April 2024 CSQ

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Balancing Act: The Shifting Focus<br />

of Child Support Services<br />

by Meg Haynes, Child Support Consultant<br />

I recently stepped back from full-time employment after almost 40 years<br />

with the child support program. NCSEA asked this “old timer” to talk about<br />

how the program has evolved. So, bear with me as I muse about progress,<br />

adjustments, and opportunities ahead.<br />

When I entered child support as a prosecutor in 1984, people often winked<br />

and laughed about “getting away” with not paying support. State laws<br />

governing support dramatically varied. The Child Support Enforcement<br />

Amendments of 1984 had just passed. For the first time all states had to<br />

enforce support orders by income withholding, but it was arrearage based.<br />

States had to develop child support guidelines, but they were advisory.<br />

Numerous states established paternity in public assistance cases through<br />

criminal bastardy proceedings. And DNA testing did not exist. There were<br />

often jury trials where you held up Little Johnny before jurors and hoped he<br />

had Big Johnny’s ears!<br />

Filing interstate cases under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of<br />

Support Act (URESA), the predecessor of the Uniform Interstate Family<br />

Support Act (UIFSA), was like sending them into a black hole. A district<br />

attorney in North Carolina hired me to establish a URESA unit because the<br />

North Carolina Court of Appeals i had found his office negligent: the<br />

prosecutor had handed the trial court judge a URESA case file and then left<br />

the courtroom! Clerks of court would return files to the initiating state<br />

because the petitioner had used the wrong-sized paper based on local<br />

court rules. In 1988 Congress established the U.S. Commission on<br />

Interstate Child Support to identify needed improvements. The Commission<br />

had a profound impact on both the culture and laws shaping child support.

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