Educating Our Eagles - Issue 23


MIDDLE SCHOOL: Animal and Plant Adaptations Seventh grade Science students study adaptations that organisms need for increased survival and reproduction in various habitats. To demonstrate their understanding, they create a project to show the behaviors or structures needed for increased survival and biological fitness within a chosen species. Students were able to research an existing plant or animal, or create a new species based upon inspiration from an existing adaptation. To show understanding, students could create: a diagram/drawing, a model, a written explanation, or a poster to show the relationship type, animal behavior(s)/ structure(s), or plant structure(s), involved, habitat, and unique species related vocabulary. These projects were required to relate content vocabulary words, important plant/animal structures and relevant animal behaviors to our unit essential question, and to show clarity, organization, focus on topic, and understanding of content. As a result of instruction, students will be able to: • construct an explanation based on evidence for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures increase the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants. • explain how the structures and/or behaviors of organisms enable and enhance life’s functions. Observations: Students really showed their individuality and creativity with this assignment. They practiced their researching skills, evaluating and citing sources, and showed investment and focus on their projects. They also were able to gain a greater level of understanding of content and build in relevant examples of animal and plant adaptations to draw upon when thinking critically about the standard on future assignments and assessments. MA Standards: 7.MS-LS1-4 EDUCATING OUR EAGLES 14




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