2:.dv.ryr..'G.Ds.nFk<br />

E<br />

I T<br />

t<br />

I<br />

n^-r.ro<br />

a. t.| t: 9t r@<br />

L{.rF.*aotb lro<br />

tuh4$! tuoM)<br />

Therc sns lo b€ liule o. bn posilivc El.lid h.twcn i.ititl iMtu ed av'Rge soMh<br />

sc ld dE wlI mpk. on dE @ntnry, lhct gmwrn difmlid sns lo he wi&nel<br />

Howd€r, figr 2 dispbying spl. ol 18 OECD ordieE cl@lv $ow signt of<br />

@nvdgde *ith a *sdiv. slaoc. Tlis tho$ llt! 8rewih lhdi6 @ wd*i r wtll for<br />

OECD 6untri6 bd don'r sd to hold in glob.l *nings. This p@r pdfomme wG htlEr<br />

puzzling sire lh€, den ro puNue .ll the n@$.ry i.gEdi€nb fd su*iMbl. ecomntc<br />

stowrh. A3 tsaslerly (2001) sbows ftsl tuolos irp.rlanr tbr 8ro*th<br />

such d financilr<br />

dc.p€"in& tBde and nMcial lib@liDrion !, w.ll .s improlemdt in i.6lnoctrE and othor<br />

hunsn dereloprenl indicaioE likc .d!6tion ond hdhh, *eE gem.allv imprcv€d follding<br />

Efm' tn short, policid prBu.n fd lsr cov.4.n€ rtudlv suh in divcrgoc.<br />

2,2 Explo.ing the Diw.gqcc<br />

Abnmouir (re35) abibubd diff.E@ mog @ntries sowlh nljetory 10 inilial sii<br />

capobiliri€s. The sdy odgiftlly don. for liurcp€, htr .xicnded to olher dev.loDing

counri.s 6y Templc .nd lo$nbn ( 1996) with similar Esul6 Thev ontnd'd rhnr th* *i!l<br />

qp6bilni6 play r Dle in r*hnolo€i6 rdo?tion F@s<br />

unlike Solo* nodel vheE<br />

l@hnolog} is th. em. e,N oounrries Therelbc itstitdionol readin€s is a kev lo economjc<br />

{helopmcnr p@s lhar rh* d.velotins o nB lel Tl* liN cm'E dd l't cmd b<br />

indunrial rvoltrlionr. have d.veloped thoir institutions b'it'er 'quipged b handle<br />

lehnotoeical cho46 ldg b.for $.n go*'ih n@es gdcd (,^deltu 'nd<br />

xuhels l96s). llFs mun|rjet h.d eovenmcnls $at Dolden<br />

Moris 1989 lnd<br />

pop€nt nghq cnloE€d<br />

conr@$, er.bli{Ed a'd p|moicd n* dd etncient nekets sd ddoplsd tldc 8nd<br />

fi!ftporraim l4hnolosi6 6 v.ll s ed@ion polici6 $d fder @dnic dewloodm'<br />

Thee lirlor €ndovhents pbved den.ing lilclol ld 8rcfih !s olho counties lixe Ea3r Asiln<br />

6 *ll 6 oth.r no oEcD Eubran Mrimt nlving sinile 'nlomo! !@ tbl' lo sudlin<br />

.lon.mtr gn\'h b) cttding rmp6n demMd lmm otrD cdnd6<br />

2.3 The cose ol PoHstaft A Ddeloplng cNntr<br />

To e$ €unttt tpdific dyomics of $e i .ddional d'velopndt tolicv' fie rcerchcr<br />

p€*nrs Browi hinory of ! d4.loping @!nq Pa*islltr i5 prented bclo* unlitc dnd<br />

Ggionll coutrics, Pakish wls .n op€d enomv, iighl li@ sllrt, dd tried to pun@ rhe<br />

policiG d cta'.d b, mi.r'd M*nic lhdisls s nd@rv fc oFimal dewlo?m'nt<br />

Ycl lh. !6wti did nol rcnlin sunain.ble lrr t94? sh.n il cme inlo being' it was in<br />

ag.icultud @nny- AericultuE ontdbdci .bdi 53% vhldq ll 9'lo ud 7 3% d 3htted<br />

by manuf!.turin! od snic6 sro6 Th..n of 1958_63 s.w npid itdusritli4lid 6<br />

eoEmmenl puco.Il inpon substitution indusrrializarion (Zaidi 2mt Policv bni[ d dualistic<br />

dcvcloprn. !pp@h. Th€ sMptid *s nnt@ina lhc indu*i6 sp0oscd lo gcftEE<br />

savings lh verc Invesisl. Thh cla$iosl opilolisl CDMh dd developnenl pmduced ene<br />

arly re$ls a indcry shc dpnfly gEv Thc policv sms ro b. sllc8tuI md @miri's

like l(oreo adopied P*isL.'s model in $eir developnent polici's ln l%5, Palhtln s<br />

mduf*toEd expdb w.E grca|.r rhm do* of Sdth r.or.s' Tud'v fiailtnd ed Ind@sr'<br />

dhincd. Horlq, dP plxs ol intudrillizllid ds B.t' ns b sPdi'l in'qltlirv of<br />

inon. od c@td difi.end in si.l clas Thc 3oq4h pftes did not ptovc<br />

sustainable! tnd losi irs nom.nrum in late 60s Lower Ere*'lh end incrc&d ineqDolitv €u$n<br />

crffi polirical di rboe in ?0s Gulling i. s?lining !p ol lhc turv As tn' tw<br />

gowhndt bk ch&s. in P!tisl!! a roullv w Dolicv b!*d o pG$itlii aBadt sG<br />

intoduc€d. Exchdg. nlc w.s devtlued od mosr of dE Qnomv wd !'tionalired This now<br />

.pprcsh horevq poduc.d $ne quick Esults 6 €xp"t shrG Epidlv exp'ffrcd a'd<br />

c@@y pictol up sm lrlmnfim- tlowkr lh.! tao, Fnv'd u$dtimbk 'nd rD<br />

rcplscqj by rhe 3d *.v. ol policid fausi4 on libcnli22lim dd ddgllatim Elscd ctpial<br />

conlrols, ddlic cutbdok in public spetding, rc{lic'lmd ol dom€stic cutr'ncr wilh<br />

i .narioMl nwters, I'benli2.ris of tldc rc8imes, ldse sl' Fivtrizrid ud abow lrl<br />

6Mcid li6.6lidion ltdgh m0*.r b6.d mrcL.v policks FliI6 s' to obetu<br />

Fe$ing on hdk l-b!$d ircEsl ntes, intsdrclio. of op.n dtttot opcnrioni Emov'l of<br />

cEdir eilinsr etc., *eE sn s htrlln.*s lbr the new lib.dliztion dptlwh All lh*<br />

haroB gd b sr.vd'riin! dsbl lsrin bul, N6lL MsitFd uNa.afrn it srimul'li's<br />

.4@y lowlrd sunoinobl. gbMlt Bt dd l.rse, tlis Friod<br />

wiir6s'd hisl infltlioj,<br />

uncmplolmem md low 8ror1! SMi€s aiming tl dalvsinS vhll q.nt wone; laid th' blmc<br />

d Gnl sking, Tni. .d @@ic policiB F{6r€d cdr.ftn wandf'll sains on t $ll<br />

gdp ol ldpte<br />

(HNin I99; Din &d Abt6. 1999I fm cmPh' Din ltd Abbls (1t99)<br />

argucd rcxlile indusrry d.spjte @iving pbl4tion undd hiSt &rili3, $bsidies! .(@$ionv<br />

nn.ne, h!v. not able lo lchi.vc hish erfici.rcy or divmitv of hilh v!|re added Dbducts 4d<br />

.s . twlr its s|i.F in th. Mnd h't* dddsd n6n I l% in l9t9 b 2%

2.1 Poncy r4on8 lor g,tstainoble grourth<br />

fic lbllowins e lh. su€cBr.i policv sdk vhitL if &hide4 ould l'!d lo suslainlbL<br />

l. Macrccomnls 3ilbilityr cconmic shocks div€n $' los'rh domenon ADpdpria|e<br />

sh@t ab$rt u shdld b€ in plr.G b @ble loe irtudo $sraimble 8ro*1h-<br />

Polici's fi't<br />

imtove n'l:irMnomic sribititv i.clude srEngrtunins of d stsrcm' hpsvddr of b'dgel<br />

indihtions, eEnglhcning fisl institltions at sub drionl l'vel dnd ooct$ to inl€ottional<br />

laquidiry al tin6 ofcns.<br />

2, Public Inltltullons: Tllee arc a kev for n*rl)mnodic mtMeencnl emcienl op€oiion<br />

of m.*e|s md c0eivcrcs of stuhl €aods Tle inniNd@ imtls imDlm'nbrid<br />

capicnies, cuib lhc Nnl stiDg opportunnics 5nd enable th' drEpMeun lo Itke sisntl fM<br />

enisnnenl4nd c.Pilolidd $e opp.nuniti.s in inrcvativ' tcrivilid inelr{liv€ inslituions<br />

mt only inc@isloldoiry blsi6es bur.le diwn l@u6lion tmdrctivc *liviti6<br />

towad pEdalory rcd se€rrn8<br />

3, Fa..fti.l Ddlop@t t).rgulaiio t.d op.tll6 o' finocial mtrtct! would h'lp th'<br />

Esources @ch rl'et thev aF neden $. mon. E3s of l*ss to li@ce impoved<br />

.faienoy oi ban*ing inslituliont 6 well a3 fi.ir Esulatory m@hnisds miDimizins bant<br />

fliluE rhdBh cntbling cfiicidl nt|Nid m!n* dEt d'rls with pFblms of tdrcE<br />

*leclion rd modl haards, atr basic m€$fts for nmncill deleloPnenl These 'lons wnh<br />

mpl.r€ m.rk l of iNudrq @uld de @unlrv d feq lftk gowlh hjEbry'<br />

4. InLBt cluE: Povidin8 b.sic infr$lrucrurc h & 's$'ti!l detemiiant lbr inrenmlnt<br />

lnd sFnh. tnlrstructrc inv€stn.nt have huse extenaliiid Hoce prcP'r iniisttlcluE<br />

wolld mve busi*ss nom bw pitdNrivilv ltrp b the pdh ofsMimblc sowrh'

t R.sioul Idlesnlio.r Resion.l Daniciplrio in world mo*crs in ptt$r tim's hrs<br />

jncEed sienifi@nllt Drnmic expon st6 E ping baefirs ol tEgidsl cmp8dtitc<br />

.dvanlrg€ tE th€ k t ro susLi.0ble prcgE$ Rcgiottl intsntid cpt's a'mi6 of slc!<br />

competilion dd sDeoialialioo Dd dep€ning capilal, ldbour and l@hnologies markels<br />

ClDluri.g Esiod .xren.lities lnmsh inpiorcd fttworking 'nd spci'liAtid or p'lducrs<br />

ond wi6 @ld b. o bdr.r snltls/ lhln b.ing low c'd gdcnc ptdEr'<br />

6. Inpmved hrdN rd 8i.l opit l lrcus.d cffciqcv of humln tE$Gs would l"ds<br />

io inc@sed labo( pDduclivitt dd 8re}1h. Humon c.piLll, ! bisg'st snd kev resouM in<br />

pddNlion D@ss' would hishlv det .d upon eduotional 'nd<br />

v*ariml tEin'n8<br />

instirfions. Soi.l qpir.t is etul in @ oa insituliq'tt fsiluE d!' 10 dcf itnt d 14*<br />

insritulions. Fomdizlion of *onmv should b€ dom in a Mv lhll s@ial @piLl lill ml b'<br />

cnrled md should only b. Eplrced willl morc cticient *ial qpittl<br />

?. Tdtnologi6 dthila @!E dddd.lt choiE of tehmlo$/ shauld be such $dt<br />

i n.@h6 rrE qifir 'wuc tuc@ Crpibl eving ioctmoLSid slsld b€ impld'nlcd<br />

for lobour dhnlda ndnons.<br />

3. P.6por iNom. gre'th: Covr'lh sould only b. sushi"ble if n b'n€lils lh€ pdr' Mdl<br />

3pclls of swrh in d.Eloping qfries onlv bqt.fits sall $gncnt of si'q' *hkh k'& lo<br />

sp.till iIMe in.qufty- fien gn*rh ..d 9mctu6l poltci6 .ih !t @lhg tutoE<br />

conpaElive advdt!8c, fdg€r dbort ft€n pssnt, and 9mr.n'l<br />

I'hdur tbundtut s'oloB likc<br />

asicultuE Eoaining lm8.ly n gteoted ll.ne inc@eed plduclivitv of*clo6 vheE ntor<br />

poplLlion @ .nCtg€d i., woutd de eiliMbility in sovnlr<br />

9. ErvimlDdr tunhbiliy: rdg on gowrh *ill 'wh in inpbwd.frcieftv on !$ of<br />

naiurt Esol!6, Dlpletion ol lhes r.souMs *ould gMdv hind$ slobal srotlh<br />

Ilcrfodsce in rimes io con.. Enrionn.nhl rosrcals involvc slenalili.s rh,l lcld to<br />

.@diMrid f.il!e. HN.vq, cponsiblc sov€nrctr 6uld chege $.n pl*nr in order

prcwc llEir frbe. A. ihe<br />

extenafti.s by crearing fr&kers<br />

lho* lowoing @bon .misioB.<br />

nrdmr, level, govcmh.nrt<br />

fo. envitunmsnully sustainable

Part 2: A Review of Related Literature

Chapter 3: Cotrceptual framework of Sustainable Economic<br />

Crowth<br />

seiMble .6mic aro$d! tG bdn . pol!rutrl objcliw in dcvisine dl)|@ic dsri6 ad<br />

policies. l hedd{l contribulion k, grofih liteduft on b€ lfl€d 6 @dv s Adam Snirh who<br />

*att ',rt h4nnt itu N@e di cNs o! tlc w'dth of Ndio8'" Ititrwilv rcGing d<br />

*nmic 8mtrh. l he l&n six dsdes h6!e wihe$'d cnomous tojv or Egmh on vMoG<br />

d6is ol sr!,imbL groltl ttl ils d€.qnidnrs' whicn an h'dlv @€r conpl'Llt in this<br />

Ei.*. In .his chaptt, *c will fidr bnelv Evid lhe €votuliom'v ptw6s of the rrE@tial<br />

litedluE on rlE (b.diMnts .r susuinatk s(Mlh tnd lh' mr'burion! of diltlent eh@ls of<br />

thdsh! i.e clasi4l, srnxtunl chuge, N6-CINial. Eidogcnors gto*d s'hlmFicne<br />

rh€ory ol ioovario 6 well s olhs rhcoriB slighrlt diferina lom st!'ddrd go*1h<br />

lihluc. The 'gEh *ill .ts ttrsird b Eviry rlE dtibulid of @isa si 6 Soiln<br />

1776; Ricordo l3l?i Schumpdcr 1934j Hrtud I939i D'oti 1946; Itodd 1943i PEbish<br />

1950; Nurte t952ilrwis1954: Lci&nscin 1957; Hi6hne 1953i tmsodTodrb 1970;<br />

Solow I956j Swan lgtc anow IS62i Ron.r 1986; Lucls 1938i Abrdoviu 1986i No'rh<br />

l9?3; t ndts 1993; Pddi t944;a@ 1957imdMokr' I9q)<br />

The chrpb is orgdniz.d 's follow sdids 4l h 46 rcviN rhe conliburid of dillcEm<br />

eln's i. dE &wlolrmn of licr.luE o Cdrn $oies sid smnh pi{rE 'o'k And<br />

stion 4.7 ll wlud€ rhe chrDar bv giring sumoor, ol ihe d€vclopmqt of GcoEriol<br />

libduE d esinablc Mic gtoMh

3.1 The c,d,stiet Theory of Cmwu<br />

Adam Smnh ( I 7?6)t sdminal wolk, @n b. cxphi'cd in Lms ofrhe followins sinpl' supplv_<br />

side diiven pmduclio! tnclion<br />

Y:r (L, K r)<br />

whcE Y is dlpoL L is lab.r, K is capihl dd T b lttd Cds'qsntlt. output grc*h (aY)<br />

6 dn6 bt Fputtiion srew$ ( '), inwcn.d (Ad and lDd goBlfi (dr) d'l ircE.s in<br />

ov.nll poducivny (A,r) Hre Mmnic sDwlh orld be €*plaincd alons the lollouins<br />

Accodinsly, dt output srol'lh Bre sn be d.t.min€d in lems ol srevnh de oi ill the itpur<br />

f6b* of prld@rion, which trn ho*qq, .nnog:ndnv dehined For innd( p'rulalid<br />

goprt d.Fnds o fie ldel of !ts'm, it6tnor de!€nd! d evings, l$d goMh is<br />

detmin d thMgh @nq@sl of rew l.nd ts wclt !s cnh@c€d fslililv of thc old onc- All rh*<br />

rrcion will in lun d.p€nd upon gowth ofoulN natint snfih is selfen'@ing Theonlt<br />

thins to indu@ !rc$,rh<br />

is division or ltbor (sp@ializ.lion) s n nak6 feto6 move |o*ad<br />

th.n comi6 of sale. Adan Smnh al$ !dv@.lql lhc 6le of i €matioml tddt in ddvi'e<br />

division of tab... Ho*vd, sp@ioliarid is limnd bv li. tul of m!*trs so md'rs<br />

shdld bc fe ed cfficienL M@ speitltrlio wdld c@G n.w mltfi.b fd n'w p,alsrs<br />

having cmnmi.s of sles.<br />

TheE is yet lno u dffiimnl ol susloinable 8olth.<br />

coNrh is also det minsd bv evjnS'<br />

*hich, in tun, d.!.mims thrcusn lhe po,iubilily oidpital sl&ks This pmfitbilitv co{ld<br />

delin. in th. w.k of mpctilio ol qpit.lisk lor wd*d rh.l wdld inc@e wt*€6'

mdginal wlgcs he.F lowd profib !r, in hk view, lov'ring living stfdatds of wolk€6 cm<br />

Thh goslh ote$<br />

fom of dadY n& e@d<br />

sr&ly sbE so*lh is {isliNd s c@l 0<br />

elotive pri@s rcmlin otsLot ovet tioe<br />

is sll daNinS brt @l ai cledl prlss 6 cerhin eiling<br />

'xhibn<br />

9 | 8), m.m 'Doponiml' go*'n in<br />

Smith's view Mlin€d ! D€t l€mi.el mo{t'l for $sllintbl' ers{h<br />

'<br />

danner thd<br />

Tht vs ltt'r modificd<br />

bt Ricrdo (lsl?) pdpcing led v.riable i'qu'litv howevct' lix'd in sDlolv 'lrlisexhibils<br />

diminishins r.lums ror ldnd This lixrd qumitv sill l@d !o hishd M|l ol lanbw6 owr<br />

timc, .s *ell s inc€G in pri*s oflsicultft mmnodiries This wiu 6uh in highd Blge<br />

dcndd by d. qolk.6 Bdn ft. inc€s in Ents of hnd ed mg6 or *dt'u would cut<br />

inio pDi6 ofclpiLlisrs.nd ulinaiclv etinls- $cs would Bl@ lhe ceilins on soMh as<br />

n would d.olinc tfie lcv.l of i€jdv shi' gDrih Howtr' Risrdo claims th'! lhis dali*<br />

@uld b. checked in shon run thdSrr roh@losical enhaMdenl lnd speilliz'tion-<br />

Ri€do, l!l$ on, ponn,5 a fudher dismal ticlurc<br />

as the idcree in lechnologicol<br />

al[ttMol in lom of .ficitcv ol dNhiftry vould dtpba |thd Th* cxlta labds !e<br />

nor sbertEd in Fodrclidn as n Fquire a cdlibl tlons wilh ldbor -which is nol dhplled'<br />

Bu b kdD. lcwl of dpi6l b l or diq noE clpid smuhlio is EqriEd dd @ld<br />

only b. pcsible thrcWh incr@ in elin8s And sintt stvitss rre declini'8 ovf nne' rh'E<br />

is no.ths reh€rim !o i.d@ gto*ll<br />

L!i.r on, popllation SNwti nod.l I'oposd bv<br />

wirh eo popul.lon gro$h rnd opiLl @uu|!rFn<br />

th.8rcwln flw$ s Ponularion gsd urld .or dep.nd uFon th€ lqel of s$endcc tnd<br />

{ould qDictly oMip sto{h.<br />

'Ihm6 M.hhB {1793)<br />

would tunh€r brctk<br />

This would tard lne @n@y of low equilibrium ma*.d bY

mi$ry od suhsistcG lev.ls of living Ho*.v.r, tlh sbsBrtm' I*€l oould b' avoid'n il<br />

't6iliE c[6k!' lik di$& ild Mrx rFHliw biin dhl nlcasc *r 'dootcd<br />

(Hrmd 1939i Domd 1946) loruliz€d cl.$ical coMI dtori's in Hatbd_Dotn'r Ere*lh<br />

model thlr k dpLincd h€low<br />

Slving: d.xprs.d b ms of P.Mb8. of Ndotl in@' i'<br />

wlFF s (S.viigs) &Fnds lpon the sving dt (s) ofin@m' (Y) Inrcn'nl (l)' s b'<br />

.edsd in tlms ofchme in c.!ir.l sftks (AK), i'e<br />

l=dK-<br />

And since c.piLl sl@ls b.d a diEl reldi@filp whh in@m', it ce b€ exprsd in thc lod<br />

ofoDiht @lFrl itdo (x,/Y). H.@ opilll d$n 6tio (*) o t' qpr6s'n ii thc follo*'n8<br />

k=lK/AYdAK=kAY<br />

..dbeletvings.qutsinv.$rc.t(S=l) dt'qulnmtppoEafollo*:<br />

DMding boli si|.c ordE .qutrid *qld $k h' fin'l r@ vit:<br />

Gmrh is joi' ly &{min d by eving ate tnd oDital dnFn d' This is tull nphtneil<br />

st€ady slrt. sroM\<br />

in Lmt of tlelod_D.d8 'w!fuLd gotr'in m&' {h'E b'th t' od<br />

'! e h.ld .o.emls dd.min.d do*.tuslv bv indihrtlod snjnss Thit is als' Ih'<br />

@dirim ofgood. m&i€r .quitibnm ln oe ol€l grdn ncn alM! lo Mt'd swll'

snpply slppB$s ddod, md exss ep..nv is eeneBled Thk sould lad !o tudher<br />

dclin. in dqntnt at pople will inw3r l.s Oild w.v .mnd ir @l sre*h<br />

*afuEd gr.Mh, lho ddetd surlM sur'9lv n*ne D"Pl'<br />

ton cFn. DoE doand leadine 10 tuntd imEs in D(nBive ctp*ilics<br />

is m@ rh<br />

r' i'Er nor' This will i'<br />

This 'n€mr, ssdt glosln palh is inherentlv uosrlble equilibnm ohd oll€d 'Knifq-edBe' d<br />

only iability 6m.s when gb*lh idY / Y) is equal to (s / k). Anv slisht shct @uld lsd lo<br />

pdmr {t vi.&[ nm Frh and kiu norc fudhor a*v<br />

3.2 The Stuctual'charye Zheory<br />

Most of the cconm io policies shaping lh. wo d jn 40s and 5{h l'rge ly adY@dcd ineNd l<br />

chogF d r prc ttquisile fc e.Mic d.v.locmnl. (Rl]gsin Rod'n 1943: hcbkh 1950;<br />

Nu** l9t2; ldis l9t,l ; ttibdr.in l9t7; llidh|M 1953)- IlF simplifi'd amonj6<br />

inlo durl s.cloB rodcls - ore wirh low prodstivily lnd low @h, uh'|6 th' orh'r wilh<br />

high pr.duclivitt and hish r€1ud. Th. Eolldarion of f€lor fron low prcducivilv to hi3h<br />

pro{t@rivity siou would rcsult in suslimblc go$lh- Howeva, this trNition w b'<br />

hrnp.rd by srdoldl risidili6 lhil Q b. of eirh.r Bhnolosial d ininuidl MtuF<br />

Tal'tulo8iol 'igidi.ks lxs in |gms of rehni{l M divisibilirv rhlt hldt ro 'rLndir.s<br />

.nd @ ordidion f.il@. Insibriml.igidirb.pFr in $. fl)f, of misi.s ht*cls $iehs<br />

risL The$ rigidiis Mke th€ errdfi<br />

p@c$ non lind lnd cxhibil lw pFduclivitv |rap6<br />

Hcr€, fi.r is c role for Bovmmenr to put lhc sotumv oul lion ihe low prcductivitv lmp'<br />

C@rdinaed inv€simd. by govemmdt in. pl..n d damr wold pretid.lhc e@onv a<br />

''Aig Purh" jmp e.ni.g itdeir snd plein3 aotmv o cptLn 8rewlh Flh.

The (:@F of big push *5 givo bv Ptul R@n'in_Rodt! i' lcll in nh tnich<br />

"Pobleds of lndu i.lizotion of Elstem dd SdoEd€m Eudp' " t$cnins rhlt lhcts B a<br />

md@nrary do3 indusi.: This onpl€menbrv lods b coardindid ftilurc N iie<br />

ider Dobl.m s.ls in fth is peiselv rhc Fton or look oi crcwlh in per cou ries This<br />

idd * lomlliz.d bv Muphv, shleif6, and Visl'v (t939) wh'E thcv shoued<br />

oodplen.nkiti.s lmong industritl scloN wh'Ebv on' $chr nised eize of na el tnd<br />

.r.nDnd ol dher sror, nllrnu othcr sta moE fisri* wh€n indulritlizins ach d<br />

clery scctor sinullln@uslvi pmbloo or@rdinalim faihre ls €movcd and txhibils posilir'<br />

Fruns @ @mpldenbrni6 .1 indunry lcvel €vd who tll sios ircur lN3 if lhct<br />

dsided b industrialie aloDc. ln thb $q nob.dv is pF[€nd ro p" the bott of initiat @sl<br />

who m @ld Folit ltLr' This *dld ldd ro a s ordin'lion hiluE md could k@p lhe<br />

ccommy in und.Fdcv.lopndl equ'libnm llq@ $ lep lhe @ommv fFr low<br />

cqnilibrilB mp, c@diMl€d inrc$ml" is neede4 vhiqn is sllcd 'Big pBh' Mn4hv<br />

ct.al. (t9s9) orend.d rlut'Ris plsn is Fsible in .aoni6 in *hich indusniiliz'd fims<br />

optuE in $eir prcfic Mlv . fr&rion 6f rhe tonl @ntibulid of rnen inv'stmenl b the psf s<br />

of orhq inluentlizing fms " tted plann'n brgcelc invdttrdi poi'cls aE i*d€d lhal<br />

*ould cnploy incEdins Elm lsoh@logies in mov seotots c@ling dcmond in othcr sdlo6<br />

in wlu. chtin 0d E$hiDg in c.tegddr ol m!*e6 ln lhh Mv' dcv'laoina @@mE m<br />

caFm thcir sualus lab.r' Apln lmm inddsfializlion, invcsim€nl in inlilstrdcrurc pDl€r'<br />

hving $i.l bocltu dcetin8 si.l osls, shold tbo bt unddbkcn by the govcmmenl d<br />

il nomllly ftquning llrgc iNdn nB !o 6p the benelits ofexEdlliti's'<br />

()!nr .dvl)l:e ot tnc det n. oa indusltial chdgc h!v' giwn onpctli.8 tlens in lhit<br />

Egdds. P@bish (19t0) seu€s thal incom€ .l61icirv ot &mmd for mour&rdP! gdds is<br />

gMrr th! $d for pdmcry goods. rI€@ qloB of p'imnv gods *ould &cli* ov* nn'<br />

s irqom. imltcs,'lhiscould alrc.lhc Gms ofnade fd developidg counldes iflhcv do nol

purouc indusli! lidion. l.e ibensreio ( l9 5?) &l!N.tes the rck ol i ndustria liation 's it fosled<br />

cl.menrt suct s @gcrial slills strd lnhor ELrios' which h€ ells rh' X€mcidv la'ro<br />

Lewis (1954) grve his duol wlor .xplmtion o' cmnomv A hdirjotal sector wnh suDlus<br />

bbot wnh I Isl4llv .ltrdc lab'r $pplv cune ard low pnductiviiv *ould lad lo<br />

subsisi€@ do@mies *irh Erc na4inll pio!@riviry of labor' dd M ind[(rial scctor ba$d<br />

in urh6n rds exhibning high Lvcls or Frduclivirv lnduslnrl sd deY€loDs bv &ting<br />

lrbd fm laditi@l eclor' Modov€r, sin@ ldditional sctor is dlhed lo h6re unlinir'd<br />

supply ol lobd tt a cmplativ.lv low w!g' l@dins lo lhe e4attio or induslritl $ror<br />

snd it will *lf sustain unril all sDrplB l$or & lbslbcd in induslitl sectoi However' lhis<br />

lndy loccd c icis d smpnio.l grcunds lor the posibititv of k'ding b a subsl4riar<br />

inc@ in in qulity lmong ditroGnr sbd Besides, sunption ol sualN laboi w's tle<br />

ovcrlhos e 6pind Sound s no such oals exi$ sd if n dG ilrs of sesdl<br />

nlruE. Tiis would ewElv voke. the tsnp on oi mlimit'd snPplv of l'bor !t<br />

ooop.tltiv.ly lows *t8cs H@.t.r' on. slighdv dirrdni n'* Hiahns (1953) nesit'ng<br />

|h. pnmipl. ol uifmity, oEntd thal ddnomic gEwlh k ss diveq d'nlndjng upon<br />

rfi. 6F.t d @w h€e and @nonio idctuE' B@r of Uc s@itv of d$ision-<br />

n.king s*illi .quilibdlm wol

n..ds cotms uirhin *h stor (Stlscn t986) Sotrc ttlrihr&d lnh lo E id migdlio ln<br />

p.niculr (Hdis dd lodm l9?0) d rhc p[!@m.nd of Egid lml nigntion in ptenl<br />

urh6n u.mdoym t poved it h quire dion.l as th. dohion b niSllrc is b$'d on 'xPccd<br />

inconc difcMtisk b€tw.dn nral sd u6!n $loF ralher lhon jlsl vas€ dinbrtnthb some<br />

viw th.t this sudden wav€ of indusrrhlizlion would produt goods lhtt fa 'xc4& ils l@r<br />

d.n |! .rl rmisn .u*.t 's<br />

is liditn duc ro p6@irc t€nid Tnis btds to<br />

.lrd.rirc .p9.6c|i by a brand or b!.rc thcdn (Kru8s 19?9 1933: Bh!8uli 1985) Nho<br />

cmphai$d $c inFd.ne or b&|€.nd advqr.d rl* Mov!! o't!d' bsn6lo lubstiluL<br />

pmblem oalos 4{,Eeal€ {rsnand.<br />

3,3 Nao classical Growah Models<br />

Th. qlrc SroMh in tlrid-Dome nodcl! is inheEnllv une,ble od uv d'vidid nm<br />

*.nnrld 8b*rh nte yflld k d b tunlEr novcnc !w!v lion lh. rishl c!)@ llows.<br />

th's conclurion wG otesl€d lat€r on by {Solow 1956; and sld 1956) Psposing thtl lhc<br />

s1.rdy $ft loMh<br />

mle is stable dd dy devia,on would nove lhe @o'omv btck lo the<br />

Thi3 hod.l k @ued "solo*s*d" or 3imply tl|. 'N@ldi€l gn*ri dod.l ..d it !llo*3<br />

Frfa.1 {bstirrtio bdsa qpisl sd htd, th.l *s mr llld€d in tltmd-Dor r modcl'<br />

This natu rh€ c.pilll or+d dio (l) rh.{ @ onsi&Ed mBmE in }l.md-Dolu<br />

mo&I, is Ddiourly<br />

th€ adjNtn..l foctd lading lo s1lblc ouilittiud fijs Ei.6 th8r<br />

d.vi.tion arm Mblc sl. Nolld bnng arcllonding chsse in k, dalin8 thl @nomv @nc<br />

brck to lts st rdy st le. lrs @ncl6ion is . big d.viatid rdm .anier modclt pop6ing lh.t

economica *ill conve8c to de @e lcv.l ol incone ia thcv htv. lhc me 6!. or svin&<br />

dep@iltion, bhor aou srof,th, od pbductivily gro\d This mod.l is illu$dad b.low<br />

Y = F(K, r-)<br />

It is rh. prcdetid lndion of $e e.n ol aom whe€ Y is sun.n b v!ry olinsuslv *nn<br />

K ond L due ro smoorh substitutlbiliry, tnd al$ exlibils @nsranr Elums ro sal. Dividitg<br />

Y/L = RK,a- D<br />

or, loting k = I"/L, we qn rcwrir€ lbis as:<br />

v-I$)<br />

This mans ir MDd p€r l.bor is deLminql |nrush opn.l Fr labor R@lling rhe<br />

ide.tities i s = I ), !d ( S = sY ), ntking ( | " sY );<br />

U{ngth. qnibr I'g\. n!..llnrnt p.' labor I i t n r lunchon Jf<br />

For crcwrh @tin8, 8o*rn 6b of L!h} (L) is d.pict d by ( n) bas.d on F0ulatid<br />

g6q$ Bte tnol is a$uhed cxosenous. In cas oizo investmcn! c{ital lEr labor ( t) will<br />

dalin. .s labor src*s, e lo lep ir ar rlE sn. lcv.l, invesimni equtl to labor lel4h<br />

Equi&j. So thc niniorl EquiEd Bi' of i.€tn.nr is<br />

(n) h<br />

Ho*cvcr, if we lmDnt lor lbe .fial of dcp@iation of dpital, then &er. should be c0pital<br />

sm*rh in pmporlio ro Dopuhr'o imBss a wll a d€p@iaiion ofcxpitEd dPilal.<br />

Sp€cilically. we nor h.vci<br />

Hc.q rhc EquiEd 6L of invcsnlcnl p€r 1.b.. ( i ) is srul b ldbd srcwrh mre (n) lnd @9ibl<br />

Fr lubq (t) aD'l BL ofd.p@idion ordpit'ln&ks {O. ftis.l$ mas rhe Equicd lewl<br />

oa tnvcnment io nainbin a rkd) lL

A dady t is '!qun!d fo. sadv ct c sD*d\ ti@ rt.tt4' in k wU 'li" c'pitrl lo<br />

hhor rfo, shich I|6E I chos. i! e|.riw frro. Fi4 As 'L$ftcd 'Dov''<br />

Crwdr det not .lLo* tnv dtusc h E|.|iE 6ctor Fia3 oE tie<br />

!-d, nt|.<br />

Fis!rc | d.pid! lne troduction nr@don ( v - I (L) ) lloie witlt dtc !'tuil Gquilibiiun)<br />

invcstn ni ftNrio'\ ( i = sl O) ) ud Equnld iircdMl fttr'ti@ noI In@4odting<br />

d.rdirio ( f = n!,I ,6ik ngw 2 imdDoc. d.FEidid of60ittl st@lc if, ( i')'

.,q?.:s..adrseG66hk'.|o(5*a6fudhful.L<br />

Y=\lL<br />

IFX,/L<br />

|tgu'..:'|.od|.s|obclfld|hi.lov'NnGM|ihIE|Hvl|nd.red@'<br />

i,<br />

r/G)<br />

r:'= (d"t}<br />

i'= nt<br />

ts-K/L<br />

H.E, ( k' ) EpEsri srddy slor. l*l of qpit l F s q, *n@ *n!l i.vdttdr i3<br />

.qul b reguird inv6h.nl d Bio ( ir ) dd iicone pa vo*q at ( y' ) This eqdilihritrn il<br />

Mbk si@ ey d.viition (kr md k ) slDrc id b.loN dE ( k' ) muld sv.rge t6ch ro ( k'

)ov.rrime.Forintuce!ifourinithlcapitlltotoborralioisal(kr)lhotisb'lo*(k')'lhd<br />

th. r4uir€d inrdh€nl is L$ lhe acrual invc$tn.nr ' ( I > i')' nding labd sFwlh is<br />

slowd s cmpolel lo €pibl SF*d', osulli4 in inc@ of k' md Yi@ vcM CmParine<br />

rhc t& fisuts, dE slofe oflhc 'lqnircd inveshol litc i'hre teme s!@Fr 8nd $ (hc k'<br />

{ltany sne Erio) woull b. low How.r' lh. quilikium iM' 6rB wuld al$ be<br />

lowr wh€n dep@iarion is &@ntcd ror'<br />

'rh. oonclosions .doFen in neo clGsioal dodel hstc l& @hing 6n$qMces panidl4lv<br />

in rhe F6p6livc of th. devcloping @unri* 'llis indicaa lhal develoPing sunfies wolld<br />

grcw fsrcr lhm dcv€loFd counlries lhal will b. lowins at a sieadv sllle grow$ dlc<br />

nlrch.d br' lopuldio. sro*1h As 0 Bul! lh.E woutd b€ on!er8e@ in $en in@ne pcr<br />

Hd.d, se srddi6 indidte lntt mwlgo@ is mr mmdniod bd depolds o leic<br />

yn. of which e Elr.el to innnutds.<br />

3.4 Endogenous Cowth Theory<br />

Endogflors gFfrh rhsry depans fom its n.o clNicsl counleQad bv Elaing a$uBptions<br />

of d in inisbins Eruns io sc0le ind p€d irlins incresins Etuns to scale 't nalional level d u'<br />

to .xMliti.s. This offl€6 ihe Daturll lc.&ncy of dininishing €rum These 'xlendlities<br />

@ in thc rm of lding by doing lnd incrc h clnularivc knowled8E be lhd is<br />

cdsid.d 6 klmlosiEl inp,svmdls ll.@ h h thc.tdoe€nic icchrclog rh{ ws<br />

@Bn|cEd dog.@s in M cla$i6l nolcl'<br />

Tn. abov€ cr ilhsrEr6 a sinpl. ncl.l of.nddscnos srcsrh 6 p|ltosed bv amw ( 1962)<br />

h d€rives its kchnical undelpin.ins 6on Koldor ( 1962) turolion of r*hnicol prc8Es. A@w

contends thot l-cdinc is a fu ncriob of o m u liliv. idvdloe't o f knoNlejge ihat is' d' loltl<br />

nck of kmwLdge cdLd e fr- This mds th lfl Bhnoloeicallv adva*€d n&hi6<br />

not only incMse fte labor lriucdvn, ol lhc hb.6 wo*i'g 'n<br />

thN naelii"{ bur are<br />

i,c'€d lhe bbor p'!duo1i!hy ol rhe hb

In lhis equ.tio, 'C' d{Es.or hove<br />

.xhibit a condrnt re|un |o etl..<br />

' \ubqnpt i, B i 6.rr?mtl to th. fims Th.Efoq lims<br />

lldl ot Btiond levcl, G - K, sid il is only rhc ocoumulatd slNk ol copild for ltE domv<br />

Tn €fo.e, dE dioil produclid nMid bks th. following rom:<br />

Atuw mod.l erhibils eveEl Blriolins asunDlions' a mojor one is' thal is for $ incd* 'n<br />

E!rm\ t-rh lab.. atd uPibl should b. pEponiMollv ircE s'd Th* Enndtos td'<br />

Mor€n in !n impruv.d mdlcl ofqdoeoes 3rc*ri Frpos€d bv Rm'r ( 1986) H' dc'iv€'r<br />

Wh.E y is Edwh mb ol odpur p.r qpilt ,nd n is populalio Ab{lh nt Wilhout<br />

kmwl.dca spill ovcr { z = 0 ), pa EDib iMd. klls@ M(Fvd' if z>0,lh€n t n<br />

> O, hen@ Nlpd p.r labor is incErsing ln this s.v. gbv1h t d.riv'n bv eving and<br />

inv€shenl d€lcmined *irhin lhe nGlcl, nor exogenouslv dstcmined lechnoldgi'ol<br />

t{rcdlitid & bc inLrulizql ar rem lcYcl. llow*r, s@ mod.h lik. Durlaol ( I99l)<br />

als prcved Osl thce s b. intemlized it l@l level in fm oa l@l complendditi.s.<br />

Conplmenlariri6 ore backlaid $d loBord linhlsd that slNr infom.lion cosl and solvo<br />

o@.diturid fiilurc (fiiNhnm 1953). Durlrut( 193) 'grr, thlll<br />

''tutui.h&l iuloht t dhibi! ,,llerroities i. ttuhati@ od M lhnzd hr lo.ali4t!<br />

kcln'lozicd hnthtudoifts. nek cMplewdntti.' vlet ttorg .Nugh *ornd<br />

prcdrce nuLiph aq llh.lua k lohg-run

Th@ hod.k c..tv quiL e6 inplicdion fq .@@ic lto*lh Fis! th@ is no fo@<br />

L.ding io cquiliMM gD{rh d. ebs cl4.d 6o|mi* lh't *uU dtFd !pot' th'n<br />

ndiodl svin9 a.d h.h.ologic. Ss llv, d4 i3 m ttn&mt of dtch'up lo dch<br />

ccotmi6 &*pic hNing 3inihr Foplhrk[ sd svi'a! nct On th' @rtrv' o'<br />

d.*topir8 ...lMi6 might oltu. hirh F'un o inv'stft d& lo loB opit'l !o hbq<br />

Erio,b{t it Gfft.r ilcod.d intbs@ d @Ptdoltit iN6nr in GdF'rid ud RltD<br />

ln $q( f&rd lik dduLlio of hlnd c+ilrl' llgFh ed &v'bprnl dd<br />

.x6ullds eir.d in fm of kdlis 6v dohs sdld 3bF ttt @mutcid of<br />

rchmto6/. thG wld b. $ucr !o iFadng Elon b eL |hs n*ing tnnt indifr'Fl<br />

b drir.l -Mllirid t .9ina lh. noM[ mma|lm in log run<br />

MMr, KtwLd$ A t*u cfcild io rahtulolv rr'otdd Frc6 G tbo qni{lv<br />

.hradar upd cntllpc*uill iNvoti* *tivilk3 lh.l ii on &F!d uF t ftc qulitv of<br />

de i.rnuionl .rt gmali Aeddinrtv, d. hild of dtr8.r in lts d'tlo,td<br />

@n[i6 @ld h. .[rib[!.d lo lw lcwL of hd! c.plt l od ttF &frciq rlwbdSt th't<br />

lc.D rlm in ld Lt.l of d.dy d.& rMlh vi|n lowt Fld''tivhv ' @Mi6 of<br />

stc TL nl.oEMl of hums oDi|ll horcEr i! i i$ 3iN' 'duli@l €Piiil niShl<br />

norh..wrysoodloxyfdhufuctp&d(B.ih!ib.<br />

SPi.8.l' |991).

3,5 Schunpeterlanfhary otlnnoYadon<br />

lti'dLd gtod liratuF .hPlsi6 iBrte in Fldudilig<br />

though Lchtolotiol<br />

ddclAo.nl6 tlE ot ll.m fcsulrri U. d*lo'l*ft if, long M Tlcv howv'rd'frd<br />

d.Frdi.g uFo s ro shr d!i6 t&lDolog/. Ei&!.lM gtoyih th@ds chim il lo b' !<br />

6Ndon oa disrdl nat of tlwLdgc d n d{b&mat &tdnir'd d'@gh inrcstno(<br />

in .du..ri{b rld R&D ThG clsiol .d M clsi.ll lilc.l@ l..t tu mFlling tt@ns<br />

!d sanply @!n-E n 6 miac HorylG, iE mlorirn M b' r-'d in dlid<br />

drdllidl lil4|G MGr not$k b ScnunFLr (l9l l) hlling $od of ddLing t holirh<br />

rhary of Gco|mio gosr||. Aldsgn nd csiddld . dtrn d 3lo*d! dFv lE oltliFd ii<br />

d.r.il ttE @i.! of anM.rio |n!r ldd to G.[mloiicll cnr1 Ttis slion it d'vorcd fd<br />

cxDlD.rior of hi! i.L.s !d cdLih|tio |h.r h.w pd . hu3. inp.cr o dlt6ic Inann<br />

,cpt A. S.hnpda! Minirl vsl'1r,.o,, of E Mic D.ulop@It (tgtl) dtt<br />

"Cqitdlird So.iditr dltd D.@rtr' " (1942I fds o. FFlwtl is E8'd'd 6<br />

n i@.io. iMing pFddivity by ulilitin8 oprr.l Dd hba Nng d |ebrcLSjqr<br />

inFowrts. Unlik S6ilh!, nb nod.b nodlt *€p o|hd nddt qog.|@ t ld .ttibuL<br />

tlE tujd dliu fd srowlh to stoir r4n nqml.d dE{sr in @Mi. 6tiMm.4 dict<br />

h 6r y b.6.d upolr th. drl!|qsr inMdior<br />

H. cmnlcd rbr $. mnjdny ol ..dmi. .a.r r bGh.E in . dtir focrid md dlt rd<br />

.ndg rtsr *c .bl. ro c|||ldg. |l|* rrni*3 .rd b tnna chogt in o!iB. ll@ na<br />

@d6 *6 crar.d to b.lollsd undl ct lloS.d b, M. othaoc ft schmFlq F l3<br />

"r dwry oJpol. vttt 4 tlt?.r lN.lIer.B ad thn a w aan. hd/Attt \N PriE<br />

w cott i,en@. ... ?rp, ieE k d *n st ld nltunv-at l thk M art . It h this

tw d ffi^ tk fu.bni. equilibti'n ana Ie! rkt vitho't tin litv H"bzs tut Mi"er<br />

ntu ihtplicdiot alailuz wilt inllict tpor hin or m wlP'kr ee?4atu dependnE tpon hid<br />

will loe t]&i Leep lot oltl oEe .. flt l&itlve mone n th'refrft ePrsr' and tut nPnb<br />

'r'sisrr" (Schump.to 2002, pp 4!r 14)<br />

Llis dreo.y of emmac .volulim sn d nn sl,gMl @nmt, qoding in t st5Lm er bv<br />

lhe roulires adopLd by lll de age.ts 'l]jc Firsl enftpdeur erch's 'd gtp6 and oGE<br />

rogerh.r wid lns h.lD ol brnko othe6 seeins lhisas I pofil porsntill' would alsojump 'n<br />

srnning simih. pdjer lft v pove succqsful, orhe' 's'nt aE poed lo tro choices' €irx"<br />

.d.pr ftw mliM n loe de jobs Thk would @E hugc distudt* in ihe $den moki'g<br />

n€w innovtrivc reurincs exc€td $e old orc. A, a duline, rhe sysbn co'Acs along wkh il lh'<br />

erd olnew enrcpr.ncftal innovalivenes in o ncv'Fendiq p@$' Thi! ple$ is *t'red<br />

ro cs fearivc dqslluclioB A.v new intuvaliv' oulircs muld op'n up ne* polit avenues<br />

'or<br />

cD|JepEmrs, ed at mN e indNcd ro idovlle amn, swrhl' Holqer' 3s<br />

dtEDend6 e s.ll in nmbcrs' lh.v disip6r6 kavina cltitdisls to @mp€b t*av $'<br />

exkline pFfits cauring d{lite in $eir idcomcs' od dris declinc {ould preielv led ro<br />

Mother innovarivo cftons rtenc.! inn.vaion l.ading io cftdriv' des!ruction is lne primc<br />

d.remiMr lor surLiimble gD{rh- schmpct r d chlE teritng @rcmic agpnts in l€m3 of<br />

individuls md l..dq:t ec<br />

"li.ticaly Al\ed hatu nds M chzdknAd b, sehtidlr d'its vhgt th'r hN leMt<br />

by novinC rithin ,hs @i'ed houdaris atul b! hzvi,s h a &t'tuking -a, hen opntioh<br />

,lkpfitim atr! b rMit i.tl*tucd ht tlP. s er dda oJ thir tead La&n d<br />

ct@terik t b, xeitinA E|| thitE\ !', chatghE tle t@iieA batn'lari2s to dcn beh''ior<br />

and bt .htnsins th. EiEi dda of irci. c.i,f; ' {s.hump€d 2002' tg 423) A nobble poinl

is |nar the bl. of ldd6 is ml lo dcvclQ id... bd lo implenol tlsll. 6 i&as sn b€<br />

d*bpd by individotls, bul wnol b. tdopLd with@l lanl€B<br />

Unlike previo6 srowtt nodcls rh.F aoMi.s dd in .llidv tt'Ntc, sctup&r chins rh'l<br />

lh@ reF no dininishing t lums io inmvdio.. tld@ lh' onlv |€.s fd ee€dv tltle is<br />

when entEpdncun.l .,tods !E dncd uD, Howct, li'hMFl€r lavs dorn enain<br />

p@ndilios rr innovalions Th. fi6l ls thc s'eLm ol pivct! ow'cahip; lne s4on4 cEdil<br />

svsilability. bNckins lhe nle or riMnciol innovaln,ns lnd dcvelopm€nl'<br />

schunpec. ol$ Ndincs €noin ce3 whcrc sowlh and innovdive pi@s b@ks do*D ond<br />

Ef.r them 6 *ialcultuml chdges As cnt.4rir.s !rcw, {otmi6 of sc'le nav l{d lo<br />

lemmntly<br />

hign industisl cmentstion .nd @onmi. dds TtL wdld mke il difficuh lbr<br />

@* entr€pEn.m b b6k in $€n lmlirt tnd inrcv.l. M@€', exired oiplwuB in<br />

qbpris Bw ale ,!plac.d by bo@octrlic Magc6 *ho G la apt b innohr''<br />

Ashid ctal {2004. Ps 54) smmlnax s.humpd€r3 lts'v ot@omic derelo9'ndi in de<br />

''(i) Ttp tuin totru of kchblosied prcses it i@vatiu; (ii) iwwtios ehnh lead k<br />

tJE idrcA@id of rev pn lrclkn P6eeer, tuv Ptutl@ts<br />

Nv narag?@"t wt& an'l<br />

rew orsuidkh of prodetion @nv|t q oe .eatsl h, elftderested f^ etuelercua<br />

ed reemhz\ *ho etp.ct b he Btddcd with (hotop'|v) Enb i41h2 ed th.t tlEi<br />

ttuwtjon b src.s.{tllt inplenentedi (iii) h sePnl, iEs. Nrcpolt Pna oe -e"tut,<br />

disipate4 B tle N pw6es or yoduts innod@d 6r c@d imrtu becow<br />

o\elet vlEn s imditu e.o thd .ompe!. wii the catuit t chnlqies ann icebr<br />

tltiE En o of lt2 Mtd "

Thk dEfr on lle dphh wny tldiliMl rw1h th@i6 ftikd 6 cmpidql gt$ndt<br />

Enoiricr' .vi{rdc fd b.* ol ndlsad gF 68 8.M<br />

in &wloPing 4o|Mi6 ould<br />

bc d@ lo ifppmFi.L iNti|lniml dn$m.nL linidns attpceuri'l inmv'tic<br />

Sinil.dr, @ of tlt @mplid3 of clt$iql t|r6nB s $.1 suOtB fund!<br />

'nbin'd tlsulh<br />

En6 of ti6s wld bc Eincld in brsi*s.n mili.8 !..106 biggd od fiEling<br />

|..cfmdion, HM6, tlw fuG *a us.d in mn p|ldudirc 'E likc @l .g!la This<br />

@rd b. lriblrql ro lrk oldnlFHRhip rn* ca.L cultdl.td i'dndi@l b'ri6<br />

fii'd.r dE crftDaH6ni! F@s<br />

3.5 ALenntlv. Theor''lcot Con.'lbvalons<br />

ft6 srion is &vor.d lo otlo MFllin! vi.B iqn disincr qund of 4.|Mic fi.ld d<br />

sslrblc emmic 8Dwlh- B.h!vi6l eolMin nolrrd.d bv qFimod dmmi6<br />

.!d d@mic ,6ycholosJ, h.rc qwriorEd lh. rls s irimlirv dtodi.d in clld.rd<br />

rrorrh dEi6 (C.ldwll 1994: Cdlislq 1996) .td h.b.d Efir govll mod.l lo<br />

i@|!onr. boulcd itmlity (coc d !1,, 200r. Ptniclh.lt c.nbr (1996) 8e<br />

Mply dpiric.l cva&@ ro .mptsia dE idpo|rlE of ll6y ol boudcd r.ridlatv<br />

sqlins in c@mi6, On. rtiC ly dilf.Enl sl., Sd (tt99) g.w . n* didrib of<br />

e.|Mic &rcloorat dt di.d ii ft!.doo Not dt Feol clp.bilit6 hrt si.tv ud<br />

cuhd !t.F hnx ar!.dom io d" This 6edon is nol .tddoi. b'x Ehiv. io si.{ics<br />

Hde @mic Elf.N *eld cft fiw iMin3 tlF fE dom lo et sa !13!6 tn.|<br />

poliriql litqri! .c dd.y td $s.idbL d.r.loFrar"<br />

EcMic hic6n b€li.v.d thl lro*lh is polh dcpqtal bo*d o hictrt. P.c J[pcs<br />

DGrd *nts of hi$ry shich @ a. on b.s.d d innnladt Dd olrE. TlEEfor.,

hnolosidl .amullior is shr!.n bv hixon@L sial cuXml md instinni@l liElN<br />

F.wlen1 in rmDty. (Abdndviu 1936r KM.ts 1963i Ndh l97l' 1990 : rin'tcs<br />

r969,1q98; Polmyi l9,l4i Mtrdal 1968; Bldn 1957i Ro*nbel8 1982, 1994j Mo!141990'<br />

In panicuLr, Abdmovilz(l9s6) co cnds $rt neo_clNidl conveigence ofpet ctpib income<br />

basd on ptoduotiviry jnpmvcm.nt *ould dcPnd uton s@itl copabiliiies of&chtologioal<br />

adoption. thes cryabilirics develop slos, $d dcFnd upon counlrv speoifio sid hinory'<br />

Thc pa@ or developdcd of *i!l .spabilirics $ sto.d uP the pr*$ of @hnologidl<br />

ldoplion is diffeEnl donS nalio.s $d b.s! ulon tlle t!st- H'!@, tF dep€ndcre ol<br />

notiotu rohnologisl adoption @prbilili.s on .xisrins lcvel of pnnudiviq night nol be<br />

The simi'tr viw, rollw.i in by R@b.rs (1991) ldv(ari.s potl' depsi'nt Etd€ of<br />

te.r'nolosi@l chtusts G 6.scd lpon p€nicul.r sqMe of dlkr Mb ot of *tich t new<br />

Moryr (19$) on expbnDg dgio..l dir@ftcs in tchnoloeicll cBriritv finds ir io bc<br />

linked *irh physi€l ad si.l .nvibnm. Land€s (1998) iudv bsd d wid. Eneing<br />

hi$on@l strd€ys exDlotin! the clhuml diftsnc* b€twcn the west and th. Middl€ Easr.<br />

Asi4 Aliic4 lnd Latin Americt, rldbuLs thc ece$ ol w6r ro its oultuE.dbodied wirh<br />

post iisloriol developmcnl wh.rhc. eliSious, t&hiological, will or coononic.<br />

on the simile adun! Pollnyi (1944) .mphdied th.t tlc su@$ oa induslrial Bolurion is<br />

h6sd on politisl od enmi. iBiituions such as fr.. md*el svsten, gdld sbnd.rd, libeEl<br />

srrq dd politictl @Pditiot.

on i slicr'rly dill@ni n&, slnn (1957) iisDlidb shoneinss of lh€ modm dtv<br />

caphrlis 6 htving destoy.n rhc inloml 3v$.m ol innhnids tnd dbl @pibl in<br />

developins cou.ri.s od cral€d lsring condirions ol dcFnddcv !s rhev b€code<br />

suboidirutcd ro lh€ d.velot€d @Dnti* in fic inr.mttionrt divkion of ltbo' caPiblid s)Gtdn<br />

gave rie lo nonopoli€s rh|l cdt Dror4ivo &nts nomlllt exulced fom $c d'velopins<br />

ounllies. Undet lhe$ condilio.s, BaBn advooilcs thc poetite ol€ ol the sttt in counttina<br />

ihe goqinB llndqcy ol undeFco.sloption ott plagu.s monoDolt cepi|llisn ln this wav'<br />

Mnomy nish achieve the lcvel ofvhd he lems ?@tdr' snomic surtht, Nhich is even<br />

gMr€r thm rhe pdstial 4omic suolus<br />

TtG ulls€ctio 9nMi6 d* tuin ,indi.gs tnd mlEiN lhlr l6w m l9 and<br />

Eviwing dE !ih@ e in€imr rhdi6 dd rh.ir lpplt6rims in E dewloped a dE<br />

The lh@ri6 di$lNd h@ m ala$ic.l th@ry of gmfih, srdctuBl{hm8c thory' No<br />

cldsiql Cowd, Modeb, Endogono$ Smwlh ihoryi S.hump.r€im rheorv of imovatioq ts<br />

rell 6 $n. Altemaliv€ lnsetical conlriburione 'nE disousion oathe* ri&ies ltum simple<br />

delemlor 1o *Keynesirn giv.s d b€tlcr iGishr int! de .vol iomry Pl@s ol the eDkh<br />

liio"tuE od uderslodins ofptoblems th hlvo dcrgcd nqn dm.lo time &u dv sinsle<br />

dEry. Fe dmdq cl.sic'l th$ry viss Sowlh<br />

prmc$ * s.lfcnlorcing, enhd@d thrcugh<br />

speializalion ed emcieni 6or*.6. llowcvcr, vie*s dady s|!l€ €quilibrirm s unshble<br />

struc$61 ohoge drcory sdvNot s lh. @llulioi of r,ctd nom loN prcderivily lo hish<br />

ptudDclivity stor Nhich euld csull in susbinoblc go{h 6 dtdiMled inveslrenls ft<br />

necd€d ro y'dc olf onlin..id f.iluE mong @mplcn.ibry ind6rri.s. N*lsical

dBirrs cn r€osc rb. .lrsic.t feuLli@ of u rthi. .q!iliki!m' Fopoci'g rh!' dq lift<br />

dft @ll bc @w4pE ddi @mnt wlth th. s. F oDiti inm6 hlvins<br />

JniLr sF*{n in eving* d.F€i.!id dd Fod!.rivnr' HMs ddoedds cto*h<br />

$di6, .ndogaizi.g lahnoloo/ th.l ld @!id.t!d doltmug l'a& ro q'iic ! difr@nl<br />

oorclusio, i!. lh@ is rc Ln&mv of clt h'up l! rich en@ts &spik nlving sinild<br />

populatim ad evings d€! and frtou llk .c.unuhtio of hude copital, tEgmh dd<br />

dclelopnol ed dxtmaliti.s @i.t d in thc fM of l@)ing bv doing wouid snaD' lhe<br />

@unDlrrim oftchtuloe'. This Muld lubj.cl lo irct.!ing t.lun to qlc dM ntking<br />

Fnms iDdiffds io opiril gMuhid k .Piig $. 8b$rn Dddn|n it long on'<br />

Sd@D.&r fdfflizd lcclmloSic.l F!E* B lnMlrid lading to mc cfncnnt<br />

Fqsge .!r' Fducri@ .livi&r' Iti! liN.lb! i! ldd bv aftFt|F6 lootitrs fd SrPs<br />

in dMt avid|Mtlo.xt*r @.t cuin!a|mv to nm to. tidq Lrcl'

Chapter4: lnstitutional Studles<br />

Nod (r99O) dcfin6 instturids s tlz tu\.! oItht s@ in awi't " r' moE speifictllv'<br />

^dre to the @ ainttes iwotwd in hund irn*@tib': tl8v M the h"nanU deried<br />

coKhai s d.rled b sttutw ttd inkretid 4<br />

The ru16 dn b. in |ne fom of tmd inditutios like l'ss fld G8ulllioN or infmal<br />

on6 llrt Ninihcd b cullud or sid c!9ibl (T.tellini 200J' P{bm l9l)<br />

Insriturions rcprcscnLd by cuhDnl faclos bv Ttbellini i2m5) frnd il lo bc exose@N<br />

'I abellini (2005) asns $at iLs inp&t on sonomio develotment ould be<br />

'elt<br />

in two wavi<br />

'' Fis! k btih wiul.apibl tht! k dPttud bt trut ftdins I in otttr PoPte) dt1EspeLr<br />

kpprcidirE 12 ide oI b.ins Ap,.{t! ol 0!126 in oB\ M clmtlr") k'onAr n nuiu<br />

.dttb@ in lb iutiri.ha't ttd 6 cdptma codtul (teetinE in @tunl ole\ t&) "<br />

sidilorly, P{lnm (,993) linds lh.i insiituions &cititrtbs sood 3<br />

sial capiiol such 6 @cjarionkn, tru$ and cmpedrion Hencc, leble and ompl<br />

gov€moenc woul{t Buh in wak ud u.-civic $idv ud n *ould Esuh i' poverrv<br />

Cdhry to tuintu $dghr .har belicv.d intlitutids s b"lcEn thou8h tpprcFite<br />

polici6 dd agutltions, clNidl insli(utaMl @oMils lil€ v.5ld ed MiLl*ll dph6ia<br />

thrt inslitufio6 !E moE qn ehot tnd follN palh depcndo@ tnd !E bas'd on ns<br />

univdal mictu .Lmcnls like codnunnict, .cNoits ard asNiodons Thcv aE buih o'<br />

p€l$ll Elario6hips od sial c!9ilal (TMt) Howev€r. ne* instilutioial Mnomii Iike<br />

Ndn, ols lnd witli4s @rend thd cmpelitiN dd poli(iol sldgelc @uld Dmdu<br />

ad Diaasio 099D r$dradlrydE.

..cos$ry chrnse in in*ndions. I.stitutiool desiSn is @biSuous in whlt wdld b. th.<br />

apDstri!1. inslitulioml din8s. How.v.r, Rddik (2000) mphasius thlt insliruliors<br />

engreed in psl*lion of prop€ y riSbrs lid whl insuEn@, d8ulalion' p@viding<br />

n.c@noDic stotility udjo*ia e the mosl crucisl on6 He frnths Nns ih' rcl' of<br />

pqnicipdo.y polnid iditulios is dc to!1 inporl4l DOs o'm-<br />

Ir is wntly e4pr.n flcl by all qun6 th!( hninituB do plr.. t hucE inFd o oMic<br />

grcw$, A@itin8 lo Ndlh tnd ThmG (1971), sssss@r of itslnlnids *a nol onlv<br />

simillr to maind@ sosrh ln.drurc blt thdgn de mlid ot lran$tq @n3 Thdv<br />

prcv€ rhlt i.stirurions aE the only factor th.t shaD€s technoloaic.l adoplion p@sss At<br />

anorher plrce. Nonh(1990, p.54) osns thot<br />

"llc ktbilitt oI t@ieti6 10.t @|op 4k.tiw hv cod e,{ovwd oJ.ohh@^ it th. tutl<br />

ik[hM Nw oJ h^bnol lastuioh ai co'te,tPotuy 'ov].A.vbPwd ik the t id<br />

IngirurioN v.ry in t ns of ilEir inp-t on .mmac €ro*h. som Ptunorc<br />

pr.duc. glgn.tid. They rre simply<br />

n whik dhd<br />

"M ikentiee lwture in M etutun! tud orydni.dio8 vill be c4ded to td|e udvhtq. of<br />

the oppottunnies rmridzd vithin a siv.n iBntuttonal.fr@tot* Nnnh (1990)<br />

Mdn @ntriburions ro boden inlitulional lilcmture !F shafd by Ol$n (1982), Baumol<br />

Ho@.r, &spit dE &.1lhal dE ml. of inrnurions iD slqing comk hislory ha gih<br />

signifEnt inFn,@; tte mpin{l !rdr@ dc ml mltcl' in sid sio6<br />

Th€ nd srid is devored b Ndh s n.d .lsiol rh€ory of dar.! i'cdp(Hi.g in$nudol<br />

dal'sis inro ,Glaicd lheory.

4,1 The N@classicot Theory ol Stote<br />

Doughs Norrh(l9sr). in his bok hretu! nd Chtise k FtMni' Eisbry" @rli'cs a<br />

rherr ol sl!r. n innituiioN, exphini.g ho* s!t. shiss a hdare in giing prc!€dv n8hls<br />

dd cx@l'ns dnB Nmed $ M clNidl fiorv ol slsL, ar nishlighls shdlFming in n@<br />

clsid osltsis ud F@s ! d.o.y lo plus ii rhe ssps<br />

still ki op'n in lh' M clGiol<br />

'Ihc n61 shon{ning hisl ign€d ws lhal nco cl.sic.l lhory sms pivrc Erum lo<br />

individuli md sial retum @ eqnst€d, lnd 8. resul! inditidudls ctptuE all thc b'nefils<br />

'l hlt would o.ly b. lhe o6e in pE*nc. of pc ict propert ii3hls (or ztro lmnecrion costs l<br />

tn th. prcsne or pdral pop€ny ngh! ns clskd nodel hold5 and deE is no ndn lit<br />

innnuliors cx*pr ror slf Esulaling nartcis, tnd.djusltDenr su tfiDdglt the chonsc<br />

''<br />

mltBic dE rhc .nmcp in Elstive Fi6. llit chssc tdi@ts fo.toE of plodElio i.lo rh'ir<br />

nd pmfttabl. rs widNr ftcdol instob@Glt tn 6F.ts ro alhrioN in b'rcnB<br />

6d codl by ndnnizing individuls. Ho*cE in st sorl4 6 snirh s slei.li2rtion $ts in<br />

onc onnor lind nalching dpansid ol the mi*.ts. PEsne or n!*els equi€s lh. Drcp.nv<br />

ighk nusl be e-lBi!e, neNBble ed €nrolwblc B€sides, since goodr &c spoialiad,<br />

oost ro masuft its dimension dd ofcnforcing i$ crffs of.xchsgq ft huge Exclusivittof<br />

pFp.rty nghs is baseA d dte nqsurom.ni of lhc utdedying goods. Wh€.lhc$ st rE<br />

hiri, sme of ib cnddisics lhrt mighl oury sn .ommic wlue, sould .ol bc me.surcd.<br />

Thir ydld 6ut. in diff€'lE l'€ls€n it *i!l dd Pnvd. os Coscq$ntly, ihc<br />

ditr tle het*a l'rvde mms.td sid ElMs wnt4, csp€i.lly dE pivarc rctoms or<br />

idas ud dEn ,pplietids, or orh.r rehmlogiql dd.lop|Mr, is lo gull 6 @opt6d ro<br />

thcir saial b.ne[b. Hdne all lhe Fope.ty db ae rot wuEd, and $eE tE tBnecrion<br />

cd! involved. E onomies, i6 pEsnq oarEneclion oosl would Elalively und.r priE th€

sNially cfiicienl spods, divoning emonies 1o l6s .fficienl *lou lnoderlowddofllhis<br />

pobl.m, Isple d.Yie ru14 of conn6ini in human &lio'i in ihe fom of lts and<br />

€nf@.n! to sm*h,l t d@ tl'e [3n$rio. qlds<br />

Thee @srBin$ would qrry a c61 to th. sdup oD thich n is iFpos'd upon As p'der<br />

meas!ftmenr of indilidul Perfomdca in lh. group is 1oo sllt, dEv rF cl'l&cd bv<br />

imp.rf.ct mmirding d.vi@s levying coss imp.mnauv ed cqullv ln this w' a Norlh<br />

( | 981) purs ir<br />

'tknioel ituItuhluah vill not iwr t E coss of PoliciPdin. jn l44e sroq ulkn *ten ttv<br />

i"lritid@l beEf^ @ stitl b. Eeive,t by h.ins ! leeid'r' "<br />

Inditidu.l! *ill disb.t il bsElic ol disob.ving d moa lhtl its srs Mo@ve4<br />

4fod6cnt mld tho b. idDerf4l, s lhc agmrs of ihe enfo@me tmhoritv nighl h'!e<br />

This *ould Enlq Pop€ny ighb df(M. imfi{tive ll5 implic't'ons N hus' {d could<br />

E$lt in no-vi.biliry of uy s&: the twL$iol dwv is &ficic'r i' cxpbjning rhc *dld<br />

vilh mnslion msts. ll is.qullv delioi.nt in explrinine ovcFll sbbilitv in spnc oi lhc<br />

tcnd.ncy lo b€cme a fEc{idei. Individuals ob€v ovs when th€n cost md b€Deft dalvsh<br />

*ould .dvie rlEm orhcoie ThqlfoE, the gap6 it @ cltsiql model c lddEsel bv<br />

Ndht ndlsidl lfidry ol si.E! fmsing on rs to ho* ed d whd ldel, d'e* prop'ny<br />

ghls rd €naorc€i. sD.cifielly, it an€dpls ro qplain tfia! d.{it a tossibl€ f!'llB to<br />

ehtv. susLin'bl. Monic gd*b vhy s dlid enfod inofetiv€ Popenv n8hs-<br />

'',ln oryonidion vith u conPtaiiw odt4rtage ir violerce .LnAing owt a geographic<br />

lted vLnk holt dntu M d.temiEd ly tt! pover 10 t6 @Bu@nB<br />

P'lpary nehs m d€6n d by Ndrh 6

''..tte nstu h elu& o'1 cdt be spe.fud and enfo*tl b, srate ha 16 a 'Mpadiw<br />

altrwtase inlioletue. ltqc.,h. Belrsrh*<br />

'' Ultituly n k lc $de t"d it rcspnibb lN lb eftitLa ol ttt p"opcav r'Ct tuttn<br />

ehich .o84 Atuvth ot eag4tkn ot *ounic 'lecliv<br />

Th. b.hlvid of nl|g in .nfsdod or ptop'nv righrs d bo @lv*d in Ito rhorns: a<br />

onidt rhary dd a prsbtory or qPloihtion lh@'v' C'iF'd thort cxplaitu |nc<br />

dcvclopmdl ofclfioiett pop.nv riBhts PFdalory lheorv derl *irh Fnls inp{ed bv group or<br />

Fople in pov.r, using stte 6 d tgE rcx lo muiniz' dsn in@Gs reg'rdld ollhe wdfN<br />

Nonh outliG lhE ch!ru|ltisriB ora uilirv'roxinizins tol't (! sinplifi'd vdion orstc )<br />

''Fni, iE eatu badet o storP oJ se9i@s ihkh ve shil 4 Pntrtioh atl jdtice lol<br />

rcttu. Sie durt @ *oruni* oJ rcde k p'oritti"s tlce etui'es t'ul ituow in th'<br />

@iet/ it hEh.r 6 o esutt oIM otsdidid tpe'idizks in tkf tnilzt tlun it wotld bt if<br />

eeh inlrivilul i, wieq pd.cted hit oeh paPt, smtol ttu stdte alte''lB to @t tike o<br />

disn ituihs @npotist, epdatns erh srut\ oIcoNn@ds at'| tkritias pmPrt iSits<br />

ld wh tu 4 to tuinize ab E|9rc Asl tht.l le xtu it coattuired bt tte oppn wtt<br />

@! of i6 co8tihctut tide tfuE atutlt oe Wtuial titdt to pwide ttv sm ftt oJ<br />

gcre, rivals aE o$0. ptrnrill rules in the rom of individulh or s6les Hene' lh' ftonopolv<br />

pow€6 e timiLd by dE clNB ofolhd substitul6 $ $c ruLr<br />

Noih turds spcifps so objative orde slllc .s folloB:<br />

"M, to spech tlc flnton.at

tuo vithin t'JnM* oJt' f$t oa.div b ede tMi'n uis i" o ef blotu<br />

MiM o'Au of tk wi.U Ml fuEl'E, ircEe @ rews tu'ia b tc t@<br />

TIE Fovisim oa ptrbl'c so.ds such 6jusli@.trd low tnlr outlim rl'e bos of dl6 or<br />

erchonse, mrde to loee, @b&l Efo@ncnl @sE, e ininudm tulfillina lhe snd<br />

objeliv€. The in$itri@s hlv€ snomi.s or $alq hene md elfetiv. if.nforced from<br />

Thft m thEd inFondt implio.tions oi th.s objscrives:<br />

To tulfiu ft. nd objective, spdi$ ruEl ptorEny d8h$ thal ndinid rho Do.opoly Ens<br />

Thh woDld lead to spml. spdificalion oi pspcdy risils for dilieMl s*tions oa si.ly<br />

d€p€ndi.C upon th.t poduction tunction, Ilo*.vc, th* Ents would be inflFned by lh.<br />

exrenr of nvahy fton oiner poremi.l rihls ro moncaolbt. Th. clNI lhc sbslitule, 6e gEater<br />

the b!4aining po*er ol d. egn€nr5, sd tlE hisha oppo.runily csl to norcDoly. He..€,<br />

|he spaifidid of slrqty nshs muld lle d.p.nd uFtr lhc oppo.ru8 osr or 4h<br />

s€snqr The wnh highs opp.duiry @sr weld ha* moE b.rclining po*6 This *ould<br />

ale kad b rstu.l dislribtrtio oasBies dEl lo*r itustiotr @d. A@dingly. nN rh€y<br />

!E ro noE a public s@ds. This *o!ld B!l{ tol oly ii rdopolislic enls ot exFns of<br />

g6w1h ed inirs nvalry b.N€cn rh. rml ed lhe poi.nli.l rule6 ov€r a egDq! but<br />

*ould als cdr. rc.ls for thar egnenl at th. extcnse of the &Smenis *ilh lower oppottutity<br />

The implidrion or rh. sond objectiv. is nol too Sood 6 rhe rul€r. Effioient Drcperly ighls<br />

(th oade lbe privarc 6te ol retoh apDorch lhc s@ial mte) may leld 10 hislEr inore for<br />

the siely bur lower smin8r for th. monoFlist 6 lt cMjes d rhe cosr of monilo.ing dd<br />

collecting L6 e consi.l€mbly high$ ihe ih.* oo* h imincicnl poperty rigl s.

''Tlp cos9 o! ne8uiglE dia.tuiotu of ttu int',/J and outPttB vill 'li'kne E rnioa<br />

yoperty .iEt t arutue lot ttg .ltwse wkd t iv eowv nhich thttlo4 eill he<br />

d.p.ne,n on le stde o! the t.chmlog o! mBt$n nt Connu PtuPenv tutuws t*<br />

peniktl vlcte tlE .ostt o! tu^uins tlN rliMNto$ oJ th' retoltuet lwe otueiahed th'<br />

However, 6 mlkels got n@ emcicnti il wolld rle .hq lh' Eladve price and lhe<br />

opponu.ity @s dd euld lea! lo ivrlry lo cdptur. it, EnG fod olher mo'opolisrs'<br />

Motuver, for daorcen.ft ol pop.nv rilhl$ it EquiEs eflices of 4'nls<br />

to whon some<br />

mompoly po,,6 ol ruls N d.legaEd !o HMv€r, lh. .g. s' $lf inte'sl could nor bc tne<br />

se N lhe ru1.5 dd constEinlt _ imposd hv th. ruld ro his .gdlr io pftvc'r drv€rg€n@ _<br />

nishr nol tc F.f*l.<br />

This sould cd* lt nsLr ol $ft of dlcls ftnts lo his tgenh<br />

lmplicnion oa th* t*o otj4livd *@ld d.v.lop .b.{l tlic tnd*, of ruls to devic dE<br />

poFrt, nlib $srun tur *ill tuimi2! dE Ent5 ln vqds of Ndll|'<br />

\e---wi|.tuuas. dLt sp..it.t6i.to ?r.Pctt risltts otttr b ltt &tu ttul tttr @<br />

Mitted -nh ttt |'.dthfuini.ne onlaiw of tbe vln N th. @<br />

fie olcir adid rold thd bc in onicl *irh thos. n$uts ldding lo sunriMble gr'w1h<br />

Hdce, sNwth is ! sc of inncd y d6l$ilizii! of dl6. Howcv'r. Ndih l&r et<br />

''$ hivNr, stu*th it .lethbitnhA, so i re *ov1h vtt" a PhicdtMic unit eist' 'n<br />

a "o d o!@nqEti"S Poli|cda@Mtc Mttt tulativelt i*frri.ht rrcPery<br />

natut ttueden<br />

th. s6ildo|a tl& inth.co ett ol turt .lftoiz|x tuighbon, ard th. tula lit t th. ctai@<br />

of etlrclion or of nod{tttts tle lu"&ttu<br />

rcdw trutuutk, cottt ond ni$ th. tuk ttsNwth<br />

at nwtunhiP trctore b .n hle th. eci'lv b<br />

Tfis s$nce inplics that ruler's su$tinable su ivll is only pssible ifih.rc h no chanse<br />

'n<br />

opponuniq ccr of segmenb rith thc st|te or rh. clotive srengrh of ile oomteiiron

var, in dl *od4 p.lirdl nEmcidr FoPqrv dgl ! qi4 *tid $gglsrc dtd<br />

sgMl! wld nol b. .bl. lo iiL bcelh. of lh.it hiCE ofFdhitv c.!lr Ir! E.s '3<br />

@ic ridiLt io ln. lLtitirv in F cbsi.d @Mi6 d.+ib ' hbha E 'Elid 6r Th'<br />

priv'rc b.EfiG of mh nighl iol h. Gqql lo ic 8dp boEfltt so' ltt frc 'idq Ddbld<br />

@ld rn popL kss willin! ro p.niiFE in . Lts. gdp rrivhv' thu! ! tvolt niSl 'Fl<br />

h.!os' unks i|! Fitrr. tu G Et&r du it3 privtL c6 ld bd lml in tuv<br />

cutur doMi.s is imDdurlly dE lo ftE tidd F.6ld Th@for.' &v fm of<br />

iBtitximl ch!€p @ dty cm nqn dF Fn ofrlq' sir lF hls m fE ,il6 Flbhi'<br />

Thir rhory ollic rs s ol indilulic ttd d.r. dfoet s iG driuld Tlc fi6r ir<br />

to loqd |ls*rln .oet .d f-ili|Il. .@mnic 86q|h. I* nErindos' lit li* tnd<br />

junb., pr.r.r poFry dShrs' af@ corfi..r !d dnibit iE4ing .au b sl. Th.<br />

othd sa is Eldcd Fldlo.t iunn|niot dln cta& lo d[3t d6 bv lhc hling G!|llllorv<br />

powu. Thc* cnl5 f.q tp.cifc Ftdlld, ldF h dFF to sirrv' .d dn l.!d ro<br />

diEFim of tdll6 nqr p|ldNli& lo p.d.lory ativili6 a l'ap6 iad io $ri!<br />

b.B.inii8 po.nbn io !d.0F !.!c6ly tigltts &vis.d ii lh.t nu.l.rF$ of d16<br />

And dFrukrwillclBEMdgtt tvo vnn tk obi*ri* io Nimiz. hi! inor<br />

Thb rh6y speif6 . {.r. h.vina Fldbry digin a il is vLw.d r . F!d.to.v Ctoup<br />

rnrriig .!i qdonins ils corsitlaty- Ho*ffi, i!r. d bc . wlt of lh. @|1rM ncds<br />

of 0E dsiifty { d!*r di8u. TIF s.od vae .d@14 lh. cxbrtr of tlE d.L is<br />

ro s@lf, .nd dbe dnmd Flpsty rish. Guhina nn +4iditrid ud divitior of<br />

hDd. H.@ s.t '3 ditcr @B on of . n .d lo r.d@ a.,sdo dli tlu .t llt<br />

tulr b.Ffn of o.8|Iizin3 5r.r.. Ho*!g, de b6.fiL c@ 1. cosl, &d lhb co{r tu in<br />

fmolinFfdnas)mdq ladingbne .rF!6tddllrwldtldwdEvirhility<br />

oflh. o! i&lt th*fdr, .lE .ffici.n riz. oltlL wld b. rn€ lh. n.tgiml b.r6E of<br />

low, !.E tio c.c wld b. cqu.l ro |h. migin l cd or inFrcr llE&|ffit

4.1.1 Oth€r ContributioE to the Theory on IndhluoE<br />

Ndh gj6 rhoEti@l aond,rid dr insrnulions !d plop

th.! belicw ih it hiw .l tk putht to @turdL 12 n.rla Ml@im P@A bQ<br />

atque b &d with all ttu @tuitg.tid tie tl! platos tuull tl@ equik'btf in tk<br />

prcjtt. Iro*ev1 tc u,&ntad tltd wt o b.h@iord dru,ptio, vo"U be vtu'g tiB<br />

owrtunifl ml botn&d latiohality oE codkon hehdioral hats<br />

Ikn $d MdF (l9AO) .xplah rhe cdetiv.ss of 6nF&tins iNlilutim in tmt ol<br />

inwstrdr rld llsM .lloclid s lhcy .E infl@...d bv God ofdtra'lina ln @ or<br />

conplele ud sllc$ @filcring (dEfting I suihble 4ltract speirying ft ptniciPolis<br />

.ighls m{t obligtrions unde..vcry cdceivtblc dtoudsce} .s .$umed in neo clesiqr<br />

rh@dca, oNn€d p snEluE ds nol n.icr' How.vs, it Gd *odd a nMbq of ou&oms<br />

!E df@bk anl.@ il lhey re .I@' .d fq il vutd bc cosrlv. cnM !d lltd<br />

(1986) tunha cl.boEbs lhli in abs@ of p.rfst dl@lin& whcF lhft is. lo.g lisl of<br />

righis over 6srs all dSnls tol *rinen in !n sgrt4.nt od $e residul drnts &e ds lholghl<br />

b b. p@h,e.d by lhc Frchlg- ttee lhc elkr l@ dlc nd . H@8, tlE prie plid<br />

by thc F@|i'g k dlt of {* dshts wia.. in Murcrs Thit ml6 d' ella llr|s{fr'r-<br />

polt clusine th. sll6 to u.d.r inY6l dd pomhe io ovqirwsl A tldim sp6l'ic<br />

intshenr (*ilh linl. or no vtlrc oulsid. lh. 6ladon) is hord lo .chieve a. Ml wodd, and<br />

e@lin€s rtE ufM drcdlBbr.|n. bllt ol.x pcr stdw TnL wdld dd'r't{nL<br />

inrcsr,ncnt tHltin8 in imf6oi.mi6<br />

Olson ( | 932) 6lls innituiios ts mileliv. g@d. He dicnds id:<br />

'rh. Ius- ttu ndbo oJ inltrid@Is or fm that *o d b.wit Jrcn a @Iediw Eoo4 th'<br />

snall.r tlc st@ ol ttu eons fun dtd it nt stup ituE t et vill ere to tk<br />

i,,.Iei.t1at or fm lan aNb4d2s tlc atie 116, i, tk dbee ol ebdiv i@i*s ttc<br />

t@diw tn grcup dt n dininklgs 6 A.oup tue irtu^e!, M that lae. Emups w htr<br />

obl. to @t in their cohtun lnees tlw Mall otus."

In rha! .&, if Mmy is 9l n€., E$u'c MDld be div'n'd inl'o Egulatio and<br />

adDinidnlion. al exp€ne to pmduclio, sn! it rould 6uh in comprdtiv'lv lllger Poni6 or<br />

cDP going .o lal}lB .nd gov.ment<br />

olsn (1965) cxplotrd rn tsomi6 of lh. pFid@lio orpublic gdis lik' deGns law ond<br />

oile. lG nthsidlhlt govemcnl is bcs pois€d ro ptodre Fblic<br />

goodE ho*es ld8'<br />

privale gFdps qn al$ Dovid€ public g@ds ap€n nlm Sovcmmc ruits the nmbeN<br />

some other mys. I lowsver, olen ( I965) lndiodcs .hat<br />

'\hiush shal! sturps cn et b funlv igb iderest nth nore edilt than leEe otus tLt'<br />

will bhd to dcwu @ ftv reewt to P sotklattin ol icn 'Mon idercnt atd ttd<br />

tlep is d suprisins tcd&Nr fu tt* lsw n nbe! ol aht snall w'P to ewloit tlE sEd'r<br />

menbts b! nokihs them b.at o ,litPnportiomte lhate of tht bunieh olory etu"p etjo^<br />

olson (20C$) sl doth.r plse, puls $€ bltmc of Doeertv ed econonic p€ omM to ni*<br />

gowmm or exprcprirlion, ad lan6 ndl2ttustutuits sNn"Ett" @'inB pnpenv<br />

nch6 rd suunteins imFnitl dloctu or@n@ll'<br />

P{dalory thsry rhar rccltds iBlilulio.s drcoted bv shic, wilh pulpoe of @ll@ling<br />

ndopolislic F s' ene poNertul *sndB ol siett in po'rtr ro infl&ne the star€ in<br />

exFrfriarion dd mins pFddorv Mb T|it psndion of Ent skinS tcliviti* bv Dow<br />

pt.yd of rhc sn!., suld ers lh. c EpE*N of 6en onnnsnts wilh hiShcr<br />

oppononily cost lo bargain od sk rents fom lhoe who hale los opponunitv oost Hcn@<br />

si€ty s Esrc6 .E dit.lted liom pmd@lit lo Ed sting etivitics ledinB lo iftffici€nl<br />

EelE diriburio.nd dtc@ in w.lf.E (B.ml l99oi ld6 l98li D' t'ng dd<br />

shlcif.r l9l).Mptcd 16 rornaliz. iNilulions b!s.d m pE&bry dwv- Btudol {1990)<br />

et.boEl€s rfie imnrcl of pcdady indirtrlio$ on @ononic dlirni.s .nd Gserls thal rhc<br />

lll&alion ol elivitis by dtEpErcu6, bolh prcdrciiv. likc innovotions 6 wcll qs

unpodlcrive lik rcnl sldn8, would dcp.nd upon ficn rebdve pavofts For insr0nc rap6n<br />

h6 fcwr l.y6 $e oder, heM low resu@s dcvot d to Ml skioe ln dothcr sMt' D'<br />

l,f,s rnl Shl.ifs (199:r) nnding lh€ cvide@ of Fld'rorv itcirutids in lrx Dolioi's -<br />

rc8ld.d 6 q-Frpdalory - .$n $d d.e polici6 c kst tiadv in auteElic<br />

somftnt s @p.8t b'noFtut@Eric or i@hxt- dtDllcd' gomaxs<br />

4.2 Insdnrtions anil 9tclal TechaologQ<br />

Th. prcrious dis6sion ontlines l*o scts oi ins rulioft This Fsrch sludv de6n€s<br />

'nd<br />

.hbo6Ls empiri@lly bow th* l*o kinls of in$nuions mtten, Accodinglv, insliluions<br />

!d s8r.sEl€d inlo two tujd gNps nmclv Rhk rcd$iDs in liiulios md Antidnl sl(ine<br />

iNriMioN. fn rhG idy, am iNitdio,tiiEn widl tehmlosks'is u*d to deerib'<br />

inritutimr Th. llm '*id bcbelosiei e $@ NnlB d p'Dgm ol @ipc lhlt<br />

3tcruE hme iDM.ion ond t€h.vior wilh *h ortF c sll 6 b 'nvimn@nt I' sh'p's<br />

fi. ddisid na*ing praess (Ndh .nd W.llb 199'l; Bdop 1996 md D'v tnd w'll"<br />

1987). 'ftis w6 lal€r romlizn by Nehon rd Smpd (2001) ihal *tEn tne$ rcutind e<br />

inposd on wi.lies lhbueh fodql or infomtl mngetnr like laws or noms' th'y e<br />

nadc \h. ru|es oI ttq aMe .hen@ in*itutionalizsl Nehon (2007) points oDt<br />

''So.i.!tes d.oly tw a d.so. oI codrcl o|e/ iBtittttos liL the hml strutw of lrys<br />

ddJbttul o'stuiotul &tiss atd &tigtu d aalnr treldiotdtDa."<br />

P.lit(d {2ml) disinglisftB si.l tahmlos/ .!i iditurim in sinila tms a "umdi*r<br />

: , €ipe ofdtcdnes, .nd "zr.s{diaB l tu16 of o|I:n6 so in L.gu.gp<br />

oa Pclitfl, lditunbnaliz.d sid ach@lolJ/ @ Inc ruL morin

lmp!.t of institutio.s on qelfN€ is ph.nom.nsl SMe institutions low6 lrtnection cosq<br />

whdcs olhe6 Bisc lll€ l@s&tion cdr lhmush ftiins 6l o' oblninins inlomltion bt<br />

iop€diig no* of inlbmtlion.<br />

Nonh and Thoms 0971) a4E lh.t emci.nr insriturions pomdits in@valid dd<br />

'uding<br />

rcnr sLirs o0Doftrnks e rlE tcv lo @ooic 8s*r[ Flspcntv Thev tunlcr s8!c<br />

'id<br />

!bo$ th. mnMitg innitudos.nfoFiis pmp.ny q !6<br />

''ptupetr ritl* m rksic wUit snAt hec@: (l) otue a M cftid et oJ PnPnv<br />

rlihls i! dirowft.l th. na'siful @! olcoryins it i! lov knqoed<br />

to iE ne oJaiwtritg<br />

and de|elopins jt): (2) it is prohibithelf dPniv b Yevd otlEr Polni'd juti!'li'tioa Itun<br />

cdulotins a ture erftiltt kt oI Notet, tlgh} rcsadles of nhdLs th'r o rihrttd to<br />

tun .dtrction, (3) ad ftarU, ttg ftLa 4 4 tut of ptuP'ttv tishts li*e att itt'd i\ rcn'<br />

.lrd - ve cn ull @w th. w ,!.a and th. tt@, ottlc klea i! Nt 'tihinisle'| "<br />

H@@, bdlue ii's a Dublic good theE li$ ris 10 cxt nulrlv od Foltld<br />

of ns rid''rq<br />

$ ficd nighr b. udqin8snar. On ! slisrldy ditrmt norc' Hall tnd ,06 (1999) dPlli'<br />

inninnio6 s o sial mhl lsoinst diYdioB in lh. roltowing *uds:<br />

-S!.k! @drcl of di@Bion h4 tvo beellB F'tt t" d tucietv lce oJ di@aim pm64ttr'<br />

unitr atu tuvar.led by th. Itll Moutt! oltheh ptudwtiq ad vlPft lPre is di|cBiDni an th'<br />

other hahn, 1 @tt like . td on outpt. Secohd, vlEre srt.l .ot tul bJ.live8ion it ett'tt|e<br />

lnd idul uit: d., bt Eed to itust EeMt 1n Niding diw'sion 14 tu'tv @s whl<br />

@tul b nth .lga!.t t]@ prtva Nt&Ee. S@isl @tul rt 6 a ttueot oJ Pwkt'ffid<br />

vhich ilt Il is jee ad ttc otny dw$ Eguired @ t'te reert .t b na,. thit lhta

4.i In$iat ons and weuare<br />

Som€ Theoretical conlributioN on the jnpact ol idrituio6 o' w'lie are dieBs€d as<br />

s.hEs rnd s.olchmd (1943) tlcd d€ onsin ol crimc !'d ro'd lhtr il't nol dogqM nG<br />

any link found for mo6l ch0@te6 ll is endoscnously &lenin€d bv enforccdenl n€nnercN<br />

of lhe siety. Weinlrsl (1995) nana&s thc [isroricol !@unh ol institotionll cht'se and<br />

clrins $al f.dcnlism, s elr Sovem s'st m wirh lcs cht@ of conrislio' pl'ved m<br />

imp.esiv. Fl. in lic l.t)tMic sro{h of linsldd od unn'd sElB in lgb end 2dt<br />

mtun6 Mutpty, Shlcif.. Dd vistnv (l99t) shorcd $!t Oocupaliotl choie besq<br />

innovalive sl$ and pEdalory slm would dcp.nd upo{' then EbIv' Elum to Llent<br />

ln counlri€s rheft cnl skins hls 0 highet Eward tbr rlldl like in l'w secton" in$nudons<br />

*ould gr.w lq$ s @mpaEd lo ou.d.s Nwttding hish in in@v'live scl6s like<br />

€ngitrsins A ndi|' slldv trdNtci bv A@oslu (1995) prcv's llilt Enlsr'ng<br />

acliv'li6 @1. a n.8clive extemlitv on poducliv. a'livitiB nen@ oscn6 Ehriv' eward<br />

srwlua is endog.noully d:iemined bv ent s*king. o6ing duhiplc equilibnuns cnd<br />

cdld l€1 rhe .oonony lmp in low t.v.l $d!v sllre equilibium ln dn intcEsling sudv'<br />

cmsd and Kim ( | 996) b.sl d id€. hFill g.lml €quilibrim nod'L wilh I Ftd'tor<br />

dd ! pEy dreri.t ancdFEr.d inniniiN in sbldad grewdr nbd'l Eeh dvntsrv hd a<br />

choie ro allMt inhcnbi w€.lth in onsMPrioi Pdrdoi<br />

or &fcne dd ofq@-<br />

hodncriv. alldttion would l*d 10 morc wc0llh bur woul4 !r th' sn' iimc inoc'e rhe risk<br />

of confislion of,@hh by !tdalo6- Th. choic. of O.v would b. b.ed upon ih' pEdotors<br />

o|l|lar @hi, tf n is mall€r $a rh. pFy, thcn pEv chl)l]s produclio sd dcter prdarid<br />

H@@, wlth ndislribotio la(6 pl.e owni@ c D|Edalq 6 pct llsncs 0F risr<br />

of d!.otridion inoE6os b l€$lR tlldrion in dcfon@ Odin., tll ln' walt" Nonld b'

3p.!t i..hb FrFd. til4 Lmpor.l.f*l would t siFildrd Dc, dld diinF 10 tllo"ic<br />

vahl lo d.Ge da lh@slt lhct pbFnv h *N ed hetr' Pefcnhlt<br />

'|oducli@<br />

Thi3<br />

wy, d!.y @hubL 6pit l n@ lldlv tid th'ir FqiN eo'iiti@ M{p' B@k dd<br />

YMg (1989) GXdG lh. Pd.nli.l of sll oi$tiad ml *t'14 rMp6 lo<br />

'xtloit poodv_<br />

org6iz.d gdF by innminS itnli@l rfi. fiol4i lobbvin! Foliricrl p'ni6 Elpotd lo<br />

sEn Gtrois imring ic Etttiw b.*liL Th. @lt wld b' dlr ||.!' slsl' cmnv b'ing<br />

ep&Ed in dtnductirc lo6brin! Etiviti6 !rcbv cFling r doM' bl'rd hok ln<br />

doilE atel|gdi.l rdv, Brnol 091) 'ss15 tur dftpFrtu6 @uld iFdg<br />

Bhtrotosj6.dodia inNdion Dd atbl. s6LiMbk ltofih HNEi' tv sclift<br />

l.nd to nis.lto|. lil. Gid n rgd od .quilills d h*ul lht @ld inctle d'n<br />

pofits wilhod bcing FtdEliw tlGM itii idl mnlFE 'l6irg lh' inemiv'<br />

3t!El!F i! 'E d.d fd b.ld tnilizrf,S 6tE aMil @|16 At dFds pl&'' Brunol<br />

(1990) Doinb on filr dly ttd fm3 wiF lltrl t|rc infmtldl ttvnn'li6 (ffi dFn<br />

@D.riro6 lnd rhc fim' choh. b.rr6 l. httologltl ind'riotu' ml cting ed<br />

o4!nia{t cdn. *dld d.p.nd opo. ltt ELri* g|iE fim l|r* lsvnn'rd6 SiMg<br />

iNliludm ddgs d. inlddliol ..tdttt* 600 dn s'ddns !r

olsn ( l9l) c€tcd d nodel snowins thlt dv lom of sdvmr<br />

is bctLr d& intrchv He<br />

'' Under atufttu, a@tditu .1 conPctniQ tfuIt bv tori's bsdib dttnals the irctntE to<br />

itun und lwtl@, ledins littl. ld eitt@ the pDpul'akn ol the bddits Both cd be bet'r<br />

of da hun llt eB hiAel.f uP 6 o dict4hr d tt\tionutv badit vlq notutntEes ahd<br />

dionatiEs th.l in tte Jom oJtda<br />

tn d.l de, h. @uld botfit fion l|E lhll in.lt& in pnp"tion ro inclls in F$ductunt-<br />

.@ irt his in|e!61ro pDrid. Flblh scis lhd intlwE gslb bln if h' lets h' is lilelv<br />

10 bc s!4Esd by odicl\ lh€n he mfislls lhoe 6ell dEl ltlue m@ $tn th'ir cxDet€d<br />

Enb dal hc could collccl<br />

An int.rcning etudy b, Acmoglu.nd vc(li'r, (199s) points or lhot there s cost of<br />

enfot.mnl. tn p.{4l .nfo@.nq lh. con! out't'id lh' b'neiq heme il mtv b' oplintl<br />

to harc o i ed.die tevel of $foFd.nt .nd lllowing cm mption S@i€lv f@ a<br />

l,l{t{tr b.twn i.Bitrg in PDduclion d Fgulllio Hor€€' th'E ould bt @ ee<br />

lumt *h.E n h psdbL 16 simul|lFslt tEdw @piion bv in(jile in public stor p6v'<br />

inc@$ inv.ttidt in priai€ slor bv n ing it nm ptofttblc od als idpbrc tlE<br />

allmoion ofloldnt, This could b. s belue, beu.r.x lnL pmpenv dsn$ though high plvs<br />

in publi. scior, wdl{t kad lo highs pD,irbilitv ed invdtnenl in pnvaE sctn dcvcloping<br />

.b.ot rll*.rio of thtn oa Fivst stor in poductiw *tiviti6 Horctr, d inlltBrmg<br />

pi.tuE dis whcn plr Lwl of pDFny riShls d.l.fiiE rhe P'enr krcl of pr'ddiviri's'<br />

thlr in llm dd.mirc $€ tutue tercl of poPnv nghs. Inn vould Dtlc inni'l low prqpedy<br />

;shls @mld€s tbll i. low Dop€ry righl_low invedoe.t l6p' s initi'l low l'vel of<br />

'hen<br />

popedy isl nlkd them utFbdtrcliv. Prc&nllv s tlev inv6l le$ in hun$ sFitll' theE<br />

w6uld b4 l.sr !(enial<br />

h€rclirs lnm tuluc impovenenrs in pop.rtv riglix rcsulling in

voring oul rho$ autur€ ifipov.mcnrs Ru$lGnrlv, d.v.loping counlries Dav ott for le$<br />

4. 4 h s.Itutioi al he.t qoc la I tec hnologle s<br />

In rnis srudy, rhe s.r ofeco.omicdllv emcient iNrilutions ilncd innet of iBtitotiotuloed<br />

seial techtulosk: is ditid.d into No bEnds &cordins to lhe ttv thev inprct goMn<br />

hasd on rhe tlKr.ricrl onlibuiion ofNonh (1981) llE ti6i i5 bv rcducing rhk ofdoing<br />

bNircs thus pEv.mine divcFion ol rcsu@s, ud ih. $0ond is by pEvenling piedllory €or<br />

sking octivities, rheEby div€ninB @N. low.d iMourio s th' b$in'ss wiu not ned<br />

lo i'r€c Esu^G in potetjng then proFnv irnB q @ing D"d'lory<br />

rext el'bodres $.* t*o bd& of innnutids:<br />

4.4.1 RlsL reducldg tcchnologl4<br />

rcnts Th' lolloving<br />

Ttc fid cmFoNm in inlcx ol i.{iluliouli2.d @i.l lchnoloci'3 ir Risl-Edsins<br />

bhnolosiG. lrcs$d nsk olcxpDptution dd @nfistio ofprcFdv iet'b *ould FUs<br />

div6io of l€scs lion p(rl$riv. etiviiB ro p.ivd. mnscMt in FoteliDg ft'n<br />

dst s dBl m b€ tvoid.d by Ddp.rly innjiulimlizing Rid Ed@i.g sill |echnologiG ln<br />

othd word, by inslndimlizing Rist-Eduoing sid L.hnolosi6 dds not m@ @U@'iverv<br />

hiri.g gulrdr by sNiety pd6lo b. ch.ap.t, il mthet nds thal no Buords e Equired in<br />

rh. li6l phce- tndex ol is* r.duci.g rah.ol4i.s cov.6 rho insrilurions p.naininB lo<br />

proFtt rights, low lnd otdet, ond polioy stability, lmponot onrnbo.ioN in .his @ a€ bv<br />

could lnd Crubo i1996); cozi (2001)iOkon (1965,1993, lr82)i Baumol (1990I Noith<br />

(1990)i GEii.nd (andel (199t) and W.ingsl (199t) l'or lh@Ftial mod€k of w@l rkk<br />

educinsinsdnnions,sF(M!Ohy,ShleifcrondVhhny,l99liSchogandScorohoe.,l99rl<br />

Aemostu, 1995i l,junsqlindd $rgenr,l995ilid Cmsmo ond Ki6, 1996) Studies srcb

s iMrgc,<br />

B@L lnd Yong; 1939i dd Murphv Shleilcr and vishn, l99l) cxplai' funnd<br />

h@ in dar@c o.rtrls !trel Cfrlh.<br />

4.42 Antl-Rent 4c&lng TechDolodes<br />

Baumol (1990) poinb or tnal inromlion asvmnetry thmgh Ent sehing or otganrdd<br />

cride h cub.d lhough srmg inslinrtioie$ onlv vane hn rd comp€thion ind donidne<br />

k lh@gh inmvdion, H.M in lh€ sninB of .lterivc qro|mol th'e 6vmmelri6 will<br />

led b inmstid 6 thc only tde leR lo 6h i.fodliM 6ls<br />

Tne ssn4 od p€dupd noE inpori0ni dirdsid of lnslituliNlianl sitl t@hnolog/ is<br />

Anti Rcnt sking s@isl lehnology As shown dli.r. lhe Fnl_sking (b'havior) n dern€d<br />

as llp @i\ll! b!1, pvsd oJ<br />

"eal,\m^tfcts<br />

lr'o itun r99n Hoce irscoisoqEnc6o'<br />

smicit @ m8!liv. as ! rdt sker bercfiB .r rnc qp€ns 'r dhn This in conlrul io<br />

''redig &ttwtion wn@ imvotion 1..d5 lo ouldirc dnte' Ent ckins dircns<br />

enfrt{furhl .fiilts ci{t ,wutg ftom imEe i' ptstudiviq thDush i'mhlio io<br />

unpoducli!. pttdltory &liviti€s bt ihri ng or oihd p@pL\ EsuBs 6 *cll as protcrion<br />

againsl diveBion aid exprop.ialion Thk is amed as '&'/u'rs cEa'i"r' bt Mehlun er<br />

.1. (2ool). A va$ litehruE co b. food linlirg.nr.PEncushio renl $eking od growlh<br />

(Murphy, Shleifddd Vistmv. l99l; BlMol, 1990 1993; acemoelu, t995; Accmoglu a'd<br />

v.rdid, lt98 ). RdG 6 b. diYid.d into lh. i.sribtiotr mti *hich @v'r iGrituliot<br />

rLred b egul!(ory qrtlity, omFion, dd @ ol doing b6ircs.-llE rcle orso!'nmdl<br />

Esul{ion has .ho gd mflidins vi.q somc vi.w Ecua{im 6 a h'lpin3 hind (Pieou<br />

l9l8). olhor viws are bas€d on politiul @nomica .dveali.g lhel Enl'see*er i'<br />

Covcmm. wold mould thes reeul.tions in lh€ir favN., €xl@ting €nb (Shleife' md

This chapre uaets lhe li&6nE delin s .xphins sd buil{b upon ditre€nr thdriB o<br />

incitirions. Speifi€lly, ir hG @cEd in &t il, d. r chsiql rtErv o' slore bv Ddghs<br />

Ndth !s h€ dificmtitts bclv@ ero"'th .nhdci.s dir'clins imlinni@ besed o cmhcr<br />

tl@ry od ere*rn dNins Drtdalcy lh.ory i61nutions 'rled<br />

ro exF&l mon@l'sric rcnls<br />

wirh lh. oim lo neimia dlers inooft Tli3 fisry lills in ih€ slp leri in reo cltssisl world<br />

ofro tru@tion cost and costless snforc.ibililv of poFrtv tights' Ho*ever, ne ii{'sr<br />

phenondon in ne* cl!$iorl $h@l is ued hcrc b exphin nabilitv in spit' of a huge<br />

l.ndemy ol Mnmic &slobilizotion !i.r a@lnlins ranecri'n 6sts l lle colets lhe<br />

subs.q* mntibulios modc lollowins thk rhco.v<br />

In rhis chrpi&, liieEn4 evi.s of the lh4li.d onEihrim of insrcliss it u.d€dlm,<br />

th.r e lmdiz€d inio two di$Ec gDuF b6!.d o reb$ic2r rhdv or sr@ Fidllt<br />

rh@rqial mlrihniN Ehld io hos lhcy imP.ct soMh !d *lf!F rc nvidrcd This<br />

Eeiew $ll 'ot dly pmvidc u ldcF|lndins oa now i.sti0lios m vie*.d in dnmic<br />

mod.lE bur rle how tn y inpaa gowlh. -lh. th@dic.l wo* ms to be *€ll d.v.loFd<br />

lnd €lohomtive; alhou8h lherc nill .fr sips d.mpniol nont thal is b.ing deall wirh in lh'

chapter 5l EDplrtc.l Shdles on Grcwth aDd lnsdtudobs<br />

h rhis chsd !F @&lF silt di4 ltE liElle d rur'iMbL {mnt Swlh tid<br />

i6il!rid5, dxl tilt @ vriN edi6 ud.drtd dlid in dt dBr ofdtEhFd "d 16<br />

d.wloccd Mlri6 tpeifi..lly P.lddo '|riG licnt@ pius tbd'ls 16 $sidu'<br />

6Imi. geln &nlltsti4 dE.ftds oa iNilutiN d SoMn<br />

ofdischlD(6 b s folb*5<br />

of @tui6 Or8.nizrid<br />

S.dis t, | $rvc,s dpiriol 8D$h sod.k fi'nin! is din .rl'ih|l.s' s'dln 52 b &roLd b<br />

$drs @iGr.d io dtuielly !s dt {lidirv ol@ chsirl 6va!.ttc" tdkn t l lc6<br />

s d. imF.r ofdiff@d tlT6 oai'tinuis d goMh s.ah.5.4 .s$s i'di im g!*lh<br />

link in &rchpins cMlti5 !d Dd(ird !d fEllv, srin 5.5 dFlud.s lhb di5.6i{h'<br />

5.1. GrowdtAtrlbubs<br />

At n lm .hbo.|raw dEdlli€l mod.L cnpirt l |nqlN lnribrB hiSh kwl ofSD{h lo<br />

Dnyliql od i.an{eoE inv.$rdr (Dclts.nd Sumnds' t9!} Bldttoo '{ 3l'<br />

1996), MEE oa limid 3r3.m rnd *sluG (King od L.virc | 991.'U. l'husr & KuBLr<br />

198: Bar .r !1. 2oooi tthirs-8,-Kunl .ttd L.vi* 2001), t d. oFlnd (Doll.r 1992i<br />

A.n-Dnvid | 993: S-hs & Wftr | 995i Edw.di | 98)<br />

sntdy cei.d dr 6y D6Lon8 .rd sMnc6 ( 19 | ), c@nns dE poiod ol | 961!85, din.r6<br />

rhlr . FrE rlgc aNtle irnstuiw.nd mc$Ery lquiDn.t inc0ndl wld k d io<br />

ft tlard D@.drsp ftlcg$ in gFwlh. lt rl$ turde dE sitl dun o 3Eh invlsal in<br />

.bdt 3('4 in rcll aucriding nd... Blontu ct rl, 096) m..b ! simih. ctr {t ci.8

shcs ol fix€d opit l a@alion b GDP 6 t oDxv rd inrerftnr ro tc@ lor ils ousl<br />

i6pst on src*4h, covsi.g noE dan 100 dniri6 foi dE Ddiod of 1965 10 1935' found<br />

noE €vid.nc€ ofsrofih causing inv.slDenr' dther thM olhsris llowevd high Blcs or<br />

fixel calibt lomorid l@ fdnd b Mp.nv 6pid go*1h in Fr opit! 'n@c<br />

Assina iE inp.cl of fi|@id dc*lopMl d gd$'dr is rctly Es@h€d a<br />

corpEhensivs cm$sottt sludv bv Kins dd hvine (1993a) on cishtv counlries @ldinB<br />

lhe peiiod of 1960_89, louftt a posniv€ i6t,ot of vlrious notrEs 6f findcial slrucoE ond<br />

d.rclopmdt o pr*nl rnd tu1ur dlcs of domic gio}(ll capiltl !@umutttion lnd<br />

cr*idcy. Al anod.r pb.., Kins anl lainc<br />

( l99lb) explo€d lhat inp!'t of lindial seld<br />

or so\rh is th@8h inctls in innovdion leriiins to itcrl@ in Foductiritv B'tlo<br />

ii@cirl syiens incFose lhe ote of innovdio' ciBina ecel'ded<br />

N.use. & Kugler (1998) foud dF sihil.r conclusion on OF D c'unries Bced on tme<br />

sric. eDslhy dalysii E@kd $al aMci.l sanor tnd cDP ft @'nt'8Dtcd ed dhihit<br />

gdss 6Flily. In ! cD$ 6DnFt @at ov'r dE pqiod t 960'9t' B€t ei !l {20m) als<br />

ld.d a posirivc crusd linl berw*n fiMcial &velopnent tnd gbMh ad pmdrclivirv<br />

capilal tccunuhiion ud sving Eres Demng dc _Kun! ud lainc (2001) exlmine fin!'€<br />

go*,rh ndh 6ing high dennnion liMncitl d!r.r o"bout 150 coDttiss covcring a|6 such<br />

s sizc effici.rcy, .nd slivily of bonis, in$|i@ @p6nies, p'Nion tid munDl funds'<br />

fiN@ @mponi.s' lnd tbk dd bond dl*cb, lound p'sniv' linl in tltis Eeatds' h ale thar<br />

aound i!$il,lions ol Fop€ny dBhB otd conlrod .nfor@mtnr '€<br />

in$rumenl,l in fimncial<br />

or a ditreMt &con! B€n-David ( l99l) links |ndc libaridio dd goelh swrgeG n<br />

*kcGd ounlri6. ln . simild $idv bv sachs .nd wmer i1995) @t'rins 135 oDtie: for<br />

de p€nod of I97l) ro 39, lound slons.vid€ne ofonverBeN in @nomics und€nttins<br />

darkel r€roms like lBdc od nmncirl lib.nlialion oli { sinilar leounl EdMrds (1993)

covenns 93 @ri6 enployina nine irdi@s<br />

go*1h, comludiry tnlt TfP go*rh is f$to. in<br />

5.2. Institutions an I Neo-Clostkal convergence<br />

of rEd€, adnd n b b€ infrMdbl in TFP<br />

N€ cl,sial ln.ory pddicts convergence ol pd olpira srcwlh of cotr'ties nlkins<br />

ddvelopina coubics me or plr wnh devclop€d counlrics ov$ tim€ However' lack of<br />

cvid€ne for convssetce s@s lo wsken dis lh.ory o' ohpi'ial sounds<br />

(Pe@n cl rr'<br />

l96q Romer 1994), and develoFd @unlri.s conintr. to sow f6rer Oe ft'n stddv sl!|e<br />

gb*h Bt 6 poposd by ndl6i4l thdi6 ln ptnicular, Rdq (199'l) sho{s<br />

flpiriolly rht. sbnd.rd pniuclid frrmtio k irc'Iddw fa qpltining podudivilv in N<br />

@mty sniDgs dw 1o $illovd effei oa tiowlcdgc iiom t!.sfd of tehnoLoAic! ltis<br />

s€paEt .tr€cl is mr MnEn in poducio turctio mdins bid plducritirv 6limd6'<br />

Hde tft* is rc sdpporr for unsnditiorl 6ec4p@ Horcs' omv @nm'$<br />

belirc rh.i this @v.4pd i3 condilioml upon lh. qEftv of iinituid3 The idiorids<br />

sh'p€ rh€ inmwii€ *tivnies in thc eoomy snd sF.d up lehnologJ/ odoptioD- lnslituli@l<br />

Nea}*ss i. fom of Bov.mcnl inl€d.ntjo, @Nprid, !.d unl'oret d popdv dgl'6 in<br />

d€v.loping outies 6 b€ alttibur.d |o low l.v.l of oov.i*pne (Shieifer 4 al l93!<br />

Rodrick I 99s; Acemoglu 2002; Ac.no! |U .l a l. 2000, 20tt4 2002bi Djankov €t !1 2002 md<br />

2003: B.m 199?), tn ptnicul.r, did.nce polid.d by Rodrick (1993) suppotu this<br />

hypoln*is, 6 6!.di.s havins hish in.qolity, dhnic fmsn.nLtion, weak govemanc.<br />

in*innions like rDl. ol law, citians' righlr, cxp.ricne ! shla drcp in lh€i gro*lh Eles anst<br />

1975. A@oslD (2002) lle onributd fi. look ofonv€r8€n@ lo rent €xltdcring instil{hons<br />

dd inefficidt polici€s sding inEEsb of powq bok.^. ln o similar @ntxr, A*moglu el<br />

rl. (2002a) emphosiB thal tlchmlogicll adoplid rnd indilulioal d*lopn.nl m bc

c.v.dlly lll@ted by pohicd elites .s il would csdc lhcir E €xnacins potentiil dnd fdr<br />

rcd&denr Howver, lhen efisl roDld bc ftducing in hiSh polaliql comp€lition'<br />

Shl€ifq et.l. (198)dilicted the'hehins htndi.nd invisibl' hsd" n$ cldsioln'd'ls<br />

md Eli'ld Nonh's sla@ ol 3Ebbing hltd' th.E lddsis is on rhc Dolitical aooov ol<br />

$c sr.c. tl is rl€ Polihel .8dts p.|i@l int.r.3s tld deviab tlE @@t fEm<br />

mdisi2rrim of $ial relhE. Eopiri{t su!'on lor @nv.rgeG *s dpruEd b, Bm<br />

(l9r?) in his sruil, of IOO @ntties fn lh. P.tiod of 196&90. Hower' rhis onvcB4* is<br />

fou l ro b€ mndiliMl up.n fioto6 such !s i.ilirl shdlin& life expet!rcv, dle of lto'<br />

r.mr of tsde, lwe. inaadon. Horevcr, polirisl tighls obsew€d 16 depicl a non lin@r<br />

Eladonship rtducing sroMh at boln low€r aid hiSlEr Lvek Kn&k ond Kefd (1995) 6ho<br />

supF.r popdy nshts inn dids irslrumcntil i! gdrth- lh.v 'l$ 't'sRe rhar inclusion of<br />

lopelry<br />

ri8hrs als incl$ fi. Ele of@nve4.M<br />

5.3 tnsh,utlons aNt E@omtc <strong>Growth</strong><br />

Empi.ic.l litmruE hd idcntified veious inntu oB innuefting ononic gowth sohc of<br />

rh€e include sovelmc., hw €nforc.B.nq justacc, relutationi tlx addinislfttion a'd<br />

in$irotions mo.ging the 6onc10ry lnd fis.l Flioict<br />

(solo l98q 2000; r$ok lnd Kercr<br />

l99t; Morc I95i Sachs dd warcr l99J; Fry. ond StLifd l99?i ,oh.son €t .1 1998;<br />

Ecrdly ud L.virc 2002; K,ufmM ed l(tuy 2002; Rod.iL :997; Rdlrik at !1. 2002; Ms<br />

.nd s.tlx 20ol; Ko6no. d !1. 2mti ,.lili.n .l !1. (2mn) ln Fniqrlr, Aamoelu d !l<br />

(2002, 2mt; Aemoelu (2000) slDs dc idpd o sbMn is mE Fsdnc.d in log M<br />

Ma@ ..d wcill (2006); Ols .1 .1. ( 198) lind .vid@ sussciing rhat instinnionll n b<br />

.rc nbngly Elai€d !o lobl fetor plduclivity. TlFy clcely.Inibit hieher plducrivitt in<br />

counlries wirh h.r idid.idal qudlitt,

With €!!rd lo cauel ef€t b€|{en innnulions and @nmic p€rfomt'ce sttrdics ljke<br />

olsn.r rl, (l99sl A.dodu, tohns, od RobiM i2ooo)i Roarik 't il (2002) indiclre<br />

fi€ clelr eviden@ ot uni4li€clidal oNl'lv in te diErid or inslitur'ons imD&lins sbrln'<br />

sm.3rudies tike world Bdl i2ool)i Knkdnck, Psrter, & zhang i2006)<br />

inv€stigled lhe<br />

role of inslihnioG in pomoline invdrMr dd opital cdtio romd @mFtling 'vidcre in<br />

rhis rcgad. olh.r dudi6 Eircmt d inslihrtioml Dles in inpoving inamlrional oaPnd nows<br />

in paniult FDI (Rcie tnd D. Sob 2mli Smarzv6t' ed Wei 2om) od B$folio<br />

inveshcnl G€lc and Wdi (2002). The Esetruher will so thoush difiercnl stndi6 th8l hlve<br />

ban undentr€n lo li'rl llt inrhliml felm innwinS ttE grrMh gm\lh' A bd'f<br />

a@/nl of some of the ibove mendoned studies is Siven b€lo*<br />

Soro (1989) finds rhd dgrrhlory.d lesal b"ieu in Pcnr led ro ino@s in i'lbmal<br />

acdviri.s. naling bolh fomal dd infomal sr6 *@ on l-om'l slor wcE inpoed on<br />

a disrrsFnionare highs hlrden of t Ydiotl Mile in'omll elod l&' isl or 'xDntrialrd<br />

du to Inih d m Dolclion of prcFnv n8hl ttul @@t 'nll)'m'n! Ar sitrs Dl@ soro<br />

(2000) nade & inioF3l iog noG rha! in ib$tu' of w€t l 'Lfi ncd $d enforced prcp' v ighls'<br />

rhc infomally dtsl ssts (withour PoFrtv risl'b) m'or b' usd lo 8crcde dpiul md<br />

rhis is the main caus or.hd Dndc;d.velopnenl of the Door Ior jnsbc€' he d4ues lbtt p@1s<br />

wlrh in Flad h rhDr 55liM L'gs rh'n tll $' foEign dimt inBtmdr md' in lh€<br />

country, including building of rh. Sud CMal. D€spird such a h!g' wld\ rhcv ltck anv<br />

almg.mcnl that ould rum rh€s Itfomal ssas into liquid capiltl ln dothet sudt Maum<br />

(1995) cmployins cN @otv, subjdtiv. indj6 of cmpdotl bu@umric dd judi'iol<br />

erEicroies, politicll sLbility, found omptid i.hibiting invesrmdl sd dec@sing gol1h<br />

Fryc od Shteifs ( | 99n in ' micb level sudq of | 05 shoP o*ffi in M@ dd WNw'<br />

obecd . lover qulily of insritutions ledii8 to pri$te Dot@lion!<br />

r'gulaiorv bunkn dd<br />

mplion in Mlsw {gg6ling rhe drw! ol gabbing hlnd , bdrer ft 1his dtmv To

@Nsl inro invisible h!d'. imde in the qulitv of go@rc in Ntrrij ln adns<br />

sludy, Johnen er al (199s) tnempted lo fitrd &clos responsible ror inc@ in unoffcill<br />

e@my, d suggeled thd n is nd drc lo highcr buden otl'ts fr Esuldion s con''hEd<br />

o be the csse bul du. lo mtuprion aftj bib€s nsing o oi hiehs dcg@ of rcguhory<br />

disrsion lnd wtq rulc of lt*- On t difl'Enl mlf1 Easl6lv tnd r'vi'c (2002) lmvdl th3l<br />

eve.lhe imp&rs oi lropics, sedt od ctups on inoomc tE innlcn*d bv |h' qulitv of<br />

insrfturions. A @p|lh€Nirc sudt bv Ktufmdn od (@v (2002) assbline 'wdrd<br />

eovcdnoc indicaloa i li.cs of l?5 counlri's for lhe n'riod<br />

or 200+Ol fomd a song<br />

pGitiv. oftlarion b

in 62 @dln.s dploying six sov€n'M indislo.t sl'Ns rhar h€iler in{ilulios imPole<br />

€fficidcy. Atrdtls hirc also h€n m.de ro lss rhc impad or ididios of intcatn'nr<br />

l ows. tn p.niculor Kn*p.fick Pa&€r, & Zh.ns (2006) show thar Egnhrorv qltl'tv<br />

posnivcly in llcnces fo@i8t diEcl inv.sune nt Reisei dnd De Solo (200 1 ) explotd th is etTect<br />

on privat c.pirol n o*s on p€ret dtt of 44 oountics ovs lhe pdiod of 1 936-9? rh ich shows<br />

rha! fodi$ diml<br />

'nv.shen! Donfolio e4!i1v invdtncn! bond flowr s *ll as shonftm<br />

dd lone-l€m bonk lendi.& p6itivcly ttret gnMh prcvid€d a $ud istitutioml b!e'<br />

c€lc ..d w.i (2002) obede lhat 'imdrioll tuMs inws t5Lntt{lt l's in 16<br />

lr.nst6Enl @ntn6. on lh€ olhs h.n4 h.din! dong tun& l€nds to b€ mm Fwd'nr 'n<br />

le$ ldspNrcnr 6utai€s. Th.re is ale sdc cvidonce Oat during cries, fun& fl'e non_<br />

rMspldnl countri$ by a gEatei anount."<br />

In rne iouo*ins stionc rhe srudy Nill f@s on lh. two b.atds of iB!tulions lhdl wc ust in<br />

53.1 nlsk ReduciDg In$ltutioDs<br />

Th€ firsr componenr in our index 6f inslhutidoliz.d *id dhnologies h Risk Educing<br />

trslilulios. lrcEscd .isk of expbpriadon ud @nlislion of popcrtv richb *ould 6ue<br />

divdaon ol twu@s liqD prbdciit ditniG b pnuc ltmgenor in p@rin8 then<br />

righs rhd tr b€ lvoided by p@Frly indolidllints Risli EdNins sill lahmlo8i6. In<br />

other eords, innituimlizins Ri* Eduirs $i!l i.clmoloeics dd nor nan oll.ctivery<br />

hidng Surrds by s@iety, pov6 to bd cheapdr, h m!.N dat no cli.ds .re cquircd in te fi61<br />

Dtltc@t oDoenls of Rist Educing sid khmlogi€i p.lriculEly l'.opcny tighb<br />

plredot! c el}z.d dpiri€lly !d rh.ir imp..l of gD*fi i. eblish.d (Scully 1933;

Cfl.rh.r Hddb. .td L.*en 1999; KrnMr lnd Ev.ns 2001; B@tlk' dd Subrick<br />

2oo2), h Fnioul.r, otho studi6 Lit. o@i eml) .nribulod paLnl prct.'tio to 8rewlh dd<br />

in€qutir,, (soto 20oo; L. Po.is et al. 1197,198\, link pop'nv nShq invcth' dd<br />

fi@chl dgh|3 prcrdion 6 *cll c .nforcodt ot cdrels io ffneill dev'lofltenq<br />

ni!*'r dawroprunl'<br />

n.lins oompl.x fimi.l podrcr sh B Bonsls's<br />

'nd 'quiiv<br />

Ooh.s McMilbn rd wmdotr2oo2; M@ltv 1963;o'l&cr l98l sd Ellicls l99l)<br />

mniculely t.y cmphsis on judicill tvsrd, ed c@Lnd tntl if th. couns e sl@'<br />

iNll@i.'|t rhc! cmDl htmsl @ ft|cnfo@nt.p!o6 s ' slution lo cdn f ilu6<br />

SDaifsllt loro$, McMilLn. &d wooddtl (21D2) p|o*s ]6llv 'lTcriw pdpcttv<br />

nghb disogc n4 otdre !|d @mFtidon s *ll s diMlp dising pb)d in<br />

Einctnol oa th.n dinSs an pFfilrblc .va6 Sdr. !wdi6 lik' (Ols l9l;<br />

tindEgln dd P@h 1990:.td Al6it|1ozkr, Robini &d sMgd t992) feus m onodd<br />

ftt rldGing imrnudq ol poliliol 3r.bihv 6 shM |li!t lolitictl viol@ tff* lhc<br />

cl]r|Mic Frfdn.E. Soft of th. .bov. @rid.d $ii6 @ cl.nnd'd b'los'<br />

A s|ldy by S.ltly (l9ss) @tduct d @ I 15 c@di* @r dE pcliod ol 196G80, p66<br />

incinni{rl ngs6 *h B polhi.ll .td citil rib.ni..' ruh oa Ls, 'nd hlttd Fll|Mi:r<br />

pod@ . tus posiliw inF; 6 ..l)|Mic sFtdr .id .ff.imv tl6uc!' €xtibirins<br />

inclu$ in gNlll of lbod de lilM !d iBJq* in .ffici@v of iDod 2.5 litu, GwlmEv<br />

Holconbc.rd [.sg (199) d.v.loocd i.&x of inriludd @rco8 doMic' fisl ltd<br />

poliriol indituri@ to porc (ll,1d.ir ihp.d d e&mi. sre*lh as signifiqr ' Stdv bv<br />

Kdqs.td Evds (2OOl) dplicidy f@us.d d inslilulioB dfNing inlcll*rul poFrtv<br />

n8h 6 mdEd bt R&D irv.shdl ond plt nl poLclid\ in cs @uFv p.rc| sludv owr<br />

the Friod of l98l-90, found @mFlling.vidd@ th lhd inliiulios*us innoviti@. !t<br />

uorfid {udy, Bank .nd Subrict (2002) .lnhdc lon! run @Mic develoP'n.nl b

inrinnbE inpFvins ru|. ol llw Th. 6ults sugSlss i.sritriN $ch 6 pop'dv nghts<br />

poterio[s' r€d*ing lfu(nidv @uld ind@ 6dmic &EloDms|t<br />

simild celciotr @hed bv ti Pm er il ( 197) @vtnn8 49 dIdi€s shos thal<br />

''Cu,bies with p@rer imttot ptoEaio&. neMd b, tuh tlE 'h@ter 'f lead "t4<br />

od tb qutrity of td erlbtutu,n tua. stulLr dnd Mvt'apitat Mtzt!<br />

They hinh€r assn in Li Po*! dt at. (1998) poor t oFnv ridlL3 Protection<br />

dtte sh@holdes<br />

rilb smau holdings, insuE and ldd to 6en conFntdtion in lhe l!4psl public sccloa<br />

ln a 6m lcvel $n€y @nduci.d bv Johns, McMilld lnd woodrufi (2002) ol<br />

nofa.tunng slor in e3sM Euop€s counlti.s' found lt4c siz ol umllicitl slod The<br />

m.jd tE.lcs w hi8h lcrcs, @pljon of offioillt, 16 frirh in @ut$ !d infMal<br />

pmrdiorl' our of vnict @!lio b.i!g mod signifitrt, An itEEsinB histdic'l iudv bv<br />

on<br />

'nfm.l d€s sovenhg b.onb.y GM bv Ellic*$ 0 9D tsns dBr<br />

'@ tN alvays oPrute' k lc hatstu'd of @t @"Ikt siaania ttt pet*te<br />

'tu<br />

cbtuttt etg ttgir .nv@s otq dit 6 Mkat rs J'tun lav. b'M of at@<br />

tMtidcNs, zrp@tolix, dddbr tt h .ti.t Nt tEoryorcka itu Io*<br />

'{nkt<br />

I'dEBtu ed pol€ O99O) e.lr2in! polilist tud aommic d'b iion l2l calties ovtr<br />

th€ p€riod 19501932, louDd d coup is folloN.d bt po|nicll insbbililv that mv lsd to<br />

eorhd coup. I! is lh. 6onic w.ll-b.ing $.t can &l.r I ln dorhr snjdy, Al*in4ozler,<br />

Roubini ed S{!8el (1992).mploying a enple of I 13 ounnies ov.f t}e p€riod of 1950_32<br />

foud lowq srcfth asiaLd with hili l.vcl of polnicil inslrbilitv<br />


5.3.2 R..a-r.eldn8 In.tltutlons<br />

Thc|! B t iLlnh ol lilc.ltur. linki.g E8ulatory qullilv of Doblic<br />

insl'turio3 lo 4oomio<br />

grc*rh (Chong .nd C!l&M 20m; S.nc 20Ol i Gngdhn ud Mtnin@ 2001 | Ditnkot g' al<br />

2Oo2; Rrjkmr r tSwtup2OO2;s LlnsdorlT2ool). crodpti@ is vcl tnorhcr fom of<br />

E.t stjns dat d b. delll bv prcFr instirutidll im'*ort vtg 'umbd ofetudi6 dom<br />

c@plio of<br />

on fiis rofic, in plniclle, w.i (1997,2ooot d 20006) sld thll ircEe<br />

'n<br />

!b@t m. sr.id.rd d.vidon lqld h..{uavtLnt lo 30% imde in |!c in lcms ot@ial<br />

inDr.r. Tui .trd D.v@di (l99n tinl @dPrio to .{6iw ind unpmducl'w p{blic<br />

inv.diar. lMing plhlic invBitrd Frductirilv sd qulitt This los of qu'lilv is mE<br />

prsdM in l*lhh @ ud.dG.tio.l sffGupu.!.l (2lDl).<br />

Pcd[c $. mlt imootul innibdoN e politicll idilulioN in tais of rh'ir<br />

"f€r on<br />

orhd insrimids, InsrnuriMl ralt6 k ds lo politi4l Enc lh.l @ b' culh'd thdgn<br />

cn*lt od t l'|E m polilic.l 4o$ K4acr (2004) &d Kdfd ..d Kdt (Z[2) Vriot<br />

$di6 hrw sho$cd 4id.@ tpoding lh.l pofiiql fitcdon.nd civil lih'ni" grsdv<br />

in[EG sD*th ltd *lftF (Kmadi .nd M.gulF 1985: Scullv 1988; McMilLa R'ug<br />

od Jonnsn l99l ), soft of rtE qrlibotid3 & H.ny d*ib.d b.b*.<br />

DjDrov d d- (2@2) .mplotii8 tgubtion of ort daL ol85 @unlri.s' f@nd th.l dn|.ies<br />

snh nirh l4i ol Esulttion lan b hisls ld.l of cmplid od hrEF uotrEitl<br />

A ,ody by s@ (2001) htSlliahs hc* ol o!6ishr bv polili€r .utluilid d .hcn<br />

b{@c61ic .gpnEi cd!6 th. clTcliv€F$ of 8o@h.ni<br />

3pcrdins Tlcs alc.rs d$<br />

Equic ! Lrsp bdspl to povid. public goodr du.lo $cn immci.rcics. This will i. nth<br />

FnE srwlh. OnSono od M.niid (2{DI) .n n@ lo liid ! li.* hav*. quililv of

les.l dd Esulrlory iNr dios ! l andustial gro$h d 2T lhwlopi'8 @unrics dd fdnd<br />

sigDifi@r evn crc. in rhis es.tn as inc|!.g inwsrnal Dd bLl f&in pmdutivhv-<br />

RajlM ed Sf,a@p (2002) t(cmplcd lo 6.d if lh. ditr'dF in emcev oi DDblic<br />

srdldins d. be qpl.inej by instilutioal qualilv. Thrv found siEns 'vide'€' 'speialt in<br />

public h€lltr dd Dtirory.duqlion sp.nding,6 n bwea child norillitv dd i'ctles ute<br />

€ffelivere$ of pim.ry educdion in cornlrics qnh sko'g inslildlions Wei(1997)aldo$et<br />

pl@ claids $ot coduptiot inoreaes u.etuinlv mosred doush indunrial suw€v in FDI'<br />

'tn ircre@ in th. uftelaidf lewlftm tun D.lsinsapoe to tl oJtlerin d tk Nruge<br />

kwt oJ.@ption in th. {D'Ire nilins tle @ ^te M n tituknal tffi t'r 32 perctdage<br />

Wei (2000b), m$cr plaa jndicats omltid ldv@lv aaf@ing dpiral flo* Howddr'<br />

ns erer is disoned by gorcnm.nt Endcdonti@nliws in FDI E*n lis @ntulline rhe<br />

fdors @ffcidr of adptid EmaiB hl3E, nc8dve tnd sigDifid Ho*wq' hd<br />

cm!i6 chfl6 of 8.ding t€n* lon is nd litk d uilh clnptid 'nd @dpr dih6 iend<br />

b stip $€n ponion ofopil'l ll@s fioo I'Dl b &nk lom mking idpacr of@dplion on<br />

dpilll llows insiSnifi@t. Th. sinilar mtulusion eehcd bv Wei (2000a) mve'in8 45<br />

cdmtns ovs the pdiod of 1990'91 ,nd smrdyns*! ud W.i (2000) dploving fim level<br />

d.ta, prcv€d comttion 'lory *irh highc! ux.l rcduFs FDI<br />

Gnph d ol. (2001) linds low.r coruprion is !l$ $soeitred wi$ hi8hd. lcvcl of hum& caPital<br />

in lems of low inf0nl monllily &nd prim!ry druP.uk<br />

Anolher mr sesking irslitution siv ins i * lo lhc laok ol pol il ical conpel ilion cd nee!|iv€rv<br />

idp*t .hveloFnent thrus! stnmctric lack of cEdibility 6r pGle€toEl Drcmises dd<br />

in{mple voter infom,iim. 's s!SS.i.d hy K*f.r (2{}04) tll)Evd, polnisl cheks

imM* il' cEdihility, Th. imp&t ol polnid comp.lition of cMlcd *onnirc$ i3 cxploEd<br />

i. K..ler lnd Ktuk (2002). Thty !rsu. thlt<br />

''ttu pre$tu o! h,hipb @to pldtrs (sowwnt &cbiD Nt B) vith Pot"iz2d i't'etu<br />

iNEBs tb cEdibilty of tuEEiga @Mn@tu hd BAs.t tb abil[v oleMtu b<br />

dljst pott i.t in th. Ntu oJ eg.tus tJwLt tbt jeo4tdb. l*n abiliE tL tnw tttil<br />

How.r ll* n.r .ff@l wold dGF.d uF. lhc &!E of sid PohrizaliM tlE t<br />

^3<br />

'vid@<br />

"ntn!d. Eb plar.B ndht M elPr @Mri.t @ @ dhn"Iv poLtiz"I but less<br />

-Ln imE hrqtdit! it AEc.t '<br />

533 ndrdv.InPort ft. ofth. lrto br.ndt oftnsdttrdoN<br />

Bo|h bdn& of i'djtuim Mdy nsl Edsa.a di dn s.ling doas inp..r gtowlh Th'<br />

qr.eio howE di'tt *hi|:h oldE iwo inp..ls ftc A6oC! ud lol'iq em5) o<br />

.ndnd f@nd inlrirdios b.!cd d r.d.b.y d6rv (Anli Rdt s4ki.s idtnuriontl do<br />

DmdE ! cslr.EbL inp..t d €emic Ffotll|.r Ho{.6 quik stp.i.i.glt, 0E<br />

ol€ of iniftlrids baed d c&o&l tlE, (risl Educing inejuioot sB 'Fl wrv<br />

sisni6c{ . Thc ln y siv. io this<br />

't.$ 'i.t is quiL 6vincin& h .btF of fori.l ft&<br />

rdwing inriffim - dEFlin! iBtiolions, in 9p Is till.d bv Fivd. lhcnulirc<br />

ininudNl .fus.nc' - Lit€ in dli.r lim6 *tFi fm.l idiloliom of ons !.d poli6<br />

didnl did d *@ irclfetis, popb drn r3d.d ro dwll in 8Nps Ph@ @nt8t wE<br />

horcFd lhrc0sn infomol pcsE ond ri{ of.xroleio nn goup. H.n@ th.n n8fts *.8<br />

slrsl in dlEr v!ys, tn 6hl pFlccdon fm Ht sking t h.vid would aly dcp.tld<br />

upon th. b.hlvid ol rllL wilh irs p@pl.. lf rhb b.hrvior pMols @npti@, imtrrcicncy d

.d.lory dnr5 io ptivitcg.d ch*s. th@ {ho d@t hav. ' lcv'l pt'ying ii'ld cdnol 'nter<br />

inio linils odald with s. orher cntilv in ph.. of srdc d in €e wilh cdt@r theory'<br />

Tnil lek ofalc.nalivc wuld b4dv driv. do*n long run gonh potpet!<br />

5.4 Rcglon.l Studles on l[3tlh|ttonC <strong>Growth</strong> An.lvsls<br />

In r|r pctiM r.cit! dE rtgElEr 18 dieusd th. apitic.l li4nlE d llE inditutinl<br />

dercda@B of gwln N @mia l1E .in mw k lo dics d* dpitic'l litdtrw s<br />

iNdft b.h.vic udqr.Im h Sed A$6 Mi!s' 3p@ifsllv in Patic{ -nis qic is<br />

of sid inidts b@e d* ro dir@ l*ktodb ed inenurimt .mSoFnB' tlE<br />

{tr.miners of St slh in Sdth ^3id<br />

g]Imi6 tuv b. difr@t nsn dE d'rmitur'3 or<br />

go*rn in dE n:n of dE r.rld, Hmwr, dE b llt limicd *oir und.n ta lo tntllu<br />

i'r.at'niN gNfi b€h.vit in thi. Fn oldE sl4 tht i$ h not 6 lE 4&at 6 il is i' lh'<br />

.bow nsjrbEn rudi.s In tlit stioG d'G Fvi* *ill6s Lw oflh€ idloitir* ''||pirbl<br />

lrdks o idrididll inF.r 6 tDw4 udqr.ro d tddro s rclr 6 in d. @lrdd o'<br />

sed nudis htw Dd. c&np{.lo cmie indnuios i. Pilir.tr s ell in euth Asitn<br />

rgior Mrnbob !l H.q H@d D.rclopn..t c.ntc 099), Ano.d (2001) iltu5int6 $tr<br />

i.rieddi ftlsuld by wld sovffc i'nk tc itdba ol voi@ .td @nbbililt.<br />

poliriol {6ilit}, F8ukily, qullity, ru|. of hw, ttd Mtd of c@plid tpFB lo b'<br />

signifiturly !tr6 ne posny-<br />

Eso.ci.lly in Prkiro, in{imioml vqlfts is<br />

'!spoi!ibl. for .d h4 polbica' intirbilitv t d<br />

cmpdo ud hs rcslcd in prlvil.&d egn.tB .rlcdln! rh.ir mtl tl@u8h lobbving .d<br />

nifl* of.urhqity (Plriih.1 .1. I998i Hwsin t99). hnnudodl imp4l on povlnv is<br />

.xolocd in P.khb (t99). Hos (2002) Haq od Zi! (2009). shich 5ho*s insr utions ar

n gdivcly 'nd sGrincmlly @ftl.cd wirn pov.rtv, h'ncc w6l institorions inoE st povenv<br />

in Plkistd. In panicrlar. study tudc bv tt!4 od Zi! (2009) overing ihc F€'iod<br />

or 1996_<br />

2005, found cpv€IM@ itdiclroB od w.ll s pdlw gos'rn ndEd bv itcqurjg<br />

potcrry, borh scdql.notrg ine !o$aa in |h. stLd suSsdring lowcr quli(v of in{itudon'<br />

.l$ us pd. nor sping ttfids of .@mic ItoMt c bolh pownv and incqulilv h|c<br />

$ollm duin8 lh. D.riod. H@vd, in mlcr io th. p.Puho notbl! sludi6likc SltliqE<br />

!tul tl!4 e006) ha3.n m Wdd Bentt gov.dne indidto6 6nd ln'r we'* inslitutioN do<br />

impove *etfm of th€ si€ty b[ lh.y havc n.gttiv. inflwnE on GDP gD]4] nlo At<br />

ai.rhe ptce, Fenddes tnd Kruv (200?).nd E scrlt (2003) in a odsseutry dudv btsd<br />

on d!.d8es found t hicher ts qpir. inMc of Pikislln d mp'@d lo 6unri6 rilh<br />

simillr Lrcl of indtunioal quli.y, sugs6litg Pltisbt sFN nuch dm s dp'Ed of<br />

dhr 6mtri6 *hn simiLr Lrcl ol innnuion.l qulilicr F.m&{hs ed K@v em7)<br />

''ft pid di@ s&ed ht BdBlabth dtl P.tiid lw tEr cqrb i*Ms ttpt aE<br />

b.tu.n r$o a'I lhft. tiB hiibr l8 ttti, *ry *al idiMioul P'&M tutld<br />

srgAett hedoa NroEe tu$1Mry rcLatoNhips Inemt lndtu'tPer 'apih i@w it<br />

oal! dnod hatfofwha N nistn .\rect gtwn itt Pr<br />

capita it'm "<br />

Thc siniln 6se$mdnl in lh€ oonlext of polilisl in$iurions in nadc bv SPDC (2000)' which<br />

shows thd g6fih 16 considcnbly g@d unthr.dhonbi.. rul€ s mDorcd to d.Bd60v<br />

blr rhcy v.F nd wry su@$iil in *id sh li*. dloo.tio dd hahh dut d 'ririol in<br />

intreviog hmd fet@ cndownr aut|lon|,lnM nb no|ml'v is al$bEd b *at<br />

inritudo|s wh.€s the N is va@ EN td don*cy<br />

!n esioMl mt x! F€dnd6.rd Ktuy (2007) oploins fim k€t dda d Soutl &is<br />

courries liid tt'd priv.G infodll .fugd.nl lik. bNims Miarids dd ommunilv

n.iwods i€ fitgMry u$d bv finns when fom'l 6n1@rins in$i ions aF vok r<br />

5.5 To sun uP,<br />

ln dis.ijloLr d!€ lerrs ri*€n dpitiol 8to*d lhtnM d'd dpkcl whah'r lh'<br />

.Lboarivc ddi€s ft lhe gMd mlitia In empnix dlMic C'w|n i! rfiitohbk to<br />

di|Idt Lclds lite innlMcnE inwstndt, fiMcill dewLpnFE t&!e devcloFnenl hutun<br />

copiol lnLl in{rBrion. Fmpin@levi&nr )ugsci''g(unvcErM h\l,e and conters'n€ i5<br />

pbv.d ro b€ wdhiofll upon olhs frcids inoludi.g insrilutios onsidetd the dc\l PMiNtrl<br />

Lary. bod) 6f hEEm s43.$ ininurffi do pt'dM t signiFlifl mD{r d gdMh s<br />

difidl b.drls ol irnimod @ Ls.d in $n iM6lt gto*th n'&lt Hw*r' th' liLrne<br />

srill bcks u 4sr€sarc nas@ d idnditu .iNmFsing all de ditr'Gnt np96 nE<br />

*iy h.3 s.FEr.t ni?$!d M bflr& d idiMiN lld rh.Jn imp(l d src*{n t'i<br />

Part 3r Creadng Global Indlces of lnsdnrdonallzed<br />

social tecbnologies<br />

Thie Dln ofdF study D€srls lvo :ndic6 .in.d .t c.ptunlg insitutioul qulilies ofro6l of<br />

th€ counri* in th. wld. Firc inl€x n6uEg dnql insit'rtionol q!.litv fd 5 v6<br />

foitr. TIE sdd tula of ctN sri@l dor.' m..'G Smdl<br />

6wins h.g. nmb6 of.@ris.!d drr! s.||!6<br />

in paftr<br />

qulitv of insridiffi

Chapter6: Index of ltrstitutlonalized Social Technologles<br />

(Panel) 2002-06<br />

iin**' -i *pr ot.hrq .hr4 ont d.r inpod on e'dv 'tP* oE aM<br />

^,n.,,io,r'a an-aE* lr,E.tupta pe'. 8 on id?\ o! hlrutbadt@Il h/"t t"h@bed<br />

tparct) .ovetnt .he pztoT al 2ao2'oe rhts tnd4 k ndde up ol slb tadtes tunet atsk trdudrs<br />

i,h*ao"' o,a e* ad k.h'tas. ord n bq '"o @'.. \<br />

'ettns<br />

i,-;-a ,- wufl@'tv n oner.it n.to'w o d r.o'de w" rv4 of<br />

;i,tu h^.d*ot*ott*tho "* "'p,^. on rra ont.eotd<br />

Eim Pnnoga] ffiponfu m|,sh to<br />

nesotns dtlezrt ose4! o! h!fturio^s TtEs. ote th.h tudh.t oooesoEd in lon sunNry inkx<br />

ot htsft!7o;' F!tth!, *^'nM onotwis wos p.4oned tu Esu,ts u'tnt dryeftrt<br />

'h'ck 'ne<br />

oqsrco.ttoa oqgJoncrc' t.thc.rd d@!ftawtk arhet Niot tutc.t h oko otded<br />

Ineirutional qorlity is oe6uEd in €mpidEl lircntuE utilizing d!6 bos pDvidcd bv vood<br />

@mmcr6l (PRs .!d BERI), or M{mm.rcidl (wlF: Globdl Inr€erilvi Btddtrdtj<br />

POLITY PROJECT dd World Bonk) oqonizNtiom tn plnicular efons lile (rstrimdnn el al<br />

2O()8 ; Gw!tuy dd IiwM 2()O8 ; Miller cnd Holnes 2009) a weu a nosl of $e abov.<br />

ddtioncd &tahss e ro agaFclL v.nds inniuiiol n6uE lo fofr mc<br />

nsninstul eiiml€s ol iBitutioMl qualiry dcGs rolions Most of th* 3ludies lik€<br />

(Sch*$ ed Poner 2008i Cwdtney ed libn 2003; Mill* !n! Holnes 2009) do .ol<br />

dlBirclt jdse dE qullny of -Dsitulio6 bur e 3imed .l n*uin8 rhe ovcmll @tmic<br />

p€rfodrnce. Son. otheB tuus excluively on insritolions bur llck 4gEgarion World RMk<br />

nudy feuses d insritutios pomotinB regulding bu€uc6.ic €mcicrcies in t rns of shning<br />

a busiR{\ *hcRs ml,nY fdls on thc mlc of poliiiel in{itsioN. Olob.l Inlccrity<br />

dprucs innndio.s peiaining to dgular.rt .mci€ncy and !@unLbiliiy. Pcd.F thc nd<br />

omptuhcnsive srudy by Krufinmelrl. (2003) orMpls lo oovcrdvide hnBe ofin$hurione

*hi.hrhe! @lled eo Il EoEM,td44toB - @icgdizing i'slitllios in six indiel06-<br />

The najor shodoniogs in shidv like tht dd olh6 is let olaggEgalion as lhev t'll !bo!t<br />

wfilt incihrlioN m.dc6 hot do mr fms o dplaining ho{ lh'v lll lil in ro deritE 0E<br />

ovedll pictm of a country instir'nional p.domsQ A fw h!v' ltt'nplcd ro Povid' !n<br />

ag!rc8otc piclurc, bul lhis aggEgation is b.ed on clbitary d{kion wilbod fteoretldl bos3<br />

or objetirc medodoloSY.<br />

Tti study d.fiB inslitllios in tms ot i.$i[rioMliz'd $i'l ldhNlosi6 which e n'd'<br />

up lo ftL rcdlcing dd lni-enl seting institotions bGd on DooglN Nonh! (1981)<br />

il@rcti€l fEnework of "CoDF&l thorv" oflh' sl4e dd ! "PEdaiory tn@ry" oflhc slllc'<br />

In |nb ch.pl!r, inlcx of instirdimdizod sdial Tdntrolosie (ptDcl) is innoduc'4 *tkh<br />

@nsin3 of Risk i.ducitg l.chtulogies od Anli Rlnl s'rins lchnolosier In lhit co'rc& a<br />

dotlet oa 84 countra6 vos lsembted ior 5 v.es @lcdng th' P'riod 2002{6 To meosuE<br />

vsioG dinc6ioN oa imitolio.r' 34 vailbbs 6'om didcd' dota sucs h'vc bcn<br />

combiftd into 12 indi6 in . f(m thit rh.v e !sgE!,r'd inb le sb indi6 nmdv Indd<br />

ol Rbk r.dftins FcnnobBi.s dd indd of AntiMt @king Lchnolocr6 Th' suEind*s<br />

!E in tom lsgtsd.d into on. sidsle indd naisdds ov'mll iNtitulions- Tnis lSgrcsilion 's<br />

pqaonn d usins Primipol Conpo@ .<br />

Thit objecr . oalysk lims tt spnri.g Mridt' insnriotl pcrf{)llil!@ lhoud *ide<br />

619. of institulioMl voiablcs onbined to8.lh.r. rn ftis wav lhis index enampo$cs bolh<br />

tn. Nonh's cedct ud pFd.lorv th.on6<br />

Tnk Chap&r is o4!riz.d c follovsr srio I givct inhducrio( s'ction 2 otm<br />

mcrhodolos/ .nd dtional€ for i.d.x @nFn.nEi stion 3 'xnibiis lhe indi6 dd<br />

comDo.ison with orh.E, lnd the lasl srio gives conclrsioD md Mmm'ndations

5.2, Methoilology and Data Co ectlon<br />

ln this @tio $. nodv *ill fds d in&r denptit! dala sucs<br />

6.2.1 Descripdon of Indlces<br />

This *ction d.fin6 $e comDulttion of d€ fotlolins indies<br />

ttd.t ot latitutiondtited lo.tal rdhnologht lp@l) 20024 (Isr0205l<br />

fie rem sial dchnologi.s' refc6 to thosc roulincs or pFgdn of diD€ thich nrudu6<br />

hDmd inbmolion and tEhlvior wilt one ..oths 6 well as b cnvironnenl lt shqEs the<br />

dccision mlkin3 plll:s l le@ Dlni.g nc fomallv, Inslirutiotulizd sid &hnolosies<br />

d $@ sial ldhnologids lhot iav. low ldnslion con and d inslituiiontlizdd bv si'rv<br />

or gov.mmenl. ll is t brndle of informilio. thll @nsists ol b ines and proce$os imposd<br />

by sicly, wlich c€res p$ilive sB in lt* 4sonv TrEe Mts m paid to impmvrns and<br />

re$lt in schum!€teiln csiivc d€nrdio htling posilit' sitl<br />

a$ur0.s frcm divedion .n'l also reslves rhe pobl€m oi dvmmetic itrfomttion as tr<br />

devclops mub tnd lmong asenls Thh @ues incEsing Elum b s<br />

dE6 iNl]€dvc i6tiuioMli4d si.l t@hrcloxs' *ill not dl, inc@ llE risk bot ale<br />

direri snomic agents fiom imvariv. elivili's t!] sldns Enl: dd Esult in m€rc<br />

ed*uibunonor qaxh *ithin ihe ecmm)..Mnng incqulliry<br />

This is $ .g€t Ed€ co$ n.rioEl ind.x lhtt d@nFs tht imptd otall insritltional<br />

p.rfomance indidrod and compdss oa tndcx of Rish R'drcing TdhnoLrgi's dd rh' In'kx<br />

ofAnri Rdt sekj.g'I4hoologi€s (s* Figurc I I

5.zt .7, h.l4 ol BtsL t.dsiasre.haolotLt Fnl<br />

rid cmporqt of iBrnudoalizen $ial ldhnologv is 4lled iist tlducins bhnolosv lr<br />

nNG idritulion.l orustmetu rlrd BllE hstioMl risl Rhk it m imponanr<br />

component of busin.ss decisions which Equi@s lons lcm dnwlios lha{ Equne<br />

lrosrclioml sust. wsll enrorced Risk cducin! techno'ogid sntnglhen lhh transctronal<br />

1rusl, IdcEasd ni. ofdtopnalion dd conti$lrion of DFpertv<br />

riShs *o!ld aus' dive*rn<br />

of EoulG aoF pn!!div. acriviri's 'o Fiv'G mnscrcnr h p'oleling lhcn nghs This<br />

lole6 proiuftny, Bhich can 6c avoidcd bt ptopdlv inniturionrtiziq Risk Educing cial<br />

tshnologi.s. Ia pop.rty riEhrs &e nor sauE{i, fi€ busines will div'n pan ol $en deo'ccs<br />

lron pdducliro elivnios lo pBrarins then trcp.dv, lik' hning guords lnstilurionalzinB<br />

Ris* '.ducing *ial Lchnologid dG not oans coll4rirelv hning gurds bv stD Proves<br />

b b. chap.r. lt IMns .har no glards trc i4riEi in $t 6d pl@ lnd'x ofnst Educ'ns<br />

rchnologis rE tunher dividgl into fouowing indices<br />

r) lndex of pop.ny iight b) Indcx of Justice dnd Law cnfor@nenl c) indcx or Polidv<br />

sbbitily dd e). Rul. oa law indd of *ond gov.nmce indi@ro6 Th'ir wcishri4s in 'isk<br />

EdNhg r4hnolo8t i.dcx @ 26!4 26/a, 21% 8d 27oA BFtivdv Ttcs sub @np'o'nrs<br />

!E haclly cl.boEtcd below.<br />

6 2l I.l lalet ol Ptuptttt tishs fstcr,'i<br />

This sub indcx of index ol invo$n'nr md fintncial<br />

dgnts potclion includs indi€rors fton eures nm'ly eon'nic fE dom ol World rnd<br />

llsibge fduddltion with cqul aeiells<br />

62.t.L2 ht&x of Jtttic. cd In .,!.r@ti (sit : Inis @Fah'nsiv' ind'x ol justce<br />

md kw enfoEd.nr mssu6 l) l€gr.lsr3tm ind.ps&M, 2) sknglh ud impltialirv ol<br />

lcEal syden, popul{r obsenadcc ol law 3) Torluft, Fxidjudioid Killins. Polirical

Irp.ism.i! tnt Detpc.dw 'ndica(E<br />

Tbet w€ishrs !rc 2 rvq 2lyq l7%, rv/\22r\ dtrJ 25v' ftsgrive!<br />

lnd rule ofh* i.dis ofl) lcRC ed 6) BERI<br />

6,21.1.3 hrk! of potlct tt bltttr (ttti). lssrc of poliov instlbililv mdinlv siss b'cous or<br />

inslal'le poli 6l idinllim, 'll)is @mpotr oarisk Ed@in8 t@nnob8v @v'6 iss sEh<br />

as l) Ercculive ConnninB, 2) Mililarv inlerf.En@ in rule of kw dd lh€ polhioal p|@ss'<br />

polilisl sllbility indi6 of l) wct, .4) ICRG dd 5) BDRI i@using on Sr$jlitv of<br />

D€monri lnstituiidE crv.nn.nl shbilitt tnd nrdd.lizlti@ it si.tt. o''ir wcishts<br />

are 2 so/q | 4rk | 8o/\22o/\2 | V. csFcrir.ly<br />

6"2.1.2. tndd ol Anr!.a. t d.itt TechtutDgl.s (N)<br />

Ihis ind.x exclusively l4$s on tnN Anli R.nt s€ekidg ldhnologi6 lnal Plugs in prcdalorv<br />

opporluniti.s disitg due lo glPr in in$nurions. As oppos.d lo Dnductive lolivilies! renl<br />

sk6 b€mfits al de dpene olorh.u s n lits rie b pEdltorv ddvni.s ll cMLs enls<br />

for conttolli4 acr6 b.ni.e lh.m hienq Ftom thtn dmugh iMovltid hdcc, in shon ru4<br />

moting *ieiy move foo innovttile lo Enl skina aolivilics, which Esulre in lh. los of<br />

pDd@tivily. Bur in thc lds fln lh€ poft dilf@nlill would ditn drrcpEmunrl cfdls tnd<br />

mrce lm ircd$ in produrivi.y drcuSh inmYdion b unprodtdiv. Fld'rorv<br />

diviries, Ir rould also €i* rhe cosl of potcolion ogaini div.tsio sd dpopriatd as<br />

nDmhq of prldltrs inc@r Mortq, ts sllnlio els iir lhs preddoE *ill an on<br />

orn r !r.d ors, h€@ in 6. cftd boD Ftd.lou ed imr€ior lN Fofil<br />

(Usn$, l98n This<br />

innex focues on l@hnolqics which h.lpt .liminlte lhe kinds ol Enl. Accordingl, ir h<br />

subdivid.d i.!o thE indi4s Mely index oi Iniidlio@l tnii ind.x of Policy rcnts od<br />

indcr 6f ltblniet d wirh wighllgc of36 35%and29%E etircIy. Bnd&siplio of<br />

difercnr sub indicF isgivcn rs follm.

6.2.r.2,1 hdd or ldftunon.l tuds lRlrl:<br />

This indd exclusivoly lNus on ll$s Fnl! lh.r die due t' Ndk insritulions PFlidins<br />

dehrl @wEsp of dillmr itnn iN! w4ll6 in Fnioulor'<br />

ltis indq rNFs on a)<br />

R.Bulalory tnd Buttsdtc Dffjci.ncv b) Lh* ol doins bsin* 'rd cl Cmotion' *iin<br />

wcighlrgetof32yq 34%and l4%Bperivclt srmotrv a@Ul olaoh ir aiven b'lo*<br />

' Th. cfroclile instilutions Mn onry bv<br />

mfon*d thNgh Sov.mdt dd lhc goffifiol inpkme'ls cov'mre<br />

thiouSh lhc<br />

machinery oa B@Esv Hetr qutnv of busutuv @ &!'mit' quliiv of rheir<br />

iditulid. fti! index lNuss to nB@s this qltlirv it &rns of l) blMuc@v coss and<br />

govemn.n ollcctiv..cs indies ol2) ICRC, 3) BDRI t'd 4) wcl with weisnrs ol23%'<br />

25%, 24%, l3% Esp*ljvclY<br /> l)t* olrbie bwi*s: Thn ind.x lews on aU dr@ inslitutiontl imDedim'nts<br />

thar F.Ht sod tundimi.s ofbdsinss. ft lc6 m Ti@ (d!vs), Coi (% of inume<br />

Fr dpita), tn. numb.r of prs€ltures Dd olhq Egul.tct burda in b6incss lt incldd6<br />

brsire$ fe€dom indcx of Hcritage, $.rning s bBinc$ index of EFW md EgDlalorv quulv<br />

indd of ICRC, wilh weiShb of l5vq ]l% lnd 32% Espeiiv€l''<br />

62.t 213 Aruhn: This inder dclosivcly fels d thc p.td'bv Ents qhcb' bv<br />

.senis in o6ie of po*r. tu lEmtt.d b s.n. (2001)<br />

''1" ecorcne! Dh',e EnteeLhs is 4 8.Ntultv @ePted va! d ttte ore nEht erpecl<br />

owight to bs .lmcir !4 eseEe, ebiaktlal B'ouet -orA hoe tn<br />

hteMrc, thal b L.plt e@rctu.l i4 . cdtw of @nqtion<br />

This index sist' of indid ihd Muc dbl of @Drbn 6w diff.dr s'g lilt'<br />

lCRc, BERI, TEBp6Mcy IntddioMl (TlI in

cxfa p6tn.nt si@ to ofiici.ls to e.r d.ir wdt dorc bt bEiN tnd individuls masurel<br />

ty EFW. Ticir Neighrs arc 2lyq l l'/",22vq22%,221/, @s@tiv.ly<br />

6r.r:.r hdd 6f rd.Y 6a |o0.<br />

Th* e cls Ents lh &i*s wnd sovcmmqn follos prlrclioirt policv c@ting<br />

inellici.ncies by vty oi prot*tins ineFEi.nl business Wh.lcver b' lh€ cMn' 'onsonsl<br />

liev trElb rhcs ren$ N b.d 6 inslitutiontl rcnls or d$ tos l his index nqsuEs I ) Pri@<br />

dhls, 2) lni€x of Rcglhdy qulily blcn fiom *dld go*ll|sG indioras ond l)<br />

rdninislEtiv. rcqun€m.nt bBiMs hos b tulfill, *hich muld iclude €poning t'quiEmen6<br />

6 w.ll 6 rcsularory resliction fhet weighls !rc l2%, 2Elo and 2El. ssp€ctivelv<br />

6r.1.2.t r.d.r oa Porbr d Gd,:<br />

This indcx n.dr6 lh. cxt.nt or powtr giv€n bt inslilutids ld politidl aurhcilics Po*&<br />

vilhoul MDr.&bililt and ch@ks would cMlc colnicl of inl€ftsr behren polilical<br />

edqili6 .nd thei. o6lilumi6. fie bisg6( coE vt chek is lh€ dEt oa b.i.g wlcd<br />

od, How*.r lhc @dibilitt of th* lhre.|l Srdrly d€pddt upd infomtrid Evnm.tv<br />

bellecn vols and their andidote. This infom ion lsFmotrv oo be binimizd rhrcugh<br />

n4ufr sh s li€t p,6 tnd n dit, civil tit nies' Yibani civil si€tv ot!.niaiim dd<br />

pxblic ac to infmdid. This nrdq is funh€. diYidq, i.ro Ind.x of Foliri@l P.nidp$o<br />

md ompdniven4s, .!d Ind.x oI voice 0.d A@unlabilitv wilh cqul *eienbgr'<br />

6-2-t.2.J.t Indz' ot @litical r@lEj@iat ad !!tlE!!!!!!Bt!r Tiis index m.auEs lhe<br />

€xc of l) politi@t mFliliwdr 2) dles sovming<br />

chi€f d*diw rtuninB ed<br />

eldlions, l.v€l plrying fEld pDtnkd ro Inliticdl pddicipa s lain€ss a.d imptniolitv of<br />

el4ro6l pM.ss dd l) lN.dm lo ongrgo in pohicol &tiviti.s. Th.ir wei8hts arc 33vq<br />

I l7q lnd 36% E*erivelt.<br /> ltuLt olvoie ud ANtaabilitr: This ind€x mdsuFs l) 6*1m or n€di. .nd<br />

pE$ a! well 6 2i ftccdon ol oilians lo voiF rheir coremt It.re i'olldes voice dd

0@ounhbility indcr of wodd govemc. indicltt Th€v si@ 32va 34%' rnd 43% w'ights<br />

Fislnliw ddiFln of tle iadi6 is povid.d in FigE 5, *hcB d'$tiptior or $b<br />

indices is Fovid.d in ubl. l [rer.il d6.ripli{E of lltir d'h sB !E ircludcd i'

tledrl*'}d'dtffi.t@t*/l.'6<br />

/l rsii.sr| lort)<br />

/id.<br />

/ t-,*",*".<br />

tl/iw<br />

Nln*l*n"<br />

\ L-grglesL-<br />

\f ,*";,;<br />

H:llrl1l<br />

(<br />

jlgIgtr . . I

.ht t: E .d4qols,bt{tk Lnsr02o5<br />

r@<br />

9:!<br />

9!:<br />

922<br />

___-!g?. 9!*:- q!!<br />

r!q4!a!!eqE!!s4!|lr|g<br />

!g<br />

!4<br />

c4<br />

:!<br />

--s*#-a<br />

j@|..!...dw<br />

rddrdd!!-<br />

iiE--tuhdcrhddF.rd'@5<br />

ffir*rrb's,t4!!!4r$io<br />

flb*rY.^!..d!q!i414)<br />

.db-.dr.^bddY4.4lq4l<br />

qa<br />

g!!<br />

q!<br />

q?!<br />

q!<br />


6.2, I)la. Sqr:r.. lrd D..{rttlo!<br />

Ou idq co@ ta.ordt ., MiiS qlaEld rryldG V. adlr 3a l|! r|6<br />

pqr.lninr io drs dnfte ln ihc @.tucdd ofild* Il4ffidd gl|16 d|ry.lltbllt<br />

v.rt i6 ddt b caelt dn bra colaa. of 29 d|.r 0!€ F d!ty, Illttil<br />

rdd. ddE.b ss c d/r b T*L Z o! bik i d& '? of al utbl6<br />

lBlqdilr n'do.., oo{ti't rl* ra. of hdnnid ffi!. Po. de wi't i,r bs<br />

(b &r El artia.r.l ft.drr it l, L.., lidr r Fhl'un of 45. tlb n46 bl of2,68t<br />

(b rotu 6m rti.l lb brk ir odud. DdidF dd€.f rt- ll||!la e<br />

Foid.d h Ttblc 3. Ddll d..q@o of b Eia'lc. .bi rb oqd r! Fovficd h

tr*. N.r6 qltb w r- Nnit st.t hddb.ltu"

f.bt t Esld'' s,,}d6 ot vsl',r'g /*r'96 t@4 lAdatdtdl ed

6.2.3 Aggregatlon Methodolo$f<br />

6.2,t.1 nomdl2o on ke4l@<br />

Be@e oldir@ BasrinB s.ts uel in difi€Enl vorbks io imlu& rh'D in ndds<br />

noNali4don lreornql h 6€n $eFby ssling each vqriable in tems of do io onc *heE<br />

fiighs vdF &noL stogd in$itudN In dilinE th€ foltosinS fornuh is uscd for<br />

aansfom.tio if rhe hishd v!lo4 or dE origintl vtriable indi@lc wmk inslilltio6 (U*c<br />

.mtry tui!) (Vs.vry(va-Vm). Cdv.*|y' whd hiEh€r €16 iidiolc sbns<br />

indnudoftt rh. fomuh (v.vo,rMv*' V.h) is uscd Hd€ v,-disind vrlues' v* =<br />

Mdimum valw acin d by @ntt in Migiul indo! VE = Minidm valuc tlIlimd bv<br />

counq in odeinal ind.x. simihr sn!&gy i! bcing emplord in crdrid o'tttious i'dicca<br />

.o&bly Gw.rnEy ed t }s (2m3) Mil|{ od Holms (2009) md s.nsb tud Pons<br />

(2003).<br />

6.23.3 w.lgl,tht an l agqegptlot n th..lolow.<br />

wcish6 fd $b indiEs &d vdabl* @ qlculll€d Ning PrinciFl @mpn€trlMlysis sine<br />

tlis indqx dptures pqiods of 2002 to 2006, !o D*. itd.x @mp&ible &,s lime' lh.<br />

'tslEs sill iiply sjnils wi8liing s.lEm. ffi Fio&<br />

Wnn 3!m rci3hls fd.ll<br />

y€lrn vfidlioG in counlrid vilucs oE brscd on ft€n rthiv. iNlilutional p€raommoq not<br />

by cho8. in *ishis. Th.E 6 bc 6w dficM linds of *iBbdns th.rc t65.d @ th.<br />

vNlDd or lhcir Espdtive y4. On€ po$ibilitt is io choose ! b4e yst and wiShl olheE<br />

lee.linBly' Rdn r dfl .lbireily ch@in3 bN r!r, il is F.tcnbl. io .v.6e. $cit<br />

p€iodic vrlG suh thot 4h contr' hls single vslG for ! vdftla W.ighls .c calcular€d

d tl* h.sis of dN nlu6 Thd sv.Es6 edld be in niddle ol dE mse of {lu's h'ne<br />

nNt rcprcsnred dong olhen Fon cns ountrv awng6. pntriP'l comporcnt analvsis B<br />

Bed i. rhis stdy 10 ektr .pptr'rn'b wisrits oa ditl.Enr $b.s'pondls u*d 'n<br />

{ggEgi.lion. As Gwdn€y od L.ren (2001: ?) wirc:<br />

''1r. Ptigipltr cMPotutu erlttll nt @d to .Lbmie tlE weiEh giw to e@h qdn*<br />

in !h. cost&tior oJ the id* l'hk p$elut PatuiM n' rNiM of a set oJ witble!<br />

a*! @t it b &tetniE lc IiEe conbi,dlioi - ttu ve'shB ol thek wrtobtis utul<br />

Minik lk vuia'i@ of th. Nlr @Ntrektl PrituiN .d!tuNd I" zfed, the tu*lt<br />

Mttukd prtripd conporetr h tb wiabk 1tu7 eaptws ttu reilio' oltht und'n he<br />

@nwA t tust flllr' I ^ an ohjeti|9 tutlbd of onhin ,s d st oI rdables i"to a i\ld<br />

rdiable tld b.tt anec4 tlz ongid Aaa<br />

Tte 3iditf pudurc is adopt d h.E 6 *tl F&lo exMio is b.ei d oECl) {2m3) as<br />

'f1t, pri&i4! N"tPoMs adtss i' Lal b.n8t letB lManlv I9l) tfe ctde<br />

lrctos tbt j1ljll tlc* Mrtt ti.N: (i) tuo. tsociaba eise,vlks ta4er thh ore: (tt)<br />

.oturibtu he,ilhdnr b n e'pl@iM o! osrtt turiM bv tuE iw t0%: od A'i)<br />

.onnibuto ctnulati'ely k tla d?ttMion o.f lle owtoll wiaw bv noE thtn 6014<br />

'ftir is lolloq€d bt Oc tuiio pt@luE. Nomally, vtrilbL ladinsr re sldqd Mrds<br />

rne fist h.to. This is done lo disribuie lhe vari.ble ldding evenlv among facto6. ft is us.d<br />

ln b.lrs inr.DNidid ol ish a..ddina b ft.n ETariw vdilhbs *til€ nd<br />

conpbmisilg on lhc ootcome. th.* frcbs !E the. squffid aner rcr.don This rcpresents<br />

dE roLl vdiatir of v{i.hl. qpluB hy th. feror. The Fdo6 aggEelr.d by 6i3!irg !<br />

weighl io.eh o.c ofrhen .+al ro the poportion otlh. *plain d varid€ in lhc dlb s.t<br />

rord.i.diningrh€ weigh ofn vsi le ued in nder w. *kcllh. f&to.dFuringnd of<br />

its variarion. Then vfiable w.i$t in faclor is oDlipli.d by fmloas weight in jndeL Th.

sinilf p6.cduE b Epdi.d for orhd wirbta Thb !pp@h of dltloting wcishts is als!<br />

.dopi.i by Ni@lctli er ,1. (2000). Tlblc | {tisplavs th' cooporcnt veishts of vlddblcs in sb<br />

indies orlculokd 6m p.incipll component 'nalt6ie, whil' wishlt of sub indi6 uad in<br />

Moary indic6 @ diahvtd in p.e Es in Fi$El DdiL of 'xtrdtd fel6 e<br />

Fovid.d i. $bL 4 rl&@ lh. ompo.enlr of dtttd &d rotlicd llolo6 tloru {ilh<br />

omponenr *.ighs e Cjren in labl. 5 W. haw sls ob€dwd th't 'si'c' tn€ utuLdyi'8<br />

vduca of wi.bl6 d !v.88. @ quire cofrlal€d sirn m lDlttr,lh6 choie of w4t s<br />

us.d to mllud dE tssFSlG inli6 do.s mr eb$ntitllv !fr4r lhc @lt lhtl ec EDort'<br />

Thir ir ale obsn€d in rhc etsililnv @lvds psvidod d lhe end of ohoptcf 'ppcndix B'<br />

vhed @ml.lion wnh nrdEr skuht d lilh !6it!rv {€ighls ptorcd €xllsnclv high with<br />

For A8sr€srlic! w. mphy liM lsgE!.rio *lich i, ltE smmorion oa sighis !trd<br />

nm.lized individul indic.loa.<br />

f&!. a: tad.r E tudka dn eobu6 boatt @ pdtvt?.t aMP@.d

f.ht t: Etufrc Fdd nu.kot.n t *tohq njro206

q<br />

aL3,afEoni2ra 4 Ml'dng tu<br />

TIEE i3lls isu.6f&6avoil.bilitt ofdifi.E v.ntbbclo Mcdd! eur"s dlv '4<br />

ob6dalios or ditr@nllino pe.iods 6 be stth@d lffor anv country' a partiouhr lariablc<br />

h.ve l€$ the tivc vrlrcs (oe * noF wlB ofcetr.in vs^ tur c.ruin vsi.bL mhsa'g)'<br />

rhd rhc Mh.r dirs E* of th. vdB of dl.r veilble fbr th.1 @nl'v. In rhis v!r'<br />

codnrrict indie oE @p@ble enN dn.. To Dmove the etT€ct dfomitted or umwilAble<br />

v&iabL for a Fnicul.r couty fitn ink& tlE rcs@lEr mdoys dynmic wishlinr,<br />

rh...5y movins lh€ c{iat of umvliLbl. {te1! lrom indcL D)dmic *ethlin8 Esimc<br />

Fnov€! !alu. tsn ftc index elculrtions wh.n no dita @ p@nl in c.nain v.ti.ble for !<br />

ctuin @urry. Tls th. rrilbL wigh( is +E!d lmdg 0{6 M!ini.8 vuirblcs fs<br />

which d!1o ae pEel in pmFnion ro $cn ntio of then &spctive N.ighls dilided by sum<br />

of lll Eroining wcignE. Sinild wighiing E8ine is lle.Fploy.d an Schw.b dd Pond<br />

(2008) ltr th.ir qsrludim of wld dDcdirc indq.<br />

6.3, Inttitu onal ln.lig ncsulb a l A"alysis<br />

This eotid rcpons i.dq of anstitulionrliz€d scial |c hnologi.s (pml) ltr 2006 dd its 3!b<br />

indi6, A l@l otnim @jo. irdies d ldidcd lor 2m6 a d€pict rl nd T.bl.5, orlcr<br />


slb inlic* for 2006.! wll s fa dhd vc.r3 @ avlilnu. in Ap!@dix A !t ti! "d ofihis<br />

chaDG.. surEry indi6 or dhs 4 p.no& d.l$ dis?htt

fotq 5: tndu ol tnnnunondlud set l r..nnobf,t6 tpoacll2M2 6 'a ns<br />

$bt dt6lt6.d h, ttttu26 M* k 20051<br />

!E<br />

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r!l&E!l!@=<br />

i#]Efl !<br />


.tt 7: earlre rt hd.t o! tntdu.t "tth.dsat tf.'ln"totht(,Mt)2002'<br />

IE<br />

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a<br />

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Fbqa: I'cfc2t6 d a8{ wbn<br />

'ir<br />

tH-<br />

+.+<br />

s<br />

I<br />

Scatbr plol in rrsB! 6 cLilt dFB poddE dldoodip .'er tn6o vdirbLa TlDL 8<br />

6norB6di6rlrii8 B mn Fft.|rc ld rt hi&id turhg. To9 6<br />

.d teo ld caftL e.rbed. Wt.E ii b.vLldt drr roO la dD!i6 edng b<br />

ArMic Ffd!ll.@ 4 .L. mds top l5 @di.r r.codiDg to iNdnni@5, rhi.<br />

Fldioirhip nitbl @a !. aidq!€ b. Ddrd lO 6rdr.r, ! rl.y t E inri!d6. dtha<br />

|+lo bdc ll| Tii. i1.to dirk l tb F.fitF t lcE ai. G lloa IlL.lF6 rlri<br />

fr. i'Ddai.d dtr|!;r, !@'d$ d-a! h hdidol qdtry dy tuI bilg drt<br />

lDp66{t in e.o!@i. d.bs, .r @F!d io dcn oouEi* HovlE, .ny d.f.iIlrc<br />

dcl'abro.it ddld c{y.nd fdn lrlpidd e!Fi',

f.e t: nsfona r"d ctuvrh c'n{athffi: Ardtsls.l b"r td*od<br />

;r'-.-r]nffi.]ii6r r.'-;fr;F; 5'€i Fn'd $ev dnrcd r"dd''rr'<br />

"t"*s:..or ^'n<br />

4P .$cn€d .hain Mdn€d<br />

'<br />

nd summec (20os), ror llsr €lms, a<br />

!.J!aj<br />

41! 4!<br />

".8€D --<br />

:r<br />

73 9ri!!797<br />

1996.616<br />

,0q.67 ;a foi,s?6r<br />

t To}s,ii<br />

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chapAr 6 Aryenitix A: Detailed Results oftne hdex ol Institudonallze'l<br />

soctat Te.hnotogis (panel) 2OO2'05 an.I its sub i"lies<br />

lndex of Bureaucratic Efficiency (Ri8i)<br />

iia;-ERr^ 6 o 1"! !,!99 ,942 -!,14!--91!r<br />

fud606&705]'0'5.'ogn<br />

d 75e4 0 7:tr u /ql!<br />

orl|] qry?lq !,1?!!<br />

B-E-lEiir-uir ! 4t !.1!!t--921__!l l!!<br />

€o-i- 'd<br />

o.or? odo, oorr ole oner<br />

Bo-iffi-r. olqa oiel' 0.n,. o.a. o5oa'<br />

ffia -ose oM o.4! !!i11 q:9!1--9gl<br />

i:]]]-'!ftnad$r<br />

cHrN^<br />

azEaH REPUBLTC<br />


o?B o.rM o7q4<br />

o,?,q' 0570 offi<br />

0.{A 0 {7e !lll!<br />

0.78 aqq92 o.5ee

ffi<br />

+ffi<br />

Isa! !L<br />

ffi<br />

.6 otr o.t?. orllt or?q 0r$6<br />

EifrffidF--- 6 b'rr oqu orn 06r' o/'?n<br />

srfl<br />

5ifr;iEi6\<br />

:Lo-e? o.M o6t' 06.& oat<br />

4 d!7G oq.! 0\1q o5o/r o5'2r<br />

0.7096 o5353 0 670s<br />

oe! o ttt 0 7et3<br />

o7't 9at d.7136<br />

x o.$@ ot$ o5ze 9!9!! !j119<br />

r n.isv o5a<br />

t tr osi.8 0.6 q!4: 91!g<br />

0!& o 53, o 56$<br />

Jc,ANoA t r6, o {!! o.4a o @q o l3le<br />

oa' 05s2 !4!!?<br />


uNrrED sr tEs 6 disr 0616<br />

GiE Er^ ei o@ 0.406€ oi$ snx o@<br />


lndex of CorruPtion (Ricil<br />

4!ge --<br />

4rg!4lcgL<br />

!9194 !A-<br />

s4!!3!t!E!E<br />

;i;i;ir<br />

zlq<br />

t<br />

l!_<br />

4<br />

.3!<br />

l1<br />

!<br />

!a<br />

E<br />

z2<br />

.:q<br />

c4!<br />

sql<br />

94<br />

!lz9r<br />

i=!!<br />

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qtz:g<br />

4@<br />

!39<br />

!,!!r!<br />

!,!e1<br />

-q,!c!<br />

E!!!!gL- 4<br />

5J<br />

9,19e<br />

olJrltd<br />

liffi<br />

2003 zoo4 'lmt<br />

q!!9! lgI<br />

,s 048 o5tl<br />

n060*9<br />

9!g! 9!:E g!:!!<br />

1006<br />

94]L<br />

!4:L<br />

!,:tgL<br />

-s2L<br />

!,rEl<br />

.q4g<br />

ltqa<br />

9t::1<br />

glq<br />

oss qr& 0rt5

n__r-osoilq__e!L--13!<br />

it__-n6-oLt o@ o{D qalg<br />

---9:!:!.L ---9:!rI<br />

-{<br />

o! .$' orE ,- -<br />

!--n;6-----nns o,f! j4ll,!lgi!<br />

E__iia--it !r!!,-----!l!9-----!!!l<br />

n-----nF ls !24 --!-L,--!4!<br />

t_--ic-0L'rlq,.q!q s!!!!

Index of Ease of doing business (Rleil<br />

'-E1-Rf.a.<br />

6 ---s!,01nl rr4----!399-!4l<br />

od r4!----- - ,-!!i<br />

-'-or a--6u oi q?!4,--l ?<br />

- oi6 rt99-----.9-gll ,---9l!!r<br />

t-' o6x oer -.s-e99---14 -!i::3<br />

;----niEi-----n6- q!9r!<br />

--ou<br />

--llg----<br />

6<br />

ii--o{s o/rr q!q! ,--9]9,,-JIr<br />

e-0., --s!.0.!!=!,--g!e-----.slg<br />

o.,'.<br />

--.dso@!arl---!l?lr-----i.:ei<br />

d----_6iD-----i;<br />

d_-odr 06 a,!!q -----e!!]l------9Al:<br />

;-----nG-----nr o4! ---!j9e,-1.:9ll<br />

__!19,,---!lg3<br />

t -_nts-6 oe,! l<br />

os? odrt rtq:9-----!!14- ,-9l:!:<br />

o6,s . * 9l!?l ql*<br />

t-dtn o c, !lq!-- l- !4!<br />

t--dtst ----o<br />

;:.......ffi oat o,c ont<br />

t-r .!e orr r!!q?<br />

E---_-jti!-----.'-r7!6042!<br />

---Je!-----1j9q<br />

i-d!ro 06ll --srgc- -!5!l<br />

-s<br />

t ----n6 -d-o?!! !-gra, lMl<br />

n ------ia nat qrul __-q!4 ,-.s:!E<br />

;-----n6---_-6- Gl dRa o*s<br />

o.s^ oe! rllq,---l9g----- !<br />

!86 o r$ 0!!q<br />

--o<br />

--!eg --.sllq<br />

--od oa qa! ----ll9a:-----.9t!l<br />

::-----Fi o--!L !$s oe' oer<br />

iffi,r !!q!r ----<br />

-,<br />

:!----<br />

G----d6t-----6 llar !4, ,9-E!<br />

i-ffi<br />

os]6l !iss-----.!:<br />

------int-----i ..,! 6'e Mr<br />

i@ - ---n:iii--otr<br />

;t ----iG-----ni qr?! !12!, !l<br />

;------n6-_ --.M q4c! ,qtg sl!<br />

5*-s- --d o4or sli!----- 11<br />

:-atre<br />

--55rrct<br />

,fud<br />

6 o.ru.<br />

sos0Bl<br />

& o-iro

-qe4,---lg99-<br />

2<br />

4<br />

g<br />

4g<br />

I<br />

z!<br />

z!<br />

!q<br />

!<br />

I<br />

!9<br />

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12<br />

!<br />

l!<br />

P<br />

.l!<br />

E<br />

5<br />

!,9!l<br />

!,!r:<br />

_!191<br />

!4q<br />

_gtq<br />

994<br />

ga!<br />

gg:i<br />

tl41<br />

!4<br />

i@!<br />

94!!<br />

!4:1<br />

!E!<br />

!!!q<br />

_-4t1<br />

_!,!c<br />

L!4<br />

jiz!<br />

!18<br />

!!:!<br />

-9E11<br />

-9,!!4<br />

9g:!<br />

99<br />

!!!1<br />

!!!!<br />

!e9!<br />

!!g!<br />

st41<br />

-!2!<br />

!l!i<br />

_!lg<br />

!,!*4<br />


lndex of Institutional Rents (Riil<br />

---llr:!---<br />

-_.;E__nfl!4!<br />

r--trD o l!4qr<br />

n-o@' .ur r4 --lg-,q!e<br />

-!-E!L,---!]E<br />

t-----nt os<br />

orla<br />

----i6-----t$<br />

Ml]lg<br />

t-i-i!-dr. .l$ !44---iglll<br />

t---dtiru @ d ffi<br />

;i---6iit-----nn- r4 jr!t-- 1?<br />

t__-nu-is-r!sl__! slll<br />

ii----nF _o@--ar!4 ,- !r<br />

i j-oroo.4ri94,!]*!-----l5e<br />

--_-n6-or!q:e-,-slg------<br />

6__--!B o rlq jt!L,-l<br />

n-----;ffiod'<br />

o6a! o@r<br />

i--0,5$ 01'' llE ----SlEg<br />

os !r:4-----! !--4e<br />

tffi !N dn mE<br />

a----n6- -@ os' deB Dtr<br />

6_----ni6 ---s !'s ozn ox'<br />

ii_-@--a g!19_____1,9:r!<br />

------n-N o r,3, r<br />

it_---nG-----nle qr!4,q-sL,!-9IP<br />

-ora iffi0s d r9<br />

'_ru<br />

t------ai--ns dr9? s!cl!,!i::<br />

-owoF '! o{fial<br />

t- oMn<br />

@61<br />

:_M7re<br />

IdE,oa<br />

-dlro i oMr om otqi rl!!!<br />

.'ofl0{nd.4.0tr<br />

W'<br />


ii---6-ul1-04:4--14--<br />


ffi<br />

Index of Policy Rents (Rll)<br />

ffi<br />

__f<br />

_.:r<br />

I<br />

-19 _!<br />

_2<br />

_a<br />

_L<br />

_.1!<br />

_.!!<br />

94!!<br />

9S4<br />

!49<br />

llg<br />

l3!<br />

!,!9!!<br />

!!4<br />

!!94<br />

s!91<br />

q!!c<br />

_!!e<br />

3Al<br />

949!<br />

!l!!<br />

glE<br />

_94<br />

lg<br />

g!81<br />

!!q!<br />

@<br />

94!1<br />

!!s1<br />

!,!c!<br />

_.s!:!<br />

!49<br />

jgg<br />

!!91<br />

9!t:<br />

iffi--E 6<br />

i------Erc G!!l S!!4,--ir<br />

o!$ dr9r' d* .f o{r<br />

e Mt o6t o!tr dlst os<br />

-Mr0d<br />

a q!!!<br />

9!g<br />

J<br />

! 9:!:C<br />

!<br />

9!:!1<br />

!t 9,?!!<br />

9,!:!!<br />

r4<br />

9,!4!<br />

q!I!<br />

q!!!<br />

949<br />

i:!!<br />

9,!g!<br />

94l!<br />

Llg<br />

s]]r<br />


tffillrgl!!e!E!_<br />

lgl!9-<br />

-$Egt-<br />

j!4!-<br />

t4g!-<br />

|d-<br />

94t!<br />

!41!<br />

J!!<br />

!,!gl<br />

!4<br />

llg<br />

!l9g<br />

!!ga<br />

!,!31<br />

@<br />


tndex of Political participation and Competitiveness<br />

(RpPi)<br />

iirua-<br />

!<br />

4<br />

qlqi 9,!94<br />

s:l:l<br />

.9ic1<br />

qlql<br />

I<br />

ni6-<br />

slq<br />

__l<br />

-_.1<br />

l9l:<br />

s!3<br />

9l4r<br />

66:t<br />

_!<br />

_31!<br />

2L<br />

!,:cl<br />

9,:44<br />

s!99<br />

-g:91<br />

--s4<br />

itlg<br />

-!4<br />

c:gi<br />

g!q:<br />

j<br />

nEit<br />

rq]l<br />

!4:1<br />

--r<br />

.,!<br />

.c93<br />

iiEr6;-----------!-"o{lre 0a! ov{ 0e<br />

r 0# d6 06!.! lllq<br />

x E&r o$t 0rr odt q!!11<br />

56d!<br />

q3l<br />

!'Mr<br />

4dBrds<br />

I<br />

1! r r<br />

IESAA !9 q:E glE 9E!

6- -iai--fl !!!r! ,---941]--ffio$o'o'ff<br />

tijosl osr r!4-----! 9L!9i:<br />

n----n6i-----s os$ osr oer<br />

affio$ os3 Mr oq,ru!<br />

a--_--Tiii---_-''iii !]!___<br />

t-o*$ o*rr r!!tr---<br />

!ll!<br />

l<br />

:i;iii=....-^Fs4--q!-g!i---ser--J!::-----lrr:1<br />

i!-------<br />

I<br />

$_-o,l' o.I' ]:<br />

t---_--nE------$ 05<br />

-o,ndrro@o..]]od<br />

---_-'iEl-----nEl sa!<br />

B<br />

td<br />

B<br />

od<br />

'<br />

I I<br />

;i__6ii!-oLddr oD' 0'6?<br />

n-=.-._s!-<br />

d--ec-------l<br />

n-----i;t-----ntiren' o4 oe<br />

d-------nt on qr! !I----<br />

lIB-{ r c s L----l-------<br />

E------n-@ qz -----l-------.1<br />

--!l!-n-----6--re<br />

o@ !@ d8

lndex of volce and Accountability (RpvAi)<br />

lsEeq-<br />

s<br />

2<br />

!<br />

l!<br />

:?<br />

!<br />

diE<br />

9e!1<br />

!!!1<br />

@!<br />

9jg1<br />

sg!<br />

!!!!<br />

!4!!<br />

!t4<br />

_g!!<br />

L!!l<br />

9!E!<br />

9!a!<br />

gg]<br />

diF<br />

9!g<br />

@!<br />

l!4<br />

@.<br />

g?91<br />

9,:E4<br />

-iE---Tie-<br />

l'fu o1!! s!9r_____g<br />

.M'<br />

!E os<br />

o.!!!<br />

o8<br />

q!94----o|re<br />

:!!--06<br />

q!!!<br />

4a4<br />

g5!<br />

__ !31<br />

'<br />

-r<br />

M -<br />

l!<br />

4<br />

-dtr<br />

re<br />

qi4<br />

9!g<br />

Clq q,!!t o/ru<br />

94! q!4<br />

9a!1<br />

9:!9 _!a4<br />

9:!::<br />

E0ac$,otrd@o@<br />

:!<br />

!<br />

1<br />

q!9<br />

9r!<br />

9!!<br />

i.Moos<br />

g!4<br />

gle<br />

q4€<br />

q!{<br />

g4!<br />

!41<br />

o$ qE !t!!<br />

r**E^s dD oc !!!r

n--_fi:E-----nEr o-r -.q99:----<br />

'-r M*r oae rrr9]------c!l2!-----! :<br />

n_-qts-op<br />

i6----Ait-os-0a!$oers4!r,----!gC-----99r!i<br />

a-----ii*-----6t-0."r q,!!!r--- c-94::<br />

E__---:r, 0.,,,! _<br />

e-----iiti-- M--ql!L,!r9!-----91!4<br />

t--r o?e oer ! !rl---.9!:!--!.!g]<br />

ii-_ffi.tr ods !!er-----gr!r-- !!<br />

o ]5?! o':l !<br />

i......ffios o$' r!!-----L!!1l sllS<br />

t---o_!ia-o $ r!!----l :<br />

6-----i;gi-----ini,<br />

-.<br />

0 4! S4L,q{1!<br />

;__nt-r.' 0,'* r!!!- l<br />

t--_--ni------r o0! ott oss<br />

{_ 0fi-god.e06|<br />

n---_-E-----ntt oE o.'r or*<br />

ffib.--inc]d r! s401! 0,e o'h' 9:!9<br />

i6-----68-----* .os dto M'<br />

6_M*<br />

i- Ma 6r q!s!----

lndex of Politlcal Rents (RPi)<br />

94:<br />

9,2?:!<br />

!491<br />

ggE<br />

95!:<br />

!!9<br />

9@<br />

9gg<br />

g4<br />

92v<br />

lge<br />

!!?1!<br />

iEe<br />

!l!!!<br />

!]g:<br />

!!qE<br />

!g!q<br />

gJl!!<br />

q,l!4_<br />

q:e1<br />

95:3<br />

9lsc1<br />

9l!j!<br />

!4:: g!l:<br />

ge3l<br />

!E5<br />

!4E<br />

!49!<br />

!4!<br />

!41<br />

_!4!<br />

.siuc<br />

!49<br />

!@<br />

dF<br />

q!!1<br />

q44<br />

q9qg<br />

9,?41<br />

!!41<br />

!,:g!<br />

_!!4<br />

q::a<br />

rle<br />

9]9L<br />

9591<br />

!42!<br />

s49<br />

!@<br />

!!:?1<br />

!,i9!<br />

!!!:<br />

94n<br />

@<br />

glez<br />

gjgl<br />

!,9!a<br />

9,!g!<br />

!,!99<br />

g9el<br />

!91!<br />

!!3<br />

s:Eq<br />

!,!41<br />

of2l<br />

glg<br />

a-0@<br />

9Z!<br />

o!!q! _qj4___JEg------!41<br />

i-<br />

:!<br />

g<br />

o|'l !^<br />

sr:!<br />

dd<br />

943!<br />

orGI o@<br />

lg1<br />

q4!<br />

9:!Z<br />

r sr4r qr!!r<br />

idEi-M<br />

EwM I ott osr qE! - ir<br />

iE- i' rE od<br />

a o9 o9Sl !l!q!,___! .!4t!<br />

!!!E!! ! c4 9g 449<br />


o,s !99r-----<br />

t<br />

n-u -nJ|o-!* od ire ,----egr ,----9gl<br />

r o-iffi 94at<br />

60-n-!' u,r' rr4--<br />

----!4,---!!lJ!<br />

t-or'<br />

---l<br />

o r'6 q!<br />

t__-i-qoe,'r!:r!--ffi===---_---.*o<br />

" d@"@ ,---f-oe' 9ir9! ss-s4j94 9* *:;<br />

6t0!-rl 06,,, rg_ -r--in--or6rs-q94-ii'=..=--=--EE"*o<br />

od, Nro 9ry: 9:3:"<br />

t-06! odr or' 0qru9<br />

r!L,c!2,--l!4<br />

--r-se ;i--dR, or r4I____<br />

t-r ond ods rrt4-----91!!--a-----6{-r0-;*-rl4]-lc]ll-!lgl<br />

t-orr o{5 or!!r -<br />

-l@{l6d<br />

6- --0e]n- --.F@Lse!_<br />

r.'rc*,1 9!!9! 9P:<br />

6i-----tti------5dr5qa-!lL-<br />


lndex ot Anti Rent Seeking Technolo8ies (Ri)<br />

i--oEE ".4,--e'e "-6, 9::!<br />

i-"'d o',re """ 9!1<br />

ii-' M,q: M<br />

"d<br />

"ffi "11!<br />

ii--*e "!!!L M "d' !:=<br />

ii-'---o-. ".'6 '# "'': 9=<br />

,<br />

--04."@i!<br />

'ffinE: -JrL--.rt9L4!4<br />

ii--, 0,4 M'<br />

".'! "'::: o.E!<br />

ii--od,M,.m-r-!r:-ir9:i-----9!rl<br />

i--0.,a-eraL-_gal-,ie!<br />

i-, o<br />

"F,<br />

L o___9]!L,-!]4-9:99<br />

ii_--o* oi,re os" 9i!t-ssio@<br />

--i""d"!e_sl4:-----sril--glli<br />

;--"*"r')s-19--!rgl,---9!::<br />

';, ,,xt "!4L rnu---!P---:el<br />

i-"d: !4- eM "'''l 9f::<br />

i-_--oo-"d'ffi.@gqll<br />

7-.* "vl<br />

-osro"',rco"dqq:<br />

-,<br />

s_ j]jj!-!4<br />

i ffi-oil1, --!t!l<br />

r;_rrs c*<br />

".,re<br />

"tg<br />

ii o--di rL o_-q:!r_ !4__ :l<br />

i-os,, oarr-0M<br />

ii oq! ,.91!g- 94!L---!:1: "d,919<br />

i---sf od!,-q!g---19!r-,-srl<br />

ts<br />

--oed 0* o.i-!4 ---!l sire<br />

i:----"*<br />

"*'<br />

L* 0d<br />

d orD o€! o.u, """, od 919?1<br />

it----i6rj--rr'r !-- - 4<br />

!--o*D olq !9,----!9- -!e!<br />

ii--o.tr0,:rr--ql3r j-----!g!.:-,-9ig<br />

oir! odr rr1l 4!L,-llgg<br />

06r lltq:_- gl:]_,--gje:<br />

t c$4<br />

--trd ---.slg- !,!g,--s+e<br />

i- tr-o,rs' l4s !<br />

r--odi o -' s* !!!s,----.9-!::L !El!<br />

n-----itr-----i<br />

*-** " "'"' * e4! !i'! l39l<br />

------ii-{ilrp!L - st9r----.9i9!<br />

i-odtr o<br />

'd -!!!!,----.9l4-q!l!!<br />

9r!rl,--!.19---- l.l<br />

n-----dii-----iE5 0!6, o's dd<br />

-,<br />


---tu, os !l ----9j4L 9.:!1<br />

tt----nM o,,rl o__-rl___--!lri----! jl4<br />

iffi@-!r4,--9+<br />

it---ols od ffi 6n oq9<br />

i6<br />

i-,---0,*"r!r_q:s--4u4--+li<br />

"--"*<br />

--o@<br />

-0"b !p=!!4-J4---1e<br />

i;-.6Eii-M<br />

ort --cI<br />

o.ra _!nL=j!L j+ll<br />

ii-ii-- 6si-d9----g:!!t-----lj;li<br />

ffi ;-*-"4{,!s._-}!!----jj]?*<br />

--"-, "4 d, 't!-:lr-|<br />

"Yi !!!?<br />

v* .ai<br />

i-Nso*,u'fl5dgltg -J:l!--JE!---:g<br />

;i----sF 0-s$ F4 -llr!!-,--!-9ll -+-E<br />

ffi<br />

--4<br />

"4.<br />

----@----er!--49<br />

,,? 9!4

Index of Property Rights (SicP)<br />

6 a'--id od oB os, glel<br />

;--' "* "sre" ""r91 lg:<br />

,-t *' rE- -r]g!-- el,g-:4<br />

i--r-----oEi@----jg-----ss<br />

';- :<br />

--uso'4r,--9L---lP-,-:g<br />

t-ory",!!?,--JE-----!94---9gl<br />

@L:4<br />

V--o^""4]L!l4---!8-,:+<br />

;?-<br />

'-t --o*vaI__!!P-----9::!-:21<br />

*,n<br />

",4:,---!JL,--99r- :Y<br />

ii-Ds 05, .4 @*:!<br />

aa-'--orm06..,'.94!!<br />

o5$! o::g<br />

;i-o,n o*<br />

ii_--Mr, oM "4 N od d!1'<br />

o-, ds ds ory "d 9'l!<br />

n- og o@_eq --99<br />

- d-r d!!!--ll!L- sg!----<br />

d_-0r,o$nffi:0@<br />

i6 os'! !9L --.9r9---Jl!l!<br />

ii---s," 816 rlg -.s11!9,--14!<br />

:--oG a:{ rrE!- ggg,---lglz<br />

---o,r o&' r 44------9Ie-,--9ll!<br />

---Drr o ss rlll sll<br />

-- ni:--oo.! !::<br />

b--i- N 0:::L -!l!: 9-1!l<br />

-u,rodoGo5s@<br />


_<br />

o r. t--qrs---s-a!-!r:!<br />

ii---ozro!!L,!ls---Jl9q--9lll:<br />

--d6<br />

(ffi 0r!4<br />


lndex of taw and Order (sillil<br />

i*i@ i-"-6"e,!rs!-----!14-,-J.!14<br />

-----ns--"L9:g-,j!!ll-9l.:<br />

;-oa o&, od os! qlli<br />

ffi_1::!t=-J4<br />

:i-"s ffi o@!<br />

",'a<br />

9!+<br />

;.<br />

--os ooi- so9----jl4l<br />

ii-o,, oE' 14-<br />

--!:f!<br />

:<br />

-- M, rl!! olrl<br />

:a_---Dd od6? 91!jL,---!4L -!e:i<br />

,<br />

"@<br />

-06,:<br />

0s-@9!4-_llE<br />

orrr ----!lr!L- !i!9-----!4!<br />

i-o!n o4r!,---llg?L eie<br />

i--d oar ral€r --114<br />

----g!ar<br />

n_-o,tl0'loD,oL.on<br />

o4a q4L. !4'!<br />


a ox,l !44------!L !J9=<br />

ii--oen ud !a------grl !ll!?<br />

:" 0e<br />

-ms<br />

--od6 r!qql--- --<br />

E--u!, 0$r _!ll9-----lr!3! ,-1.!41<br />

od' ire !$' 9l9t<br />

6<br />

--os,oE4____gqa,---rr9E--,-!!*<br />

i..--"@ G'4 ,__.9e!_ ,-s4!----sgll<br />

-d*<br />

ffi-o"*d '. ""- "".: ".!::t :il* ;#'<br />

i-o,, -dq.5t____s!r!,--!-cE-,9+<br />

0"!- od-<br />

,<br />

--!r:L+1!4<br />

---0ry<br />

d- trq ___r,!E ---99

lndex of PolititalStability (Sisi)<br />

"--'<br />

;-es--L",f, rlsr--!4E----99!<br />

0 ,* ,!-s--!,!!----94<br />

ii=_ffi-;-4 --.9!::- g<br />

i-os "d<br />

., o'!9 9i::<br />

it-..:'--"d dq 9!!9!<br />

",*"<br />

ti- od -!;' mr,-lj:11-- :<br />

;--, "4L!E---!9,-:P<br />

i;- ---os",rqo---j!q,--!l!L,9gf<br />

;--026 o,! 9-!!!- 9r!:,--9e<br />

i--o* oN rs9!-,----!9aii--"d<br />

q.a -!gI<br />

"4<br />

o$r 9t:!!<br />

i@ ir -_n6--, oL d_.g_!j__ ---9!l<br />

ta-_--un_----o4!q<br />

;t-0", 0.! __.9.!E_ --s!!l----lig 99r!,--!+!l<br />

;: nr* --an o6s-----!!!9L -9,!11!<br />

n-- de-der odD ral gttc ----isr:<br />

i6 nffi -dt 06----9!!9---<br />

!t--_---E----EiE r!:L!e! --!<br />

|,o-@,oi!Lo4-----jj!q-,M<br />

!i--de orru orui<br />

,_-os 0$! 6 0Fre9<br />

n-tr6ffii 0.r, !!!4--ffi@n<br />

o,{ jjqLgl -.s.i??<br />

o4 r6re--rgl<br />

i--o o --.qs ,r't<br />

,!!_<br />

rlrll<br />

91L"- 9l:!1,

-_=-i;i-M ---D a!r!L qgr ,-ll!9<br />

oo'r os?,Lo4, ig9<br />

ii----n6 ----sl1!Li!:1,--!.1!!e<br />

!--dq6 osr l4 ---!4- l<br />

;---_"----otE-nd---,99----i=1<br />

;-----Gs -$@-!4:!---!j9!1<br />

----o'* F.' .ru olG<br />

ii-- ol2 6i@---9s----- "* sl<br />

it-_-a-,i os! ,- L-!!! ,--!<br />

_!r!9 ___9is!<br />

a, .s--os qlre----- ---94<br />

;---'M-'--adLMA asjt ll44:----'9.4t: --:ry<br />

-E-@_----nfi-_<br />

.i 6 !ta----94----!4<br />

;i__i@--.@06r1-L--ll9l----J4l<br />

;i ----oje o 6@,,-lliei"-m<br />

--oe! !!s--- -- !!9<br />

ii-trd o*, oaB d!-----J=<br />

;i-am oz* ] a_ ,<br />

;-@ 6,rL dd o4'" gryi<br />

ii__a---*<br />

-tn "*s rd oro<br />

n--Mro4,!!s--els1---_9q<br />

t----"=iii o'-_._4! -q49 ,, s<br />

ffi.='-_=--|* . ,*' .*, ".s l* ;*i<br />

il*-* '. * * ee: :e *l::

lndex of Rlsk Reduclng Technologies (Siil<br />

H#<br />

6 dii--o ,!s! ----r j4---!lE----<br />

_-6 dnI 96<br />

i--- -a-@'@--]r9!----ly-,-:4<br />

"4!L "-<br />

i-!c q$<br />

''I o"f 9g<br />

i-od-"@=-gr8=l= j:4! ---!):!--:=<br />

'----;F----nrnl<br />

;-tii" o-,' 0d 0,. 9i=<br />

ii---;ii---@ !ls-!j!:<br />

i-.sd 0',6 odto<br />

"d<br />

!:11<br />

fr---'1fr---niE<br />

;-o."<br />

--!Pr--l+<br />

"!4L<br />

-o*,<br />

9!g----J14 ,--:+<br />

"-, "*" "-4,,--!:g- ,!Ji!----P'ii....---o^"rrLj1:!L-glg-+g<br />

ii-o& o6]a ____eqr ----i.e+---9:l<br />

i----osro*it,!-------!-4:-----!Ej9<br />

. ,'* ,".:l "+ *# ffi<br />

ffi<br />

;,.........'--"." "!!rL<br />

-*..."",*".!e::l'::1ii*;#<br />

,u! 9!g<br />

Eii;i----=' ----.'==--_-.......v^*--r'-q!!s-]4-9g---**--*H;<br />

,-o.."q,rfr-!il-!lgl-=+l<br />

-"eM4,__!)!_-_94---:e<br />

iff"."--* !41--es<br />

;'-..==---, "-. ",6' "* ".:r 9ilg<br />

i--M," "!!!L"d<br />

o.! ::*<br />

;-"s "-! "d "ar :'ii--;:--,<br />

0,. Ee, of os 9e.:<br />

ii--is----0tu4<br />

ii--od --llL,l+: d:le<br />

"qru<br />

9.e<br />

0*. ""! _eE!------9r4-Ji4l<br />

ffi--" *, * 9,]4 ".=: 1?*<br />

b--orB odE l-- --- +!<br />

,tu<br />

","<br />

]g<br />

--Mnt@,__J]44---9:l4j----1gj' -!.i!---<br />

-0.,",sffi04?*l ffirls--=is1?<br />

i,-'--oer 06rl o_-g_erl-ge!<br />

; ---;;; o-ti- srq------ge<br />

s-----ts g:g-----!rE--- -!jA !<br />

-os"-s6oe9=!<br />

i-!Bo,,q_gler----9s-,-Jg<br />

;-0d,-"sr1 "-!:4-----!l!9l-jlg<br />

-, " "* -or,! "- ee: 9el 9gg<br />

;i--odoarraE--g:g-9tzc<br />

;t-trzr o<br />

--'--o"^<br />

di rl::l :<br />

dr r_:ul ,-llg-!gl3<br />

i,'_--n:i--!rE ond 04t ,jlL !g!<br />

--<br />

#fi#+*-- ' *-"*,-lf!: ";:;? **

]L<br />

L<br />

:L<br />

L<br />

!L<br />

L<br />

!!_<br />

J-<br />

2_<br />

4_<br />

:!_<br />

::_<br />

q::!i<br />

cg:<br />

qs:g<br />

141<br />

qlgz<br />

qje1<br />

_941<br />

a,@<br />

!93<br />

!4!<br />

lga<br />

!g:1<br />

!4::<br />

!!:91<br />

i:iid-.d d u<br />

' si rlq q4:!-- i1<br />

!!4!L-<br />

('|@]ffi3iiE6oB<br />

4<br />

!<br />

:l<br />

q!4!<br />

9l!s1<br />

g33S<br />

Ll!!<br />

q:41<br />


lndex of Institutionalized social Technologies (panel)<br />

2002-06 (llsr02o6l<br />

=* - F zrot zoor 'ot ms 4<br />

!E!gg-<br />

!s144-<br />

!91s4!4-<br />

I4!E!99L<br />

9t!!4__<br />

.q<br />

-<br />

1<br />

:1<br />

zq<br />

e<br />

-g<br />

lq<br />

!!<br />

4 :q<br />

ddq0d'<br />

ggl!<br />

q4g<br />

a,lJl4<br />

g!!!<br />

!4t1<br />

!,i!!<br />

!@!<br />

9:!22<br />

!4:i<br />

9!!e<br />

!.::g<br />

gle<br />

9i!E!------S!41<br />

!4!?_____it3:t<br />

- dss Md<br />

ffita0a'MqMn<br />

9,39:<br />

9?!!1<br />

q!9:1<br />

!!!:<br />

!,!t!1<br />

!!!t!<br />

!,!E!<br />

!e!2<br />

tg4<br />

egq<br />

94g<br />

JlZ<br />

949<br />

9!Z!<br />

qz4!<br />

!,3E1<br />

g!1!<br />

ljat<br />

9!q<br />

t4<br />

gec<br />

-!:!2!<br />

.s,4E<br />

gg!<br />

!49<br />

!!:91<br />

!lE:<br />

-g9l!<br />

ffi-ffi<br />

ffi<br />

iL ]!lL rg<br />

nfii------nad----o_6iii;i-----niF----nM<br />

------iE ---3tt<br />

;izi<br />

i- ns niB-<br />

i6n-----n6-----@<br />

**iii----iiffi<br />

t0fus 0.t'<br />

0\,q<br />

orrlq lq!ry<br />

os 6q<br />

-<br />

!!119<br />

q!2<br />

qgl<br />

sgs<br />

q!t!<br />

qtgg<br />

clcl<br />

984<br />

q!!e<br />

s3tq<br />

ji!<br />


6u. qal-qgrl 9:e<br />

i---r'-ory o s onl----!15----<br />

-os<br />

n- o-j--oi,,!!4,----!L!44<br />

it- ott--os r!!9--- sls9<br />

d_ M-i- -os qrrr ___ll!!I---ii----ffiol4<br />

,.s-4!!rg<br />

o^r oa r% 0a-!4S<br />

C___ntt-o)'r !4!<br />

i!---ffis s!!4-9-4!L<br />

---- ---j4:<br />

! 4l<br />

-'.<br />


Chapter 6-appen x R: seBltlelay Analysts<br />

Wci8hling Esine enployed in Uc curenl studv index is bos€d o' ov€mge valucs' lor<br />

chcriiB s.snivity of itulex vridi Eslrl ro *eighs tris nudv enPlovs a detrilcd anrlvsis<br />

amp.rinB dk indi6 6lcuLl.J bv cnplovi.s dilTcEnr weighting Egin6 Y@ 2006 vrlws<br />

!E 48rcsrr.d in indi6 *irh *cienB bG.d o followins w'ighrins Esid6 l) Easl d ad-<br />

h@ opp@h to dE rcisndng oa vanabba on $en Elarirc initrtoe ii @imic<br />

p4rloddce 6 the lmher s{.s il 2) Da$d on iv.mse wtignling wh€ft lh' rcsrch't<br />

s€ishred dif€rcnr €nponenb of rhe lidcx eqltnv l) calculai'd th$ugh principil<br />

6mponent Mlysis (PcA) bced on 2006 vllu.s lnd 4) cDdcnl weightins Egim"mploving<br />

I'CA blsed on av.nge vald.s 6 ued in rhtu sludv Tnus td @h onponcnt tnd $b_<br />

cootoNnls of insiii'nion, theE would b. folr ditTcF indi6 Fd @nra s of lhe<br />

i lies, the Ewher €mplolql buh th. PoFn @Nldid fld rL Sp'otu R'nk<br />

(jmlllim. Th. 6ulb 6 dcaicr.d f'm T.bl€ l0 dDw t vdv hiBh @Lrion b'l@ rre<br />

i.dici Boti th. Pdlm dd sp.m. Cdllrcidt c hisn ad Fsnirc.!d tppmxintlcly<br />

thc en.. Th. tvemge ml ion caaaf,i€nt of both Pg'Mn and Sp'.md monS itdicB is<br />

lhout 0,98. Mo€ over dnd tll the indi€s oe highlv slrtiauv siE ificdt Gi8lificanl l%<br />

l.vel). This shows .hot vei.blcs !g8tu8.kd in rhe index rhroush emplovi'g difforcnt<br />

w.i8hlins EEiD6 Nould off.r sinila. Multx $owios lllrt indi6 ntv nol be msh emniv'<br />

1o vlridids in the N.ighls. Hen@ Oc rcsulb nigh b€ hishlv iMitive to $e choi@ of<br />

*cighin8 n.rhod cmplo)td- Sinild cmhsion it Epod.d in (Cffiv.tr{t Lrsq 2003:<br />

Krufndq Knry ed M&*l@i 2fi')6, 2{Xt}

t./lh 10: Sdliltt tD .[d'lt$bt lte.t eta)<br />

-<br />

. cerdm k liprfi.jt d rh. oor r.vd o..r.dJ.<br />

5 k$6 6@d by.inr&.rhpffit etFB (rc^l b6.d d ^6.a. €rc ol2@s Fdod.<br />

6 rnd6 4r.d by PC. b&d d e €rG<br />

t krd'6 bd 6.dho.'3 36ldt jud.aar :h v'i.hr.s'd'dr rn9otn.<br />

3 relrw.thriB dr$i.br6 D.ra e r.m *thr

ChapterT:<br />

:<br />

:vI;Ai ",,w::*,*""^",,"s6 i.:: : rx:H,. ;i.: I#' fr #h" Lr:f ::;::T<br />

)^iiiii",,,*", ^",": -<br />

;t;;;;<br />

0a ie\ a' i*i!@aor2@'D.b, rzLhno,,!,e' t@$<br />

'; t,.l.@,, Na.t ^ntu'iaotd'd ssnt 'ahrctoaE t*Ntt 2002 05 L otuotd<br />

ri n*,'i-n- "**t , -*0. 'r 11' @lhnE os @nF 2d b<br />

-*hG<br />

Indey of Institutlo[allzed soclal technologles<br />

(cross- sectlonal)<br />

t^d,". A. .h" end o *^Poi@n with oth't najor i^dk's E dk' pto!@<br />

ln rho pierio0! ohqprer, instiluliontl covdge ras li6i&d to l4 lariibles duc ro mavailrbilitv<br />

"a(drindo6<br />

drb ol,iv. y6 llow€r'<br />

lre 6s @ndftion k dmPPc4 ! lot mN {bb<br />

sduMs cd b€ qulifi€d b be included in index M@ovor, inslitutioNl qualitt h obswcd lo<br />

ov.r tirc hc@ dFDping tin cficlion niAht Dd mtle doct' 'f ' difcMe<br />

To @piLrlirc on thes hug€ tolumd oi ddt, lhis chattr esles rh' i'd'r or<br />

in$itutiodlizd sisl rehmlosi.s oveiia G. oo€ d'b $!6 dd indic6 dd<br />

enDloying simils ageftearion lid.sod{ 6d objecliv. weiebting tehoiqut' This<br />

'€'r<br />

r'rsir' ind.x sives crN stidnal cstimles of innilutioml quftis of 14l @unfi6 Aboul<br />

hundrcd drr, src d cmploycd im dh ountry lnd lh€s !rc lSgEgFt! inlo l? indi6<br />

n.osurjng diltc€rl sp.* ofinstitutions. Th. tditbLs c i' ft. lm ofa*636 @venng<br />

$c Fiod<br />

oa lo95 to 2O0s *id' M. wiablc avmgi4 up to l0 t.s wfiil. Mc G sinclc<br />

yc.i esr iror.s, d€p.rding on lhe availabil ity of data This index is oomParoj qnh olhs nrjo'<br />

i.di6 Tlr csulb indhilc tiat lhis inLx ori6 a h4n dese of mlation silh cll indi6

flgureT: tllerarchld ondburron ot<br />

Indl4r, cbs s'dml * ..

au. 11: krc?tbn.4 sub tnck . ct6t dtoaol tda<br />

l!!?<br />

!!9t<br />

hp.eiB<br />

€lelFa Hrrd*lo Rdn*<br />

F'ltfu h d.d.iN.r @fn'ar oiE!!<br />

s,r4!l!,qtr]!!!!!!l!|!l!!9!<br />

tutu. E t dlv.n-!!e!<br />

ctfuEli.di-{a|<br />

9..1,8.h'|F€Fw<br />

sf iid. auaresio{E bud€$ i,er-R.nl(<br />

6Eii6-rBushes{orittu.ri.s'ind.r_r|m<br />

s.njmffi6{'ini !iti6 i'n'_c..r {x<br />

orin@ft Fr 4b)<br />

qul.llon ol .^bfTh. iutr$.r of @6doE.<br />

regurrdo- of qltryadlt n. s 3h@ o{ p.r<br />

@il.cDP<br />

d@0d}Ed,lbcsq<br />

Pub[. s.dor Ethr6 Ind.r(PtED-GCR<br />

EcmlddPgopdFn|.d.x<br />

c@rd Eskr lnd.r.GCR<br />

rypeot E .|Mic org{!4!!q<br />

k .dm ol ftnd? 06b..s:nd c.oo.€rl6<br />

s,!<br />


M.*.r Orod2.tdcb.rd$t!44naur.tot6tidlons<br />

o^ rh. 5!1. or rcal<br />

topedy<br />

e4r!t Qeg49! @E!'!<br />

arnid.trs cq4a4!!!f!ry<br />

asha LI..'E to -n R.ltftffiH<br />

rlrdor,!4ltlllgGoP-sd'rls<br />

unoricFr Eqelllqtllll--<br />

!!!l 4!!!!.ftd Fmuh_--<br />

EEljr a4rq!{q-<br />

rr.ts. Aaftaav<br />

t€s,r enloffient ot @nrads<br />

E !q@!r a!484E!!!iq!!!!!!14€E!<br />

E b.d.{ cdlE.erm (4}4i!D!r.JD.<br />

Eilftj.t,1ocoiF,.r}cor (96 .a d.hlidis<br />

Pded.ndrnrno tY6hd€hdd.E rde6e<br />

l.ctor{mhontv*rk ) Frct 4l!q!!t!q<br />

Ft!..d6. or !.DF.j!@E4!<br />

-<br />


{etd)<br />

{3IU}<br />

lU! Eleq*l!J"d.id*Lrsv<br />

Effd.d ol Loal tr mNt WEF<br />

--<br />

rrr€srh, rtYnda!l!!!!99!lEEl9!<br />

rldiad.ni.BttiLrDtl!! !'j@<br />

Ed-c6lud..bdddd'|5.<br />

mEr.c r'!bo.t Rh!!!4q<br />

oE-E d q4!<br />

s4rn6s @rb of dme .nd Molenc<br />

mdr b.d€dDrs SlPt<br />

Mrrh.ry t"t.lf€rcne rn ru|. i, law rd the<br />

pdifu|p.o6<br />

sbdDrv ol o.dd.d. bnhllqlg<br />


7.2. Me&odolog!<br />

fiis slis fdlss on I ) in&x d.eiptiotl 2) dd, eurr r) AEigrt€lrlion nerhodologv<br />

7,2.1 D€saiption of Indices<br />

compuradon oflhc,btlowine indies is ric$rib.d:<br />

thth' oI tntdnnloMltc.t J,ctol t4trotq|'s lcteaddol Qtsr)<br />

This is s aBsECa!. cms MiioMl intq @nFisjns ol lndex of Risk R'dwi's T*hnolosies<br />

lnl lh€ lndcx of<br />

^.ri Rcnt s*ing T6htulogi.s (se Figle r)<br />

7.2,1.1, lr.tdo! NiL t.ttscner.dtuLt/d (9ll<br />

Fid @mponqt of ins Dtionali&d cial |chnoloc' is @lled risk tdlcits l*hiolo$/ As<br />

explain d in pEvioos ch4rer, n n6UB ineiltriout ,msmdls lhstr'dE lr'nsdml<br />

isk- lndd ofnsk educina L.hnologies is divided into folld*ing sub indiccs<br />

!) co n t dfoum sd FoF.fy<br />

rishls b) Justi@ svsh c) kw dfo|@'nr d) Poricv<br />

slability lnd e), Rulc ol law indd of vorld gdvmdc. indicdoN. Thcn weighls in nsk<br />

EducinS tdhrcroo/ ind.x e 2t%, rq ltlq t2% 8d 26% Espcdirclv Ditrmt $b<br />

cmpon.nrs of lhs indlx ofn* 4ducinB cohDologv e bri.flv 'l't'odcd b€lor'<br />

7.2.1-r,r hd.xor 6tr d-!ft.smirtd DoFrY dd6llrdl:<br />

fih Index of contnct enforcedent and pop.rtv nd ! coftins: !) lndex of Cotr&l<br />

Enr6@mdl d b) tn&x of intsin€nl lnd li@id nshs F@lid<br />

hlving caul w'snte<br />

7.2.t 1. !. ! t"&t ol lbttalLEubElarrL This indsx epluEs indiceG I ) e.forcement rank<br />

.Bl 2) lim sFnl br busiess in mr(gmdt of onltic|i r) oroMcnt os! 4) Drblic

conard.nc. in ksel stslcn, l) legn! enfo@ment ol conlts|s aid 6) Conh'r e'forceabilitt<br />

indcx ol BERI- Tnen wishts e 2l vq l8./., l6vq 2lvq l9% dnd 5% respeliv€rv'<br />

72t.!.12t^+te[!4!!e4<br />

cFdilo6' .ighls pnt€€don, int<br />

'ldrul<br />

d4rdThts i Lr o@ tndrcdo6 ol<br />

pruIEnv dghs pdlstioq inwnc' n$s indcx md<br />

index of pDpeny righls wilh weighls ol2%, 34vq 30% dd l4vq resD'cnvelv'<br /> 1.21 1&r !Lp!98!E rjs!!..this elb itd€x or ifll€r of inv6hfl1 md findcial<br />

dsl s prcrelion imlud6 indic.rqs lion dilf@t suEc" nm'1, .ltr)l@ic n6don of<br />

Wdld (t!w), World rsnodic Fmn (WtjF) tnd He'ibge Food'lio (Hl)' Bc'rdso<br />

tE6fomation index (BTl) with weighls of 259q 109'q ?6"4 | 99" rcspdiivelv<br />

7.2.L!.122. ito&' ol imt@ .iatts: This tb indd ov6 indi@toB p'nlindg ro<br />

pst*lion ofminority shehd&6' inledsrs gcmdl inv.sor For@tid, 6 *'u a invcstd<br />

rilhrs ind€x orzlt dd Knluk(ZK)(2001)whhweidtsof3Svq2{%,and33%resl'eotivelv<br />

ti.r.u hda d!& "dn |tul:<br />

Ahir ompreh.sive ind.x ofjucic. $dcm nes6 judici.l pro'siontris, i(lcp'n&icc<br />

efici.ncy ond inpaniality snt rfordabililt speificallv, n is 3lb_divided into !) lnd'x ol<br />

Judicial DDfe$idclis b) Index ofjudicid iidcp€nddce c) ind.x ofcfficie'ct ofjudiciary<br />

md d) l.srl stcd imp.nidlary ed lfordrDiliiv wirh wcisbre of l6V\ 32vq 2t tr%'<br />

Esp.rtilely. Thes indic.s e tudier exDlaied b.lo*:<br />

7 2 t t.2 t. Llde of Julicid Drctesio4litd: This mlets l) a numh.r of pMtdud aclio's<br />

Equnld unljl dE 6fo|eqt oaj'rdgnd.nd 2) indq ofjudge.nd hw'crs' with cqul<br />

7 2.11 2.2. Ihlle, of,h.ticlol ituLbeh&Ne: '|nh .g8Fgdtes diffeEnt judicial independene<br />

ndu6 fim dilLEnt 5u'u lrmelt wFE, wEf ,nd b Pon ct !l (LLPS) (2{XX), {ih<br />

*cilhk of4396, 4396, .tn l4% e+edi*ly.

7-2 t.t.2.3. ttute' ol.frci2w ot 'uaicin: This indq includes difrednl judicial eficieN)<br />

md!€ lilc l) 1,. Don! d al (tl-s\4 (199) a Emciocv ofLsll fr!rcmrt in&x of<br />

wEr, alons wftn 3) p€opl€ i*s !o junice, 4) index d"Ibtorv tim€ limits od 5) dumtion<br />

Eom fodgina mFpf.i. 10 afoemor of vcilkr, *itl' Misl r of 22v' 25to' 21qt lA%' 'trl<br />

'TlLThis<br />

sub ind+ .SsEeares dilI.EnI<br />

i.disto6 otlained fod sude)3 of individul tnd busims Ellrdite l) inp3rtillilv ot@uni<br />

2) iFslle Fymcntl mod€ fd ravomble jdicial daision. jusli@ 3) afrordlbililv 4)<br />

coristeNy, sd 5) hon sy ol 1.8!l svsem 6) iid.x ofjudicial svsrd bv 'nterp.s srev'<br />

and 7) cqulity ol cilizns under law and eN ofcnizons tro a Noniiscfihinliory Judichry'<br />

fi.n rcislib e 16r! l6v. l(l,/q 1696, | 6%, I2'lo. and lrl% Espelr*rt<br />

7,2,1,1,3 r.rr€x ot r..w hfo@hd lslul:<br />

ProrEr judici.l sysl.m sho d b. lided wirh.li&iive low..lo@mol m4honisD fd lroper<br />

enfoMftnt oa pbFny nghls. Tlis cmFlhensiv€ ind.r @!m tsious fa€'s or h*<br />

..foGme rorlbly l) Ttx cvsion, 2) Rist or cdlisrio., 3) Relidbililv and<br />

pbfcsioElis oa polie ,id 4) o$d law .nr@tu efri6 5) TdutE, Extnjudicitl<br />

Killins, Polilical hpn$mcnl, ond Disptebde indiootoB 6) Orsoniad cdmq 7)<br />

B6inc$ ds of crine rrl violdce, 3 dd 9) 'n*it l@s Their *cights e r2%' gr' e<br />

996,117q llolq 16o10, l5v. ind 12%respetiv.ly.<br />

'nd.r c. F&r dbrr.y {sl:<br />

Is. ofpoticy insLbili.y m'inlt 'iss b*!ue ofinsbl. political innhdid.<br />

This compde.l of isl Educin! &ch.6lo8, eveE i.su6 rcnsd in lh. inde{, such as (l)<br />

Exedire consdints (2) Milir..y i e.f@re in olc of lN ttd lhc politiql pIlB .nd o)<br />

stlbiliryolD€m€nrio Innn(ionsw n *igbkof 38%,217q md 4l%Esp@iively

7.2.2, tnd.t o, Antt4gnt e.klne le.hnoloths (ti)<br />

Prcdabry Enrs can bc glin€d rhrcush weat inslitutionaliztid ol risk @d@ins technologics<br />

thi1 .d€re l@phol6 in inenidiv. d *ek insrndio's nrt index feuscs on l*hnololics<br />

which hclp6 climinst $€ tin& of dr' A@rdirylv, it is eMividei inb lnr indbs<br />

nloely index of Inelitotionll Ents! index of Policv Ens ond index of Polili€l Fnts aith<br />

w.igtr of l5va 36vo ud 2C'lo 6p@liwly Bief d.eiptionr of diffmnl sub indi€s aE<br />

7,r-r hd.! of lr|iru6!.1 R68 (Rii):<br />

Tlis ind.x erclusilely fau*s on lhoe rcnb dlt di$ duc lo {4( inslituios Pro ding<br />

d.til cov.dg. of diffmt innituliml w4kne$ in terricule, tnh ind.x rNuss on a)<br />

R€slhrcy od Bl@lelic Uffrciocy h) E e of doi.g bBi'B aJd .) C(ftFriotl. silh<br />

w.ishls ot l47r 32% a4d l4vs ftsD.ctively. Sumdary Mouil of@h h giv.i below.<br />

7.2.2. LI Rco'/ltufl rad Bo.tudic E6.i.n!: This indcx feus io @surct diis qulilv in<br />

teins of 1) blMdmy sls lnd 2) hindtuce 10 busincs, 3) farotilisn in dechions of<br />

sovmtud otrEi.ls 4) hliLn of spv.dndr Esulttio lri Cov.nmcnt Etrdlircn*<br />

indi€s oa5) rCRo,6) BERI ed ?) wcl, *i6 *eishls 6r t4v\ trA, r5%. lt%, r5%,t6%.<br />

7,2.21-2 EBrdtui4ElBjE t:'rnn in&x aaB all tiN i.sritulioml inFdindL |hrr<br />

pEvdr so@rh ftdioning of businds. SFcificllly lhis index fdns on l) R.nk,2)Tim.<br />

({hysl l) co6i (% or inm. p.r dpin), 4) .st ard limc ind.x 5) rh. numba or prs€duEs<br />

6) dlning I b8ircs ind.x of EFW, ,) Eguldory qulity indq of ICRC .nd 3) bBiBs

6*doD ind.x of llsit se. Th.n weaghis ate l4%, l?96' l2olq l9vq 5r/r' lsvr' 8r/'' 'd v/'<br />

7.2 2.1-t t@d. t'tbt oI coftdtup: tlft in&x is 6dns sMi d'd i' o t) In&x or<br />

CmFrion, b) l.d.x ot Bnb€rv aid c) In&x of A.li C@pri@ Enfo|@dr w n eishrs or<br />

arq, a.l'o ind | {q4 €pectiveD. TIEE &bik e liren belo$<br />

7 2.2 1.3.1 th&t otcotuption: flik consbs ol indi€loN measuring co'trol ofcompti@<br />

nom diit E l su6 'ite t) derpri* $@v, 2) opeiiv. 3) LLsv' 4) lcR6' 5) BERI 6)<br />

Tl, 7) wcl $d s) poblic ad 9) dFH. siE 'd'ics id'i ol clobal ConFiitrcN<br />

Rcpon (CrcR). fl*n ei8hts e 1'/\ t!' \e/a lrv\ rc'4 rtt4\ tt/q l2o/a tnA lt'A<br />

7.2.2. ) 3 2 ltule, of Bribetu: Ilis indsx exolusilclv feDs on indicolon rGuring e$tnt of<br />

bribes or exl6 p€ytu.nt giv.n lo oanchb lo s.l lh. wo* dm bv busind 'nd individuals'<br />

ll imhd.s I ) lnfomll Porft.r b FubllJ Omciols 2) EFW bnb€rv i'rL" 3) Plving Mbd 16<br />

s.1 rnh!5 .ro.q 4) Fri.dnsn eL .l- (FJgx2o00) hrib.rv in&4 snd t Erpods bdb'rv<br />

indel fi.ir rcigl !!rc2lvqry4 2tr 23v\and23'/ot6r4rtctv.<br /> l:nle, ot tdt Cbnwtion Enfbtewnt: Tnis fdDs on captcilv or l|!le orgs lo<br />

enrm Anli oonplid ncoEs lhh pcrtlln, io I) lar 6 well62) cnforc'meni 4dcics'<br />

Tt'* @ wirl'r.d .qully.<br />

72.22 Itu .t of tulLt tu (Ni):<br />

Thed sF also mE thd si$ Nh.n govinnent follo*s pml*tionist policv cEaring<br />

i..lficienci6 by potecrins in fioienl6ucine3 This indd i subdivid.d into a) Ind.x of<br />

@npdirion .nd Dotlct ms b) Indei of l-i6s.s, p.mib $d Es1'ictid c) Prie Mtrols<br />

d) lodd ol Sh.dow my !d lr|cx of R.gutrby qu.rq ukd fin wld s{)a.ll1.re

indicarom Nnh weiehts of 2lvq 20v", 1594, 18% sd 267q E+cctiv" Fudhq detlils e<br />

Th6 ind?x @*N EclMtr o4..iariotr<br />

tnlensiry of l@l @Pctitio, Ect of n. cl domil,m bt ld plavc6' F@dom or<br />

Priwlc Busine$es and Coop.talives ro compel' in Mdlec' 'rrcnt o' markel lib€mlit'tioD<br />

dd govoodt oMcd buiis it nsrt tt TlF* !E weighted 2Jvo'|te/' 21v' t4v\ ad<br />

7.2 2.2.2 hdd ot Li.ews ftnits ann e*tutkn: Thh sub ind* ol Flicy Ert dggcg0les<br />

ardioloE meNrinstdminishtitEquircmonr busindhavc ofulfill'{hich<br />

Regll.rory E5tictions on t||. sk of dl poFlv, inclu&s Eloding aquimots s wll ts<br />

Fgll.rory rcslricrion in ob|!ini4 licen$s, consEuc.ion pedns l sl$ ircludcs tnl<br />

idcqull iiy 6 il indic.les po licics favoing el iles. ]lEs vd.bl€s !ft weighl€d 9olq | 6%, I 6%<br />

ZJ24J& d S@w *"-*, rhis conponar of policv mrs indidG 'xt'nt or<br />

infomrl Mnomy. l.fomal or shadow stor nom.llv rhiv's wh'n th'F !E l@ hNh<br />

@rplidE od EsDl sy hind@s lhll dclc6 rall bBindes dd sbn_ups' As a Boll<br />

ilEy pEr.r ro Bo DEpod.4 lnd p.ErH eMy.ftrs6. 11 irclud6 l) FnN omp'li's<br />

asainst unrcsiscred 6ms. 2) shldow econmy s % ofCDP l) Umfticial E uomv indcx of<br />

H (Z ind 4) bl,ck malkd pemiun. Thet wcisbts e 9vq 29dl., 29% ond 32% Esp.clirclv<br />

,.2.2,i, l$la ol ?olrL.l Lnt (Rpt):<br />

Th b index neNcs th. cxt.d or pover SiveD by idnudo.s lo pol iiictl anthorilies Powd<br />

*ithoul @bbilily lnd ch.ckr wuld o@e M0icl of i.G€n bdren politiql<br />

.urhoni6.nd l|ien @6titl@is. This i.d.x is turdF dirid.n inb: (l) Indcx of Poniql<br />

Account bilny €) Indcx of polirical pnnicip{ion.nd @p.titih.s (r) Index olcilitn

Rights and 4Index of Voie qith *eiShls of tb.ot lElq 2l%' 179lo<br />

lhile reighl of 22vo is givcn lo Voie and .6ouhbilit, index<br />

122;J-Jt!!!]-!I!!l!84-1!r!]Pr!h4!4: 'ftis index covm dir*nr ispet or pubrio<br />

!@unlability. spcif@lly it ove6 l) rl* Dosibilitv $d ltw pDvid6 lo hold lop<br />

Sovemncnb om€ dll minie.u !@unisbL oa ft.n dios 2) txtd ol Public dielNE<br />

!tuI atsntlbilily of pftliimcnrorims .nd whe Er coun c.n underrdk' juditial €lies of<br />

l.sisl.lixi l) .fienY.ns of dE otrB ol dbuds,m, ed 4) dditor a'ftml q olhcr<br />

plblio amu .bilitylsocies ften weishrs !E 23iq 2994 t67q dd 2Z' E+eliwlv<br />

7.2 2 3.2 INkt ol tuliti@l MbiAtion dni mnntiti1eresN: fhis indd nGuG lhe extnl<br />

of politkjl cmFtiliwtr.ss, l) ru16 gpvcmi.s chief cGuiw Edirins ud 'ledions 2)<br />

l.vel plrying fi.ld tovid.d to pohicol plnicipans,3) foirc$ dd impanialitv of el*lonl<br />

p|l:|(:tss ed ,4) n*lm to cnlrs. in po|nid eivitie! 'fi'n {eiclt' e 2ttn' 24v\ 26%'<br />

7 2.2.3 3 lhae, of CiltalltLa: This indd Ms@s l) th. d€nr oI freodom PDvided to<br />

cirit wi.ty dsrnizlioot ud D cnias' -6 lo ed.nmor i.fmllio dd bcaic<br />

govemn.nl rcoords wiih a E.sorbl. tin p.iod All eb.@Fmls * w.ighl€d €qulty.<br />

7.2 2 3.1 lnAd ol voice: This ind.x n6ues nenom of s.dia and p@ss .s well s ti!.dofr<br />

olcitizN to sie rh.ir @nds, Civil libcdi.s, ts.din .rd F* n*dm !e rci8n&d 1596'<br />

10% and 357. Ep€civery,<br />

Figudrivc d$riplion of ln.s indi@s is pbvided iD FigrE ?, *he@ dMipnots ofsb<br />

indi6 .E povid.d in hbL l L D.bil deiptio ol rlEir d.r. $uMs is iNlud.d in

f.* xt: t$.n6 of ltdtwtu pa cNnt, @d l, d6bn ot w

Ri31<br />

fdr. t : oeeierr. stod'.'6 ol vod.rtb' llrdfttlEd) !t'd hr^' ffi<br />


Rtt3<br />

5illi2<br />

5illl5<br />

silri3<br />

siDiS<br />

siui6<br />

Sitildi<br />

SiUfi<br />

siDli<br />

sil12<br />

sirL3<br />

si|r5<br />

si|16<br />

sitLT<br />

situ)<br />


7.2.2 D.ta Sou..es.nd Descrlptiot<br />

ou index covqs l4l @unlics, enonp!$ing nost ofwond populolion The sludv dmrlovs<br />

EN dltn 100 dt6 sl)llB p.a!ini4 lo th* dutrd in rh' @nnnctio of i'd'x'<br />

Howev.i d.l, srre6 vary lrcm @utrv io counlrv Fd contns lke Columbi! d Mexicq<br />

havins cxrcnsive ovedge. hrv. I l|) dlto $urce @h, rhe@3 olniies such as Mva'6s'<br />

Norlh Koo d Cubq h.w @pd.livelv fa w@ i € 19, 2l tnd 22 Esp'clivclv D€lail<br />

*dita old.$ d.ra su@ @ giw' in Taile 12 Thir indq ism'd€!po'l4l witbles<br />

ioc ludi ng indices, mvsing w ide mnge ol insrilutiona l mc'sufts som€ ve 0bl€s htv' dtt! for<br />

lrl ounirid tud for o$cr l.s Mininun @vcdgc of dv ve'able is 12 @nttic' This<br />

nrl6 . rot l of 14,696 &h poids in d€ in&x D6criF{iv' $risi6 of tl@ v'ri!bl6 *<br />

psvided in Table ll Ddlil dsription otlh.s \€ntblB llong wtlh d8b src6 d'<br />

Fovidcd in App€ndix A !trd B siM lhe iid.x poides a m.Nure to judge thc level or<br />

dnr.i.s' idituti@l .ld€lopm.nq * 6*. dEir Elrc d .wEgc of | 0 b 12<br />

post. M6t ol or !a.i0bl.s ar. .vedg.s from lhc v6<br />

'qB<br />

of 'unr<br />

1995 ro 2003. vtry few v'iail* hove<br />

only singl. oh&flltios bul rh.s b.long lo @nl p0s! nol srlit $m 2000 Dcloil of<br />

o@g. on 4h verbh ir rhoM in .pfddix A Kofnm cr tl (2008) idi€16 dlr thca<br />

indiccs changc very litrlc ov.r rinc and dqpior qsi.teablv hirh coftlation b.l{cn cumnt<br />

.nd lacsert valu6. Eva if som. vdi.ble si$ifiomllv ch48. over lime irs<br />

'flcct<br />

i'dcx wdld mt b. nuch .nd suld nor p{od@ my signifionl .fcr in $c Nlvsis<br />

in !$ECtrc

f'b!. * F@ E,nt'{ntoi 6d srttdott b@d d Pttr.lc.lc^tent<br />

,r.rt & a,6tdd, trat<br />

€n'*n69m5oisq,ddiF<br />

:J g:'l*.<br />

4ll!!?<br />

1Z?!:! e1g4 !?,!4S1 !!l!!1 a!e99 elqe

IrtiL 15: Erhcr.d Fxtor b.dln!5 .nd *ltl*. .os sdodl

tu t*ro. ldqs d'.4tltE ltud,

7,2.3 Aggre€atlotr Mslhodolog/<br />

Sinilar lrgtEga d n.dodolorv is applioj in @nsr.ucring $is ind'r 6 *d atptiql b'lN<br />

in annu.l<br />

'ndd.<br />

!owcv.r, in oontucrion oflhb index fd voritbLs had ulue 6d v'n's<br />

wid.ly in the odgin.l $r, c s nunb* of d"vs rcquist lor onhcr "f@tunl *hich nav<br />

80 up ro lTOo d$5. For il.e vsiabLs lhc ddimun Mge (v*) h sel 01 125 s1 &^l<br />

d.vi4ios alow iv€6g. .nd outri6 *ath vd@ dddc of th€ V^ @ivct Fli'gs<br />

equivild lo hieh.n vrls of th. oulrv whieh is jnside $e mgt Th* rsiables tft $'n<br />

nodlriz.i th@by onvcning sch veiibL lo d ind.x *irh a arc t

& t5t tb ti?&. olttlc/dtnmo,.t l,,'/rdM't.'t l@.d.''',Jt,/<br />

taebt .x


f.bt' 1r: kd.' ot tn'.tturtoian dI s.d.ttu.nnotou lct6 t dtonttl ttd ht<br />

tuh t'rlka t@u4 'dr.d b, ttsf Mr<br />

t;<br />

5J<br />

!ts I 5 n:- iF<br />

f; i E<br />

!a<br />

4<br />


,.3. Rctultt dnd ComPartsons<br />

-llis solion ftpons index of insliniddalized eoial l6h,olosi6 (ctN_stiodl) ed ilr 3!b<br />

indies. A lo1!l oflen dojd indi€s m pdvid.d !s En'ded in Tobl€ 16 ed 1 $lc I ? olher<br />

sb 'ndi6 o. b. found in .'n ol cn rrer .pp.ndix 'IrE sodv ha d$ udcn'*6 q€rcF<br />

or comparins the index 6f inslilutio@lizd sial tdhtologv (cN_sciomD wilh olher<br />

indi6. Mdy indies 0E aYAihblc in liledluE @vcnng vlriols is4 ol d'volotndt To<br />

|!$dlEl! knowLdga m etlblkh.d in&t disls Ndng nm d ls l|r! 5@ vdanl6<br />

rhat ore covsql it lh. lgrcher'3 index llowcvcr' lor the purpGt ofcoDp"isn' the studv<br />

hs el@icd evcn indi6lhal @ be $id !o b. Fnitllv<br />

frl.i.d lo Fsrchcls inda Tlte<br />

!€ I) stalB Ind.x 2006, B.rltsm Tmsfomlion Indq GTD, B'nclstnn Fomdtlio'l<br />

Beni., cemary, !try,!sirtsrEuD:s!i![!.&, 2) Av.r.g€ Countrv Rtnking (1996-2006)'<br />

Eenmic FFcdtn of lne won4 Emnic Fedm Netqorl, Ftlg L'nilulg 3) AveES'<br />

oveBu counrry S@€ (l9r-2009), In&x of Dondi. FEdm, Th€ lEritig' Fomdltio<br />

and Dow Joica & comllny, lnc, 4) tnstnutions Ssi.. Globll Conp'titivc Repon 2007_03'<br />

wdld f,@odic Fl)l@ t) Avmgc Counl., Sff (2{M43), Clotal incgitv indea Globll<br />

Inlegnry R.pon .s*.Slobalintecriry.dg> 6) cd.t v risk m*ingq eudnomv<br />

ud 7) D€mocdcy Rok, wond audl ' World Coiem' Erylrid<br />

For comprrien, rh€ EsRhd hG tried our Sp4o.t'3 R{k CoGhtioi' fdosing on<br />

ordiMt infomrtid 6 wll 6 P@n oftlotion f@usitg on dE inhlal b.iw*i<br />

oheMridi ar ldlts (shoM in Tant 18) indicire Mh.f s inli6 h.v.. hiel' dcsr<br />

ol cdeladon with all .h. evd indi€s on borh grcunds - h.ving th. high61 avedlc<br />

clreldid @fiici.nl mong oll. All lrehtim ccficjdG @ rl$ hieltly signiliMr. Ir'.s

El.rio.s[ipa @ .le b. s iqn stur Dlol (.hom in liglE 8) clarlv slwina @61'ni<br />

-cnl*.9itd1bd6hlr8.t<br />

'fu.''fu.ho6dpa<br />

f.tt ra: cfiL d nkh.*tz tndtet, c6 t atnd*tkt

f,ta t at'tt to'fih..t 'tu<br />

. B.d.lu. Tn06r.tit l.dd<br />

!<br />

I<br />

t<br />

b. Eddk ltr.dot or o. wor|d on4r)<br />

t<br />

T<br />

I<br />

.?'<br />

.,,t'*t<br />

rd.lrffidll.a-d.lbdrcrt1d6.&{ l<br />

.. .: .a<br />

lidd olridtltloiJt d cd dm|.at {6..cld.ll

., hdd oa F.oronl. ar..doD (E ni.g.)<br />

,s<br />

d. Glohd CorFddrc r.&r<br />

26<br />

e<br />

:;.<br />

E<br />

..:.iff!::'<br />

ridB drnrtundi,. dr bd'ior4vlod.tut<br />

,.'.i..'tl"<br />

. ,;..j1.;,t"1'*it<br />

|e.arde.r-a r.dr bd..rBr lc8 -dr.dl

I<br />

E<br />

515<br />

E<br />

-.i,i':i'l''"<br />

. . l - iDlT"r ;r+,r<br />

r_ !r!1. -<br />

'rl<br />

'-. i.t'F4-<br />

ry kM 3.dlci.rt<br />

-.'il'F"*+<br />

rdrorrsilddrk d!&tdmhryldl6irl<br />

r<br />


Tt<br />

ft4<br />

t"<br />

t"<br />

lr<br />

t<br />

of 'tli. I<br />

}t{'r*,<br />

ol o! o,a<br />

r..-..re.h.r r..r r.an r.t(Gt d.'r{

Chapt2r Taprynth At Detoilen l?Jllttltr ol'r',,e I'/l.x ol ln$iaftonolited<br />

SocialTcchndqlet (.mJsr'gf,'ttonal) o l irs sab indtes<br />

!<br />

Idbhrutun sv,,n t Mtt ttt stb hlxstd"" hv t fithttl9l dd*<br />

I<br />

IE<br />

!t ,a<br />

I4<br />

E !TC<br />

if<br />

i!E t, aa I!fs !E<br />

i<br />


f.hr 70: aalet n'ttob ttdk '<br />

Index of Regulatory and Bureaucratic Efficiency (RiB0

Index ot Ease ofdoint business (Riei)

Index of CorruPtion {Riccori)

Index of Bribery (RicBrii)

lndex of Anti corru ption Enforcement (RicEnfi)

Aggregate Index of Corruption (Rici)

Index of Competition and Market

lndex of Licenses, Permits and Restriction (RlLi)

lndex of Shadow economY (Rlsi)

lndex of Political Accountability (RpAi)

tndex of Political Participation and competitiveness {RPPi)

tndex of citizen Ri8hts (RPR|)

lndex of Voice (RPvi)

lndex of contrad Enforcement (SicCi)

Index of property rights (SicP-pri)

lndex of Investors rights (sicP-ini)

index of Investment and Financial rights Protection (SicPil

Professionalism (SiljPi)

lndex otludicial Independence (Siljjdi)

lndex of Efficiency ofJudiciary (sillfi)

lndex of legal System Impartiality and AffordabilitY (SiUii)

Part 4: lnstitutions and Sustainable €conomic <strong>Growth</strong>:<br />

A Global aDalysis<br />

Thir prn .ims to cnpiiiollv t*l wierhcr insitutions plav a p'volal rol€ in dhieving<br />

e,rlaobl. 6I@ic spMh- Tht.h!Pr.r p@nB t dot'l gtpind @lvsB whirc<br />

cl.ord 6 b q.tunrclt d.vo&d lo qplc iidir!ftos gdrn dpitis in dttcloping<br />

noric. the drims hse dEn M $| of probbns dxl dv@i6 TlErfoG' lo<br />

dDiridllv .s$ $c Dh ol innn'nios in &wloping Mries' thk in't* 'or onlv<br />

lc{uica ! *idc t4phbililv whi.h niinslM 8ro\rh thdies night not sjov de lo<br />

l.ct ofoonv.tgoe, but ole h.lps fomuht polki" !o ehicv' sGlninabL !rc*th<br />

smildrokhlrdd.lop.d suntn6 hrve ehreved

Chapter 8:<br />

Evidence<br />

Do Institutlons Eflect <strong>Growth</strong>? A Clobal<br />

h:}:SL"",.,".""' *dh M'6,h6u,n'n''n*ot oNNs^ h'hk'tuP"' tue' ot<br />

:::^:::;;;;;,, ftd,N,os,6 tpanat 2ooz u<br />

::ffi:k #; *,ffin lYx ;:;n: m : ; xr,:!: ;'#!i irfi<br />

:::i;-'xn:;*ti-*::':";::i:x'::-#,":^[r"Y:#:;H<br />

:ffi #'-ii: n' A:#^r:i': rn ; *' : ;:*';'.x:Hrn H;x"<br />

ffi #rtx ;#;M*'m' mnx*:w;t:<br />

This srudy k .n !(cmnt 10 Bl empnicsltv lhe ole of insliluri'n on Mndic develoDme't<br />

s-rs w lnd mbst ndno{,ologl' D@m'tric l@hniqs b'ed on CG'stion 6 vcll 3s<br />

P@l editutid *d €mplo'.d fq '$iturio lngiNdd facd is ctptuEi in cmpiri@l<br />

nod€t by index of inslirurionaliud s$ill ehmlogid tsel)<br />

2002_06 For CclvcrioE<br />

Ol,S is dtplicd, *nh sveoge valucs ol 2002'06 shoving one obsoddrion pq oounq This<br />

ldhnique .lthouBh b plasusl bv aboGn'ntion'd @noneinc pmblms' bul it diEcllv<br />

Ela,ta to wtfrpodry gF*rh lir.BtuE H'nc rhis @uld s6 * ! @sis&dr chdl( on<br />

$en firdin85, fior P€nel cslindio, using pooled cos{@rv dd incsties d'14 oE<br />

ltsdhd fi6t cmploved OLS lo a@Dl nr @wlrv spdific 'ltsts' and th G'neEltd'l<br />

Mdhod of Mon.nrs lcMM) 'lvdmic pan'l estimaloN b obhin noft p€re stmdes<br />

Sp€oifically, CMM dymmr Finel 6tioltod ft dsigned lo ecolnl lor edo8EnNs and<br />

onin d vldabtcs .s wcll s ounltv speific 'fr@!s ld mov€ th' 'ffel of ddogdos<br />

djoblcs, l.g of d.pdtrhnr wiable s *ell ir indcFnd{! vor;hlrq ft lscd ts ittu'Mc<br />

lor GMM D!n.l csriddids Pffil GMM .sirulion oerhodolo€t is bsed on Fiar difierenF

as w€ll as sydod cni6oro. fisewo* CMM b!$d dvnonic P'ncl Svsled enmatun<br />

otpo*h EE tlt imDoves the qurlnv oi insldments Re$lb ba*d on bolh Dure coss<br />

stiod' 6 *cll rs p.rcl .einaEs, 6ins bo$ OLS 8i OMM dv mic p'rcl neoodolosies'<br />

prtrdE v€ry @Nishl fitdingJ: lnlitutidot qulirv is pcirivelv .ssitcd wnh dsmk<br />

eb*lh Thc E,u[s oe sls p€sed rhmush sF ifiElion Lsls md sm to bc rchur b lh*<br />

lesrs. Thh has blctcd e3.ehd's pEvio6 fiidinss lnd turlhmorc lh'* rcsuhs aE rEe of<br />

birss ctusd bv .ndoscnous veiabld 6 wcll ts in'ppDprblcre$ or instruncn$'<br />

Th. Er ol th. ch.prd is oledizcd d follo* scclio 2) rkdbcs dtlr l) ResFs'on<br />

spdificatio.. 4) Cd slioMl mlFit 5) Pecl Ant\sis !d 6) CMM besdl dvndic ptFl<br />

csiiDarion dd 7) .xplains Fsults e) civB c@lusions dd rrhmdorNE'<br />

8.2. Datu Desctiqtton<br />

TtE &pqdcft vsi!!l. is the GDP gsrh in @l l.d Ttr* ft two sts ol inltFndenr<br />

v0riabl.s. Fid h the insritutiml voi'blcs ind @nd is orhd 'ontol variabl€s fic<br />

rcearcherbl@ index olin$ir ionlli4d s@irltdhnolo4/ {pdel) 2002-06' as *ell ts its sub<br />

intiEs of Rist cdeing tehnologies .nd Anli_ttt skjtg iehtuloai's for m'r$Emenl of<br />

Mqid dlol tdlbl.s uh s Oos dm'sri' svings s % of GDP lnflotion 'td Torll<br />

TFde as % of Ot P aE tate. liDm World Dlvclopmfli lndi@lo6'WDt (2008) Dip€denr<br />

vdiatle Rdl CDP pet clpib is bli.n frn tLslon md Sndnqs (2009)' whil€ edMlion<br />

{bontoMt oi Hlmu D.wlopn.nt i.d'x pdv fs hlllM dDi|,rl is llkd lilm Hu@<br />

developmdl lndcx_UNDP (wiou v4u), Tcbt' 2l giG d'biLd infomtrion abonl thc<br />

vdirblB and $.n dd! $ue

t& 21: E rldla vdt.,}" M. tddt dtd<br />

'E dttttul<br />

R€"I--GDP p?GPrd ,06 PP dt*ded<br />

'i4 -<br />

.onnrnr P G lchah se'i6l h uto illdpo' es u<br />

,'i,! cop ,""'<br />

" "..' "^ *<br />

"' '' '* *"<br />

i265PP?dd.d6i.gcdn.nr<br />

UsD (isdPul (6.d rd iritd GoP i d<br />

Grcwrhnt ol RealcDP per..plb, PPP divefr'd<br />

6rcsd6m..ikevh$(9tof cDP) 6rc$domef'<br />

sv6 n. akllated s GDP 16. i.Dl @nimpton<br />

€re.ndlture lrY 6Ds.ron-z!l<br />

hfrn- --frnion, @s@' p&' c.""J ttl h<br />

''n@dE<br />

nav b. t r.d d .6ansed at 3pe.lfi.d l't'Mk' 'u'h as<br />

vea.lv. Th. laspeYres lomola ls seneHrlv us'd<br />

(rP.cP1I9!!l9r<br />

Inde lr rh. sum ot dp.6 rnd inpdB ol 3ood6 and<br />

*ni6 tu&r.d s a sh:r. o{ g16 d@stt p'dud<br />

-<br />

rnd.r or R&r rcdud.c rednolod6<br />

hd.' of anii-Ren( eehns T6hdosr€t

&3. Regressio,sryIfrco.Ion<br />

specifiottion ol $is nodv is blsd on conbining go*dr lhedias snch I solow {19t6)'<br />

Ron€r(1986)andLuds(l98s)*irhNonh(198|) Sp@ili@ltv Mod€6 src*1h lh@ries and<br />

rhei' mpkic. pm J( rhr .ri'l'nc ul (ont(4encc $heE lonre'8en c i)<br />

'onJniontl<br />

conditioml on rocto6 so. of whioh 6ft dlttd !o iNrilurions The olc ol lhts insritulions<br />

in do@mic gro*lh is eflain'd bv Nonh in tonr&t rlForv" lnd a "psdllory thorv" orthe<br />

sbt- To a$ss lhe ole! lh. E*tnh€r hls u@d lollo*ins sr'nd4d gov$ EsFs'o'<br />

rmewolk rhich nstlv aollo* ero$ah dpinca It'EluE' swh s (Bdo l99t; Mdkit 'l<br />

!1. ,992;0d l4ins.nd R.mlt l99l)<br />

/\= ro+ ftt,+ f/' + et<br />

wh@ t is d. @ rv .nd a is lh. €mr tm- nE c@nmic 8to*'rh /t' is .|€sEd bv<br />

chuge 6 th€ cDP i. dl tcds , $nds fd innnldod vtn Lr slE@x' is the €ror<br />

of dhl wiobl6 lG orh.r d.emidnb or so{h'<br />

olh.r deremiM|. olsroslh d.mLd bv f, itclu& vtrisbks b drtrt lr o$s fadm $tr<br />

infiE@ sm*rh- In mpidal li&jntutq lhcE h m dbblhrEl plit'd of i@lsion or@nbl<br />

wiabl.. Md slerxidt e t6.d o ad h* t!F@h studis lik' r'vi@ ltd Rdell (1992)<br />

dhplay lbour 50 @nhl vdabl.s rhd @uld b' imludcn in Egtlsio rodels tn thi' gudy'<br />

vlrilblcs Pn ininB ro innill ddilionq mtc@nomic slibilily, human spitll s ngs od<br />

Ote.n€$,8 u*d 's conlml vadables<br />

The 6st ontol veiabl. &serib€c inili'l @ndi'ioni llsting lhe modtl fd co'v'rg€ne a<br />

de$rib.d io ncNh$ioal sblih mon.ls (Solov 19t6) qould esult ir munE! grc$rn iale<br />

exhibit neeiilite rcl!1ionship *ith ils innial incomcs lnk shows pmr dnttics lend to 3Io{<br />

fo$ss rhan rh. iioh on s bur n h condiliontl up" insriluliontl $ctox Here rhe ffiEhs<br />

rcsts lhe elidens ofconve4.nc. oonditional upon olhct laclos lite insliturions

l{u6on opiLql lle sens ro sld$ins consid'nblc innucrc on grc*lh !1 flsr'ns fie<br />

pc6s oi innovarion df new go.ds and l4hnologici uhidoielv diving goMh and<br />

Drcductivitt, heDce it could be positivelv Ehrcd b !rcwth Thh mnclusion is tlso suppon'd<br />

by l]!m (19!1,0 22) ln gn h emlirica' 'dsdion a tinneDt is wid'lv Nei !s a poxv ol<br />

humr. ootiul and is m6urgl 'itfid bv litchcv ote dr Primrv sch@l cnFlm'nl rn otrr<br />

study, * t*. rh.n @bined 'fr{r bv includ'ng €drErion eb indq ot lluma<br />

D.wlopmc in&r(tlDl)-<br />

Me(xdonic $bihrt tacb tn SDqh mpinci i' nmlllv crptut€d bv @nsumd nne<br />

innrtion. tl is found thd hishd prie insbbililv wolld hdr€r @nonic<br />

grcMh ( Komtndr<br />

md Mcsuire 1935; dd Gris tnd tull@k l9s9), hcnce @uld have a 'egdive exlc'M !sn'<br />

Seving is rcpresc.l€d bv gcs dorestic sving 6s % of GDP With Dosiriv€ 'rp"Ld siSn<br />

savinS inpacl snslh thrcugh incssing investnenB h'ne would dcDicl ! p'smvc<br />

El.rionship (Modigliui 1970, 1990; Mtddien 1992: tnd Crml! tnd w'il 1994) Adle<br />

inponsi vtitSL irclded in dE cufrnt Eseh mo{bl is ftd' lib'Eliarion 16&<br />

lib.nlizllior dd opsD* leods ro Fnorc P'i€ dinonios bv LlE ring iNcstn'nr it t@<br />

of coop.tirivc tdvaneses, inclE*s lehnololv ldoDtid dd inpov€s pnduoliv' tnd<br />

allNotivc efiici.noy $e€bv nolinr 1he €oonomv io ils poduclion nontieN This pmdu@ !<br />

positiv. imp&t on gtuwlh dd &vclopment (lin, 2o0oi sutd ed Rmkrislm!' 2002) rn<br />

pdiculd, L.vim snd Rdeft (1992) erptoEd th'l lanc op'n6 irpacr on 3io*'ti tl'6ugh<br />

rh. chlNl of intlffmts 6ln. !€sro r@hmlog i3 4i"

A.4. lnsaltualons and <strong>Growth</strong>: Crots'szctlonol Analvsis<br />

Cdt4mpoory g..*$ empiri6 wh s (B@ lgli lnd rsinB dd R'clt l94l) seE<br />

tarEely b€5.d on c6 s4riod snldi6 CN e'liod sn'di6 misl't b' @fi$t'd rirh<br />

lbove n€nljonej eononelnc toblms Alliough nore bh!* and dvai@ cetnalon<br />

&chniques drc rvlilable howevq oB sdtioMl dtrlvsis is srill used in lhis slud] lbr the<br />

puiros oicompdi$n dd oonsislencv chcc* otr co cmposv findinEs Panel €stiMtion is<br />

mploted in ..xt $lir ro @nlionr s' of lh' ptohl@ in c|rFstion0l 6trmto'<br />

Vstblcs in $it dltsis @ bkq s av'd86 ot 2002-1}6 pqidts dd lclt'i in rhe folldinA<br />

lrt = lr' + flt+ Plt + €t<br />

HeE the dePidcnt vai.ble .lt shox thc gowrh r|te of rsl CDP P'r dpil4 rcpEs s<br />

't<br />

insriturions v.ialtl6 *hich mv eilh.r b' ih' A@ge in&t of innhutiotlizd sial<br />

i4hmlosi.! (paFD 2m246 d irt two sub indi6 @'lv Risl RtdEi's l ehmlogid dd<br />

Anri-Rcnl s*ldng T&hnologies TlFFs indi@s tE nor used rosFifier in 3inglc EgEsion d!'<br />

ro lh€ f'd ll$t rhcy mighl Epresnb hultioollin@itv' lhich ould be cvid'nt fom rer' high<br />

coftlation b€l**n lhm (Table 23) ,{ ftpd*nts olhor coorsl lditbld nmdUv Dsed 'n<br />

gro*rn Esisions -nts f!cl6 imlud. iniritl coditiod' svina: iutun qPitll' inflalion<br />

ed oF nG .xntain€d @li€. Tabte 22 summeizd degipti* fliiiG of the vlriabLs<br />

wlile TlbE 2] prc$nls .|rldion mtix

tul'l 22: D.stoth'. sb.E 16' M'4. ont 200245<br />

n-k-d"'<br />

'. *'-ds,a."'<br />

r@l<br />

d. Fd"d r6':45<br />

lst<br />

8.foE looking !l esribition €sut6, ! cu@ry look !1 Table 23 povides lh€ conchrion<br />

.@fici.nt dlnx lot lhe k v Ydrbles CDP Srwlh od olhd expldltory vniabl's sm lo<br />

cxhibat . significdt md Fxitis ofrlllion wilh $vinBa Dd mgative *ith inflltio lnd<br />

i.nill q

Fom Ertsid p.6p&livE lhir .Lo s!i!!& lntl' includ'd b th. s. EeFlld Dldt<br />

cF'1. Prbl4<br />

of nu[i@li@itY-<br />

r.* s: cdt tutt d|d.at liia ce@<br />

ffinco'Pc- !4U!9__!!g<br />

.253f) 32r{"1<br />

;6fi ;i^!;6|lh;i*,he oio rd 0rrrdr'<br />

r drM r.'$mdd rrh.0 05 rer PriEr'<br />

;;;Grn'c--*d'^s't"rirr'Fdr"'m'4<br />

TtF..lindir h ohL 2'l @hc ck'tlv tdi!d'3 ' |!brc tciliF irD"l of idddioDl<br />

vtLu6 d gwltr hitil GDP lF6 dD"!d i"'liE !i9| dd is tkft dgniftr ' ltb<br />

cb.ny hdic{d dF isn ofd!.!FE t Fqoc'd in rFrrh tidi6N'e.|iE 3i9 Cwr<br />

rtE cMdo *ili lN inili.l cDP hs aFi'nc'd hisl$ s$rdr d ud D@tbilnv ol<br />

cdhing up. ANrg olhs vdtbLr infldld ndN dDct'd Fg'dve sisn bd lnsiStlfisl<br />

ln .ll nod.li csft.iml of evlng3 dlo sn'iN polidvc !d hishlv 3ierjiliont |l l%<br />

ttdghoui, ok tlv slb*i!8 l[.t eltng it hltdcttLl !o g@lji d it inc|lc c.Pul<br />

d6ut ri6.rd inveFd<br />

Th. Irdrddl EiIi6' @6.r t.|! d. fcd dd paidrc q4t' ftr rill rdsbrt<br />

n'd4 Th& ildicG md! itrrhnnd qulltv Fddvdt' -d !ii6€t{v iiSEs<br />

so*rh. I! . t'murnio., $is rdds h.3 lEluibd '[ dE i'|dis in @ 'q!di6 lt I<br />

*l!E$d th.r vtrn u$d w n odk lnir0'{drl vttilbL'' |ndr sisnifi€D@ doq'"d<br />

@jddbty Fo6tblv beoE of hiSh mulllcoui@iv mons $'* v6i'bks D!' io dft

6c! tlF t!$IE E d dm s.!.nr.lv h rn@ a|ustiG OEll tl6 fi'ning Pnrc<br />

r!tult tlrridd p b.rcn itrEin|rim '!n aD*l||. HugF @fficia indi6tct' lq lot!*t'<br />

fid Mr8nd ii!revtMt in intin|tidl qElltv @ htd b osid'dltt stwlh Fd<br />

.xmDt.. if ! d.v€loping ournrv lik' Patisttn htd novqt 6un its ralrc of in$itutlon'l in&x<br />

b d. &wlopins oud) sn9l. nsa il sould h'rc grovn m@ $s | 5 p'@og' poifl<br />

nd.rFyd T|tuito L4.lsr tr! dtl&tingnmd<br />

gowlh pdr'in fd Ptldgtn'

!!g!::ql<br />

*-*<br />

R€CD'd<br />

ffrh 24: ktrhltld.nd EMk G'srh:wan sonFb c6'*dto'<br />

-<br />

^rm. Rf,r coP ?qqrqg!q4! 1!!!e!99<br />

(1) Gl r)<br />

c.rl.e$l.'<br />

(...r,3r3l.:<br />

.k"|d.-b.il.d|,ddhp-,i*<br />

. / .! /.... sr|nrolly,bnifiGnr<br />

o.o:|.21 OI)Ot|6a7<br />

{.09t332 {, t599<br />

4@!l q!!9!r<br />

{r.3,361t11<br />

o6.5$S<br />

!l!!9?!<br />

q?!!!!1<br />

ai r{x / 5t /rterp.dr€v<br />

I h the rc.rc$roi, thk vtlab4€ k inrluded as lq (t I vnlabrel<br />

r.'*2J.rreq.n 8!4.*1,026

8,5, tnsfint lonsan lcrowth! PanelAnaws<br />

Wc employ paftl estirotiM l{hniq6 io inpovc ugon rhe 6ults in oo$ sctiontl<br />

.nrltris. tt adds fttrher dimensid b tntlrb is il i@rp'ra!6 cMFv sFcilic errdls'<br />

opluni! dynmiG uique to @h @unlrv This *ill 6FuE Nddniml id'bilitv I slt'd!<br />

&vialio of cDP 8wl|| imBsd ftom 76% i' cN srids! $riris b 12ry' in Frcl<br />

srdiciB This .ddilioul witDnirv wold iol b€ optutd in cN stioMl odvti''<br />

Modrcri evcry @urv mi$r h!v' ! bn diff@r gorh dvnuiB s slm f'lod lhrl<br />

inn*n* o counLy. mishl b. ireldam lo dhc6 Th* @dntrv spccifio rtclod 'E ml<br />

o.pludd i. cs*slioml eslinalcs md sould bc inoluded in €sidul vhcFrs *e sn<br />

control lhh .fiecl in patel salvsis bv irlrcdocing dunmie( Table 25 shows delcriptive<br />

spstie for pancl dd4 fi.ss rabl. 26 distlavs @rclarion Mlrix whilc @paring ttbL 2t<br />

with bhL 2r, cdd.rd d€virtid of vri.bhs im'ws shsplv' rnich slb*t rhll ldd iml<br />

@lntty +cifi. hdaG d ml clttud h rndiriNl c@ sri@l nod'h HNv4'<br />

dd is rot suh ch4lsf in i.slituriNl wilbl6 srdi$K CdEltrim d|frcidL in |rbl'<br />

26 Emdn quile simile b p€vious mrlFis h'vin8 sinil" sign ad sisnifFe SimiLtlv'<br />

coftlrtion mong inslilutio@l diNbl6 d$ MdN higb ud signiffdl'<br />

1b a@u lor @DnFv sleilic .fect3 lnd ftx.d<br />

"f*l<br />

duDnv wntbb' d'e resrrch4 E$o<br />

lhc pdel dlysis bv sinple ol-s ptn.l EgE$ion *nh ciN 6utrv tix'd c'Tcct<br />

lpoilio d h...d o. equtlid 2

hb 25:.tt d6 4fl krnr tsdtie ,!nt 2&26<br />

Our pld mirs ordob for 34<br />

d6iSn.&t m ot dr* nFr@<br />

yt-ytut= l0 + ft"t + ilt iyY"+ a,+ et<br />

F.iod 2002-2006 Thus, dE sb$.ipr'1"<br />

Epcets @nrY Speiliorid ftr Parcl<br />

(Ec2)<br />

wh* l is ihe t&altL of sl p.r caPiu CDP, / Emsim innnution'l vrn|bles whilc X<br />

rcpr€senls lh€ el of olho €xPl.dlorv wrhbhs, 4 rcpd*nls counlrv sp€cific dtmDv e<br />

repft$its the qor lem. Fnal $Ec col'nnn! of$ble 27 show panel ol-s Esulrs Thc main<br />

nom $e cross_srion otinanon! .8 ooilim.d HiSI Insliluriontl scorcs do increEe<br />

'4lls<br />

sonh. M@v.t, oveoll 3i8nifiome of oths iidcp.ndcnt vlriables als codid@blv<br />

impo6 an pan l dodel. Confiimin3 rhis iudv €tults' tli€ snnarv indd !s well d rcni<br />

sking index Edain signiU6! &d Risk EdFing indq €roi.s icte li6nt All orhd

wiabl6 shov dtetcd signs oFnn6, ud innttio Etuits iN8Difiot *hilc edu@tion<br />

@ffci.nr bdms siSnill4t in D.n.l modcl<br />

A.5. GNIM'Inseil Dvnamlc Panel Estl',atlon<br />

In sxo{th models, lh€d misn1 b' v6ilhlcs ft'r aE 'ndogenous<br />

delcmincd ftom flclo6<br />

vnhin ndlel, For insl4@, if hislier invcalmdnt lcads lo gF*lh hi8her gmwlh niehl ciuse<br />

i.v€shmls. simildlv, hkher sr6*1h niShl b€ th' dsn for inpord'nl in institrtional<br />

quatry doe to Hrlo clr6t wh.G p€plc lom hiSh g6*rh c@tn6 mienl 6te Pr<br />

inriturions high For lh.e oss' inndn'nts @ ued to codtol &b poleitial probld of<br />

cndotflieg ln GMM .nnndid! hg8'd d'!'d€nt toilbls ft u*d 6 in3llundB b<br />

@hl fqddog*irv of rll Eg/ts6 lldds ldtricrllv spdtin& thG ntinod 6 onlv<br />

cotfrl fd wdl foitr of .ntrScni.tv siF n sd6 lhd lne varbbk e r€xrv<br />

cxogErous. wa*!v .toSsroc v!ri.bl6 d thoe l|i'l @ hc inDel.d vitl deF lal<br />

wiatl$ bul @ not (jmld.d wid tfi..d |.m Hdcs vdiditv of $k Mpiton d

yi<br />

Mt EMdk6,sr1|' weu st6tL' t nznt"dd<br />

G6*qdb or i.rr 6t or|b oqtlBl+lgo-L<br />

;A--r,t;rc eGMM'<br />

(r.13313!l'.<br />

t493L<br />

t1ez5g)!<br />

6- -Tiat--<br />

l-srorr<br />

(-2.9sf"<br />

{3.t3f"<br />

]L<br />

(2 334ll": p.65r" orl)'<br />

3,Dn td Itvru.l'<br />

tobr p.rcl (!'$da.6d) ob..d.dont:<br />

ccffbn nr.d ldumflv v. .bl6)<br />

qq4c<br />

. /-/-.,iedr!nFriodtrc/t{/rt.rpdrry'<br />

,*-i-"rcuu i..tru.t*<br />

' so. t'ru' t3r tsa - *at-'<br />

th s€ rssbq st vnhbr. r. h. ud.d:, b! lvrdrd.)<br />

}fi.nu||hvdh6tB6ar$.h*unfr<br />

'n.u nl*t'.t I' n",t'..-..<br />


For $k @tsis, CMM tEed Arcllsnc0ond and ArclldeBoes/Dtond'll_Bdd<br />

tvT' lin@<br />

drromic panel cstituiion is applicd (Holrz-Eltin' N6*'v' 'nd Ros' 190; AEIland sd<br />

Bond l9l; ed AreUdo sd Bovcr 1995) ln rhis rMlvsb ! nep Arclldo_Bond cslimlor<br />

Nnh robust srandard enor is uscd. Allhough 2{Lp estim or h moE elhciett' bur ilndard<br />

emr nisl bc downtddlv bi.sed lot smdll smplo Arelltno dd Bond (1991)' N in lhis<br />

ce. Eslimdion Dode, of equ.lion 2 is<br />

'lso tbllowtd nere' AEllmo_Bdd €stinalion takes<br />

the Fid difeMF rom or.quolion 2 This l!t's $' lollowins li61 diff€Ence tbd<br />

Jr- y*t= ItO ' r*,) + 11( I', ' tr ) ' 1t(XfX'l+(''rer|<br />

Gca)<br />

This lr tsfoDdion is dooe ro dhl nt poEnlitl bhes elscn ht omitaj wiabl6 s well<br />

s @utsy speifi. efr@t- lo @hl lor cndogcn'irv thh ndhod us lacgei ul6 of<br />

depqdenl s Nll d indcpcnd€n! vsisblc in kv'l lod N ins@ntt in equrion of fiut<br />

difr.€F fm Here, imlsion oll.gs.d dcp'n& 't l'wl ir dE to lfi' fad rhd @r iem<br />

in rrsl dift en@ cqulion (cq l) (€t - €h, Erdt b tt @Nl'icd *nh lvfrj _ vn'<br />

Howeve, BlunLll dd Botd ( 198); t.d Al|osaofrsp ud AFlldo (1999) lthpmrd<br />

rhal iosinme.ls usd in list dilfcEn@ c4uit tion mighl b' vok espoiallv sh'n EsEssN<br />

lars.ly Enain cmsisEnl rhoushout rime s ir is @mon in shd timt si€s To overcme<br />

lhis walnes, dolher srimalion ndhodololv btlal AEllano_llover8bdellBond tt?€ h<br />

adopt d introducd by { AEllmo and Bovct 1995r ond Blu l€ll dd Bdd 1998) Based on<br />

GMM dyndid panel sr$em .slimarion, Ii6l diffcftre equation (eq 3) h combined wilh<br />

equalion in level lom (lq 2) in . svslun -l hcft drc spdrar' *b ol insnxm'nls rdr wh<br />

equotion in dE syslen Fof fisl difcEnocd .quadon, lho truPsed<br />

i'shmentr dc the l$sed<br />

valucs o, dcFnde d well !s ind.p.n&nr uiable in lev'l fod rhe,6 Drcposed

irsuDdr ir .qu.rid in Ltd tE Lgred ['s dift|!|E vtl!.s ofd4'lLdt tid ind.?ada{<br />

Homd, qtdibililv of @lt in bol|t ddE& @ld dct@d d lht rdnftv of w{uv<br />

.eso@s insudErol w ld smPllo s dpl'in'd dlid' This 'sswp(m @ E<br />

slari$ic.tly le3.d ci.g l) &4m itlt of oFidcnlifling Fsrdior wnich Lss ihe ovdll<br />

validity ofde idnuncnls md 2) S.6d odq srial coi'lrtioo t.sr witn hlDorndis lhat oe<br />

e@tqi is noi silllv @ftl.Ld. (AFlhno dd Bdd l99l; AEll@ tnd Bovn 1995; ed

.r* 2a: l|lnfintG.rd a,F',,tcdth: r$uu ttlrE ac't..'l,g|,n'n<br />

hrnddt vrt bL: R-r Go? P.t C.Cn nOOpPc<br />

t7l PL<br />

_ ,_!:E<br />

(r.71)". (!:!!l::<br />

(_2.trl"<br />

loross2. I oo2e7e32 | {6137<br />

aY-bl I 4l ,-aot<br />

0..754 0 5tt3 02909<br />

s€qd{&r *d.r @..Ldd tat bhl*)'<br />

r/-/-.rdldr*tunrd/5*/lrcrdhrr.<br />

i"---i L*- aa';mu.,oa<br />

,';E6d*drrdfu*ldk<br />

i*Jeor"iioo..Loll;".'dr'{d.fr<br />

n;iiu-.Mh.'l''d-o*<br />

.*deirFddE<br />

'hk4sbd3c'd|Lhddda!.tr.{i$|l<br />

'kd,i6*- 'r*rh"'".-sd<br />

'iE-,h;kb hda6.ffi heidiri.ao,-dduhhioEe&,dj"ddd

8,7. I.€suLs<br />

Tho dydmic p.n l eslio.Ls sugg€st tiat qu'litv of institudons exGtu t l&ce' pcitive imD0ct<br />

on sndic so*4h bsl lno. mlum.s olTable 27 prcent lhe Esulls Nrng<br />

lhe /iftEd. esrimolor' H.E prcviouslv ued rcsc$ion sp€'ifi€tion is enDloled' GDP t'r<br />

capiL go*'lh h dgE$cd oler Institltion3t logarirhn of iniri'l GDP ro find €videne of<br />

@nvdgdce, inn.ljol! evitrg op.nne$ Md humd epiLl Tht 6d1 lorsolt Fmains lhe<br />

sm.. Hov.vq, ov€roll signifi{n@ sdilv iNMcs {hich 3ho*s ou model is 6busl<br />

poblds dieusn b€fN Oor summotv insliluliodl vtitbk s *U 6 iis sti cnt sljng<br />

dmesio trliB pocni( lnj tgnrfio *hil' ri* Edxing @mpontrl rmain\<br />

iEiSrifidr l1Ek @|fridB hlt gMry impDt€d *nh fd dilT'm CMM show'ns<br />

dEn iipoo d mic go*lir h.ins now doch larScr' v!16 FpEs'ni4 mv'r8q*<br />

de shsinB qFr.d nesrtit. tlns .rl hiShlv sigtif@! okdv Ddvidc sidc@ of<br />

@din@l @wrgcc vii.bk EpB ins etin& oFrB sid hmu 6Prbl @tin<br />

pcirirc.nd hisl y siStifiul i. lins wilh dpalllid! wl'ilt inlttl'on tsi6 insiEnifcdr<br />

Hosd€r, fd *n |j@ Dh{c sd .mcid! 6tim'tio4 lh' t!ffhcr nnh€r dplo}td<br />

cMM Iv s'sh carimaror (a61. 28) ro e$ lhc !.liditv ol Eslts ln sviem 6t'mt!d'<br />

sswlh is pioxy by Rdl GDP D.t dpi|! E pl.tr ro'v vtriabl'<br />

'tuhd's<br />

in$kotioni logrntun<br />

of hs dep€ndcd tsirbl. io sprurc initial .ff€ls $vi.& tnd log fm ol op€nttss' infladon<br />

dd.dMrio. Th. Esulrs l!lB.|Y<br />

To .sss tlE v.lidity ol insiruncnls, stigsn |cai s *.ll s l'sl for sond oidd serial<br />

conelrtion s p.rfomed Th. Huh in lable 27 and 28 snows lhlt null hv?othesk is not<br />

r@pred in boih the cts6, h.nco insldh.nB ofr tppsDriltc .nd 6ult3 e crcdible'

ln shd! tho mpiiol @h spporls conv'Bcmq evings Mtimd posniv€ lnd hishrv<br />

significofr l% fidughod, cLflv showing thtt eting js instonqbl lo go*ln 6 r<br />

inc@ capirol @uldion dd inveslna|. llunsn opital ms$Ed bv edudrion! {6<br />

lound to b€ srdistictllv signifi@t and p6itive This indicatd investing in hund dpilal<br />

wduld pioduc. ! po3ilive impoor o. gruwlh, as it iicr€s {o&dJ quality ond nliMr€lv<br />

inci€s prcduclivitt -Itu @mcienl ol opcincs Fprcsnlcd bv tdde lo GDP hav'ng<br />

qpel€{t Positive sign lnd highlv llgniliMnt, sl$wsd incrcled tBde liheraliarion inpocl<br />

g6fih in a posilive wav The c@ilicicnl o'res4rchcfs ffdin innnulid'l vdiable' ind* of<br />

insrituid.liad si,l l4hnolosies (!tn l) is sir:i'isit Dd Dositive indi@lins insiiluliodl<br />

qulaty posititely .nd sicnifi$l inllulM !rc"ah Rcslt oft*' sh indioes shows lhal anl'_<br />

r *.lirs indcx @ais posnivo sd sigtilidl li dlrs! In&x ol 'isk t€dDc'ng<br />

lehmlogicr s b b. insignifiont TlB Eelc *E quitc sinile 10 Aemoeu alxt<br />

JohMn €mt *ho de fdNd Arli Rcd Seki4 i$lihtlms DrodEing a (slL6b|€<br />

impd d €@mi. Frfot!|l'M whe@3 fi. imptcl oln{ rcnsin8 innnuids o 3oM<br />

w not w.t sis.ifiunt Th€ llls thev sivc<br />

to lfiis l&l i3 iluiL mviNing' in abs6 ol<br />

adnrl ;sk cdcing idlirurio3 cdhcti4 indhotids _ thc Elt is fillsl bv pnvale<br />

alEmlive inditutiMl amngcodt Howcvcr' *h€n borh of lh'* sub indi6 aE combin€d<br />

inlD sudbory indo{. its ocfici.nl b considcoblv hishs lhln lho odia twq sunxeslin8 ns*<br />

r€ducing r4hrologi$ mish nor Foduce 6uh alone bul do prcdue lhet oM inpa'l Nhen<br />

oobbined rnh Anti Ent sekiog tehnolqica Thee lhEc iidies can b' onpaftd wilh one<br />

anotho!s the, all mnge bclween 0 lnd I<br />

oleEll, lhk ffilysis suggesls ihll innnulions pr.dme a posilive elfect on grort ad<br />

.mmic petlomoa MoE6v6, li.t csin&s @ ltrge showing lhar jusl liile<br />

inpovod in inslitntiorol qdlitics qould parw. hlgc imp'c' on em*lh dd @6nic<br />

p.rfoms@. For insM., if munlis like Alg.ntiM ud Colonbit impoved ftcn

insri0doml qulity 10 dE lev€l6f.vcngc indnuions' tfi@ft{idllv thev suld managr lt)<br />

i'ru their gtuwlh bv abos lqlo d'urllt ftis is huBc chmge 'onsidsinE rhd dEir 5<br />

,.$ rv.r.sE eD*th h abod { o'lq 4 4% rnd l 5% esp4livcl}<br />

8.8. Conchttlon<br />

't hh rsut! ba$n o' both pdnel inrt cm$ stions copnits' sngslsls t stung link L'iwed<br />

insrilotioml qulirv dd ecorcnic ercvnh, Ano's rhlm impd or nsk €dsina insl'ruions<br />

*!s nol sistifiQnt susgestinS thal io lbenc' of lbmal ftk red@i'a inslihrtions' inlbmll<br />

.mnssment will develop, giving poletion in pl@ of foddl itsrihnids However *hcn<br />

horh of $* btud of iNtitltios * mbin'd in d indd{' lhe ctraa on gmwlt ts much<br />

m@ pomuMd d dE @frrcial ol$mmary inLr rc msideftble Ngn€r lns tnc 6ih'r<br />

r$!. TIE drs dhl vtiabLs sno*.{t lh.t mrtt,.ddic dobiftrv' hulM ctpibl Ftysidl<br />

..pitl rnd cmnt dbt hdLF luvc lasniarel idp'd B F did'i 6' dEdv TlE Gull'<br />

.lp coid ondirioMl 6wrs.@ s pEdnt'd in d' nDdm $qi'x orghMh

Chapter9l lnstitutions and <strong>Growth</strong>: E!'rdence fiom<br />

Developing Natlons<br />

ffitstywffirm;*,ffi<br />

rf:ffiiiiix,'8;g i;#N^!.r#;'tr::;:W<br />

;:;',; ;;^;,; r, ,'i,., -o"n^<br />

':::;;;;:^;<br />

';;.;, *,-,<br />

"b. tund u@topr{'| rd@@. cw.,ok*d tot Pn*Mt<br />

Wit;wri*:":n'::;:;;#-;i':'r#::Hftr:Y"H:i"<br />

";;;:";;;i; ;;;;;;;; *'-* "ii -,t,,^,"'.^a o-"t"s'tu "tune\<br />

ot @tuh w<br />

hunm soll lor @nomic erowlh md delclopdcnl is lorgelv lnd losilivelv itfluflc'd bv<br />

ea& of p€vliline iNfiulions. Tt'is 4llridship is tu8s dring the ldg tm gd*rn 6<br />

cmpdEd lo E shon lqn. Tnis i panicula v idpontf i' onttxr of dcrclopina @unh'3<br />

vhich sdfer nom sidgnlrid, povenv lnd in'quolitv Tnd' is rn obundmce of lil€diurc on<br />

Solow grdwlh modcl and ext nded ddoS€nous grcfrh model 'fth li<br />

lm$ision ndhlnism, disbibudt polici.s ed i'slitotion! e {or*i4 pdp$lv lnd<br />

it|clre is dvqginB io ! hieh l4l. Howder' in dcwloping @nuics this as@orion ts nol<br />

valid dd cdld b€ oe of lhe nd impont.t |!@ns lor lor pddrclitirv ud skewed idorc<br />

difiburioD. Thoir sodl of @tch up *ould kqtriE d pt@ of gowth co'sidcablv nore lhd<br />

$at oldevclopcd notions dd d sushinablo Smundn 'hiclt is dlv po$ible under the dbrl<br />

The piwnr iudy mlt6 d @ly ancmDr b .npitijllv tFl rh' 6l' ol inslitutids on<br />

e@nonic dev.lopmcnl in conlexl oa d.v.lopins counLien 6ppllins the index ol<br />

"indiruto@liz.d siol lahnolosiel' develop€d erdicr This index b made up ol Rhk

En*ins |clmlogi6 dd Anli_Rd sld!8 |ehtuloght P'tvios @lls dlid<br />

i.niNdodl itrltcM 6 grcslh or., wld spl' in ! tinpb m'&l tl@E in $is fidv<br />

! moE daibd nodd n Escd ittdlo"ling w t-lc lik"r'tu| &b{ t'd b'|re of<br />

ItFd which d FnicuLdv im!.d.nt for &*loping Mlid* ln fi' c!@t nudt 45<br />

d.rcloDins @udi6 (s llbL 12 fd mplc! lit) d tLccn lioo ditr'Enl F8iods ntc<br />

fi. el.did b.in! 8dgnphiollv b.lerc€d Th' dli,r sodi6 ltd dE {hl!b'*s tnd i i6<br />

which @wEd .idF @ d slv . 'd cD6ts of inridiodl clp"ilv io B1 sn<br />

ntTortE$. HN€, a.&x of 6is lrudv cNN nc lht! loo &lt sG .Min3 mst or<br />

dE iGdrdidl 6t4ls, Thb tlsen wd* lbo rd! ho* |lF efig@ic aitbilitv 6d<br />

iniadl .trd .xl.@l evinst itr41 sow$ in rL p|l*@ or i'ls uri@l t&lbkt Thc<br />

cll.p..r is o4$itd c fotlN: sccti@ I gi6 i ttrdNtid! sid 2 discus tl* dpiric'l<br />

rid. oldE p.D.r &d tdid 3 of6 c@l$io'<br />

9.2. EmPt lcot^naws<br />

cMM insloN.nt vE.blc Gn'tutid Nfiod is 6.d ro i.Erie& linl6 b.rPd n lidt<br />

insirodNl qulity .td d'Mic gern. This ab6.crid d@nh6 d!r!, dE Eg6ion<br />

lreifrclriN rd ff $odoloo/.

9.2.1 Data De$rlption<br />

The dcpendcd vldlble is the cDP Sb$'lh<br />

in ral ldn'3 Th4 @ two sts oi indep'ndo'r<br />

vrriables; iNliturional variablB dd coniml vtd'bles Tnc resdher rsd indi6 develop''l<br />

in $e ohdpler 7, nmelt rhe indcx oi anstitorionrli4d eoial cchnDlogies (cro$_sctioml) ed<br />

its iwo sub iidi@s ol Risk rd@ing l@hnoloBi6 $d Anli_Ent sti'g lechtulogies' for<br />

iEridlid0l ptoxy Thes indi@s covd l4l @u ric5 'dploving noF rhrn 100 dota srces<br />

dd @v.r ! *ide 68e ol indiluliotal p.rf@d@ i'dislod Thct !rc it 0 to I 6ne6<br />

wheEhishovdud indido befl.r insliluiidtl quliq D'Fndcnl dd@nltol voritblBsuch<br />

d Ral GDP GD*rl! Go$ Doncsic Ssvings s a pc@bSc of CDP' Debl s 3 p'Mug'<br />

orCNl dd lnnalid @ l!I4 tom Wodd frt.loDm'nt IndiciIo6' clobil Dcvclopnenr<br />

rid@ od wdld Bsx A Foblic inv.nnd G % otcDP i' bk'n Eom crv 'l !l- 0999)'<br />

All rtrs ve.bl6 d qpBecd in hs of !v.r.rss nom l|.|c vqr<br />

1933 b 2ml dcFnd'tg<br />

o ihc lvtihbi|ny of.Ln Ral CDP pcr Crpib ii 1960 k br'n fm t'vine rd R'Nn<br />

(19c2), *hile H@x {twlotmat t.dd in tlrcn rios !'NDP Tlble 29 riE d'iriled<br />

infomdion .6our rh. wi.bks dd rh.t dob e@

I.bL 2t Dota sqes dut D6clPdon<br />

lgSl?qq ]!@llf d€d<br />

!if!9@!4!L<br />

s.wo3<br />

rndic.roE. y&4!q!L<br />

9q!p4r9!C! !a!e9!lE!r4,1!!L-

9.2.2 legression Specmcadon<br />

11. mod.n so*rli lho,6 md $6n 'opirict pDvid' fie evidde ol @ndilionrl<br />

@rcrlcM, t6el on f!ct6 GlsLd lo inrtunioB To @s $* ot4 dE ht3<br />

'tgEhq<br />

u$d st.ndrd sFwrh Esrsid l,@*ott *nich nstlt grf,rh dpine licEllF<br />

'olto*s<br />

such s (lt!m l99 t; M{*i* d al. | 992; !nr! ltvinE ind R'dk I99l)'<br />

ly= fo + ftL+ f,X + €t<br />

wh.N i is the counlry ., is rhe eror tem ftc @omic smtr'ln /x n neNEd bv chtng' in<br />

rhc CDP it Bl icms, 4 siands ror ifftilutionll vlriobles, whe@s -t is lhe veclor ol ennol<br />

larirbls for other d.lemind6 oretotlh.<br />

lo mpiriel lidduie, rh.E is no csrrblishal pdrlsm of inclEid of dtol vdilble Thr<br />

pltgl sbdy *ill b€ 6ing vdilbl.s peilinins 10 inni.l mdnic naMom'c sllbilitv<br />

huhd c.tib! physiclr €piLl, evinas d.hl !d cm @r hr.le<br />

Th. fid dml wi.bL dsribd i.ili.l @ndirio's T'ning rhe no{'el lbr onve€d€ ts<br />

d.$iib.d in n4lsiql grdh mod.ls (Solo*. 1956) {ould EsI if condv grewrh<br />

.xhibic rcsltiv€ €lalio6hip wilh irs inhill ircones Tfiis sho* psr conlies lend to Srow<br />

&$cr rban rich cd.aies, thus thev lend lo @vdgc .orc$ muntries Howevq, sludids done<br />

by BeD tnd sal!_i_Monin (1992) show rhal Qnvcts.ne is oonditional upon other cconmio<br />

v! lbles. The E*Nh Bred $c elidene ofconv.tgen* ddnioml upon olhq &cion lite<br />

inslirurios ln lhis fterd,lhe Mh.r u*d Rsl ODP pd dpita in 1960 Tn€ 'xnetcd<br />

Anorher ftu lwlling in ssidchblc inn*re oi ctNh<br />

p.€ of inmntion lading 10 gE.tet !os4h .nd Pducnvitv.<br />

't'<br />

n hmm 6pihl h inc@3 ih'<br />

In gb*d mpiricst th'<br />

slucation atainhent is wi&ly usl s a prexy of hom.n spibl brn a b€d'r m*sE rs to<br />

oombine ed@rio. attlinnenr !lon8 wilh orhq vari$les like halh as h donc in thc<br />


cuMl sludy. txlt is mll*i.d for rhe p.riod of 1990lo 200ii wh'rcv€r il is avlilable lnd<br />

6.d av@sc v!lu. in lhe stutv M&r@6omic ta'l6r in gowlh !s<br />

'srnbilitv<br />

'mpnics<br />

Mrlly c.plur€d by consuner pri@ int!,rion h is found lh0l hiBltcr Drice insllbiliry would<br />

hmpd ecoNnic goMh, heM pssibly having t rcgltive ekD€cLd sigE'lo lvoid th'<br />

muhiollineiiy iss h€t*d th. sving {nd invdln'nl' thc tesrchtr hs ued onlv puhlic<br />

inv.stnenl Ettt. lhnn total invesrm.d. InannmtoE invstnenr is gird pdxy lo E rd<br />

lublic dpirrl sleb ll inllene Mnoffic cxofrh dd public capibl ltocks as il<br />

conpl€menrs priv.le invcnoent in cnhocing gbllh' 'ftis vtnlbh is dptutld bt p$lic<br />

inveshcnrs 6 pcdnloae of Cl)P od is ntpolhcsisd to b€ nosilive SavinS h<br />

'siSn<br />

Gpr*nlod by eoss doD6lic sving s % of GDP With pdniw tien' $ving<br />

'xpded<br />

inp€.l go*1h lhrc$h incr6in8 inv€sdenls hdce {ould show I lsilive<br />

!$o6ed thrt highs svings pEc€d. @nmic grcfin<br />

reltlionship ll is<br />

Andher l&br infldtuing sowlh is fie level of public det't Trdditioml growth modcls<br />

pEsn. {t b| s a lom ol jnv.$n.nr which adter ofr the Drcbld<br />

of l&k of sYin8s &d<br />

produe posiiive intluse d Srowti Hovov.r, rhe efe! df hign€r debt on 'ooionic gDwth<br />

can tt ftealivc. This is h.6u* ol the hnoihdis oa d.br orcdanB ndirg lh.l for ldE<br />

deb! in|can p,ymdl ould 6ls inores s outptl inct€e Esultins i. ! icl dd€se in<br />

inv6h.ns. ThG mty b€ cded $ ! fom ol r,r o inwstnd. slowing tfi. pe or8re*h<br />

The nudt hs used dch s a o/o of CDP $ indislor of public d€bl wilb rcgarivc cxped siltr<br />

in gollh .qu'tion. Ldly b mesuE lhc @unlrt's &F lqr. on intmaliodl Eeu's dd<br />

fodign $vings, lhe rcs.irchs hs used a doure of cuftnt @unt bol&@ as p.@.l'8. or<br />

GDP. Th. dpaLd sisn is mbiSuous s in s. cls duin8 Fdods rhcn ! Ng!|ift<br />

cuftnl a@unt balane exists: ft. sDody ir a.er bono*€r Md moy hovc pcitive iDptct<br />

d gow$. Anog noloble varhblB io! .!pIui.d in thc ersth model b li$! policy

indiortor. *hich ploled io b. skristicillv<br />

th. Es€sion speifi@lion<br />

h*:*tt e&*sr..ItB<br />

9.2.3 E.dD.doD ltethodoloE/<br />

dref@ nor hed includc!<br />

Th. |!s@her hd Ned GMM pd.due in lh. mtFh TfieE ir a d€dh of lihruE using<br />

OMM merhodolog in line $rics, crGlsctional 6 wlt 6 !€El bt$d asimarions lt 's<br />

baed on rhe 6e$od or somenrs (Pe@n. 1891, 1895) and dlindrion techniqud using<br />

in$tumcnts (ReieMl l94l; streo 1958; llmsn 1982). cMM eslimltion h bas'd on tho<br />

el&tid of paldel€N 6 $list $e $orlictl Elotiofthip vnh nininm devialions tl is<br />

morc oblsr edinalidn s mmpdrd 10 olnd .srimdid nElhods like mdinun lik'lihood a<br />

it is lmlfet d ro rhe @toE of di$6.e disniburim To ,pplv tlis dlodolos/, r|i.<br />

foll@ing .qdio is dimr€d bY GMM:<br />

ttn - fo+ f,L + f8,+ et<br />

Tt. inndmdhl @itblcs lor rn€ equrio e lll .xpld.torv vdabl6 l. thb equarion<br />

sl or inslitutional v*iables od ). is et of ot\er ind.Pen&nl variable<br />

B<br />

'r '

icd;;Frtuoot k(zdrd) r--cd||ielibn,!t06Hl2{*,.<br />

q!!4t!p-@4@E<br />

--cffi b .!dd d tE o 0r i.s (z{rr.d)<br />

6I rEn6. h o 05 rd rr+i€d)

9,3 Es,i',atlon Results<br />

B.foa looki.C ar 6lim.lion aulls a cuist lo'* d dE ctftl'rid hlbir in Taltl' 31<br />

including sF.lmn 3 Ruk C@la1im lNBing on ordinal in'mltio s t'11 6 PeMn<br />

Cotrlotion fEus on the int€nal b€twan obscdalions Th' sinFlc cofthnon 'Nfioicnis<br />

b.r@n rhe &p.n&d vdirblc cDP crewd rcpFented bv cDm8803 6 *ll 6 Dosibl'<br />

expkulory nitbld 6 3loM in bbl.3t hth siSDs .@diry lo 'xp'cblions lncilulioMl<br />

p.rlffilne $d 6DP go*{h exhibil a Positivt c@ltlion lnnttion sign is neFl'v' ts<br />

exp€tc4 shoaine lnol n&reo@ic inslobililv hdnFts gb n The sisns of evjnS! and<br />

d.h ft lls 6 d!6cr.d sltoui's .h.t evinls h.rc a Dosiiv€ Eltrimdrip *ll€gs d't( hd '<br />

ftsrtiw rclarioBhip with so*rh- ltDl sd inv6lmo6 tle dePicl'd positve si8!s 6<br />

.xlEcted shorin8 tnat inv.$m.nti panicul.rlv investnols in humln dpii ' will posililclv<br />

implcr go*dr. Nesltiv. oftlt.ion bellFn inirial cDP Nd GDP grcfih slDNs t high<br />

likclihdrd of @v€'rp@ thtr ls {bvelop.n cMmd o @h E r'nk of advdc'd<br />

colntri.s Th. positivc ai8n rilh cu@t @onl bskn@ pGsiblv lhows thar twtv gbwing<br />

@nonics have .xces dotoesric resuGs and suPlus tunL lnstilutions and intlarion oxhibit<br />

n galivc c@lalio6 6 Gxrelcd helN .ffelitefts of mstlMMic Dolici's reusing<br />

on ms'Mmic sbiliry md @hl of inndion wdld be innu.tEd bv fie qutftv of<br />

pcv.iUng institutions. Ii. ooGltriotu shor lht. cou.ri.s lirh h€ter innilution3 hdv'<br />

usually hictE. elinss, low€r debt lnd suDlus in cuftni a4ounl bohne lnteFslinglv<br />

&rclotjo cffcidts otMg iditoliml voiabls e.bflr 0.9? *hich is exM.lv hagh'<br />

Tnis indisld dur difl.Mt ins:tiddal n6u6lEw hiSn @mmn f4tc d *trich tlE$<br />

n.su€s m deptnd.ni Fbh a €CFsion p.*peliv€ this .l$ sugg.sls rhar, if includod in<br />

lh. eme Eerdsion modcl, lh. prcblem of mulli@llineuiLy misht dis. coftlalion<br />

@trriob ol inlbtjo e pGilire *ith sving, tnd Ngdiw wilh dclx indiding lhtt higiq

aov€dms( d. Lv.ls @mpomi* momllrv |$licv objdriv's' lh'Fbv Nlrin8 in inaalion'<br />

(t .he olhs hdd, qvin8s F$lr i. low.r d'br lnd lorcr infldion Orhs o(ftlalid<br />

ccfFcients shov th.t counkies wilh cuNnr @dnt suDlus *ould htv' highs svings' tnd<br />

Th€ e*imation Eel$ ol..rlv indicde 0 Nbusl posiliv€ idptcr of insrn ional viriablcs on<br />

gr.Mh. In model I (Iable 3l) all varisbl€s hsvc sigfi ond e€ highl) signilient<br />

'xpeded<br />

speciicrlly, initialGDP shd*ing qpeckl] n.Salivc sign md highlv signitcdt This oletrlv<br />

indioles lhe sien oi snve.8.n€ .s pDposd in 8ruq$ lheoris Nerative sisn shows<br />

ountid *nh b{er inii.l GDP havc expcricnoud t higl goMh ale dd a nigh posibilitv of<br />

Elching up. In o simuhtioD b inv.stigaE rne chd@s of utmnditioml oDvsgdce rh€<br />

Es@her leied the ndjel bv diding in$nudmal vuitblB liDm ine equadon Th€ sul of<br />

lhe equlrid sho* m indiolim of un@ndilioiol sv'4p@ s sisn for inidar CDP p'r<br />

capih Nd 'esa,liw bd i6ig)lifi@l Thh maN th i'ritdim'l F fodre is a po*ible<br />

panqditiM fdonve4rc Mmwr, o€mll liSnifi@ of ortFr indeDq'rlenl vditblcs<br />

ale imFo6 *hcn d i.$iruiidd vritblt i3 inulducal in $e nod€l Andts obd<br />

ydjrbles, innalio. wilh etpdcd ncsttih sign h hiShlv signinqnl al a l% l*l in lll<br />

modeb. Thtu suggests rhal @mnmic iNttbilitv hs ' estlilc eff€cl on ecmmic<br />

gb$,lh. ttdcn pu$uing Flici.s ol i.l alion ,idnc'n S6*h<br />

mighl not b€ fruilfol in long<br />

on. cctici.nt of evings als cmlins po3iliv. tnd highly signifiont al a l% level<br />

$ouehoul; cldly sho*ing thal svin8s is insinncnidl ro sro*lh<br />

as it incrcs ctpilal<br />

o@usllarion dd jnvenoenB wilh Positivc arpeted sisn, s.vins ihprcls gn*1h thnugh<br />

ircdshs inv€stncnls, hen@ rcneins i poslrivc tlrlionship Public invslmeDt dfioient<br />

sle shoNs a signifi@l Fxhivc sign iFplying thot inileruotuE investn€nts prcvide posilive<br />

ar@'iliq thdEby inr6ing p'dluclivity od so*di. Atothe. fom of inr6tnd! sfiich<br />

dld p'oJdr a p6iriv. signifioni log run clf-r on gdrh is iDv€ring i' hlllfu catihl

noE sp$ifiolly in.dlcotion dd h€ltth rne s dv ued tlDt chdgc 6 r poxv ti' htrno<br />

oapiul and aound it io b€ sttisti€tlv si$iic! lnd Fosirive<br />

This indiolcs thal invening<br />

hmu .opibl suld ptod@ ! pcitile impsl on so*'ln, o il iNEaer workcdi qulilv 8nd<br />

lllnna|lly inclles p'rdslitilv W n ECaai to odEr Eiab!4 $c dcbt veialle M<br />

rcgdiye sd highly stnifi€nt ar l% ldel 5horing $tr d imtts in d'br will l6d to hthcr<br />

debt sewicing .x Isl, hen€ cowding oot public inve$ned -lh' camoient of cmnl<br />

ldunl btldce prcv€d ro be nesEliv. and significant This mav sugg'sl th6l munlries w'th<br />

hi8hs ouml '@!nr {bncib enjov hiShs grc$4h Ttis nec'tiv' cmcicnl @rld be<br />

t@!s a dml a@u dcficn l@ns rhlt lh. Nties @ ftr h'd*u lnd tlEir d@esic<br />

evings @ complcm€ .d by fo€iSn evingj llis ould nsn rhar i'w$n' oloodd[les<br />

in rhe ountry !re moF rhan whal lh. domcslic Esou6 @ findnc'' ficrcb, incMsinS<br />

Elilnc on focign apill<br />

IE innituioMl varilblcs @ffiddts e highlv signiii@t dd p6itivc indiohna lhot<br />

idnui@l qrlity po6niwly and siSliard.tlv inflw|E S@rh ln '<br />

'n<br />

iruldid lhe iu'lv<br />

included aU rhds indio.s in one eqution lt ws witn.sd that when u!'d individuauv' thcv<br />

b@ne highly significant. bul when n$d wilh o$ei inslnuiond vodables theit signifienG<br />

d.ceen mnsi{leEbly lt nay be lsmed d.r $h ss de b hicl' nllliollin@nv tno'g<br />

rhe rsisbLs. To €mw multi6lli@i.y, lhc Mh.. ued lhc vtrisbks sp'dlv in<br />

(hr.qurioN. li.lhe indic6 &n€d $prdtclv fc i.slituli@l qulilv e a Mpositd<br />

index of iBri.ltionaliz.d scial rcchnology tnd rwo of it sDb indices ft index of rkk<br />

rcduc,hs te.hmlogi.s dd rett wkitg lochnolosi6. All th@ ae psitive and hig)'lt<br />

sisnifimr d . l% levcl. Tn€ mr sling indd oEficicnl i5 30) cds. @mporal'v.rv<br />

leBd impdd m 8rcwlh lho tlE nsk ,ej@it8 in&x (4.12) lle inniuioMl indi6 e<br />

comp'nbL $ th.y all flll wilhio a sinile Etrge, i.c., b€tt*n 0 ond I This mms lrul !nt-<br />

r€nl*kiry indies h.v€. sronger etr@l lhan the ind.x of risk todfting rehnologi€s. The

@ll5 wE quic sinild !o od dlicr dlB' hosv'r in dis dudv' rist rds'ng<br />

@hFlosi6 do Eodu..d . p6itiw rd 3iFi6{m imF 'r @ spsrh H'ncc iE inF l d<br />

g@dr nish b. lt@ Ffldti.cd fd&wloping ditti" IE @|rs tbo hct ^strog!<br />

.d loltM (!005) sto @tdt d tur priEE intliu|lnl .fu8d6t dld fill |!. Flp i.<br />

.beE of lmd tisl EdEitrg i6lit',aG<br />

f.l/b n: tE 4 og'/.'/dt cddtu. h.ltN b rt,@@<br />


Ddrx'.dv.n-&@Po.|03<br />

n-rq*"a<br />

refth t3: Eqtession n.JuLs<br />

t5:3rt65f':<br />

[2a2l5srf'<br />

(,2.rr1o5ll<br />

(f,.36261r1'j:<br />

tr 3169s6t.:j<br />

0 6793:13 0 6t3{61<br />

,djd.d n{q0r€d o s93st 06t}a5o6<br />

DuArn-W.bon *d 2.333e6<br />

gum squarcd rerd 33.63296 ar.6rb4r<br />

; . sltnined d dt. 1q6 b!€r.<br />

..s|anlfredatthes9t'h6|'<br />

..€l.n|fr€.l.to81095|.{€l'<br />

lmtrum.di*A||l|d.Fndvdj.bl.<br />

hrd.a oDrtu a3 aE iltub<br />

1r!6E_r0 5 elE 3o

The study u$s clFs4lionrl dd! of 45 dcvtloPing @drics 'vdg'd ovd d F iod of t'n<br />

F6, im 198 ro 2008, IF CMM ioclniqu. h$ b@r lppli'd Ih 6tu !u3'!r t sturg<br />

li.r bclffi i't.ifitiml quliiv d dBtic sp*$<br />

All diE tt|ds|G of iNlilujdrl<br />

qDality impel @ononic gro*lh signifi@llv dd posiiiv€tv MoGoE thk e'ly3k indic'Es<br />

lt l mdg dE r*o fodB of ii6linnioG, dF xli'@lerii8 tFntubgi6 dlicl dllMic<br />

g6rd @sntnbt tt@ ds risr Edring l4lddos€s Th' olls c@tol vli&ks slN<br />

thar oe@orcmio sLbililv, huru @tit l, Phr{iol<br />

ctpliil 6d cum<br />

h!€ . .ig.ifio.d inF.t 6 .mio rb*tt (s FEdidGd bv tl6v) llF @lls tls<br />

@6m rh. hl/!o6€is of codhidEl @w4!.cc s F'dkxtd bv modqi ddi6 of go*d!<br />

Ovedll, th* Buts sgigcsr ft!1in$rruiionil Gfoms night pt'v s pivot'l olc in d6ignins<br />

od idrkmatins Mmlc policirx h th. &r.lopins cMti's

Part S: Inr'Jafti.,,rs at|d ersut|/oUcM: tuHs&,n's<br />

Perswdve<br />

ni!'Pattdlon t fto||.. at Prlh lo trt.t' itL ddt .to c6tdtt' to<br />

'ngL o@v<br />

drmL.Illt dl)td. @ld h.b 6rnub . pobt .b ftt dl4i8 di'bL rtddb

Chapter 10: Are Institutlons lmpofient for PaListan's<br />

Economy? An Emplrlcal investlgation<br />

ll"'j1:1?..""",.<br />

;;,;;;;"'^; ;,"-",. * ffiv e dttzrtft' r qeohe ot tuto<br />

-;;;';;*<br />

'*-<br />

' * "^' ' "dha*"ou'd .nzL'tt oNt'\E @n ton' aa<br />

'iilli'i,J 'qnot<br />

i, * "i"t --,,,r' e"t" tu pa*q pnaas n nau d nsL'!'Etuu"d<br />

';;;;:;;"k'; *, * eb n,b Nneu 'tstd ai'k t'd@ s ond Ad' Fcn<br />

^,, '*nmtoia<br />

#;"#{:.[#; ffi,i #?:: tfr i# ffi : #x ffi tr'ffi r:<br />

;:;;i;"";,;<br />

"" ", ,;,, ", aui ^",n"a.,"0t . ,..,", p, e.,citu'<br />

;;;;,; ;,;*' h" E{t<br />

'<br />

n"ron'' p.@i oN<br />

-i,i."-<br />

"-^, ^ ^"" -" r"' th!4o4 to'i o pot' $lrn*s ol<br />

^btor 'prnonan<br />

tnstftlrtont dLtd hive^@ the su@s ol ory pclt'tr<br />

bh> @u*d hf<br />

Tnh ch.pr.r u.l dE nqr m fGB on th. n@remdt of qulily of ininulios 6 ell 6 lo<br />

.sblish t litrl betuBn incinridtl qElitt dd cI:Mi' pcrfodaM for Prkhb Unlilc<br />

o$er egioMl ounlri.s, Pblisbn e sry.6 ! uiqut N !s ir s6 @sideFd $ e opc'<br />

€conomy ishi lioo sn od il dicd 10 DuBlc rhe polici6 s Elqvel bv nains:l€n snomic<br />

thsrisls !s nssrv Ior oprimll deve lopnodt Dtspite so'd plans and polici€s' lhc 3ov'1h in<br />

dB euntry wd not susliiMble and s pq exp@lilions This sludv js m eelt ltlcdpl ro<br />

.npinc.[y!s$ lns inn@c. of innitu ms on Pltbtn's €ononic p€rfomne duing lh'<br />

Vtn thchrE fl}:]s d inaiuiml tsp@B in 3relri €a6id H@E mo6t of th'<br />

.hpinol €vlteM aborr dE Elarioship bcl@ innituis ttd st'"'rh<br />

G b8*n m cJG<br />

*lio.ol ltd cD$sMtry analyth. lnleollring csllls fM c$s ounFv $alvsis in<br />

d€v.loping mnomio policies sould nor b, .Ppstriatc on two Aolnds<br />

On €oMPr@l<br />

grou.ds, counlry sp€cinc dynanics innuehging inslilurional gbwlh rclarionship aE ldrgclv

isDorn. On l.chni€l grcunds, dEE mid bc dilleMes in h' quatitv ofdd! lioo ounlry<br />

b country n*ins complde! a bil dDbjous llcne lhcE is ! nc'd for si'gle @u'lft andrvrs<br />

ds iloln aom a b€lFi umpirisl found'tun lot mlking counq's policv Above all liteEldrc<br />

still trcks souDd lnalvsis lo clplurs iDstitutional groq$ li'k i$ Ptldsr"<br />

The li6l prit of !t!dy c@bin.s dilfcenl v'dsblcs @piunng various didensions or<br />

iBritulio.q inl6 an indcr' io msuc rh.s {tin'nsions 12 vei{blcs hlve t€€n conbined nr<br />

tm sub indexes ndclv Rnk redsing tchiolcEica and Anti Rc'l sking r$hnologi's ibr<br />

Patisba usitrg tn obj.ctivc mclhod b!*d o. Principal coBpon'nt tnalvsis overing p€nod<br />

nom l9s4 to 2006 Tne sutsitulcG tc in runl lgstegad i o o' singl€ index o'<br />

ireturions cill€d Pda!tu indq of in$nudNli4d sitl toh@logi€s ln fic s.@d p6n'<br />

lsins ols 6 *ll 6<br />

Inslituli@.1 imp*r o @tumic Frfmsa it tntinslt 'Mtvzed<br />

GMM me .dolos/ ro mlrol for bi6 ous.d bv ddogdtu's vti0bl6 Sca€dl tudi6<br />

ftmpt d ro td innirurioml iop.ct o r.oml! vd lh'v @ld n1sNd mlv lcw spett of<br />

idirutions sic de vtrnbks @ hishl, cdhb4 !i pol4rilllv ole pdhlms or<br />

nulticolliMity *h€n simdbruutv incl!&d in Elrsion Thit srudt' usine objctiYc<br />

asgEsslion nclhodoloo, cr o!.r le tuF spccr of s c4Dord lo o{h<br />

'nsriluti@s<br />

This chrpter is dsoiz.d s follo*s: stion I initldlctiotl slio 2 ovcu m'rhodolo6/<br />

od 6rioMl. fd indc,t, edjM I @v.6 i'rdies rcsulb ed thci ooly3n, dion 4 Enpin@l<br />

6lina&s, s..lion 5 R6!lt, dd S-lion 6 si6<br />

7o.2, Methoalology aad Ra.lonolc oIlnd^<br />

onclutions dd Mm"dllros<br />

In $n s6don the Fs@h sludy focu$s on ind€x dcstipljon, dlt! $uMs, nomdialio<br />

prMduE md, lostly, w.ishdns dnd ,ggrcSalion m.thodorogv<br />

10.2.1 D6c.ipdoroflndlc.s<br />

Inrhissrion d.fi nesrh. domoul.tion of lhc ti lowiry indi*s

,t*lsbi ttrdq ot 16.tdfion lh..l sa/p/ r.chaobd!'lsr|(l<br />

'ni5 i! m rggEsdc indcr {||1 .tromp.tes lh. inp..t of itulitltirDl F fm.E indidlo6<br />

Dd cmFis of lidcx of Rr* R.dwi.g Tehmlogi6 .rd d* In&x ol And P€nl *kine<br />

Tcnmbgks (Se T.bL 34).<br />

t022.t. t&r ol ag. dt bar.choot.9h.(9lt<br />

llxLx ohn( EdEiig r.r[mloBi! tu d. .ggr!.rc fm offollo*ing wi.bld:<br />

t) tnvc$rar prolik IEeing Cotut Vi.bility/ExpNFi.lloq PrefE R.P.ltiltior,<br />

P.ynar D.hrs 2) t.* dd (hd 3) Todo.., Exhjdi.iti Killin& Polidcil InFiffil.<br />

.nd Db.Dla|rM iidi6r6 4) c{rcffi srlbility dd 5) ddliw @sr.ri.lr ntn<br />

wishG in dd( rdNing Eclmlog/ iture26 lV l6vq231\.nd |8t(GPeliE .<br />

ffr t4.Mn 4 Mn t'b., ttud,..ra, tut r.wr<br />

fl In hr ol<br />

^rd r.rt *.r t d6lo|Y !i<br />

ql!<br />

!Pl--!4es$lres!!lL-_ !!!<br />

r'ela.a',v.'t@|hi<br />

5 npP2 9.lhlel@rFdtlo.<br />

&g__d!teudl. 9l!<br />

3 sl r'rds or i$ i.d0dfl r.d6Ld6 0.5<br />

t tldl l||vt'rl1dtDnk<br />

rdm, r'niuddi { n!,.or<br />

.,,,c - - Db.mndhddd<br />

3 *r Gdhroddc Inr,et ol And.R.Dt se.kln' fEhnoloolet lAIl<br />

Predalory Enls crn be ssinej though weak instilutionllialion of risk dducjng lechnoloeies<br />

as erpliined ecrli€r. lld*evcr, lhis oonNnonl.xclusiv€ly lbcuses on th@ @nb sccki.g<br />

opponunities rhar ei$ due to loopholes io inofieclivc or weak i.stilutions lt k ebdivided<br />

inro lhe follosing componenrs, l) Durcsuorey QMlity 2) Cotruplio. 3) DemNrric<br />

A€unr.biliry 4) exeutiv. Mrui|menr 5) tulitical mmpdilion 6) Pohical rights o.d 7) civil<br />

lib€dt r Th€n weidts in tndex .rc tavo.lr\ t6vo, tsrr, l6v\ tt \ rlvo Esp.crivclv<br />

D€$riplio of Ptkisls index of in$nutiodli4d sidl l@hnoloF/ dd ils subcmpo,'ents 8ts<br />

1o.2.2 Dat Sou.ces.nd D.s.npdon<br />

vdiad6 u$d i. @NMim oa indiB d btcn fDo vsids d?n. st6 Moc pMiMl<br />

is Polilidl nsk srik'r ini.tuiioMl ounrry risk B!id.<br />

sEs or snmic findcial ind F<br />

(lCRc) lt publist'd ih@ epamL<br />

lirical .isL on mo.ttlt bes fd aboul 90 outi*<br />

ovcmll, 22 dsl irdi*h @ cmbincd i o.bovd..iion.d lh@ i.di6 rrcD lh.e 22<br />

indi€roii thc teEfiq includ.d 6 indioroE 6 vdi.blcs moslly mduing p.litidl risk in<br />

cErion of ihc |!s.@h itd.x. As rhis dll{ is pFptrn d Fonrhly b$is, tne Es@h.r Bs<br />

l2 nonlh lveBg. ro 6nd il b unull fGqudcy lle vttilblcs ofpoliliBl ndui. aE<br />

bkm nom POLTTY 4 pbj.cr mdrg€d by Ccncr for sysllmic P.@, lls dot! is oamnull<br />

fr€qFcy avribblc since 1975 md h{s cat$lilh.d il!€lf a 3 k y EbuE in politi@l<br />

MnoDic liLFluF. Dri!oftoliti€l ri$t! and civil libenlB aE Lk€n lion Frcedon ofdrc<br />

wtrd inde\ pDblkhed 'nnuslly by Frcedo'n llous sincc 1955. The variable ol TonuE,<br />

Exbljudicial (illiis, Politiel lhDii$nmcni, and Disoppadtue indisloa is lak n lion<br />

Piysical inresiry inder conrosed by Cinsonclli-Richards (ClRl) Hun"n Righrs Dabs

@|aini.e lMd nel s dlr! for 195 mnlrics, unully lidD 1981. DeeripliN of v&i.bks<br />

!s.d in ind* e ircluded in t ble 15, whcEs th.ir d.!ih c sivn in ApFtrdix C-<br />

re :t5: tu cMnbt.d e. tsw.l<br />

10.2.3 AggEgationMelhodolollet<br />

The l€s.slEr €mployed siDild tggregrid n.thodologid 6 usd in Praious chapteu in<br />

.dim of p.rel index of 2{D2-06 6 r.ll a c$s'glioMl indd nis includs<br />

nmrliztid p|c€du6 mvcdins *h v4ilbk inro d indcx unn o zm 10 orc sle,<br />

*lEE hiEls hlB doxxE ndgq inslifudons ed prc.dE for v&ire pddnion anj<br />

wiS||l eku|dio h b.s.d o prirciFl MldE Nlysii llorcvd, mlike tstvioN indi4s<br />

*h.r *i8hts @ baed o. cl8 sriod pdfip.l Mpod mlr6is (PcA), in rhk cudy,<br />

w.ighs e cdalalcd by p.nnio.ing thc v&i.lB of rin. sirs vlriabld Bin8 FCA.

D.$riblive shistics oftlEs wiable de Dotid.ri in ltblc 16, delails ofexft l€d facloE aF<br />

p6vid.d in t bk l?. dd rhc mmpoMts of.xf&Ld tnd nllted faolod .163 wilh<br />

dFod'l wighll @ siq in Ehl. 33 For ASStrstlio'\ $. llgrhd mDlot€d lind<br />

.ssEsaaon shah is tlt€ sltmlde of Eighcd .d ill|mlizd 'ndividul<br />

rdhbxt esi,.i- s.dlsr!6 dw.loi/.t Ut Ahtu<br />

tobt zr: '!do.tu" 6.! ta''t@ be @ dna9acnooat<br />


abb t* lt.td.d td* b.dlv Md dtob<br />

!4<br />

10,3. Insdardo,/l Be'itlb and Anal/als<br />

T.ble 39 sho$ d. v.lu6 ofrh. Palisl& ind.x of instunioEliz.d si.l L.hnoloAid md ill<br />

eb indi6 fd th. Friod l9tt ro 2@6- Tle idi6 .rhpr Io 'lEN $. qurlily of<br />

inridim in rh. @nay ()E $. y@!s, .nd @ m!d. wil|i dr h.lp of swnl $i.1, pohirl<br />

lnd @nomn f..roB which nry go .long s .gllnst oe &dhd. I. P.tin.A du.ing 'ilihry<br />

gov.mdl politicr! innjiurions w@ alnod mn{xistcnt bul hu od dd.r siiuatio4 cmhl<br />

of clnDtid .rd bufucdn eftiwi6 nidr slw inpDvmat siSn od tic vd.<br />

Tladd., .h. t lG3 ofdE indiB in dittcEir tift Friods nat hc dfft io dE Fbli: !.d

f.bL 42 lnd FiguF 9 indbx. towr ql$ dudia lh. milihty E8im. md hignd lah6<br />

dunns th. polithil Fdrc. Tht lhowr lh.l dudng ln. Dilir.ry EgiNt lh. ddv of$@ of<br />

thc innitudoB is v.rv .otisbh s Mo.,!d !o tt@ in d@nric solfmdlt Fd<br />

cm9l. d* itgihni@l qulity inpovld sh.rPlv nom 1986.89.Id with s.llEturio<br />

ituMsd tunls dd @h.d i|3 Pdr in l9?. Or tlF lolitic.l no.! dcdddtis G. of 1988<br />

rol99 $* ! @Ni&nbly hign r instnuidl qu.hv inLx lh! 0E d gowncd ht tt'<br />

miliirry dictddrnipt. sd* Fiods i. ub .n c dso pcMiv.d eitl highd ld'h of<br />

cdruFion, wos holn odd4diliom dd polilhd innlb'lit .<br />

tdL t* tL d5o ria.r o/rsrtutb..r!.dJod!, t d,tdlot.d nt !t<br />

Ir l93a drrins miliiiry sovltm|n of Go.El zi! d!. indd h.d dE !@sl insrlodod<br />

{lB he.@ tn. r€rr B p€cd.d by dE m@oc for E3ldllid of doe@y in 1983.<br />

Th. yd 1985 d tn. olnr hrd sr msh imFovld iNtihrtions wilh i q!.1@@hi.g

O.5l nm Or? s nd p|ny cl€crim w h.ld dd sists of tt!.silim lo lh. cavalitn erup<br />

wc wirB!.d, In 19E8, rgldl .Lclior *@ h.ld. dni nili|ltv p.nat lool pow<br />

Cons.qFntly, dE Fiod of 1983 Md 1939 wilt $.d s bit nc inFwndr ii in'iluliodl<br />

nN6.]tu Friod of t99091ss mixed tatt lolitiet uMnlintv ud ufh@vft' '!d tlE<br />

lnsraMiml i'td.x sw . d4lie frq! 0.61 to 0.16 c+4i!ltv dst ttd*ing indtx ohc dM<br />

fioh o,to ro 0.31- This cldly indictLd s@ md dcdti. lt* ud od€r sld politiol<br />

6'iiti@3 .fdins llE lrowth of idnrxidl itdi6 HNvd' th. hnscr Fiod or<br />

&na@y b@shl tuils &d {w highd insri[li@l 3rc b.wi l99t dd 98 (l'igh.c itr<br />

197),'llE mdmld *B lon in 198 s idncdi.at.nq dE n@l* crs' mcrgdcv ms<br />

impd.d .rd opild oudlN.rd fmign ci)lrwy ..@ s wc iDa TL diFcffi<br />

Mog $. pow qih.s imaed .nd!d. .rd culnid.d [o . nilibtv @p d'r.l'<br />

Cms.qwntly, ttE Corimi@ w hcld 4..!.ydc!, polili.ll dShrs eiz.d.nd civil libtd'6<br />

P@ hiSl y.fecd llE indlB plonnc.d b loe vdK D.+it dEi.q$isF idlhsa<br />

Fsftio oa bwr cmp&., bal.r !d n@ pmf*kDrlv mdgcd c.r. agos bd rrE<br />

inni$[@l de.y rs.l5o DMimnr<br />

ln 5no( $. d of ttuirid b civili& {k@n v in 1988 sihd.d snttP imEe ( l )in<br />

inriutiNl qrfty 6paillly lh. Mladl skins Lchnolosi6 imE !.d bt !!o|n 559( ll<br />

lsEd ld 13 ys (ddpic Dofiictl rt@Limt rd i.l'ndid.l l.6i@ followins n8l4<br />

blsr) *hil. rlE d lollsld by nilirity trldvd lnc l94t sw ! dr.lD d.clin. (31%) in dE

Frgud 9. r€nd rn l'l"r and l$ $b Indler<br />

Institutlonallted Soclal T€chnologles<br />

tEit icE55 $ i{5EE$FE F€EFE<br />

na Enplrf.'l /|ad$ls<br />

FrdDiri.l dlFii tb. tEEtt 4plot d OLs sv.ll G oMM ftltodoloE/ bcoftol<br />

fff lotc i.l bi8 ouard tt oxLlgaN wi.bk. Thn $b..sjm ddcrib6 dnt, tlE<br />

r!*6id sDeifiorids .lo4 virh nF r'Ertod.,log/ r&4

3<br />

t0.{t<br />

f.N. ro: fjdndtonvodot& ttot sffi.d Det|dd<br />

Rel GDP ps dpiE.t oru.t piie {t $€y6)<br />

Gr6 dm6u.3.vin6 lx ot 60P)<br />

m6und p @s taniur !)<br />

'nnatm, r@ruade {txpons plut lmp.drl .,. p.rten4e<br />

of GDP. lexp.n, hpon .ndGopllsu..rar.<br />

exrs*d rn €al Elu.t<br />

q &sr.sJe rider of Rr,r .edudn, r.{no!!ilE<br />

rndd ot &$-red €lrm T6hnol4r..<br />

Tn d.Fnt dt wilbk is lhc Rcrl CDP F c.pib in @l lem3 TheE @ leo ets ol<br />

ind.p€nd€nt vuables. Firsl is lh. in$nutiod vlnablB dd sond is mhl vrrilble* Th€<br />

Esrcher hd l,ken P.kist n index of iNituiondlized wid l@hnolog,. a well as its sub<br />

indi€s or Rbk redrcinB h.hnologies dd Anli-Fnt Fking lehmlosies lor mauEm.nl ot<br />

DeFdmr ud @nlDl veiabl.s srch s tolll Lrd., .rc lotcn 6on H*td dd sMn.N<br />

(2009 *n@ dheroftl Eirhl* *h 6 Gls ddn.nic evings 8rd Inrlati{tl.E 6k .<br />

lM woild Doelopftnr lidil:.6. T.blc,l4 8iv6 d.|!il.d inaqrdid .bod rhe vei!5lcs

t0.4.2 RegBioD Sp..ific.tiot<br />

'lb .$s dE ole of itrilllios qulily an .mBic Flffi<br />

in Pblislan's @idr, rhc<br />

Esh.r hs usd st .dnrd sowrt Eg6ion ftwwort *hich moslv follom swlh<br />

.oDirics lil€FM sh 6 (B!d | 991I Mstiw cl al. l92; !.d r4i.3 atd R4ll 1992)-<br />

Y,: fn+ pJ, + flt+ et<br />

wherc ! is time p€riod ., is lhe edr tem. fi. @nomjc 8o*ah , is meNr€n bv CDP p€r<br />

qpita in E l tems, I irnds fof innituionol vrjabl$, wh€Frs )t is lhe v€tor or contrcl<br />

laddbls lor olher deGmimnt ol grc*ln.<br />

otfier d.r.mirmls of gDwlh dcnor.d by t, includ. !.riabLs lo conrol for otier faclo$ ihd<br />

inoM@ gn*{h. The Fes1 nudy *ill bc using veiob|6 Fnaitins lo n&Igtmio<br />

sr.bility, evidEs od oFrN M,.!!ct)@h lllbilitv f&lor in erewlh cmpnics is<br />

nm.llt @plurd by mMd F.ie a.flrnio- S.vins i! Fptlgl€d bv g16 dom€sta eving<br />

s % of cDP. Ta& oFll,s is EFlgLd by ToLl E!d. ii lcms of GDP tlcsritri*<br />

Sbrirics ofvsi.bld us€d i. .mpnical lnalysis .F sho*n in Ttll.'l I<br />

f.,^h11:I,.'d|'dw5.dl'|}6<br />


10.4.3 0sdmdon Methodology<br />

The reurchs rill us OLS s q.ll os CMM po@duE in de @lvst a $@ Dighl b€ tne<br />

problen or endoseEity airi,s lBn indcFndent vlriabl6 sptcilicallv in insnuftnol<br />

vdiables ror lhe Edn $d lhese wilblcs hdvc o $ong p.sidve corclorion rith ennh To<br />

apply lhis nerhodolosJ, $e lbllowing .quarion i3 cslimd.d bv cMM:<br />

lh = fo+ fa+ i{,+.,<br />

TIF insrM€nlal vsnabbs for the .qualion !rc lwie h$ ol d.pdrknt vlrilble lnd fiul ldg<br />

of l explmlory voisbhs.<br />

70.5. A.stlts<br />

t*|p:,/j''.P.ll.dhtlan<br />

As qplinen elid, ov.6ll ituliutios cmitod 3!bl. o'! lh. oih.r hd4 gmvtt in<br />

.omy m6udd by st ODP F qPilo, wnncss.d o liibb incrc over dE v6.<br />

H6*ev.r, cmDontively hider sro{in w$ eiln.$.d in d ol1984_ 91. In d or 9&,<br />

inoome l€vel b.M€ f.i y sl!bl., and il shllply ticlcd up hlcr in 2000{6 pciod (FiguF<br />

l0), Anons other vaiablca, svings Efrain€d f.nly sllbl. tt cboul I J%. Intulio follo*ed<br />

ircom., €tuined in the sd a bit high.r. Emdincd lowd rhdughout $e mjddle 6 wndesed<br />

a suBp in 2003 onwotds $ lMmy eilessd a 3i@c Itowlh. TEdc openmss rls

wihdrd . r.bL itE|!& dd picL.d up nl.Mnrn .id 2002 a polbi.t 1omtd3<br />

lih4.lLrrbr bot dEn sFUDd.<br />

tu*a*a rabffirffib<br />

ii-------mr( i[ s^vco mFc'l o'tr| rcDPtc<br />

'! co'drhn..!rr.d r $.0r1l*l o.ta.dl<br />

.c.'I*|||!'rt t. th.oc |.'d lxr5,,<br />

tur 1c IGd h GDt p.r cri. ra h&trn<br />

Rc.l GDP Der Caplta<br />

ititi$5 sss t$u s $$E FFTHF<br />

Bcfd! loddrg d catraid @n* . qt'at lod( d Tdc 43 Flvith. dE cdllbtlon<br />

@fficicn o.dr 6. tt t.r v.n bb! ii th. ndt A! 4p.cL4 dr6 it . o69<br />

'!.d<br />

rdiriw cmlrthd rM! lfiil|d@l vdl.da Hd., F!6ld of nuld@lit|. .ity dld<br />

.rirc lf ord d l|t. .e liN ir mod.l. 6iaD of co.ffcidtt of ODP .d l dotiod ed<br />

iafidid veilbb 16 foun b h. ngrtiw ht h3l8nifi{ . Ho*!g Gldou&lp bc$q

stinS ed oFnfts ond CDP *s ford lo b. 3igific.,nly posirira ta y, inflalid sms<br />

to b. pGtriv.ly rcl.Ld rilh insinnio.s in P.tist&, bo. b dw a t@.ii8tul inf.mq th.<br />

Eercher p.dom€d ftelq$ion heeed o. OLS ts *cll 6 CMM nelhodologi.,, Th.E @<br />

quiE s f.w studiB thrl foud inveE link b.hNeen institltion !d CDP growrh. In a<br />

simulation 1o inrcstisn& $is linlq lhc tsrchtr EsEel GDP gDvnn wiih lh. ind.r ond<br />

loud msltivc sirnifrd sien fr ineildids b*king E pBiou lodie R.36ion *a<br />

hlqdploycd usingCDPpdoDids. Fdyofgto*rh I. ilE.snhdiM pl@duE, bolh<br />

ot-S.trd 6MM ftlnodoloe/ B4 enploy.d, nE.niruli@ Gulrr cldtly indiorc ! bbBl<br />

FEitiv. inpat of insttutiod vanehk d go*th ( t bL ,l4)<br />

D. pznde nr vula bk : n6 DPPC<br />

c!149!l't:<br />

FiBr rhe models m Ned on OLS. All vsidblc haw qp€.nd signs dd .ft hlshly<br />

si$ili@nt, InUolim mffi halinB exp@l.d rcsltiv. sign and sisnincoM 3u3g.sb lhrr

uibhlc m&rc G@mic otdilios h.v. ! Ng.livc .ffcl on eddi. !ro*th- H.n@<br />

pudling polici.s of inturid, fit.nc.d 8s{h midi( 'd<br />

bc ftuitfiil in los run. C@fficknl of<br />

{vings rle mdB p6itivc in .ll lhd modcls ud cldt lho*ing $vina i! insrurunl'r ro<br />

gb*rh $ il ituos..pibl eunul.rion !n inv.nnob Th. @mcinl of oFM6<br />

Ept*nd hy hdc ro GDP h.vins cxFclc, F6i1iv. 3i!n rd highlv sisnifi€|n in 'll thd<br />

no&ls, s[Ning im6s.d F.d. libcnlialie inp-r gnMt in ! pcitiw sav.<br />

l. li6t nod.l, lh. tuin iBtilud(Nl vuilbl. s t d.d. llt dmciot is si8|lifi@l Jd<br />

pcniw i!di!t6 insri'niNl qulily p6ititcly .Id sigiliodv innF6 lto*lh Al$<br />

dodFcd is rtE twtl of te lub itdi..s ol iflLx ot P.kisltr i li olinnnrximlizld $ii<br />

lehrcloSbs nmd, rilk Fdkhg leh.ologi6 i. s.cod hod.l lnd dlisl sling<br />

tcl@logi.s in nod€l 3, All cx€pl di@r 5..tin8 inds tdiN lciriw &d !i3n4f61.<br />

Thjs slbs &ri Ml sting lehmlogi6 .r.lsgh anpon ,l|, do nor plbde imF.l on<br />

gNih .lonc hn slEn Mbi'Ed inlo .88Eg.rG i j.* The cul|! howdcr e in @r!n<br />

witt d dlir Nlre 6 cB @untry dltsis, 6 t!dsi.8 kcrtubgb & piodE r<br />

an!&r d dmic Ffol!t|'E. In 8ow$ nodclt dEc dighr b. wi.bl6 dDl e<br />

c loedds {t rrnincd l@ ff,rG wihin modcl, In .ls ctlcs, iGhndts @ u!.d .o<br />

olil rhG por.ntill pobkn of..dolg|iay. In lhi! .sin.lis b8cd @ cMM' fiut lid<br />

sc4d Lg! ol d.Fi&n wi.tl. .nd lid tlg of lll ind.?dddtt wi.U6 e u$d a<br />

inomaE, tn modcl I lo 4 slimane ft. Otl E$lls dE o@ll inLx ol insitulio6 .nd<br />

n* ldBing in&x !a ro rianifimly innEEirg !to*n. Th.ir sisdf.s. lar rl$<br />

i!@ed. Tb. rir$ ololhd rri.bk mt only 6.in dE ffi bol dty bcon. .h n@<br />

3E i6@. Tk oEnll cdt m3imd umh.u!d,<br />

SMminS up, rh. ov$ll P!*is.n indd of inrilldMliz.d si.l r..hnologi6 ha .<br />

3i!ni6s. (F.itjv.) inn{.@ 6 rrewrh, Ttu sinilr @h B wilB*d in m ol its sub<br />

i!di6 t[ret n* Edmin3 rehmlolils. HoMwr, Mri-mr stirs |'rnnobsiB mi..d

inistrilrcor TtB i'!nn!ri(El i.di6 e .l$ @p.Ebh s ftty . nlG sifril{ tu8.<br />

b.tw6 O {d L llE highdt @6cid o M ni. iflld cldlv sho$ dd botn $b<br />

indiccsd@ cMd !rod@ G n*h in[U.@ d gtoMn s wtd dF G dhin'd'<br />

70.6. Concluslon<br />

Th. 6ulrs tu88!d ! dMg lint b.|en i6tit idl qulitv itd ffiic goMn fd<br />

P!&isr.n, H@v.r, h @L.s b dtid @lE,.nli dl sking arLx bd.m intiirtifio!|l<br />

tnil. n* Edsin! i'xhx drr w iBig.ific! in @r FwiE slldidt beft siSnifd'n for<br />

P.lis.n. Thb mEF th.r @ ry speiff, @lc nigh olft.qrnc. dif*nt .4lsioq s<br />

MrFd b c6 cot i6 NI|! ttcic.. @nltv 3lcific rldv wld Fovi& nc iNignl<br />

fd policy anDlicrriN, Fo. P.titra n{ Ed*ing itrgturiN lilc p..r4dd of pdFnv<br />

righs dnd .nl(ffil .nd Lv ud or&r G fs Ie imFdet fd SDMi s mp.Ed<br />

to dl scling insriudons lit mpdrn . t{EDdtic iFlrEi*ls HNwr, t's<br />

Flicy nighr b. b snglQ bod loms of innnudN .l ln. $' rim in ddd lo 'hi*<br />

slsr.imblc &rcI@rdt. 6 th.t cmbin d .ff*! in dE lod or P.Iis1!n ida of<br />

insnlti@tiEd sad t€hmlosks frr outscid$ l|E dnt No, In n !bs.., .Fn b6r<br />

Dolicid fd &slopft'{ od ltrt rin8 hrcJtt'd migl fril s @ i@ i* 6 bqLE d.<br />

hu8. b'6iB ,bk ltd qld ti$ if Flocny<br />

dsnr3 e .ol sold od dt*l 6fo'@c'*<br />

i. sd. M@*r, tu or.mDdor. mpods diver ey Fricv inotiG 8iH b<br />

.r!!e.qo6 rMrdr Efl sl6 Ntins 4otmr tul an outul n3iliti6.d poricv<br />

Th. dha c.rtll v&i.bl6 $os t||rl h&@mic nrbilny, svinls ad oFts .l$<br />

h.w si9i6c!'r ihp.c 6 4o|Mic go*ln of Prli@ a lrldicrd by owy.

Chapter 11: f,,yplo ng causal tlnk between Instltutlons and<br />

Economlc <strong>Growth</strong> for Pakstan<br />

fhb lon chdptu kw.tsob @@t Eb.tutitp b.tu^ tunuuoEt qlatrv ctu 4tum<br />

ettut@ne lot hkhbn. n .'Ptored 6itto<br />

@hbqtutton te.h^tq!. vttih ctunger @lsottll 6t ts used to etobhsh ti' 'Mot ti'k lte<br />

deorchet klnd c@.ne al to^s ruA 5kteotdn^t rctotbnshtp omry tnstltu ons o^d st'ah<br />

wlEtut hnl tuh eusdtfty k h!n4 b br u tdk .ttonot ,trh hnftufit'n tnpo'thg orctuh Howvet<br />

thert n no sh.a run 6lsuu ton tbriturta6 b srctuh o^d tu Eto thtt4d' wbiaobt'<br />

ftrtde h @,'r's Ltuh. kt^e k's nr @utd b inlueE2d bv nE wndnns ot tEth6td'<br />

17.7, lntmaluctlon<br />

The numan gMl for ccMomic gD*rh and devctopmml is ldgelv and posnivelv itfl@dccd bv<br />

the sLt ofpavlilinB ininurioG Thh ELtioslip is snsFr during thc long Em sFsln a<br />

mpoad !o tlt shdt &m Th€ ouslirv b.ilan inditotim md @nmic F tollrre is<br />

rle r idp.rLnl issuc, ud nudi6 shN thd b.rcr insirudos l.'d b a nider iMm' ond<br />

nd rhe olhd wly oun'1, lloweler, int.AEtinS resuhs fim crc$ counlrv mdvsis in<br />

dereloping econmio p.licics *ould nol be lpp@priat! d@ !o coDntry 3p'ci6o dFmics'<br />

Hd@ rh€E is n@d for sinsle muty mlytis c ir cd im a t€n'r dpincd foundarion for<br />

m6*ing Mr.y! policy. This chapb *ill *bd rh€ flpiridl nudt dorc in pEvi6N<br />

ohlprer, explori4 @inlegBtion pmD€ni6 dd mu$l link bd@. iniilulios dd Smwlh fd<br />

P*isb. Irlorcne lboul lhe long run rc|. of in(irurions in asonic potlomrnc', b€s€d on<br />

€sEsion dllysis, mishl b€ nardd 6p..ially in pr*ne of no!_slltbiary tine sei6<br />

Mtlmv.r. Es6ion .rB 'ot inpt dNlilr' h michl l€ll th. rea!6 dt dldrimhip<br />

baven d.Fndcni .nd in&Fn

innio.iml oulis lor Patis& 6 a ie. sudi6 'sl doL b.ss sd idi@ wnich cove,Ed<br />

orc or f.w .speB of$€ iBriturioMl quliry,'llk n!d' cmploys Johtuen_JKlius @<br />

inlegdion kchni'rE { ihe CanB.r duslhy i.st lo .xplG ine dusl link b.ed<br />

insli1uti66 sd snomic pe.lom.icc on rhc mnutl d!6 lor Pa*islr. econm, over the<br />

period 1984-2006. For lhis pap€r a lhkisbn ind.x of insrilulion.liad $cial lechnologies,<br />

developed ln lh. prerious chopter, is used lo o4$re lhc ihstitotional quality in Patisran. Irtis<br />

index is mde up ot Ri st roduci.g tech.ologics Ant i-Rent eelins t.chnoloeiB The chapl€r<br />

is orEoiad as fdllo*s: srion 2 Dre$fls an ovqvis olquolity of ins{itutioa in Pakis&tr;<br />

Setion I p€snll $e nodel ed ccoion.lric lechniqu.s dd d!L desnflioq sdion 4<br />

p€ets dd dallus lhc enPnaol fitrdings & , linalu srion 5 pEst ! @ncludina<br />

17.2. ovediew oJ Qual/l', oJ t,tsaldltlons ont Economic cmwth in<br />

Tabl. l9 shM rh. valB ofrhc Pakine in&x of innn!turuliz.d sjal tahnologi6 ad its<br />

$b irdicG 16r Pslhta lor lhe p..iod | 934 to 2006. ln Pltisbn, du.ing 6ilibr] Sovem.n!<br />

political innnutiotu m almosl mn

tol999 s* r msidodbly hi$s inniturioal qulitv index $sn th..E gov€med bv lh'<br />

'nc sddd wi.blc gD*lh in @ony nduEd bv @l GDP p" 6piio wibss€n t st,bl'<br />

inc@e over lhe ye.6 lntetriinglv, o comp.dlivcly high€r ghsth was witEssd in eE ol<br />

1984- 9l Nhe|g in lhc.6 of 9()n imd. lcv.l belm rtiilv sr'bl', a'd it tgain shlrplv<br />

pictcd up in ttE zm{6 p.dod (FisuE 2) lt m.@ hish.r so$rh in th't D€tiod *'l*n lh€<br />

instilutiotul qutily wlr low.<br />

11.3.me Modelmal Ecmo/',etdct crtnh@s amt Doaa D'Yription<br />

11,3,1 Model specncadoD aDd Drt Description<br />

-to cxplm rbe ouelily b.rwn lrclitulads dd Co*l\ rhc Eg@h'r Es rh€ following<br />

y,= fo+ p&+ frrz r p,ot + €t E.l<br />

rn. subs.ip{ 1" designlA1ire teri.d,//<br />

is ul cDP per dpita I! rpr'senls instiiotioal<br />

qualaty. A it is infltrion, ol is oF.n6 llwtld bv total hde lo CDP lnd e sF*nb is lh'<br />

ctu Lo. tuotnor .qulion is lls given 10 .se$ dc sFl linl in oppositc dirlioD<br />

It= fo+ f D/t+ f p+ PPt+ q r,e2<br />

HowM, irfmE b6.d on eiimlion suld tror b€ v.lid in.be@ ort oint.3Fting<br />

rcllimhip. fi@ hid'l b. dh.r nbdelt in utor db Es6ion (vAR) frnm.vd*<br />

involvine intlalion or op{nness 6 dependcnr !..i6bl€s bul lhcv risht be ireleva.t for rhis

Fdrt ir6litutiNl wi6Ls, tlF lgthd hs u!.d P.li3td iflrd of indinnkn.lizd sirl<br />

tchorosic3 s sll s its sb i'ni6 of Rist Edeiie L.ttulogks .!d Anri€! s.cking<br />

t@hnolosi.!, dcv.lopod in dF PEvios oh.pt r for D*uMdl of ins1ibti l qulitv- Irik<br />

indq rd h! 3u! indiB G boill d lbodtbt 6@wrk of @tr-t !d Ft.|lrorv tlwi6<br />

s.a by t{onn. Tte iidi6 E in 0 io I Fng6 *ld higls ulB irdic{ing b'flq<br />

insiitutioml qulity. As intiNtiml indei m8!s b.rwn 0 ud l. th4 miSl$ bt hug'<br />

.h.G f6 itldd io b.3Lllod..v In lhie @Er\ dF t.*na FfnE d lnt* lo3ir<br />

tufordrio b ndc ltit i.dd dws. windn [EiL Ind.lid t& k rE{!d a chdg' in<br />

@lEMq DriF indc! wheEs op.ire$ k m..!ucd bv iottl lt d. (Exponr plur InPoi'ls) 3s !<br />

Fenl.'g. ol CDP. lnde. F*b.Lr.E l*4 tom tLso dd SmNrs (2009)<br />

*ts* hturio {hh ir i.r.tr frw wqtd D.wlo@a* Itdk tar T.bL aJ tic &hiLd<br />

inlmdrlon .boul the wi.bhs dd Ih.ir d.lr o@

11.3,2<br />

rot'L 4s: Ddb to!rcs Md ent, M'Mttto^sttk'<br />

n""teopp...p'"1-*u.oa.'plp<br />

.9!E!9! !!!!qsl.<br />

- -<br />

htuden.oEumaipda4pnurrxl<br />

rtur tnde (tlpotu Pl6 hFcl .r .<br />

perc.bge ot 6DP (etpdr. idron |ndGoP<br />

firur8 te erpat d in or Y.ru9!<br />

EcotroneFrc Methodolo8t<br />

!9!{9L<br />

sumr!q!!qql<br />

-lb inr.cigtE the caEl €latio6hio rh' lrgNh'r tug chekcd fo' th. did'@ of unil nDr<br />

i. vdds or&d TIE evid.nc. oa ointgdlid lmng vsiabl6 6 $d cxploEd t'd<br />

h.ving fdnd rhe .vidm th. ed co@rior pop'ni€s of dE long m EhrionshQ ms<br />

lr order io have sne de.nilgful Elarionship anong veilbles' rhese vaiabl's ho*evd nor<br />

3tltionary.1ldel, shduld b. slttionatv in di'I!rcnc' lom Augment'n Dick€v Fuller (ADF)<br />

t sr is *id.ly n$d in litcldure to ss*s srsion(itv pop'nv of variabl6 sp'cifidllv ii tts<br />

rhc Nll hyporhoir s b $hclh.r th. *lIicitd o in lh' folldins alurid is 'quor ro z'm<br />

*tG6 . ftgiivc *mcidr wold flil lo sdis& 'utl htTod6i! maing lh' triabl' is<br />

5blioory,<br />

Paklsbn hdex Indrtutio.rlh.dsochL<br />

/!- fo+ ftt+ olrt + att ltyd+cl 9!J

Iteft ./ i "4i!e noie eN. Lm. This r.sr ues th. stolislics povilled bv Dictev and Full.r<br />

(t979). HouoE s.lt enpL rok6 this Bl mli.hle (Dejon8.l ol l99?; md Hdis<br />

2(x)l) s n DodU6 bi6 cuh in Ems of ov.r Ejdtins th' null hvporl'6ii To er1@nrtr<br />

|nb pmblenl' ih€ Mh.r gill E t*o tddilidtl lcsts mclv Drclrv Fulkr C'*nliztd<br />

t .sr sqDm(DF{LS)&d Ng-PcM<br />

'l]lh analysis ains to find ! gable long dn rcl*ionship lmonB variabl€s ltese vdriables<br />

how.vei mn be spataled by shocls, hut th* ihocks *ould bc havina 4rc med r lona rn,<br />

whioh Dcms lhcs vdi.bles would nolc rogcrM h log tun ln lhis studv, a *i'klv usd tesl<br />

proposd by (Johosn 1988i tnd lohanen lnd Jeslius l9$) h"€d d ke slolisticr dd<br />

€igen vlhe slarisdca is spplin, *irh noll h)Flh€siE lhd ii ln' tllB of bodt sltlnics<br />

3hold bc zb hcre no oinEgdio TlE di el value lo Bt rlE sigDif@ e tfovidcd<br />

by M&Ki.m et al- (1999)<br />

v..6r Ew-co trt.r lon Mo

un, eh.l6 t Fsilite or insi$if@.r !:CM @mcicd dld suggBl lhlr<br />

b be p€@., hce no elnlioNhip |ts cmcienr is FpEsrtol bv .r in EquriM 4 and t<br />

tt=. + t elta+t + PtTta t aAtu + t alod<br />

tL-r +to4)tp + t Ltltl<br />

+ t(td- h' pd- t/rdo,) +'' E4.i!<br />

+ 2.tdpA+ t st.r'd+ A(!i- I,.t - 2t t - lproA + q DsJ<br />

WbeE ,, repres.rs fi6t diiLrcne' , rcprcsn$ lhc cocfiicient of ECT c rcpre$ms coNE<br />

lnd ., is while noi€ emr lcnn HeE $c ching' i! dtp'ndent variablc ls a fundion ol<br />

chsg€ in olher ltrilbles .s well as shdks in coint'Eraring rehtionship repr'senled bv E(]f<br />

This .mr orrErion pDp.rtv i3 nol onlv us'd in tunl*r sten8lh€ning th' cEdibili$ or<br />

cointsElion omlysis, h{t n als s6 in ldlynn8 c'uel EhlioBhip thNgi Gr'nger<br />

ResBim mlFis shows th. ehtaNhip bdr@ {tcFndd' dd it&pcnd'nt vdiabl6 bur<br />

dds nol inply suelirt C6naq (1936 1988) {Sg'sr thtt ifvditbld tE ornEstrd 'n<br />

AR(l),lh.n.heE {ill eirhq bc. unidisiiodt orbini@iool eusl Elttionshi! llor€ver<br />

carslity .esls Frlomed lhourl vAR *ould nor b' oFdibl' if lh'€ G a coinree€tina<br />

rclarioNhip (Engl. aftl GEnser' 1987) Bul lhis pobl'm could bd solved if lacsed Ecl is<br />

included in C@ger .tusalnv |csl p'rfom'd on VECM equalion fhe signinance ot I<br />

nrisli€ of c@riic ienr of EcT (l) elk ibout loiS ru n cluelirv {hereas F Sbrir'ics o r i oi'n<br />

sienitrdne of all $e lass of indep€nd' wiablcs undq inv€stiEalion usins wald t'i<br />

co.vcy aboul shon fln dvnrmics ln this wrv borh shon run and long run causlitv couLd b€<br />

found in borh diEctons

77.4. Empincal Rwlts and Analysls<br />

The tfis pan or ft. lMlysis is ro .sss th. 3lriotuitv popefiv of wriabl's Thc Esat|:€r<br />

fi61 perrodsi ADF test M wh of lb. vs.blo on b.$ level $ well as fi61 ditfdnct fms<br />

C.itiel volue for this tesr is povided by M&Kinnon (1991), Th* l€sts @ sd$led *ilh<br />

time rend ed widsr edd Ov€6tl Gsulb prcvid€d it 1lble 46 indicare variabLs fte<br />

ctoces ofudn ml at ldtl bul sbtjoniry in $olr tist dilTercde<br />

fork 16: u!$.31.r E thtutt@ luon nba o&,.r rlr.t I,ar,)<br />

.r.rsKidm {1991) oclnbd 16l-<br />

a!qe!l.]:<br />

Thc ke odd elelid in ADF cst s rcll s odF ic*r is hdtd d S.h*@ Infmalion<br />

Cnl€ri@. This test is nt bbusl for sh.ll s9Ls, dEtf@ tne EsMher Mied oul<br />

sddiriml &s of DFcLs ed Ng'Pdbn. 'l1o rcsulIs @ 8i!..<br />

in tlble 47 dd 43<br />

As it shows iNlitution vdbblo is slttldary at l.vel, bul when tttnd i3 included' n bam6<br />

sliorory !t ffd ditr En@, Rest of tn. v.riablor |l3o b.ooF. si.tiolrv ar 66t ditr€rcne<br />

Thc o!d!l lNlr sueeest mn rul l.v.l bur int4r.tej in | (l)

ertt .r: tfft ad B&norh',lDt Lytln rctstE,lll<br />

r-""mG ; *q*** i.hrdb"'r'd-ntututut<br />

fdb/|tt: u.tt*d E dn ttd l{''ritoritrl<br />

a<br />

t@iF| L fiirt:iuF L!3,!1"i:: -!t!?!!4:: _-l<br />

!<br />

I<br />

L t<br />

L-:<br />

an r Gssing rhe slrtiodiry pdp.rly, th€ tlsahqr dploFd th. prcsc of oinLention<br />

mong vdilbl6 by mployinS thc lofid$ (l9tE) &d J.,h.En.dd Jelis (1990)<br />

lrlccd@ bins dE tu sri.ric .ti drimd .igqtdr H Th. I*lls of dic<br />

@inrEgdrid rers cmrhyins tuldwnl. VAR nod.l (RcDPFc, ltSTPK, INFCPI tnd<br />

OPEfO c eivd in Tlbh 49. llNcg, th. E$lt of @inLsiti@ Ed is innurc.d bv th.

l.ngrh of l!8l. In lirrrurc lh.E Gxist . numb.r of su!a.!i.d ndno& fd ch@sing tl'. Ia8<br />

ordc6. Hcrc, u At it iniof, lio sil.rion ws u!.d {l!nb J0} Thi! sggrsls No hgs of<br />

f.h!. tttt tor'l,dn"fele nu ,r'.d,t $.en v.aqt<br />

. tu 4l* ale br*h d b aot b-t,i t 4 a<br />

'^,drid.u*rMlttrP'ab<br />

r.*e: tttetd'.J.e,dffiEvB<br />

Tt,oho$n.nd,rliB{l9ro)Fu.duEo findbullipb6int gtlla.B@M Thcre<br />

ilrinic in t|bh 49 cx...ds lh. I Fr ql cndd ul!. clalv Fj@ring dE trtll hrtorhGis<br />

of no, d. or ks lhs o., t$! or 16 thlt (wq t.d lhE d lc$ ${ fie @inlcgdlio d<br />

l% od lnu indicllins th,l $cF Gxin .r k5l adr @i.r.{t ti4 veroe Wh.E tuinu<br />

.ird nle !.ri!i.s !l$ 3urporr3 th. sinilr dclsi@ Ej-ling dll hvlo{idis of no oF<br />

d 16 rir o'8, .nd ihF d k r dd de {i' .amid tl r% homvd, n w of Ejatk'<br />

of null hlTotlFsis of so d 16 ths leo .1 llM Lwl- Th.EfN dE oEnll sult ws in<br />

nvq of l,3 ( n@ @int 8ntibn.t<br />

5olo lcval oasignifiqM,'ftc linding of@i cgnrion<br />

h6 srcml implicltios, Fi6q ln.E olcslt k r long dn El is$ip llMt wi.bl6, Ths<br />

lko trfim th. possibility oloNlity ed rul.s oul di p.sibilily ol lpunos coftl iMs.

The Nomrliad CoiiEeElion velor in Tobl. 5 | shoss lhe posiiive MtuE of elaidnship<br />

bc$en insliotiots und grcwrh. Ale lhee is I posniv€ EhiioBhip beN@n op€nne$ and<br />

gro*d, od eSrriv. Ehtionship betwe. inn.don &d so*d<br />

r.t* sr: 'gfiot d cah.rtdd da<br />

as expei'd'<br />

OG rhe Mlud ofoinLgririm is eilblis!.tt wc csrim.r6 vEcM mo'l€ls otcqDario 4 tnd<br />

5. Ar dplaincd arlicr, lhis EgE$ion €plutul nd mlv El4liodtltip wilh i'ittF dcnt<br />

v&iables tut rl$ copturcd clEnse in disquilibrium cmr @DtuG b, BCT Sp@incollv lhe<br />

nd diuercnca of{llinlelolad tdiableE is the |unclion orth€n hsged di'I'ftn€' 6 well as<br />

lagecd ECl . ln this sp4! siE tne ECT b s[lioMrv tll olhs vsntbbs @ ttso sElimry'<br />

-ftis inpli6 tll{ Ol,S surlrnl e|]c vill tl$ bc @si!'nr md cfficidl<br />

rot .52: t@Nry ai ar@dor 6nnt tNetry,*<br />

Table 52 disphys Bullt of insliffio grcwth coueltv fd both shon run s w'll 6 loDg dn<br />

fie Fsux cl.ony shows sisrifiul nesstilc ECT .effciqt lor cqulion 4, whcE6 pdilive<br />

i.sierifi@t dlfici.nt fd oqurid 5 This surpsrs a log on uniiierioMl aNlitv<br />

trming flm inditulio6 io 3owrh. Howd6, m log M gtuUd auelitt wG fond in<br />

ogposir. didior. Ilcroc! iEtituii@l qulily GdnSer clls gb$rh in thc log m hr<br />

Crcwlh dcs ndr e!$ in$iffional quality h long m This suppons thc imDorLne of

in{illtloB fd lds run @mic FfmtE<br />

of P.rii.!. Shat tu dvMi.t @ opluld<br />

by rh. Fd.ristics of W.td 0a3! dtc disobys tlF hi' signifi..E of L!5 ol ps*lh (A<br />

RGDPC)od In tnnidrl wibL (A llSD in l(l) qth.. Th. cd-!d'd F Sditid ofjold<br />

lAl Cwi tht bs of lntitulio,rs @ i.lisnifr.n b goM! .qodior ( l) cqudd od liss or<br />

aDw$ @ ds iGilnift! in iliin iN.qDtior (2),'16 ds! is m stdt M oulilv<br />

nun i'dinn'N b 8o*rn ad vic. wE<br />

'bd*.dqb|J6'.rdrulbrnur.F)rdF<br />

',*|n.hldnl|tudrra.dd4ltrer.<br />

tL**{rtfuub"JlYt6<br />

W! d$ Frfdn d b.ndy of diryFdic l6ls d vEC Modclt Fd t€J! e MdeLd ro<br />

!93 shcrld ll* cq'tdN e te of qM Fr.ining b tundidd fonn<br />

oisip.cific.rirr Dro.oftldidr, M.lity nd *nil. hdq@.diricitv R@h5 d'picLd<br />

iqtr T.bL tl cbny sho*t rc didaE in lhh Eg|dl c ioll hvDdncL of e ffi i. .ll<br />

dF c.s dld lFr b. Ejdr.d r l0?.<br />

11,5 Collctrtlol,<br />

In dri. Fpd, tlF |g6lF h.t .mii.d dE qu..do ol th. qality of inditttid.' G6!lgc.'<br />

qe e.Mic shvdh d ,ic. E &. Speifislly, n inv.iistL ldg M oul lint t rw

th. Pakislan ind.x ot instiuio"liz€n sNit! Ehnologies ond ercnmic p.raomsne using<br />

annul {llb lor lh. pci.d of 193,!2006- lhe resNh csib i.dicaL. cl6r long run<br />

@integdio. Gl ionsnip h€twer inniMios od !6*an fs P'tisln Th' MtuE or<br />

€elny d shdr on dynmi6 opturcd bv VECM and gdecr @slitt lcsi indic'le mi-<br />

diEdional ccuelity ndn innnuions rD sro$hi<br />

howcver, .o lo'g run cauelitv, in lh'<br />

6@s.r *n*, *6 loDd in opposiE diBlion simihrlv, rheF is no shod rut clrslitv rnn<br />

insliruti@s ro lrofih .nd vice ve@ Th. policv imPliqrions $Eeest thlt in odn lo &hi'vc<br />

3Mimbl. @mic ao$rL polni6 fmBins on lds &os sels shord hc ddign:d lnd<br />

inpldcnt d fd Mpte, rhe craljn oaond potirh.l ud $i'l in

Pan Gchaptea 12: Cotrcluslon<br />

Thi! qn|'nnE dtptd @pind.t6 dE oblqiG of dt dEns, 8i6 ' 8a61 !'roMl ofllE<br />

nFnodolos/, di* |n. din fun!{, .'d diB dl dE im@tr.d Flic, inrlidi{N oldE<br />

findiigs lln d6!! ddls tlF itraori.t i$ of n|dnne qulnv !d cfictivg* of<br />

fmd i|stinniN sG ddri..!xl qlpittdlv &s dFi nigd o s$nirlbL @mb<br />

g!o*rt. lr .ho .xpld6 dE is ofu{n|iDulrv ofSto*lh ii &Elolinr Eeid!' 6lcidlv<br />

in P.lisr- d liils | *ilh tlE qdity ofpd.kd indin|tiE<br />

Thb .hDi.r iddts sF.ifolly {E is6 of ( l) qtnific.tiod ot itdiuniorl qulilks rd<br />

cfi61iveB&6@mts l|d old s6E! driw iniilliod 6Firo; (2) Wtrcta<br />

inlinni* rE pivot l td hrg M $n imlL dmic gwlh.d (3) WhclE irriuic<br />

phy ampo|bnr rd padrl ol in dt effiic drrmics of P.lli!.<br />

Th. Firi is s |sri.d by .aSEgdln of ditr sl n|dc of iDtitria in ftt! of ifl''r<br />

of i'diiniuliz.d $hl L.imb8i!3 speifi€llv, il c.{'tc i'dindo'l qu|ni6 ofmos of<br />

tnc cMtiB i. 0F rqld b rs i.di6. TIE frt in L,( nEG uul inniodnl qillitv<br />

fd 5 yaB In D.El lm, Thc sdd itldd( b of cc sriNl Mru!.' .d n..,G gcFEl<br />

quliry olintn|niN6wins f! |tF @nlti6.!r.t dt|l 9||!6<br />

IE sn is ! ddc!.d bt prodEi|B dtFni.d eritui6 of @6 @rlav t@$ trFdck<br />

6liuin8 idiuritul quliti. Enrg in&r of llritllidtlitd $i.l l4lmhgi6 a sll a<br />

dls inFri-t hd..i Tte .dtn.|6 c ol slot l Dd!!r a *dl 6 h tlt F!6ocqiw or<br />

dddor.3 dbB lo |ss dE Lct ofcdwsaE F.dioLil bv min*d Srsrh osiB<br />

ft. d'nd !s s d.rE*d duugh d.sLol's saec oftlreddd qulli!. fd P.tirtr<br />

!d aDni.l eidt of |ltnoL i. ti.6.|mlc pdfdrrcof dE.d!|ty.<br />

TL tlEis 6srr of . si(s of dy3 o liiiirids .d 6dr inFl d t6n{|lc 8@rn.<br />

Thalfdq ad, !,ilIlc.l .htd (6lD hs s li'diddrl .!i.dic !d. +@ifr

nelhodolosy to &hicw lh* obj*tives In dt lbllowing patgnphs, lhc rcsrclEr will<br />

suMi4 th€ obj@iver nelhodobe/ and fitdings of @h 0mllaial ch.pu<br />

chalb 6 pasrtu .. idex of idiNrio t4n sill @hmb3i6 dnt k m'dq uP of No sub<br />

i.diEs @ly Rilk RnNing B:lsolosi6 .nd Anli RGni e*ing lehmlogi's This inda in<br />

run, ole6 s.Dl sial, innituion!|, lolilical od @omic $P*ls Spaifictllt' il<br />

an€nprs lo ch$ify snd m@u€ vorious D?6 of institudons bosd on a lhcorcdsl fmmdork<br />

Ths innituion6l i.Ili6ro6 e then assF$td Bins Prircipal compon'nl @lvsis The<br />

index fG 8,1 anLi.s ld 5 ys6 is c@t€d o*rins lh€ penod 200246 |t lhis slud, ahoul<br />

14 dill@nl<br />

ncaslG e us.d.n! de N ageEgden in 14 indies ndaing<br />

'nsttunidll<br />

innitulionrl qualily. tn a sinilr nmd. th.v aE aeeEsded inlo cmpEhensile index of<br />

i.stitutionalize! so ia l lahnoloeies MoFovcr. *nsir iv nv dal'sis tts D€tfom'd<br />

lo ch&k rhc<br />

reelrs usins di|l.Ent agsEsaiion tppr@h.s Rduh emoined quitc sinillr pmvins<br />

iMbitivity ol indcx ro*sd reisndng .nd .g3FearM,<br />

Chrpd 7 cxtcnds ttE in{innional @v.E8c lh.l Nd |nnftrn b 3'l vditbles dE ro<br />

un.vailabil ily of @tin uous dtb of live v.a6<br />

t torevcr, on@ ihis oondnion is dopF4 a rot<br />

more drld wrc.s on b€ qulified lo b. itoludcd in index Moftovct ii3tirulioral qualilv is<br />

obwed ro be p.6hcnt ovcr time, heM dopDing timo c$nction niSht iol ruL mxh ota<br />

ditr.dc lb olilalia o th* hugp voluG of &na $is chtptr ttdtct lhe ind" of<br />

iditotioFliz.d sid l*lftlogiB ovding fd nm d.L l)lllg ttrj indic's, ttd<br />

€mployins sinilu lsgEg.tion 6_.mewotr ed objstiv. w€isl ine tehniq@s fiis index<br />

sives cns scrional esrimal€s or insrilutionel qullilies ol l'11 munti6 Aboul 100 dlra<br />

suEes @ ddoycd a& dch 6Dty .nd aglr8rkd inb 3? indies ndsuri'g difr€renr<br />

aspEt' or iniitotim Tn wia!16 e in lm of ,wms6 @wnn8 fi€ pdidl df 1995 lo<br />

2(x)9 *nh emc veia6l€ avdaging up ro l0 y@ whilc m d sinSlc ve 6dndd

&p.nding on rlD availabiUry oi d.t!. ln lh. .nd, deuiled onD€risN with olhd mdor<br />

Chaptq I expbEs innitutional ercn4h n.xus enplovi4 index or instituliorolizd sNisl<br />

kchnologies (p€tel) 2002 {16 Advsc{t {onom€ric tehoiqus m u*d lo mak' rh€ Esulls<br />

obBr to porenli.l bi6 car by endog.noN snd @i .d vdilbles s *ell 6 @urry sFcinc<br />

elfdls For cmpind mtsis, b.dr hnnioMl cl!]ssgrio pe€du6 *irh *cE3' val!6<br />

of 200246 s sll s poel &.hniq6 *cE adoFcd, Plml 6ljrdid €mplov'n sidplc ols'<br />

od ffiny dlveloD.d dtmic pecl brtniqG lbr cMM b.$d drrmic F cl btlysir<br />

fi. rcs4rchd u*d Fnst difr€E@ appMch .s w€U s svslen Iv appboch' I!'<br />

'nimotor<br />

findings wee 6busl and oonsisienl. lnstituridql qulilv is posnivelv s$rcirted with<br />

ocommic go*rh. Index oa imrirurionalizcd *iil tehnologies d'picls ! po3itive lnii<br />

3ignifi@nl ccfficicnt in go*th rcsr.sion. llow.v.t, who ill No din'Nions *t ltsted'<br />

n* tdeing lehslogirs main€d insisnif@l rhuglFur' This s4ge*s thlt A i R'nt<br />

sekinS inii$liffi do prode t cdiddblc inF€.t on dtmio FfomMc" *h'6 llE<br />

impsr ol risl Edrcing iditulios o gdMh 6 nd ve., sisni6@t Thk @ld b' dk lo<br />

Fiv.lc alGhltive ituiitutioml lm3€tud rhat wolld li,l in lhal gaP lsff in !b$n* of fomrl<br />

risk r€nuoing iNlitutionn thcFs no seh adngenenl dxisls for lnti_rcht sking<br />

&chnologi€s. How.ver, sunDary inder oNficicnl is oonsid€mblv highet the rd oth'r lwo<br />

3u88.sring risk rcducine rehnolosis mid ior pmducc rc$lt alo@, but do Dddocc lheir<br />

own inp*r whcn @mbincd *irh Anli Enl sli.g bhnologi6 H6.., this &bit'd ed<br />

mbst Mltsis suggsls th.r incn[ioN Ittodue a Posiliw.tr4t o greml ..d @Mc<br />

palom.@. Mmrcr, dEn enihtt! aE hrg. showins dd jlst linl. impbvins in<br />

insilutioul quliti.s would pod@ hugc jnp.ct ot lro*lh ood @ndnic p.rtbm!ic..<br />

lllle, il suld onlidddy be suggFLd llEl innnuioMl reloms such 3s minimizing

@flion, srMgth.ni.g pbp€ny rishts, lnd imlovir8 h* od oder @nditions' cnforcing<br />

oonrEcls @n lod ro emmic gDMh.<br />

ChiDtcr 9 is devoted !o qploring inslitulion! sorah<br />

emlidcs in dcvelopi'g norions llse<br />

Mtio6 have ftei ow s€l oft@hlens and dvnrmics TheEIorc, lo<br />

'mpinctllv<br />

dl iBrirutios in ddeloping cMui.s, not onlv Sivcs<br />

tss$ lhc rol'<br />

this index t *idt oceDrtbilitv bul ale<br />

hel03 fomut.& policiB to ehi.rc $sl.idbL gosh 3irilr ro *htt d'vclop€d counlrics<br />

hrt. {hic*d. Sp€ifictllt, il aftcmp|d ro r5l lh. imFct of itdd of innndiMlizcd sitl<br />

Gh.oloei6 (cGs sridoD ed then sb indi@s pEsnLd in chaDt€r 7 _ m su3lliMblc<br />

c@nooic er*a]l of45 d€leloPing olnrrics A oomPEhensile nodel ofeondi' Sror(h<br />

*os dcvclop€d Rirh 6osl ol 6e Flev.nl ie$rs lhot inuNn@ glo*th in ddvelopins natons<br />

included in lhe model sF.ifically, n i.clud.s isloN dat onml foi initidl @nditions' public<br />

invc$mcnt ls infittutuE, eving3, m&@m@ic nlbilig, qLdtl debl humo<br />

d.velop6c.r indioto|s" c'jffi. @ut for cxt.n.l p.srids 'trd tborc lll $t ininuions<br />

Tle Bulls w@ quire sidilr b ffieh.r's dli.r duld Noftvd, in thir sudv' ns|{<br />

dtucing 1dhnotogi6 do pnn@ o Dositirc dnd si8!i6dl impacr d gmwlll So' ils inFcl<br />

on goffh might b€ noE Fomdc€d for dcv.loping @nai.s. ovdll. thi! sludv sulgcsls o<br />

drong linl .mons inslilulioru! qualitv, msdconomic sltbililv ttd edooic pcrlom'nc''<br />

md .l$ connos ondilioml @nvcrscnco as predicr.d bv modm lhon6 of goMh 'llis<br />

n.ds thrr if rn developing mtids imlovc th.n instituliml qutlilid, their chdes ot<br />

cdch-up ,odd gFrly irro-<br />

chlpt r lO F|ts r Fnjole r(ff m Pdilre rc mlc this $dv al$ cmFlibl. io sjtSlc<br />

dntry {tJ4rmtu. Single @ul't @ltsis cm idd funhcr diffiions to rte lihluE 6 lh'E<br />

bay b. difl@n@s in qDlity of dot! fim ounrry 16 ountrv maling ompeisn t bil<br />

dubious. Funh.more, c@nlry sF.ific liltysic cu lbm a I'ens enpiriql lound.tion lor<br />

mating counrry's poUcy. Above all, no sludy h.s b..n ddc ro cipluE insritution grow.h lint

for P.rhL{. This cl'prer pDyid.s ueful inlomalion iD andlvzits institutions 36$1h<br />

dynrmic lor dcveloping countri€s, ltd prosenc sn index of ineitDrion i4d socjtl<br />

ior llkirlan To Ddurc th* dihetuionE 12<br />

tdhnologid !s qell d its hro sub<br />

'ndiocs<br />

v.ri!bl6 h.v. b€€n aggcgllei using Prircip.l componal @llsis @veing Fnod ftom 1984<br />

ro 2006. ls frpiriEl mlysis, OU B r.ll s CMM ndh.dolog/ @nlrol fq bia {us'd by<br />

.ndosrus vsitblei is employ.d Th. @16 @fmed p€viM mlvsk Pblishn<br />

'nd'r<br />

of itrnnudotli2td shl re.hmloBi.i havc . signifiMr (losiliw) innuq@ d 8rcw1h' Th'<br />

sinild esull witn6*d in m. ol ils sub indcx Melv n* Edlcins lshnologid Hor'ftr'<br />

and'rc sling l4hnologies Ehainen insigniticrnl, Tbis in oont"sl lo pEvioB rcsulls<br />

sulgcsb irEtred imponon@ and 16l rcduoinS lelhnolo8ies in econmic dvnanica or<br />

Palisls. Ovo all, inslitolions Fd6o€<br />

gru$h it lons on for Patisld ThcEfoc, fo' a<br />

policy implic.tid, su6 ord, policy could b. inn@nc.d bv rhe $undms ol iturirdims<br />

Chlpr.r ll in6tiSrt6 susal Elllio$hip bdwen i.citutid6l qulitv td @tmic<br />

p.rflfuc in Pltislzn 6ing rh. Jofide-JKlis ointenrid @hniqw dd rhc cmng'r<br />

cluelity tcsl. TIE sludy Esultt indid. dtt ldnudons ed gn*d e @inGBEkd lid lhls<br />

cxiibir a Elilble longm Eldionship. TIE Cnnrercluslitv l€sr fi.di4s indio& thar thcd<br />

h clclr lone dn auslity bctween lnstitdons md 8m"1h there institutional qualitv ooues<br />

sonomic 8ro*lh.<br />

ltowever, no ousl .videe was aoutd aor shon iun in dv dierio'<br />

Tfidfoc, 6 a policy inpli@ri@ dBr ininudondl qulitv n.v sue ro th' 3usjntblc<br />

irctEe in @ntry's in€me in lhe ldg tu..<br />

'Io shluiz, rhis rh6is n:ade o ![.m'| b fitrj tlE imFcl oa idioriml qulilv d<br />

s61lidblo ..{mic erc*d !m @Drtid Ar ovcdtl i.slidliqEl Iles is e$blisltd<br />

bard d rhe ol'lml ntugh *hich n inpdcts gpqrh. Th* ch$D.ls ft l) lhmu8rt Eductne<br />

rhc risk ol doine b6ins od 2) lhMsi p@ting diveaion ol |sUB jisn pr.drcrirc<br />

lcliviries b Ent sking, OveBll indq 6 wll rs $ee chdnels is lhd ehpiiqlly lened

R.$lB e dviftinr, inlitutioNl h&x pod@ hIgc ild si8nif@i imp.4i o so{lh in loog<br />

M, Meovd, Anti Mt satins chsi.l .l$ Fb6 t b. sirnifdt Whi.h i@5 snd<br />

ii.siMioB s o@nl diwEbo of @16 !o p'!d.!otv E s6*ing..riviti. rtd *ill in lun<br />

iDDtls imyttid.nd prcdsriviry lio!.q. rftl tldsin! ch.r*lddrl *N @ p'!dx€<br />

. tsnifpn imF.i in tu cNry F$eric In m|l'lq n* EdEitg cr[Md gn3 io b'<br />

w*j.8 rcll lo Plrin a .!i Fl $ddig ii&x Fov.d<br />

ro b. icirnifisl Thi. 5u18615 dtc<br />

nisl dfrdt inFcl of tlt$ ch.mk b.td d @nlrt 9ai6c drMic hr @dll imPr of<br />

'Itl cnr stirs reh,sLgis G Ie F.@B.d Slobllv<br />

nEdoc, in d.Jg'iig rl i,nPtdlrlg 6.|mt Fliis htiiniNl 6fm3 shdld b'<br />

midqld . r.p Fidi, in odc io di.w *rrinblhv h @Mh gord In @ fd<br />

&vdQinS M!i!g de b m *l|ge oa rBdititd dvqlFr. hd n i @ditidrl<br />

ueo. dE r& ofttF Fhbn i'dn'ridrt s val indiori.D o b. rftihd.d lo dEn bd( o'

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Appendix A: Data Sources Description, cross country

trY<br />

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4hp/,\lw.*dldt .k4lri/p<br />


ctulrar.t ld rlE Ri.h cdns<br />

coo'.tili@R.Ft'ox'ord,<br />

L.Fd14R.lll'Lopd.d+si|@<br />

vhriy(Llsvt r999,D. adity<br />

of oowdmdt, Jodii dtl0w,<br />

!.@i€, 0d Orsbidioi 15.<br />

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(lnriF wrkh,2o09,,2009 ha<br />

h.n!s. Foodrloi sd Dor Jffi<br />

L.wi *irb s.d, Ndonmt.'<br />

P4rmi. P'!.ddr otth. wdrd:<br />

,oot^itru.lR.9.n.'€caNL<br />

fe.odridxDd4rehdle<br />

FinecdF.ai@]dPd!r*<br />

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REsaRcHwo(|NcP^PFI<br />

16r,It ecrd &J. Firo*il<br />

Do|.ll&nfin@Adx y$d<br />

,00r,wddelPdicyngdl<br />

hw$; *irh s.d N@ir0a€.'<br />

Eoonlc F .edm dfrr. wcld:<br />

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L*b;}hhs.djNfu!,o0€',<br />

E&Fb Fi.doh otr[. wdld:<br />

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;Fd L.rercsih4 sr .irc,<br />

,c'.|or!.iliolffiil99{'<br />

aol-'06'M5<br />

zr)r'"€rdjv.op'im$d.y''<br />

^|b.tr<br />

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(cEPFrI CEPU(2001) r!@ir<br />

THE LEx nnNDl<br />

nrfl|l,P@lk|obF2'<br />

-,(orrRTs: d?sib4^'*!i sNtik wclta'rc<br />

PFn9o'NAnoN^LBURI,\U<br />

oFscoNoidcrBwcl|<br />

R|ncl Lr Pdt, flNeio hD*<br />

desrhHnft i shki.lr,wartir<br />

PrDiss9o'NAIoNA|,BUIE^U<br />

or c.oNoMcRBE rc!<br />

h*siss.$Nd'200''.<br />

2003 tupon'. Eoionrc<br />

FEdoi ^nNrr NtudcFng !!4!q!<br />

K!ir4&dP.bidalot n'.<br />

.Dd.lB&(rs6.{dfu<br />

l'daido.Ui.6ci.|,djsly<br />

|i69cdfuidnEh,Elof<br />

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dlsib..,.{idii shkif6,\,qt4<br />

P|Fr'9o'N^IoWBUBU<br />

fufi.llrPorictk.aciobp.}<br />

drsrrxd.aidr.i shhif.r,wqrLu<br />

PO' 3N90, N TIONAL EURE^U<br />

d+Stlft rAodcl Shl.if4wakids<br />

Pryr 3190, NATTON^L BURnAU<br />


rr*s; *ih slih Nabdm.'<br />

Fmnic''!.ddnoft|Ewdd:<br />

1{0|^iMlR.Fn.'Eomi.<br />

F !.dod Nd*!*,rle rde<br />

wdx F-..lmic Fdm. ,99!<br />

,6.."fdiE@iroislq"<br />

Olo!.1codP.tivs r@d{<br />

hPd.r.nd, L. P?n 's rG<br />

F|qlidqPoF€|dEoi.i!,<br />

oEr.ln Bd|B'Jenrl o.<br />

fu'*|l,Pdb'rrFrio|rF'<br />

&.s|L6'aidEisN.lf6'rl']dtiJE<br />

d!.slhH,afl lrd sl dt4wriins<br />

P4d 1390, NATIoN.{L BUNAU<br />

irnq n4 L-'4Nd'uri

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WF<br />

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3W!!f<br />

rilP.f.r'<br />

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1999). *dld B.ir Pdicr Rad'<br />

2mr."Ex&d|veopiniolsryr,<br />

orfo|d, uK.<br />

2001, "ErddiY. opiiim sry."<br />

o:rrU LrK<br />

I/dldEduligrdu'r'il00.'fudiEoF.fufu''"<br />

c|ol.lc!.FditivaER*t<br />

oxld4 UK.<br />

r cflarDs (crrRrr) HIMN<br />

ApprurLB: lrata So||Ite. D.tafldo, cros. courEy<br />

ffifu -td,'t6h..d -<br />

etn&orddor*<br />

B.&qdry.aatsddi$<br />

o.decb{br,bst4.i,(d)<br />

lxsrhlilt.ad.J.r*I d)<br />

d. h|lo*tia lnft.n'd-<br />

c.dr ofdprlrd 4lm it bdr<br />

Polo. laitivd4 ld r&tu!ftaPdd gdq<br />

rnddr F.r.t Fr'dd<br />

Cod-D! il$ d dbr.drc i.e .E.<br />

1..1.-.fid'd.admn clr[ddda<br />

lrdFd*..&!dcLY h i,tu€te aNdd<br />

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.driC€ft.L.rlloort(6d dd<br />

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L..d|]fud.dl.d.ormnB@t'lddt&<br />

tu hlis sldrv b !L bni!.ld.t d..d bF&r dd<br />

;;i;,-r' cid'-adtu-bd hr EbriFd* d*r6dEL :<br />

dr-d*dMl i.-altr d E<br />

L.alrybdcf,.-6a@!rdd<br />

fuhdEL'@bnd4dfudbFu@F<br />

dr-cig& kdlgdaMd dd<br />

tu-hr;'g;;lt !r..!d B r.Ntd! |r.ld dh. bdtrd!' fttdar<br />

* don eq d h44!d.i &d LFt r.d<br />

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d?..ft!rfrdalfrttusl16<br />

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O..drdr ch. !d rH t hi-<br />

H...Hq b rA.-fiard Etq<br />

ol'.dM -. ddd.b h-r dd.rdd<br />

Tlr. FilLl qdry ! o ohod. b hdH &vdlFd<br />

Coldaoc i'r rb [Ldlhlddm oaitao. h dr i.ldv<br />

&*LEqr..?LL[.nFnrdF.FVLFikd<br />


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ronr.i.a r !a(!rnn$!<br />

li!'qDl!\Ld\y]oIiccJi.L<br />

rheli$ q \!9lgt! | !r+,t:9!!!!!ng!<br />

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iiittr s-,. rnJ<br />

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Liqtu,idB cqrk\ [ {ti rdrRc) P!iu inl<br />

w't!s: wqr rrliNr i!u!!!]!!' \$+ d<br />

r!!: \!\9r{w dr { 'rr!t!ll6 s+ iJ$ hr '<br />

FoDlLcquntr trr,i! .tr,0Iq^,6lli<br />

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!!'4'lIlo{$ii$r:pd'<br />

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-"ir , .'." .;rm-n" tt<br />

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i-,e*ribd-i.'<br />

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r!4re {' it I<br />

iLs q,'ud!<br />

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!., d,t hsJ d di. dlcom did !3{cY<br />

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n ,, -^h;, ir, rred d Lhc r dlhg irftr NL oL<br />

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nrdmrtunn;rA db; ortind s ! tu orF qtu cDP<br />

n'9qh'^.LGs|id.i'ifubkofiicir<br />

bdrd&r;ft.rtud!F, B.gdbtuE'4qoFdd b<br />

rL rr" cbe<br />

rcRi3.h--*-" - or" t; . tw se<br />

obl]'aF6'olsfdlm{h<br />

l sd d'.Nisnd non o b 4 l<br />

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r-*; ,r ddi{ " h ,.d -Lm<br />

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&i4q r2{ffiFd.<br />

o,6hiDofhcigby\GRdidds:^|.ri|ffi*|€k'rm<br />

ilporauiG b, iorBh6 dlnnr<br />

Unlr'mpedlive!.d|sPnccdh|'D|sdmjmb'b'i'TsFj*ivi<br />

F@im<br />

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^lilmmpo|ypoli.y|l|A'Idice'i€<br />


Adini!.Ed tri.d rnd dflrd ti6<br />

cmpdirro.: ;tudv!!e:agof m*dstvfdFwiiru<br />

cmF'ili0uwob'liMiqhld<br />

L4jfud.^i.sudd\tlfu'lt<br />

TdgnicyonlajdrcdvinnE'<br />

Tfld. Pollcy &d Fftt R.sir' EMbliis<br />

ty.!bd|6liun'sR<br />

Hq'*tr'{edidr'idEFulEidb9Mdps]|E'<br />

Ho;'.t auj. E rM!|'d.4r.td tu ft tFsd qBE<br />

H- id.u. * rtu-sraru rd'h. sM orrq@E<br />

icgMho|Fu|b6|Gs<br />

HN i'md.ro( R "^'m d rd. E<br />

FbBhr o;dG'f'@rnDIIrs<br />

tu*ibd!*a*$oqdld<br />

m'":l',ffi-*-'**"<br />

i4d'de,'fuffi<br />

i:'st 'ry@GdFdffigl!.t|o t-ti* *.mddtr hur drpd<br />

"n*u-a. "u<br />

F;-hl.lbetuoa'rs'Dd<br />

ed[dlfush."|lddiJ'.diiduifu<br />

RglcdD..&usEMfudl4<br />

qid6ebFdhwmi!,<br />

D! [d f|@r tr d.dmrdr o vor m ly! @npdrrffi'<br />

rci-'..n.-'"o *gri*tr<br />


lei,,ji*rE<br />

T<br />

h!i$! L.i4Ni'guirdr i<br />

nt,^\!!l!!NnNru<br />

'!4!!rsI<br />

h,,L-ry r ini"d. s-<br />

li$trr r

fi-<br />

:4!rr$r 4!$!i<br />

,$r Ltrg::<br />

*R [ ( ni4 d rurs h$] 'rr!t!!!l<br />

\LreG!!rieDd tr! !441d ')1!r!!q!<br />

'** 1

I r-N",i ..d;J,L Ld * ,r- i rd "s q"-'i *<br />

bnNr r55d I !!lo!L c 6rN(&ri'i{L<br />

8b!o ft uitrd<br />

q14' L q!!a! { ciiel lqd\<br />

!f^^! !!n!tul\r! !!! r,5':l!t!4i io ld\ ' '

Mni ;;;:dL sd- h. !, *.! s.,i"-<br />

h podi... s!;d ,4si!y i sbic h ir I<br />

'\"-i;", i,::,:;.;,i;,.,i.,,:., u.-,,1. ., " ; r.,,. "

6sir Jter$'in. L<br />

., ''*-;.";r,ft r oEdiulJ: .rN- i $tr A.ui<br />

n - s;J, ..,"*.i i r..ni. r P^-<br />

i"":J6 d mc nlo h!5 ro r.Pr.rr n h<br />

^,"1h,"*<br />

'".'<br />

r*' ;, i. d. 0. *...^.,<br />

cl,rd' rtNir!rt ri!,ah$h

h;siL" uoruqtr! s 'dq*n r$i!!lr!!od qlr i<br />

.;,. "t i'.,, '

P.|ft"j<br />

R9|.,,'l.k!'.,"<br />

,q &N! {!d; f,rr},n d:<br />

L! !9!lr !r". i' 1 -llllll:ri l]!t!!l+ ilrlci ! lrd<br />

^i!;, Lq..r \r,{r$qirtrLdL ( {<br />

| liii,,;i. u;-*L id q d( 6rq'ir q*nitr<br />

r Li. ! r,! tr ME ! r!!b' h &!sm!!ir]rl!q!1ri

I F.. ..'-; ..'^"'e<br />

lnn$uNm$'Ng[$hi!hci's!<br />

ii r\trq . i,l!!:!mi r i €llllrer ' :!4!Ij t tE 4ilirid i r'rh<br />

r; p.. ..., -. ,*-,{ ., -.r." o<br />

,. iJ,- {'. o rcrJ !r j1r" !ri

id {,ohdqr i!Ji! rr drd[f] rr<br />

|\,:'''.*"'',,..-"'''1''i'''M'|t''''/|.'<br />

q!!!q!! li!:rl!r'<br />


${4( d r'd ri 'u'd o lg y!, t,r{!!5$<br />

ln;.i';di n rr"*..irr:r)i*i.Ji$ r D d,., I ir'i it h&i

ildiD iuri,ir d ).jLio{ tudi.drq$ldrG!.<br />

! nor &iLdi.i ('dudliusrtrNhiiqs.<br />

hredir tr{F,r(drr!lL'ri!r! h<br />

&i4u"$L irrutrij iis ddr d)on<br />

'iqdns|.'.di{'''r.''ilga''|nhii''<br />

\J{ ni lir ibn!'bo dcud t Lhc ! 614l<br />

''!!l:rr . .1ro ru rligr.

-P.dii;;a<br />

ftq*yilgblg<br />

]\elr!I]rg!!r]]rir r \' lqr '!!,!f<br />

.1 kur!i,r;!q iL\!.rt@{u<br />

rojudli{r n inrg r i' r,.rd i,

t-rld.riF<br />

ffi"ry"r<br />

3,rJn<br />

'iitD<br />

1!|<br />

lilii i,l;:il;il:1";,," ,,,,,<br />

6|lj.'l!tl|n<br />

n! D$ drt\1h!bqii,e ltiL]di!4 n!)<br />

,,," ,,,' ,,,,'<br />

",,<br />

r!r4e '! Lrljrft. ( ud I rloltrtds d I !! 'r!1lii3h1 rr!i!!!10lla03<br />

,n!trol{rLr. r tr{!,r'is$,1 'irun r!4!r<br />

.,',,r.*,u^urr *i",ri.iir. isq*'"<br />

'\1 $q lrlrtr,'!<br />

t:<br />

rs.r r+!!:o sr!'<br />

;<br />

:i<br />

;i Ft<br />

M<br />

I<br />

dddrrrlh!r r iriL'detrotr<br />

4i@r r,i!jLis,is,u uBi )] riwboLqiLilo{i \ri r !srind<br />

ri elj{nisvi6 i !sPdid<br />

dd riEr 'q lLinNtr ruilq{urJUodr($i:e<br />

i".e.f.e,,ir nm, 3d *is[,"r "ihgr\ndilhsdde.ruc15i<br />

l!! !i {rJi'<br />


ibsr"td*-,'<br />

tl_,<br />

.eLLliDii5r!rir!ir, !r )icd k' tr<br />

iiis*JJur.nu i r\r$( ri"rh<br />

(roburcrnr{r ri!! '$i i!r rluru* $8.<br />

$er!q4!]]rs$h €!1d, . Nq sdrL'<br />

Nd$ukt!!r r!! 05 trr!lrlj<br />

ihr. ,;;bia --,., ^ ,r.,L f.^-i - e Mia +"ni^<br />

idcdtueh ctuL ! j(' \'f!e:llll!<br />

rnn , - ,i1."; .-^ J r^el o, dt ro roura qej uD<br />

nulc wuu uD I $r | ' n 0i l!!!rre:<br />

lhi,,in"li*niin, d" r.d - $" nib.hs, "*ri^<br />

"'''',t'<br />

isi*r h$,\tr{$!u!iNru!r!!!!r!ll!!!{'r is<br />

!9r!11!'I r\I{ $!u!i Ns'!!r4!l!<br />

ro,ljur qlr i r! ,r rriilPdr rr (r ri rsrr!,irdt(,7<br />

onL)'hrr$urd !'F{Nqi i i 3!irn<br />

Itr 9.,, rr r n h! s5. L"<br />

',<br />


sup' l<br />

JlnnJ hr r{ ! L! Lii lnrJcliioo<br />

sd;s: Dlur h N<br />

L, r . ,h.;.r"& '.. ,!i'<br />

'ri!.,r,<br />

\. i , r'!.riii Fd<br />

juds'rukiiii.irr<br />

e.'iq.!rt.[...'."i--,F<br />

- . .-:, -L ....,i..,<br />

sqi.o iLFnd6qani 4Jiitr!!\nd<br />

Pru$!nrr\ dDPr$\n j4r<br />

I t u hbr. D!LiL $ riNrs 0,. iLrJgq<br />

FirB 1.r \ irj ,r h id trs [ !a! r d.f<br />

-idh. qF-."h<br />

I h-&nl,h d-,r6 i,ri( $! ^. 'a<br />

d"r#r;i/*.r'.' .'r., I dt<br />

a,hrLrni!nrorqd,t irlqJj<br />

Il: !!:r<br />

' '<br />

jilt\c<br />

L r cd<br />

" ", ," -d-rd hd ai dL+i( di. a5. Lqsk<br />


ihFd berry<br />

rr @di!q []L L$!t, o !!i!t 4uq<br />

({r$rri$)r x<br />

sL tuiu!. | !'.riLi(nL (iriE

i!Ji!iq.- rtuqn.olrL Ltud!$ih'<br />

$.; rs.hd i a,.iri ! ',LJ e;d<br />

,.' ,; r.,'<br />

h'|..,.1"s,i^.,.""-d""|-<br />

rn"'d-d.ii",": I \.!i'L.. -<br />

n,rhlcd!!rntri d . I i 'diilcG!<br />

dqhinsLt{lndiis<br />

!\rln<br />

ai"Ptuidru\rE!i!ir,ir D<br />

]]!t!!!4!tudris $ r! rrul rh eu{ in( | P n::sou+ ]s!J!eL

itddl:MRiria!i&(Etuijl6),<br />

ded jndbrhqtd€i,r|r.Fs ILbdqi.J |'d<br />

ddEild.rdart adld.lA.dir.lcro.Sdh<br />

vlolc!&rttl|tLlraTtdbd.ld-b .jddi.<br />

j{drHb.FdrdEi'.Ftlrrrr.-bd<br />

ld8.[. idldt nc l$attd- LrBdrtudq PanFI.r<br />

hdr rdi'ri H'.dbHr)<br />

IEd conld:As Flltlo.l viol€srd rrd@@& c@<br />

Elhlcodhtn @nl otb !* bb@hdb d<br />

brbiErt .irrdrdbntdr|!d<br />

orrds.db. lldr5..PlidadB 5@d F<br />

'LHrd.dLdbbAtrda<br />

fr|cdicrit.qddrt t-oad|r'{ir'<br />

dd d-H. b td* d|l!!t, r lqq. tllb<br />

rtraTd[s.dcddldlb{i.r!.!dtdrbldb.db<br />

-* dr6dr@sh6lDcdidhdEdEuvdb<br />

tu(fu;. Mtld"tllry dld dnethn |trh.t drle rtu<br />

M violoE { d. did!., dir fi&<br />

Tmb' vHd d. fit, .uft' 6no ! Ittrc tde LEl d tu<br />

b'6' dlnTrdrDolrqiiid.arbrh aE'rd<br />

rear-n .dFG |rdr b rltcdtd hd*<br />

.d- d<br />

'ddljdddrtd d;.nndh''.r*,d*-dbddrr!T.-dd.pif, o.<br />

LtidE(ddF) lnr FquiEdb Enh !o*t<br />

cnsbiid !d @al ollbd td r Fdial lowlld<br />

3;-i -fic b'*ia ddonda Ett.'.d |M doL4<br />

r-.unr 3 Edld by d{jddd d.r..'<br />

-@<br />


Appendix Cr Details ofvafiables used in index on Pakistanll<br />

\L-i rl4r!ri*r'.r.!q

.cdr'il.|diGfd'h.l.3kl'e.idEa&hidby<br />

,fudrclrq@o'j'Eth!dp.[6|Frt,<br />

ftlldiq|..||.@d<br />

. Evidd{ra li&ri6rl@ia!<br />

tu (3grirt ftdoE, otr de:irtu o+Fny sr e.:<br />

.ApY!!@./.Fu|wlh!h8s.!<br />

F'hi€,d€bn|ldmkda'iEEdqd<br />

ggrutEh'IFdic!|rFdn.dddw by(:ddbdsk<br />

r.6;or;hdGd ft diviiv orrFF"-.a, Fr',ior Fe<br />

(dll|wd@Emdt Geldft<br />

ir','Morft l6rrd:.dd$rGd.*s,ffi d eori'ic.l<br />

d;mimp.limb!dohj,cl.':trdbgm|yftm.tl)6lMl<br />

fui&ilitylult{ueof.@!.nyd.E:<br />

.Ad3litulimi|Equi'.d.t]'dihg.b€<br />

't:*o|q|!gj|ylg3:rdplii.|oppo6ition.<br />

rbe i'Ldiryia rdd 61 0 00dtr h<br />

'tlrrdDorEebyIealta:iig.F4wi<br />

r.;si q ddo uqn .irba -sb, - eibd n.h.<br />

hdllJdY'ft|.&$iDEilhidl<br />

db.i4lbidb<br />

'\Ehj!d&E|@.dhdisd|NcnFd''6poli'iq|Fti6<br />

]ldqlbdq'furnlqJbnne<br />

klnldn. Folg t4rbd rt ft *gm or| & in r & ttu d. p.ir,<br />

;k). H*;*, * tfl""! h* . "<br />

'd r" r.*r 'L i lh.r -.h, "r 'i Ftulenmrrhotstdr<br />

(:rtdbydddindlddnic.d<br />

d4 usDd u jun of<br />

'h. 'hr rb.m ofoFnuAgfo|1p'fu<br />

o pdd b vq lh3n Rkr' rn.<br />

dft siah |''d nr.nbri'y d

#;-w<br />

aiovrhisi dns 3 iitn.or<br />

irlldtrartun,bdr!o!diis- | ifh rdrm'G)highci'n(<br />

q'lfldi .!triotro !M1..<br />

djry6i.rdLftM<br />

.;;9lbdndrgE d.t *h I lE.M gt dr rM Frtu rd<br />

'<br />

N.,.ldn;roF ru.^ bR dr<br />

E0f0poifubv'ytrigh[l*'fushplftlbfti<br />


VTTA<br />

Pnkm Di Prn.dr o*rb k- sMrqui<br />

'',J|'3ibr''rxhydr.x|!|.li&?'DHA'|o'd|<br />

FnId ol ltro.st: E@nB ond Ft@z<br />

g!C!@ W ,106 cra ldird. us^ (i.sid*d s Ld.l? dtdid.t)<br />

t0.lt tiFdr o.€ctuiq uni6ity orxltii<br />

Ldu., Didbtoy lNritot of trd' Ddudbn (DrrrE)<br />

v6s rrrry, (46 Lhit!6ir, sshs s'lrd tKUBs)<br />

ftFhdorfui*|lryftMs<br />

De&.. rmigi &.he D6r (c4d& r tddtud)<br />

l]fufiicB|diisogdni4^dfu<br />


(rirh Ma!.n A. au lr0 lriibd0idird scirTdimlqi4r*i A abb.l P.wt!.. MPRA PwNo<br />

196'Uiicil'rib.!ofMuid!cqm'<br />

(wih hsd ^. ad!2or0. triedoB ud r.M- Gm{i ^ Ga dd4 [vid.E. MPRA P@ No. 1t47.<br />

lni*slr Llbtry ofMnii.l! camey.<br />

(wi6 rlsd ^. adl2lro D6 tdto<br />

(wirh M$ood A a'D, t0r0 ixcM$l imic Gre"1h' AD 0nFndl<br />

rivdiadm ror Pdib EEon, wR]|AFNo 19745, Utriuiry uh.tyofMtri.n cddrr'<br />

(w Meod A. ad), ?0ro Itu crr! b o'M: ar hrili..r<br />

lDdiljidlffhrib€@oo,.Mn^P+lNol9.5,ljiitdi'yLih'ydMbld!amty'<br />

!0{d chh.ltiin ^i ^rdodE vi.r t vdl 1t(!) p|<br />

($irh arm.d t[ Mo\liil M. "rh. oul klaioNhlp h.N6 td49 Did h@<br />

Fi,i,ia'h}dilriFfqPfuEotr<br />

(^dtd !irl' Fop'x.d Erniom)<br />

'9it, (Dcnb)<br />

(vi , Mrsd A qrr) rdion@odb hcd on Dnmt tucr<br />

Esiniion (U@brirH tuho<br />

(wir,, rllsd A. aiD bidMldd|tn sdlrl rc|lmbgid d Bdmi. arMrr ^<br />

Pdr cciksdioi Mlt'is<br />

'a Elill of lradiv. rmiruru rysn. rnd i! inP.r on n*y rruddis-, (Lrtrllhlid'ar M@Fpn)<br />

i kvt' coirdd! (sERc 20m)<br />

^rsd 1007<br />

sr{rldd t Eq ruic co !l4 o@td bt siis.tq! Famni. Rdi.w m orr. rqi@rd i<br />

b'Noi.lL.u@hrJE'hs'iglld<br />

. p{d xa@ tu 11. Tllid rlffii I rd Edonid ( rcBME<br />

md sDdhii4d wo'klrcl4 (Jtiurv 2007). (r&r'l

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