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Scene I.<br />

In a classroom at school. Alex sits on a chair centre-stage, speaking directly to the audience.<br />

Siobhan is in the background, not paying attention to Alex.<br />

ALEX<br />

It's so easy to watch people die. On tv of course. We've almost become numb .... so desensitized<br />

when we talk about death, ye know. Like a film is crap if no one dies, isn't it. It's like we're all<br />

waiting, and rooting for someone to die. Please, anyone, anywhere, just, die. Because if no one<br />

dies then its just boring, isn't it?<br />

Pause.<br />

When someone dies, not on tv, now, but in real life, no one really cares anymore. We're so used<br />

to seeing the "RIP Granda" or "Heaven got an angel today" on Facebook an' all. Like, that's so<br />

stupid.<br />

Pause.<br />

"And they since they were not the one dead, turned to their affairs." Robert Frost wrote that. I<br />

don't know much about him but I know he was right about that. No one gives a damn. It's the<br />

natural order of things. So, go on, turned to your own affairs. It's completely normal and okay if<br />

someone dies.<br />

Pause. Looks at audience.<br />

1.-<br />

Siobhan approaches and Alex jumps at the sight of her. She caught him by surprise as he didn't<br />

know that she was lurking in the background<br />

Lightning speed<br />


Eh, why do you have a girl's name? Alexandra. That's a girl's name isn't it? It is! It is a girl's<br />

name. But you don't look like a girl. Is it because you're from a different country? So like they<br />

name the boys after girls. I don't understand. That's weird. You're weird. Why are you not<br />

saying anything? Come on say something. Can you not talk? Like what are you doing? I'm<br />

Siobhan. What's your name? Oh yeah, it's Alexandra. Sorry, I forgot. Are you not allowed to<br />

talk to me? I'm not supposed to talk to you either, but like whatever. Oh, so you can't speak<br />

English? Do you speak English? Oh okay, no. Oh well, you'll learn. That's what school is for. I<br />

still can't get over the fact that you have a girl's name. Are you gay? My da says that it's when<br />

boys hold other boys hands and kiss each other and stuff. Homos. That's just gross. I can't<br />

picture that in my head. Anyway, like, you don't talk very much. That's weird. You're weird.<br />

ALEX<br />

I...umm .. .I don't really ...

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