

Oficina de Mosaicos’ application for approved mosaic fabricator position at MTA Over the past 40 years, Oficina de Mosaicos has produced artistic panels, focusing on a continuous pursuit of quality and durability of materials and collaborating with the most renowned Brazilian artists. The result is an extensive and recognized portfolio, featuring original creations or mosaic interpretations of works by great artists such as Cândido Portinari, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Vik Muniz, Claudio Tozzi, among others. Based upon our experience in mosaic creation and mosaic restoration, we have gained profound knowledge of material pathologies, leading us to develop innovative solutions for creating more durable mosaics while anticipating and preventing recurring pathologies. The capacities of our work that we would like to highlight are: 1 - Durability Oficina de Mosaicos utilizes materials of extremely high durability, having produced artistic panels in outdoor settings, in locations with high vibration such as a subway tunnel, in hightraffic areas, on facades of large buildings, and in swimming pools. The main qualities we offer are: (a) High resistance to abrasion of mosaic materials (b) Resistance to extreme weather conditions (c) Resistance against vibration and movement (d) Fixation of the mosaic with high-quality mortars (e) Development of specific mortars and grouts for different situations (f) Evaluation and technical consultancy in the creation of mosaic supports (structural lightweight panels, expansion joints, details of junction between materials with different mechanical behaviors, etc.) We primarily use glass and porcelain tesserae manufactured in Brazil since the 1940s, which have been widely applied in artistic panels and come with qualified technical reports. As for mortars and grouts, we mostly rely on the technology and technical support of the German company MC Bauchemie. We have already developed highly flexible and adhesive mortars specifically for fixing to the walls of subway tunnels, which are highly resistant to vibrations. 1

Oficina de Mosaicos’ application for approved mosaic fabricator<br />

position at MTA<br />

Over the past 40 years, Oficina de Mosaicos has produced artistic panels, focusing on a<br />

continuous pursuit of quality and durability of materials and collaborating with the most<br />

renowned Brazilian artists. The result is an extensive and recognized portfolio, featuring<br />

original creations or mosaic interpretations of works by great artists such as Cândido Portinari,<br />

Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Vik Muniz, Claudio Tozzi, among others.<br />

Based upon our experience in mosaic creation and mosaic restoration, we have gained profound<br />

knowledge of material pathologies, leading us to develop innovative solutions for creating more<br />

durable mosaics while anticipating and preventing recurring pathologies.<br />

The capacities of our work that we would like to highlight are:<br />

1 - Durability<br />

Oficina de Mosaicos utilizes materials of extremely high durability, having produced artistic<br />

panels in outdoor settings, in locations with high vibration such as a subway tunnel, in hightraffic<br />

areas, on facades of large buildings, and in swimming pools. The main qualities we offer<br />

are:<br />

(a) High resistance to abrasion of mosaic materials<br />

(b) Resistance to extreme weather conditions<br />

(c) Resistance against vibration and movement<br />

(d) Fixation of the mosaic with high-quality mortars<br />

(e) Development of specific mortars and grouts for different situations<br />

(f) Evaluation and technical consultancy in the creation of mosaic supports (structural<br />

lightweight panels, expansion joints, details of junction between materials with different<br />

mechanical behaviors, etc.)<br />

We primarily use glass and porcelain tesserae manufactured in Brazil since the 1940s, which<br />

have been widely applied in artistic panels and come with qualified technical reports. As for<br />

mortars and grouts, we mostly rely on the technology and technical support of the German<br />

company MC Bauchemie.<br />

We have already developed highly flexible and adhesive mortars specifically for fixing to the<br />

walls of subway tunnels, which are highly resistant to vibrations.<br />


In other cases, we use polyurethane or epoxy resins for setting on lightweight structural panels.<br />

This method allows us to send mosaics worldwide and also remove and reinstall them in the<br />

same location, also allowing them to be displayed in temporary exhibitions.<br />

For weather resistance, we use specific acrylic grout for the joints or, in situations where the<br />

panel is not directly exposed to sunlight, epoxy grout. Upon mosaic delivery, we provide a<br />

maintenance and conservation manual.<br />

2 - Language and Aesthetic Quality<br />

In the mosaic interpretation of the original works by artists, we take care to select the material<br />

that best translates the original into a larger scale. To achieve this, we conduct a thorough<br />

analysis of the artist's work, understanding its plastic characteristics.<br />

To respect the color of the original work, we have the ability to produce any necessary color,<br />

whether in glass, porcelain, or high temperature ceramic.<br />

Oficina de Mosaicos maintains a stock of many tons of Vidrotil glass tesserae (a historic factory<br />

founded in 1947 that closed in 2018) with a wide range of tonalities and high plastic quality.<br />

This is one of the main materials in our current production, also allowing us to restore important<br />

modernist mosaics, both in Brazil and in other countries, and successfully execute our murals.<br />

3 - Team<br />

Within our team, we have a group of mosaic artists with over 20 years of experience, deeply<br />

committed to both the artistic and technical aspects of our work.<br />

Additionally, we have architects and designers specialized in color and pattern development<br />

which are crucial in the pre-production phase of our mosaics.<br />

The study of integrating art and architecture is led by our artistic director in dialogue with<br />

artists, clients, and our production team.<br />

Due to the development of large-scale mosaics, as showcased in the examples ahead, we have<br />

been training a significant number of mosaic artists, thus increasing our production capacity<br />

and ensuring timely delivery if needed.<br />

4 - Mastery of the Entire Process<br />

Oficina de Mosaicos handles all stages of mosaic creation, thus assuming full responsibility for<br />

the outcome of the work, from the design phase and integration of the mosaic with architecture,<br />

to the development and selection of colors and materials, mosaic assembly, and installation at<br />

the chosen location.<br />


We primarily use the indirect method of mosaic production. This method is advantageous for<br />

large panels because it allows:<br />

(a) Real-time supervision by the artwork author (via webcam or in-person) with the possibility<br />

of artistic creation throughout the assembly process, enabling direct aesthetic changes during<br />

mosaic production. In contrast, the direct method of gluing onto a glass fiber mesh does not<br />

allow for these alterations.<br />

(b) The mosaic can be completely leveled, preventing accidents upon user contact with material<br />

irregularities, even when using materials of different thicknesses, brands, and plastic<br />

characteristics.<br />

5 - Knowledge and Experience<br />

Oficina de Mosaicos has been a pioneer in the creation and realization of mosaics since its<br />

founding in 1982, researching innovative mosaic expressions while continuously deepening<br />

technical expertise and the savoir-faire of artistic mosaic work. This ongoing study has resulted<br />

in monumental and internationally recognized works of art produced not only in Brazil but also<br />

in the United States, the Caribbean, France, and Portugal.<br />

Our work has been the subject of various publications, awards, and conferences, some of which<br />

include:<br />

(a) A book written in 2014 by Isabel Ruas, founder of Oficina de Mosaicos, titled "Mosaics in<br />

Architecture of the 1950s."<br />

(b) A book about the restoration carried out by Oficina de Mosaicos about Emiliano Di<br />

Cavalcanti's panel "Alegoria das Artes" at the Cultura Artística Theater in São Paulo, written<br />

by Gioconda Bordon.<br />

(c) A book about the reconstitution performed by the Oficina de Mosaicos of the seven panels<br />

by Paulo Werneck in the rooftop garden of the Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil in Rio de<br />

Janeiro, written by Gonçalo Ruas and Isabel Ruas, directors of the company.<br />

(d) Our company has also received numerous mentions and publications in daily newspapers<br />

and architecture magazines.<br />

We have received several awards for our work, including:<br />

1. Selection award for the creation of Claudio Tozzi's mosaic at the Exclusive Building,<br />

the largest artistic panel in South America, covering 6,469.00 sq ft. (São Paulo, 2005)<br />

2. Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade Award, the most important national award from<br />

IPHAN, for the restoration of the "Alegoria das Artes" mosaic at the Cultura Artística<br />

Theater. (São Paulo, 2012)<br />


3. Finalists for the Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade Award for the reconstitution of<br />

Paulo Werneck's panels in the rooftop garden of the iconic IRB building. (Rio de<br />

Janeiro, 2015)<br />

4. Coverings Award for the artistic panel signed by Isabel Ruas, created by Oficina de<br />

Mosaicos in Rio de Janeiro. (Orlando, USA, 2021)<br />


Masterpieces produced by Oficina de Mosaicos, representative of our capabilities:<br />

1 - Mosaic signed by Claudio Tozzi, Av. Angélica, São Paulo, 2005.<br />

This large-scale outdoor project has been well maintained since 2005 and showcases our ability<br />

to deliver quality production within a three-month timeframe from the start of assembly.<br />

Created with glass tesserae, it interprets the original painting's language through a blend of<br />

small-sized tesserae (1x1,1x2, and 2x2 cm) in gradient tones. Area: 6,469.00 sq ft.<br />


2 - Mosaic "Jesus entre os Doutores," signed by Cândido Portinari, installed on the facade<br />

of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, PUC - Rio de Janeiro, 2008.<br />

Crafted with Orsoni Venetian smalti to express the work of one of the most important artists in<br />

Brazilian art history. Installed with epoxy resin on a removable structural panel, it features a<br />

large quantity of gold tesserae and was considered by João Portinari, the artist's son, as the<br />

official version of the original painting. Area: 129.17 sq. ft.<br />


3 - Mosaic signed by Alberto Nicolau, Sacomã Metro Station, São Paulo, 2010.<br />

This panel was crafted from cut ceramic pieces of different dimensions to faithfully reproduce<br />

the artist's gestural and highly colorful language. Successful application of this mosaic involved<br />

pull-out tests and the development of a special latex-based mortar with high adhesion. Area:<br />

1,205.56 sq. ft.<br />



4 - Restoration of Emiliano Di Cavalcanti's mosaic "Alegoria das Artes," São Paulo, 2012.<br />

Originally created in 1950 on the facade of the Cultura Artística Theater using Vidrotil tesserae,<br />

this mosaic is one of the most representative panels of Brazilian modernism. Despite the theater<br />

being completely destroyed by fire in 2008, Di Cavalcanti's mural survived. Oficina de<br />

Mosaicos restored this panel using innovative techniques and manufactured colors similar to<br />

the originals, earning us the Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade Award. Area: 4,305.00 sq. ft.<br />


5 - Recreation from original drawings of Paulo Werneck's seven panels on the garden<br />

terrace of the IRB, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.<br />

These panels, created in 1943, had been completely destroyed. Recreated with porcelain<br />

tesserae according to the original paintings, five panels were installed outdoors alongside a<br />

garden designed by Burle Marx, and two were installed inside the building. One panel is bolted<br />

onto lightweight panels due to vibration from the nearby Santos Dumont airport. Despite<br />

torrential rains and temperature fluctuations in Rio de Janeiro, the panels have endured well.<br />

It's important to note that every two years, the panels receive a superficial treatment with waterbased<br />

silicone. Area: 1184.03 sq. ft.<br />


6 - Mosaic panel by Isabel Ruas, Rio de Janeiro, 2017.<br />

Created by Oficina de Mosaicos using Vidrotil tesserae of different dimensions and installed<br />

on a Drywall support. Awarded the Coverings prize in 2021, in Orlando, USA. Area: 193.75<br />

sq. ft.<br />


7 - Mosaic by Vik Muniz, terrace of the Alameda Jardins Building, São Paulo, 2020.<br />

Twelve life-size human figures with a hyper-realistic language. Applied with a thin layer of<br />

fiberglass resin, making them portable, they were installed on an outdoor wall in the building's<br />

pool area. Smalti Orsoni, Vidrotil, Trend, and Bisazza tesserae were used, along with specially<br />

fabricated glass paste colors to achieve human skin tone nuances. Area: 409.00 sq. ft.<br />


8 - Mosaic panels by Claudio Tozzi, Albert Einstein Teaching and Research Center, São<br />

Paulo, 2021.<br />

A set of four panels executed in Vidrotil tiles for a building designed by Safdie Architects. The<br />

panels were installed on a Steel Frame structure, with executive design developed by Oficina<br />

de Mosaicos in collaboration with Perkins and Will Architects. Area: 516 sq. ft.<br />



9 - Mosaic in the pool of the Rosewood Hotel, designed by Philippe Starck, São Paulo,<br />

2022.<br />

This mosaic entirely covers a ground-floor pool at the hotel and was made with high-resistance<br />

industrial Gail ceramic shards, sea shells, patterned porcelain, and semi-precious stones.<br />

Installation was done with a three-component epoxy-based mortar and acrylic grout in the<br />

joints. Area: 4305 sq. ft.<br />



10 - Mosaic sculpture by Claudio Tozzi, Geminiani Momesso Park, Ibiporã, PR, 2023.<br />

Standing 20 feet tall in a sculpture park within a large open-air art museum, this work was<br />

created with glass tesserae from various countries, including Mexico, Spain, and Brazil. Several<br />

special tonalities of glass paste were also produced. The color black alone has over 10 different<br />

shades to achieve the artist's brush stroke effect. Area: 236 sq. ft.<br />


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