Trumpet Summer 2024 Final


of Naples The News of Beth Tikvah of Naples Summer 2024 Iyyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5784 vrmumj The Trumpet Volume 11 • Issue 4 Shavuot June 11 6:15 p.m. June 12 9:00 a.m. from Rabbi Chorny’s Desk! Lag Ba’Omer: A Testament to Jewish Resilience and Cultural Continuity Lag Ba’Omer commemorates the resilience and survival of the Jewish people in the face of unsurmountable adversity and tragedy. This theme is exemplified by the story of Rabbi Akiva, who rebuilt the Jewish tradition after the devastating loss of his 24,000 students during the Omer period (from the second day of Passover to Shavuot). Despite this catastrophic setback, Rabbi Akiva persevered and restarted his academy with just five remaining students, laying the foundation for the revival of Torah study and the continuity of the Jewish people. The Babylonian Exile in the 6 th century BCE saw the destruction of the First Temple and the exile of Jews from the Land of Israel. In spite of that, our people maintained their faith and identity, laying the foundations for the return to Zion and the building of the Second Temple. After the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE and the crushing of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 CE, we continued to face exile and persecution. However, we adapted by developing the Synagogue and Rabbinic Judaism, ensuring the continuity of our traditions. The Spanish Inquisition in 1492 led to the expulsion and persecution of Jews in Spain and Portugal. Despite this trauma, the exiled communities rebuilt their lives, contributing to the flourishing of Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalistic tradition. During World War II, the Holocaust brought about an unprecedented genocide that nearly obliterated European Continued on next page RELIGIOUS SERVICES @ BETH TIKVAH Please join us at any service: • Friday services – 6:15 p.m. via Zoom through the summer • Saturday services – 9:30 a.m. • Holiday Services – 9:00 a.m. Yahrzeit minyanim convened upon request. You may reach Rabbi Chorny directly at Calendar of Events MAY 2024 May 21 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. May 22 Pesach Sheni May 26 Lag BaOmer May 27 Memorial Day May 28 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. JUNE 2024 Jun 1 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Sivan Jun 4 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Jun 5 Yom Yerushalayim Jun 7 Rosh Chodesh Sivan Jun 11 Erev Shavuot - 6:15 p.m. Jun 12 Shavuot Services - YIZKOR - 9:00 a.m. Jun 14 Flag Day Jun 16 Father’s Day Jun 18 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Jun 19 Juneteenth Jun 25 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Jun 29 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Tamuz JULY 2024 July 2 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. July 4 Independence Day July 6 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz July 9 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. July 16 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. July 23 Fast Day: 17 of Tamuz Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. July 30 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. AUGUST 2024 Aug 3 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Av Aug 5 Rosh Chodesh Av Aug 6 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Aug 12 Tisha B’Av - Eve Aug 13 Tisha B’Av - Fast Day Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Aug 19 Tu B’Av Aug 20 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Aug 27 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m. Aug 31 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Elul

of Naples<br />

The News of Beth Tikvah of Naples<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Iyyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5784<br />

vrmumj<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

Volume 11 • Issue 4<br />

Shavuot<br />

June 11 6:15 p.m.<br />

June 12 9:00 a.m.<br />

from Rabbi Chorny’s Desk!<br />

Lag Ba’Omer: A Testament to<br />

Jewish Resilience and Cultural<br />

Continuity<br />

Lag Ba’Omer commemorates the resilience and<br />

survival of the Jewish people in the face of unsurmountable<br />

adversity and tragedy. This theme is exemplified by the story<br />

of Rabbi Akiva, who rebuilt the Jewish tradition after the<br />

devastating loss of his 24,000 students during the Omer period<br />

(from the second day of Passover to Shavuot). Despite this<br />

catastrophic setback, Rabbi Akiva persevered and restarted<br />

his academy with just five remaining students, laying the<br />

foundation for the revival of Torah study and the continuity<br />

of the Jewish people.<br />

The Babylonian Exile in the 6 th century BCE saw the destruction<br />

of the First Temple and the exile of Jews from the Land of<br />

Israel. In spite of that, our people maintained their faith and<br />

identity, laying the foundations for the return to Zion and the<br />

building of the Second Temple.<br />

After the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in 70<br />

CE and the crushing of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 CE, we<br />

continued to face exile and persecution. However, we adapted<br />

by developing the Synagogue and Rabbinic Judaism, ensuring<br />

the continuity of our traditions.<br />

The Spanish Inquisition in 1492 led to the expulsion and<br />

persecution of Jews in Spain and Portugal. Despite this trauma,<br />

the exiled communities rebuilt their lives, contributing to the<br />

flourishing of Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalistic tradition.<br />

During World War II, the Holocaust brought about an<br />

unprecedented genocide that nearly obliterated European<br />

Continued on next page<br />



Please join us at any service:<br />

• Friday services – 6:15 p.m.<br />

via Zoom through the summer<br />

• Saturday services – 9:30 a.m.<br />

• Holiday Services – 9:00 a.m.<br />

Yahrzeit minyanim convened upon request.<br />

You may reach Rabbi Chorny directly at<br /><br />

Calendar of Events<br />

MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />

May 21 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

May 22 Pesach Sheni<br />

May 26 Lag BaOmer<br />

May 27 Memorial Day<br />

May 28 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

JUNE <strong>2024</strong><br />

Jun 1 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Sivan<br />

Jun 4 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 5 Yom Yerushalayim<br />

Jun 7 Rosh Chodesh Sivan<br />

Jun 11 Erev Shavuot - 6:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 12 Shavuot Services - YIZKOR - 9:00 a.m.<br />

Jun 14 Flag Day<br />

Jun 16 Father’s Day<br />

Jun 18 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 19 Juneteenth<br />

Jun 25 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 29 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Tamuz<br />

JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />

July 2 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 4 Independence Day<br />

July 6 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz<br />

July 9 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 16 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 23 Fast Day: 17 of Tamuz<br />

Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 30 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

AUGUST <strong>2024</strong><br />

Aug 3 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Av<br />

Aug 5 Rosh Chodesh Av<br />

Aug 6 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 12 Tisha B’Av - Eve<br />

Aug 13 Tisha B’Av - Fast Day<br />

Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 19 Tu B’Av<br />

Aug 20 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 27 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 31 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Elul

1459 Pine Ridge Road<br />

Naples, FL 34109<br />

Office: 239-434-1818<br /><br /><br />

Rabbi Ammos Chorny<br /><br />


Officers:<br />

President:<br />

Joseph Henson<br /><br />

Past-President:<br />

Shelley Goodman<br /><br />

V.P. for Programming:<br />

Lee Henson<br /><br />

Secretary:<br />

Roberta Miller<br /><br />

Treasurer:<br />

Harvey Jacobson<br /><br />

Trustees:<br />

Neil Adelman, Kathy Abrams,<br />

Rosalee Bogo, Marcia Cohodes,<br />

Susie Goldsmith, Stuart Kaye,<br />

Paulette Margulies, Stuart Mest,<br />

Harvey Rosenthal, Michael Silow<br />

Editorial Committee:<br />

Sue Hammerman<br />

Shelley Goodman,<br />

co-Editors<br />

Linda Scheinberg<br />

Gillian Packwood<br />

Design:<br />

Rabbi Ammos Chorny<br />

Affiliated with the<br />

United Synagogue of<br />

Conservative Judaism<br />

Jewry. Despite this unimaginable tragedy, the survivors demonstrated<br />

extraordinary fortitude and determination. Overcoming immense challenges<br />

and opposition, they rebuilt their communities and, in 1948, established the<br />

modern State of Israel; a singular nation that continues to serve as a haven<br />

for Jews worldwide, embodying the resilience and unyielding spirit of our<br />

milenary people.<br />

In the face of antisemitism and persecution in the former Soviet Union,<br />

in the late 20 th century over a million Jews emigrated to Israel, the United<br />

States, and other countries. Notwithstanding, the upheaval of leaving their<br />

homes, these communities have successfully integrated into new societies,<br />

maintaining their traditions and identity.<br />

Echoing Rabbi Akiva’s resilience, the COVID-19 pandemic posed an<br />

unparalleled global challenge, significantly disrupting Jewish communal<br />

life. Synagogues, schools, and organizations were compelled to adapt swiftly.<br />

Embracing the digital realm, we all innovated by utilizing technology to host<br />

virtual services, classes, and cultural events. This shift not only maintained<br />

the regular rhythm of religious practice and education, but also expanded<br />

access allowing those who might otherwise be isolated to participate in<br />

communal life from afar. Furthermore, these adaptations included using<br />

online platforms for holiday celebrations and life-cycle events, which<br />

fostered a sense of continuity and community despite physical separation. By<br />

providing mutual aid and support to their most vulnerable members through<br />

coordinated online networks, our communities demonstrated profound<br />

solidarity and resilience. This collective effort ensured the continuity of<br />

Jewish traditions during this unprecedented crisis, reflecting the enduring<br />

spirit of the Jewish people. Natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and<br />

wildfires have impacted Jewish communities as well, and we responded<br />

through emergency relief efforts, rebuilding initiatives, and trauma support<br />

services. Strong social networks and organizational infrastructures have<br />

facilitated effective community-wide responses.<br />

Instances of antisemitism and hate crimes continue to threaten Jewish life<br />

throughout the world. In response, security measures have been enhanced,<br />

educational programs developed, and legal/political advocacy intensified to<br />

combat this age-old adversity.<br />

Across all these modern challenges, the Jewish community’s resilience<br />

remains rooted in a strong value system, cultural narratives of perseverance,<br />

robust communal institutions, and the commitment to perpetuating Jewish<br />

traditions. This resilience ensures the survival and thriving of the Jewish<br />

people in the face of adversity.<br />

The holiday of Lag Ba’Omer vividly encapsulates the Jewish people’s remarkable<br />

capacity to endure and rise from periods of profound mourning and<br />

adversity. Celebrating this day with vibrant customs such as lighting bonfires,<br />

participating in joyous weddings, and joining in festive parades, serves not<br />

just as a reflection of joy but as a profound affirmation of resilience. These<br />

traditions are acts of defiance against despair and symbolize our unwavering<br />

commitment to sustain and rejuvenate our faith and cultural heritage, even<br />

more amidst overwhelming challenges. In this way, Lag Ba’Omer becomes<br />

much more than an additional day of cyclical remembrance, but a dynamic<br />

celebration of survival and renewal, a testament to our unwavering dedication<br />

to our heritage and values, and an annual reminder of our indomitable spirit<br />

and capacity to overcome even the darkest of times.

President’s Message, Joseph Henson<br />

Near the beginning of the Seder service the<br />

leader is asked “Why is this night different<br />

from all other nights?”. Well, that question does<br />

not apply if you are a Beth Tikvah board member.<br />

Almost every day is continually busy with matters<br />

great and small that must be attended too, often<br />

immediately or sooner still.<br />

Right now, the two major issues we are facing<br />

are unchanged. Each has been discussed in prior<br />

<strong>Trumpet</strong> articles, congregational meetings and<br />

informal discussions with our fellow congregants.<br />

These two issues remain intertwined and may be<br />

intractable. They are, of course, our hand-to-mouth<br />

financial state and second, locating and moving to<br />

an affordable new congregational home.<br />

Thus, it may seem this <strong>Trumpet</strong> article is essentially<br />

a re-run of the March General Membership<br />

meeting reports from our Treasurer, Harvey<br />

Jacobson and myself. But the fact is, Beth Tikvah’s<br />

financial situation has been tenuous for some time.<br />

In general, we have a modest cash shortfall in our<br />

fiscal third or fourth quarter. This has on occasion<br />

led us to, with the acknowledgment of the affected<br />

creditor, delaying a payment. However, the good<br />

news is that we have been able to meet and surmount<br />

these issues fulfilling our payment obligations.<br />

This accomplishment is clearly a reflection of the<br />

support of our Beth Tikvah’s members. We have<br />

been able to rely on our membership to step forward<br />

when we ask that they advance their financial<br />

contributions schedule. For instance, this year’s<br />

early distribution of the dues and Heroes letters has<br />

been very successful, so Thank You all!<br />

The difficulty is that by relying on just in time cash<br />

inflows, we cannot build any reserves to cushion the<br />

irregularity of our cash inflows versus cash outflows.<br />

There are several self-evident ways to address this<br />

anomaly. First, grow the membership, and while<br />

all are welcome, membership growth should be, if<br />

possible, focused on potential members with the<br />

financial capability to respond to our solicitations.<br />

Plainly put, Beth Tikvah needs a membership base<br />

that is not only dues paying, but as well responds<br />

generously to our annual Heroes and High Holiday<br />

contribution drives. The best practice is the<br />

personal solicitation by our Beth Tikvah members<br />

to their friends and acquaintances. Additionally,<br />

Beth Tikvah places an ad encouraging membership<br />

in the Federation Star in the prime months of<br />

October through February. This is supplemented<br />

by our writing one or more monthly articles<br />

published in Federation Star. These<br />

articles highlight and promote Beth<br />

Tikvah and its place in the Southwest<br />

Florida Jewish community. Calculating<br />

the effectiveness of these efforts is<br />

difficult, but we note that our membership has<br />

steadily increased since Covid.<br />

The second avenue for improving our cash flow is<br />

cost cutting. The Board maintains a close watch on<br />

our expenses. The most significant cost that can be<br />

reduced is rent expense. However, rent expense<br />

reduction entails relocation to our own building<br />

- either new or repurposed or leasing other space.<br />

This has been thoroughly reviewed, but it has been<br />

thwarted by insufficient financing. Either a new or<br />

repurposed building will likely require an investment<br />

of $4.0 to $5.0 million. Such a move needs a base<br />

donation of investible cash of $3.2 to $4.0 million<br />

from one or more angel donors. The remaining<br />

funding would have to be raised from our members.<br />

No easy project in and of itself. Debt funding from a<br />

mortgage lender is very unlikely given our financial<br />

history. Cost saving through leasing lower cost<br />

space is possible, but the current market is unlikely<br />

to yield substantial savings. Other techniques such<br />

as consolidation or moving into shared space are less<br />

attractive. The Board believes they would have to be<br />

considered as last choice alternatives.<br />

Our financial base is facing another loss, as yet unclear,<br />

if the Naples Film Festival is no longer a Beth Tikvah<br />

endeavor. Despite a number of requests, an energetic<br />

replacement film committee has not stepped forward.<br />

The Film Festival’s public relations value driven by its<br />

continued success reflects positively on Beth Tikvah.<br />

In round numbers the Film Festival contributes about<br />

$40,000 annually to our operating budget. For Beth<br />

Tikvah this is a large number and its loss would be<br />

significant blow to our operations. We understand<br />

being a film festival committee member requires a<br />

substantial level of dedication and persistence, but<br />

replacements are a must. None having volunteered,<br />

discussions have begun with others as to the future<br />

of the Film Festival. I will keep you updated as they<br />

progress.<br />

Lastly, our need for a new cadre of member volunteers<br />

is acute. Become a maven for our popular Kiddush<br />

lunches, inventorying, purchasing storing items; set<br />

up and break down for our events; join the Chesed<br />

Committee to help those members in need. We have<br />

opportunities. None the less, the Board continues<br />

Continued on the next page<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br /><br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 3

to receive valuable volunteer assistance. Notably:<br />

getting our energy costs under control (thank you<br />

Neil) or our insurance coverage (thank you Jon).<br />

Others, just to name a few, have made improvements<br />

benefitting our synagogue, for example, new social<br />

room seating (thank you Harvey R) or new Torah<br />

Stands for the bimah (thank you Yale and Anna).<br />

When the Rabbi outlined the need, many members<br />

provided the funding for a wheelchair and first aid<br />

supplies. Thank you to all our members for your<br />

help and support!<br />

Passover: <strong>2024</strong> - Shelley Goodman<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br /><br />

In conclusion, we are a congregation that does<br />

things together. Meaningful programs like Rosh<br />

Chodesh and our Speaker Series. Growing member<br />

participation by those taking the role of Gabbai or<br />

Torah Readers. We have enjoyed sharing happy times<br />

together like in our Channukah and Purim parties.<br />

We have learned from our Rabbi through his sermons<br />

and classes. I am proud and know you are as well to be<br />

a member of Beth Tikvah. For all of these wonderful<br />

things to continue, we must band together to see our<br />

future unfold.<br />

It is said that the “Passover Seder is one of the Jewish community’s most enduring rituals because Passover<br />

is at its heart a festival of liberation and the journey towards freedom that we take together as a society.”<br />

After the horrendous events of October 7, it was even more important to celebrate this year the rituals of<br />

Passover as a liberated free society and recognize those hostages still in captivity who would not be able<br />

to be with their families.<br />

Once again, this year the Beth Tikvah Congregation along with the Greater Naples Community came<br />

together to celebrate. A Kosher Seder was organized for all who wished to attend. The response was<br />

positive as 50 people celebrated together on April 21.<br />

The room was beautifully decorated with flowers on each table as well as an individual Seder plate. A<br />

separate table with place settings for 4 was set aside to remember our hostages. Pictures of all those brave<br />

souls covered the wall overlooking the table. The traditional candles were lit at that table as everyone<br />

in attendance said silent prayers for their safe return. Throughout the evening, we remembered those<br />

who are still captive with special readings, songs and prayers.<br />

Many in attendance commented that the <strong>2024</strong> Seder was “the best ever.” The food catered by Aroma<br />

was delicious. Service by Prestige Catering was flawless. Everything was served hot and without<br />

delay. Rabbi Chorny using a new Haggadah and several special readings made sure everyone<br />

participated in the service. Together we celebrated as together we will heal.<br />

My thanks and grateful appreciation go to everyone who worked so hard to make the evening such<br />

a success. Lee and Joe Henson did most of the shopping despite not being able to enjoy the evening<br />

with Beth Tikvah; Gabby Chorny folded the napkins and delivered the food, Roberta Miller, Joyce<br />

Toub, Judy Levitt and Kathy Abrams helped to kosher the kitchen and set the tables. A special<br />

thanks goes to Sabrina Strobl Ezra and Hadasah for their contributions in configuring the room and setting the<br />

tables. Arleen Sivakoff helped with the seating plan and Gillian Packwood took reservations and was available to do<br />

everything else that was needed. Without the never-ending support of my husband, Bob, Ron Lebovitz and Gabriel<br />

Castro who did all the heavy lifting, I would never have been able to arrange the tables or do the many other things<br />

that only strong guys can do.<br />

Every major event takes a village if it is to be successful. Everyone in our village did his/her<br />

part to make Beth Tikvah shine. Every detail necessary - no matter the size - to make the night<br />

complete was looked after.<br />

May we continue to gather as a congregation and a community to celebrate for many years to<br />

come!<br />

May all be free to do so. Next year in Jerusalem.<br />

Photos, courtesy of Jill Valeski<br />

Throughout the <strong>Summer</strong> months, Friday evening services at Beth Tikvah are conducted via<br />

Zoom and include the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish at the end of virtual services.<br />

Please make an effort to join our virtual minyanim to ensure<br />

those observing a Yahrtzeit can fulfill their obligation.<br />

To request a minyan please contact the Rabbi via email:<br />

and indicate the dates and times you'd like to recite Kaddish.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 4

Program Update: <strong>2024</strong> - Lee Henson, VP for Programming<br />

T<br />

his year - November through April - we put together 34 programs all of which were well received, with<br />

attendance ranging from 30 to 75. Many of the programs, congregational favorites, were expanded from<br />

previous years (thanks for all the work of my predecessors Paulette Margulies and Shelley Goodman), and<br />

with input and recommendations from our Rabbi and others who had made valuable suggestions. Arlene Levin was<br />

very helpful in her role as Food Maven for Events - offering a class in her home on how to make hamantaschen! Our<br />

efforts were well received to match the nosh at each event with the theme of the program serving different items.<br />

My review for the year falls into two categories: successes to replicate, and foreseeable issues to address for the future.<br />

First, the successes:<br />

• Beginning the year with a recognition of our Veterans is not new, but adding the poster with photos of our<br />

members who valiantly served, as well as their families made us all realize how their sacrifices affected us all.<br />

• The Speakers’ Series for which members of our congregation shared their knowledge went very well. Attendance<br />

was excellent, and the remarks I received after each event were positive.<br />

• The Scholar In Residence programs received many accolades, in particular for the selection of speakers and the<br />

food catered by Prestige. People appreciated the ambiance created by the tables and Shabbat candles.<br />

• Recognizing Gen Shoah allowed our congregants to share their own family stories adding to the emotional<br />

evening.<br />

• We collected over 8,000 items to donate in our name to Hadassah, benefiting women and girls in our area who live<br />

in a “Menstrual Desert” resulting in their inability to procure these supplies themselves. This was a very positive<br />

addition to our recognition of our Hadassah members.<br />

• Daniel Weiser’s Amici concert was equally very well received, and thanks to Shelley, we collected much needed<br />

funds to underwrite the event.<br />

Now, the challenges:<br />

• Recognizing that our programs are run by volunteers, and that we have all reached a “certain age” that prevents us<br />

from doing as much as we did in years past, the Board agreed to hire Nancy to help whenever an event called for food,<br />

and the need for extensive clean-up. Again, this is a necessity that adds considerable expense.<br />

• Security remains a major issue in our lives, and to enable our congregants to feel safe, we hired Mark (our security<br />

guard) to stand at his post for all evening events, yet another necessity that imposes considerable additional expense.<br />

• The Board has voted NOT to charge our members to attend our “in-house” programs, ensuring that membership has<br />

its privileges. However, as few outsiders attend our events, the programs have not generated any funds, but in fact,<br />

often left us with a deficit.<br />

• I am not an efficient fund raiser, and although I personally greeted everyone who attended our events, and asked for<br />

donations, my efforts were mostly unsuccessful. If we are to persist not charging our members, it behoves us to enlist<br />

volunteers who can more efficiently raise funds at each event.<br />

• A HUGE problem is the resistance of our congregants to submit their reservations with ample anticipation (RSVPing)!<br />

Planning for food and allocating resources when we don’t have any idea of the numbers to plan for is a formitable<br />

task.<br />

Conclusions:<br />

• Although not surprising, we compete with other organizations for programming attendance. I suggest we consider<br />

limiting the number of programs, and make them more enticing for our members - hopefully attracting more<br />

attendees and perhaps not incurring more debt.<br />

• Our members know that food costs more money today than ever before, thus we need to charge a minimal fee<br />

if we are going to continue providing food at our events. The expectation that we provide refreshments without<br />

contributions is not conducive to success.<br />

• Although the Shabbat dinners at Scholar in Residence events are appreciated, perhaps they are not necessary. These<br />

dinners extend the evening and limit interaction with our guests. Adding a small reception after the presentation<br />

would be more effective and considerably less expensive.<br />

• We need to actively encourage “Sponsors” to underwrite each of our events, making a significant difference toward<br />

assuring our programs remain self-supporting.<br />

As always, I am open to new ideas, as well as constructive criticism.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br /><br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 5

Membership Update - Kathy Abrams, Membership Chair<br />

The summer is upon us and activities are slowing down as the heat approaches.<br />

Two families have joined our congregation.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

With open arms we welcome the following new members:<br />

Douglas & Gail Schehr<br />

Ari & Sabrina Strobl<br />

along with their children Ezra and Hadasah<br />

Yasher Koach to our amazing members for being so welcoming and inviting to others to join<br />

our congregation.<br />

We are a fantastic community!<br />

Chesed Fund - חסד - Roberta Miller, Committee Chair<br />

No single word in the English language can completely define the meaning of “chesed.” The closest<br />

definition is “loving-kindness.”<br />

The purpose of Beth Tikvah’s Chesed Fund is to provide assistance to mourners during their<br />

Shiva and to support our members who are undergoing a significant illness or major medical<br />

event. We might provide a meal, a gift certificate for a meal or flowers to brighten one’s day.<br />

Our committee is small but our hearts are large. If we can help, we will. All assistance comes from donated<br />

funds; please keep Chesed in your thoughts when making your donations. Your donations will remain within<br />

the Beth Tikvah family. If you would like to make a donation letting someone know they are in your thoughts,<br />

you may send a check including your name, the name of the recepient and the reason for the donation.<br />

A note will be sent to the recepient! Contact Gillian in the office 239-434-1818. She will pass the message along<br />

to the committee.<br />

Chesed Committee members: Roberta Miller, Shelley Goodman, Linda Scheinberg<br />

If you have a Simcha that you’d like to<br />

share with us…<br />

• Birth of a grandchild<br />

• Marriage of a child<br />

• Bat/Bar Mitzvah in the family<br />

ZOOM Etiquette<br />

In accordance with our congregation’s<br />

ritual standards, we remind everyone<br />

to wear a kippah and a tallit when<br />

attending services via Zoom.<br /><br />

Please let me know!<br />

Lee Henson at 973-908-3166<br />

or<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 5

Making memories with friends...!<br />

Photos courtesy:<br />

Jill Valeski & Rabbi Chorny<br />

Yahrtzeit<br />

Memorial<br />

Board<br />

Remember loved<br />

ones and support<br />

Beth Tikvah<br />

Cost per plaque<br />

$<br />

360<br />

To request the fabrication of a new memorial plaque, please send an email to<br /><br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br /><br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 7

those who hold her tight are happy…”<br />

An opportunity to dedicate new leaves in<br />

commemoration of life’s joys & celebrations<br />



here are ways to perform mitzvot and help secure Beth Tikvah’s financial future. Below is a list of suggestions<br />

T Mail checks, marked as to their purpose, to Beth Tikvah of Naples, 1459 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34109.<br />

Women of Influence The series is a naming opportunity in honor or in memory of women whom you<br />

feel have made a significant contribution to Beth Tikvah and our community. For a minimum donation of $5000<br />

the donor receives the opportunity to choose a woman of influence that he/she/they would like to honor.<br />

Tribute Cards will be sent to an honoree in recognition of a Simcha or an achievement or to the relative<br />

of a deceased loved one with the message of your choice. The cards are printed in blue on white 5” by 7” cards.<br />

Requested minimum donation is $10. Contact Lee Henson at 973-908-3166 or<br />

Chesed Fund Letters, printed on Beth Tikvah stationery, will be sent to the relatives of a deceased<br />

loved one or to someone who is ill or recovering from surgery, to advise them of the donation. The Beth Tikvah<br />

Chesed Fund enables the Chesed Committee to be of help to mourners during their Shiva and render assistance<br />

to members who are ill or injured or otherwise in need of help. Contact Gillian at the office.<br />

Siddur Sim Shalom & Etz Hayim - The requested donation for the Sabbath & Festival Prayer Book is<br />

$54 and donation for a Humashim $100. For each book that is donated, a bookplate will be inscribed as the donor<br />

wishes and placed in the front of the book. Contact the office.<br />

Tree of Life Leaves may be inscribed to commemorate a life cycle event or simply in honor of someone.<br />

The requested donation is $360. Contact Harvey Rosenthal at 239.530.8322 –, or<br />

Linda Scheinberg at 239-513-1950 –<br />

Memorial Plaques will be inscribed with the names and date of death of the deceased loved one in both<br />

English and Hebrew, and placed on the Yahrzeit Memorial Board in the Sanctuary. The requested donation is<br />

$360. Contact Rabbi Chorny.<br />

Event Sponsorships are welcomed! If you desire to sponsor any of our events, please contact Lee Henson<br />

at to discuss the arrangements.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

Contact: Arleen Sivakoff: 239-455.8811 or<br />

“...rautn vhfnu`u vc ohehzjnk thv ohhj Jg”<br />

“She is a tree of life to those who embrace her;<br />

Please contact Linda Scheinberg: MISSUS205@GMAIL.COM or<br />

Harvey Rosenthal: HAROSENTHAL80@GMAIL.COM<br /><br />

Prov. 3:18<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 8


The Beth Tikvah Heroes program was created by the Hon. Norman Krivosha, k”z former<br />

Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court, long time Trustee of Beth Tikvah<br />

and a Past President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, among many other<br />

philanthropic contributions during his lifetime. We remember our friend and mentor.<br />

The Heroes Program was created to encourage those who are able to<br />

make an extra contribution to the Synagogue.<br />

Consider becoming a Beth Tikvah Hero with a <strong>2024</strong> Heroes Pledge<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />


Stanley & Elizabeth Star ★ Shep & Linda Scheinberg ★ Mel Goldfine ★ Andrew & Beverly Blazar<br />

Alan & Elisabeth Doft ★ Martin & Judythe Isserlis ★ Harry & Elizabeth Fischman ★ Susie Goldsmith<br />

Leonard & Joyce Schrager ★ Arlene Levin ★ Norma Rosen ★ Samuel Levin ★ Judith Lipnick<br />

Bob & Shelley Goodman ★ Joseph & Sue Hammerman ★ Stuart & Carol Mest ★ June Sochen<br />

Mitchell Eil ★ Marcia Cohodes & David Goldsteen ★ Michael & Linda Fiterman ★ Sidney Freund<br />

Ruth & Phil Jason ★ Stuart & Terri Kline ★ Ed & Paulette Margulies ★ Ben Post & Debbie Laites<br />

Neil & Eleanor Scheffler ★ Harvey & Angela Jacobson ★ Bernard & Christine Portnoy<br />

Neil & Judy Adelman ★ Harvey Rosenthal ★ Janice Chartoff ★ Fred & Elaine Kamin ★ Martin Barber<br />

& Gayle Levy ★ Marian & Joel Engel ★ Ruth & Bruce Bier ★ Susan Ain ★ Howard & Heidi Gilbert<br />

Steven & Nancy Schachtman ★ Jerry & Rosalee Bogo ★ Stephen & Nancy Keyser<br />

Frank & Stacey Baum ★ Roberta Miller ★ Michael & Arlene Sobol ★ William & Anita Heller<br />

Richard & Judith Spiegel ★ Jack Poznansky ★ Myron & Eileen Jacobs ★ Stephen Iser<br />

Michael & Debra Silow ★ Stuart & Jay Kaye ★ Justin Land ★ Stuart & Janet Cohen<br />

Leland & Marles Frankman ★ Stan & Jeanne Kagin<br />

If you are transmitting payments to Beth Tikvah through a brokerage account, please inform our office manager<br />

Gillian Packwood. Unfortunately, not all payments arrive with a payor name. We want to make sure your accounts are<br />

properly credited and acknowledged. Gillian can be reached at 239-434-1818.<br />

Contributions<br />


• Joel & Elinor Weiss<br />

- In memory of Molly Forman<br />

• Albert & Beth Blumberg<br />

- In memory of Norma Blumberg<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

- In honor of Marty’s great-grandson Noah<br />

Max & Marty’s & Gayle’s Birthdays<br />

• Arlene Levin<br />

- In honor of her Birthday<br />

• Judy & Steve Werlin<br />

- In honor of the Congregation<br />

• Evelyn & Larry Hecht<br />

- In honor of Evelyn’s Birhtday<br />

• Norma Rosen & Sam Levin<br />

- In honor of Norma’s great-grandchildren<br />

• Mitchell Eil<br />

- In memory of Dr. Lois Eil<br />

• Jack & Sharon Zoldan<br />

- In memory of Ann Florence Zoldan,<br />

Morris Zoldan, Fran Wallack & Leo<br />

Wallack<br />

• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

- In memory of Judy Rosenthal<br />

• Leland & Marles Frankman<br />

- In memory of Gussie Amdur<br />

• Susan AIn<br />

- In honor of the birth of her great-niece<br />

Talia Ain Rubin<br />

• Jonathan Bennett<br />

- In honor of Sima’s Birthday<br />

• Mel Goldfine<br />

- In memory of his wife Marsha,<br />

integral boarsd member of Hadassah<br />

• Peter & Gail Shehr<br />

- In gratitude for our warm welcome<br /><br />

• Allen & Lillian Menkin<br />

- In meory of Joseph George<br />

Menkin & in honor of<br />

Beth Tikvah<br />

• Judy Lipnick<br />

- In memory of Stanley Lipnick<br />

& Bernard Berman<br />

• Liz & Shoshana Fischman<br />

- In honor of Harry’s Birthday<br />

• Susan & Douglas Schehr<br />

- In appreciation of this warm,<br />

welcoming Congregation<br />

• Sid & Lisa Freund<br />

- In appreciation of the<br />

Congregation<br />

• Joyce Toub<br />

- In memory of her husband<br />

Mel Toub<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 9

• Rosalee & Jerry Bogo<br />

- In memory of their son Louis Michael<br />

& Rosalee’s brothers Sam & Leon<br />

Aronson<br />

• Judy & Neil Adelman<br />

- In honor of Judy’s Birthday & in<br />

appreciaton of Beth Tikvah<br />

• Debra & Michael Silow<br />

- In memory of Edith Katz Hoffman<br />

- In memory of Hellen R. SIlow<br />

• Joe & Lee Henson<br />

- Wishing everyone a happy &<br />

peaceful Passover celebration<br />

• Angela & Harvey Jacobson<br />

- In celebration of their Anniversary<br />

• Andy & Beverly Blazar<br />

- In honor of the Congregation<br />

• Susan & Mark Wasserman<br />

- In honor of their new grandson<br />

Benjamin Wasserman Meyers<br />

• Darryl & Nancy Garfinkel<br />

- With gratitude to Beth Tikvah<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

- Celebrating our Beth Tikvah family<br />

• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

- In honor of Rabbi Chorny<br />


• Arlene Levin<br />

- In memory of Sander Levin<br />

• Don & Dottie Wagner<br />

• Elliott & Bea Schwartz<br />

- In honor of Elliott’s & Bea’s Birthdays<br />

• Ed & Paulette Margulies<br />

• Gail Langer & Lou Seligman<br />

- Thank you for welcoming us!<br />

• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

• Ida & Jeffrey Margolis<br />

• Jerry & Rosalee Bogo<br />

• Jody Grant<br />

- Blessings from North Bay Canada<br />

• Joe & Lee Henson<br />

- In memory of Helen Blinder<br />

• John Reiches<br />

• Judith Levitt<br />

• Sondra Greer<br />

• Leonard & Joyce Schrager<br />

• Martin & Eleanor Gruber<br />

- Thank you for allowing us to<br />

worship with you!<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

- Celebrating the return from<br />

hospital of our great-grandson<br />

• Michael & Linda Fiterman<br />


• Elaine & Fred Kamin<br />

- To Jerry Bogo in honor of his<br />

90th birthday<br />

• Joe & Lee Henson<br />

- To Albert Blumberg<br />

- To Ruth Jason<br />

• Neil & Eleanor Scheffler<br />

- To Sheila Brecker in sympathy<br />

• Paulette & Ed Margulies<br />

- To Albert Blumberg<br />

- To Ruth Jason<br />


• Elaine & Fred Kamin • Cecile Rivel<br />

Ida & Jeff Margolis • Martin Barber & Gayle<br />

Levy • Roberta Miller<br />

Rosalee & Jerry Bogo • Linda & Shep<br />

Scheinberg<br />

- In memory of Paulette Margulies’<br />

brother Roger Allan Rubin<br />

• Linda & Alexander Wertheim<br />

- In memory of Nettie Shapiro<br />


• Alan & Donna Rosenberg<br />

- In memory of Rose Goldenberg and<br />

Victor Rosenberg<br />

• Andrew & Beverly Blazar<br />

- In memory of Nathan Resnick<br />

• Arleen Sivakoff<br />

- In memory of Martha Leibowitz, Sam<br />

Sivakoff & Anna Sivakoff<br />

• Bernard & Christine Portnoy<br />

- In memory of Ethel Portnoy<br />

• Bruce & Ruth Bier<br />

- In memory of Horace Bier<br />

• David & Marcia Danoff<br />

- In memory of Harry Hoffman &<br />

Rae Danoff<br />

• Elliott & Bea Schwartz<br />

- In memory of Sylvia Zelman<br />

• Jeanne & Stanley Kagin<br />

- In memory of Parents: Helen Kagin,<br />

Al Kagin, Howard Cohen<br />

• Jerry & Rosalee Bogo<br />

- In memory of their son Louis Michael,<br />

and brothers Sam and Leon Aronson<br />

• Judy & Ray Fant<br />

- In memory of Martin Weiss and<br />

Renee Dorn<br />

• Karen & Neil Moss<br />

- In memory of Evelyn Moss<br />

• Peter & Gail Sherer<br />

- In memory of William Feldstein<br />

• Stephen Keyser<br />

- In memory of Abraham Keyser,<br />

Jacob Graff, Seymore Graff &<br />

Mildred Keyser<br />

• Stuart & Carol Mest<br />

In memory of Samuel Mest<br />

• Stuart & Janet Cohen<br />

- In memory of Herbert J. Cohen<br />


• Arleen Sivakoff<br />

• Danielle Ciccoli<br />

• Harry & Elizabeth Fischman<br />

• June Sochen<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

• Neil & Bonnie Scheffler<br />

- In memory of Gloria Drapkin<br />

• Neil & Judy Adelman<br />

• Paulette & Ed Margulies<br />

• Stan & Fran Kaufman<br />

• Arleen Sivakoff<br />


• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

• Irwin Edelstein<br />

• Joyce Toub<br />

• Neil &Judy Adelman<br />

• Jewish Federation of Greater Naples<br />

- All Things Jewish Special Grant<br />

A convenience fee of 3% will be<br />

Applied to all total charges<br />

Look for up-to-date information in our weekly bulletin,<br />

available through the synagogue website or by electronic subscription!<br />

Beth Tikvah Social Media Policy (Adopted,October 2020)<br />

The Board of Trustees of Beth Tikvah of Naples: Recognizing the growing impact of social media on public communications, we are anticipating the<br />

ongoing use by Beth Tikvah of virtual and online communications to expand remote outreach to the wider community, dedicated to maintaining Beth<br />

Tikvah as the Conservative Jewish presence in Greater Naples. Commitment to the preservation of harmony and a spiritual space in which to foster/<br />

maintain Shalom Bayit in comfort and prayer, resolves that:<br />

• All communications and activities associated with the name and leadership of Beth Tikvah of Naples on our website and in social media must aim<br />

to be devoid of any partisan references or other divisive material;<br />

• Commits Beth Tikvah social media sites to be used solely for the purpose of promoting the Synagogue’s events, community news and programs<br />

associated with our congregation.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br /><br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 10

Yahrzeiten<br />

May 15<br />

May 16<br />

May 17<br />

May 18<br />

May 19<br />

May 19<br />

May 20<br />

May 22<br />

May 22<br />

May 23<br />

May 24<br />

May 25<br />

May 26<br />

May 26<br />

May 27<br />

May 28<br />

June 1<br />

June 2<br />

June 5<br />

June 6<br />

June 7<br />

Lewis Grimley<br />

Joseph Mehlman<br />

Bernard Wreschner<br />

Louis Ripps, Mark Adest<br />

Benjamin Bennett, Sally<br />

Green, Barney Applebaum<br />

Morton Macks, Harry Hoffman<br />

Miriam Barber<br />

Rose Goldenberg<br />

Edythe Weinstein Cohodes<br />

Kathleen Frank<br />

Harold Isenberg<br />

Louis Kramer, Anna Sivakoff<br />

Howard Cohen, Gerald Cohen<br />

Oscar Grusky<br />

Samuel Brooker, Rae Danoff<br />

Jeffrey Chizzik, Nina Cohen<br />

Joseph Silow<br />

Cecilia Lipnick, Helen Kagin<br />

Julius Snyder<br />

Simon Cherkasky<br />

Rubin Levin<br />

Anne Goldfine,<br />

Joyce Tanenbaum<br />

Max Green<br />

Harry Myers, Neil Randall,<br />

Harry Dunn, Al Pavlo, Elaine<br />

Weinstein<br />

Martin Weiss,<br />

Birthdays<br />

May 20 Sam Geist<br />

May 22 Delaney Fox<br />

May 25 Hannah Castro, Judy Fant<br />

May 26 Eleanor Scheffler<br />

May 29 Jerry Bogo<br />

June 1 David Siegel<br />

June 2 Ruth Jason<br />

June 3 Debra Silow, Susan Schwartz<br />

June 4 Howard Gilbert<br />

June 7 Nancy Garfinkel<br />

June 8 Harvey Jacobson<br />

June 9 Mark Litow, Belle Agronin<br />

June 13 Steven Werlin<br />

June 19 Doris Baum<br />

June 20 Paulette Margulies<br />

Sharon Castro<br />

June 21 Benjamin Kaye<br />

June 24 Richard Rosen<br />

Anniversaries<br />

May 26<br />

May 28<br />

May 30<br />

May 31<br />

June 3<br />

June 7<br />

June 8<br />

June 12<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

Raymond & Judy Fant<br />

Edward & Evelyn Hecht<br />

Peter & Gail Sherer<br />

Samuel & Elena Mena<br />

Albert & Beth Blumberg<br />

Steven & Gayle Chizzik<br />

Joseph & Lee Henson<br />

Stuart & Terri Kline<br />

Fred & Elaine Kamin<br />


June 9<br />

June 11<br />

June 13<br />

June 14<br />

June 16<br />

June 17<br />

June 18<br />

June 20<br />

June 24<br />

June 25<br />

June 29<br />

July 1<br />

July 2<br />

July 5<br />

July 6<br />

July 7<br />

July 9<br />

July 10<br />

July 11<br />

July 14<br />

July 15<br />

July 16<br />

July 17<br />

July 18<br /><br />

Victor Rosenberg, Ira<br />

Schwartz, Simon Mest<br />

Martin Miller, Marvin Chartoff<br />

Eleanor Blatt<br />

Alter Bresnick<br />

Faye Keyser, Jerry Ritigstein<br />

Renee Dorn<br />

Dorothy Gordon<br />

Dr. Jacob Rosen<br />

Lillian Stein<br />

Clara Hecht, Paul Agronin<br />

Max Hecht, Gordon Field<br />

Norman Antzis<br />

Judith Brown, Etta Agronin<br />

Fran Wallack, Aaron Lebowitz<br />

Joseph MIller<br />

Dora Katz<br />

Sylvia Rosenblatt, Joseph<br />

Hoffman<br />

Max Stein, Alfred Walpert<br />

Peter Portnoy<br />

Thelma Erenstoft<br />

Fred Samotin, Mollie Edelstsein<br />

Bertha Weiss<br />

Rena Potts Siegel<br />

Bill Morgan, Albert Barber<br />

Haskell Nemeroff, Solomon<br />

Wasserman, Bertha Hecht,<br />

Lois Levin<br />

June 26 Gail Nizin, Christine Portnoy<br />

Judith Lipnick<br />

June 27 Rene Geist<br />

June 28 Helen Mena<br />

June 30 Sarah Castro<br />

July 2 Jay Kaye, Lawrence Macks,<br />

Ammos Chorny<br />

July 3 Michael Sobol<br />

July 5 Ilya Prizel, Lynn Nemes<br />

July 6 Debra Antzis<br />

July 7 Ellaine Rosen<br />

July 8 Samuel Levin, Sima Bennett<br />

Evan Kuperman<br />

July 11 Elan Kuperman<br />

July 12 Ezra Strobl<br />

July 13 Ferne Walpert, Jeffrey Margolis<br />

July 14 Anne Rubenfeld<br />

July 15 Bruce Bier<br />

June 16<br />

June 17<br />

June 22<br />

June 23<br />

June 23<br />

June 26<br />

June 29<br />

July 8<br />

Jerry & Rosalee Bogo<br />

Andrew & Beverly Blazar<br />

Judith & Mayer Levitt<br />

Howard & Eileen Jacobs<br />

Richard & Ellaine Rosen<br />

Evan & Anat Kuperman<br />

Ronald & Belle Agronin<br />

Lewis & Doris Baum<br />

Jonathan & Sima Bennett<br />

dkxal mpexkif<br />

July 19 Morris Zoldan, Mason Kronick<br />

July 20 Bernard Alpert<br />

July 20 Rabbi Chezi Zionce<br />

July 22 Helen Kramer<br />

July z23 Rebecca Fant, Ana de Castro<br />

July 28 Jorge Chorny<br />

July 29 Evelyn Sobol<br />

July 30 Sarah Thompson, Belle<br />

Friedman<br />

July 31 Fay Dunn<br />

Aug 1 Philip Brown<br />

Aug 4 Joel Mest<br />

Aug 6 John Geist<br />

Aug 8 Frances Glaser<br />

Aug 9 Joseph Edelstein<br />

Aug 10 Leon Jason, Pauline Engel<br />

Aug 13 Milton Siegel<br />

Aug 14 Marsha Goldfine, Nina Iser<br />

Aug 17 Esther Saden, Gertrude Frost<br />

Aug 18 Guy Nizin<br />

Aug 22 Rebecca Keyser<br />

Aug 23 Jack Jacobson<br />

Aug 24 Mark Elliot Rosenblatt<br />

Anna Graff<br />

Aug 26 George Mason<br />

Aug 29 Isidore Scheinberg<br />

Aug 30 Claudia Samotin<br />

Aug 30 Isador Rubenfeld<br />

Ruth Kronick<br />

July 17 Liuva Sando, Bernard Portnoy<br />

July 18 Lisa Rich<br />

July 20 Angela Jacobson<br />

July 21 Douglas Schehr<br />

July 22 Melvin Goldfine<br />

July 23 Debra Goldstein<br />

Myron Jacobs<br />

July 28 Judith Levitt<br />

Aug 3 Robert Goodman<br />

James Rigg<br />

Aug 7 Marcia Cohodes<br />

Aug 13 Michael Silow<br />

Aug 16 Leland Frankman<br />

Aug 19 Shepard Scheinberg<br />

Aug 23 Stuart Kaye<br />

Aug 25 Frances Alpert<br />

Aug 26 Stuart Mest<br />

Jacob Poznansky<br />

July 20<br />

July 27<br />

July 31<br />

Aug 7<br />

Aug 10<br />

Aug 15<br />

Aug 20<br />

Aug 24<br />

Aug 27<br />

Aug 28<br />

120 cr<br />

aeh lfn<br />

David & Marcia Goldsteen<br />

Shep & Linda Scheinberg<br />

Jack & Sharon Zoldan<br />

David & Susan Siegel<br />

Darryl & Nancy Garfinkel<br />

Joseph & Susan Hammerman<br />

Edward & Sabrina Strobl<br />

Alan & Donna Rosenberg<br />

Bernard & Christine Portnoy<br />

Michael & Debra Silow<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 11

Naples<br />

Remembers<br />

Special Event<br />

With Appreciation to the<br />

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples<br />

The Rabbi requests to be notified of any special events in the lives<br />

of our congregants, as well as illnesses or hospitalizations, so he can<br />

program special visits for all!<br />

Beth Tikvah of Naples<br />

1459 Pine Ridge Road<br />

Naples, FL 34109<br />

239 434-1818<br />

Visit us online at<br /><br />

or scan the QR code<br />

to go there directly

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