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Success for a highly complex automation project

Combining stainless

steel and single-use

Whether it be stainless steel plant or single-use equipment, as a leading provider of customized automation solutions, ZETA

seamlessly integrates biopharmaceutical production systems into new or existing automation environments. A project with

a renowned life science company in Germany shows how customer-specific standards are implemented with intelligent

automation strategies. For the globally active pharmaceutical company, ZETA automated a stainless steel preparation plant

designed and manufactured in-house, as well as a filtration system from a single-use provider, integrating both systems into

the overarching process control system.

In the course of the large-scale expansion of an important pharmaceutical

production site in Germany – where drug solutions for injection

and infusion are manufactured – state-of-the-art technology

was applied to ensure the highest production standards. ZETA made

its contribution with a customized multipurpose plant consisting

of mobile preparation vessels and a cleaning station (CIP/DIP/SIP)

made of stainless steel. These were complemented by a filtration

system, developed by a single-use supplier, to minimize germ contamination

of the product.

The ZETA automation team faced various challenges, as the overall

responsibility for the automation of the two flexible systems –

stainless steel and singleuse – and their integration with the higherlevel

process control system lay in their hands.

Automation concept for a smooth process control

The ZETA experts installed the automation technology based on a

carefully developed automation concept. For this project, the Siemens

PCS7 process control system with SIMATIC Batch was used.

The application software designed for the plants was created using

the customer-specific programming guideline and the module library

specified b y t he c ustomer. D uring t he c onceptual planning

stages, special attention was paid to a high degree o f fl exibility o f t

he a utomated p rocesses. The finished software system was integrated

with the existing customer PCS7 server-client system.

Pharmaceutical production in accordance with GMP and GAMP5

Observing Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and complying with

standards and regulations is essential in pharmaceutical production.

Automation at ZETA follows the Good Automated Manufacturing

Practice guideline GAMP5. The creation of batch recipes and batch

records – in this project, the SIMATIC Batch software system was

used for this purpose – complies with the ISA-S88 standard for batch

control. All production plants are centrally monitored and controlled

by the process control system. The recipes are created according to

the requirements of the respective processes across all plants.

Maximum reliability in the production process

Cross-system automation architecture - stainless steel and

single-use systems running on the same controller.

As requested by the customer, automation was designed as a server-client

system with a central, redundant control system. The benefit

of redundancy lies in the fact that the “spare” system is ready

to take over operation in the event of malfunctioning, which means

that redundant systems can often prevent downtime. The automation

architecture of this extensive project has been designed in a

comprehensive way, with the stainless steel and single-use systems

programmed by ZETA running on the same controller.

In the completely virtualized process control system, both the

visualization and batch servers as well as the centralized programmable

logic controllers (PLCs) and the network infrastructure were

implemented redundantly. This ensures maximum reliability for the

production processes.

Targeted solutions for special automation challenges

Redundancy provides maximum safety during operation. However,

it was precisely this requirement for redundancy that called for special

automation know-how of the companies involved. Particular attention

had to be paid to the system redundancy S2. This specifies

the coupling of one or more devices to two redundant controllers

and must be guaranteed both physically and in the programming logic.

It is essential that the instruments and components that are to

be integrated into the bus system are also capable of S2 redundancy,

placing the highest demands on the suppliers of the components.

Additionally, during processing, different types of mobile containers

must be recognized by this redundant system and docked and

undocked from the single-use filtration unit. The undocking process

in particular presented a challenge for the ZETA automation t eam.

What’s more, the single-use filtration units are mobile, interchangeable

with each other and convertible in their mode of operation.

www.reinraum.de | www.cleanroom-online.com NEWSLETTER | Edition EN 04-2024

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