Modern Insurance Magazine Issue 65

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mins with...<br />

Erez Barak<br />

Title: Chief Technology Officer, Earnix<br />

What has been your most memorable career<br />

achievement?<br />

Q<br />

From a technology perspective, memorable moments<br />

happen for me whenever people get to use the products<br />

AI’ve built! There’s been a few areas of pride in this sense,<br />

particularly from my time working in leadership roles at some<br />

of the big tech giants like Microsoft and HP, and when I’ve been<br />

developing new technologies and product experiences for<br />

the likes of Optify. Cloud infrastructure, big data systems and<br />

Artificial Intelligence (AI) are all hugely exciting technological<br />

developments to work with, and it’s great to see people find a<br />

practical use in what you’ve built.<br />

Throughout your career so far, what has been the most<br />

valuable piece of advice you’ve received?<br />

Q<br />

That’s a really interesting question. I’ve received a lot of<br />

advice throughout my career. Ultimately, I like to stay<br />

A mindful of the fact that every day should be treated as a<br />

fresh start, and a ‘jump off point’ from which new possibilities<br />

can form. It’s easy to forget that every day is a starting point<br />

when you’re living your day-to-day; you can easily become blind<br />

to the opportunities around you and focus solely on what you<br />

lack. Acknowledging the opportunity in each new day has the<br />

power to adjust your outlook and overall approach. I really think<br />

that mindset has the power to change your life.<br />

What has been the key positive or negative aspect of<br />

change in your area of the market?<br />

Q<br />

I have to mention AI here. From one perspective, when<br />

people use AI too soon – without any real direction in<br />

A terms of business implication, for example – this can<br />

create quite a negative impression in the insurance industry,<br />

ultimately deflecting from what this technology can really<br />

achieve. Until industries really gain their footing with AI, it has<br />

the potential to pose a number of challenges.<br />

On the other hand, increased compliance, policy and standards<br />

around the use of this technology will continue to create real and<br />

positive change for many industries, as well as the people within<br />

them. Users become more confident with AI, especially when<br />

it comes to experimenting and trying things out, knowing that<br />

someone has their back while doing so.<br />

If you were not in your current position, what would you<br />

like to be doing?<br />

Q<br />

The technology industry has a huge reach, all with<br />

massive social implications. I meet a lot of people in this<br />

A line of work who are making such a positive impact with<br />

their products, embracing an overall mission to improve the<br />

communities we live in. So, if I wasn’t doing what I’m doing right<br />

now, I’d start by looking at what I could do that would make a<br />

real social impact. I’d want to continue focusing on work that<br />

changes people’s lives for the better, something that creates new<br />

opportunities within society and helps to drive innovation and<br />

potential.<br />

Q<br />

A<br />

What three items would you put on display in a<br />

museum of your life, and why?<br />

My first computer would have to be included. I was young<br />

at the time, and it was monumental for me in the way<br />

that I taught myself how to use it, how to code and play<br />

games. This opened many opportunities and ideas for me in both<br />

a personal and professional sense.<br />

I’d also include a photo collage of all the teams I’ve worked with<br />

in the past. These people have shaped my career, and I link this<br />

to my first computer because without the knowledge I gained<br />

from that, I wouldn’t have had the privilege of working alongside<br />

so many great colleagues.<br />

Finally, I’d hang a scratch map of world, where I can document<br />

all the places I’ve visited and travelled to. I’m really lucky that the<br />

industry I’m in has enabled me to see so many wonderful parts of<br />

the world.<br />

What three guests would you invite to a dinner party?<br />

Q<br />

A<br />

I’m going to invite three Steve’s: Steve Jobs, Steve Nash,<br />

and Steve Carell. I think they’re all leaders in their area<br />

of specialism and world class players at what they do.<br />

Steve Jobs brought so much to the world through technology<br />

innovation. Steve Nash was a talented NBA basketball player, and<br />

Steve Carell is a great inspiration in comedy and acting. All three<br />

were great team players and have positively influenced their<br />

teams in incredible ways.<br />


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