Hybrid Hues 22-23 (Volume 22) print

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Editorial Board 2022-23 & Students' Union, AIIMS Delhi Present

"Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is

painting that is felt rather than seen"

- Leonardo da Vinci



Vital Stats Response Summary



Cover illustration credits

Front & Back Cover: Ridhima Rathod, Batch of 2020

Second Cover & Preface: Soumyadip Halder, Batch of 2021

2 3

“Punctuality and procrastination are two sides of a coin. Every time a new Mag Ed is born, the Gods toss the

coin and the world holds its breath."

e Editorial Board could not be prouder as we present to you the twenty-second edition of the annual magazine

for MBBS undergraduates at AIIMS New Delhi, ‘Hybrid Hues’. e colourful (albeit bloated) volume you hold in

your hands has a myriad ‘hues’ of imagination and creativity, expressed in the form of pensive proses, eloquent

poetry, interesting opinions, heartfelt narratives, breathtaking photographs, and generous splashes of paint on

digital (primarily) and physical canvases spanning across 300 pages.

e content for this volume has been meticulously planned and carefully hand-picked from the numerous

entries we received. We have aimed to prepare a diverse plaer where everyone can choose something that

suits their personal palates. e pieces themselves vary widely, not only in the language they have been wrien

in, but also in the heterogeneity of styles - making the ‘Hybrid Hues’ a magazine for all, and not just a select few.

e entire mag has been divided broadly into 8 sections vis-à-vis common themes or similar forms of expression.

Each section starts with its corresponding index of pieces. e Pulse and P-wave segments highlight the historic

revival of Asia’s largest medical college fest, while featured articles on Insight and TEDx are success stories

of large-scale events being conducted with lile to no prior experience. In keeping with traditions, we are

honoured to showcase the 7th edition of ‘Vital Statistics’ in this volume, as well as the ‘Interns’ Column’ for

some 100-odd interns from the Batch of 2017 bidding farewell to their MBBS days. We also welcome newly

married couples with former (or current) ties to our campus in the ‘Marriage Section’, and congratulate all

the toppers of INI-CET and Professional Exams, as well as candidates matched into residency programs in the

United States in our ‘Ranks Section’.

Interspersed amidst the regulars like ‘Village Diaries’ and ‘'StupEd’ twists on classics such as Dining 101 are bold

new articles covering sensitive topics like SU Elections, regionalism, linguistic barriers, gender discrimination,

‘interaction’ practices and substance abuse among others. Informative write-ups on research, contemplative

pieces on music of the past, anime and book recommendations, travel diaries of globe-troers, and fabulous

tales of mythology and folklore have all made it to this volume alongside soulful poems and musings.

e design of this magazine, like its content, traverses all known boundaries of aesthetics, spanning from

minimalistic to intricate (mostly the laer, to be honest). Having aempted to live up to the standards set by

the previous editions of HH by Rishi, Dyuti and Keerthana, we have le no stone unturned in designing each

element. All the illustrations have been made from scratch, even if in places we have drawn inspiration from

the Internet. Find the initials of our in-house designers and artists in various places throughout the mag, the

legends for which are given below. Make sure to give them a pat on the back (or just send an appreciative text)

if their work impresses you - it will surely make their day.

Multiple rounds of proofreading have gone into ensuring the mag is error-free before it reaches your hands.

However, if you still come across any inaccuracies, do notify us at aiims2022edboard@gmail.com, or simply

message any of the 'StupEd Board members. Any constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome and will

be passed on to the future editorial boards.

Brownie points if you’re dedicated enough to reach this far. Turns out your mom was right, you might be special

aer all.

Enjoy reading the mag, and if you like what you see, just spread it!

Legend for initials of designers and illustrators:

AB- Anustup Bhaacharyya, HA- Harsh Agarwal. AA- Abin Antony, HG- Hardik Gupta,

RR- Ridhima Rathod, AP- Anagha Paeri. VK- Vivek Kumar,

SH- Soumyadip Halder, PS- Pavit Singh, SV- Sathya Veera, NS- Naman Singh



Hybrid Hues ’22-’23, like all other editions before it, is the product of a collective effort by an enormous

number of people. Here’s an aempt to express our gratitude to at least some of them. Do forgive us if we

leave you out due to the constraints of available space.

Firstly, thanks to all the contributors who sent us tons of creative content and artwork, which form the

backbone of this magazine. We are proud of you for not merely chasing momentary validation by posting

your pieces on social media but instead choosing to enrich the literary and fine arts culture in our college

by investing time and energy into sending your entries for the magazine, preserving them for eternity.

Blessed with the best of guides in our former Mag Eds and their respective editions of the magazine to

refer to, we found our way through the abyss that is content planning and designing for a volume worthy

of the ‘HH’ brand. To Mukul and Laya - we are indebted to you for scrutinising every minute designing

detail and providing us with valuable inputs. To Arushi and Poli - thanks for all your help with Vital

Statistics. To Keerthana, Shuaib and Arjun - thanks for always believing in us.

Our sincere thanks to all the members of the Editorial Board of 2022-23 for being at the beck and call

(sometimes even whims and fancies) of the Editor and his Co-Secys. e devil has reserved a special place

in hell for the four of us, and we urge you to take this as consolation in return for two years of sleepless

nights trying to meet our arbitrary deadlines.

Speaking of the devil, thanks to Anushka Rathi and (the angel) Maanit and their capable team for

performing the crucial task of obtaining Interns’ Columns (abbreviated: IC) for every person in the Batch

of 2017. To all our seniors who wrote for their batchmates taking time off their hectic schedules, we thank

you from the boom of our hearts and apologise for the not-so-infrequent pestering with reminders.

anks to Lohit, Ishan and all members of ASA 2022-23 for helping us compile the SU Report by providing

us with all the relevant details and information.

e AIIMS Photography Society (@aiims.jpg on Instagram) was generous in providing us access to their

full collection of gorgeous photos, some of which appear intermiently as you fl ip through the pages.

anks to Shahama for helping us give due credit to the brilliant photographers whose names have been

mentioned alongside the images they captured.

anks to all the seniors who sent us snapshots of their rural postings for the ‘Village Diaries’ piece.

e article on ‘Internal Reservation’ would not be a fraction of what it is without the help of Rajan, Bissu

and the_harshit_anand.

anks to Alok Raj and Prabhjot Singh for proofreading pieces in Hindi and Gurmukhi respectively.

We thank all faculty members who sent us enlightening articles, fictional pieces, and allowed us to

conduct short interviews, and our faculty mentors for being constant pillars of support.

We thank all the CRs for helping us conduct batch photos, and Jay and Subhadip for clicking them. We

also thank the captains for coordinating the sports team photos.

e sowares used in the designing of this magazine include Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe

Photoshop and Procreate. We also thank the creators on Pinterest, Behance, Freepik and various other

online platforms for design inspiration, templates, stock photos, vectors and fonts.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Peush Sahni sir, who has generously agreed to help us with

the printing of this edition, and to Mr. VK Gulati and e Saku Group Printing Press for carrying out

the same.

Last but not the least, we thank you, the reader of this magazine - your love for ‘Hybrid Hues’ makes all

of our efforts worthwhile.

Sathya Veera

Batch of 2021


10 18 60 86

138 172 210 234

Design: HA

Design: AB

Celebrations - Mahashivratri, Holi

Formation of New Societies - Photography,

Drama and Film-Making Societies

Celebrations - Sufi Night

Inter-semester Cricket


MusicILF - Music Instruments

Learning Facility, wherein seniors

and batchmates called together

interested folks and conducted

classes for Guitar, Drums, Piano

and Flute

Hindi Nighter

Seeding of Hostel 6 Lawn






SU Elections -

formation of ASA ‘22-’23

Fitoor - A novel initiative by the Literary

and SoCult societies, open mics and

soulful renditions mark a night filled with

literature and music

INSIGHT- A medical and

scientific fest, the first of its

kind, was conducted by the

Scientific Society at AIIMS

Internal Reservation - Supreme

Court judgement passed, allowing

reservation in AIIMS PG seats for

AIIMSonian MBBS students

INFEST - Four days of

gruelling competition, with

Batch 2020 emerging as the



Celebrations - Dussehra, Ram Leela,

Deepawali, Halloween

PULSE - 16th to 22nd September -

50th edition of Asia’s largest

med-school fest successfully

relaunched after two years of the

Covid pandemic

Celebrations - Rakshabandhan,

Independence Day,

Janmashtami, Ganeshotsav

UG Cricket League

Remotexs (Nimbus) - online remote

access of BBDL provided to students

Juice Shop Reopened

Instalment of Swings in Girls' Hostel

Celebrations - Onam

Amul Shop Inauguration

Girls’ Hostel Dance Room






Welcome Facchas - Resumption of CREST;

Orientation Sessions held for the Batch of

2022 by the ASA and Society Heads

TB Awareness Rally with the Hon'ble

Health Minister

No Confidence Motion Against the

President - Resignation of the latter

following a vote by the MBBS UGs to

remove the Prez


Music room renovation

Celebrations - New Year’s Eve

Celebrations - Mahashivratri

Celebrations - Holi

Celebrations - Lohri, Makar Sankranti,

Republic Day, Saraswati Pooja

Nescafe and Amul shop open 24/7

Page Turners Renovation - along with the

appointment of a new caretaker

Fitoor 3.0

Hostel 6 Washroom Renovation

Girls’ Hostel Gym - new equipment


Girls’ Hostel Open Gym Installation

Waterproofing of Hostel 7 Roof

Rate Lists - made mandatory to be

displayed at all shops

Mess 1, 2 and 4 Furniture - new

chairs provided to increase seating


Fencing of Boundary-walls

Repainting of Roads

SU Room Renovation



Compiled by:

Anushka Kulkarni

& Rishit Agarwal

Batch of 2022

TEDx AIIMS Delhi - Despite initial setbacks, the

team pulled o a spectacular event on 15th Jan

2023, receiving global praise and recognition

Notice Boards Updated - with Emergency and

Security Contacts

Recreation Room Renovation

Hostel Wi-Fi - new routers and

software installed

Design: AB

Common Rooms - provided for the

use of respective societies

Ballabhgarh Badminton Court and

Gym - renovation work and new

equipment provided


Design: AB

e castle crumbled, ashes all around,

Mighty stones fell, from spires that once stood tall;

e staircase, the throne, reduced to rubble,

e high walls are the ones from which we fall.

An echo, but no one to hear,

Dead bodies, blood, buried;

e red cape of the hero

Hung as a noose, as he waited, unhurried.

Towers fell all around, chaos knee deep,

Monsters and prisoners - all freed;

e paintings watched silently, sullen

As the beasts, on the hero, did feed

His ashes, his bones, were where grew today’s


’twas a legend as old as the hills,

A kiss that kills, the swordsman and his skills;

Of beasts chained, of unshakeable wills,

Passed down by paintings, by aged quills.

e red cape fluered across the land,

Bent the knee, to his command;

A sword that shaered stone,

High he ruled, atop the gilded throne.

Aaroshi Gupta

Batch of 2019

Maanit Matravadia

Batch of 2020

Lead Scriptwriter for P-wave 2022

Advisors wiser than the wise, armies ironclad;

Fertile lands, dragons as his firebrand

Scoured the skies, they feared no man,

Atop their backs, he sat, the whole kingdom his clan.

Droughts and floods, nothing could

Bury his might, it always withstood;

Armies from east and monsters from the west

All bowed to his conquest.

A just prince, compassionate and calm,

Lands he ruled united by his love and charm;

Orphaned when young, all he knew

Was that he must remain honest and true.

en one fateful night, as his heart lay bare,

e love of his life, the 'inseparable pair’;

Pulled the dagger of his ancestors, her wedding gi,

Drove it down, hard and swi.

Gasping, gaping, his eyes bulged,

All his advisors, with daggers, deep they plunged;

His friends, family, his beloved,

Stabbed till his body numbed.

e towers fell, the stars silent and old,

ieves swarmed, stealing the silver and gold;

e kingdom he so dearly loved, protected

Was pulling down his statue they once erected.

e spires crumbled, as the dragons were culled,

e prisoners released, as the Prince’s vision


With all his strength, he swayed up,

Mouth filled with blood, down he did gulp.

Dragging those feet, across the golden halls,

Nearing the exit, his statue before him falls;

No way out, as the last walls start to crack,

His eyes cloud with red, his vision goes black.

is is the end, this is how I die,

e ones I loved, this is how they said goodbye;

e blood I’d shed, the sweat I’d smelled,

All for the people at whose hands I lay dead.

In the dungeons deep, in cliffs so high and steep,

Was there no one who would weep?

As the beasts thronged to the smell of his blood,

e Prince lay there, facing his end, unloved.


Design: HG, VK



30 31


34 35

36 37

38 39

Shubham Bhakal

Batch of 2019

40 41

42 43

44 45

46 47


IIMS instils a sense of excellence in all its ventures and the story of TEDx was no different. e glamorous

evening on 15th January 2023, almost shadowed the hours of toil beneath the surface. Reporters in

general limit their story to the day at hand, but what I believe is that a holistic account entails even the

thoughts that gave way to the idea.

Back in the spring of ’22 when the Lit Secretary called on the first meeting, the idea of having a TEDx awakened

nostalgia and awe in me. Growing up, I adored the platform for its range of visions and the unique style of

passing it on. e privilege to organise this was not to be treated lightly. Well, as the bee works through the

thorns to savour the nectar, so were our paths riddled with puddles.

From being rejected twice by the TEDx, an upper limit of hardly 100 people who could spectate, the lack of

the administration’s interest in anything ‘co-curricular’ to the difficulty in closing down sponsors; all these, six

months into the event had all of us sinking in the mire. Yet we wouldn’t let go!

It was past midnight when I received a mail stating that our third aempt had yielded the TEDx license. Joy

knew no bounds as it was our first victory. From then on things seemed to fall into place. e speakers were

finalised and MOUs signed as it heralded the upcoming pomp.

An active Insta page kept the audience updated with each development; teaser videos were released and yes,

the countdown had begun. e lineup included big shots like - Mr Salman Khurshid, ex-external affairs minister

of India, Senior Advocate at Supreme Court of India, Author and teacher of Law; Dr. Neerja Bhatla, Prof and

Head, Obst & Gynae & WHO CCR, AIIMS New Delhi, and Dr. Yogesh Jain, Public Health Physician, Sangwari.

With an audience of about a hundred people, the essence of the program was maintained by presenters who

ensured novelty in ideas, clarity of vision and choice of words that simmered in the bowl of knowledge. e

speakers were felicitated with a pashmina shawl and a gi hamper as a token of our gratitude and appreciation.

e first session was led by Mr Salman Khan and Dr Neerja Bhatla following which we had a break wherein

high tea was served. Dr Yogesh Jain opened the second tale, succeeded by Dr Sumer Sethi and Mrs Sukhneet

Wadhwa. ings were wrapped up by a vote of thanks from our dear organiser.

Yes, we had pulled it off thanks to the amazing team we had! is would have been the happy end had it not

been for Dr Sumer Sethi’s speech which gained about one lakh views in the span of just forty days and was

ranked as the third most viewed TEDx video across the globe in February.

From humble beginnings of despair, we had climbed peaks we never knew existed.

A lad like me couldn’t ask for more!

-Philemon Kuriakose

Bat of 2020

Design: AA




Aaroshi Gupta

Batch of 2019





52 53

“Good evening ladies and

gentlemen, this is Tom Tucker

with Quad-hog 7 News. our

top story, ‘StupEd Board has

just released the results

of Vital Statistix”


form you must remember filling? I am

news anchor Diane simmons, please stay

tuned for the latest developments

in this story. Now over to our Asian

correspondent Tricia Takanawa”

“Diane I am standing

here outside the

Teaching Block

And I Hear 318

AIIMSonians have

been scammed

into wasting 10

minutes of their

precious time in

exchange for 5

colored magazine

pages. we have been

flipping through

their answers and

some of these

revelations are

pretty shocking...”






too old

1 person claimed to

identify as A Transformer

95% committed people are happy

in their relationships, Leaving

little hope for Desperate


10 People


having Multiple


36% don’t care for politics, and don’t give

their opinions unless asked for - unlike

millennial peter

"i suddenly feel like

i know better than

everyone else!"

of the remaining,

31% endorse Right

27% Supportleft

42% choose whichever

side is greener







18 people reported an improvement

in academics from their days at James

Woods High School 99 people don’t (can’t) plan beyond ‘what’s for lunch?’

53% want to stay forever in AIIMS while 23% are okay

with doing PG from anywhere, 27% are preparing for


will opt for private practice, compared to

who want to take up research as a career path

Why did You Join MBBS?


When asked


do you

see your


16% say


see only


At least

60% want

to stay

back in

India, while

17% want

to settle


26% confessed to HAVING

given up on academics

“When faced with

violence at an

Indian hospital,

the best course

of action is to

quickly hit the

red button on

your attacker’s

forehead to

deactivate him”

Why do you think people do MLE?


non-aiimsonian medico

single forever


arranged marriage

single and




single yet


20% believe marriage is a scam, while 11% will

marry the first person they match with on


“Don’t say doing

your wife...”







75% compulsory

13 sadists




one person wisely opines it is to experience

racism first hand

50% compulsory

why is it still a thing?

At least 18% of AIIMSonians are night owls, another 3%

are insomniacs in denial (they are calling it ‘the grind’)

21% have breakfast everyday, compared to

26% who never do

“ooh hello”

“Guys, we’ll just drink till the statue

of liberty seems hot”



have never



12% drink

only in Pulse,

37% are


or social


Among those who drink, vodka and whiskey are crowd

favourites, closely followed by Pawtucket Patriot ale

(beer), while 1 person gets high on desi daaru

while haunt

the drunken

clam almost


When asked about smoking history, 57% Say Delhi’s

atmosphere is enough to ruin their lungs, 29% are exposed

to passive smoke from friends, whereas 3 people can’t live

without going through at least a pack a day

is the


of people who

have never

done weed

or bhang (AKA


Now that i have your attention, did

you know That 14% have tried weed/

bhang once but left it for good, while

For 13 people it’s a way of life, just

like cookie monster in rehab

8% of respondents have tried other substances including


someone asked us ‘Is Anustup considered a substance?’

Dr. hartman begrudgingly helped us answer this question

“i’m not qualified

to give you

health advice, so

I will just say

phishh khao and

move on with my


“come on,

come on”

respondents, 1 wants 9PM girls’ hostel

curfew to be lifted, 1 is okay with boys entering girls’

hostel but wants the curfew to stay, and the other one

doesn’t care either way

all riiight!!

of people approve girls being allowed in

boys’ hostels


19 people are scared of going to the boys’ hostel

washroom in fear of girls seeing them in towels

20 demand that girls be allowed only after 9 PM

29% don’t care as they get no bitches

“go away!”

how do aiimsonians

spend their free


The average AIIMSonian

is a man (or woman) of

culture and indulges

in reading, writing, fine

arts … just kidding.

chose sleeping,

watching movies/

TV shows, scrolling

on Instagram, or

any combination of

the above as their

favourite pastime

16% have cancelled their Netflix and

Hotstar subscriptions and just

open the AIIMS family WhatsApp

group for sasta entertainment

51% are physically active, that is, play

sports and games and/or work out

21% say

they have

a pastime

which is

better done

than said

we hope

they are

blessed with


arm lengths

unlike this













found tasks to be

problematic and deemed their

seniors to be cruel

people reached the pinnacle

of popularity; while of

people didn’t interact at all

were initially shy but were

encouraged to open up and

found a group of like-minded

seniors, fitting in like a centipede

among millipedes



44% genuinely enjoyed doing tasks and felt safe

dUring the course of interaction

women who agree that

misogynistic ‘tasks’

are degrading seniorjunior


with 1 of 3 strongly

agreeing to the same;

men who are of the

opinion that there is no

misogyny in AIIMS and

all interaction tasks

are meant to be taken


47% of men second

their opinion

67% of women disagree

with them

Most popular choices for SU posts to contend for: 1. Prez (21%),

2. Fin Secy (20%), 3. So-Cult Secy (13%)



choice was

Gen Secy

(6%), still

ahead of CR

(2% who also

confessed to

having a fetish

for being


abused by

the public


believe the Mag Ed is relevant

to the SU, 1 wants Meg (read Mag-ed) to

shut up and not meddle with CC elections,

the other 1 is undecided/ couldn’t care less

1 out of 4


will vote for their friends

even if they aren’t the best for the post, 1

will choose to take a more principled stand

Of the latter 1/3rd, 12 people admitted

that they just want to screw over their

friends for no reason (OH NO!)

one person

sums it up

perfectly :

“All is fair

in love and



A real

Image of



for aiims su


the other half of quad-hog women

“say you like eating

red carpet!”

“Thanks Ollie. These AIIMSonians sure have a lot

to figure out. Hope our viewers have enjoyed

this special presentation. Good night Quad-hog,

God bless!”

Vital Statistics, 7th Edition (2023)

Illustrations: Soumyadip Halder & Pavit Singh, Batch of 2021

Cover art: Kashika Vedwal, Batch of 2023

Questionnaire: A joint eort by 'StupEd Board members

Analysis, Write-up & Design: Anustup Bhattacharyya

Half of all women have

been unable to raise their

voice in THE face of sexist


Half of all respondents

have at least once talked

about the sexual identity

of a peer

Half of all respondents

have at least once felt like

running away from AIIMS

70% of people neglect their mental health thinking

their problems are too small to seek help for

84% have never been to the SWC

only 6% think the SWC has had

any decent impact on the UG


2 geniuses think mental health

problems aren’t real

Special anks to:

Seth MacFarlane - Creator of "Family Guy"

Link to Questionnaire

57% agree that negative campaigning

has its place

the vast majority (71%) chose

campaigning focused ON credentials

and leadership skills over enticing

voters with treats (20%) and

wooing to communal vote banks


1% wait all year for the election

season just to witness epic fights

and watch some funny memes

4 out of 5 have at some point

felt uncomfortable due to

jokes or comments made by

someone, or know a person who


4 out of 5 have at some point

‘felt the blues’, or know a

person who has

1 in 4 haS faced

discrimination on the lines

of religion/caste or know

someone who has

Another 1 out of 4 people

has been told they are

too girlish/boyish to fit in



Design: AB



"The eve of Holi. A lazy start to what was gonna be an irreplaceable memory..."

Waking up to Sujay’s call for help, the day started passively.

With swift movements, the nurse ushered in a new life

whilst examining the patient at the ANC ward. No tear primi

delivery, wow. Due appreciation was given, and respects paid

to the nurse’s swift helping hand. But now retrospectively more

appreciation wouldn't have hurt. With a final few words, she bid

adieu and left to us, the reins of the ward, to what she promised

would be an uneventful day. The CCM JRs encouraged us with

promises of referrals for all those labouring women to burden

us on this festive day.

And so began the celebrations of the day, with some coerced

participation from us interns, colours were applied and the

sacred AIIMSonian ritual of mud baths was invoked. Suprakash

sir even cajoled me to try the vodka, with the assurance that

the smell wouldn’t alert the patients to come. My senses were

intact enough to trust otherwise. So with a cup in hand, I swiftly

switched the vodka with Sprite and turned an onlooker to the

activities of the day. There was music, dance, food and bhang, a

deviant kid with colors in her hand. Colors that would not wash

o. Colors that couldn't be refused, as they were the products

of two innocent little hands. So avoiding the landmines of

Suprakash sir and his daughter, I made it post the celebration

to the calm, amidst biryani and some skin care. After a nice hot

shower and a rather decently cooked meal, I cuddled myself

to bed, with a laptop in one hand. I gradually slipped into

slumber, happy to have been in the company of Sujay, amidst

the celebration of my seniors, and away from the hustle of the

ward. But this peace was short lived, breaking my sleep in a

couple of hours was a phone call from the guard. He swiftly

warned me of an impending delivery.

Rushing to the scene, she was a multi, with good contractions

and an os of 4cm. She had to be admitted; could I have

referred her i/v/o non-availability of a nurse? Perhaps, but

my conscience, mixed with fear of the

SR OBGYN at Ballabhgarh, forced me to

do otherwise. I admitted her and called

Sujay. He wanted in on a delivery, so I

assumed it was the wise decision, but

the poor bloke had barely slept the night

before too. So this was on me. I swore to

myself, I’d use this delivery to learn as

much as I could. Consulting the lovely

Shanti Ma’am, I cannulated the patient,

gave her drotin and busco, and waited

for further dilation. Now with time on

my hands, I decided to have the patient

shifted to the labour room, and did her

ARM. Where was that kochers? Huh, it

could be curved too? Wowow. I'll admit it

was quite the thrill, to be the only one in

the delivery room, my confidence was at

an all time high. It was thinly meconium

stained, a tad bit concerning, but I forged

ahead. Here enters Sandeep Das. How a

man with so little knowledge ends up with

so much certainty, I'll never understand.

Active stage is 3.2 cm right? - verbatim

Dr Sandeep. Ignoring his instructions, I

ask the patient to bear down. She heeds,

and the baby descends; with prompt

perineal support and guided directions

to the oncoming occiput, I try my best to

ensure a smooth delivery.

Here is where having another cook

turned problematic. With another hand

to spare, Sandeep sir decides to put it

in the path of the baby’s restitution. He

restrains the head motion and before

I could say a word, attempts to pull the

baby out with its back anterior, instead

of its shoulders. Damage control mode

kicks in and I give all the perineal

support I can. Lucky Sandeep, the baby

was rather small and passed out without

a tear. Cursing the dude, I asked him

to get oxytocin. The man fumbles yet

again; with uncertainty about the dose

he rushes in with the needle toward the

medial thigh. Without saying a word I

nudge the needle anterolaterally and let

him know of his mistake.

It was a girl child, her second, and yes, she

did not want a copper T. And so was the

culmination of 1 out of what were to be 3

deliveries in the abandoned night of PHC

Chhainsa. Well, for the second delivery,

Sujay comes into the picture, surprised

that the first was already handled. He

prepares himself for the second. He

does look really cute when he’s serious,

ok focus. 3cm dilated Monisha G3P2L0,

hmm what happened?

A h/o anencephaly and another infant

death on day 10. Sujay had seen the

patient the previous day, she’d returned

today with more pain. We charted

her contractions and they were only a

meagre 1 in 10min, lasting <20s,…. I look

at Sujay, hmm this is gonna take time.

Did I call him too early? Lets augment

her contractions. Perhaps a coee break

before - Sujay suggests. I mean, have I

ever been someone to refuse? Lets gooo.

I ask the guard to call me if anything


As if to answer my calls, in some wicked

sort of twisted way, God sends another

multi, Suman, fully dilated into the

scene. Before I could realise what was

happening, she was crowning. Mataji

wasn't here to usher Suman into the

labour room. So with a firm voice, I

asked her not to bear down and move

to the labour room. Quickly removed

the CTG from poor Monisha and put it

on Suman. Well, the universe had other

plans; she beared down before I could

reach for the CTG probe, the baby’s

head was out. And that was how, with

one gloved hand, I delivered her baby.

The head came out with the membranes

intact, hmm let me just rupture those…..

done. Hmm something is weird, wait why

isn't the shoulder coming out? Lagaoo

Suman ji!! Lagaoo. I yank at the head

trying to deliver the posterior shoulder,

after Shagun Ma’am had said so. Ok not

working, and as I shifted focus on the

anterior shoulder, desperately trying to

recall shoulder dystocia management.

She delivers the baby completely, all

3350g. Baby girl of Suman, copper T for

Suman? No thanks. Oh, I had to let Sujay

learn, right? Well it can't be helped. Oh, I

62 63

"We learn, we read, we

understand, we practise,

but the sheer ignorance and

illiteracy of this country

would never fail to pour all

your efforts down the drain."

was exposed to blood and amniotic fluid,

she does not have an HBsAg report, I'm

doomed right? Well it can't be helped.

Chalo at least there was no perineal tear

and the baby is alright, shift her away.

Sujay being the assistant of my dreams,

made sure it was nothing like the time

with Sandeep. Now with the rush of these

deliveries, I wanted to speed this up for

our little Monisha back in the ANC room.

Decided to do an early p/v. She's like 5cm

- she’s been 5 cm from an hour. Lets give

her drotin and busco. Her contractions

are weak, time for augmentation. With

the calculations figures, 2 units in 500ml

NS running at 8 drops. And poof! Her

contractions went like 4 per 10 min. ARM

karna hai kya Sujay? Hmm lets try. After

2 failed attempts, perhaps I should take

the reins on this one. Clear amniotic

fluid, yeahhh! Ok chalo this is going to

finish swiftly. As we wait for progression,

the time passes, it's been 1hr and there

isn't any change in her dilation, which

remained at a static 6 cm. Ok we can

wait, let's see. It would've been fine until

here. It seems like a recurring pattern

now, for fate to deal the worst of hands,

right when things are going good. Just as

scheduled, arrived my reckoning. Fetal

bradycardia. With flashbacks from when

Shanti ma’am panicked, seeing a similar

situation previously, I’d calibrated

my emotions accordingly. At this

moment I felt, I had perhaps taken on

responsibility way beyond my capacity.

Called Nisha ma'am, and she warned

me, if it was during contractions, then

deliver. If it turned persistent then refer.

Sujay was quick to realise the nuances of

the Indian medical system, he remarked

that it was perhaps time to call the

ambulance. He did so and we were now

in a fix. Someone had to accompany

the patient to BK, for she may require a

Cesarean. But what if the baby delivered

in the bus? The person to accompany her

had to be me. Not Sandeep, not Sujay. I

took a deep breath and played out the

possible scenarios. All instruments for

3rd stage management? Drugs in case

she goes into PPH? Materials to receive

the baby? Instruments to resuscitate

the baby if required? All this I'd have to

take care of alone. Ok deep breaths, now

isn't the time to panic. I'm the only one

here who needs to keep his faculties in

order. I wonder where I went wrong, did

I augment her too soon? Was the ARM

uncalled for? Did I push in too much

oxytocin? Did I shift her to the labour

room too soon? Did I ask her to bear

down too early? Was she bleeding? Was

the baby bleeding? Vasa previa toh nhi

thi? It took a good 30 min for us to start to

wonder where the ambulance was, dude.

Sujay makes another call, only to realise

that the driver was wasted, in the wake of

Holi celebrations and was nowhere to be

seen, probably fast asleep. This is where

all hell breaks loose.


I was always a person to say that I'm

not one to care for the patients far too

much. I'll do my duty. And that's that.

But at that moment, all these emotions

flowed through me. This poor woman,

who had 2 previous failed attempts at

bearing children, looks at her mother

for solace. Her mother looks at me. Sujay

looks at me. It's at that moment I realise

how much responsibility falls on our

shoulders. This knowledge we’ve been

bestowed, these skills we’ve acquired, if

not to help a poor barren woman, what

else is it for? As she prays to me, for

heeding her from all this pain, it dawns

on me. IT MUST BE ME. I have to for

once take charge of this emergency. I

had to bring the patient out of this. Sujay

start RL. Sandeep sir, put the patient on


baby gushes out. The moment of truth.

Is he not crying? Why? Please oh god,

no more! Let me handle this, a quick pat

dry and a flick to the sole. And with this

plays a symphony, a symphony like no

other, he lets out a loud wholehearted

cry. My knees go wobbly. The mother is

in tears, Sujay is in tears, I'm in tears.

At that moment, Sujay gave me a warm

embrace. It was perhaps all worth it, all

was perfect. I did this, it was one of those

times, where my intervention made

an actual change. It was one of those

images that would have burned into

my cerebral cortex, ingrained into the

memories that would shape me into the

doctor that I would become. 3rd stage

managed, breastfeeding initiated. We

sit back and comfortably suture her up.

I'm literally welling up. In the midst of

all this excitement, there were multiple

medical cases that arrived. 2 URTI, 2

gastroenteritis, a couple of other cases,

and 2 MLC head injuries. Remember

the head injuries, they're going to be


As soon as we were done with the delivery,

in comes yet another ANC patient, and

this reflects blatantly how understaed

and how overburdened the medical

system of the country is. We receive her,

she's got no USG, unsure of her dates, p/a

- it looks like 32 weeks. Maybe we should

refer her, I call Nisha ma’am, much to her

dismay; she was rather annoyed at the

late night calls. I don’t know why but as

if to dismiss what Sujay had said, I felt it

was 36 weeks instead of 32. And this was

what pushed Nisha ma’am over the edge,

kya yaar Sankeerth! Sone nhi de rhe

ho! Ok sorry ma’am, I’m so sorry. I call

Sandeep sir and we decide to refer her,

call the ambulance. We’d done everything

right, but we forgot one crucial factor.

Convincing the family. They refused to

leave for BK and wanted to go home, I

tried my earnest best to explain to them

the consequences of their actions. But

blatantly they ignore and walk away on

me. We learn, we read, we understand,

we practise, but the sheer ignorance and

illiteracy of this country would never fail

to pour all your eorts down the drain.

And when the ambulance arrived, we

had to let them know of the absconded

status of the patient. With this mixed bag

of emotions, Sujay and I call it a night.

Well other than a few calls after, eectively

keeping me up for the remainder of the

last part of my 24hr shift, one referral

for induction of labour, that was the

end to my shift. Did they call me for

duty the next day? Forgetting all of my

work previously? Of course they did. Did

Sandeep Kumar show up ridiculously

late, wanting to have breakfast before

helping me out, despite my 24 hour shift

previously? Of course he did.

And to sum all our eorts for the night,

Suprakash sir calls us to his cabin.

Sankeerth what sort of an OPD card is

this? MLC head injury mei itna hi likhte

ho? God these interns. This card blatantly

reflects your insincerity. You may leave.

And leave I did, away from Suprakash,

away from the health center, away from

Chhainsa, back into the warm embrace

of my room.

Despite all of these let downs, despite

all the hardships, lingers on, the joyous

cry of that newborn baby, unaware of the

havoc he wreaked, the warm embrace

of my dear friend, and his remark at the

end of it all, ‘agar tu nhi hota, toh koi aur

nhi kar pata.’

Now is where Sandeep sir rushes in

with an ambu bag to try and oxygenate

the patient. I'm too exhausted to try and

make him understand. Sir oxygenate!

Not ventilate!! Sandeep realises and

accordingly adjusts.

She's 8-9cm, you know what, even if her

cervix tears, I'll do something. Right

now I need to deliver this child. Ok

Monisha! Lagaoo!!! Baccha aa hi gya!!

Lagaooo!!! Crowning!!! Sujay lignocaine!!

Episiotomy! Baccha aagya!! Badhiya kar

the ho, aur lagaoo!! LAGAOOO!!! The

64 65

o matter


batch you

belong to,

or what

your future aspirations

are, one of the hottest

topics of discussion

over the past year has

been that of Internal

Reservation (IR). This

issue has aected almost

every single UG in one

way or the other, with it

being a question of their

entire career for many.

We have attempted to

map out the eorts

that led to the current

position, and what lies


A lot of us must have heard tales of the

“good ol’ times”, when AIIMSonians

used to sit before the PG entrance

exam and divide up the branches

amongst themselves. With IR, they’d be

confident enough that they could get

any specialty they could wish for. But

alas, this was something that remained

a legend, as the accommodation of

IR was long discontinued by the time

most of us set foot in this college,

following the court judgment in 2001,

when the internal reservation system

was scrapped in preference to, ahem,

the preference-based system.

To understand the route that was

taken to achieve the present system of

Internal Reservation, we talked with

Rajan Kumar, the President, Vishwesh

Bharadiya, the Vice-President, of ASA

2021-22, as well as Harshit Anand, the

Finance Secretary of ASA 2020-21.

The eorts were put in motion by the

ASA 2018-19 (batch 2015), who first

contacted the junior lawyer to take the

legal route. This was done because the

admin, though favorable for giving IR,

needed the permission of the court

in order to overturn the previous

judgment. Later, eorts were put in

full swing by the ASA 2020-21 (Batch

2017) and ASA 2021-22 (Batch 2018), who

collected the necessary documentation

and demands in a proper written form.

At this time, they were able to get the

services of Mr Arvind Datar, a senior

lawyer, who thankfully agreed to work

pro bono (the usual fees of a senior

lawyer run in lakhs!).

Around the same time, other AIIMS

institutes also filed similar cases for

Internal Reservation of their own.

Though AIIMS New Delhi had filed the

case earlier than them, in September

2021, the hearing got delayed as the

case was stuck in the Chief Justice’s

oce. Meanwhile, the other colleges

got the date of hearing early, and in

the first hearing, the court decided to

carry forward with the proceedings,

giving further hope and credibility to

our case. Soon, all these cases were

clubbed together, under the name

Students Association AIIMS Bhopal and

others, since their date of hearing was


The respondents against whom the

case was filed were the Union of India,

the Health Ministry, AIIMS New Delhi,

and National Medical Commission

(NMC). After getting the court notice,

the respondents have to file an adavit

stating their position. In the adavit,

they mentioned that while they were

not opposed to the Internal Reservation

system, they just wanted clearance for

the roster system. This made the case

much easier, preventing the need to

go into finer technicalities. Finally, the

judgment was passed in May 2022, by

Justice L.N.Rao and Justice B.R.Gavai,

allowing the implementation of

Internal Reservation in AIIMS New

Delhi and other colleges.

So, that was the long road to the

privilege of Internal Reservation that

we enjoy today. While this could be

achieved thanks to the eorts of our

senior batches, there could still be room

for improvement. There are issues

pertaining to the adjustment of general

and various category seats vis a vis the

Internal Reservation seats. The court

had ordered AIIMS to follow a roster

based system like that implemented

in JIPMER. In a roster system, the

reservation is based on roster points

rather than the traditional method,

ie, caste, which implies that no matter

the constitutional reservation you

have, you get a seat based on the best

roster point. This method put forward

a system where a person with a caste

reservation got allotted a seat within

the reservation and not one of the

general seats. This was particularly

beneficial in departments where seats

are limited, because via roster system,

merit had an upper hand.

While this was the court order,

AIIMS implemented a system which

mixed both roster points and caste

based reservation. This is a flawed

implementation because, for example,

if a person with a constitutional

reservation gets a seat via both

general and constitutional reservation,

they will be granted the seat in the

general category. Similarly, if a person

belonging to the general category gets

a seat via internal reservation and

general both, the IR seat will go to

them. To understand the fallacy of the

system better, let’s take an example of

a department with only one seat. The

current system reserves the single

seat to a person with a particular

constitutional reservation, ie, of a

particular caste. A person belonging

to another category will be denied that

seat, even if their merit or roster point

is higher. This also forces someone

with no interest in a department to

choose the single seat, because other

departments of their preference lack

seats. These are valid points for us to reappeal

to the court. If this is corrected,

it would free up a lot of seats for many

more AIIMSonians. Now, the onus falls

on present and future Student Unions

to carry this notion forward.

Written by

Kaushik Reddy, Batch of 2021

Sahil Yadav, Batch of 2021 &

Anna Basil Gomez,

Batch of 2020

Design: AB

Illustration: PS 67

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Published online 2023 May. doi: 10.1124/aiimsmag.420.000024

Research 101

Bhavik Bansal

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PMCID: LOL7938661

PMID: 33653873




posters and illustrations later.

Practise writing leers, grant applications, proposals, love stories, essays, physiology

questions, magazine articles, blog posts and whatever you can get your hands on. Half of

research is expressing what you found, both vocally and in writing. e rest is reading,

by the way. Reviewing literature in an exhaustive way and citing relevant articles is half

the job done in any manuscript - learning that is a maer of experience more than a

course though, but using PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane and above all Zotero since the very

beginning is a good start.

ere are a lot of Coursera courses available to be ‘audited’ for free, the certification is

inconsequential, so spending big bucks for that is not recommended. e ‘Writing in the

Sciences’ course by Stanford is one I particularly recommend.

Hello AIIMSonian, a student of an institute much known for being at the forefront

of medical science in this country. Research is an essential component of any fruitful

AIIMSonian’s life, whether it be to advance science as we now know it or simply to feel

confident when applying for programmes. As they say, if you live a peripheral college life

while being at AIIMS, it’s like “killing a mosquito with a bazooka.”

While one shouldn’t be discouraged if they graduate through MBBS without having

published anything or having any research experience at all, research does add prestige to

your resume and is essential for applications everywhere (with the obvious exception of

an MD/MS in India). It provides you with stories to share during the interview. Research

is an important part of your leers of recommendation, and is generally an excellent

method to network with others in academic medicine.

Generally, the first year is an experimental playing ground, and is often too hectic with

classes/practicals and otherwise parties/events and whatnot to focus full time on research.

Broad objectives during the first year could be:

Learn the basics of research

Biostatistics and Epidemiology would be taught to you in 3rd year, but I believe that a fresh

undergraduate is the best person to be introduced to it. You already have a mathematical

bent of mind and it feels much more interesting till it’s not part of the curriculum.

Read about forms of data expression, maybe even a coding language like R or Python.

If the former sounds scary but you still want to contribute to the data part in the future,

Stata and SPSS are good tools to get your hands on too. Developing a design mindset and

learning basics of Adobe Illustrator and InDesign have helped a few in designing amazing



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Try your first stint in research

During class (starting first year), try to be friendly with faculty, try to let your presence be

felt. e first stint at research often is a pre-clinical wet lab experience for most people,

for others it may be something related to hardcore clinics or bioinformatics.

ICMR STS (Short Term Studentship) can be a formal start to such first stints. It is a

scholarship amounting to Rs. 50,000 for an undergraduate to work on a research project

for 2 months during his/her MBBS. Pick a lab, understand the project, write the proposal

and you’re done. Don’t be disheartened if your project is not accepted, nobody has been

able to figure out how ICMR selects projects for STS yet. rough STS, you could be

exposed for the first time to the dreaded ‘Institute Ethics Commiee (IEC)’. e procedure

of the former can be the most frustrating part of a project, but is essential and an earlier

exposure would do wonders. STS applications start taking proposals towards the end of

December each year, so be on the lookout on their website.

Form your research community

Most good research is done in teams. It is often boring going through tons of data and

pages of references on your own, but a good research buddy can simplify the process a

lot. Towards the end of first year, you should be able to start figuring out these buddies.

ese buddies need not be your batchmates, people have done some amazing stuff with

their seniors and juniors; often someone from a different (posting) batch is helpful in

prospective studies. Use fora like ‘e Scientific Society’ to get to know people who are as

motivated as you and engage in discussions which will foster you as a well informed and

well-connected physician scientist.

68 69

With clinics starting off, the horizons of opportunity and therefore experimentation

increase. As the pool expands, you need to explore more while starting to clarify your

aims and objectives.

Try research of all types

After trying basic sciences and wet-labs, try clinics in all departments, and the research

they do. Try asking every faculty you meet in postings about their work, they feel really

validated when a UG is interested and you start to understand study designs in all fields

possible. A basic distinction of inclination between basic science and clinical research

may become obvious by the end of second year. Possibly even a distinction between your

inclination towards medical and surgical research.

Expose yourself more in-situ

Try participating in intramural research events, from UG summer fellowships (after 1st

professionals), to presenting in Research Day and INSIGHT, to conferences in and around

Delhi. By second year, you become eligible for the Undergraduate Mentorship Grant

(UGMG) which is an amazing program for taking up a long-term project as part of a

team of 2-3 people, learning the process of grant writing and presenting a proposal in the


Expose yourself ex-situ (plan trips)

of Recommendation (LoR) and writing a CV and Personal Statement.

Conferences are the best places to network academically. From interacting with people

during INSIGHT and forming connections with others of similar interests around you,

to presenting your paper in specialty conferences nationally and internationally, all are

great ideas when you have a few studies approaching completion. An abstract deadline

often is the best motivation to complete a manuscript in time. e Research Section

at AIIMS provides travel grants to undergraduates to aend (and present) in medical

conferences, both nationally (upto Rs. 15,000) and internationally (Rs. 80,000) under the

AIIMS Endowment Fund. Most medical societies also have some sort of travel grants

or bursaries available for students, so don’t forget to look them up to defray the cost of

traveling. A conference (with its travel grants) coupled to an elective can be one of the

best ways to balance an otherwise extremely costly travel expense. Make sure that you

have an understanding with your faculty mentor about a possible abstract presentation

and authorship before starting a project.

As you go through this, keep in mind that your comprehension of the project and your role

in it count much more than your accomplishments as an author. Being an author means

you will need to stand up for the manuscript. Before taking credit for writing the paper,

you should fully comprehend it. You can broadly categorise your research experiences

into three categories: study, responsibility, and outcome. Make sure you can sum up all of

your experiences in this manner. Avoid authorship order disagreements with your peers,

especially your guide, by being clear about your expectations early on.

Your research career will be entirely your own once this fundamental path has been

established, and no set of rules can be ideal for everyone. Experimentation is synonymous

with science, thus we urge you to do so as you go toward doing experiments. All the best.

Going outside AIIMS for summer schools, electives, conferences and whatnot is an

essential part of your academic and research presence starting 2nd year. Before the

COVID pandemic hit things hard, 3rd semester used to be the time to start thinking about

applying for a research elective, to be aended in the post 4th semester holidays at Johns

Hopkins and other institutes. With the recent VISA issues and post-pandemic slowing,

this wouldn’t be possible for many of you, but there are loads of other opportunities.

Summer schools are a boom these days, from Neuromatch Academy to CAMP (by NCBS)

for people interested in computation to spending days at CCMB, IISc. and IGIB for people

interested in molecular sciences, there are a lot of online and offline schools. An exhaustive

list is always under construction, and contacting the current SciSoc people and seniors

interested in research could get you access to this list. Applying to some international

summer schools/research opportunities may not be the worst idea (even though they are

extremely competitive) as they can expose you to the first experience of aaining a Leer

Design: HA

70 71

-Hayagrivas MB

Batch of 2021

Design: HG

Illustration: SH


Design: HG

When it comes to ensuring that women have autonomy

and the right to make decisions about their bodies,

the challenges faced are dierent and insidious.

- Dr. Gurasis Boparai, Batch of 2016

Design: HG Illustration: RR




One of the fairy tales, that

captivated me in my childhood

was the one narrated countless

times by my grandma.

Ensconced in her lap, surrounded by

my cousins, I would listen with wide

eyes to the tale of the brave knight who

vanquished the demons to protect his

kingdom. The part, which remained

with me, over the years, was when

he would come charging, his sword

unsheathed, riding on his horse, as

the demons surrounded the dwellers.

The subjects, cringing and cowering,

stared at imminent death. Their hearts

promptly quivered with warmth, hearing

the gallant cry of the knight - “Do not be

afraid. Your knight is here.” My grandma

would explain “When you sincerely try to

help someone in distress – whether your

capacity is big or small - it springs new

hope and instills immense strength.” I

would coax my grandma to repeat the

same story – often this part – where

the knight’s exhortations seemed the

pinnacle - which filled my young mind

with the depths of his courage. After my

grandma passed away, the memories of

the tale remained as if suspended in time

and space - intertwined with several

others linked to her - unforgotten - but

seldom visited.

“Your phone is ringing - why don’t

you answer it?” said my wife from the

adjacent room. I mumbled something as

I looked away from the computer, at my

mobile phone kept on the reading table. It

was a warm and dry April evening of the

year 2021 in Delhi and the sun had begun

to set. One of my former neighbours

was calling - I hesitated, allowing the

ring to die down – eventually. I resented

answering the phone. Saying ‘No’, ‘Sorry’,

or ‘No vacancy’ repeatedly was taxing. It

wasn’t the first call unanswered during

the day, and I had received dozens of

calls since morning. All were panic calls.

Everybody had almost identical queries

– “Can a hospital bed be arranged?”

– either for a relative or a friend with

COVID-19. But all hospital admissions

were closed, as there were no beds – not

in our hospital or any other in Delhi. The

second wave of the pandemic had made

landfall at the capital of India, and we

were being swept away. I leaned back on

my chair and thought about my long day

shift in TC4.

An internist and pulmonologist by

training – I had been posted at one

of the wards (TC4) of our dedicated

COVID-19 centre, in the heart of New

Delhi. By March end of 2021 – there

were widespread anticipations about

scaling down operations and possible

closure of our centre as new cases were

slowly drying up. I, along with several

hundreds of my peers, who were posted

there, longed for redeployment to our

parent departments, after almost a

year of COVID-19 posting. We all were

confident that the worst part of the

pandemic was behind us. By early April,

we realised we couldn’t be more wrong.

Thousands of Delhiites had developed

severe COVID-19, within days, requiring

oxygen support and advanced care in

hospital. By mid-April, all hospital beds

in and around Delhi were crammed

with patients. Oxygen was in scarcity,

as were essential medicines – steroids

and remdesivir. The newspapers carried

graphic details of patients dying in

their homes and on the streets. The

crematoriums were forced to build

makeshift pyres. There were stories

about panic and suering everywhere. It

was the ‘desi’ version of the Apocalypse

– COVID-19 and death were ubiquitous.

To be fair, my hospital fared better than

the ones nearby - better resources at

the premier hospital helped. But that

was for the patients getting admitted –

a minuscule proportion as compared

to those waiting in and out of the

emergency- the hospital was full of

critically ill patients and the turnover

was slow. When the gravity of the

situation dawned on us, the COVID-19

physicians – it was a combination of

helplessness, disbelief, and uncertainty,

which was numbing. How do we tide

over this crisis? There are so many sick

people everywhere– who need hospital

care but there are no beds – not here,

not anywhere else. So many people were

suering and dying – were we doing

enough – as physicians and as human


I was at bed 15 taking my daily round

when I heard a voice coming from bed

5 – from over the four-feet walls that

separated the six-bedded cubicles. “No

worries, madam, you will get better -

you will be discharged soon. None of the

patients in this bed has been shifted to

the ICU- they have all gone home”. The

owner of the voice was Deshpal – a

health attendant (HA) who was talking

to Shiela. I had already reviewed the

case of Shiela – a breast cancer survivor,

middle-aged, with numerous other co-


"It was a quest for survival

– but also for asserting

the defining attributes of

mankind – empathy and


morbidities. She had severe COVID-19

and her oxygen requirement had been

increasing steadily over the previous two

days. Currently on high-flow oxygen,

beads of sweat accumulated on her

forehead as she breathed laboriously.

Her ROX score suggested that she was not

doing too well on the present treatment.

If her condition deteriorated further,

she might require ventilation and the

prognosis of ventilated COVID-19

patients was, in general, dismal. I had

little else to oer to her, in the ward,

barring the medicines she was already

receiving according to our hospital

protocol. “Would I be alright doctor?”

She had asked quietly, in between rapid

breaths, as she sat propped up on a

Fowler’s bed, “My bed-ridden husband

depends on me – I have to get well and

go home” My answer – vetted by my

understanding of her probability of

worsening and possible requirement

of ICU care - was neutral but did little

more than deepening the frowns on her

forehead. As I craned my head to look

at Shiela’s face as she conversed with

Deshpal – I could not see the frowns

crowding her forehead but rather a faint

smile. After our team finished reviewing

bed 15, I called on Deshpal to have a casual

word. He was a diminutive man – short,

thin-built, working a six-hour shift as

a semi-trained temporary paramedical

sta. He had dropped out from school

by sixteen years of age and was working

as a HA for the last 10 years – being the

sole breadwinner for his family. “Do you

know, Shiela is very sick” - I asked him

as I pointed my finger at the cardiac

monitor attached to Shiela, beeping

hurriedly. “She will require ICU care as

her disease is getting worse,” I told him

trying to gauge his understanding of the

current situation - and the hollowness

of his assurances. “Three patients

have been shifted yesterday during my

shift, sir. Two of them have died today”

Deshpal stated. “Death is everywhere”,

he added. “But why did you tell her….”

My voice trailed o. “Sir, when we have

nothing else to give, we can still oer

hope – it is the only thing we can give -

always,” he said earnestly. Being trained

in the nuances of modern medicine,

the principles of veracity and autonomy

darted across my mind. I looked back

at Shiela. Her chest moved rapidly, but

her eyes were fixed on the sky peeking

through the window, she seemed almost


Deepa, of bed 18, was almost hysterical.

It was strange, as the day before she

had given birth to a 3.5 kg healthy male

(by C-section) in the COVID-19 hospital.

She had an uneventful pregnancy and

no complications – until her presection

RT-PCR returned positive – and

she was transferred to our centre. A

software engineer in her early thirties,

she seemed aable when I met her just

before she was wheeled out for her C-

section. However, 24 hours later she

was agitated. Post-section stress, being

away from her family members (in the

COVID ward, relatives of adults were not

allowed) and the demands of the neonate

had a telling eect on her. No amount of

counselling from the nurses or doctors

on duty could calm her down. “I want my

mom to stay with me” – she insisted. We

contemplated an intravenous anxiolytic

but did not want to drug her to sleep.

Just when we were out of our depths,

Mrs Tripathi, of bed 20 pitched in. She

was an 82-year-old homemaker, with

deforming rheumatoid arthritis - she

was admitted with severe COVID-19. She

was weaned o oxygen two days back.

A reticent lady, she waited eagerly to be

discharged- to go back to her sons and

grandchildren. Having raised and cared

for her children and grandchildren- she

knew how to reach out to the newbie

mother. She wobbled slowly on her

bowed legs, crossing the aisle in between

and stood beside Deepa - gently patting

her shoulders. No words were exchanged

– as they briefly held hands. Deepa did

not require an anxiolytic that day.

I had completed my round and was

checking the “labs” which had started to

trickle into our computers. I heard Mrs

Sahu talking to Ratan, a 15-year-old boy,

in bed 23. Ratan – had a fracture of his

right leg in a car accident recently and

had been admitted after his ER COVID-19

came positive. “Why are you not eating

your lunch properly?” – a seemingly

innocuous enquiry from a mother to

a son. Only that, Mrs Sahu was not the

mother of Ratan – but of Bimal, who had

Down’s syndrome (with complications)

and was admitted in bed 28. Unlike

Ratan, Bimal had a turbulent hospital

course. His oxygen requirement had to

be escalated from a facemask to HFNO

within a day of admission. He seemed

to be having respiratory distress, but

he did not complain much. “He never

says much – but I know what he wants”-

said Mrs Sahu – his mother, interpreter,

and caregiver. Draped in the hospitalprovided

coverall – only her eyes were

not covered- otherwise “Shyamal

won’t know it’s me” – she said. All our

communication with Shyamal happened

through her. “He is in pain because of his

breathlessness but he hates to sit up” or

“He doesn’t like today’s soup” – she was

always on her feet – vigilant and tireless.

She had chosen to stay with her child in

the COVID ward, after obtaining special

permission. But even after ten days of

hospitalization her son’s disease course

hung in precarious balance. The nursing

ocer on duty following my gaze said,

“She is going through such a lot but

never misses a chance to help out”. Her

mother’s soul – though drained by days

of toil and stress - still had room for


The pandemic had brought about calamity

and tragedy in its wake as it devastated

the ‘young and the old’, the ‘rich and the

poor’ and the ‘fit and the unfit’ – almost

without any discrimination. Auence,

social status, or youth – were not the

primary determinants of the outcome

of this carnage. Anguish and death

touched almost everyone on the tryst

with this killer disease. However, what

front-line workers like me witnessed

were, not only the suerings, agony, or

misfortunes of our fellow men – but also

their resilience in the face of the deadly

disorder. It was a quest for survival – but

also for asserting the defining attributes

of mankind – empathy and benevolence.

When science was still grappling for an

answer and was yet to come to terms

with the altered reality of this global

crisis, unsurprisingly, it was humanity,

which rose to answer the call first. And

that came from the examples of ordinary

people from seemingly ordinary pages

of life - it has been their examples which

have burnt the brightest – and, perhaps,

mattered the most. For, they have

stepped up and said “Do not be afraid”

to their brethren. They are the knights of

my unforgotten fairytale. My phone rang

again, and the previous caller’s number

flashed on my screen. “Hello, please tell

me…” – I answered.

Design: AB

Illustrations: PS, SV

Fathima Shahama OV

Batch of 2020




Dr. Siddharth Sarkar

Additional Professor

National Drug Dependance

Treatment Centre

From being a former AIIMS undergraduate

student to an AIIMS postgraduate student

to now a faculty at AIIMS, New Delhi, it has

been a thrilling journey for me. Reminiscing Pulse,

Shimla trip, professional examinations, elections,

library, samosas, chats in corridors, independence,

camaraderie, frivolous anecdotes, and door-step

meal service prior to days of Swiggy, has always

been joyful. I must congratulate the students for

keeping up the tradition of Hybrid Hues, and to be

candid, I did vie for the post of Magazine Editor in

‘my times’.

The past twenty odd years have seen many changes

in the society and systems, which have reflected

on the institution as well. We have recovered from

a pandemic which paused the world. Medical

education and medical technologies have changed,

and perhaps for the better. What society expects of

the medical system has also changed. Let me jot

down a few thoughts on where we have come from,

and where we are headed to. The stance might be

a bit coloured by my background and interests, or

philosophical proclivities. If you could just bear

with them, please.

The first important change that I see is the

influence of technology, especially information

technology. The amount of information we needed

to store in our grey cells, and retrieve them

eciently, has come down drastically. Information

is available at our (and our patient’s) fingertips with

a few well-directed strokes on the digital screen.

Thus, probably, mugging all the information

from textbooks is of dated importance. Rather,

the ability to retrieve relevant information and

process it, and presenting it in palatable form to

the patients (and their family members) is of much

pragmatic value.

The second change I see is the change in the manner

we communicate. From an era of slow, tedious and

direct communication, we have perhaps moved to a

generation where communication is easy, ecient

and sometimes facile. Through our smartphones,

we can reach out to others much more easily and

instantaneously. However, we lose the non-verbal

part, and patterns of communication become out

of sync sometimes. It is dicult to switch o from

being accessible (as we are practically available

now all the time on the phone), and at the same

time are able to switch o communication when

not interested. For example, one would actually

have to scoot away in the pre-smartphone era, the

options of ‘block’ and ‘mute’ being unavailable.

Hyper-connectedness is a blessing and a burden.

The third thing I see is the expansion. The institution

has expanded in the intake of students (was at

50 when I joined as an undergraduate), faculty

positions, laboratories, specialisations, personnel

of dierent cadres, buildings, values, passions, and

thought processes. Growth is healthy. However, as

institutions like AIIMS become large and complex,

then cohesion is bound to require greater eorts.

Expansion presents greater opportunities, but at

the same time has to cater to dierent directions

of pull.

Another change I see in ‘people’ perspective,

is that we live in times of excess of choices,

at least figuratively. We moved from an era of

entertainment being planned, eorts being put

into watching a movie, choice of few options

existed, and significant investment of time and

money. Now, Netflix will allow you to choose from

an abundance of options, so committing to a choice

becomes dicult. And if you don’t like it, no need

to wait, scroll ahead, or go to another option. The

same possibly applies to food; self-development

pursuits; learning and education; courtships; and

so on. The fear of missing out engulfs, whether the

time is well invested, or was there a better option,

and the eort expended justifies the returns. Also,

social media portrays our persona, and probably

some thoughts (conscious or preconscious) go

into the manner in which we curate our persona

in a particular social media outlet to the world.

The world of online social media is unforgiving

and keeps a score, so the expression of authentic

self may be constrained. Medical trainees and

professionals are requested to be ‘friends’ by

their patients, potentially enabling them to be

judged based on their interactions, interests,

and incarnate fallibility. Medical professionals

are no longer recluse, resolute, detached, allknowing,

virtuous and righteous beings shrouded

in mystery. They are recognized (hopefully rightly

so) as mere mortals in pursuit and meandering

through life as everyone else is.

Another change that I see is the alteration in

brand value. With many AIIMS built with probably

the best of intentions, we now have to specify

AIIMS, New Delhi to denote where we are from.

Well, the progress and growth of the nation may

simply translate into many centres of excellence

embarking on their growth trajectory, and other

AIIMS emulate in some forms the practices and

values nurtured and inculcated in AIIMS (New

Delhi). Still, I could take the liberty to rue the

erosion of exclusivity.

Each medical institution would have its strengths.

At AIIMS, New Delhi, we have been able to uphold

certain values, most importantly of ethical and

committed patient care, world class and cuttingedge

approach, facilitating innovation, limited

financial and political distractions, and ability to

ask questions without fear of berating, schism

and acrimony. The students face the world with

confidence and pride. I am hopeful that we are

able to utilise the values to rejuvenate further and

contribute to nation building.

Design: AB

Illustration: AB

82 83


Sid's formula: Discipline + m(Humanity) = n/Toxicity



An interactive session with

Dr. Siddharth Jain

Assistant Professor

Department Of Medicine

Design: AB

Illustration: SV

In the vast reign of medicine, where expertise and experience are the foundation

stone, hierarchies have been long established. Today, we have the privilege to

unravel astonishing tales of an individual who was once a seeker of the answers

being at the bottom of the pyramid, but now has risen to the apex of expertise.

This interview, taken by Naman, Nikhar, Suyash and Subhadip, is an exploration

of the experiences of the narrator, how he faced the hierarchy and how his tides of

perception have changed over time and position.

So join us as we dive into the untold stories of Dr. Sid which will challenge the

traditional myths and barriers of hierarchy and will open the door to new possibilities

in the ever-evolving field of medicine. Be ready to be captivated by the narrative

which will decode the “Necessary Evil" - Hierarchy.

Ed Board: We would like to know your POV

on the process of maturing or ranking

up the ladder of hierarchy from JR to

HOD and the culture of this hierarchical

division as a whole. Why do you think this

kind of hierarchy exists in the Medicine


Dr. Sid: Hierarchy is a multifaceted

concept, a necessary evil. What appears to

be a hierarchy on the outside, is actually

an experience-based division of labour in

the best interest of patients. An intern or

a first-year JR thinks that they are made

to do all the scutwork and run errands

the entire day, whereas other residents up

the ladder feel as if the job of a first-year

JR is extremely trivial and carries much

less liability compared to them. After

becoming a faculty member, many more

responsibilities tag along, like classes,

research guidance, administrative work

etc. Thus, life certainly doesn’t get any

easier as you climb up the ladder. The type

of work changes, the amount stays.

Ed Board: Then why is hierarchy viewed

in such a negative light? Do you think it’s


Dr. Sid: Exaggeration and Toxicity are

subjective terms. A bad day at work or

a bad scolding at the hands of a senior

doesn’t prove that the environment is

toxic. But if it keeps happening without

reason for weeks at a stretch, then

certainly misuse of hierarchy might be the

cause. If hierarchy supersedes logic and

evidence, then problems begin. I’ll share

an anecdote with you. In my 3rd semester

of JRship, I, with two of my colleagues, and

one 1st sem guy, was posted together and

we were very exhausted due to a paucity

of sta for some weeks. During that time,

I could have misused my power as a senior

by levying o my work to the junior.

But instead, we opted for the healthier

approach, wherein we gave the junior

o every third day when the three of us

would manage somehow on our own so

that he doesn’t feel overworked with the

system staying in place. In my opinion,

some degree of hierarchy works like an oil

for the system to make all the gears and

machinery run smoothly. But unruly use

of hierarchy should be avoided.

Ed Board: If you were the HoD, what

changes would you bring about to the


Dr. Sid: Your question implies that the

HoD or a senior faculty only has the power

to change the system.

Ed Board: To rephrase, what would you do

as an AP or in any other post in the coming


Dr. Sid: It’s not in one person’s hands

to bring about an entire change in the

existing practices. We need a common

ground where nobody feels oppressed

while preserving the central tenets of

clinical care, science and R&D. People

need to resolve their ego issues and put

aside individual interests and conflicts for

the sake of the growth of the department as

a whole. Please underline this, one should

never forget the concept of “humanitarian

touch”, which is not taught in any lectures,

doesn’t have any written guidelines, it just

comes from within. Seniors should have

humane intent while dealing with juniors.

While it’s important to inculcate discipline

in juniors, it is of the utmost necessity that

we avoid toxicity.

Ed Board: Do you think there’s a formula

for the ideal hierarchy?

Dr. Sid: Discipline+m(humanity)=n/

toxicity. Humanity leads to an increase

in rapport between juniors and seniors,

which leads to improvements in work and

thereby better patient care.

Ed Board: Is a practical solution with no

to minimal hierarchy possible?

Dr. Sid: See, the root cause of all problems

is ego and entitlement. Abolishing

hierarchy is not a practical solution, but

misuse must be avoided at all costs. Small

acts of kindness from a senior’s side can

go a long way to create a ripple eect as

the juniors will continue the positive

spirit and practices forward.


Naman Singh, Nikhar Bansal,

Subhadip Sahana, and Suyash Arora

Batch of 2021




ਸਾਡਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਪੀਰ

"When you arise in the morning, think of

what a privilege it is to be alive - to breathe,

to think, to enjoy, to love."

-Marcus Aurelius

Dr. Kaushal Jain

Batch of 2018

Rustling leaves, misty pavements with frosty feather,

Here it was, the sweater weather.

Numb feet despite the furry uggs,

Shivering hands even with the thick gloves.

e chaotic bustling vehicle noise reminded her of the screaming


When she had to shut her door, amplify her speakers, le with no

other choices.

Still, it echoed in her ears even louder,

Why did her parents quarrel, was it her fault, her failure that had

made them doubt her?

e frosty fog made her visualise the kitchen’s shaered glasses.

Oh how hard she wished that she’d be beer off as burnt ashes.

Still, she was longing for a glare of a brighter sun to shine,

e warmth that could soothe the chills down her spine.

e craving for love, of an affectionate family was what made her


It was her heart that needed the rays of sunshine, aer all.

-Aakriti Khand

Bat of 2021

Subhadip Sahana

Batch of 2021

Design: AB

Illustration: PS

90 91



Written by:

Parnika Nangla, Batch of 2021

It’s so much easier to bring music to life

with Algo than any other band I’ve worked

with before.

-Bharath Ajith, Violinist

Every Infest sees the formation of two intra-batch bands.

With a batch size of 130 people, a batch has to really

get lucky with the musicians they get. It’s a probability

problem. e idea to form Algorhythm was to collect all

the music superstars of AIIMS under one banner. ey had

been working independently for far too long. e name

itself was one of the options considered by the 2018 batch

when they were naming their batch band. Before Insight

2022, we needed a name ASAP for the t-shirts, so Arjun

just zeroed in on “Algorhythm” and we went along with it.

Algorhythm, for the first time since the days of 2018,

has aptly combined the strengths across batches. A band

with a podium finish each time they’ve entered a bale,

one that has become a cultural institution amongst the

undergraduates, and one that has existed for merely more

than a year.

Music is complex enough of an art that it has taken years

of practice for each musician of Algorhythm to get to the

level of synchrony we are at today. Practising music really

makes it a language. When Rasal says come in between

the 4th and 1st beat or when Sharma and Kashikar agree

to take it one semitone lower, we all just understand and

play accordingly.

Obviously, Algo sets have become a lot more than just

musical skill. Over the performances, we’ve begun to

instill unanticipated acts in our performances to make it

a whole experience for the audience. Examples include

Mohith switching from violin to tabla mid-song in

Rockstar, me walking onto the stage from the audience

in Pasoori, and Hemant always humouring the audience

(Malpani: “Hemu!”) with his stage presence.

So far Algo has remained prey genreless (or genreful,

whichever you prefer). e only criteria we keep so far is

that the piece should evoke an emotion in the listener, and

should never be so easy that we finish it within a single

practice session (then we’re not doing ourselves justice).

Till now we’ve performed Rock, Rock-Pop, Instrumentals,

Bollywood and Sufi - whatever we love to play and the

audience vibes to. We figured that if we have the diversity

of musicians, we may as well harness their power. Maybe

one day we’ll pick a genre. Not now though.

e Pulse performance was one of the most memorable

ever - for many reasons. e setlist was one of our most

challenging ones yet. Bohemian Rhapsody took many

nights and some of us were ready to give up and record

some of the layered vocals. Kashikar shone through and

insisted that we do it live, and when we finally did it, boy

was he right. e Bollywood and fusion pieces added the

oomph and rock-pop had everyone dancing. More than

that - the stage and the lights made it one of our grandest,

most videogenic performances ever.

Picking songs for Pulse was very freeing. is time we

had the power of Pulse speakers behind us, instead of the

damaged Audi ones we usually have to compromise for. So

we picked accordingly. Teri Deewani, Naadan Parindey,

Bale Cry and Bohemian Rhapsody used the full strength

of the instruments and music systems we got on that stage.

e jackets were actually my idea, but with just a week

le before Pulse, I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

I tagged along with Hemant to Lajpat Nagar for some

routine music errands and aer some hunting we finally

found a shop that got it done before the performance and

established the iconic Algo stripes.

We have had fun together. Aura 2022 at AIIMS Jodhpur

was Algorhythm’s first performance. If you watch the

performance recording, right in the middle of Choo Lo (by

Local Train - see the playlist!), you’ll see Arjun put down

his guitar, whisper something to Hemant and walk off

the stage. As we found out later, Arjun’s guitar processor

had promptly died mid-song and Hemant had to suddenly

play Arjun’s solo on-stage too. We still won our first

trophy that day and now we always (always) change the

processor baeries before a performance.

On a similar note, our winning performance at SGT

University stands out too. We had true rockstar moments

when the crowd started yelling for encores and people ran

up to take pictures with the band. Mohith received a slip

that day, still kept as a memento -

“Still preserved the slip that was passed on by someone in

the audience in SGT requesting for Nadaan Parindey to be

played again. Initially, I thought someone was asking for

my contact…lol, but this was more memorable. at day it

felt like we were on another planet.”

is is the last year in Algorhythm for many of our

members (bye bye Keerthana, Mohith, Bharath and Arjun).

Luckily, there’s a host of new talent in AIIMS. Many of

them performed their first sets at the Insight Closing

Ceremony 2023 and in Pulse 2022. Algorhythm is not

going to run out of talent thankfully, and with training,

the legacy will be carried on.

I’ll end this with a thank you to you, the reader and the

AIIMSonian. I’m glad you guys like our music because

we cannot tell you how much each hoot and cheer has

made and encouraged Algo. Every musician wishes to be

up on a stage performing in the spotlight and AIIMS has

given that to us time and again with more love than we

expected. When we sing with all the tipsy folk who come

to our night-long run-throughs and when we count the

reacts we get on our announcements on AIIMS family,

we realise that more than us, it is AIIMS that has made

Algorhythm what it is today.

Design: HA



94 95

Can you guess who is who?

Artwork by Ravi Ranjan Roy

Batch of 2019

Artwork by Sara Kukreja

Batch of 2022

Artist's impression of musical sensation 'Algorhythm' rocking it on the stage - captured by

Soumyadip Halder, Batch of 2021

96 97




ou’re picking out your best

outfit. Your heart’s racing.

You’re nervous. Your hands

are quivering. And if you’re like me,

you’ve just taken your first shower in a

week. Will she like you? Or will you be

just another disappointment?

If these thoughts and questions are racing through your

mind, then you’re either getting ready for your first

date, or you’re preparing to leave for Ritu Sehgal’s viva.

If it’s the latter, then sorry mate, you’re on your own.

BDC padh leni chahiye thi. But if it’s romance rather

than ro-ke-marks-maangna on your mind, then fear

not, because 'StupEd Board is here to help, with a list of

the best date locations in New Delhi.

A little writer’s note: if love is on your mind and your

date is someone from within the campus, then do

consider a simple coee date at Amul under the brightly

lit tree, long midnight walks within the campus and

midnight talks in the Resident’s Park and Mushroom

Garden before any of the below-mentioned options.

You might find that you don’t need to break the bank to

find love. These places close to home are always open

and always ready to provide the backdrop as your love

story unfolds.

It’s kind of like the dating all-in-one destination. American

fast food to judge your date’s dinner-table etiquette,

Italian and European for a classy date, Asian if you and

your date wish to vibe over that ramen you saw in your

favourite anime/K-drama. It’s even got diet-friendly

healthy snacking options if you two are gym nuts. As the

name suggests it’s designed as an avenue, flanked by

various restaurants, bars, cafés and bake houses on one

side and stone benches, little fountains and lush green

bushes and shrubs on the other. And if that doesn’t

sound dreamy enough for you, then the multi-hued lights

hanging over your head, strung between the lamp posts,

bathing the entire street in a warm and cozy glow, will seal

the deal for you. It’s definitely one of the most Instagramable

locations in the NCR, and who knows, if you play your

cards right, after a sumptuous meal, delectable desserts

and a walk under the stars, you might just end the night

with a memorable kiss under the bright streetlights.

Design: AB

Illustration: SV


If you want your date to be less about food and more about

a garden stroll and light banter, then you might want to

give Lodhi Gardens a shot. It’s a sprawling 90 acre expanse

of green, frequented by fitness enthusiasts and those who

enjoy an evening stroll. Some architectural marvels found

here are the Shisha Gumbad, Bara Gumbad, a three domed

mosque, the tombs of Sikandar Lodi and Mohammad

Shah, and a picturesque 8-piered bridge called Athpula.

It’s a wonderful spot for picnicking too, so you and your

date can consider bringing a yoga mat, a small speaker and

a lunch box, for a unique “day out in the gardens'' kind of

date. But if you’re looking for more conventional dining

options, Khan Market is nearby and easily accessible by an


Lay under a sky full of stars and lose yourself in the aweinducing

vastness of the cosmos. Lol, you can’t do that

in Delhi, where you can only lose yourself in the coughinducing

pollution of the atmosphere. However, you’ve got

an alternative in the Nehru Planetarium, where you can

bring all your stargazing dreams to life. If it worked for Ross

and Rachel, it might work for you too. The planetarium

closes by 5, so it’s ideal for an evening date, after which

you can go grab coee together. Unfortunately, at the time

of writing this article, Nehru Planetarium stands closed

for renovation. But hey, who knows, by the time the mag

finally comes out, it might be back in operation.

Undisputedly the fanciest, priciest, most breathtaking date

location on this list. Instead of a single room restaurant

you will be delighted to come across little pavilions and

covered areas serving as the restaurant. This, aside from

being stunningly beautiful, also gives you near-complete

privacy. The innovative design and the brightly lit cobbled

path weaving through the restaurant transports you to

Spain. The cuisine served at Sevilla is Mediterranean with

major influence from the Spanish territory. The food as

expected of a five star hotel is lip-smackingly delicious.

If this description sounds plagiarized from a restaurant

review blog on the net, it’s because it is. I have only seen

this place (and its oerings) in Google images. This place

is undoubtedly too rich for a first date. Half the menu is

priced at 4 figures. But if you’re willing to splurge (a lot)

on a dinner to remember, then this can make a wonderful

spot for something big, like an anniversary. You will be

able to aord it by then, assuming you’ve been saving since

the day you started dating.

A beautiful example of integrating nature and greenery

into the architectural plan, Diggin Chanakyapuri looks like

an uber-chic Italian restaurant that was overrun by ivy and

vines in the most aesthetic way possible. Diggin sits nestled

away from main oafs and metro rail lines inside Santushti

Shopping Complex, a cheerful, bustling marketplace

designed to provide a “shopping village” experience. The

shopping complex houses several high-end souvenir

shops, and a walking trail forms its perimeter. Food at

Diggin is delectable, and the décor flawless. Desserts here

warrant a special mention, and, assuming the date goes

well, will be sure to leave a sweet aftertaste at the end of

the night.

In direct contrast to the auence and lavishness of Sevilla

is the aordability of Champa Gali. Pocket friendly yet

incredibly cute and cozy, this hub of small café startups

nestled away in a corner of Saket is ideal for both a date on

a budget and a night out with friends. This place provides

several options in terms of cuisine. Every café here is warm,

economical and well-adorned, each in its own unique way.

And of course, plenty of picture-perfect locations here to

take photographs and put up on your story, for is it even

a date if you don’t use it to poke your single or “feelingstuck-in-my-relationship”


Another wonderful spot for long walks and small talk.

Lush verdant greens, towering trees and fragrant flowers

make this a perfect spot for a romantic walk in the park.

There’s also a beautiful 8 feet tall copper statue of Gautam

Buddha at one of the corners of the park, depicting him in

his trademark meditative pose, under a majestic pagodalike

structure in the middle of a small pool of water. The

Garden Restaurant is also located bang in the middle of the

park, though it does close a little too early if dinner is what

you had in mind. Buddha Jayanti Park has traditionally

been a go-to spot for couples for many decades, and it’s

easy to see why. If you fail to impress, at least nature will

give your date some eye candy.

100 101

An all-in-one date location located a stone’s throw away

in Hauz Khas, providing options for recreation as well as

dining. Yes Minister provides you with the creative option

of going bowling on your first date. For the intrepid (at the

risk of appearing cliche'd and/or stupid) player, this gives

the opportunity to feign a complete lack of knowledge

about bowling technique, prompting their date to stand

with them, hold their arm and walk them through the

motion. Give it a shot if you dare. Once you’ve completed

the customary rituals of taking a photograph of the

scorecard and arguing over who was better, you can head

over to Café Tesu or Rustique (both established in the

same property) for a delightful Continental/Italian dinner.


Armani. Chanel. Steve Madden. You can’t aord it

(probably), but you can definitely judge their prices and

those who can aord it. The DLF malls in Vasant Kunj

feature some of the most premium luxury brands in the

world of clothing, footwear, accessories and dining. This

makes them the ideal location for what is perhaps the most

enjoyable, yet most unproductive pastime of middle class

Indians: window shopping. Try expensive perfumes, and

act utterly disappointed, as if that’s how you smell after

an hour in the gym. Ogle at crisp and classy 3 piece suits,

whose MRP would probably be equivalent to your 2 month

mess bill. And then, after you have window shopped till

your empty wallet is satisfied, you can head over to any of

the numerous cafés and restaurants in the mall, where you

and your date can discuss how your next shopping date

will involve Sarojini and momos.


An old but classic romantic comedy/drama. Comfy bean

bags. Terrace view of a 12 storey building. Price of snacks

included in the ticket cost. Dates don’t get better than

this for cinephiles. Sunset Cinema Club conducts movie

screenings on the terrace of Max House near the Okhla

NSIC metro station, and each and every movie they screen

is an absolute gem. Bean bags give you an opportunity to

get cozy if you want to. It makes for a pretty ideal first date

location. It’s creative and fresh, it takes the onus o of you

and your date to make conversation and fill in awkward

silences, and will also help stimulate conversation after

the credits roll. Definitely a very solid pick on this list. And

oh, did I mention that snacks are complimentary?

Helly Patel

Batch of 2022

he Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is hailed

worldwide for its earnest efforts in the alleviation of

infectious diseases, especially in developing countries. It

is already working in partnership with the Government of India

and other public health institutes on major public health issues

of the country, namely HIV and rotavirus.

e Director of AIIMS chaired a meeting in the Ramalingaswami

Board Room on 8 th June 2022 with Mr. Mark Suzman, CEO of

the Gates Foundation, and other important members of its Head

Office as well as its Delhi office. rough this visit, the Gates

Foundation team wanted to learn about AIIMS and discuss

innovative solutions to global health problems. e meeting

was aended by faculties and undergraduates of the institute,

including 20 MBBS students. e Q&A session that the event

included witnessed a prey engaging and animated discussion

among the students, faculties, and delegates. e importance of

imparting medical awareness and proper nursing management

was talked about extensively. e big names in the public health

sector were especially impressed with the idea of a medical

hackathon, as had been organised by the EDC in the 1st edition

of the scientific fest, INSIGHT, held in April 2022. All in all, it

was a highly entertaining and enlightening session of bilateral

interaction where we got to know more about the healthcare

aspirations of the celebrated organisation and the delegates

appreciated and encouraged the perspectives and ideas of the

bright minds in aendance.

-Soumyadeep Choudhury, Bat of 2021

Design: HA

Illustration: HA

104 105


आप हमेशा मेरे साथ थे

मेरे पहले दन से आज तक

और मुझे पता है आप रहगे

अपनी आख़र सस तक।

जब जब म रोती थी

आपने मुझे संभाला है

मेरे उलझे हुए रा को

सीधी लकर बनाया है।

जब जब म परेशान हुई

मुझे सुलाते थे आप

और िफर ख़ुद जाकर

अपने मन को समझाते थे आप।

मुझे अंदाज़ा भी नह

जाने िकतनी रात बीती हगी बन सोये

पर िफर भी सुबह हँसता हुआ चेहरा लेकर

काम को नकाल जाते थे आप।

पापा आपने कभी अपना ार जताया नह

मुझे बन पता चले सफ़ बरसाया है

काश म आपका ार पहले समझ पाती

तािक म आज ना पछताती॥

-गरमा रहेजा (Garima Raheja)

बैच 2021


सनम सुरभ शत समा

हाथ नरम नरम हवा

के श के शर पुवािटका

ेम रागनी गुलाबी शाम

सनम सुरभ

सनम सवता सलोना साया

आँख आभामय आशावादी

सुंदर मुख ह चंमुखी

ेम रागनी गुलाबी शाम

सनम सवता

सनम सरता शीतल सोता

बदन सुनेहरा सुनेहर ओस

चाल छबीली हंसगामनी

ेम रागनी गुलाबी शाम

सनम सरता

सनम साी सा संग

ह अनुपम नील गगन

नावान सनम कणामय

सनम अवरत िय तमा सी

सनम हर मौसम हर पेहरो म

सनम पल कण सबके चेहर म

सनम साथ तू परछाई म

सनम इतना तुझको चाहते है

गुलाबी ाही जत म

वसंत सझ मधुर वीणा

ेम रागनी गुलाबी शाम

सनम सुरभ


-डॉ पीयूष मीणा (Dr. Piyush Meena)

बैच 2018

Design: AA

Illustration: SH

Philemon Kuriakose, Batch of 2020

Subhadip Sahana, Batch of 2021

When the little boy, now grown up, stepped into

the society, he was completely unaware of the

underlying epidemic. He had some fair ideas that

the disease was well spread across the country. Growing

up in a protected nutshell, his thoughts about the disease

were very much restricted.

The guardians of the society had already warned the

newcomers about the disease, mode of transmission, and

prevention. He took it as casual ‘Gyan ki Baate’.

But the day was not far when the boy saw the disease

spreading from a hotspot in front of his eyes. After a heavy

day, people gathered together to ‘Feel Good’. Sometimes

the feel good factor and peer pressure became the only

mode of transmission of the Disease.

“Hey! Whaaat are you thinking standing there….Ha?

Judging…. Ha?” - A question thrown from the gathering,

with the symptoms of the disease exactly matching.

“Nothing” he said despite the high thalamocortical activity

in his brain.

”Why don’t you join in too?”

His heart started galloping. He saw the disease crawling

towards him slowly. These were the exact steps that

matched the transmission of the disease. He had no other

way but to isolate himself from the hotspot.

It is obvious that when you want to clear all your doubts,

you seek advice from your friends. The boy did the same.

But he was only met with the terrifying reality that his

friend was also a victim of the disease.

His friend’s symptoms were becoming quite prominent

day by day - missing classes and exempting himself from

other co-curricular activities.

“I know all the hazards. If you are in control it is even

beneficiary”, his friend added.

His friend, like the other patients, would give lectures on

the benefits (which is even debatable) and turn a blind eye

to the indefinite hazardous eects on the body. They don’t

realize that their friends have quarantined themselves to

be safe from the disease. He lost hope for his friend and

wondered how such things could go unnoticed by the


“How? How is this even possible?” This thought charged

through the boy’s cortical synapses again and again. Out

of curiosity, he started to explore more about the disease

and its victims. He was utterly surprised to find that the

highly infectious were within the society itself- food stalls

and general kitchens. They kept the supply chain fully

intact, hiding it from the eyes of the well-wishers in the


He met a couple of people who would see this not as a

disease but as a ‘Socializing Method’. Outbreaks of the

disease were more common in parties, turning it into a

hotspot. For some, it is a feeling of being grown up and an

escape from a daily monotonous routine; and for some, it

was a sort of experimentation where they would simply be

unaware of the disastrous result. They would act like the

diseased state is the ‘New Normal’.

But there is an exception to everything in the universe. He

found people who were infected with the disease due to

peer pressure, but now regret it. They are very eager now

to reverse the eect. He met some diseased patients who

advised the healthy ones to stay away from these. He also

met some people who have become disease free now, due

to their tremendous will power.

“Let’s hope for a vaccine!” - The boy sighed as he knew

there was no traditional treatment for this. A new concern

is the perception of victims as normal ones, which adds

on to the infecting potential of the disease.

The boy is still unaware if his immunity will be strong

enough to defend him against the disease during the

upcoming years. His biggest takeaway was that the

strongest component of immunity is WILL POWER and

that can keep anyone safe from the disease.


Design & Illustration: AB

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be stuck in

between life and death? Will you see God? Or a replay of

your life? And what if you’re intoxicated too in the middle of

all of this? We were too curious to know. So, we are going to

peep into the life of a youngster, who landed in the

Emergency Room, thanks to a few substances.

Subject Name : Mriganka Bhowmik

Age : 21 (Batch of 2020)

It happened around September of 2021.

Life was too normal for me, and I was

hell bent on upgrading my life. This

led me to “N” and his herbs. N was

the only one smoking it in my batch

at the time, and he seemed like the

right guide. Seeing how I was a noob,

N taught me the basics of smoking.

While I was practising them, he rolled

the herbs. And then the time came, and

my excitement went through the roof.

The first pu wasn’t that enjoyable,

but I started taking more. And then

the herbal experience hit me. It was an

altered state of mind. Time slowed down

and I felt the world like never before.

I could feel my heart racing, when

suddenly, I realised that I hadn’t taken

my BP medications. I washed down the

Amlodipine with alcohol, because there

was no water in the room. I could feel

my heart racing as I searched for drug

interactions on the internet. I took the

BP apparatus and measured my BP.

And it was at this moment that I knew, I

fucked up. My palpitations got stronger

and I started to feel breathless. My chest

started to hurt. Feeling dizzy, I asked N

and some of my batchmates to take me

to the ER, while simultaneously crying

and praying to God to save me this one

last time. My scared batchmates rushed

me to the emergency. I felt as if blood

was leaking into the thoracic cavity. Lol.

We reached the ER, and the doctors

measured my BP and heart rate. BP

198/110 and HR 145. Woah. They asked

me what had happened. I said alcohol

and cigarettes, knowing damn well they

wouldn’t buy it. Then the next question

came in. “Aur kya liya tha?” I said I took

nicotine orally, which was received by

their laughs. The same question was

repeated again and I realised saving my

life was more important than anything,

and confessed to smoking herbs. I was

admitted to the ward and was given IV

Propanolol and IV Saline because they

didn’t know what else to do. I wasn’t in

hypovolemic shock like I thought I was,

but I still could have died of a stroke. A

resident came in, laughed and asked,

“Is this your first time?” And then I

realised. It was just a panic attack. A

freaking panic attack.

The senior resident came in, asked

me to take some Clonazepam and

sleep. Just as I was about to leave, I

heard the dreadful question from one

of the residents. “Arey iska MLC nahi

banaoge?” Shit. Now what do I do? Am

I gonna be thrown in jail? Luckily some

seniors of mine, especially “M” came to

my rescue. The resident finally accepted

our request and let us go.

I came back to my room, had a good

night’s sleep and thanked God that I

didn’t have to see the stairway to heaven

so soon. I thanked my friends “A”, “P”,

“N” and “M” for being there for me and

swore to God that I’ll never do herbs


But just like how William Douglas

overcame his fear of water by learning

swimming, I also wanted to overcome

the fear. So I befriended the herbs. So

brave of me, right?


Anna Basil Gomez

Batch of 2020

110 111

Level 1: The Noobs aka Water Boilers

Essentials: Kettle, a single cup, a spoon if you’re


You are the laziest of them all. But don’t worry, you’re the

majority. Yay! You are alternating between denial and anger

but succumbing to buying a kettle to boil water because the

weather calls for it. Nescafé and Coee Spot are your holy

grails. You’d rather buy a cappuccino than make a cup of tea,

and that’s totally fine. There are times when you think, maybe

I should start cooking on my own. But then your laziness

creeps in and leads you to your holy grails. You leech on your

skilled friends to devour their meals, but don’t worry! They

love feeding you!

Level 2: The Ambivalents aka

The Chai-Maggi-Cereal Disciples

Essentials: Kettle, cups, spoons, a bowl, chai

powder, sugar. Wow, fancy!

You are the most flexible but unpredictable of them all. You

belong to the stage of bargaining and depression. On days

you feel energized, your go-to meal is a big bowl of maggi/

wai wai and a cup of hot chai. Yum. And what do you eat for

breakfast? Oh, cereal, ‘cause you’re not basic! Or that’s what

you think. On days when you’re feeling low, you’ll stick to cup

noodles, because let’s be honest, only that gets ready in two

minutes. You also leech on your skilled friends but help them

make their meals. Occasionally, you take up the role of a food

provider for your friends stuck in Level 1. You really can fit in

any crowd!

A Hotchpotch of

Hostel Cooking

Level 3: The Sous Chefs aka

The Lifesavers

Essentials: Replica of your mom’s kitchen

You, my friend, are the ultimate hostelite. You have reached

the stage of acceptance, and have decided to take matters

into your own hands. You name it, and you’ll have it in your

little kitchen. Cooking is like art and meditation for you. And

you love feeding your subordinates, aka your friends. They

adore you and you love the attention. Experimenting with

food is your favourite Sunday activity. While the others crib

and cry about how much they miss Ghar Ka Khaana, you take

cooking advice and get new recipes from your mom. You

are turning into your mom, and are unapologetically happy

about it. We thank you for your existence.

Being a hostelite comes with its pros and cons. At first, the

pros shine bright like a diamond, as Rihanna says. Freedom

is the only word that rings in your mind. You travel to your

heart’s content, sleep in your own time, and do everything

and anything which makes you feel alive. Oh, what bliss!

Sorry, got a little carried away. But soon, slowly yet strongly,

the diamond fades and reveals its cons. And it hits us. The

one thing we’ll always miss. Food, or precisely, home-cooked

food. Once we come face to face with reality, we go through

the five stages of grief. Some people are lucky enough to

reach the stage of acceptance. But most of us get stuck in

the middle. Depending on which stage you’re at (or choose

to dwell in), you can be categorized. Want to know where you

belong? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s begin!

And that’s a wrap. Hope you felt included.

If not, time to fit in!

Just kidding.


Anna Basil Gomez

Batch of 2020

Design: AB

Illustration: SH, AB

112 113

Room Decor 101

Bhavanam Manasa, Batch of 2020

Let’s take a look at what you can do different:

1) If you are an artist then wonderful. Put your skills to use

by painting beautiful portraits on your wall. (Cheat Code:

Bribe your artist friends). Hanging store bought ones is

also an option.

2) Revisiting your memories of college is one of the best

feelings. Hang up some Polaroids of your favourite days

spent here.

3) Placing a poed plant near the window is an amazing

idea. It spreads positivity and a sense of calmness. P.S.

Remember to keep it alive.

4) Adorn your room with fairy lights and scented candles.

For a moment you’ll forget that you’re in your college

room. And you can dwell in the compliments you’ll always


5) Invest in a good bookshelf. Stack up your favourite

books and paste motivational quotes. How much more

inspiration do you need to study?

6) If you are spiritual, you can keep a lile deity of the God

you worship and make a lile prayer corner.

7) A white board is a handy accessory. Write down your to

do list for the day and keep yourself in check all the time.

Bye bye laziness!

8) If you are a chef or at least a budding enthusiast, get all

the equipments you need and make a mini kitchen. How


9) If you love to party, then invest in LED lights and

speakers. Soon your room will be the designated party hub.

Before I sign off, some food for thought. Whatever you do

to your room will impact your mood. It’s important that

we feel positive once we’re in our space. So what are you

waiting for? Shake your laziness away, buckle up and get

to work!

P.S. : Leaving your dear room aer graduation is the bier

part of this story. But let’s not think about that now. ;)

Design: HA

Illustration: RR, HA

eing up your room is quite the Herculean task. e

average AIIMSonian is a person very interested in

personalizing their room. But do they keep it clean? Haha.

First of all, the room you get hugely depends on luck. Not

every room is big, clean and newly painted, and above

all, has friendly neighbours. More over, not all rooms are

properly ventilated. So the first lesson we learn is to adjust

with what we have been provided with. (Cheat Code:

Exchange your rooms unofficially;) ).

e most common sight we get to see as soon as someone

gets their own room assigned in second year, is a rush for

flooring and wallpaper work. AIIMS Family is flooded with

contacts of the most reasonable and affordable service

providers. But you can see the inmates of Girls’ Hostel

sulking away in a corner because any room modification is

forbidden there. Sad. (Cheat Code: Sneak in the workers)

e next step would be some curtains. And lo and behold,

your room is ready to live in. Some would say. But a few

people go the extra mile to make their room more special.

114 115



Life of




of Life

Fathima Shahama OV

Batch of 2020

Anumeha Bhukya

Batch of 2022

We're pushed, we're pulled,

And never at our own will

Still, we're told we're equal

We're suppressed, we're oppressed

Whenever we're dressed,

ey say we're still equal

It is ironic to say this;

We, humans, have boundaries drawn

For people whom we want to control

Why can we not be free, when we're

told we are

Why can we not go out, when we're

told that we're strong and respected

We live in a society full of lies,

But I shall not curse them,

I will challenge them, for I am a woman

And will always be, and can be more

than what they think I am.

Ishika Gupta

Batch of 2019

is one’s wrien from my

labour room experience:

Emerging from her safe cocoon,

Her eyes not yet open quite,

A loud cry, filling the room with joy,

Bringing a smile to the mother, her

light in the dark night

Holding her, forgeing all the pain,

A tear of joy, streaming from the

mother’s eye,

Having brought yet another lile one

to life,

In the wee hours of the morning, came

the doctor’s relieved sigh

With a tiny stature, yet a heart huge,

Pure as gold, unbeknownst to her the

world’s strife,

Feeling the expectant warmth of a new


As we witnessed the miracle of life.

Dr. Archisman Mazumder

Batch of 2018


Soumyadip Halder

Batch of 2021

ਸਾਡਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਪੀਰ

ਿਵੱਚ ਨਨਕਾਣੇ ਜੰਿਮਆ ਨਾਨਕੀ ਦਾ ਵੀਰ

ਨਾ ਕੋ ਿਹੰਦੂ, ਨਾ ਮੁਸਿਲਮ ਹੈ ਕਿਹੰਦਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਪੀਰ ।

ਗੱਲ ਉਸ ਪੀਰ ਦੀ ਿਸਰ ਮੱਥੇ ਿਜਵ ਪੱਥਰ ਤੇ ਲਕੀਰ

ਵੈਰੀ ਸੀ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਕਰ ਿਦੱਤੇ, ਸਾਡਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਪੀਰ ।।

ਸਿਤਗੁਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਪਗਿਟਆ

ਿਮਟੀ ਧੁ ੰਧ ਜਿਗ ਚਾਨਣ ਹੋਆ।

ਜੋ ਿਕਰਤ ਕਰੇ ਤੇ ਵੰਡ ਛਕੇ

ਓਹੀ ਸੱਚਾ ਬਾਹਮਣ ਹੋਆ ।।

ਮੇਹਰ ਕਰ ਤੂ ੰ ਸਭ ਦੇ ਤੇ

ਸਰਬਤ ਦਾ ਭਲਾ ਿਸਖਾਇਆ ਉਹਨੇ ।

ਜ਼ੁਲਮੀਆਂ 'ਚ ਵੀ ਿਪਆਰ ਦਾ ਸੱਚਾ

ਸੋਹਣਾ ਤਾਜ ਸਜਾਇਆ ਉਹਨੇ ।।

ਉਹ ਨਾਨਕਸ਼ਾਹੀ ਪਥ ਤੇ ਚਲ ਕੇ

ਮੇਰਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਸੁਧਰ ਿਗਆ ।

ਸੱਚੇ ਮਨ ਨਾਲ ਯਾਦ ਜੇ ਕੀਤਾ

ਅੱਖੀਆਂ 'ਚ ਉਹ ਗੁਜ਼ਰ ਿਗਆ ।।

ਲੱਖਾਂ ਹਾਰੇ-ਭਟਿਕਆਂ ਲੋਕਾਂ

ਰੱਬ ਦਾ ਪਤਾ ਦਰਸਾਇਆ ਉਹਨੇ ।

ਜੰਗਾਂ ਦਾ ਮਾਹੌਲ ਸੀ ਿਜੱਥੇ

ਰਿਹਮ ਦਾ ਬੱਦਲ ਵਰਸਾਇਆ ਉਹਨੇ ।।

ਦੁਨੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਵਿਹਮਾਂ-ਭਰਮਾਂ ਦੀ

ਕੰਧ ਟੱਪਣਾ ਸੀ ਿਸਖਾਇਆ ਉਹਨੇ ।

ਿਹੰਮਤ ਘੱਟ ਜਾਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਸੱਚੇ ਮਨ ਨਾਲ

ਨਾਮ ਜੱਪਣਾ ਸੀ ਿਸਖਾਇਆ ਉਹਨੇ ।।

ਅੱਜ ਦੇ ਸਮ ਚ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਓਹਦੀਆਂ ਤੇ

ਚਲਣਾ ਭਾਂਵੇ ਹੀ ਔਖਾ ਹੈ

ਪਰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨਾ ਮੰਨ, ਪਥ ਗ਼ਲਤ ਤੇ ਚਲ ਕੇ

ਆਪਣੇ-ਆਪ ਹੀ ਿਜੰਵੇ ਧੋਖਾ ਹੈ ।।

ਸਾਲ ਦੇ ਬਾਦ ਇਹ ਕਰਮਾਂ ਵਾਲਾ

ਗੁਰਪੁਰਬ ਿਦਹਾੜਾ ਆਇਆ ਹੈ ।

ਅਮੀਰ-ਗ਼ਰੀਬ ਸਭਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਲਈ

ਵੇਲਾ ਖੁਸ਼ੀਆਂ ਦਾ ਿਲਆਇਆ ਹੈ ।।

ਆਓ ਿਮਲ ਇੱਕ ਵਾਅਦਾ ਕਰੀਏ

ਭਾਂਵੇ ਮਰ-ਿਮਟ ਜਾਵਾਂਗੇ ।

ਚੰਗੇ ਪਥ ਤੇ ਚਲ ਕੇ ਅਸਾਂ

ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇ ਚੇਲੇ ਕਹਾਵਾਂਗੇ ।।

-ਅੰਸ਼ੁਲ ਰਾਣਾ (Anshul Rana)

ਬੈਚ 2021

(Photos from Guru Purab Celebrations at

AIIMS Delhi, Nov '22)

Design: AB


Design: AB Illustration: SV

I could see an eagle as it flew next to

us for a while and I felt exactly like a

bird free from everything, except the

safety straps of course. I felt the rush

of the wind pass through me and it

felt so therapeutic. From up above

in the sky, I could see the beautiful

Phewa Lake again along with the

majestic mountains which were a lot

closer to me now. My pilot was kind

enough to brief me about the places

that we were observing.


is once-in-a-lifetime flight lasted

for about half an hour. Everyone

in our group had so much fun. All

of us were so excited as we had all

overcome our fears. We all wanted to

have another go at it. Unfortunately,

the weather was turning for the

worse, as it started geing dusky.

Sadly the pilots informed us that it

would not be safe to go up again.

Aakriti Khand

Bat of 2021

t was a family trip to Pokhara,

more like a sibling's reunion, as

my eldest brother and his wife

had come from Australia to visit us.

At the crack of dawn on a windy

January morning, the type that

sways your hair strands away, we

were welcomed by the greyish-stony

houses amidst the green landscape.

As the temple bells chimed in

the background, breath-taking

panoramic views of the snow-capped

mountains brought back nostalgic

reminiscences of my childhood

vacation as it had been a long time

since we were all together on a trip

like this.

We were en route to Sarangkot,

a heavenly place renowned for

its beautiful Himalayan views of

Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu,

three among the world's top 10 tallest


is was a very special trip because

we were all planning to paraglide

from one of the hills down to Phewa

Lake. Old melodious Nepali songs

played on the radio of the tour bus in

which we were being accompanied

by a tour guide, and professional

paragliding pilots, on the drive that

took us to the launch pad. e uphill

drive through the steep winding

and narrow road didn’t seem to take

as long as it did as we were being

entertained by the alluring glimpses

of snowy mountains on one end and

the lush green meadows we were

leaving behind on the other.

We hiked to the top of the hill as

we didn’t want to miss the sunrise.

Fortunately, we got there just in time

to appreciate the sunrise. e sun

shone brightly like a glistening pearl

amidst the mountains. We could see

the whole of Pokhara city and the

famous Phewa lake which has an

island in the middle of it with the

sacred Tal Barahi temple.

We were still in awe of the view and

admiring the glorious sunrise when

we were called upon as it was time to

get ready for paragliding. I was super

excited. We all had an instructor

assigned to us who was in charge

of making sure we were strapped

properly to our harnesses. We were

then briefed on the safety precautions

and emergency procedures.

Initially, I was a bundle of nerves,

especially as we had to run down a

cliff and jump off the end. As soon as

we were airborne, excitement took

over my nervousness. e phrase

‘being on the top of the world’ came

into existence at that very moment.

I was shouting with excitement.

e joy inside me knew no bounds.

We were soaring high and gliding


As the adrenaline started to wear

off, I thought to myself what an

amazing trip this had been. I was

in one of the world's most beautiful

places, jumping off a cliff strapped to

a parachute, flying alongside birds

overlooking the world's highest

mountains and doing it together with

people that are near and dear to me.

What a trip! Until next time.

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Being a volleyball player myself and also observing my

seniors’ ardour for the game, playing this sport transcends

the boundaries of mere physical exercise; instead, it’s

excitement and teamwork on another level. From seniors

teaching the juniors the basics to mastering the defending,

serving and smashing skills steadily over time is surely a

glorious experience. Inter college Volleyball tourney is one of

the central sports events during PULSE at AIIMS. We trained

for almost a month, dedicated to getting better at the game

and on top of all, owning a custom-made jersey having our

names and AIIMS printed beside it, to wear it and represent

AIIMS in the 60’x30’ netted battlefield.

The greatest game in the whole world sure has just the same

craze here at AIIMS! As they say, it's not just a kick at the ball

and the desire to find the net, it's a passion, a craze and a

plethora of emotions - all amalgamated into one. Seeing my

batchmates and others sweating it out on the field, training

for hours, the goal celebrations, the dribbles and dives. After

taking their accounts, I realised that this sport has a special

place in the hearts of many. Also, as I am writing this article

during the frenzy of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, it

just gives this section more meaning! As I enter Mess 4, I am

bedazzled by lots of football fan posters, a replica of the FIFA

trophy, the mess noticeboard filled with match prediction

and bets, and a couple of dozen superhyped fans enjoying

the world cup matches, all hooked to the TV screen - overall

a truly emotional ‘run’ encompassing the football...

You can judge the popularity of this sport by going through

the ‘intros’ of the freshers: almost 40% of them make sure to

mention badminton as their hobby. It makes sense because

it's one of the favourite backyard sports activities in India

and elsewhere- a healthy way to enjoy leisure evenings with

friends and family. But the competitive side of badminton:

inside the

rectangular indoor courts, players on both sides of the

formidable net, pouncing upon the ricochetting shuttlecock

with sophisticated racquet movements, the daring defences,

the smashes and serves- it's truly a sight to behold and a rush

to feel. When you step into the AIIMS Gymkhana, you are sure

to catch a dozen students running, jumping and swinging

about in the badminton courts- while some play casually,

others sweat it out day and night for perfection. You can see

the intensity, the frenzy, the fun, the grit - an assortment of

a multitude of emotions.

A frisbee a.k.a. Flying disc - is it a gliding toy or a competitive

sport? You decide. Who knew that a simple plastic airfoilshaped

disc would tread the long path from becoming a

recreational toy(or rather a treasured item for a dog owner) to

emerge as a serious sport, a craze, especially among college

students in the post-pandemic era. I could never forget the

excitement and enthusiasm when the whole batch conducted

the first frisbee tournament wherein girls and boys alike put

in the same level of dedication, zest and love for the sport

and made it truly engaging and epic! I really hope to see disc

sports become a part of Infest and maybe even Pulse.

What comes to your mind when you hear about “sports”?

The most common thoughts will be excitement, joy,

anger, thrill, tension, fear, pride, and anxiety – a plethora

of emotions. Emotion is a central feature of most, if not

all sporting events. After toiling hard for years to get into

AIIMS, for some, sports become a refuge from the stressful

college life: the spirit-draining lectures, the assignments,

the postings and the dreaded exams. While for others who

didn’t get the proper “sports exposure” before, the multitude

of sports facilities present at AIIMS Campus: The famous

“Quad”, Gymkhana, Lawn Tennis and Squash Courts etc.,

provide ample opportunities for holistic sports development

of the students.

Myriads of competitive and friendly sporting events organised

in AIIMS e.g. in Infest, Pulse, ACL, RCL, Marathon events by

various departments, Frisbee and indoor games, tourneys

and many more; it’s a treat to every sports enthusiast and

even attracts those students who feel underconfident about

sports or are planning to try out a new game and develop new

interests and hobbies. Sports activities, intense competitions,

the competitive spirit, and the electrifying atmosphere drag

even the lazy ones out of their couches- that is the magic

of sports! Needless to say, participating in sports activities

develops connections that bond all sorts of students from

disparate backgrounds and places and helps in ‘Interaction’

at AIIMS. To sum up, playing college sports has some serious

benefits. Besides just being fun, sports can help you perform

better in academics, relax more and worry less, deal with

setbacks, work better with others and increase your energy

— all of which help you balance studies and everything else

going on in your life.

As a sport which is gaining humongous popularity among

teens in India, AIIMS UGs are no exception. Strolling down

the hostel corridors at midnight and later hours(even at 4

am!), I often see people jumping, striding and shooting the

ball into the hoop. They jump, they fall, get up, dribble, hit

the backboard or worse, the rim and shoot again: a constant

eort to get better in and out of the court. It makes me

wonder, how deep can a sport dig into the hearts of those

who play it. During the intra and inter-college tournaments

held at AIIMS during Infest and PULSE and Periodic leagues,

students from dierent batches come together on the court,

form teams, and compete, and no matter whether they win

or lose, they take home a world of experience involving

sportsmanship spirit, endurance, cooperation, respect

towards other players and a score of other virtues that matter

not only inside the rectangular court but also in life. It's a

wonder how many emotions can be uncovered in a simple

game of ball and hoop.

Design: AB

Illustration: SV

For those who like it indoors, it's a dierent dimension

overall - where great stu happens in a small space. The

most played ones at AIIMS are Table Tennis, Badminton,

Carrom and Chess.

While TT and Carrom need intricate motor dexterity, Chess

is a game of brains over brawn, wherein a multitude of

emotions are silently reflected on the chessboard rather than

on the faces.

All in all, it's an almost certainty that playing any sport will

pump up your emotions, flush out anger or despondency,

calm your mind, sharpen the senses, and make you happy;

but what I feel the best thing about playing a sport is all the

things it teaches us about LIFE -the virtues of teamwork,

compassion, perseverance, a sense of community and shared

emotion, inclusivity and countless more.

Lastly, a quote to sum up my article -

“Sports are more than just games. They’re about life,

emotion, passion, and some of the greatest highs and lows

we can experience.“

Basuraj Biswas

Batch of 2021

134 135

Photos from UG Cricket League


November 2022

ports has long been defined as a source of recreation that started upgrading its

meaning in real-day life. e 1983 World Cup, the roar of passion in the Wankhede

stadium on April 2nd 2011, and stories of athletes who overpower their difficulties

and shaer records prove that sports are a way to redefine yourself. ey're a medium

which unite people, especially cricket, a fantasy that every Indian dreams of with utmost

passion. e “UGCL” is one such expression of the cricket fever among us AIIMSonians.

e UG Cricket League was held in November and had a participation of around 80

enthusiastic UG’s. 5 teams were made, captained by Satyendra, Bathla, Shreyas, Dubey

and Ravi based on the auctions held regard to the immense boredom of Ballabgarh


Two minute silence for those who were

fooled by the illustration into thinking this

piece was related to football.

Wars are oen lost before entering the balefield and team Shreyas (of which I too was

a part) made every effort to lose the game in colourful ways! People say that Shreyas

by his masterplan had bought every player at twice the amount and expected them to

play two times beer! (PS- e team lost every match of the season). Each team had a

compulsion to include 2 female players. Neha boss was bought for a price more than the

whole 2021 batch totalled (except for team Shreyas though)! Tamanna says she was very

impressed by the inclusiveness which inspired her to be the GH secretary in SU 2023.

Girls had different rules. While bowling, the batsman had to change to his non-dominant

hand, the pitch size was reduced and while baing, the bowler had to compromise his

action and the boundaries were shortened! Overs bowled by girls were seen to be speed

breakers for a batsman in a good rhythm. Also, the league led to the uprising of several

new talents shaering the records set by the veterans. “I loved bowling and a lot of tips

from the gully cricket helped me gain wickets too,” says Vinit Mundada, the secondhighest

wicket-taker of the season with the famous hat trick.

e match days were exhausting yet exhilarating. e gush of adrenaline, mind-blowing

strategies, sensational baing, countless balls geing lost with the raining sixes, and

disturbing yet hilarious commentary kept the fun going!

Every team had a great run and finally, aer a series of nail-biting matches, the trophy

was lied by team Satyendra winning the finals by a margin of 84 runs (Greater than the

highest score by team Shreyas in the whole season!)

e league with its diverse emotions and experiences has been one of the fondest

memories of the year! With the new student union in place, we all hope to recreate last

year's nostalgia with greater enthusiasm and keep the cricket fever alive.

Meghan HK

Bat of 2021

Design: AB

Illustration: SH

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Design: AP

Illustration: SH

Derived from the Greek word electiopolitica, which translates to the headache caused due to excess drama.

heartache-inducing toxins, toxic friendships, toxic relationships etc.

-Sun Tzu. Probably.

Everything starts with a dream, a desire for something, to obtain something, to achieve something and this is

the root cause of all the nonsense drama which follows it. Here in our college, people with similar ideals and

vibes become a group, not just an ordinary one. They become a tribe and people in a tribe are extremely loyal

and unfortunately are hostile to the people of other tribes. This is the beginning of the problem. (All of this is

written, keeping a particular batch in mind and if you know you know ;) ).

The clash between these tribes is not evident initially. But as days go by, stuff becomes more clear and more

vivid and this would ultimately lead to a massive showdown on the day of the elections. The differences in

ideologies, characteristics and requirements within various groups of people within the batch are the ultimate

cause behind the batch getting drifted away into various factions.

“Et tu brute?”- Bheem to Ram (figuratively)

After being in this college for 2 whole years and surviving a very, ahem, “interesting” and “dynamic” election,

I can indeed say that a person standing up in elections would do whatever he can to gain the trust (votes) of

their peers, may it be requesting, gaslighting, bribing, blackmailing and what not. From giving treats to giving

false hopes, they will be willing to do anything. But the saddest part is that these people don’t seem to realise

or rather don’t seem to understand the aftermath of their battles, and to what extent this toxic battle affects the

niché of our college. The political rifts of one batch leave a lasting effect on the next batch and the cycle continues.

Fights continue to happen on matters started by the seniors and it creates rifts in junior batches as well.

“Wake up to reality. Nothing goes planned in this

accursed world”-Madura Uchchiha (Definitely)

No one can predict what will happen at the end of

the elections. What’s more, is that no one can predict

what will happen after the elections. Some are happy.

Some are sad. Some are miserable. Some will be

denied the study materials necessary for preparation

for an upcoming exam. Some leave a few WhatsApp

groups. Some form new groups. Some will point

fingers. Some take the blame. Overall in a nutshell

there would be more drama than the last episode of

your favourite, extremely long Hindi serial.

Friends turning into enemies, enemies turning into

allies, betrayals, alliances, backstabbing, and the

impending feeling of not knowing what to expect,

is what student elections bring to our beloved college.

Elections always uphold a significant place in

the mind of every AIIMSonian. Some are part of it

to serve, but most come for power, money and respect.

The whole politics around gaining the objective

of being a part of SU and the whole ordeal of

events that led up to the elections is a one-of-a-kind

experience by itself.

- Anantha Parakrama

Batch of 2020

140 141

Investor: Bernie, I've been investing with you for years and

I've never seen such consistent returns, especially during this

market downturn. How do you manage it?

Bernie: It's all about experience, my friend. Decades of

expertise in the markets and knowing when to move in and


Investor: But even with algorithms, it's hard to predict these

types of market movements.

Bernie: Exactly. It takes more than just algorithms to make

money in this game. It takes a deep understanding of the

markets and the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

Investor: But Bernie, people are starting to question how

you're able to consistently beat the market, even during these

tough times.

Bernie: Look, I've been in this business for a long time. If

people knew what I was doing, there would be thousands of

Mados out there, and none of us would be able to make a

dime. I know what I'm doing, and people trust me with their

money. I take out a few minutes of my time, and you start

hurling accusations? If you're not comfortable, you can always

take your investments elsewhere.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Bernie's 10-year-old son

Andy rushed in, tears streaming down his face.

Andy: Don't you ever touch my mother again, you monster!

Bernie's face darkened, and he stood up from his desk,

towering over the small boy.

Bernie: How dare you barge in here and speak to me like that?

I am your father, and I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect.

As Andy's mother rushed in and pulled him out of the room,

Bernie's eyes glinted with a cruel amusement as he gestured

towards a sign on the wall that read "No questions asked."

Fast-forward 15 years...

Andy, now a medical intern, with his classic triad of diusion

of responsibility, de-individualisation and confirmation bias

mixed with his charismatic personality, went on to propagate

his questionable ideologies. Having successfully created his

own cult, everyone had acquired a sense of belongingness

and frequent outings and a shared cultural background had

created their home far from home.

One fine day, with the SU elections coming up and the freshers

flowing in, an enthusiastic yet naive one started having a

conversation with Andy. “I’ll definitely vote for Ansh, he’s

intelligent, influential and a people’s person, every quality

that an ideal President should have.” Andy knew it was time to

bring out the cards.

Andy: I'm glad you're enthusiastic about Ansh. But have you

considered the other candidate, Nambiar? He has some great

ideas too.

Fresher: Really? I haven't heard much about him. What are his


Andy: Well, he’s focused on promoting diversity and inclusivity

on campus. He wants to create more opportunities for

underrepresented groups and make sure that everyone feels

welcome here. I think that it’s very important for every sect

to be equally and fairly represented rather than a few people

taking over all the work.

Fresher: Yeah, that does sound mildly important. But I still

think that the primary job of a president is to be the face of

every single student of UGs, which Ansh could be best fit for.

Andy: I understand where you're coming from, but have you

considered why you feel that way? Is it because you know Ansh

personally, or because you've been influenced by what other

people are saying?

Fresher: I guess it's a bit of both. I've heard good things about

him from other people, and I've seen him around campus.

Andy: That's fair, but it's important to make an informed

decision based on each candidate's allegiances and ideas.

Don't just go with the popular choice without considering all

your options.

Fresher: You're right. I should do my research and make sure

I'm making the best decision for the school, not just following

the crowd.

Andy: Exactly. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of

elections and forget about the bigger picture. But we all have

a responsibility to make sure our campus is a welcoming and

inclusive place for everyone. You people are going to be the

future face of AIIMS, and well, if the people closest to you

start feeling excluded, life as it is here will become hell. It’ll be

hard to get work done and represent yourselves on a bigger


Fresher: But do you not think that this bias might come from

both ends?

Andy: Look, I’ve been at this place since the time you used

to wonder what preparing for this institute even seems like. I

know what it feels like to be on the darker side of this moon,

and especially as a fresher, you wouldn’t want a life where you

spend most of your days in college and PULSE, thinking that

locking yourselves up in your room is the easier option.

Fresher: But doesn’t that apply to other people too?

Andy: Have you lost your sanity or what? How did you even

get to this place? Have they started a new scholarship for selfsabotaging

dumbfounded people? I am really done with this

conversation right now. An intern takes out 15 minutes of his

time with you, and this is the way you behave with him. You

really wish to know what exclusion feels like? I’ll make sure

none of your seniors even look towards your face again and if

they do, I’ll have my way with them.

Fumed up, Andy opened his phone, the “recent memories”

popped up, and there it was, an old picture of his dad. The

picture, almost staring down his soul and beginning to acquire

a nefarious form, uttered, “You’ve finally achieved what it

takes to conquer this society my son. After years and years of

patience and unrest, you’ll be making me proud. Go be the

man you were always meant to be, the man that this world


The lightning had struck!

The realisation had hit!

Andy looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of hopelessness

but purpose. The lightning struck again, did it cause more

destruction? Maybe. But the light carried more weight this


Design: AB

Illustration: RR

142 143

Jay Rajyaguru

Batch of 2022

-Naman Singh, Bat of 2021

146 147

-Harsh Agarwal

148 149



Design: AB

Illustration: AB




Can a world where

half of the population

is treated as inferior

to the other half ever


Many girls face hardships even before they’re born.

100,000 abortions every year continue to be performed

in India solely because the fetus is female. Especially in

rural areas, a daughter is treated as a “burden” and taught

household chores while her brother is given the liberty to play

and go to school. Often, girls are married o, at an extremely

young age, to a stranger and expected to be an “obedient” wife

and a devoted mother.

But gender inequality doesn’t always show itself in the form

of female feticide or a stunted childhood. Sexism is all around

us, ingrained in our daily activities. We’ve all heard how

someone bad at sports is called a “pussy” or been told that

they “throw like a girl”. While this is said to be “just a joke”, it is

very oensive to women. Has Serena Williams not won enough

Grand Slam titles to shatter the myth that women are bad at


Women must work three months longer on average to equal

what men earn in a year! Working mothers still make less

money than their male colleagues, regardless of experience,

and female workers are often penalized for taking maternity

leave. Unequal pay, harassment, failure to be promoted are

just a few of the ways women are discriminated against in the


Even though they don’t need to, women have proven their

worth over and over for centuries in all walks of life. From

Marie Curie to Oprah, there are thousands of women who

have defied the patriarchal society.

Girls love pink; women are bad drivers; they never stop

talking, especially when with other women; women love to

spend other people’s money; they’re obsessed with their

looks; women are fragile, catty and emotional. The list is never

ending. There are so many of such false stereotypes that have

been normalized by society.

Here are 4 steps to deal with sexist actions:

1. Accept your emotional response: You have every right to feel

mad, insulted, or taken back. Take a second to understand

what you’re feeling and why.

2. Don’t accuse, or assume: Don’t assume this person knew

that this comment was sexist and oensive, as they may be

uneducated about the topic.

3. Explain your reaction: In what way was the remark oensive

to you?

4. Ask a question: “What did you mean by that?” This question

will force them to reflect on the comment, and uncover their

biases or misunderstandings.

If you witness sexism, don’t be afraid to stand your ground.

You don’t need to be a victim of inequality to support the idea

of equality. Strength has no gender!

Let’s fight like girls and stop the war against women.

The future is female!

150 151





“Aer you,”

Design: AP

Illustration: PS

“No, no it’s not nice for me to go first when you’re a woman”,

he said, fixing his posture, filling his chest with something more

than air, and bowing for a medal in chivalry, in his head. “Ladies

first.” Something about this phrase has always irked me, but

this incident hazed my thoughts for the rest of the day. Much

like how women are raised by their families to be ladylike, men

are raised in a society that has for generations and generations

considered this and many similar things, an act of chivalry and

the 'gentlemanly' thing to do. Many theories explain the origin

of this phrase, but irrespective of that, it reeks of the inherently

patriarchal mindset of many. To the people who call it the polite

thing to do, I ask, what part of it superseded my politeness while

holding the door for this Gentleman?

e above situation is just one example of so many real-life

scenarios. Casual sexism is like an elephant in the room, that so

many of us have come to ignore. Behaviours, remarks, comments

and manners hiding out in the open. A sneaky monster indeed.

Most of us fail to acknowledge it happening in front of us, while

many don’t even address it when directed towards themselves.

People have become accustomed to it and pretend it doesn’t

exist. All sexes and genders alike. Is it even worth pointing it

out? Is it worth being called the vibe-kill? At this crucial time of

the present, can we let casual sexism just slide?

Sexism is multifaceted. Very obvious sexist behaviour is hard

to miss. But what’s more damaging and concerning is subtle

sexism. Overt sexism constitutes what’s called hostile sexism.

While positive actions and behaviour towards people, based on

feelings of dominance and superiority, deep within, constitute

benevolent sexism.

Partly fueled by our patriarchal conditioning and more so by

our resistance to making a change. is is the slow poison.

People come in all sorts of permutations and combinations.

Gender roles are constructed by society. And hence, they can

be deconstructed over time within the same society. Sexist jokes

are considered funny, because of the society they reflect, the

society that has normalized sexism, the society that applauds

sexist behaviour as chivalrous. Pop culture and the media glorify

it and people are rarely held accountable for it.

“Mr Vice-President, I’m speaking… If you don’t mind leing

me finish, then we can have a conversation." Kamala Harris

responded to Mike Pence interrupting her during the 2020

Vice Presidential debate. It is just a very public example of a

manterruption. is behaviour is definitely coloured by the

gender roles constructed by society. Men are convinced because

of their upbringing that their ideas are more valuable and hence

the eagerness to express them, thus triggering the interruption.

ey assume the freedom to patronize women, be condescending

towards them and ignore common civility with women.

Next time someone cracks an overtly sexist joke, don’t remain

silent. Your silence isn’t quiet. Speak up. Speak out. You’re not

amused. Don’t be scared of standing up for yourself. We set the

standards for how we are treated in this world. Don’t hold back

from speaking up when you feel offended.

What is the boom line?

It is possible to be funny without making someone disadvantaged

the bu of your jokes. Especially a cishet man in today’s world

is in many ways in an advantaged and more privileged position

when compared to others. Use that privilege for good, be beer

for God’s sake.

- Anonymous

154 155

Jay Rajyaguru

Batch of 2022

156 157


“Omae wa mou shindeiru!” “Gambare gambare” “Shinso wo

sasageyou!! ”

You must have heard these atleast once, either from the

internet or from your friends who watch anime.

Anime, the vibrant and diverse world of Japanese animation,

has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. With

its unique art style, engaging storytelling, and diverse

genres, anime offers a plethora of options for newcomers

to explore. It oen includes unique storytelling elements,

vibrant visuals, and intricate character development. Many

anime series are adapted from manga (Japanese comics) or

light novels, ensuring a rich source material.

In this beginner’s guide, we will provide an overview of

anime, recommend popular series across different genres,

and suggest titles based on individual preferences. So,

whether you’re a fan of fantasy, romance, action, or mystery,

there’s an anime waiting to transport you to new and exciting



Let’s start with Shonen anime, which is usually targeted

towards young boys. is genre typically features actionpacked

stories with strong male protagonists, epic bales,

and lots of friendship and camaraderie. Shonen anime

oen includes themes of adventure, friendship, and

teamwork, and it’s popular among viewers of all ages.

Full Metal Alemist - Brotherhood

If you’re looking for something with a dramatic plot but with

catchy humour, this is the anime for you. Holding the Number

1 spot for a really long time, this epic tale follows the Elric

brothers on their quest to restore their bodies using alchemy.

e thing that garnered this show aention is its hilarious

nature, despite having a dramatic plotline. Even the most

serious scenes are oen interrupted by comical elements.

e world that it creates is immersive, adopting its own set

of universal laws including alchemy through equivalent

exchange, mind-body duality, and its own interpretation of a

higher power, making sure to stick by these.

Demon Slayer

If you’re a fan of thrilling action, breathtaking visuals, and

a captivating story, then the world of “Demon Slayer” is an

anime you don’t want to miss. Adapted from the immensely

popular manga by Koyoharu Gotouge, “Demon Slayer: Kime-

tsu no Yaiba” has taken the anime community by storm,

captivating audiences with its intense bales, lovable

characters, and a unique blend of supernatural elements

and historical seing. Prepare to be transported to a world

where demons lurk in the shadows, and a determined young

hero embarks on an extraordinary journey of vengeance and

redemption. Join Tanjiro Kamado on his quest as a demon

slayer and prepare to be swept away by the epic bales and

heartfelt moments that make this series a true gem.

Atta on Titan

Prepare to be completely captivated by the dark and thrilling

world of “Aack on Titan.” With its gripping story, intense

action sequences, and shocking plot twists, this anime is an

absolute must-watch. Follow Eren Yeager and the Survey

Corps as they bale towering Titans in a desperate fight for

humanity’s survival, and brace yourself for an emotional

rollercoaster that will leave you breathless.


In the world of crime genre anime, mystery, suspense, and

intrigue take center stage. From intricate detective stories

to high-stakes heists and psychological bales, crime anime

offers a captivating exploration of the dark underbelly of

society. ese are full of heart-pounding adventures and

intricate puzzles that will keep you guessing until the very


Death Note

Sounds familiar?

One of the classics and oen a first watch recommendation

to any beginner, this psychological thriller follows the catand-mouse

game between a genius high school student,

Light Yagami, and a mysterious detective known as L.

When Light discovers a supernatural notebook that can kill

anyone whose name is wrien in it, he takes it upon himself

to cleanse the world of criminals. “Death Note” masterfully

combines intellect, morality, and suspense, making it a mustwatch

for fans of intricate mind games and moral dilemmas.


Set in a dystopian future, this series follows the enforcers of

the Public Safety Bureau as they track down criminals using

likelihood to commit crimes.

One of the standout aspects of Psycho-Pass is its incredible

world-building. e show creates a fully realized and

immersive world that feels both futuristic and believable.


ere’s something special about watching two characters

fall in love on-screen that just makes your heart fluer, am

I wrong?

From heartwarming tales of first crushes to epic love stories

that span lifetimes, romance anime explores the complexities

of human relationships and touches the deepest corners of

our hearts. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or simply

looking for heartfelt storytelling, these anime series will

leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling that lingers long

aer the credits roll.


is is a true masterpiece of an anime that tells a deeply

emotional and heartwarming story about family, love, and

the power of human connection. It deals with the daily life

of a delinquent, struggling with family problems. As their

relationships develop, the characters learn to confront their

past traumas, support each other through difficult times,

and find hope and meaning in their lives. is anime makes

viewers care deeply about the characters and their struggles

and has the power to make you bawl your eyes out.

It’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the ability of

anime to deeply connect with its viewers.

Fruits Basket

If you’re looking for a heartfelt and enchanting romance

anime, “Fruits Basket” is a must-watch. is captivating

series follows Tohru Honda as she discovers the dark secret

of the Sohma family, who transform into zodiac animals

when embraced by the opposite gender. With its endearing

characters, deep emotional connections, and themes of love,

acceptance, and personal growth, “Fruits Basket” will sweep

you off your feet and leave you longing for more.

“Fruits Basket” offers a delicate balance of heartwarming

romance, slice-of-life moments, and supernatural elements

that create a truly immersive experience. With its beautiful

animation, memorable cast, and exploration of complex

human relationships, this series has captured the hearts of

fans worldwide.



Ah, comedy anime - the ultimate cure for the soul-crushing

monotony of everyday life. It’s a genre that can have you

laughing so hard you snort milk out of your nose, or leave

you chuckling quietly to yourself as you make your way

through your daily routine. With its wide array of hilarious

and light-hearted series, this genre offers a perfect escape

from the mundane. From quirky characters and wiy

dialogue to outrageous scenarios and clever comedic timing,

comedy anime is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


If you’re craving a hilarious and offbeat anime experience,

“Gintama” is an absolute must-watch. is show will have

you laughing your pants off one moment and sobbing the

next. With its perfect blend of comedy, action, and parody,

this long-running series follows the eccentric samurai-forhire

Gintoki Sakata and his hilarious misadventures in a

world where aliens have taken over feudal Japan. Prepare for

a wild ride filled with pop culture references, wiy banter,

and outrageous comedy that will keep you laughing from

start to finish.

Assassination Classroom

For an unforgeable blend of action, comedy, and heart,

“Assassination Classroom” is a must-watch. Follow a

group of students as they aempt to assassinate their

unconventional alien teacher, Koro-sensei, while navigating

the challenges of school life. With its lovable characters,

thrilling storyline, and poignant messages about growth

and friendship, “Assassination Classroom” has the perfect

balance of lighthearted comedy with serious drama, making

for an entertaining and engaging viewing experience.

Kaguya-sama: Love is war

If you’re a fan of romantic comedies, “Kaguya-sama: Love

is War” is an anime that will have you laughing and rooting

for its quirky characters. e series revolves around Kaguya

Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane, two high-achieving

students who engage in an elaborate bale of wits to make

the other confess their love first.

e show’s writing is nothing short of brilliant. e dialogue

is sharp and wiy, and the jokes are always on point. Whether

it’s Kaguya’s schemes or Miyuki’s aempts to outsmart her,

the show never fails to deliver laughs.


If you’re a fan of suspense, intricate plots, and mind-bending

mysteries, get ready to dive into the world of mystery anime.

ese captivating series will keep you guessing and on the

edge of your seat as you join detectives, investigators, and

amateur sleuths on thrilling adventures. From puzzling

crimes to supernatural enigmas, mystery anime offers a

wide range of gripping narratives that will challenge your

detective skills and ignite your curiosity, while keeping you

captivated from start to finish.


Blending science fiction and mystery, “Steins;Gate” follows

the story of an eccentric scientist Rintarou Okabe, who

discovers the ability to send messages to the past and alter the

course of events. With its intricate plot, complex characters,

and a perfect blend of suspense and emotion, “Steins;Gate” is

a must-watch that will keep you on the edge of your seat at

all moments and just when you think you have it all figured

out, BAM! A plot twist comes out of nowhere and blows your



Probably my favourite anime out of the bunch. is thrilling

anime follows Satoru Fujinuma, a struggling manga artist

with the ability to go back in time, as he tries to prevent a

series of tragic events and uncover the identity of a serial

killer. e anime manages to balance its compelling mystery

with its emotional depth. It isn’t just about solving the web,

it’s about Satoru’s journey of self-discovery and learning to

confront his past traumas. It’s a story that will make you

both gasp in shock and tear up in emotion.


e above listed anime are just a speck considering the large

list available. But the world of animation isn’t just limited to

these 20-minute-an-episode series.

In a world where animation knows no limits, anime movies

stand out as a captivating and diverse form of storytelling.

From breathtaking visuals to compelling narratives, these

films transport viewers to imaginative worlds and offer a

unique cinematic experience. Whether you’re a dedicated

anime enthusiast or a newcomer, the magic of anime movies

is bound to ignite your imagination and leave a lasting


Spirited Away (2001)

Directed by Hayao Miyazaki, this Academy Award-winning

film tells the story of Chihiro, a young girl who stumbles

upon a magical world filled with spirits and must navigate its

enchanting yet perilous realm.

Also watch other movies by the same director:

Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, e Wind Rises

Your Name (2016)

e one movie every anime enthusiast recommends to their

friends. A beautiful blend of romance and fantasy, this film

follows the lives of two teenagers, Taki and Mitsuha, who

mysteriously swap bodies and embark on a quest to find each


Directed by Makato Shinkai

Make sure to watch his other movies if you love “Your Name”-

5 centimeters per second, Weathering with You, Suzume

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

A poignant and heartbreaking portrayal of the effects of war

on children, this Studio Ghibli film follows siblings Seita and

Setsuko as they struggle to survive in Japan during World

War II.

e Girl Who Leapt rough Time (2006)

is heartwarming coming-of-age story follows Makoto,

a high school girl who discovers she can time travel, and

explores the choices and consequences she faces as she tries

to make the most of her newfound ability.


e Big ree was a term used to describe the three most

popular running series during their golden age in Jump’s mid

2000s period - One Piece, Naruto and Blea.

(Jump is a line of manga anthology magazines published

in Japan by Shueisha. e most famous one being Weekly

Shonen Jump.)

During this time, these three anime garnered significant

aention not only in Japan but also internationally. ey

were oen at the forefront of discussions among anime fans,

appealed to a wide range of audiences, spanning different age

groups and demographics. Each series had its own unique

elements and themes, which contributed to their individual

success. As a result, the term “e Big ree” emerged as

a way to collectively refer to these influential and highly

successful series.

While these three anime series played a significant role

in shaping the anime industry, it’s worth mentioning

that the term “Big ree” is not as widely used today. e

anime landscape has evolved, and new series have risen in

popularity. Nonetheless, “Naruto”, “Bleach,” and “One Piece”

remain beloved classics that have le a lasting impact on the


If you’re interested in watching these series, although long, I

recommend starting with the first episode of each and seeing

which one resonates with you the most. All three offer

compelling storylines, exciting bales, and a wide range of

characters to enjoy. Happy watching!

Confused about your way through the anime world? Don’t

worry, we’ve got you all hooked up.

Scan the QR code below to open up the Ultimate Anime

Recommendation Flowart. is flowchart is designed to

help you discover new series that align with your tastes and

preferences. Whether you’re into action-packed adventures,

heartfelt romances, thought-provoking dramas, or captivating

fantasy worlds, this flowchart will guide you towards

the anime that suits your interests. Simply follow the paths

based on your previous likings, and get ready to embark on

an anime-watching adventure tailored just for you!

-Rohin Prabhu (Bat of 2021)

Harsh Agarwal (Bat of 2019)

Design: HA

Illustration: HA

160 161

The Legends Of The

Key Rulers


The Chola Empire reached its zenith and attained

imperial status under the Medieval Cholas in the

mid-9th century CE.


The Chola Empire, a thalassocratic dynasty,

is renowned as one of the longest-lasting

dynasties in southern India. This era witnessed

the emergence of a new culture and an

unprecedented flourishing of art. The temples

and literature from this period still stand as

testimony to its remarkable history.

Vijayalaya established the Chola Empire by

conquering the Tanjore kingdom in the 8th century.

His victory over the Pallavas paved the way for the

rise of the mighty Cholas, with Tanjore becoming

the first capital of the empire.

Aditya I

Succeeding Vijayalaya, Aditya I became the ruler

of the Chola Empire. Under his reign, the empire

gained significant power through his defeat of King


Rajendra Chola

King Vijayalaya

History Of

The Capital

Successor to the renowned Rajaraja Chola,

Rajendra I was the first Chola ruler to venture to the

banks of the Ganges. He earned the title of 'Victor

of the Ganges' and established the new capital of

Gangaikondacholapuram. This period is considered

the golden age of the Cholas, but after his rule, the

kingdom experienced a widespread decline.

King Rajendra Chola

Rajendra I founded


to commemorate his triumph over

the Pala Dynasty. The name of the

city can be divided into Gangai

(Ganga)/ Konda (Obtained)/ Chola

(Chola)/ Puram (City), signifying

the city of the Cholas built on the

site where they obtained water

from the Ganges.

Architecture & Religion

Brihadisvara Temple

Gangaikonda Cholapuram Temple

Airavatesvara Temple

Although it is now a small village,

the grandeur of its past is preserved

through the existence of the

Mahashiva Temple.

The Chola Empire extended

from southern India to the river

Tungabhadra in the north, and

Gangaikondacholapuram was built

as a new capital for administrative

and strategic purposes.

The kings built a large number of Shiva

temples during their reign.

Cholas followed the Shaivite sect of Hinduism and

were tolerant towards other faiths.

162 163

"The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that

believed they were eternal."

-Camille Paglia

The Chola



The Cholas did not possess a

standing navy as understood

in modern times. Instead,

they formed a maritime force

using ships primarily used

for trade, lacking dedicated

vessels for naval combat.

The Rise

From the latter half of the

9th century CE to the early

13th century CE, the Cholas

reached the pinnacle of their

power. During this time, the

Chola Navy played a crucial

role in expanding the empire

through naval expeditions

along the Ganges, such as

the conquest of the Pala of

Pataliputra, and the Chola

invasion of Srivijaya (presentday

Indonesia) in

1025 CE.

The Fall

The navy also engaged in

diplomatic relations with

China. However, the Chola

Navy declined in the 13th

century due to land battles

with the Chalukyas of the

Andhra-Kannada region in

South India and the rise of

the Pandyan dynasty.

The Sengol

Sengol is associated with

the Sengaal Chola dynasty

during the Chola Empire.

Traditionally, Sengol was

passed from the departing

king to the new monarch,

serving as the epitome

of power. This custom

dates back to the Chola

Empire and is regarded as a

representation of a fair and

just government, particularly

in Tamil Nadu and other

southern states. Notably,

this Sengol was presented

to the first Prime Minister

of India, Jawaharlal Nehru,

symbolizing the transfer of

power and independence

from the British on August

14, 1947, at midnight. The

historic sceptre has now been

installed by PM Narendra

Modi in the New Parliament,

adjacent to the seat of the


The term "Sengol"

originates from the Tamil

word "Semmai," which

means righteousness. It

symbolizes the ruler or

leader's commitment to

upholding fairness as the

primary guiding principle

and represents a just and

equitable government.

Carved onto the head of the

Sengol is the holy bull of

Lord Shiva, Nandi.

Rishit Agarwal

Batch of 2022

Design: AB

Dr. Kaushal Jain

Batch of 2018


Design: AA


Design: AA

Q1. Is the hype around ChatGPT justified?


I’m quite impressed with ChatGPT’s language capabilities. It

can generate highly accurate and human-like responses to a

wide range of questions and topics, which is definitely worth

the hype, in my opinion, despite its several limitations such

as a paucity of humane understanding. I do believe it still has

a lot of potential and it will only continue to improve.


I am of the belief that ChatGPT does justify the hype. From

providing apt facts to recognising emotional questions,

it sure does have a wide range! Being an AI, it definitely

reduces the efforts of humans in curating data for a variety of


Q2. Do you think AI can replace consulting physicians in the near future?


It’s hard for me to say this yet. While Al is advancing rapidly

and has the potential to improve medical diagnosis and

treatment, it doesn’t exactly provide empathy and emotional

support to the patients, which is an essential part of the

healing process. Doctors also rely on their experience to

make complex medical decisions which Al can not replicate.

But it does have the scope of assisting physicians and

improving healthcare in the next few years.


I don’t fully agree. Physicians are trained to interact with

people and they learn everyday with every new case. ere is

also the aspect of empathy which is an integral part of being

a good doctor that AI cannot provide. A machine with such

strictly defined algorithms is unlikely to completely replace

humans in the field of medicine, at least for the next few


Q3. Should humanity be careful when creating a powerful tool like AI? What if it causes more harm than good?




Definitely, with such great powers that we vest in AI, there

should also be great responsibility. Ethical implications of

Al can’t be overlooked. Fair and unbiased use of technology

without malice must be ensured. AI can potentially replace

humans in many jobs and cause unemployment and laziness

to set in as well. Such issues need to be addressed ASAP.


Every invention has the potential for misuse. Technology

such as AI in the wrong hands can cater to some people’s

selfish interests and lead to other’s loss. It might create a

wave of laziness. Besides, with a new tool in hand, the world

seems to aain a new level where everyone’s the same and

finding the best among them seems tough and scary!


Q4. Answer like a scientist would - should animals be used for experiments?

ChatGPT is the latest in a long line of AI tools aimed at providing human-like answers to any question

the human mind can conjure up, but it is definitely the most successful and most popular. Its use has

percolated into all walks of life, ranging from reviewing existing literature on a subject to faking your

way through assignments. Now, in what is one of our most creative mag ideas ever (in terms of reducing our

own work), we will ask the same set of questions to a fully qualified human from the Ed Board, and to ChatGPT.

Have fun figuring out which set of answers is whose.


Animals have been crucial in studying human diseases and

developing therapeutic strategies for them. However, the

use of animals in experiments raises ethical concerns too.

I believe guidelines set forth by the competent authorities

should be strictly adhered to and if possible alternate

methods of experimenting should be adopted.


Animals are a boon to researchers. Having a physiology

similar to humans, they provide very useful models for

studies. But they need to be used with proper care as their

position in the ecosystem needs to be respected. It is beer to

have a powerful commiee which approves and ensures the

usage of animals as per the given ethical guidelines.

Q5. What points would you give a non-drinker to encourage him to give up his alcohol virginity and start



I’d highlight the social benefits of drinking such as improved

bonding and fun memories with peers. Tell them about the

positive effects of alcohol such as relaxation, stress relief, and

enhanced enjoyment of social activities. I would suggest that

they start with low amounts and gradually raise it to avoid

geing drunk and causing mayhem.


I would point out that drinking might ease the process of

socialising with most of the drinkers out there and reduce

awkwardness. Also drinking alcohol in controlled amounts is

not abuse and oen seems to enliven the mood. I would tell

them to try it once and then decide to opt out, rather than

not try it at all.

Q6. Vice versa now, how’d you encourage a drinker to get back on the virtuous path of being booze-free?


If it’s in my power then I’ll create an environment that

supports abstinence, such as removing alcohol from the

house and social situations. We can highlight the ill effects of

alcohol on health to persuade the drinker, all while building a

rapport with them and being empathetic.


I would convey how constant drinking might lead to

addiction and long term problems like the ruin of one’s social

and financial life. We can also explain how the abuse of

alcohol is harmful to health in countless ways. It’s beer to

give up drinking before it starts to get the beer of your life.



If not, then AI might just be one step ahead of us already…

Fun facts and helpful links

How to make better use of ChatGPT

Jailbreak prompt

ChatGPT’s sense of humour

"Photograph" - Artwork by Hardik Gupta, Batch of 2019



H-cp- ssk¡n-Ä- bm-{X-

7 िचरंजीवी

is eyelids lied, and the blinding

light stabbed at his eyes. Within

a minute, his eyes won the bale

against the light, but then he was faced

with the more uphill bale of figuring out

where he was and how he got there. A

surgeon dressed in scrubs walked up to

him and stopped by his bedside.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Jayanth. Hope you're

feeling beer now. Please answer the

following questions so I can judge how

well you’re recovering."

He nodded his head, still unaware of

what exactly he was recovering from.

"Your name?"

"Sameer Singh"




"Soware engineer at Deloie"

"Marital status?"

"Married to Preethi Pandey for 2 years"

Meanwhile, 4 beds away was a woman

brought in with Sameer Singh. A surgeon

approached her and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Sujata. Good to

see you awake. I'm going to ask you a few

simple questions about yourself to judge

your recovery. Ready?"

She nodded her head.

"Your name?"

"Preethi Pandey"




"Accountant at Deloie"

"Marital status?"


It had been 24 hours since Sameer had

regained consciousness. e anaesthesia

had worn off, but he'd never felt this

numb. Misfortune had struck, but

the cruelest bit was that it had struck

unequally. Both Sameer and Preethi had

retrograde amnesia, but Sameer didn't

remember the last 8 months of his life,

whereas for Preethi, the last 4 years were

a blank. He'd suddenly gone from being

the love of Preethi's life to just another

colleague. He lay alone on his bed, his

mind driing back to his conversation

with Preethi 30 minutes back:

"Hey baby, are you doing ok?", Sameer

asked, still in denial.

"Woah, now that we're out of the office,

you think you can hit on me?", Preethi

said, smiling teasingly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm a lile dizzy, but otherwise alright."

"Do you believe this amnesia stuff they're

telling us? I still think this is all a very

elaborate prank."

"Yeah dude. Someone is clearly very rich

and bored."

is unseled Sameer. She'd not called

him "dude" since they'd started dating.

"Yeah. Remember that time Dan arranged

pot brownies for our date instead of


"Oh, have you also joined the game now?

How gullible do you think I am?" she


"What are you talking about?"

"Come on Sameer, we've never dated."

"Don't say that, babe. You're killing me."

"You're freaking me out now. We're

actually married?"

Mrinal Kueri, Batch of 2021

Design: AB

Illustration: AB

"Yes Preethi. Please, tell me you remember.

Tell me you remember us."

"I'm sorry Sameer, even if what you're

telling me is true, I have no memory of it.

You're my friend, but nothing more."

"So everything we've been through is

just gone? Our first office date, when we

were accidentally locked in? e private

chapel wedding, just the two of us?"

"I'm really sorry Sameer, but these things

never happened for me." Preethi's voice

was quivering now.

"But our first… .."

"Please Sameer, I beg you, stop. Don't

cause yourself more pain, and don't make

me cause you more pain by going on."

e sound of curtains being drawn apart

jolted Sameer back into reality. It was his


"Hey, how are you feeling now?"

“Waiting for this nightmare to end."

"You and me both. Did you see Preethi?"

"Yes. 4 years wiped clean."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry."

Silence engulfed them both.

"You know", Mrs. Singh said tentatively,

"maybe this could be a new start for you




I've prey much lost my wife and you're

telling me to look on the bright side?!"

"I know you're hurting right now, and

of course, you should take your time to

come to terms with this, but all I'm saying

is that you've been given the opportunity

to experience all the highs of love once

more, with the love of your life."

"But I'm not the love of her life anymore.

And now, everyone's going to tell her

about a life that she thinks she never lived.

ings are going to get so complicated."

"You've done it once, son. You can do it

again. Besides, you two can support each

other through these hard times. Help each

other through this dark tunnel. I promise

you, there's light on the other side."

"It's not as simple as you think. Human

emotions are a game of chance. What

happened in the past may not happen


"Just before you started courting her,

against my wish and HR rules, you pointed

out that her parents were also colleagues

initially. When I told you that their story

was just a one-off, you said, and I quote,

'that won’t stop me. e probability of

success may be microscopically small,

but if you knew her, you'd ask me to go

aer her.’”

Sameer didn't respond.

"I can't imagine how scary and uncertain

the future looks to you right now, son. All

I'm hoping is that you haven't given up

on her yet. She's worth the fight."

Sameer took a deep breath. He said

nothing for a while. en, slowly:

"Next time, before you start giving sage

advice, at least let the man grieve for a


Mrs. Singh smiled. "Let's hope I don't

have to again."

Sameer smiled back.

Mrs. Singh stepped out and sat down next

to her husband, and Mr. Pandey and Mrs.

Pandey. Not a word was spoken. But there

was unspoken understanding. ey were

still overwhelmed by their visit to the

crash site, where they had immediately

rushed to upon hearing the news of

Sameer and Preethi's memory loss.

Lady luck operates in strange ways. e

charred remains of the divorce agreement

recovered from Preethi's handbag at the

crash site, signed by Sameer and Preethi a

day before the accident, now safely nested

in Mr. Pandey's pocket, represented the

last remnant of a broken marriage, and

the bouquet in Mr. Singh's hand, bought

for Preethi on Sameer's behalf, signified

its resurrection.

-Harsh Agarwal, Hardik Gupta

College is a time for growth and development, not just academically, but also socially. As we navigate through the

different stages of college life, we encounter a wide range of interpersonal relationships with our peers. Whether it’s

friends, romantic partners, classmates, roommates, or any of the other many, many people we interact with on a daily

basis, these relationships play a significant role in shaping our college experience. In this article, we have made a

fun aempt at depicting these connections (some new, some pre-existing), and the unique challenges that come with

them, in the form of some really interesting line graphs. Hope you have as much fun figuring these out as we had in

making them:

Megha Mallick, Batch of 2021

She had a penchant for romanticism,

In a lonely cloud, she’d see a buerfly,

In a teardrop, emotions trapped in a prism,

With her, there was never a moment dry.

I saw her on a ursday aernoon,

Snaking her fingers through her sunlit hair,

Humming a sweet and happy tune,

Twirling on the grass with her feet bare.

She was the embodiment of tranquillity,

A light soul filled with grace,

Sent to heal my insanity,

With a halo giving out protective rays.

en she saw me looking, and smiled,

And the buerflies in my stomach went wild,

Her eyes were lile pools of honey,

at had never seen any agony.

In my head, I was writing her a sonnet,

Like Pa wrote to Ma right aer he hurt her,

She was the new bee in my bonnet,

e image of her face will never be a blur.

Ma had le; Pa had drunk himself to death,

My world started closing in on her,

I would love her until my last breath,

I was not a lonely girl anymore.

To her, I poured my heart out,

Bruised by a million lies,

I said all that I felt out loud,

And looked deep into those kind eyes.

But she did not return my passion,

Kindness morphed into shock and disgust,

Pity took the place of compassion,

She had shaered my trust.

Before leaving that living hell,

I took her to the forest to let her go,

To bid her farewell,

To let her be free.

Eight decades later,

I still remember her sunlit hair,

I wonder what life could’ve been for us,

Had she survived that day in the forest,

Had that branch not slit her throat in two,

Had she just loved me like I loved her.

-Vaidehi Jha, Bat of 2022

A bouquet of sweet-scented lilacs,

Freshly put in one of her favourite crystal flasks

Taking a whiff of her lilacs, I said yes to him, she said

Swirling her hair, dancing in the air, all elated.

She looked way too prey when she was happy

Her smile with her cute crooked canines could ward off anything


Even more remarkable, the way she could light up an entire room,

was her great sense of humour

A lil’ innocent kid at heart, oh boy she sure was a late bloomer

I could feel my heart pounding,

Not with the exhilaration of my ‘best friend’ finding the man of her


But with the bier realisation that I was late

Or maybe I wasn’t

For I was nothing to her but a pal

To listen to her agony and sing with her in melancholy

To cheer her up and gear her up as she’d always done for me

But to me she was more than just a comfort zone, a pacifier or a


Still I gave her a wry smile that wasn’t half as beautiful as hers,

because all I could do was hide behind it and pretend

Because I knew I had to fake enthusiasm, be by her side, be her


She’d never foreseen the garden full of tulips

Blooming for her, underneath, that she’d stepped upon while

geing those lilacs,

With the tulips, withered my hopes and that fairy tale


It was me, and my unrequited love, against her lilacs and her


-Aakriti Khand, Bat of 2021


...so do they make us exist.

oiling hot summer aernoon. Exam paper

distribution. Tense faces. Dripping sweat. It

happened again. My friend was sad and worried

about his result. In the corner of the luxurious Auditorium

which had been stolen by our juniors not long ago (just

like our immediates had stolen it during Infest practice),

he was scrolling through Instagram, watching (stalking) a

girl’s account, when he vented out his frustration saying

“Number mil nahi raha hai bro”. For genuine reasons, as

anyone would think, I thought my friend was not happy

with his scarcity of success among women. But no. Reality

indeed is oen disappointing. It took me an eternity to

realize North Indians call ‘Numbers’ what we call ‘Marks’.

I am actually not supposed to wonder when 54 students

are from South India, which makes up around half of the

2021 batch.

e diversity intrigues. It simply does, when people from

all four directions bring their own sweets, introduce you

to their culture, take you to their homes and invite you to

their family marriages. You always feel like something’s

always there to keep you going. e happiness in learning,

pronouncing, and using the curse words of different

languages and screaming it back to the same guy who

gave you a treat moments ago is reportedly unmatchable

(haven’t tried, believe me). In the course of childhood,

environmental sciences changed to social sciences to

social studies to separate subjects of History, Geography,

Politics and Economy, but one thing remains unchanged -

the phrase “India is a diverse country”.

From PY to RJ in the number plates of the parked

motorcycles, AIIMS is a living example. And for specific

South Indians who have never talked to a native in Hindi,

to learn to beautifully insult (read swear) the same native

Hindi speaker is an achievement good enough to be in a


If cultures are colours, AIIMS is a palee. From “Tera naam

itna chota kaise ho sakta hai’’ directed towards a South

Indian to “Where’s the paneer in your plate” directed

towards a North Indian, it all goes by so fast and funny

that we ultimately realize we’re friends, brothers and

sisters aer all.

Be it on Eid, Holi, Christmas or Guru Nanak Jayanti, the

air always has such a specific and powerful aura - the

aura of celebration - that we should consider the potential

possibility of celebrating the aura itself. Ultimately it seems

that when the goal is to live and let live, diversity isn’t a

stumble on the path to unity.

Spicing up the population with FNs and NRIs has been one

of the best decisions AIIMS has made because it basically

feels like you’re a part of their family even before you’ve

made memories with them. rough various festivals and a

variety of fests, we share this beautiful land and beauteous

bond. Sometimes all we need to be awestruck is to just

take a moment to appreciate this friendship, recognise the

diversity and live in harmony. AIIMS indeed is a melting

pot of diversities.

Written by

Hayagrivas M B

Batch of 2021

Design: HA

Illustration: HA

180 181

Design: HA

Illustration: RR

- Hayagrivas M B, Bat of 2021

here’s no denying the fact that Naatu Naatu was

probably the buzziest earworm of the past year,

not just in India, but all over the world. Winning a

boatload of accolades, including the most prestigious

of them all - the Academy Award - beating out the

likes of Lady Gaga and Rihanna, this song from

RRR finally proved what Indian cinema can do on

the global stage. While the main reason it became

famous is its infectious beat and the terrific dance

performances accompanying it, there is a lot more

depth in the lyrics beneath the surface. e song

references the traditions, sights and sounds of

rural Andhra and Telangana life. is article is an

aempt to explain the references that are oen lost

in translation.

e lyricist, Chandrabose, hails from a small village

in the Warangal district of Telangana, and he wrote

the song based on his experiences growing up. e

word ‘naatu’ literally translates as ‘raw’, declaring

the song to be rooted in the rustic atmosphere of

the countryside. Every line of the song expresses

the unbridled festive energy of an authentic rural


Polam Gau Dummulona Potlagitha Dukkinau

లం గ న ట త న

Potlagia is the more colloquial term used for bulls in

rural areas or more specifically young, uncastrated bulls

that are oen used in bull fights or races. e line here

refers to the sheer energy of the bull jumping into the

fields (polam gau).

Polaremma Jaataralo Potaraju Ooginau

రమ తర త ఊన

Polaremma Jaatara is a widely celebrated fest in rural

Andhra Pradesh and parts of Telangana. Potharaju is

believed to be the deity’s brother who dances in a frenzy.

Kirru Seppu Lesukoni Karrasamu Sessinau

కర న

Kirru Seppulu are the leather sandals used by farmers

when going into the fields, named so basically because

they make the Kirru sound while walking. Karrasamu is

a kind of exercise done in rural areas involving twirling

bamboo sticks, doing mock fights, wearing these sandals.

Marrisetu Needa Lona Kurragumpu Kudinau

మ డన ర ం న

Boisterous like a group of youngsters (kurragumpu)

gathering in the shade of a banyan tree (marrisetu).

Erra Jonna Roelona Mirapa okku Kalipinau

ఎర న న రప కన

Jonna Roe (Jowar Roti) with the spicy Mirapa

okku (chilli pickle) is a staple meal in rural Telangana,

Rayalaseema and even in parts of North Karnataka.

- Kaushik Palli, Bat of 2021

Design: HA

182 183




"अामा बलसो हनुमान वभीषण:।

कृ पः परशुराम सैतै चरजीवनः॥"

पौराणक काल म अंत रहमयी और चकर कथाओं तथा महापुष का वणन रहा है। उन महापुष म से कु छ वशेष ऐसे भी ह जो आद काल म अपने साहस

पराम और वीरता के लए वात थे।

कु छ ऐसे जो आद काल से वतमान तक जीवत ह वे चरंजीवी अधान से वात ह। पुराण म कु ल सात दीघजीवय का वणन है: अामा, ास, बली, हनुमान,

वभीषण, कृ पाचाय और परशुराम।

कु छ के लए यह अधीर जल के समान शीतल वरदान था तो िकसी के लए ाप क भीषण अ का कोप। अनेक माताओं के अनुसार कलयुग के अंत म जब भगवान

वु क प म अवतरत हगे तब यह चरंजीवी अधम का नाश करने म उनक सहायता करगे। चरंजीवी को अमरता का तीक माना जाता है, जो जीवन और मृ के

बीच क सीमा को पार करता है।

भगवान वु के छठे अवतार, परशु धार, जमद पु परशुराम संपूण जगत म

अपने यु कला तथा अ-श नपुणता के लए वात है। भगवान शव से इे

यह वा ा हुई। अपने िपता क आा पर परशुराम ने अपनी माता रेणुका का सर

धड़ से पृथक कर दया। िपतृ भ से अंत स होकर जब ऋिष जमद ने उ

एक वर दया तो परशुराम ने वर प अपनी म को पुनः जीवत कर लया। इस

कार मातृ ऋण और िपतृ ऋण दोनो से मु हुए। ाण कु ल म ज परंतु कम से

िय माने जाने वाले परशुराम ने पृी से इस बार पापी और नरंकु श िय

का नाश िकया। परशुराम के अवतरण के उपल म अय तृतीया का ोहार मनाया

जाता है।


ावतार, आनेय, कपीर, संकट मोचन इाद नाम से जाने वाले हनुमान

वायुदेव के देव पु ह। बाावा म सूय को एक मीठा फल मान कर खाने का

य िकया, जसके कारण सूण जगत म अंधकार छा गया। सूय का अ

पुनः ािपत करने के लए इं ने मात के हनु पर व से हार िकया, इस कारण

मात का नाम हनुमान पड़ा। भगवान राम के तीक हनुमान ने सदैव भु के दय म

अपना ान ा िकया। सीता - खोज म वह वशाल समु को लघ कर लंका पहुंचे

और माता सीता को भु राम क मुका भट क। लंका पत रावण ने जब हनुमान को

एक साधारण किप समझकर बंदी बनाना चाहा और उनक पूंछ म आग लगाने का

य िकया; उस आग से संपूण लंका को जलाकर हनुमान ने हाहाकार मचा दया।

महाभारत काल म भी हनुमान के अनेक वृत मलते ह। त प, पडु पु

भीम को अपने बल पर अंत अभमान था। भीम को सबक सखाने हेतु ी कृ

क आा से हनुमान एक बार उनके पथ पर लेट गए। भीम ने उ पथ से पूंछ हटाने

का आदेश दया। हनुमान ने एक दुबल किप बनकर भीम को ही उनक पूंछ हटाने

का आह िकया। अभमानी भीम अपने संपूण बल का योग करके पूंछ को तनक

भी हला न सके । इस कार भीम का अभमान चूर चूर कर दया। महाभारत यु म

ी कृ के आदेश पर अजुन के रथ के ज पर वराजमान होकर उनक रा क।

अजर तथा अमर हनुमान आज भी भु भ म लीन ह।


रावण के अनुज होते हुए भी वभीषण ने भगवान राम का प लया। रास कु ल

म ज लेने के पात भी उने हरभ को ही अपने जीवन का उे बनाया ।

भगवान ा से वरदान म उने सदैव स का प लेने का आशीवद मगा । सीता

का अपहरण करने पर रावण को उने बहुत समझाने का य िकया पर रावण

ने उनक बात ठु कराकर लंका से नासत कर दया। भगवान राम क शरण म

आकर रावण के दुम से पृी को मु िकया। अपने कु ल के वपरत कम करके

यह स िकया क क पहचान उसके ज से नह ब कम से होती है।

लंका वजय के पात भु ी राम ने उ लंका का रा सप दया । कई वष तक

राज करने के पात उने सास जीवन का अनुकरण िकया और भु भ म

लीन हो गए।


ऐसा सोचना िक मा देव पुष ही दीघजीवी थे, पूणतया स नह है। इस त का

खन असुर राज महाबली क गाथा से होता है। ओणम नामक ोहार महाबली

के रण म कई देश म मनाया जाता है। असुर ारा ा अमृत से महाबली को

अमरता ा हुई । असुर राज होते हुए भी वह एक परोपकार और उदार राजा थे।

ग वजय के पात राजा बल ने अमेध महाय का आयोजन िकया। भगवान

वु वामन अवतार लेकर य पात दान लेने आ पहुंचे और महाबली से तीन पग

भूधर क दणा मगी। नयमानुसार महाबली ने अभी दणा देने का वचन दया।

वामन देव ने िवम प धारण करके एक पग म संपूण धरा, दूसरे पग म ग को

समाहत कर लया। महाबली ने तीसरा पग रखने के लए वामन देव को अपना सर

ुत कर दया। महाबली के दानवीरता से स होकर भगवान वु ने उ वैकु ं ठ

म ान धान िकया। माताओं के अनुसार महाबली ेक वष ओणम के ोहार

म अपने रा का मण करते ह।

महिष ास को महाभारत तथा पुराण के रचयता के नाम से जाना जाता है। इसके

अतर भी महिष ास को अनेक वेद के संकलनकत सहत अ महपूण

ंथो के लेखक के प म ेय दया जाता है। ास जी का ज ेता युग के अंत

म हुआ। एक अंत मनमोहक वृतत भी महाभारत क रचना के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है।

ास जी ने महाभारत महाका क रचना के लए भगवान गणेश क एक लेखक

के प म सहायता ली। अनेक कलम के टूट जाने के कारण भगवान गणेश ने अपने

एक दत का ही कलम क तरह योग िकया। इस कृ के बाद ही उ एकदंत कहा

जाने लगा।

कृ पाचाय:

महाभारत के उेख म कृ पाचाय का वणन होना तो अनवाय है। भगवान ा के

चौथे अवतार कृ पाचाय का पालन पोषण राजा शतनु के ारा हुआ। इसके पात

उने पडव और कौरव के राजगु बनकर उ वभ कार क वा दान

क। महाभारत के यु म कौरव क तरफ से उने यु िकया। एक महान गु और

योा होने के वपरत कृ पाचाय ने अंतम दन एक अंत ीण काय िकया। अंतम

दन दुयधन क मृु के बाद तशोध क अ म झुलस कर उने पडव के शयन

क को अ लत कर दया। जसके फल प इ इस अ पाप का

भोग तण करने हेतु, अमर रहने का ाप मला।


महाभारत के महान पा म से एक अामा गु ोण के पु थे। दुयधन के परम

म होने के कारण अामा ने कौरव क तरफ से यु िकया। यु म कु छेक

जीवत योाओं म से एक अामा ने अपने िपता और म क मृु का तशोध

लेने के लए पडव शवर मे आमण कर सेना मुख िधु समेत अनेक योाओं

क हा कर दी। पडव के शवर म लौटने पात उसने पडवो पर ा साधा;

ुर म अजुन ने ेपा वरोधी शरा अ चलाया। इन दो दैवीय अ

के वंश को रोकने के लए महिष ास ने दोनो योाओं को अ वापस लेने का

आदेश दया। अ वापस लेने क कला सफ अजु न के पास थी, फलत: अामा

ने उसक दशा उरा ( अभमु क पी) के गभ क ओर मोड दी। इस अ

अपराध के लए ी कृ ने अामा से उसक मण छन ली और समय के अंत

तक ोध, घृणा और वेदना म रहने का ाप दया। वतमान काल म भी अामा

को देखे जाने का दावा िकया जाता है।

चरंजीवी क कथाएँ भारतीय धम और संृ त म गहर प से िढ़वादी ह।

चरंजीवी क कथाएँ धामक ंथ और लोककथाओं म बहुत ही रोमचक और

ेरणादायक होती ह। इन कथाओं म चरंजीवी द शय से संवधत

होता है और उसक सेवा समाज के लए नःाथ भाव से होती है। चरंजीवी क

कथाएँ हम एक सकाराक िकोण और से धम के मह को समझाती ह। वह

एक ेरक आदश है जो हमारे जीवन म एक गहरा भाव डालता है और हम समथ,

सहयोगी और समझदार बनाता है।

- अमन िपाठ

(Aman Tripathi)

2021 बैच

Artwork by

Soumyadip Halder

Batch of 2021

184 185

Design: AB

186 187

Artworks by: Soumyadip Halder, Batch of 2021

Artworks by Soumyadip Halder, Batch of 2021

Artwork by Basuraj Biswas, Batch of 2021

188 189

Design & Illustration: HA

192 193

Dr. Anirudh Vutukuri

Batch of 2017

194 195



Love is the feeling which makes us learn to live and think for others

and KK has truly made us feel the essence of this emotion through

his soulful voice in the song ‘Zara Sa’ from the movie ‘Jannat’. e

music by Pritam Da and lyrics by Neelesh Misra contribute to this

song’s aura. e composition depicts a glorious declaration of love.

Mein tere mein tere

Kadmoon mein rakh du yeh jahan

Mera ishq deewangi

Hai nahi hai nahi

Aashiq koi mujhsa tera

Tu mere liye bandagi

KK’s magical voice makes us feel the song. e emotions rage in

our hearts, and we can’t help but be remembered for the love we’ve

given and received in our lives. is piece of art makes us realise

the beauty of love and the memories associated with it. Songs like

this will always keep KK alive in our hearts.

Anshul Rana

Bat of 2021

Krishnakumar Kunnath, fondly known as KK, was

a magical singer. His creations were the soundtrack

of the 21st century and an inevitable part of our

memories. A versatile singer, his songs ranged from

melodious romantic tunes to captivating dance

numbers. e star passed away on the 31st of May,

2022. His sudden demise was a shock to the music

industry, leaving an irreplaceable void. is is a

tribute to the timeless voice from the perspective

of four different music enthusiasts.

e world of love gets the best of everyone’s creativity and no

hyperbole seems to be able to contain its beauty! And Kya Mujhe

Pyaar Hai is one such effort portraying the glory of this mystic


Tum Kyun Chale Aate Ho

Har Roj In Khwabon Main

Chupke Se Aa Bhi Jao Main

Ek Din Meri Baahon Main


Expressing a wide range of feelings, the whole song seems to be

a crazy monologue of an aashiq, with a bit of ishq overdose. It is

one of the classic creations of music director Pritam. It is a perfect

fusion of so acoustics, a soothing chorus, Spanish verses and a

wonderful guitar outro (you might have missed it). KK with his

engaging voice gets us high on love! A shout-out to all the couples

madly in love, this might be the perfect song for you!

Fun fact: is song was accused of being “lied” from “Tak Bisakah”

by Noah. You shall be shocked by the similarities! Give it a try.

Meghan H K

Bat of 2021

KK's enchanting voice. Shantipriya and Om. It was love at first

sight for them, and magic for us.

Aankhon Mein Teri

Ajab Si Ajab Si Adayen Hain

What Om saw in Shantipriya's eyes, we felt, through this ethereal

piece of music. Vishal Dadlani penned the beautiful lyrics for

this song, which was brought to life by the Vishal-Sekhar duo's

composition. But the magic, truly, is KK.

Kitna Kuch Kehna Hai

Phir Bhi Hai Dil Mein

Sawaal Kahin

Sapnon Mein Jo Roz Kaha Hai

Woh Phir Se Kahoon

Ya Nahin

ere are a million things that the lover wants to say to his beloved.

He confesses his feelings to her in his dreams every day. But he

now longs to be with her and whisper to her all the things he loves

about her. Poetic to say the least.

Ajab Si is not just a huge part of 2000s music, it's also an integral

part of our childhood. Om Shanti Om was a crowd favourite and

so were its songs. Ajab Si is one of those songs which taught us

what love was. And through many masterpieces like this, KK will

always be cherished in our hearts.

KK was one of the first Indian singers I was introduced to in my

childhood. Mesmerized by his live performance in the cultural

fest of my father’s university, I have been immensely in love with

the unmistakable sweet touch of passion in his voice ever since.

From vibing to the beats of ‘Tadap Tadap' to grooving to the

peppy ‘Dus Bahane 2.0’, I have grown up. His track ‘Alvida' from

the 2007 movie ‘Life in a… Metro’ is my favourite.

Here KK sings a poignant song of separation from the loved one.

e lover resigns from the futility of his one-sided love. In his

mind, the stoic young man is dejected, and also angry, at this

realisation; yet at the same time, despite his aggressive overtones,

he continues to love his mistress in the deepest of his hearts and

even wishes that someday she will come back to him for love,

having realized her folly. Against Pritam's powerful background

music, KK has beautifully portrayed the baffling range of

conflicting emotions in this ballad penned by Amitabh Varma.

KK's melancholy voice switching sharply between low and high

notes is sure to make your hearts heavy. At his untimely bidding

goodbye from this world, we the fans of his timeless romantic

voice, wish to ask him:

Dil hai pareshan

Sacha na suna, tune kyun bhala keh diya

Alvida alvida

Koi pooche toh zara

Kya socha aur kaha alvida

… for our hearts are not yet fulfilled.

(PS: You'd love to listen to a rendition of the song in (Vedant)

Kashikar's (Batch of 2019) voice. :))

Soumyadeep Choudhury

Bat of 2021

Craving for a trip down memory lane? Find these

and other timeless songs by KK - simply scan this

QR code on your Spotify app and be teleported to

the good ol' days of peak Bollywood music.

Anna Basil Gomez

Bat of 2020

Design: AB

Illustration: SV

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or the




Sweet dreams

Hey Daddy! Tell me a bedtime story

But mind this, it should not be scary.

I know you are not as good as Mumma,

But you can tell one without drama.

You probably don't know this,

Bedtime stories help me sleep.

I have to go to school and tuition,

My whole day feels like an illusion.

Bedtime is only when it feels real.

I will sleep aer one, at's a deal.

You can tell me about the king of the sea,

How he killed the monster and made his

daughter free;

Or one about Jack and his giant tree.

Or everyone's favourite, Mickey and Minnie

Listen, come to bed, it's already late.

No story have I read that you will relate

Try to sleep instead, you have to wake up at eight.

With that being said, let's end this debate.

Oh, come on! Don't cry. You are not a kid

OK, I will try, just like you did.

Once there was a kingdom with the greatest border

It was ruled by the just and mightiest emperor.

e king had a sweet lile daughter

And he was afraid that he might lose her.

e princess was very beautiful and she was shy.

One day she became upset, nobody knew why.

She went to the stable and took a horse,

She ran towards a very rough course

On the horse, she headed towards East.

Crossing the scary jungle and dreadful beasts,

ere the princess hid in a castle with a great wall.

Rumours started to spread, most of them false.

e king announced, whoever brought her back could

marry her.

Day by day, his nights were becoming scarier.

Lots of people tried, but none of them


Because for the journey, courage was needed.

A young man promised the king he would bring the

Princess back.

His journey began in the spring, but soon he lost


In the forest, he was fighting for his life.

Monstrous beasts' blood dripping from his knife

He crossed the forest, a great wall was waiting for


He had to break the wall standing before him.

He was losing his fingers, breaking those walls.

Suddenly, one day, he heard a traveller call,

e traveller asked him why he was trying so hard.

He lost his mind or some kind of retard?

e man replied, 'He just wanted to know why the

princess is sad.'

And he would give his life to make the princess glad

He never wanted to marry her.

And he would continue

till he lost all his fingers.

-Mohammad Akram Kamil

Bat of 2020

is is a confession:

I have never been in love

Oh, there were boyhood


Childish fantasies

Built from dreams

In thin air

But even then I knew

ey were nothing

But pipe dreams

Made by an idle mind

en there was Someone,

Over the days,

Talking with her,

I grew to like her

en, a question,

I asked myself,

Do I love her?

en, I asked,

Do I even believe in love?

For I had no way to know

As I’d never been in love

Correction: I realise,

I’d never been brave enough

To let myself be loved

Will I ever shed the cowardice

Of savouring the comfort

Of loneliness?

To that Someone,

Do you like me?

I like you, but I don’t know

If I’m brave enough to love you

Or to let myself be loved by you.


Jay Rajyaguru

Batch of 2022

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Design: AA

(Dr. Mohammed Fawas K)

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Design: AA


Dr. Suryansh Saini

Batch of 2018


Forsaken lad slumped past

Heavy downpour claered wails

Muddy road to soles sunken deep

rough homes and neighbourhoods

A pious woman with pity

Drawn by hazy resemblance of lost

Showered love and affection motherly

In eyes that looked to help

Roomy stay and richness

Poisoned mind that cared no less

Groped a glock out of jacket

Redness flowed painted floor





A Stare too deep and sour

Lips transfixed in a smile

Ignorance a clouded judgement

Nature too broken to heal…

-Dr. Mohith Kapse

Bat of 2018

A winter night so cold and dark,

e fog rolls in to leave its mark.

But as the light begins to peek,

A glimmer of hope starts to speak.

e chill in the air cuts like a knife,

But the stars above bring back to life.

A sense of warmth that can't be tamed,

As the darkness is illuminated by the


e night may be long, and the journey


But the light in the fog is a shining


Guiding us through the cold and dark,

Until a new day makes its mark.

-Kratik Agarwal

Bat of 2020

Prachi Khadatare

Batch of 2021

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मेरी माँ

अनकही बातें

Dr. Fathima Hanna

Batch of 2018

Took a deep breath and blossomed to life,

Felt old sun’s warmth for the very first time

An inferno of vibrance who braved that cold


He rose come morning, dazed were all by the


A carefree mess of hues, of green and blue

Jay his best friend, his soul pure and true

Swaying with the flow, goes hither goes


Growing in the field where he saw his

brothers wither

Across the row of our sweet souled star

A stranger clad in petal gears ground char

Life with no intent, working through day till


Sends a breeze, draws the bees, repeats the

rite again

Faced falls, faced storms, hardened to the


No joy, no peace, his humbled heart begs no


An engine of the world’s making, their sorry

choices to deal

Did it hurt to lose his hues, or he even forget

how to feel?

-Naman Singh

Bat of 2021


मेहनत खून पसीने क लगती है

बरस से तय तकदीर बदलने के लए

पहाड़ सफलता के ऐसे ही खड़े नही होते

हत ज़र है नसीब क तीर बदलने के लए

बैठा समाज चाहे ना उीद होकर

सबको दखादे तू उठ खड़ा होकर

वो भी तेर जुनूनयत के आगे घुटने टेक दे

दखादे उस डर को भी उससे बड़ा होकर

तू वो चराग बन जो अंधेरे से उभरकर चमके गा

बाक सारे दीपक चाहे बुझे ही है

या ताउ जीना है ऐसे ही

फै सला ये भी करना तुझे ही है

तू कहता है िक ता सा रहता हूं म, तो

ऐसे कै से ल क ओर रार बढ़ पाएगी

म कहता हूं िक सफलता के पथ पर चल कर तो देख

ताई भी तुझसे खफ़ा हो जाएगी

सहज ही नह मल जाता खुशय का दरया

लाख दुख सहकर चेहरे पे मुान आएगी

िकत खराब थी, यह कहना ना पड़े

परम करने पर िकत भी तेर काबलयत जान जाएगी

-अंशुल राणा (Anshul Rana)

बैच 2021


Anustup Bhaacharyya

Batch of 2019

Why are we here? What makes our heart beat?

Do we truly need someone else to feel complete?

Does ‘the one’ exist, and will they stay?

And if so, are fate and destiny really in play?

en, do we even, in our life, have any say?

If ‘the one’ is just a myth, and if destiny is just a sham

en who decides what I can be and what I am?

If we decide what we are and what we want to be

en why do others’ opinions keep us from being free?

If everyone is different, is ‘objectivity’ even a thing?

If not, then why does being ‘selfish’ have such a bad ring?

If everyone’s point of view is different, unique

en why are others’ ‘good opinions’ all we seek?

But if just doing what you want is the logical way

Why are we inevitably this society’s prey?

Does society even make sense, this ‘collective being’

Won’t leing go of their rules and expectations be freeing?

But then, why do we feel alone when away from others

Why are we hurt when we’re cursed by our brothers?

If they are different, and objectivity is an illusion

Why do we want to be justified, to be proven?

Why is being different, being the outcast so hard?

Why do breakups and fallouts leave us so scarred?

If they can’t understand, and you shouldn’t expect

Why does being alone leave us so wrecked?

e closeness, the warmth - is it something that logic can’t explain?

Some dimension of human existence that escapes our brain?

Maybe the ‘maers of the heart’ truly are different

Maybe it’s these which make us feel so terrible yet magnificent.


-Maanit Matravadia, Bat of 2020

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A Rant On

A tear rolled down my cheek as I walked in solitude in the rain

As people passed by, unaware of the chaos in my brain

Not an expression on my face, I was too tired to say a word

I didn’t want to cry; I didn’t want to be heard


Design: HA

Illustration: RR

I was tired of debating with the world, proving I was right

Too tired to any longer put up a fight

I have surrendered in front of destiny unaware of what it holds

A disappointment to the past girl who was sure and bold

I don’t wish to stop; I don’t want this moment to end where I am with me

For once no one’s telling me how I am wrong or how to make things right,

I’m free

It’s just me, the same me who’s been through it all, the witness to all her

faults, she who took every call

Yes she messed up several times but can’t life give her a few free passes,

aer all, she’s just a kid

With nothing in her defense, with no plea and no bid

She just wants to be the same old self, happy in her bliss,

Finding happiness in the tiny things and fighting her bale crisis

Yet coming out strong making herself proud

Simply being the best in the crowd

~ Pavit Singh, Bat of 2021

Disclaimer: I wrote this before the Rishikesh trip.

College is about being exposed to the real world, and it

certainly did happen. My views of an ideal world with

gender equality were shattered, the way an egg splatters

when it falls from a rooftop. Gender equality is still a myth. The

boys have all the freedom in the world while we girls are being

deprived of our basic rights. They have a curfew only on paper

while the girls are trapped within the shackles of restrictions.

All we’re allowed to do is study, and study on an empty

stomach because we can’t even go to the mess in the evening

for snacks, let alone go anywhere else. We can order food, but

that is not economical and everyone knows it. The boys can do

whatever they want, eat whenever they want, and go wherever

they want. The girls, however? Porcelain dolls in a glass cage.

A very cliché comparison, but it is extremely apt. We live in a

hospital but can’t go to the emergency when we’re sick. We’re

escorted only after two or so days of suering. Going to the

general store or the coee shop is a far-o thought, we can’t

even go to the pharmacy to get medicines. “Order it!”

While our prison is very cushy, with spacious rooms and

clean bathrooms, it is a prison nonetheless. What's the point

of sitting on a throne in a locked room when there’s a whole

world out there to explore? We’re taken everywhere in a line,

like toddlers. College is about exploring and learning about

yourself, but how can we possibly do that when we don’t even

know about our surroundings? I’ve been on the campus for a

month now, and the only non-academic places I’ve seen are

the hostel, mess, and general store. College is about liberation,

but I certainly had more freedom back home. They’re scared

about our wings breaking, but they’ll heal. Nipping them o at

the buds is not the answer.

Anushka Kulkarni

Batch of 2022

The boys have a TV in their hostel and a lot of other

extracurricular activities. We have nothing. Our entertainment

is studying. We’re no longer allowed on the swings in front of

the girls' hostel. When I asked why, I was not given a straight

answer. Not allowing us to sit on the swings is just sadism

under the facade of "protecting us from ragging". How could

sitting on swings in front of the girls' hostel, out in the open,

under the watchful eyes of the wardens, possibly make us

susceptible to getting ragged?

To be very blunt, we are adults and while we are a bit naive, it

doesn’t warrant the kind of restrictions and regulations being

enforced upon us. Yes, we have each other and it’s a new place

with new people, but we need to be able to do more than just

socialize. We’re in that sweet spot between teenage life and

adulthood. If we don’t have the freedom to make mistakes

now and learn from them, we’ll screw up even worse in the

future. Some of those mistakes will turn out to be the most

memorable experiences of our lives. By depriving us of the

ability to make them, they’re ensuring that our treasure trove

of memories remains empty. We don’t even know what we are

missing out on. I understand that the restrictions will be lifted

soon, but I don't think it's fair that we have to wait for around

3 months for that to be done.

If this is the case in a premier institute like AIIMS, I shudder to

think about the situation in other colleges.

Design: AB

Illustration: SV

222 223

Awakening Of The


By Nitant Joshi, Batch of 2022

Every individual on this planet is bound inadvertently by social norms. Norms

which extract our inner feelings and at the same time suppress our outspoken

opinions. An individual chooses to either thrive or be downtrodden under

these equivocal circumstances. riving under stringent norms also opens us to

opportunities to explore one’s quiescent centres. e constant sounds of frolics in

the background arising from old and dingy hostel rooms reinstate one’s faith in the

dual nature of man. One nature encompassing outward depiction used to portray

one’s intellect and discipline. e other, hidden away from society’s leering eyes,

constantly evolves and prospers in the background. It patiently waits for the

subconscious authorisation to leap out and be free at last. Once quiet and reticent,

individuals finally let out, rather than dig out their quiescent centres. ey delve

into previously unknown depths of celebrations and excitement. New experiences

and exotic sensations take over the finely honed discretionary powers that they

perfected over the years. Intelligence never dies out, rather gets subdued under the

sheet of newly found freedom. is opens up dangerous avenues and possibilities

of spiralling into the vortex of indiscipline and insubordination. On the other

hand, a controlled and calibrated release of this latent energy would only serve to

supplement one’s intellect and personality development. e decision rests upon

the individual to either bask in the supernova of glowing self-confidence or be

burnt to shreds by the fire of desires…


Design: AB

Illustration: SH

Shubham Bhakal

Batch of 2019


Listening to tales of magic, music and mountains,

Stories of dear Grandma, old and wise,

“Are angels real?”, asked the lile one, full of wonder,

“Yes”, I replied, with a twinkle in my eyes.

“With ethereal beauty, blessed by Aphrodite,

Or wings shining silver as the moonlight,

With fairy dust to make everything right?”

She asked, not believing me quite.

No, they don’t usually look like that,

Yet, they’re gracious blessings of the lord,

To pull you out of the river of worry and strife,

To help you remember “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

A magical caress on the head,

Whisking you away into the magical dreamland,

A mom’s healing touch making pain disappear,

Like fickle words wrien in sand.

Dad’s pep talk before an exam,

Making anxiety disappear in a wisp of time,

e one who always helps you,

Whether you’re in need of a penny or a dime.

e friend whose presence and whose hugs,

Never let you feel away from home,

Or the one who just sits and listens for a while,

When you feel worried or alone.

And yes, of course there’s the magic too,

Not the mahogany wand or the silver dust,

Yet, it’s a magic which causes miracles to be,

e magic of love, faith and trust.

So as you grow, always believe,

In miracles and stories that end well,

For when you’re asked, “Are angels real?”

I hope this is the truth you’ll tell!

-Ishika Gupta

Bat of 2019

मेरे हर मज क दवा है म

मेरे हर सच क गवाह है म

या खुदा िकस म से तूने बनाई है म

मेर सस, खाना, पानी और हवा है म

मं ही है जो मुझे यह तक लाई है

खुद क खुशी भूलकर जसने जंदगी बनाई है

भूलना मत कभी मं क ममता को

उसी ममता ने तो संसार म ार क रत चलाई


ार का दूसरा नाम है म

तुझे पूजना मेरा काम है मं

भगवान ने दया है मुझे जो

सबसे बड़ा तू वरदान है मं

गलतय हजार क है मैने

उ सुधारने क हत दी है तूने

जंदगी से .कज जो लए थे मने

उ चुकाने क कमत दी है तूने

जब भी कभी मेर जंदगी संवारने वालो क

दाान बय होगी

तो कतार म भगवान से भी पहले मेर मं होगी

संसार क जननी है वो, उसे याद रखना दुनया


हर मुसीबत म साथ देने वाली मेर मं होगी


-अंशुल राणा (Anshul Rana)

2021 बैच

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Sathya Keshav entu

Batch of 2021

My lile circle in my personal space

No mockery no embarrassment and no snarky

comments to face

People I love and people who care

e warmth of compassion and the comfort in the air

But my mind chides me, “Why don’t you open up more?”

A coward hidden in her tiny lile core

Is it the fear of being judged or not being enough

What is it that makes it so hard and tough

Am I disrupting the harmony or fiing in just fine

Am I welcome or unwanted, what’s the sign?

Am I being too finicky or do people think I’m proud

Have I risen above or just too lost in the crowd

What if I share too much and I lose respect

Or too lost in my world and can’t connect

Is the world my enemy or is it just me

Are there walls of prejudice or there’s love I can’t see.

-Pavit Singh, Bat of 2021

Aer all this time that we have shared together,

Yet when you knock upon my door, the happy rush in

me does not get any lesser.

You are the comfort that’s hard to find,

A rare and precious friend whom I can call mine.

So thrilled with all the dreams in my head untold,

For our lives have just begun and there is so much to


e world may cause a lot of strife,

But just a few moments with you can turn things

around, like a roll of the dice.

And make everything happy and nice.

I'm grateful to God every single day,

With you by my side, life's such a sweet bouquet.

No Romeo and Juliet, I’d like our story to be simpler,

So let me ask you

Will you be my happily ever aer?

-Megha Gupta, Bat of 2019

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Aashish Meena

Batch of 2020


- A Week's Journey

On Mondays when no pill in Ibiza comes to aid

Tim Bergling of my life you become

232 runic seconds of 'Waiting for Love' plays

On Tuesdays when I face all the hassle blades

photographers of my life you become

enthralling montage of unparalleled love plays

On Wednesdays when I trudge under the dingy


vivid rainbows of my life you become

unadorned pier paer of arcadian drizzle plays

On ursdays when some sentiments turn to jade

Daoist paradise of my life you become

sonorous poetry from trembling lips plays

On Fridays when my words are all disarrayed

Shams Tabrizi of my life you become

divine lines from Rumi's rubaiyat plays

On Saturdays when my confidence is frayed

priceless appreciation of my life you become

healing vibrations from rose quartz plays

On Sundays when materialistic glimmer fades

Hans Zimmers of my life you become

background score of unequivocal love plays

-Gaurav Prakash Meena

Bat of 2020



अर रह जाती ह कु छ बात

कु छ बात अनकही रह जाती ह

दल से नकलती ह कु छ

कु छ बात जुब नह आती ह पर

बोल नह पाते ह

डरावना तो नह है सच

लेिकन डर लग ही जाता है

बुरा ना लगे तुमको सच

यह डर नह जाता है

मन तो था कहने का कु छ

पर बात कभी और के लए टल जाती ह

कोशश चाहे िकतनी भी कँ

कु छ बात रह ही जाती ह

यार बता तो दू ँ तुमको, कु छ गलत थोड़े ना है

पर ा समझ आएगा तुे, तुे समझना भी है?

अगर जानना चाहते हो तोह सुनो! अभी बता देता हूँ

पर अगर अनसुना करना है तोह को! कह लख कर छु पा देता हूँ

कहने तो आज भी बहुत कु छ आया था

पर दल म छु पा कर ही ले जाता हूँ

अपने मन क दुवधा लेकर तो आया था

पर आज िफर संकोच से दबा देता हूँ

जनको बोलना था बहुत कु छ

उनको देख हत टूट सी जाती है

आज िफर रह गयी बात कु छ

कु छ बात हर बार रह ही जाती है

-नखर बंसल (Nikhar Bansal)

बैच 2021

230 231


Bharat Goel, Batch of 2022

e countless ways

In which

e devious universe works

I cannot fathom

Manipulating and manoeuvring

Every creature

Tethered to it

By invisible strings

Woven with white lies

e master ventriloquist

Compelling, coercing

Our meek mortal minds

To silently savour sin.

His servants obscuring the reality from us

Shielding us puppets from the truth

e deceptive universe

Imbued with power

Engrained in one's subconscious

Disguised as instinct

e angel on one shoulder

e devil on another

e choice is ours

at will render

Us either saints or sinners

Every fleeting moment

Of our ephemeral lives

We make a choice

It's do or die

But what if the universe

Makes that choice for us instead?

Slaughtering our visceral hopes and fears

Inflicting his beliefs on our submissive souls

Labelling his choices

As fate and fortune

As destiny

And as doom

Our strings unravelling, untwining above us

Marionees as he destines our lives

We're all now a part of something bigger than ourselves

An ulterior motive.

Dr. Archisman Mazumder

Batch of 2018

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Ravi Ranjan Roy

Batch of 2019

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(Rank 67)

(Rank 160)

(Rank 179)

(Rank 190)

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Madhur Singhal

Batch of 2020

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Design: HA

Abhishek AA

Batch of 2020

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Intern's Column Designing


Cover art - RR

Layout & illustrations - HA

Design - NS, HG, AB

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With Love,

From 'StupEd

Illustration - SH

Design - AB, HA

Wall mag covers - RR, PS

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Tuesday, 2 nd April, 2024

The soul of a magazine, long trapped within the confines of a computer screen, gets liberated.

As I type this letter at 3 in the morning seated in the plush armchairs in the SU Room, I can’t

help but smile. “Almost there”, I think to myself, as my eyes beg for sleep, but I continue to

clatter away at Abin’s laptop.

The memory of receiving my very first ‘Hybrid Hues’ in the initial days of the orientation

program will be etched forever in my temporal cortex. I still remember as an unsuspecting

faccha when I first laid my hands on Rishi’s mag. The diversity in its content, interspersed

with wit and artistry, had me in awe. It didn’t take me long to realise that I had to be a part

of this, and with it, be associated in some way with the amazing people behind its creation.

Starting out modestly by contributing an amateurish (and in retrospect, very poorly-written)

poem to Dyuti’s mag, I was steadily getting more opportunities to write in Laya’s wall mags.

I also began attending design workshops that she organised, but when I really spread my

wings was under Keerthana’s able guidance, whose patience and encouragement gave me

confidence in my ability to grapple with the basics of InDesign, Illustrator and Procreate.

An attempt to recount the journey of making this mag is a daunting task, but bear with me as

I try. From the moment the four of us (Harsh, Hardik, Abin and I) were put in charge of the

Editorial Board 2022-23, we knew what we were up for. The successful release of Keerthana’s

mag had laid a solid foundation for our society, but the edifice to build upon it fell on to us.

The Co-Secy’s I had were heroes we all need but don’t deserve, and I’m grateful for all the

times they had my back.

Despite coming from a non-ed board background, Harsh became an integral part of our

operation. Like a queen on the chessboard, he became a force to be reckoned with in mag

designing, surpassing my wildest expectations. Guess this just happens when you have an

insatiable hunger and untiring passion for creative work! He was literally hell-bent on making

our mag “the best one ever”, and he would stop at nothing to achieve this, branching out to

even writing engaging articles, further elevating our content. If only he was discovered by the

earlier editorial boards, I wonder how much further he could've gotten.

Although both Abin and Hardik became busy with research and Step 1 exam preparation

at various points during our tenure, they did not default on a single assignment. Their vast

experience with design work in the previous ed boards helped the mag immeasurably.

In March 2022, a good number of people I had inherited from Keerthana’s ed board along

with many keen facche (who are now in the 5th semester) joined us on the ride, reposing faith

in our ability to steer the ship in the right direction. Together, we put in all we had to release

our first wall mag within a mere month of the formation of the new ed board (the name for

which Anagha cleverly came up with at the Mag Ed’s expense). LT visits and online events like

‘Hue-topia’ were carried out to pump up participation among juniors. Several months down

the line, another wall mag was out, and an impressive thirty-eight people survived on board,

committed to the ultimate cause of HH ’22-’23. We were joined by five more enthusiastic

juniors from the 2022 batch. Each of our crew has been an invaluable addition in their own

right, bringing a fresh outlook to every discussion.

Hours of deliberation, both online and oine, involving almost all ed board members, gave

shape to the questionnaire for the 7th edition of Vital Statistics. Not to forget the equal (if not

even greater) number of hours spent watching footage of ‘Family Guy’, trying to find

(in)appropriate jokes to accompany the data analysis.

The ever-dependable illustrators - Ridhima, Soumyadip Halder, Pavit and Sathya were also

super-stars this ed board saw the rise of. Prime examples of their best works include all the

cover pages and the illustrations in Vital Statistics. It is but the beginning for these talents,

and I can't wait to see how their future pans out.

The entire team of Interns’ Column, led by veterans like Anushka Rathi and Maanit, understood

their assignments from the get go and never have I had to so much as bat an eyelid during

the entire process of collection of columns and photos for interns. Prachi also stood up to

the task of compiling Pulse and P-wave sections, selecting bite-sized articles from a huge

number of writers alongside relevant photos. Aman, Suyash, and Sahil shared responsibility

of data collection for marriages and ranks.

Editing and proofreading content are some of the most challenging parts of the job. But to

be honest, they have always been the most fun for me. Judging what someone else wrote

and pointing out errors gave me the feeling our language teachers at school relished. Anna,

Philemon, Mrinal, Kaushik and Hayagrivas are a few who really stood out in this area.

Anagha and Naman were exceptional in all their assigned tasks throughout and have shown

promise in their capability as leaders. I wish them the best as they put on the crowns of Chief

Editors for HH ’23-’24 and HH ’24-’25 respectively.

We hit many bumps on the road (most notably the NExT mock test scare and the final prof

season which followed), but never once did we come to a grinding halt. Burning the midnight

oil for days on end, both in the final year as well as the first three months of internship, was

necessary to make sure we crossed the finishing line. And would you look at that? We made it!

Did we ever doubt ourselves? Not really to be honest, we knew we had what it takes all along.

It may have taken a tad longer, but good things come to those who hustle, right? Proving our

doubters wrong (and our haters clinically insane) is just icing on the cake as we savour this

moment of success.

This has been one heck of a ride, but it pains me to say that like all good things, the mag must

also come to an end. It’s time to go our separate paths, me o to the dreaded Dayalpur and

you, hopefully o to explore more of ‘Hybrid Hues’!

Signing o as Magazine Editor 2022-23

Anustup Bhattacharyya

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Long live our Hybrid Hues

'StupEd Board

"ere's nothing better than a world

where everybody's just trying to

make each other laugh"

Matthew Perry

American-Canadian Actor


The Editorial Team for the 22nd edition of Hybrid Hues, 2022-2023


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