South Huntsville Neighbors, May 2024

Happy May, everyone! Did you know May 10th is Military Spouse Appreciation Day? We're honoring three amazing women this month to celebrate. There's so much going on in Huntsville this Spring as the weather warms up and the flowers come into full bloom. Hear from Mayor Tommy Battle about how you can participate in keeping Huntsville green and beautiful. Join your fellow Neighbors at Rosie's Fest and check out American Idol alum Brandon Elder! Let's go outside and enjoy what Huntsville has to offer, it's beautiful out there!

Happy May, everyone! Did you know May 10th is Military Spouse Appreciation Day? We're honoring three amazing women this month to celebrate. There's so much going on in Huntsville this Spring as the weather warms up and the flowers come into full bloom. Hear from Mayor Tommy Battle about how you can participate in keeping Huntsville green and beautiful. Join your fellow Neighbors at Rosie's Fest and check out American Idol alum Brandon Elder! Let's go outside and enjoy what Huntsville has to offer, it's beautiful out there!


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By Bob Druckman and Jennifer Holliday

All photos by Mandi Cook Photography



Meet Sharon Olshefski:

Sharon Olshefski is the military spouse of COL (Ret) John Olshefski,

former Garrison Commander at Redstone Arsenal. A native of

Summerville, South Carolina, she attended The College of Charleston

where she earned a B.S. In Business Administration and later

earned a Master of Divinity from Regent University.

She and John met when John was attending The Citadel. “He was

literally the boy next door. We became friends and the rest is history.”

They will be happily married 43 years in June 2024 and together

experienced 22 moves in 27 years of Army service.

Sharon worked 17 years in various DOD positions as well as served

faithfully in varied chapel women’s ministries. She served two

terms (2015-2022) as the appointed District 3 Representative for the

City of Huntsville Human Relations Commission. In 2011 Sharon

established the Second Mile Development’s Baby Care Program/

Neighborhood Baby Thrift Store for which she served as Director

until 2018. She then became the Director, Pride for Parents/Neighborhood

Thrift Store, another ministry arm of Second Mile and continues

to serve in this capacity.

When asked did the Army experience change or prepare you in any

way, Sharon replied, “Absolutely yes. I was a very naïve, introverted,

small town girl. Being an Army spouse forced me to broaden

my horizons, develop independence and courage to face different

and sometimes dif 昀椀 cult situations and people; and to be adaptable.

It exposed me to a bigger vision of a life of service to others; a sense

of community; and a spirit of volunteerism. I also learned that I love

people. Working within the DOD taught me the power of a joint

vision; the value of organized structure and focus to make a vision

a reality. All of this prepared me for the type of ministry in which I

have the privilege to serve today.”

Sharon is a woman of deep faith. She became a born-again Christian

in 1993 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Her work at Second Mile

Development, Inc. is an extension of her Christian commitment and

her culminating experience as an Army spouse. “Receiving Jesus

Christ was the most important and life-changing decision of my life.

I am hungry for living out His Word.”

Best Story? When John wanted to transfer from reserves to active

duty during our 昀椀 rst year of marriage, I simply offered, “That’s

wonderful but be sure to tell them we don’t go overseas.” Our 昀椀 rst

assignment? Germany. I subsequently spent 8 years overseas.

The most interesting assignment? “No doubt: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Experiencing SKUD attacks

throughout a month challenged the core of my being. It was terrifying.

One quick take-away is the fact that a crisis does reveal the

fabric of a person. After observing certain behaviors and leadership

styles, I prayed that I would be more like those who inspire con 昀椀 -

dence and calm amidst a storm rather than fear and insecurity. I am

very grateful now for that experience.”

Military Spouse Appreciation Day occurs on May 10th this year.

As we discussed her life as a military spouse, Sharon thought having

a day like this is a notable way to honor the service and sacri-

昀椀 ce of all military spouses. “We should recognize the contributions

of military spouses; we do make a difference in the world; we too

serve sacri 昀椀 cially.”

You can’t sit down with Sharon and not come away with some sage

advice. Her advice to active military spouses is simple, “The Army

is a lifestyle of service and sacri 昀椀 ce, not just a J-O-B. Spouses may

not make dinner every night. Treasure every moment together. Embrace

the lifestyle and the culture.” For retiring spouses her advice

is also simple, “There is life beyond the military, and a good one.

The military life gives you so many valuable skills. Venture out,

you have plenty to offer!”


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