4 Final Report - Emits - ESA

4 Final Report - Emits - ESA 4 Final Report - Emits - ESA

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4 Final Report Ground Stations for Geo-Oculus For the preliminary architecture of the Geo-Oculus ground segment it is foreseen to establish two TT&C stations to provide redundancy for the TT&C functionality. TT&C Ground Stations The TT&C Stations are responsible for exchanging telecommands and telemetry with the satellite and to provide ranging functionality. For the envisaged orbit determination based on the spread spectrum ranging method, at least two S-Band stations are required; to achieve optimum performance three S- Band Ground stations should be foreseen. It is recommended to use dedicated S-Band GEO ground stations for the TT&C functionality providing permanent contact with the satellite. Using the S-Band for TM/TC and ranging makes the system compatible to the LEOP G/S network. During LEOP, commissioning and verification phase the LEOP G/S network can provide backup and failsafe capabilities for the operational system within the initial verification phase. Additionally using a lower frequency band like the S-Band in combination with a big G/S antenna size increases also the ranging accuracy of the station. The location of the primary S-Band TT&C ground station can principally be selected at free choice. The only constraint is that the S-Band G/S needs a direct communication link to the operations facilities (being ESOC in Darmstadt as a baseline), which allows a seamless exchange of the TM/TC data between ESOC and the G/S. At present stage, the Agency's ESTRACK facilities located at Maspalomas (Spain) is considered as primary ground station. The secondary ground station is assumed to be located in Redu, Belgium. The monitoring and control of the S-Band ground stations can be achieved remotely from ESOC by the staff already in place. TT&C Standards and Interfaces For compatibility reason to the ESOC/ GSOC G/S network, it is also recommended to follow the CCSDS standard for the TM/TC data packets and to provide SLE (Space Link Extension) interfaces. PDT Ground Stations As a baseline for the Payload Data Ground Segment the main data reception facility shall be equipped with a dedicated ground station to provide permanent contact with the satellite. As has already been mentioned before, it is recommended as far as feasible that the receiving station is collocated with the Payload Data Ground Segment in order to reduce the latency between data reception and processing. What concerns the usage of a dedicated frequency band for payload data transmission, the ITU allows for the data reception of GEO earth observation satellites to use the X-, DBS- or Ka-Band. At present stage, the X-Band has been selected as baseline for the Geo Oculus PDT. The X-band is in the earth observation domain the most commonly used frequency range for TM data transfer. However, a GEO based S/C the utilisation of the X-band for payload data transmission may produce interferences with the LEO systems. A LEO Ground Station located within this foot print can probably cross this permanent GEO TM link through the tracking process of its LEO spacecraft. As a result of the interference, it may be disturbed in its link and might loose its track. A small foot print of the GEO S/C can reduce this risk, on the other hand, this increases the size of the TM transmit antenna on board the S/C. Page 4-86 Doc. No: GOC-ASG-RP-002 Issue: 2 Astrium GmbH Date: 13.05.2009

5 Final Report 5 Recommendations on further Analysis 5.1 System Analysis Detailed analysis of the manoeuvre times A driving aspect of the mission performance is the manoeuvre time of the system to point from on observation pattern to the next. Depending on the configuration of the AOCS, the limiting factor is the settling time to achieve the desired level of stability after the active part of the manoeuvre. It has been identified that especially the characteristics of the solar array are of relevance for the settling time. It is highly recommended to analyse the manoeuvre times in more detail, especially concerning the characteristics of large structures as the solar array, in order to consolidate this important aspect of mission performance at a high level of confidence. Detailed investigation of microvibration aspects At the required level of attitude stability, the microvibrations from momentum wheels, solar array drive and, if applicable, of an antenna pointing mechanism have to be minimized and/or compensated. A detailed analysis of the microvibrations and the means of reductions is highly recommended for the further study phases. 5.2 Mission Objectives and Data Processing At least two major issues remain at this stage of the GEO study. First the need to strongly consolidate the user’s requirement, second the temporal coverage specificity of the GEO (compute the optimal revisit frequency to get one clear image per days, based on the Eumetsat cloud products archive and taking into account ocean colour geometrical limitations). Additional proposed tasks: • Justification of the GEO concept for OC. A less demanding requirement on the temporal coverage is to be able to detect the daily oceanic structures (like Chlorophyll gradient). Contrary to purely numerical techniques of “optimal interpolation” trying to fill the gap of LEO, the GEO concept could directly supply the physical data in a progressive way among the day. It is proposed to analyse the progressive detection of Chlorophyll structure (i.e. progressive improvement of the gradient computation with increasing clear zones along the day), as a function of the number of acquisitions, and to derive the minimal revisit requirement which suits current operational services in structure detection. • Air mass issue and atmospheric correction. There is a big need to have a radiative transfer modeling tool in spherical coordinates, in order to access the realistic air mass requirements. To our knowledge such a code is not available to the Ocean Colour community in Europe and could be developed. • Coverage analysis The user requirement on temporal coverage refers to two main aspects: − need to have several images per day in order to built one daily cloud-free synthesis (e.g. phytoplancton map) − need to have several clear images per day in order to follow rapid events (e.g. tides, NRT water quality monitoring). The analysis conducted so far on "availability coverage" used a very high revisit time (15 min) and is thus not exactly scaled to the requirements and potential of Geo-Oculus (agility for pointing on cloud-free region). An acquisition scenario that would optimise the cloud-free region, taking into account the realistic duration of acquisition, pointing and stabilization Doc. No: GOC-ASG-RP-002 Page 5-87 Issue: 2 Date: 13.05.2009 Astrium GmbH

5 <strong>Final</strong><br />

<strong>Report</strong><br />

5 Recommendations on further Analysis<br />

5.1 System Analysis<br />

Detailed analysis of the manoeuvre times<br />

A driving aspect of the mission performance is the manoeuvre time of the system to point from on<br />

observation pattern to the next. Depending on the configuration of the AOCS, the limiting factor is the<br />

settling time to achieve the desired level of stability after the active part of the manoeuvre. It has been<br />

identified that especially the characteristics of the solar array are of relevance for the settling time.<br />

It is highly recommended to analyse the manoeuvre times in more detail, especially concerning the<br />

characteristics of large structures as the solar array, in order to consolidate this important aspect of<br />

mission performance at a high level of confidence.<br />

Detailed investigation of microvibration aspects<br />

At the required level of attitude stability, the microvibrations from momentum wheels, solar array drive<br />

and, if applicable, of an antenna pointing mechanism have to be minimized and/or compensated. A<br />

detailed analysis of the microvibrations and the means of reductions is highly recommended for the<br />

further study phases.<br />

5.2 Mission Objectives and Data Processing<br />

At least two major issues remain at this stage of the GEO study. First the need to strongly consolidate<br />

the user’s requirement, second the temporal coverage specificity of the GEO (compute the optimal<br />

revisit frequency to get one clear image per days, based on the Eumetsat cloud products archive and<br />

taking into account ocean colour geometrical limitations).<br />

Additional proposed tasks:<br />

• Justification of the GEO concept for OC. A less demanding requirement on the temporal<br />

coverage is to be able to detect the daily oceanic structures (like Chlorophyll gradient).<br />

Contrary to purely numerical techniques of “optimal interpolation” trying to fill the gap of LEO,<br />

the GEO concept could directly supply the physical data in a progressive way among the<br />

day. It is proposed to analyse the progressive detection of Chlorophyll structure (i.e.<br />

progressive improvement of the gradient computation with increasing clear zones along the<br />

day), as a function of the number of acquisitions, and to derive the minimal revisit<br />

requirement which suits current operational services in structure detection.<br />

• Air mass issue and atmospheric correction. There is a big need to have a radiative<br />

transfer modeling tool in spherical coordinates, in order to access the realistic air mass<br />

requirements. To our knowledge such a code is not available to the Ocean Colour<br />

community in Europe and could be developed.<br />

• Coverage analysis The user requirement on temporal coverage refers to two main aspects:<br />

− need to have several images per day in order to built one daily cloud-free synthesis (e.g.<br />

phytoplancton map)<br />

− need to have several clear images per day in order to follow rapid events (e.g. tides, NRT<br />

water quality monitoring).<br />

The analysis conducted so far on "availability coverage" used a very high revisit time (15<br />

min) and is thus not exactly scaled to the requirements and potential of Geo-Oculus (agility<br />

for pointing on cloud-free region). An acquisition scenario that would optimise the cloud-free<br />

region, taking into account the realistic duration of acquisition, pointing and stabilization<br />

Doc. No: GOC-ASG-RP-002 Page 5-87<br />

Issue: 2<br />

Date: 13.05.2009 Astrium GmbH

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