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Enter Therapist from stage left. She is a middle aged woman from south<br />

Dublin, she speaks with a strong south Dublin accent. She moves near to<br />

center stage and sits down at a desk with flowers and a picture of her<br />

deceased husband on it. She shuffles some papers and pulls a pen out of<br />

her hair which is in a bun. Puts the pen on the desk and picks up the<br />

phone which is also on the desk.<br />

T: Ah yeah hiya Sarah, you can send him in now thanks, alright see you<br />

hun.<br />

(Therapist puts down the phone and the door at the back of the stage<br />

opens. Enter Sean through the door, he is an average looking teenager<br />

wearing skinny jeans and a T-shirt with a hoodie. He is 16 years old. He is<br />

from a working class family in Dublin and has a strong north Dublin Accent.<br />

He stands awkwardly at the door)<br />

T: Good Morning ehm .. Mmmmm .... DDD .... a ..... sssshhh .... (fumbles<br />

through papers)Sean! Good morning Sean!<br />

(Sean says nothing, he glares back)<br />

T: OK then, you can sit down on the chair there if you want.<br />

(Sean considers this but then eventually sits down)<br />

T: So, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?<br />

(Sean stares)<br />

T:Alright, that seems like a topic to discuss at a later date, do you like any<br />

sports? My nephew loves the rugby, goes mad for it. Always throwing balls<br />

about and things. He's in school actually, up in blackrock, lovely school,<br />

nice staff.<br />

(Sean stares)<br />

T: Oh me, I haven't asked you what school you go to?<br />

(Sean stares)

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