April 2024 CSQ

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Table of Contents<br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Executive Director’s Message ....................................................... 3<br />

Balancing Act: The Shifting Focus of Child Support Services ....... 7<br />

Moving the Program Forward: Final Rules Issued by the Federal<br />

Office of Child Support Services ................................................. 11<br />

The Differential Impacts of Tax Credits and Filing Status on<br />

Parents Who Live Apart .............................................................. 16<br />

From Customer to Commissioner ............................................... 21<br />

Tennessee’s Child Support Reentry Program: Employee<br />

Innovation Leads to Family-Centered Solution ........................... 30<br />

NCSEA <strong>2024</strong> Policy Forum Wrap-up: “Building Community,<br />

Centering Families, Advancing Equity” ....................................... 35<br />

NCSEA U Alumni Spotlight .......................................................... 40

Chris Wood,<br />

NCSEA Executive Director<br />

I joined the National Child Support Engagement Association (NCSEA) as<br />

Executive Director in <strong>April</strong> 2023, with the aim of advancing the child support<br />

profession and advocating for the best interests of children and families. I<br />

have now had the opportunity to participate in various events and activities<br />

that have enriched my knowledge, skills, and network in the field of child<br />

support.<br />

My first year as Executive Director began with jumping right into a<br />

successful Board of Directors election process, which took place in May<br />

and June. As NCSEA’s new executive director, I had the privilege of<br />

recording interviews with the candidates who would represent the<br />

association and its members for the next term. The newly elected board<br />

members took office on September 1, 2023. Working with the Board of<br />

Directors and volunteer leaders has been a rewarding aspect of my first<br />

year with NCSEA, and I enjoy supporting them in their roles. The Board<br />

fosters a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives are valued.<br />

Throughout the past year, we debated policy recommendations, explored<br />

funding opportunities, and ensured alignment with NCSEA’s vision. Serving<br />

alongside these experienced leaders in child support has allowed me to<br />

hone my own leadership skills. Their mentorship and guidance have been<br />

invaluable.<br />

One of the most memorable events of the last year was the 2023<br />

Leadership Symposium held in Anaheim, California, last August. The<br />

symposium brought together child support leaders and experts from across<br />

the country to share best practices, discuss emerging trends, and explore

innovative solutions. I attended sessions that covered topics such as<br />

leadership development, data analytics, customer service,<br />

intergovernmental cooperation, and diversity and inclusion. I also had the<br />

chance to network with other attendees and exchange ideas and<br />

perspectives on various issues and challenges facing the child support<br />

community. The symposium was a valuable learning and networking<br />

opportunity for me, and I left feeling inspired and motivated to apply what I<br />

learned to my own work.<br />

On November 29, 2023, the House Committee on Ways and Means’ Joint<br />

Work and Welfare and Oversight Subcommittee held a hearing on<br />

“Strengthening the Child Support Enforcement Program for States and<br />

Tribes,” the first congressional hearing on the child support program since<br />

2001. While NCSEA did not directly provide testimony, all the testimony<br />

was provided by NCSEA members. The hearing was an important<br />

opportunity to present views and recommendations on the federal child<br />

support program and to highlight the achievements and challenges of state,<br />

local, and tribal child support agencies. The testimony was well-received by<br />

the Subcommittee members and generated constructive dialogue on how<br />

to improve and strengthen the child support system.<br />

My first year with NCSEA began drawing to a close with an incredibly<br />

productive <strong>2024</strong> Policy Forum in Washington, DC, in February. The forum<br />

was a platform for NCSEA members to engage with policymakers,<br />

stakeholders, and partners on the federal, state, and local levels. The<br />

Policy Forum featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and<br />

networking events, covering a wide range of topics such as child support<br />

enforcement, family-centered services, child poverty, child well-being, and<br />

child support innovation. I had the opportunity to meet and connect with<br />

many influential and knowledgeable people, including Congressional staff,<br />

other federal officials, state administrators, attorneys, researchers, and<br />

advocates. The Policy Forum was a fantastic way to wrap up my first year<br />

with NCSEA and positively set the stage for <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

In closing, my first year with NCSEA has been a remarkable and fulfilling<br />

one. Looking back, I have learned so much, met a lot of people, and, I<br />

hope, contributed positively to the association and the child support

profession. I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that NCSEA<br />

is providing me, and I am proud to be a part of this dynamic and diverse<br />

community. I look forward to continuing my work with our Board of<br />

Directors, volunteers, and members to make a positive difference in the<br />

lives of children and families.<br />

Chris Wood<br />

Christopher Wood is the Executive Director of the National Child Support Engagement Association. Chris<br />

and his partner Kelly live in Wilmington, NC, with their puppy, Arthur Guinness, a black and tan German<br />

Shepherd mix who loves naps. All three enjoy trying new recipes, spending time with friends and family,<br />

and exploring the Carolina coast.

Balancing Act: The Shifting Focus<br />

of Child Support Services<br />

by Meg Haynes, Child Support Consultant<br />

I recently stepped back from full-time employment after almost 40 years<br />

with the child support program. NCSEA asked this “old timer” to talk about<br />

how the program has evolved. So, bear with me as I muse about progress,<br />

adjustments, and opportunities ahead.<br />

When I entered child support as a prosecutor in 1984, people often winked<br />

and laughed about “getting away” with not paying support. State laws<br />

governing support dramatically varied. The Child Support Enforcement<br />

Amendments of 1984 had just passed. For the first time all states had to<br />

enforce support orders by income withholding, but it was arrearage based.<br />

States had to develop child support guidelines, but they were advisory.<br />

Numerous states established paternity in public assistance cases through<br />

criminal bastardy proceedings. And DNA testing did not exist. There were<br />

often jury trials where you held up Little Johnny before jurors and hoped he<br />

had Big Johnny’s ears!<br />

Filing interstate cases under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of<br />

Support Act (URESA), the predecessor of the Uniform Interstate Family<br />

Support Act (UIFSA), was like sending them into a black hole. A district<br />

attorney in North Carolina hired me to establish a URESA unit because the<br />

North Carolina Court of Appeals i had found his office negligent: the<br />

prosecutor had handed the trial court judge a URESA case file and then left<br />

the courtroom! Clerks of court would return files to the initiating state<br />

because the petitioner had used the wrong-sized paper based on local<br />

court rules. In 1988 Congress established the U.S. Commission on<br />

Interstate Child Support to identify needed improvements. The Commission<br />

had a profound impact on both the culture and laws shaping child support.

Through its public hearings around the country, testimony before Congress,<br />

appearances on national television shows, and news media campaign, it<br />

highlighted the critical importance of timely financial support as a way to<br />

raise children out of poverty. Its report to Congress resulted in laws and<br />

processes that are now quite familiar. Many focused on automation—the<br />

establishment of federal and state case registries, federal and state<br />

directories of new hires, automated income withholding, expanded<br />

automated locate resources, and financial institution data matches. In order<br />

to use automated enforcement, Congress also enacted laws to make past<br />

due child support payments vested judgments not subject to retroactive<br />

modification.<br />

As a result, child support collections increased. In 1990, only about 56% of<br />

IV-D cases had orders and only about 18% of IV-D cases had payments. ii<br />

In 2010, about 79% of IV-D cases had orders and about 56% of IV-D cases<br />

had payments. iii But the pendulum swing with its heavy emphasis on<br />

enforcement—needed at the time—was extreme. As enforcement became<br />

increasingly automated, research highlighted that many support orders<br />

exceeded people’s ability to pay. And automated enforcement didn’t offer<br />

avenues to address parenting time, non-adversarial agreements, or fears of<br />

increased domestic violence due to the enforcement.

Rightfully, the child support program has sought a greater balance. It<br />

continues to provide the core services of locate, establishment,<br />

enforcement, and review and adjustment. But we also strive to be more<br />

holistic in working with families. We<br />

encourage consent procedures. More than<br />

30 states operate a child support-led<br />

employment program for noncustodial<br />

parents. And Congress has highlighted the<br />

importance of establishing parenting time<br />

arrangements, accompanied by strong<br />

family violence safeguards, when obtaining<br />

child support orders. The most visible signal<br />

of the program’s evolution is the change of<br />

the federal agency’s name from the Office<br />

of Child Support Enforcement to the Office<br />

of Child Support Services.<br />

Of course, the program will continue to evolve. The demographics and<br />

desires of our workforce as well as the families we serve—and could be<br />

serving—will continue to change. There will be an ongoing need for<br />

interagency collaboration, tribal and state cooperation, and review of laws<br />

and policies to ensure they have an equitable impact and balance<br />

enforcement with family-centered practices. Systems need to be nimbler.<br />

We need to continue to address barriers to effective processing of

international cases. But I have never met a more dedicated, passionate,<br />

creative group of individuals than the child support community, and it will<br />

continue to move the program forward in exciting ways.<br />

What a gift it’s been to literally grow up in this community. It’s provided me<br />

the opportunity to make a positive difference in children’s lives. It’s been<br />

intellectually challenging. Most importantly, it’s given me lifelong friends<br />

whom I cherish. Thank you for the journey.<br />

i<br />

See Thelen v. Thelen, 281 S.E.2d 737 (N.C. App. 1981), https://law.justia.com/cases/north-carolina/court-of-appeals/1981/8026dc1025-<br />

1.html.<br />

ii<br />

Office of Child Support Enforcement, Nineteenth Annual Report to Congress (1994), FY 1994 Annual Report to Congress | The Administration<br />

for Children and Families (hhs.gov).<br />

iii<br />

Office of Child Support Enforcement, FY 2010 Annual Report to Congress (2010), FY 2010 Annual Report to Congress | The Administration<br />

for Children and Families (hhs.gov).<br />

Margaret (Meg) Haynes has more than 35 years of child support experience in public, nonprofit, and<br />

private sectors. From 1990 - 1992 she chaired the U.S. Commission on Interstate Child Support. Its report<br />

to Congress resulted in major child support reform. Meg participated in the drafting of the Uniform Interstate<br />

Family Support Act from 1990 to 2008. From 2004 – 2007 she was a member of the U.S. delegation during<br />

negotiation of the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention. In 2022 she was a member of the NCSEA<br />

delegation to the Hague Special Commission on implementation of the Convention. She currently co-chairs<br />

the Hague Convention Forms Working Group. Recognitions include the Commissioner’s Distinguished<br />

Service Award from the federal Office of Child Support Services, ERICSA’s Felix Infausto Award for<br />

outstanding contributions in interstate child support, and NCSEA’s Child Support Community Service<br />

Award. She is a lifetime member of NCSEA.

Moving the Program Forward: Final Rules Issued<br />

by the Federal Office of Child Support Services<br />

by Diane Potts, Director, CGI<br />

Federal regulations are published by executive branch agencies to provide<br />

guidance on their interpretation of federal laws and advise how they will be<br />

implemented and enforced. Like laws, federal regulations are published<br />

and codified. Unlike federal laws, however, proposed changes to federal<br />

regulations must go through a notification process called the Notice of<br />

Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). The NPRM is the official document that<br />

announces the intended changes and explains the agency’s intent in<br />

addressing a problem or accomplishing a goal with the changes. Every<br />

NPRM is published in the Federal Register and has a specific timeframe for<br />

interested individuals, organizations, states, and other stakeholders to<br />

respond by filing comments with the agency.<br />

This article details two significant final rules issued recently through the<br />

NPRM process by the federal Office of Child Support Services (OCSS).<br />

NCSEA filed comments to the NPRMs in support of both regulatory<br />

changes and believes that they will improve the child support program for<br />

states and tribes.<br />

New Rule Eliminates Costs for Tribes to Operate a Child Support<br />

Program<br />

Tribes that operate child support programs have been successful collecting<br />

support for families. In federal fiscal year 2022, Tribal child support<br />

programs collected $51 million in payments, including $10 million collected

in intergovernmental cases on behalf of another Tribe, state, or country.<br />

With 53 percent of Native American children in Tribal areas with programs<br />

living in single-parent families, there is a compelling need for Tribal child<br />

support programs.<br />

Yet there are only 61 Tribes currently<br />

operating a child support program, a small<br />

percentage of the 574 federally recognized<br />

Tribes in the United States. The main<br />

barrier to greater participation is the 80-20<br />

and 90-10 cost sharing rates between<br />

Tribes and federal government. Because<br />

Tribal governments have fewer revenue-generating options than state<br />

governments, the match often requires Tribes to choose between allocating<br />

scarce resources to provide critical services, or develop and operate a child<br />

support program. OCSS issued an NPRM on <strong>April</strong> 21, 2023, to address this<br />

problem and NCSEA filed comments in support of eliminating cost sharing<br />

entirely.<br />

On February 12, <strong>2024</strong>, OCSS<br />

announced a final rule that<br />

eliminated the burdensome cost<br />

sharing requirement for Tribal child<br />

support programs. See 89 Fed.<br />

Reg. 9784, Elimination of the Tribal<br />

Non-Federal Share Requirement.<br />

The change will take effect later this<br />

year on October 1, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

As explained by Health and Human<br />

Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, the change will “make it easier and less<br />

expensive for Tribal community-run child support programs to meet the<br />

needs of their communities.” OCSS Commissioner Tanguler Gray praised<br />

the final rule stating: “We’ve heard their feedback loud and clear, and are<br />

doing what we can to remove unnecessary burdens to operating their own<br />

programs. This rule does just that, and will make it easier for existing and<br />

new Tribal child support programs to access funding they need to improve<br />

outcomes for children and families.”<br />

The final rule also was intended to promote equity and aims to honor Tribal<br />

sovereignty. To further the survival and welfare of Indian Tribes and people,<br />

the final rule reiterates the federal commitment to provide services needed

to protect and enhance Tribal lands, resources, and self-government. This<br />

includes economic and social programs like child support that serve to<br />

raise the standard of living and social well-being of Native people. As<br />

explained by ACF Administration for Native Americans Commissioner and<br />

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Native American Affairs Patrice H. Kunesh,<br />

“I'm proud of our Tribal partnerships and how this rule works to improve<br />

equity and reduce systemic barriers to services. The Administration for<br />

Children and Families will continue to support social and economic<br />

development in a manner that provides Tribal Nations with the greatest<br />

possible self-determination.”<br />

New Rule Gives Relief to Title IV-D Programs In Times of Emergency<br />

Under Title IV-D, state child support programs must achieve specific<br />

performance levels in paternity establishment, support order establishment,<br />

and current support collections. The threshold performance levels that<br />

programs must meet are:<br />

• Paternity establishment percentage (PEP) of 90% under 45 C.F.R. §<br />

305.40(a)(1);<br />

• Support order establishment of 40% under 45 C.F.R. §305.40(a)(3);<br />

and<br />

• Current collections performance of 35% under 45 C.F.R.<br />

§305.40(a)(3).<br />

If a child support program fails to achieve these performance levels with<br />

complete and reliable performance measure data, the program may be<br />

assessed penalties against its TANF grant.<br />

When state child support programs are<br />

serving families under normal<br />

circumstances, it is reasonable to require<br />

programs to meet those performance<br />

levels. The COVID-19 pandemic, however,<br />

illustrated how severely child support<br />

program operations can be impacted by<br />

court and office shutdowns. States<br />

experienced significant workload burdens<br />

and service backlogs that were not

attributable to any shortcomings of the program. In these situations,<br />

imposing a financial penalty against a state’s TANF funding is illogical<br />

because it takes away valuable resources that are critically needed during<br />

emergencies.<br />

In response to the pandemic, OCSS issued an NPRM and final rule<br />

modifying 45 C.F.R. §305.61(e). The new regulation provided time-limited<br />

relief to the PEP for federal fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022.<br />

Going forward, however, OCSS saw the benefits of having the ability to<br />

provide temporary relief to states for future emergencies without having to<br />

go through the lengthy NPRM process. OCSS issued an NPRM on July 13,<br />

2023, to make that change and improve the process. NCSEA filed<br />

comments in support.<br />

On March 4, <strong>2024</strong>, OCSS issued a<br />

final rule providing ongoing<br />

authority to grant prompt relief to<br />

state programs, if justified by the<br />

circumstances, without having to<br />

engage in the formal rulemaking<br />

process. See 89 Fed. Reg. 15475,<br />

Modifications to Performance<br />

Standards During Natural Disasters<br />

and Other Calamities. The change<br />

was effective immediately.<br />

The rule allows OCSS to modify performance measure requirements and<br />

waive penalties for failure to meet these requirements when an emergency<br />

impacts a state’s ability to achieve the paternity establishment, support<br />

order establishment, and current collections standards. The rule also allows<br />

OCSS to set aside adverse data reliability audit findings caused by an<br />

emergency such as a pandemic that also could trigger a financial penalty.<br />

ACF Acting Assistant Secretary Jeff Hild explained that natural disasters<br />

today are “an increasing fact of life and our programs must be flexible and<br />

adapt in the face of emergencies.” The rule helps ensure child support<br />

programs have continued funding to help families in need in the aftermath<br />

of disasters.<br />

Commissioner Gray praised the child support programs as having been<br />

“incredibly resilient and innovative in finding ways to continue providing<br />

services to families during the pandemic.” With the final rule, child support

now has “an important tool to help programs weather future emergencies,”<br />

by authorizing the Health and Human Services Secretary to provide<br />

targeted and time-limited relief to states from the PEP, support order<br />

establishment, and current support collections performance thresholds<br />

when natural disasters and other calamities impact program operations.<br />

Diane Potts is the Child Support Lead Director on the National Strategy Team at CGI Technologies and<br />

Solutions Inc. Diane serves on the NCSEA Board of Directors and is co-chair of NCSEA’s Policy and<br />

Government Relations Committee as well as an NCSEA Past-President, past Secretary, and an Honorary<br />

Lifetime Member. Diane also is on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support<br />

Association (ERICSA) and currently serves as Vice President of Policy and Legislation. In May 2023, she<br />

was awarded ERICSA’s Intergovernmental Award. For six years, Diane was the Illinois Deputy Attorney<br />

General for Child Support. She was appointed as the official observer to the Uniform Law Commission’s<br />

amendment of the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA) on NCSEA’s behalf and currently sits on the UPA’s<br />

Enactment Committee. In 2015, she received the Illinois Child Support Lifetime Achievement Award. Diane<br />

received her law degree from Washington University Law School and her undergraduate degree from the<br />

University of Illinois.

The Differential Impacts of Tax Credits and Filing<br />

Status on Parents Who Live Apart<br />

by Elizabeth Morgan, Management Consultant, Public<br />

Knowledge, and Jim Fleming, Director, North Dakota Child<br />

Support Services<br />

It is widely known that raising children is expensive; however, the United<br />

States tax code provides some individuals raising minor children with<br />

several tax credits that can provide financial buffers, especially for lowincome<br />

families. Some of these tax credits include the Child and<br />

Dependent Care Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and the<br />

Child Tax Credit (CTC). This article will focus on the EITC and the CTC.<br />

Some parents are also able to take advantage of filing taxes as Head of<br />

Household.<br />

Parents who live apart can experience a disparity in tax benefits between<br />

their households based on which parent has primary custody of the<br />

children, even when both parents contribute equally to raising the children.<br />

This article explores the differential impacts of the application of the EITC<br />

and CTC based on taxpayers’ income, filing status, and whether they claim<br />

their child(ren) as dependents.<br />

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)<br />

In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a debate over reforming welfare, at that<br />

time known as the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)<br />

program. AFDC caseloads were increasing and there was an interest in<br />

encouraging work and reducing the need for welfare. In 1975, Congress<br />

enacted the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) on a temporary basis as part

of the Tax Reduction Act of 1975. Over the<br />

years, the EITC was expanded to include<br />

increases in the maximum credit amount,<br />

broader eligibility criteria, and additional<br />

benefits for families with more children.<br />

The EITC provides low to moderate-income working individuals and<br />

families with a reduction in the amount of taxes owed or a refund if the<br />

credit exceeds the tax liability. The EITC was designed to serve as a work<br />

incentive to encourage individuals to seek and maintain employment,<br />

thereby promoting workforce participation and reducing reliance on cash<br />

assistance.<br />

To be eligible for the EITC, a taxpayer must<br />

have earned income from employment, selfemployment,<br />

or certain other sources, and<br />

meet certain income limits. In addition,<br />

individuals can claim a larger amount of the<br />

EITC if they care for a “qualifying child” in<br />

their home for more than half of the year. A<br />

“qualifying child” is defined as a child under<br />

age 19 at the end of the tax year (or under age 24 if a full-time student).<br />

The Child Tax Credit (CTC)<br />

While the EITC is available to individuals with or without<br />

minor children in the household, the credit is substantially<br />

larger for those with children. The CTC, however, is<br />

available only to families who will claim one or more<br />

qualifying children as dependents when filing their tax<br />

returns. A qualifying child must:<br />

• Be under age 17 at the end of the year;<br />

• Live with the parent for more than half the year; and<br />

• Be properly claimed as a dependent on the parent’s tax return.<br />

Parents can qualify for the full amount of the CTC if they meet all eligibility<br />

factors and their annual income does not exceed $200,000.<br />

Differential impacts of the EITC and CTC on parents who live apart<br />

While the EITC and the CTC primarily benefit families with children, the<br />

EITC and CTC do not apply equally to parents who live apart. Generally,

the parent who receives support is the parent with whom the child lives for<br />

most of the year—one requirement for claiming the EITC and the CTC.<br />

However, parents who pay support<br />

generally do not qualify for the EITC and<br />

CTC due to the residential requirements. If a<br />

parent who pays support has a qualifying<br />

child and meets all other eligibility criteria,<br />

he or she may be able to claim the EITC<br />

and the CTC to include the amount for the<br />

qualifying child. However, both parents<br />

cannot claim the EITC and CTC for the<br />

same child in the same tax year. In cases of<br />

shared custody, the Internal Revenue<br />

Service (IRS) typically allows the parent who<br />

receives support to claim the credit unless there is a written agreement or<br />

court order specifying otherwise.<br />

The differential impacts of the EITC and the CTC and Head of<br />

Household filing status on parents who live apart: An Example<br />

This scenario provides an example of how two parents living apart receive<br />

substantially different tax benefits with respect to the EITC, the CTC, and<br />

Head of Household filing status. iv<br />

The facts of this scenario are as follows: two parents, Pat and Sam (both<br />

30 years old), have one five-year-old child, Dana. Pat and Sam were never<br />

married, and they live in separate households.<br />

Pat and Sam have never gone to court to establish child support, though<br />

parentage was established administratively at the time of Dana’s birth.<br />

Dana lives most of the year (nine months) with Pat, and she lives with Sam<br />

for three months during the summer.<br />

Both parents earn the same income, and they equally share the cost of<br />

childcare and medical expenses.<br />

The following tables demonstrate the results of applying the current EITC<br />

and CTC eligibility rules to Pat and Sam based on increasing income<br />


Income of both parents: $15,000<br />

Parent<br />

Filing<br />

Status<br />

Standard<br />

Deduction<br />

AGI v EITC CTC<br />

Federal Tax<br />

Refund<br />

Total Tax<br />

Benefits<br />

Pat HH vi $20,800 $15,000 $3,995 $2,000 $5,595 $11,590<br />

Sam Single $13,850 $15,000 $201 $0 $87 $288<br />

Income of both parents: $25,000<br />

Parent<br />

Filing<br />

Status<br />

Standard<br />

Deduction<br />


Federal Tax<br />

Refund<br />

Total Tax<br />

Benefits<br />

Pat HH $ 20,800 $25,000 $3,442 $2,000 $ 5,026 $ 10,468<br />

Sam Single $ 13,850 $25,000 $ 0 $ 0 ($ 1,118) ($ 1,118)<br />

Income of both parents: $40,000<br />

Parent<br />

Filing<br />

Status<br />

Standard<br />

Deduction<br />


Federal Tax<br />

Refund<br />

Total Tax<br />

Benefits<br />

Pat HH $20,800 $40,000 $1,045 $2,000 $1,059 $4,104<br />

Sam Single $ 13,850 $40,000 $0 $0 ($2,918) ($2,918)<br />

What can be done to reduce the disparity?<br />

The differential impact of the EITC and CTC and Head of Household filing<br />

status on parents who pay support in comparison to parents who receive<br />

support could be mitigated through congressional action. One approach<br />

would be for Congress to expand the EITC, CTC, and Head of Household<br />

eligibility criteria to include parents who pay support and who have<br />

significant parenting time or are current in meeting their financial child<br />

support obligations.<br />

Another approach would be to create alternative tax benefits or credits<br />

specifically targeted at parents who pay support. These credits could be<br />

designed to provide financial assistance or incentives for employment,<br />

education, or other activities that support the well-being of their children.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Parents who meet their child support obligations are supporting their<br />

children, just in a different way from custodial parents. Yet, low-income<br />

parents who pay child support, in particular, are taxed at a much higher<br />

effective rate than parents who receive support. This provides a challenge

to regular payment of support and places parents who owe child support at<br />

a disadvantage in supporting their children and being self-sufficient. Just as<br />

parents who receive support are recognized in the Internal Revenue Code<br />

for the cost of raising children, so too should parents who provide support<br />

for their children in the form of monthly child support payments.<br />

iv<br />

Computing hypothetical federal income tax calculations requires many assumptions, such as whether the parent would claim the standard<br />

deduction or itemize deductions. For the purposes of this scenario, the calculations have deliberately been kept as simple as possible. Further,<br />

it is assumed that the parents have not obtained a court order governing which parent can claim the child as a dependent and have not<br />

otherwise agreed that the noncustodial parent can claim the child as a dependent.<br />

v<br />

AGI: Adjusted Gross Income.<br />

vi<br />

HH: Head of Household.<br />

Elizabeth Morgan is a management consultant for Public Knowledge® where she provides subject matter<br />

expertise on data privacy law and child support policy, as a consultant to the Office of Child Support<br />

Services (OCSS). Elizabeth has focused much of her career on child support distribution policy and has<br />

been a lead author of federal policy guidance and training for distribution requirements under both<br />

PRWORA and the DRA of 2005. She is an individual member of NCSEA and has served as co-chair of<br />

NCSEA’s Policy and Government Relations’ Legislative Education Subcommittee for the past five years.<br />

She is a past-president and honorary lifetime board member of WICSEC. Elizabeth holds a B.A. from<br />

Whitman College, an M.S. from Western Washington University, and a J.D. from Seattle University.<br />

Jim Fleming is the director of the Child Support Section of the North Dakota Department of Health and<br />

Human Services, Immediate Past President of the National Child Support Engagement Association<br />

(NCSEA), member of the Board of Directors for the Western Intergovernmental Child Support Engagement<br />

Council (WICSEC), and former President of the National Council of Child Support Directors (NCCSD). Jim<br />

is a member and former co-chair of NCSEA’s Policy and Government Relations Committee and NCCSD’s<br />

Policy and Practice Committee, and a member of the NCCSD Executive Committee and the editorial<br />

committee for the NCSEA Child Support CommuniQue. Jim also co-chairs NCCSD’s Employer<br />

Collaboration Committee. In 2023, Jim was given a Partnership Award for Professional Excellence from the<br />

National Tribal Child Support Association. Jim was named the 2022 recipient of the American Payroll<br />

Association’s Government Partner Award. He received his B.A. from the University of North Dakota and his<br />

J.D. from Notre Dame Law School.

From Customer to Commissioner<br />

by Vicki Turetsky, Esq.<br />

We all come to child support for different reasons. This is what I learned<br />

along my journey.<br />

To help children, understand the parents’ story. We all have a story, the<br />

personal and professional experiences that shape our understanding. My<br />

story is not unique. To escape an abusive home, I married at 17, and had<br />

my first child the month I turned 18. My then-husband also came from a<br />

troubled home. Our families experienced mental illness, substance use,<br />

family violence, incarceration, and suicide. We divorced 10 years later and I<br />

then raised our children mostly alone.<br />

Until my children reached their teen years, we stayed afloat through a<br />

combination of earnings, child support, and public assistance. My part-time<br />

jobs included department store clerk, restaurant cashier, waitress, museum<br />

docent, and correspondence school instructor. None included health<br />

insurance or sick leave. I was fired from one job when I became pregnant<br />

with my second child, and fired from another when my children had chicken<br />

pox and I had no back-up care.<br />

Some years we received child support and some years we didn’t. At one<br />

time or another, we benefited from public and community assistance,<br />

including AFDC, Food Stamps, WIC, EITC, Medicaid, Section 8 housing,<br />

free school lunch program, commodity cheese, food banks, public health<br />

clinic, and legal aid. I shopped at Goodwill and yard sales. We did not have<br />

a car. Now I know, based on the types of public assistance we received,<br />

that our household income was at or near the federal poverty threshold for<br />

a decade.

But I didn’t feel poor. I felt resourceful. We<br />

just needed a little help. When I applied<br />

for AFDC, I was required to assign my<br />

child support rights. It made no sense—<br />

child support was our own money. I closed<br />

my case and made do. Forty-six years<br />

later, I am still mad about cost recovery.<br />

Give young people a picture and a way<br />

out. After high school, I enrolled in<br />

community college. But I dropped out at the end<br />

of my first year, when my first child was born. I<br />

had no encouragement, money, or childcare to stay in<br />

school. Five years later, I applied to the University of Minnesota. We moved<br />

into a 500-unit student family housing community managed as a<br />

cooperative. I got involved, and eventually became the board president of<br />

the housing corporation. Everything I know about politics I learned in that<br />

role. I was planning to become a librarian but was encouraged by my<br />

friends to go to law school.<br />

In 1979, I became the first single parent admitted to the University of<br />

Chicago Law School. Three-quarters of the students and nearly the entire<br />

faculty were male. During my first year, Chicago public school teachers<br />

went on strike, so my children sat on a bench outside my classroom every<br />

day. From the beginning, I wanted to become an anti-poverty attorney. I<br />

became an officer of the law school legal clinic, and initiated a project to<br />

represent adolescents in child welfare proceedings.<br />

Encourage fathers to stay involved. My views about implementing<br />

realistic child support policies and the role of fathers in the child support<br />

program developed over time. I had my own personal experiences. I was<br />

also influenced by my experiences as a legal services supervising attorney<br />

in the Newark, NJ area. I represented inadequately housed and homeless<br />

people, keeping weekly intake hours at a local soup kitchen.<br />

But I really began to understand the effects of existing child support policies<br />

when I worked for MDRC, a nonprofit research firm in New York City. I<br />

helped implement a research demonstration pilot in the early 1990s called<br />

Parent’s Fair Share (PFS). PFS tested a model that included employment<br />

services, child support case management, peer support, and mediation that<br />

later became the basis for the Child Support Noncustodial Parent

Employment Demonstration (CSPED). I talked with many fathers, and<br />

heard their trauma, pain, grief, despair, humor, and hope.<br />

In about 1997, early advocates for low-income noncustodial parents made<br />

a strategic decision to engage NCSEA in a dialogue. I remember the first<br />

time they presented on “fragile families” and “deadbroke dads” at an<br />

NCSEA conference. They were almost hissed off the stage, but they were<br />

persuasive. I began to publish reports identifying more realistic child<br />

support policies, became a national fatherhood leadership board member,<br />

and worked with Congress to draft child support distribution and sections of<br />

the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grant legislation that<br />

ultimately passed as part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA).<br />

The child support program began in a different era. My then-husband<br />

and I ran a dairy farm in the early 1970s. Early in my marriage, I was not<br />

permitted to work outside the farm, drive the car, or have a checkbook. But<br />

out of financial necessity, I then became the primary wage-earner. I applied<br />

for a credit card at the very department store where I worked, but was<br />

denied. Only my husband could open a credit card account, and only his<br />

income counted. Later, when my husband and I separated, my car<br />

insurance coverage was cancelled, although his policy continued. The<br />

insurance agent explained marital coverture to me--under the law, man and<br />

wife were considered one person, and unfortunately for me, that person<br />

was the husband. I tried to get renter’s insurance, but found out that I was<br />

uninsurable as a divorced mother.<br />

At that time, divorced fathers weren’t encouraged to stick around. The<br />

attitude was: “Let him get on with his life,” and “The new husband can take<br />

care of the kids.” There was little appreciation for the traumatic loss<br />

experienced by children and their parents. Voluntary acknowledgment of<br />

parentage and child support enforcement has helped transform the way we<br />

look at fathers.<br />

Title IV-D was enacted to increase gender equity. Title IV-D of the<br />

Social Security Act was enacted in 1975 with overwhelming support from<br />

women’s rights and anti-poverty advocates. It was one of a series of laws<br />

intended to level the playing field between men and women, such as the<br />

Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. As OCSS commissioner, I<br />

participated in several international conferences, and learned that one of<br />

the first steps taken by countries with emerging civil rights for women was<br />

to adopt a family law code granting mothers the right to obtain child<br />


But title IV-D had a second purpose:<br />

welfare cost recovery. These cost recovery<br />

policies were part of an older history,<br />

rooted in Victorian-era poor relief laws that<br />

treated public assistance as a debt. Cost<br />

recovery laws have a long racist legacy,<br />

and the chronological arc of the “deadbeat<br />

parent” phase of the program mirrored the<br />

rise of incarceration and the retrenchment of<br />

public assistance programs.<br />

The right to child support itself is ancient. In fact, in<br />

1665, my ancestor, Herodias Long, successfully sued<br />

the father of her children for child support in Rhode Island, although they<br />

had never married. Since its inception, the child support program has<br />

struggled to reconcile the legal right of children to obtain parental support,<br />

the unequal economic footing of men and women, and reimbursement of<br />

cash assistance.<br />

Generational change has brought a different set of insights to the child<br />

support program. Many of the people who implemented title IV-D had<br />

experienced divorce and raised children as single mothers. Many of the<br />

legislators at that time were divorced fathers. Many of the people who<br />

make the child support program run today were once children who lived<br />

apart from a parent.<br />

The child support program has come a long way. My first job out of law<br />

school in 1982 was with the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, where I<br />

represented the range of human services programs, including child<br />

support. Minnesota has a state-administered, county-run program. At that<br />

time, the state central office only had 4 or 5 staff. Except for the largest<br />

counties, child support cases were handled by private attorneys under<br />

county contract. Child support was enforced primarily through wage<br />

garnishment, civil contempt, and criminal prosecutions. In its earliest days,<br />

the child support program operated exclusively as a cost-recovery program.<br />

In 1984, Congress required states to expand services to parents who did<br />

not receive AFDC but requested services.<br />

I started working with the title IV-D program before child support guidelines<br />

were implemented. Order amounts varied widely. Low-income noncustodial<br />

parents of children receiving AFDC were typically charged the full amount<br />

of assistance paid out, including Medicaid birthing costs and retroactive

support. Better-off fathers, on the other hand, often received nominal<br />

orders. In fact, many divorced fathers did not have a monthly support order<br />

at all. Part of my job as a state attorney was to review lump sum divorce<br />

decrees to determine whether they satisfied a “best interests of the child”<br />

standard. It was then common for wives to get the house and a lump sum<br />

settlement of a few thousand dollars in lieu of a monthly support order<br />

during a child’s minority.<br />

This also was before UIFSA was enacted. We operated under the Uniform<br />

Reciprocal Enforcement of Child Support Act (URESA). In order to enforce<br />

child support orders across state lines, both states had to enter into a<br />

compact—a little like a bilateral agreement in international cases. Part of<br />

my job was to review new URESA agreements. My interstate child support<br />

case wasn’t going to go anywhere because Minnesota didn’t have a<br />

URESA agreement with Pennsylvania. I didn’t even try to enforce my case.<br />

I represented the state in several class action lawsuits challenging federal<br />

laws enacted in 1981 and 1984. My first case was a constitutional<br />

challenge to the tax offset program. In another case, the state joined<br />

families in challenging federal sibling deeming rules, which required all<br />

children in the household to apply for AFDC and assign their child support<br />

rights. We had affidavits from several parents who decided to change<br />

custody rather than assign their support payments or who stopped paying<br />

child support altogether. During my career, I’ve been privileged to work on<br />

two U.S. Supreme Court cases.<br />

Program architecture underlies family experiences. In late 1994, I<br />

began working as a policy analyst at a national policy advocacy<br />

organization called the Center for Law in Social Policy (CLASP) in<br />

Washington, DC, and later became its family policy director. I specialized in<br />

family policy for 15 years, focusing on low-income families and fathers,<br />

domestic violence, and prison re-entry, including the Second Chance Act. I<br />

also focused on the guts of the child support program: systems<br />

implementation, program structure, and financing. A major part of my job<br />

was legislative advocacy. I was often on the hill and in the media, and<br />

coordinated closely with state directors. I had a hand in almost every child<br />

support law passed by Congress between 1996 and 2009, when I became<br />

OCSS commissioner.<br />

1994 was truly an incredible time to return to the child support program.<br />

Three weeks into the job, I went to my first NCSEA policy forum. The<br />

conference was held at a pivotal point in the program’s history: the shift to

administrative and automated<br />

enforcement, which moved case<br />

processing from “retail to wholesale.” At<br />

the same time, states were implementing<br />

income withholding and the other<br />

provisions of the Family Support Act of<br />

1988, while OCSS had just issued its<br />

paternity rules.<br />

Two years earlier, in 1992, the U.S.<br />

Commission on Interstate Child Support had<br />

released its groundbreaking “blueprint for reform”<br />

report that provided the framework for the child support<br />

provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity<br />

Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). I was a part of a coalition of states<br />

and advocates providing input into the legislation. PRWORA ushered in the<br />

computerized child support program. Computerization was essential for the<br />

modern program, and strong enforcement authorities established its<br />

credibility to collect child support. But this stronger role also led to excesses<br />

that did harm.<br />

Change is hard. After PRWORA was enacted, states struggled to<br />

implement their new computer systems. I testified on the hill about<br />

computer systems delays, and developed the alternative computer penalty<br />

provision included in legislation. I also played a role in the Child Support<br />

Performance and Incentive Act of 1998 (CSPIA). Yet program performance<br />

remained dismally flat. Discouraged Congressional members threatened to<br />

move the program to the IRS or to privatize it. Just as the political threat<br />

was becoming real, PRWORA results kicked in. As the quarterly reports<br />

rolled in, I saw with amazement that performance rates had doubled in one<br />

quarter. I jumped in a cab to the House committee office, quarterly data in<br />

hand, and the political crisis was averted.<br />

The child support program had reached another crossroads: retained<br />

collections were no longer sufficient to pay for the program, and the federal<br />

government was losing money. However, states continued to “make a<br />

profit,” that is, state retained collections exceeded state expenditures. To<br />

address the problem, OMB threatened behind the scenes to cut the federal<br />

match rate to 50 percent. Yet the program was not overfunded but instead<br />

grossly underfunded. In a meeting with OMB, I identified cost recovery<br />

revenues—not the federal match rate—as the problem, and suggested that

ACF meet with stakeholders to reexamine the mission, financing,<br />

performance, and role of noncustodial parents. OMB gave us a year<br />

reprieve. We traveled around the country, holding 10 or 12 national and<br />

regional meetings. This was about 1998 and 1999. The outcome was a<br />

consensus mission that embraced low-income fathers and a plan to<br />

eliminate cost recovery. Between 1997 and 2005, Congress introduced<br />

about 40 bipartisan bills to reform distribution.<br />

A family-centered program requires a broader perspective. A more<br />

holistic child support program focuses more broadly on family needs, and<br />

relies upon collaboration with other family-serving programs. Throughout its<br />

history, the child support program has been isolated from other human<br />

services programs, and has had trouble attracting media interest and<br />

advocacy support. During our push in Congress to reverse the funding cut<br />

included in the DRA, I realized that the standard political arguments for<br />

funding the program no longer worked. I introduced a family-centered<br />

framework as OCSS commissioner in part to make the child support<br />

program more relatable to program stakeholders.<br />

I brought a broad human services perspective to my child support work. My<br />

professional background included AFDC, Food Stamps, Medicaid, child<br />

welfare, housing, employment, refugee assistance, and other programs.<br />

Throughout my career, I’ve toggled between legal, administrative, direct<br />

service, and research roles. As a division director for the Minnesota<br />

Department of Human Services, I was in charge of several crossdepartment<br />

functions, including administrative appeals, rulemaking, and<br />

grants and contracts, and received the state’s first “reinventing<br />

government” award. I also represented the state in contract negotiations to<br />

develop FAMIS, the old mainframe system for Medicaid, AFDC, and Food<br />

Stamps.<br />

During my time at CLASP, I was active in NCSEA, as well as APHSA and<br />

NCCSD. I served a term on the NCSEA board, coordinated much of<br />

NCSEA’s policy work, and participated on conference planning committees<br />

for several years. I also helped launch the <strong>CSQ</strong>, and wrote monthly<br />

legislative columns for the publication.<br />

Program staff have to get behind real change. I became OCSS<br />

commissioner during the middle of the worst recession since the Great<br />

Depression. To make matters worse, the DRA had included a devastating<br />

cut in child support funding, which we were only able to postpone by a<br />

couple of years. Some county child support programs experienced 30

percent or more staffing cuts. OCSS also<br />

experienced significant funding cuts. My<br />

staff and I anxiously monitored new hire<br />

data. The program was not really back on<br />

its feet until 2012.<br />

Coming into office, I wanted to establish<br />

the vision, consensus, and policy<br />

framework for a family-centered program.<br />

My predecessors had laid the groundwork<br />

through policy guidance, grant projects, and<br />

initiatives like PAID. Texas was pioneering an<br />

impressive family-centered program model, and<br />

several other states and counties had implemented grant-funded initiatives.<br />

The problem was that these grant initiatives often were not seen as part of<br />

the “real” child support program, and were not sustained when the grant<br />

ended. I wanted to integrate family-centered policies and practices into the<br />

program. But with the fiscal crisis, few people were in the mood to hear<br />

about an upcoming shift in federal priorities.<br />

I remember one cab ride to a conference in 2010. My cabdriver told me that<br />

he could not make enough money driving cab during the recession to pay<br />

his child support. He wanted to go back to school to get an HVAC<br />

certificate. He said he regularly saw his children, and his former wife<br />

supported his plan. However, the county attorney had threatened him with<br />

jail if he quit. I told his story at the conference. The story was not wellreceived.<br />

Have a Plan B. I spent the recession years trying to describe the families I<br />

knew and the type of approaches that would work. I also focused on<br />

changing the language we used. To draw the picture, I borrowed familycentered<br />

principles and language from the child welfare field. I sketched out<br />

the “bubble chart” for a presentation slide. Much to my surprise, it became<br />

our logo. We began drafting the 2016 Flexibility, Efficiency, and<br />

Modernization rule early in the first term. As the program restabilized after<br />

the recession, federal, state, county, and tribal child support agencies<br />

engaged in extensive discussions about the program’s future. We stepped<br />

up federal research to deepen the evidentiary basis, including CSPED,<br />

Procedural Justice-Informed Alternatives to Contempt (PJAC), and<br />

Parenting Time Opportunities for Children (PTOC). We modernized our

communications strategy and conducted extensive outreach to courts and<br />

other stakeholders.<br />

Of course, we also had other priorities. In addition to the 2016 rule, OCSS<br />

adopted tribal systems, data-sharing, and intergovernmental rules. We<br />

facilitated ratification of the Hague treaty, modernized the FPLS, and<br />

implemented the model tribal system. The number of tribal programs<br />

doubled between 2008 and 2016. I am proud of the work states, tribes, and<br />

my own team at OCSS accomplished during that time—and the time since.<br />

I am gratified to see the child support program continue to grapple with<br />

social change and make progress toward a more equitable program.<br />

Everything has its season. I’ve always seen myself as a translator. After<br />

leaving OCSS, I’ve continued to write and consult with foundations,<br />

advocacy groups, and others to build capacity to support families. I am<br />

grateful for a career that has been so personally meaningful to me. As a<br />

girl, I never expected to have a career at all. I was raised in a time as full of<br />

social change and uncertainty as now. My way out was through<br />

parenthood, school, and work. My lived experiences gave me a specific<br />

kind of insight into the child support program. I encourage you to create<br />

meaning from your own journey, and let that meaning impact your work.<br />

Vicki Turetsky, Esq. served as OCSS commissioner between 2009 and 2017.

Tennessee’s Child Support Reentry Program:<br />

Employee Innovation Leads to Family-Centered<br />

Solution<br />

by Patti Wood, Director of Operations, Child Support Field<br />

Services and Family Assistance and Child Support Contracts<br />

Child support programs have a unique opportunity to address the needs of<br />

families that have experienced the incarceration of a parent. Unlike other<br />

social safety net programs, the child support program can have<br />

responsibility for a child support case for many years and can develop a<br />

deep understanding of the needs, wants, and desires that parents have for<br />

their children. However, this partnership level cannot be obtained without<br />

an intensive case management program that extends beyond financial<br />

assistance. Parents who are recently released from a correctional facility<br />

face myriad challenges, from obtaining a copy of their birth certificate as<br />

well as identification, to facing incarceration for not paying child support<br />

obligations.<br />

In 2019, a group of emerging leaders within the Tennessee Department of<br />

Human Services (TDHS) presented a proposal to department leaders<br />

regarding the need for a TDHS-operated child support reentry team. The<br />

proposal outlined the challenges justice-involved parents face and the<br />

solutions that a specialized reentry team could offer to incarcerated and<br />

recently released parents. This groundbreaking effort gained support from<br />

executive leadership, and a commitment was made to create a TDHSoperated<br />

child support reentry team.

Creation of the Child Support Reentry<br />

Team (CSRT)<br />

Upon approval to move forward with the<br />

creation of the CSRT, many administrative<br />

obstacles had to be overcome, including the<br />

establishment of positions, changes to the<br />

child support guidelines, changes to state<br />

law, and funding. However, the biggest and<br />

most complex question that had to be<br />

answered was, “What role can the child support program play in supporting<br />

parents who are justice-involved?”<br />

The task of creating the team was to establish TDHS positions. After almost<br />

a year of work from various contributors inside and outside TDHS, CSRT<br />

began taking shape. In August 2020, the proposed CSRT positions were<br />

established. While the positions were vacant, it was a huge step in making<br />

the proposal a reality.<br />

A survey of state law and Tennessee’s child support guidelines revealed<br />

several gaps that needed to be addressed before the work could begin.<br />

The TDHS Policy Team and Office of General Counsel collaborated to<br />

revise the child support guidelines, allowing individuals incarcerated for<br />

more than 180 days to request a review of their current child support order<br />

due to this change in circumstance. A self-support reserve was created,<br />

and a child support minimum order was established. In addition, state law<br />

needed to be revised to allow TDHS the ability to initiate the review of a<br />

current child support order when there is a known change of circumstance.<br />

These mission-critical updates to Tennessee’s child support guidelines and<br />

state law created a pathway for CSRT to effectively serve justice-involved<br />

parents.<br />

TDHS also identified funding to assist justice-involved parents with<br />

essential needs.<br />

Phase One: Modifications for Incarcerated Parents<br />

With these tasks accomplished, the new guiding question became, “What<br />

role can the child support program and CSRT play in supporting parents<br />

who are justice-involved?” Research and demonstration grants have shown<br />

that child support programs can play an important role in alleviating barriers<br />

for justice-involved parents. However, the barriers faced by child support<br />

offices in locating and contacting a parent who is incarcerated often prevent

orders from being set or modified based on the parent’s actual income or<br />

lack of income.<br />

CSRT began a focused outreach campaign to the Tennessee Department<br />

of Correction (TDOC) and its reentry coordinators. The campaign aimed to<br />

enlist TDOC reentry coordinators’ assistance to serve as liaisons in<br />

providing incarcerated parents with the necessary paperwork to request a<br />

review of their current child support order and ensure the completed<br />

paperwork was returned to the child support reentry coordinator. The key to<br />

establishing the partnership was to be open to and accommodate the<br />

needs of TDOC reentry coordinators, and not to create an additional<br />

burden on an already taxing position.<br />

Beginning in July 2021, Tennessee’s CSRT initiated reviews of current child<br />

support orders for parents who were currently incarcerated for more than<br />

180 days. CSRT reviews child support cases where the non-custodial<br />

parent is incarcerated based on information captured by the local<br />

caseworker in the statewide child support case management system. The<br />

child support reentry coordinator completes research to determine if the<br />

case qualifies for review, initiates the review on eligible cases by sending<br />

review paperwork to the TDOC reentry coordinator, and notifies the local<br />

child support office the review has been initiated. The child support reentry<br />

coordinator monitors the case for a modified order and provides the

incarcerated parent with a copy of the review findings and a copy of the<br />

modified order.<br />

As of January <strong>2024</strong>, Tennessee’s CSRT has served hundreds of parents<br />

and facilitated modifications to their child support cases. Since the<br />

implementation of the program, Tennessee’s current child support ratio has<br />

increased.<br />

Phase Two: Direct Services for Justice-involved Parents<br />

With the successful implementation of Phase One, CSRT broadened its<br />

focus and began exploring ways to provide justice-involved parents with<br />

housing stability, food stability, education, job training opportunities, access<br />

to their children, and emotional support. This was done to assist them with<br />

reentering their communities and the lives of their children.<br />

Beginning in February <strong>2024</strong>, CSRT began meeting with incarcerated<br />

parents within 60 days of release across three TDOC facilities. The goal is<br />

to meet individually with parents near their release date and share<br />

information about reentry services. At this meeting, CSRT will provide the<br />

parents with information about the child support program and their<br />

individual case(s). They will also review exit plans to identify gaps that<br />

could be filled by CSRT and furnish them with a direct contact if they<br />

choose to enroll in the program upon release.<br />

Community Partnerships<br />

While CSRT is not actively seeking referrals from community partners, the<br />

plan is to expand its direct service footprint in the coming year. In<br />

preparation for the expansion, groundwork is being laid with stakeholders<br />

across Tennessee. The team travels throughout the state, attending events<br />

to provide information about the program.<br />

Strategic Approach to Services<br />

From the proposal to the implementation of<br />

Phase One and Phase Two, every aspect<br />

of the program has been carefully planned<br />

and vetted to ensure the correct services<br />

are provided at the correct time. Engaging<br />

stakeholders inside and outside of TDHS<br />

has allowed the team to serve hundreds of<br />

incarcerated parents by obtaining a modification of their current child<br />


TDHS and TDOC leadership have supported the decision to roll out<br />

services slowly and strategically. Establishing trust with justice-involved<br />

parents and reframing their child support experience is not something that<br />

can happen overnight. Providing reliable and customized services for their<br />

situation can only happen when the family unit is at the center of every<br />

decision.<br />

To learn more about the TDHS child support re-entry team, contact Patti<br />

Wood at Patricia.Wood@tn.gov.<br />

Patti Wood serves as the Director of Operations for Child Support Field Operations and Family Assistance<br />

and Child Support Contracts for the Tennessee Department of Human Services. Patti began her career in<br />

child support in 1998 as a caseworker and has served in various leadership positions in both private and<br />

public sectors. She began her career with the Department of Human Services in 2009 as the Administrator<br />

for the Fourth Judicial District; the only state-operated full-service child support office in Tennessee. In her<br />

role as Director of Operations, Patti provides oversight for the 32 Judicial Districts, Central Registry,<br />

Contract Management for Family Assistance and Child Support, and the Child Support Re-entry Team. She<br />

received a Bachelor of Science degree from Tusculum College and a master’s degree in strategic<br />

leadership from Tennessee State University. Patti also serves on various boards, including the TN<br />

Government Executive Institute and the Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support Association (ERICSA).

NCSEA <strong>2024</strong> Policy Forum Wrap-up:<br />

“Building Community, Centering Families,<br />

Advancing Equity”<br />

by Laura Galindo and Trish Skophammer,<br />

NCSEA <strong>2024</strong> Policy Forum Co-chairs<br />

“Those were some really amazing speakers!” “The sessions have been<br />

dynamic and engaging.” Or simply put, “Wow.” These are just a few of<br />

exciting statements from the more than 680 in-person and virtual child<br />

support and human services professionals who attended this year’s Policy<br />

Forum held in Washington, D.C. from February 1st to 3rd. This year’s<br />

theme was “Building Community, Centering Families, Advancing<br />

Equity.”<br />

NCSEA Policy Forum co-chair Trish Skophammer, a.k.a.<br />

Barbara Walters, opened the conference with Commissioner<br />

Tanguler Gray, who shared achievements and lessons learned<br />

not only during her time as OCSS Commissioner, but also along<br />

the path she took before becoming Commissioner. It was enlightening to<br />

hear a more personal side of Commissioner Gray, along with what keeps<br />

her up at night, which can often also motivate her.<br />

House Ways and Means Policy Advisors Becca Nathanson and<br />

Charlotte Rock followed up the opening session with Erin Frisch,<br />

Michigan’s Child Support Director and NCSEA President, and<br />

Diane Potts moderating. Becca and Charlotte gave great tips on<br />

providing examples to legislators on how policy decisions impact the

families we serve. These considerations should be taken when considering<br />

the policies we make within our states.<br />

The “To Fear or Fear Not: Benefits, Risks, and Considerations<br />

for Implementing Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)” plenary<br />

kicked off the afternoon sessions with Jamia McDonald, Deloitte<br />

Consulting LLP, and Eyal Darmon, Accenture, along with<br />

moderator David Kilgore, providing great insight on what AI is and how it<br />

should be appropriately used. For many of us who may not be as educated<br />

on AI, this extremely educational session ignited excitement about how it<br />

could be used in the child support program.<br />

Thursday rounded out with the “Unlocking the Power of<br />

Community-Based Organizations: Strategies for Development<br />

and Sustainable Growth” session. Diane Wallace Booker from<br />

the American Dream Academy, Lauren Farrell of the Urban<br />

Institute, Willie Bell, CEO/Founder of the fatherhood program F.A.R.M., and<br />

Darla Biel of South Dakota’s Center for Prevention of Child Maltreatment,<br />

through the moderation of Mary Nelson of APHSA, demonstrated there’s<br />

more to collaborating with community-based organizations. It’s also about<br />

engagement, strength leveraging and perspectives, and the grassroots<br />

connections that community-based organizations have with the people we<br />

serve.<br />

Thursday’s sessions set up Friday nicely, beginning with<br />

“Breaking Barriers and Building Futures: Advancing Policy-<br />

Centered Partnerships to Empower Family Services.” Eileen<br />

Stack, IV-D Director (NY); Shaneen Moore, Deputy Assistant<br />

Commissioner and Child Support Director (MN); Matt Lyons, Senior<br />

Director of Policy & Practice of APHSA; and John Rees, Senior Policy<br />

Advisor with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, were joined by Elise<br />

Topliss who kept the panelists engaged in conversation. Matt shared the<br />

path APHSA took to connect with the child support program in the broader<br />

human services system to strengthen families. Matt also discussed how<br />

APHSA worked with John on benefit cliffs to understand the root cause of<br />

why people are struggling, and how they should be considered in<br />

policymaking. John explained that the Federal Bank is involved in this<br />

space because its mandates include promoting maximum employment.<br />

Because benefit cliffs are a significant obstacle to economic mobility and<br />

maximum employment, the Federal Bank has developed a variety of tools,<br />

including one that John demonstrated to emphasize the impact of

employment on the various programs in which a family might be enrolled.<br />

Shaneen shared how important the support of children and families is to<br />

the Minnesota Governor, and how he has invested in this support, creating<br />

the Children, Youth, and Families agency to encompass several programs<br />

under one umbrella in order to elevate support for children and a familycentered<br />

approach. Eileen provided valuable information on New York’s<br />

approach to integrated eligibility and no wrong door, with a mission on<br />

positive outcomes and financial stability.<br />

Friday morning concluded with Konitra Jack conversing with<br />

authors Kathy Edin, Luke Schaefer, and Timothy Nelson of The<br />

Injustice of Place: Uncovering the Legacy of Poverty in America.<br />

This dynamic session provided a historical look at poverty in<br />

rural America, which has the poorest communities, despite the myth that<br />

they are mainly in urban settings. Though they touched on several<br />

outstanding key points in history supported by data, this session would<br />

have had to expand through the entire day to capture the full breadth of the<br />

book.<br />

Friday afternoon kicked off with<br />

the “Thanks for the Help! A<br />

Family-Centered Approach to<br />

Employment Services” plenary.<br />

Angelisa Young, Chief of the Shared<br />

Services Section of the D.C. Child Support<br />

Services Division, and Robert Prevost,<br />

Deputy Director of Arapaho County,<br />

Colorado, engaged with moderator<br />

Kimberly Curtis, Director of the Division of<br />

Policy and Training for OCSS, to explain different approaches to<br />

employment services. Michael Stevenson, Workforce Development<br />

Specialist with the D.C. Child Support Services Division, along with parents<br />

Robert Holliday and Nickie Thompson, demonstrated the success of D.C.’s<br />

employment services, and how their collaboration opened the doors to a<br />

better relationship with their children.<br />

Friday ended with Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us:<br />

What Racism Costs and How We Can Prosper Together.<br />

Heather shared that despite its position as one of the world’s<br />

most advanced economies, America has, time and time again,<br />

created policies that routinely fail its people, from the 2008 financial crisis to

crippling student debt, to the continued lack of universal healthcare. But<br />

there exists a common thread that links all of these problems: structural<br />

racism—the driver of inequality— not just for people of color, but for<br />

everyone. NCSEA President Frisch and Commissioner Gray discussed<br />

what we heard through a child support program lens.<br />

The last day of the conference was just as exciting as Thursday<br />

and Friday, with the opening of the first session, “Tradition,<br />

Transition, and Transformation: Tribal Child Support.” Lisa<br />

Skenandore moderated the panel. William (Bill) Woods, a staff<br />

attorney with the Three Affiliated Tribes, provided a look at the history of the<br />

Tribal child support program, and Crystal Bowman, Program Manager for<br />

the Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria, a newly established<br />

Tribal IV-D program, provided great insight into the process of becoming an<br />

IV-D program and what it means to them. Panelists deeply understood the<br />

unique challenges and opportunities within tribal communities. We also<br />

learned why improving tribal child support involves collaboration and<br />

cultural sensitivity.<br />

During the closing plenary, Margot Bean led a conversation with<br />

Michael Adrian, the Division Director of the Michigan Office of<br />

Child Support; Monica Turnbaugh, Policy, Legal & Publication<br />

Manager with the Washington Division of Child Support; Jane<br />

Venohr, Economist/Research Associate for the Center of Policy and<br />

Research; and Michael Hayes, Sr. Programs Manager with OCSS. In this<br />

session, “Calling All Families: Requirements and Best Practices for<br />

Equitable Policy Making,” the panel discussed how policy development<br />

processes must evolve to understand the direct impact on families better.<br />

They shared best practices for including parents, guardians, and advocates<br />

to avoid unintended consequences by understanding the direct impact on<br />

families and striving to improve program policy.<br />

The <strong>2024</strong> NCSEA Policy Forum was only possible with the hard work and<br />

planning of the Policy Forum Planning Committee. Our sincere thanks to<br />

the team:<br />

Alisha Griffin<br />

Amy Roehrenbeck<br />

Amy Shaum<br />

Ann Marie Oldani<br />

Camber Thompson<br />

Janice McDaniel<br />

Jay Bland<br />

Jen McFaggan<br />

Jonell Sullivan<br />

Katie Morgan

Carla West<br />

Connie Chesnik<br />

Corrinne Flores<br />

Daniel King<br />

Daun Perino<br />

Diane Potts<br />

Elaine Sorensen<br />

Elise Topliss<br />

Elizabeth West<br />

Emily Gregg<br />

Erin Frisch<br />

Fredrika Louis<br />

Gretchen Anderson<br />

Kelly Micka<br />

Konitra Jack<br />

Laura Roth<br />

Lyndsy Irwin<br />

Margot Bean<br />

Marie Waite<br />

Meg Haynes<br />

Phyllis Nance<br />

Rob Velcoff<br />

Robbie Endris<br />

Sophia Ticer<br />

Vangeria Harvey<br />

We look forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C. next year for the 2025<br />

Policy Forum, which will be held from February 6th to February 8th!<br />

Laura Galindo is a Senior Consultant with CSG Government Solutions in the Child Support Practice.<br />

Before joining CSG Government Solutions in 2018, Laura served as the IV-D Director from December 2015<br />

to <strong>April</strong> 2018. She was tapped as the IV-D Director while serving as the Deputy IV-A Director over field<br />

operations. Laura worked for the State of New Mexico for over 29 years. Laura has been active in a wide<br />

range of NCSEA committees such as Legislative Education, CommuiQue (<strong>CSQ</strong>), Emerging Issues & Best<br />

Practices, Research, Audit, Nominating, Professional Development, Web-Talks, Leadership Symposium,<br />

and Policy Forum, and is currently on the Board of Directors.<br />

Dr. Trish Skophammer serves as the Child Support Services Division Director in the Ramsey County<br />

Attorney’s Office in St. Paul, Minnesota. She has 26 years of experience in child support. She has been<br />

involved in NCSEA for many years, co-chairing the Web-Talks committee, serving on the Leadership<br />

Symposium and Policy Forum planning committees, the Emerging Issues and Leading Practices<br />

subcommittee, and on the NCSEA Board as former Director. She actively participates in local associations<br />

and committees, delivering talks on diverse subjects at national, regional, and local events. In addition to<br />

her expertise in child support policy and practice, Trish’s expertise includes leadership topics such as<br />

performance management, strategic planning, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Trish has a master’s<br />

degree in organizational leadership from Bethel University and a doctorate in public administration from<br />

Hamline University.

NCSEA U Alumni Spotlight

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