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Dragana Spasi} - \uri}<br />


the capital of the Roman<br />

province of<br />

Upper Moesia<br />

Pozarevac 2002.


Dragana Spasi} - \uri}<br />


glavni grad rimske<br />

provincije<br />

Gorwe Mezije<br />

Po`arevac 2002.

Izdava~<br />


Po`arevac, Voje Duli}a 10<br />

e-mail: muzejpo@ptt.yu<br />

www.museum-po.org.yu<br />

Publisher:<br />


Po`arevac, Voje Duli}a 10<br />

e-mail: muzejpo@ptt.yu<br />

www.museum-po.org.yu<br />

Glavni i odgovorni urednik<br />

Violeta Tomi}<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

Violeta Tomi}<br />

Recenzent<br />

Aleksandar Jovanovi}<br />

Reviewed by<br />

Aleksandar Jovanovi}<br />

Prevod<br />

Vedran Drowi}<br />

Translation<br />

Vedran Dronji}<br />

Fotografije<br />

Stanko Kosti}<br />

Mario Lisovski<br />

Foto-dokumentacija Muzeja<br />

Photographs<br />

Stanko Kosti}<br />

Mario Lisovski<br />

Foto-documentation of Museum<br />

Lektura<br />

Milena Milo{evi}<br />

Proof reading<br />

Milena Milo{evi}<br />

Grafi~ki dizajn<br />

Dragana Spasi} - \uri}<br />

Graphic design<br />

Dragana Spasi} - \uri}<br />

Tehni~ki urednik<br />

Danijel Lisovski<br />

Publishing editor<br />

Danijel Lisovski<br />

[tampa<br />

„ Kompromis - dizajn“<br />

Po`arevac, ]ebina 28<br />

Print<br />

“Kompromis - dizajn“<br />

Po`arevac, ]ebina 28<br />

Tira`<br />

1000 primeraka<br />

Printed in<br />

1000 copies<br />

ISBN 86-84147-00-6<br />

Na koricama:<br />

- novac Viminacijuma, godina I<br />

- razglednica Kostolca sa po~etka XX veka<br />

Front page:<br />

- <strong>Viminacium</strong> mint, year I<br />

- Kostolac, postcard from the begining 20 th century



Zna~ajna i poduhvatna<br />

kwiga o izuzetnom povodu.<br />

Namirilo se oko 120 leta od kada<br />

su, Mihajlo Valtrovi}, a potom i<br />

Miloje Vasi} sa vinkelmanskom<br />

radoznalo{}u i erudicijom,<br />

zapo~eli istra`ivawe i odtajnivawe<br />

Viminacijuma. Odazvali su se<br />

pozivu vekova, za{li u tamno i<br />

duboko jezgro arheolo{ke zbiqe,<br />

ostaviv{i generacijama da se<br />

lagano pribli`avaju otisku grada,<br />

krune mezijskih prostranstava.<br />

Obuhva}en je milenijum: od ra|awa<br />

kobne keltske delfijske po`ude<br />

po~etkom III veka p.n.e., do<br />

brani~evskog novog osvita<br />

po~etkom VII veka n.e.<br />

Darovao je Viminacijum<br />

mnogo sun~anog i mese~evog sjaja,<br />

ali je i tajna rasla do zvezda i<br />

vilinskih pri~a. Dragana Spasi} -<br />

\uri} je u ovoj bremenitoj i<br />

beri}etnoj kwizi dosegla granice<br />

do kojih se na ovom stepenu<br />

istra`enosti mo`e do}i; i vi{e<br />

od toga: nagovestila je sjaj<br />

zatomqenih horizonata i onih<br />

otvorenih za prepoznate naslute<br />

It is important and enterprising<br />

book about an extraordinary<br />

motive. 120 years hve passed since<br />

Mihajlo Valtrovit} and then Miloje<br />

Vasi} started researching and solving<br />

the secret with Winkelman’s curiosity<br />

and erudition. They responded to an<br />

appeal from centuries, went into a<br />

dark and dept core of archeological<br />

reality, having left to generations to<br />

approach slowly to the mark of the<br />

town, to the crown of Moesia’s extent.<br />

A millennium was included: since the<br />

birth of evil Celtic lust from the<br />

beginning of the 7 th century A.D.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> gave much<br />

splendour of the sun and the moon<br />

but the secret kept growing up to the<br />

border to which it may be reached at<br />

this level of research and much more<br />

than this: she indicated the splendour<br />

of darkened horizons as well as those<br />

opened ones for recognized anticipations<br />

of future research works. Each<br />

chapter is a powerful irrefutable sudy<br />

of various segments of <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s<br />

story. The book is intended and wel-<br />


udu}ih izu~avawa. Svako poglavqe<br />

je stamena, neporeciva studija<br />

razli~itih segmenata viminacijumske<br />

pri~e. Kwiga je namewena, i<br />

dobrodo{la, svima: od zavi~ajnog<br />

znati`eqnika do kutaka akademskih<br />

biblioteka, najve}ih<br />

steci{ta humanisti~kih znawa.<br />

Dragana Spasi} - \uri} je<br />

Viminacijum, koji ima u srcu,<br />

ponudila svakom viminacijskom<br />

namerniku i pohodniku. Kwigu<br />



GORWE MEZIJE“, pravi beleg,<br />

preporu~ujem svim sakupqa~ima<br />

delova davnog sveta i onima<br />

zahva}enim titrajem arheolo{kog<br />

odgonetawa.<br />

Kotor 21. VI 2002.<br />

Prof. dr Aleksandar<br />

Jovanovi}<br />

come to everybody: from the curious<br />

homeland people to the corners of<br />

academic libraries, the greatest meeting<br />

places of humanistic knowledge.<br />

Dragana Spasi} - Djuri} has offered<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, which she has in her<br />

heart, to every unexpected guest of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> and visitor too. I recommend<br />

the book „<strong>Viminacium</strong> - the<br />

Capital of Roman Province Upper<br />

Moesia“, a real mark, to all collectors<br />

of the parts of the ancient world as<br />

well as to all those taken by the flicker<br />

of archeological solving.<br />

Kotor, June 21st, 2002<br />

Prof. dr Aleksandar<br />

Jovanovi}<br />


Uvod<br />


Sme{ten na U{}u, raspet u prostoru<br />

izme|u Istoka i Zapada, Severa i<br />

Juga, Viminacijum be{e izazov za Nebo i<br />

Bogove, osvaja~e i dobronamerne putnike,<br />

misionare i trgovce. Bez obzira na<br />

razloge i motive, svi oni su , u ovom tlu,<br />

na ovim obalama, prepoznavali uslove svog<br />

opstanka i trajawa. Viminacijum je bio i<br />

ostao veliki arheolo{ki izazov i<br />

zagonetka, kako za prve istori~are i<br />

putopisce XIX, tako i za nas, arheologe<br />

XXI veka. Kopaju}i i tragaju}i po debelim<br />

slojevima zemqe, mo`da nismo na{li<br />

mnoge odgovore ali smo naslutili<br />

granice.<br />

Sve to vreme, Viminacijum postojano<br />

traje u prostoru i vremenu, odolevaju}i<br />

ru{ewima i pqa~kawima, dokazuju}i<br />

da ne postoji ni{ta {to mo`e biti<br />

poru{eno. Hrpe opeka, bezbroj kerami~kih<br />

fragmenata i delovi mermernih stubova,<br />

~ekaju na novo gra|ewe i tanano<br />

i{~itavawe viminacijumskog rukopisa. U<br />

blizini Kostolca, u nepreglednim<br />

sti{kim poqima, skrivene su tajne nekada{we<br />

stvarnosti, zna~ajne za re{ewe<br />

kqu~nih pitawa iz anti~ke politi~ke,<br />

ekonomske i kulturne istorije Srbije i<br />

Balkana.<br />

Svesni smo ~iwenice da istra-<br />

`ivawe nije ni na ~ijoj strani, ve} je<br />

poput mosta gde se sre}u dva sveta udaqena<br />

ponorom vremena, a sve radi stvarawa<br />

istine o svetu i ~oveku. Pred nama je<br />

Located at a confluence, stranded<br />

in the space between East and West, North<br />

and South, <strong>Viminacium</strong> was a challenge to<br />

Heaven and Gods, to conquerors and<br />

well-meaning travellers, to missionaries<br />

and merchants. Regardless of their reasons<br />

and motives, all of them recognised<br />

the conditions of their survival and<br />

endurance in this ground, in these banks.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> has been and is a great<br />

archaeological challenge and puzzle, as<br />

much to the first historians and travel<br />

writers of the 19 th century as to us, 21 st<br />

century archaeologists. Whilst many an<br />

answer may have eluded us as we dug and<br />

searched through thick layers of earth, we<br />

have come to feel where the boundaries<br />

lie.<br />

All this while <strong>Viminacium</strong> has lasted<br />

unwaveringly in space and time, resisting<br />

devastation and looting, proving that there is<br />

nothing which can be destroyed. Heaps of<br />

bricks, numberless ceramic fragments and<br />

parts of marble columns await a new building<br />

and delicate reading of the <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

manuscript. In the vicinity of Kostolac, under<br />

the vast fields of Stig, hidden lie the secrets<br />

of a former reality, crucial for solving some<br />

key issues of the political, economic and cultural<br />

history of classical Serbia and the<br />

Balkans.<br />

We are aware of the fact that research<br />

takes no sides. It, nonetheless, resembles a<br />

bridge where two worlds separated by the<br />


slo`en, ali beskrajno lep zadatak:<br />

pro~i{}ewe, poja{wewe tog vremena i<br />

otkri}e ogromnog qudskog prisustva na<br />

ovim prostorima. Spoznati obim tog<br />

vremena, zna~i izbrisati pojmove OVDE i<br />

SADA, TADA i TAMO, probiti naslage<br />

zemqe i tame, o`iveti davnog, viminacijumskog<br />

~oveka, obezdu{enog tela,<br />

prigu{enih re~i ...! Prekriti papir<br />

re~ima koje su davno izgovorene, spoznati<br />

re~i @IVOTA i ono {to kazuje viminacijumska<br />

pro{lost, u tvrdim glinenim,<br />

kamenim ili metalnim re~enicama.<br />

Naslutiti daleka se}awa, arhitekturu<br />

unutarweg sveta! Otkriti zidove,<br />

krovove, ulice... obnoviti spoqa, obnoviti<br />

iznutra sve ono {to kazuju hiqade<br />

predmeta iznedrenih iz wiva. Iz wih<br />

izrawa ~ovek - stvaralac i energija<br />

neprekidnog trajawa; zvuk zlatarskog<br />

~eki}a pri kovawu, de~iji smeh u igri,<br />

drhtaj hirur{ke ruke, uzdah umornog<br />

vojnika, mete` u pristani{tu pri istovaru<br />

amfora, odraz u ogledalu pomodne<br />

Rimqanke... qudske sudbine slu~ajno ili<br />

namerno otisnute u istoriji i prolaznosti,<br />

zabele`ene u glini, na vinskom<br />

peharu, sve`em malteru, ili samo kao<br />

otisak stopala i beleg hri{}anina na<br />

sve`oj opeci. Svejedno.<br />

Vajana u glini, livena u metalu,<br />

rezana u slonova~i, klesana u mermeru,<br />

pred nama je jo{ jedna pri~a koja li~i na<br />

razvijawe pergamentskog svitka, kao deo<br />

na{eg dugog arheolo{kog razgovora sa<br />

ovim tajnovitim anti~kim gradom.<br />

chasm of time meet in order to create the<br />

truth about the world and man. We face a<br />

complex but endlessly enjoyable task: purifying<br />

and clarifying a time and revealing the<br />

enormity of human presence in this territory.<br />

To comprehend that time means to shed the<br />

notions of HERE and NOW, THEN and<br />

THERE, to penetrate layer after layer of<br />

earth and darkness, to revive ancient<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> man, with his body now deprived<br />

of a soul, with his muffled words...! To cover<br />

paper with words spoken long ago, to grasp<br />

the words of LIFE and what <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s<br />

past recounts in solid clay, stone or metal<br />

sentences. To feel distant memories, the<br />

architecture of the inner world! To uncover<br />

walls, roofs, streets... to restore on the outside,<br />

to restore on the inside all which is told<br />

by thousands of objects that have emerged<br />

from these fields. From these objects appears<br />

man - the creator and the energy of endless<br />

durability; the sound of a goldsmith’s hammer<br />

while forging, the laughter of a child at<br />

play, the quiver of a surgeon’s hand, the sigh<br />

of a weary soldier, the bustle in the port as<br />

amphorae are being unloaded, the mirror<br />

reflection of a trendy Roman woman... human<br />

destinies imprinted in history and transience,<br />

by chance or on purpose, captured in clay,<br />

on a wine beaker, in wet mortar or merely<br />

as a footprint or a mark a Christian left on<br />

a wet brick. It is all the same.<br />

Sculpted in clay, cast in metal, cut in<br />

ivory, carved in marble, we face yet another<br />

story, which resembles unfolding a scroll of<br />

parchment, as part of our long archaeological<br />

discourse with this mysterious classical<br />

city.<br />


Viminacijum - glavni grad rimske<br />

provincije Gorwe Mezije<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> - the capital of the Roman<br />

province of Upper Moesia

Najve}e gradsko naseqe u Gorwoj<br />

Meziji, Viminacijum, nastaje na desnoj<br />

obali Mlave, u blizini wenog u{}a u<br />

Dunav, kod dana{weg Kostolca. To je<br />

oblast plodne sti{ke ravnice sa jasno<br />

ome|enim prirodnim granicama: Dunavom<br />

na severu, rekom Mlavom i Sopotskom gredom<br />

na zapadu i ograncima Homoqskih<br />

planina na istoku i jugoistoku (sl. 1).<br />

Topografsko-geografske i strate-<br />

{ke pogodnosti, plodna re~na zale|a i<br />

blizina rudnih zona, uslovili su kontinuitet<br />

naseqavawa od starijeg neolita do<br />

savremenog doba. Privredni, kulturni i<br />

duhovni preduslovi, stvarani tokom 6<br />

milenijuma, predstavqa}e osnovu razvoja u<br />

istorijskom periodu, kada ova oblast biva<br />

ukqu~ena u tokove anti~ke civilizacije,<br />

{to }e biti od dalekose`nog zna~aja za<br />

wen daqi razvoj.<br />

Podru~je Viminacijuma je ~inilo<br />

jednu dobro povezanu celinu iz koje su se<br />

ra~vali putevi ka zapadnim, isto~nim i<br />

ju`nim oblastima Carstva. Na u{}u Mlave<br />

u Dunav ukr{tale su se tri va`ne komunikacije.<br />

Glavni put je dolazio sa zapada,<br />

od Akvileje, preko Sirmijuma, Singidunuma,<br />

Marguma do Viminacijuma, odakle se<br />

odvajao put ka jugu, do Naisa. Od Naisa se<br />

granao prema Trakiji i izlazio na Bosfor,<br />

a ju`ni je preko Makedonije vodio ka<br />

Gr~koj. Druga va`na komunikacija je, du`<br />

Dunava, povezivala provinciju Panoniju sa<br />

Crnim morem. Tre}i put je preko Lederate<br />

(Rama), povezivao Viminacijum sa Dakijom<br />

i transilvanskim rudnicima.<br />

Zahvaquju}i izvanrednim komunikacijama,<br />

pre svega Dunavu i wemu<br />

The largest city of Upper Moesia,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, was formed on the right bank of<br />

the river Mlava, close to its confluence with the<br />

Danube, near the present-day town of Kostolac.<br />

It is the area of the fertile plains of Stig, with<br />

clearly-cut natural boundaries: the Danube to the<br />

north, the river Mlava and the long and narrow<br />

Sopot hill to the west, and a branch of the<br />

Homolje mountains to the east and south-east<br />

(figure 1).<br />

Favourable topographic and strategic conditions,<br />

fertile river valleys and the proximity of<br />

ore-rich areas, all contributed to the fact that the<br />

region has been continuously inhabited since the<br />

Late Neolithic period until the present day. The<br />

economic, cultural and spiritual assets created<br />

during the 6 th millennium BC acted as a basis<br />

for development in the historical period, when<br />

this region was part of the Classical civilization,<br />

which was of far-reaching significance for its<br />

subsequent development.<br />

The area of <strong>Viminacium</strong> comprised a<br />

well-integrated whole from where roads spread<br />

in all directions, toward the western, eastern and<br />

southern parts of the Empire. Three important<br />

communications intersected at the confluence of<br />

the Mlava and the Danube. The main road led<br />

from the west, from Aquileia, through Sirmium,<br />

Singidunum, Margum, till <strong>Viminacium</strong>, where a<br />

road leading south, to Naissus, started. It split in<br />

two branches after Naissus, one branch leading<br />

to Thrace and ending on the shore of the<br />

Bosphorus, while the southern branch led to<br />

Greece through Macedonia. The second significant<br />

communication connected the province of<br />

Pannonia with the Black Sea along the Danube.<br />

The third road connected <strong>Viminacium</strong> with Dacia<br />

and the mines of Transylvania, passing through<br />


1. Polo`aj Viminacijuma, izvod iz sekcije Po`arevac 4, razmera 1:50,000<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> location - from topography chart Po`arevac 4, proportion 1:50,000<br />

usmerenim tokovima Morave, Mlave i<br />

Peka, Viminacijum je imao prvostepenu<br />

strate{ku va`nost za rimsku Imperiju,<br />

kao vezni oslonac za naseqa i utvr|ewa<br />

uzvodno i nizvodno, ali i za metalogenetsko<br />

homoqsko-zvi{ko zale|e, primarni<br />

strate{ko-ekonomski interes Carstva.<br />

Stoga je gradwa puteva dobrog kvaliteta i<br />

smi{qeno trasiranih, sa miqokazima i<br />

putnim stanicama (mansio, mutatio, statio,<br />

Lederata (Ram);<br />

Owing to excellent communications,<br />

especially the Danube, as well as its tributaries,<br />

the Morava, the Mlava and the Pek, <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

was of primary strategic importance for the<br />

Roman Empire, offering important support to settlements<br />

and fortifications up and down the<br />

Danube, but also for the ore-rich regions of<br />

Homolje and Zvizd, which were of primary<br />

strategic concern to the Empire. This is why the<br />


2. Polo`aj Viminacijuma u Carstvu, National Geographic Society, Washington 1997.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> location in the Roman empire, National Geographic Society, Washington 1997.<br />

civitas, vicus) za odmor i promenu zaprege,<br />

zapo~ela relativno rano, po~etkom I v. O<br />

wima, osim pisanih i slikanih itinerara<br />

(itineraria adnotata i itineraria picta), govore i<br />

arheolo{ki ostaci na terenu, odnosno<br />

vidqivi deo trase puta <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Lederata<br />

i <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Iovis Pagus (V. Laole).<br />

Izuzetno povoqan polo`aj Viminacijuma<br />

na severnom Balkanu, doprineo<br />

je wegovom naglom privrednom i kulturnom<br />

usponu, koji }e obele`iti kosmopolitski<br />

elementi u svim sferama<br />

`ivota. 1<br />

Predrimski period i etni~ki sastav<br />

starosedelaca na teritoriji Viminacijuma<br />

1 Detaqno o istoriji Viminacijuma vid. u: M. Mirkovi},<br />

Rimski gradovi na Dunavu u Gornjoj Meziji, Beograd 1968, 56-<br />

73; M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions De la Mésie Supérieure, Vol. II,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, Beograd 1986, 21-59.<br />

construction of well-routed good quality roads,<br />

with road signs and roadside stations (mansio,<br />

mutatio, statio, civitas, vicus), which served for<br />

rest and changing of horses started relatively<br />

early on, around the beginning of the 1 st century.<br />

Apart from written and painted itineraries<br />

(itineraria adnotata and itineraria picta), archaeological<br />

finds in the field confirm their existence:<br />

the visible sections of the roads <strong>Viminacium</strong>-<br />

Lederata and <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Iovis Pagus (V.<br />

Laole).<br />

The exceptionally favourable location of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> within the northern Balkans brought<br />

about its sudden economic and cultural growth,<br />

1 A detailed account of the history of <strong>Viminacium</strong> can be found in:<br />

M. Mirkovic, Rimski gradovi na Dunavu u Gornjoj Meziji, Beograd<br />

1968, 56-73; M. Mirkovic, Inscriptions De la Mésie Supérieure, Vol.<br />

II, <strong>Viminacium</strong> Et Margum, Beograd 1986, 21-59.<br />


3. Kasnolatenski arheolo{ki nalazi, I vek p. n. ere - I vek nove ere<br />

Late La Tène archaeological finds, 1 st century B. C. - 1 st century A. D.<br />

jo{ uvek je nedovoqno istorijski i arheolo{ki<br />

osvetqen. Podaci anti~kih pisaca<br />

o plemenima na sredwem Dunavu, nedovoqni<br />

su za re{avawe slo`enog problema<br />

etni~kih me{awa i utvr|ivawe prave<br />

prirode politi~kih, ekonomskih i kulturnih<br />

prilika, koje su prethodile<br />

kona~noj vojno-politi~koj stabilizaciji<br />

Rimqana. Vesti anti~kih pisaca, Justina,<br />

Ateneja i Strabona o osnivawu plemenske<br />

zajednice Skordiska, daju osnovne<br />

geografske repere uz nagove{taje o<br />

etni~koj {arolikosti te zajednice, koju<br />

osim Kelta, ~ine tra~ka i ilirska plemena.<br />

Prema Strabonovom izve{taju,<br />

Viminacijum se nalazio u oblasti Malih<br />

Skordiska koji `ive izme{ani sa<br />

Tra~anima. Ptolemej navodi da se Viminacijum<br />

nalazi izme|u plemena Trikowana<br />

koji predstavqaju deo Skordiska i<br />

Pikenza koji `ive na dana{wem Peku.<br />

Ne{to vi{e podataka u tom smislu<br />

pru`ila su za{titna arheolo{ka<br />

which was to be marked by a presence of cosmopolitan<br />

elements in all segments of life. 1<br />

Insufficient light has been cast on the<br />

pre-Roman period and ethnic composition of the<br />

indigenous population in the territory of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> both from historical and archaeological<br />

aspects. The data classical authors supply<br />

about the tribes in the middle part of the flow of<br />

the Danube is insufficient for solving the intricate<br />

problem of ethnic mixing and for establishing<br />

what the true nature of political, economic<br />

and cultural circumstances prior to definitive military<br />

and political stabilization of the Romans<br />

was. The news that classical authors Justinian,<br />

Athenaeus and Strabo supply about the establishing<br />

of a tribal community of the Scordiscs<br />

offer some basic geographical milestones along<br />

with hints about ethnic diversity in the community,<br />

which apart from Celts, was comprised of<br />

Thracian and Illyric tribes. According to Strabo’s<br />

account, <strong>Viminacium</strong> was situated in the territory<br />

of the Little Scordiscs, who lived mixed with<br />

Thracians. Ptolemaeus states that <strong>Viminacium</strong> is<br />


4. Tabula Peutingeriana, IV vek n. e., Monumenta cartographica, Jugoslaviae I, Beograd 1974.<br />

Tabula Peutingeriana, IV th century A. D., Monumenta cartographica, Jugoslaviae I, Beograd 1974.<br />

istra`ivawa, tokom kojih je otkrivena<br />

starokeltska nekropola „ Pe}ine“, kao i<br />

pojedina~na otkri}a iz latenskog i poznolatenskog<br />

perioda. Starokeltska nekropola,<br />

nastala u vreme prvog prodora<br />

Isto~nih Kelta na Balkan, ukazuje da se u<br />

Viminacijumu nalazio sabirni logor keltskih<br />

~eta, odakle je izvr{en pohod na<br />

Gr~ku i Delfe, 279. g. p. n. e. 2 Brojni latensituated<br />

between the territory of the tribe of<br />

Tricornians, who belong to the Scordiscs and<br />

Picensi, who lived along what is today known as<br />

the river Pek. More information in this respect<br />

was obtained during the protective archaeological<br />

works during which an ancient Celtic necropolis<br />

called “Pecine“ was discovered, as well as certain<br />

finds dating from the La Téne and Late La<br />

Téne periods. The ancient Celtic necropolis, built<br />

during the first penetration of the Eastern Celts<br />

into the Balkans, suggests that <strong>Viminacium</strong> was<br />

the location of an assembly camp of the Celtic<br />

2 B, Jovanovi}, Les sépulteres de la nécropole céltique de Pe}ine<br />

pres de Kostolac, Etudes Celtiques XXI, Paris 1984, 64-93; B.<br />

Jovanovi}, Nekropola na Pe}inama i starije gvozdeno<br />

doba Podunavqa, Starinar XXXVI, Beograd 1985, 13-17.<br />

2 B, Jovanovi}, Les sépulteres de la nécropole céltique de Pe}ine<br />

pres de Kostolac, Etudes Celtiques XXI, Paris 1984, 64-93; B.<br />

Jovanovi}, Nekropola na Pe}inama i starije gvozdeno<br />

doba Podunavqa, Starinar XXXVI, Beograd 1985, 13-17.<br />


5. Opeke legije VII Claudia<br />

Legio VII Claudia stamped bricks<br />

ski lokaliteti iz perioda posle 279. g. p. n.<br />

e. sa elementima hal{tatske i dako-getske<br />

kulture, dokazuju sna`nu koncentraciju<br />

Skordiska, plemenske zajednice koja je<br />

etni~ki heterogena. 3<br />

Viminacijum se nalazi u svim rimskim<br />

kartama, tzv. itinerarima. U Tabuli<br />

Peutingeriana (nastaloj oko 340. g., na<br />

osnovu starijih itinerara iz III veka),<br />

(slika 4) navodi se kao Viminatio, u<br />

Itinerarium Antonini kao Viminacio i<br />

Euminacio, a u Itinerarium Burdigalense kao<br />

civitas Viminacio. Vizantijski pisci ga<br />

pomiwu kao biminakion.<br />

troops from where the military campaign against<br />

Greece and Delphi in the year 279 BC was<br />

launched. 2 The numerous La Téne sites from the<br />

period after 279 BC, displaying elements of the<br />

Hallstatt and Daco-Getian cultures, are proof of<br />

a strong concentration of the Scordiscs, an ethnically<br />

heterogeneous tribe. 3<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> can be found on all Roman<br />

maps, the socalled itineraries. On Tabula Peutigeriana<br />

(dating around the year 340, based on<br />

older itineraries from the 3 rd century), (figure 4)<br />

it appears under the name of Viminatio, in<br />

Itinera-rium Antonini it appears as Viminacio and<br />

Eumi-nacio and in Itinerarium Burdigalense as<br />

3 D. Jacanovi}, Keltski grob iz Kostolca, VIMINACIVM<br />

2, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1988, 7-14; D. Jacanovi},<br />

Kasnolatenski lokalitet „ Dunavac“ u Kostolcu,<br />

Glasnik SAD 13, Beograd 1997, 127-131; D. Spasi},<br />

Slu~ajni nalazi keltskog porekla sa lokaliteta<br />

„ ^air“ u Starom Kostolcu, VIMINACIVM 7, ZRNM,<br />

Po`arevac 1992, 5-20; D. Spasi}, Prilog prou~avawu<br />

tradicije Skordiska u Viminacijumu, Glasnik SAD 13,<br />

Beograd 1997, 33-45; P. Popovi}, Ostava iz Kostolca i<br />

osvrt na jedan predlog hronologije drahmi Apolonije i<br />

Dirahija, Numizmati~ar 13, Beograd 1990, 5-16, TAB.<br />

I, II.<br />

3 D. Jacanovi}, Keltski grob iz Kostolca, VIMINACIVM<br />

2, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1988, 7-14; D. Jacanovi},<br />

Kasnolatenski lokalitet „ Dunavac“ u Kostolcu,<br />

Glasnik SAD 13, Beograd 1997, 127-131; D. Spasi},<br />

Slu~ajni nalazi keltskog porekla sa lokaliteta<br />

„ ^air“ u Starom Kostolcu, VIMINACIVM 7, ZRNM,<br />

Po`arevac 1992, 5-20; D. Spasi}, Prilog prou~avawu<br />

tradicije Skordiska u Viminacijumu, Glasnik SAD 13,<br />

Beograd 1997, 33-45; P. Popovi}, Ostava iz Kostolca i<br />

osvrt na jedan predlog hronologije drahmi Apolonije i<br />

Dirahija, Numizmati~ar 13, Beograd 1990, 5-16, TAB.<br />

I, II.<br />


6. Oprema rimskog vojnika,<br />

Narodni muzej Po`arevac<br />

Equipment of a Roman solder,<br />

Natinal Museum Pozarevac<br />


Civitas Viminacio. Byzantine authors mention it<br />

as biminakion.<br />

There are numerous interpretations of the<br />

origin of the city’s name. Although none of these<br />

can be properly verified, they clearly reflect the<br />

complex ethnic situation during the proto-historic<br />

existence of this community. One of the interpretations<br />

is that the name is Celtic in origin, due<br />

to the typical suffix - acium, while the root of<br />

O poreklu imena grada postoje<br />

razli~ite interpretacije, koje jo{ uvek<br />

nisu pouzdano dokumentovane, ali jasno<br />

odra`avaju slo`enu etni~ku situaciju u<br />

protoistorijskom periodu ove teritorije.<br />

Prva tuma~ewa smatraju da je ime keltskog<br />

porekla, zbog karakteristi~nog nastavka -<br />

acium, dok se osnova imena nalazi u toponomastici<br />

onih teritorija koje su bile naseqene<br />

Keltima. Drugo mi{qewe smatra da<br />

je re~ latinska, a u vezi sa vimen-vrba koja<br />

je upotrebqavana u ranoj arhitekturi kao<br />

pleter. Potvr|eno sna`no prisustvo keltskog<br />

elementa i kontinuitet latenske kulture<br />

od IV v. p. n. e. - I v. n. e. ~ine verovatnijom<br />

mogu}nost postojawa keltskog<br />

utvr|ewa - oppidum-a, ~ije je ime kasnije<br />

prilago|eno latinskom nazivu.<br />

Nastanak Viminacijuma usledio je<br />

nakon dugih ratova, koji su tokom I v. p.n.e.<br />

vo|eni sa zate~enim domorodnim stanovni{tvom,<br />

uz uporno nastojawe Rimqana<br />

da se u~vrste u ovom, strate{ki va`nom<br />

the name is found in the inventory of place<br />

names in territories inhabited by Celts. Another<br />

interpretation implies a Latin origin of the word,<br />

connected to vimen (a willow), as willow was<br />

used for thatching in early architecture. The confirmed<br />

substantial presence of the Celtic element<br />

and a continuity of Roman culture from 4 th century<br />

BC to 1 st century AD should seem to suggest<br />

the existence of an original Celtic fortress -<br />

an oppidum, the name of which was later modified<br />

into a Latin form.<br />


delu Podunavqa. Jo{ za vreme Avgusta<br />

bila je uspostavqena vojna kontrola<br />

granice na Dunavu, izgradwom mawih fortifikacija<br />

ili postavqawem praesidia,<br />

koja su imala zadatak da kontroli{u<br />

pokrete Da~ana na levoj obali. Kona~no<br />

osvajawe Mezije zavr{eno je nakon Tiberijevih<br />

panonskih ratova (oko 15. g. p. n. e.),<br />

kada je osvojena i zemqa Skordiska. Pretvarawe<br />

Mezije u provinciju obi~no se<br />

datuje u 15. g. n. e. Od tada, istorija Viminacijuma<br />

u neposredenoj je vezi sa vojno-politi~kim<br />

doga|ajima u novostvorenoj provinciji.<br />

Naglo sna`ewe plemena sa leve obale<br />

Dunava, tokom I v.n.e., dovodi do ja~awa<br />

odbrambenog sistema podizawem logora,<br />

najpre zemqanih, a zatim kamenih.<br />

Dolaskom legije VII Claudia iz Dalmacije,<br />

60-tih ili 70-tih godina, zapo~iwe<br />

izgradwa zidanog logora u Viminacijumu.<br />

Da li je stalnom logoru sa arhitekturom od<br />

kamena prethodilo privremeno utvr|ewe<br />

sa zemqanim nasipima, palisadama i drvenim<br />

gra|evinama, pokaza}e budu}a iskopavawa?<br />

Mi{qewa pojedinih autora da se<br />

stalni logor legije IV Scythica, nakon wenog<br />

dolaska u Meziju oko 15. g. n. e., nalazio u<br />

Viminacijumu, za sada jo{ uvek nije arheolo{ki<br />

potvr|eno.<br />

U gra|evinskim radovima na izgradwi<br />

logora, osim pripadnika legije VII<br />

Claudia, u~estvovala je i legija IV Flavia ili<br />

samo neka wena odeqewa. Nalazi olovnih<br />

cevi sa `igovima LEG IIII F F i / LE / G VII C,<br />

poslu`ili su kao osnova za tvr|ewe da su<br />

se obe legije, u periodu od 70-90. odnosno,<br />

izme|u 86 i 89., g. nalazile u Viminacijumu.<br />

Zao{travawe vojne situacije na<br />

Dunavu u drugoj polovini I v. i potreba za<br />

ve}om efikasno{}u u za{titi dunavske<br />

granice, dovodi za vreme Domicijana, 86. g.,<br />

do podele Mezije na Gorwu (Superior) i<br />

Dowu (Inferior). Glavni grad Gorwe Mezije<br />

postaje Viminacijum sa stalnom posadom<br />

legije VII Claudia sve do kraja antike. Nagli<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> was founded following long<br />

wars against the indigenous population which the<br />

Romans waged during the 1 st century BC, while<br />

persistently attempting to gain a stronghold in<br />

this strategically important part of the flow of the<br />

Danube. Military control of the border was established<br />

as early as the reign of Augustus, by<br />

means of building small fortifications or by setting<br />

up praesidiae, which had the task of controlling<br />

the movements of the Dacians on the left<br />

bank. The conquest of Moesia was completed<br />

after Tiberius’ Pannonian wars (around 15 BC),<br />

when the land of the Scordiscs was subjugated.<br />

The promotion of Moesia into a province is usually<br />

believed to have taken place in 15 AD.<br />

Since then, the history of <strong>Viminacium</strong> was in<br />

immediate connection with military and political<br />

events in the newly-created province. An abrupt<br />

strengthening of the tribes on the left bank of the<br />

Danube during the 1 st century AD caused a<br />

strengthening of the defence system by building<br />

camps, with earth buildings at first, later to be<br />

replaced by stone ones.<br />

With the arrival of legion VII Claudia<br />

from Dalmatia during the 60’s and the 70’s, the<br />

construction of a stone camp in <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

commenced. Whether or not this permanent<br />

camp with stone architecture was preceded by a<br />

temporary fortification with earth ramparts, palisades<br />

and wooden buildings is yet to be shown<br />

by future excavations. The opinions of certain<br />

authors that <strong>Viminacium</strong> was home to the permanent<br />

camp of legion IV Scythica upon its<br />

arrival in Moesia around 15 BC have not as yet<br />

been archaeologically confirmed.<br />

Apart from soldiers of legion VII<br />

Claudia, legion IV Flavia, or some of its divisions,<br />

also took part in the construction works<br />

during building the camp. The finds of lead pipes<br />

bearing the inscriptions „LEG III F F“ and<br />

„/LE/G VII C“ have served as a basis for claims<br />

that both these legions were in <strong>Viminacium</strong> in<br />

the period between the years 70 and 90, and<br />

between 86 and 89 respectively.<br />

The aggravation of the military circum-<br />


7. M. Aurelije (161. - 180. g.)<br />

M. Aurelius (A.D. 161-180)<br />

zamah u gra|evinskim radovima, podizawe<br />

puteva i kastela na strategijskim ~vorovima,<br />

kao i pove}awe mezijskih legija na<br />

~etiri (VII Claudia, V Alauda, VIII Avgusta i V<br />

Macedonica), deo je priprema za rat sa<br />

Da~anima. U po~etku Trajanove vlade (98-<br />

117.g.), gra|en je put od Viminacijuma<br />

prema Lederati (Ramu), kod koje je izvr{eno<br />

prebacivawe trupa u Dakiju. U vreme<br />

Trajanovih da~kih ratova (101-106. g.),<br />

Viminacijum je glavna baza za koncentraciju<br />

rimskih vojnih snaga. Prema nekim<br />

autorima, Viminacijum se nalazi predstavqen<br />

i na ~uvenom Trajanovom stubu<br />

koji ilustruje doga|aje iz Da~kih ratova.<br />

Nakon pobedonosnih ratova, i formirawem<br />

provincije Dakije, granica je za<br />

du`e vreme pomerena sa desne obale Dunava<br />

duboko na sever. Nastaje jedan sasvim<br />

miran period, koga }e obele`iti proces<br />

urbanizacije i romanizacije.<br />

Stalno prisustvo vojnika VII Claudia<br />

i odeqewa drugih legija, dovelo je do naseqavawa<br />

civila iz svih delova Carstva,<br />

stances along the Danube during the second half<br />

of the 1 st century and the want of greater efficiency<br />

in protecting the Danube border led to the<br />

division of Moesia into Upper Moesia (M.<br />

Superior) and Lower Moesia (M. Inferior), in 86<br />

during the reign of Domitian. <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

became the capital of Upper Moesia, with a permanent<br />

garrison comprised of members of legion<br />

VII Claudia remaining there until the end of the<br />

Classical period. The sudden increase in the<br />

scope of construction works at building roads<br />

and castles at strategic junctions, as well as the<br />

raising of the number of Moesian legions to four<br />

(VII Claudia, V Alauda, VIII Augusta and V<br />

Macedonica) were part of the preparations for a<br />

war with the Dacians. The road from<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> to Lederata (Ram) was built during<br />

the initial years of the reign of Trajan (years 98-<br />

117) and Lederata was the place where Roman<br />

troops were ferried over into Dacia. <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

was the centre of concentration of Roman troops<br />

during Trajan’s Dacian wars (years 101-106).<br />

According to some authors, <strong>Viminacium</strong> is<br />

depicted on the famous Trajan’s Column, which<br />


naro~ito, zanatlija i trgovaca. Viminacijum<br />

brzo izrasta u grad {to je i ozvani~eno<br />

progla{ewem municipijuma, pod Hadrijanom<br />

117. g. Na natpisima se pomiwe kao<br />


Viminacijum postaje sudski i administrativno<br />

autonoman, a deo wegovih peregrinih<br />

stanovnika je primio rimsko gra|ansko<br />

pravo. Gradu je dodeqena {ira municipalna<br />

teritorija koja se na zapadu prostirala<br />

do Marguma, na istoku do Pinkuma, dok je<br />

wegovu ju`nu stranu te`e odrediti.<br />

Ekonomski razvoj dobija novi zamah<br />

obele`en intenzivirawem produkcije ve}<br />

postoje}ih i osnivawem novih radioni~kih<br />

centara.<br />

Za vreme Marka Aurelija (161-<br />

180.g.), dunavska granica je ugro`ena nadirawem<br />

plemena sa Istoka, Sarmata, Jaziga<br />

i Roksolana. Tokom carevih ratova na<br />

Dunavu, Viminacijum je ponovo postao<br />

zna~ajna strate{ka baza. U Viminacijumu<br />

tada hara kuga koju je vojska donela sa<br />

Istoka, {to je potvr|eno tokom arheolo{kih<br />

istra`ivawa ju`nih nekropola.<br />

Ratovi na Istoku i Zapadu krajem II i u III<br />

veku nisu direktno uticali na istoriju<br />

Viminacijuma, ali su se posredno odrazili<br />

na wegov razvoj i ekonomski prosperitet.<br />

Izuzetan polo`aj na raskr{}u Carstva<br />

zadr`a}e u Viminacijumu mnoge careve<br />

zajedno sa vojskom koja ih je pratila. Tako<br />

je pri odlasku u Rim, 196. g., Septimije<br />

Sever posetio Viminacijum i tu proglasio<br />

za cezara svog starijeg sina Basijana,<br />

zvanog Karakala. Pri povratku sa Istoka,<br />

202. g., zabele`ena je druga careva poseta,<br />

kada su verovatno obnovqene kanabe legije<br />

VII Claudia. Na svojim proputovawima u<br />

Viminacijumu su se, kra}e ili du`e,<br />

zadr`ali i Karakala, Aleksandar Sever,<br />

Gordijan III i dr.<br />

Promena u pravnom statusu Viminacijuma<br />

nastaje pod Gordijanom III, kada<br />

dobija najve}u privilegiju i stepen koji je<br />

illustrates the events from the Dacian wars. After<br />

a victory in these wars and upon the formation<br />

of the province of Dacia, the border was moved<br />

for a longer period, to the right bank of the<br />

Danube and far to the north. This was to bring<br />

about an utterly peaceful period which was to<br />

be marked by a process of urbanization and<br />

Romanization.<br />

A constant presence of the soldiers of VII<br />

Claudia and of divisions of other legions caused<br />

an influx of civilians from all parts of the<br />

empire, especially of craftsmen and merchants.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> quickly grew into a city, which was<br />

made official by declaring it a municipium during<br />

the reign of Hadrian, in the year 117. It is<br />

mentioned in various inscriptions as MVNICIP-<br />

IVM AELIVM VIMINACIVM. <strong>Viminacium</strong> became<br />

judicially and administratively autonomous, and a<br />

part of its colonist population was admitted into<br />

Roman citizenship. The city was allocated a<br />

wider municipal territory, stretching to Margum<br />

in the west and Pincum in the east, while its<br />

southern boundary is more difficult to determine.<br />

The economic development entered a new period<br />

of upsurge, marked by intensified production<br />

in the existing and the founding of new crafts<br />

centres.<br />

During the reign of Marcus Aurelius (years<br />

161-180), the Danube border was threatened by<br />

a penetration of tribes from the east, the<br />

Sarmatians, the Iazigs and the Roxolans. During<br />

the emperor’s wars on the Danube <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

had once again become a key strategic base.<br />

This was a period of plague in <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

which had been brought by the troops from the<br />

east, which was confirmed during the archaeological<br />

excavations of the southern necropolises.<br />

Wars in the east and in the west around the end<br />

of the 2 nd and in the 3 rd century did not directly<br />

affect the history of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, but their<br />

effects indirectly reflected on its development<br />

and economic prosperity. Its exceptional location<br />

at an important junction within the Empire<br />

earned <strong>Viminacium</strong> the extended visits of many<br />

an emperor along with their accompanying<br />


8. Kar (282.-283. g.)<br />

Carus (A. D. 282-283)<br />

mogao dosti}i jedan provincijski grad.<br />

Postao je kolonija, a wegovi stanovnici su<br />

postali punopravni rimski gra|ani.<br />

Posledice ovog doga|aja su vi{estruke,<br />

kako u politi~kom i ekonomskom, tako i u<br />

urbanisti~kom smislu. Po dobijawu statusa<br />

kolonije, zemqi{ni posedi Viminacijuma<br />

(ager, territorium), verovatno su se<br />

pro{irili na ceo Stig i Pinkum sa rudnikom<br />

. Najve}a privilegija kolonije bilo<br />

je pravo kovawa svog novca.<br />

U III veku, kada u celom Carstvu kulminira<br />

velika kriza, Viminacijum<br />

do`ivqava svoj najve}i politi~ki i<br />

ekonomski uspon. O~igledno da su okolnosti<br />

izazvane istorijskim doga|ajima, (ratni<br />

sukobi u ovim oblastima, izuzetna va`nost<br />

troops. For example, Septimius Severus visited<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> on his way to Rome and this is<br />

where he declared his elder son Bassian (known<br />

by the nickname of Caracalla) emperor. In 202,<br />

on his way from the east, the second visit by the<br />

emperor was recorded, which is probably when<br />

the barracks (canabae) of legion VII Claudia<br />

were renewed. On their travels, the following<br />

people paid shorter or longer visits to<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>: Caracalla, Alexander Severus,<br />

Gordian III etc.<br />

A change of the legal status of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> took place during the reign of<br />

Gordian III, when it was awarded the greatest<br />

privilege and the highest rank a provincial city<br />

could have been awarded: it became a colony<br />

and its inhabitants became full Roman citizens.<br />


9. Opeka sa Hristovim monogramom, IV vek<br />

Brick with a Christogram 4 th century<br />

dunavske granice i pomerawe te`i{ta<br />

vlasti u ilirske provincije, anga`ovawe<br />

mezijskih legija u ratovima na Istoku,<br />

prisustvo dowomezijskih legija u<br />

Viminacijumu), u~inile da Viminacijum<br />

ponovo postane centar vojno-politi~kih<br />

zbivawa Carstva. Tome su, svakako,<br />

doprinele i pretendentske borbe za<br />

presto, uz podr{ku legije VII Claudia, za<br />

vreme Filipa I, Pakacijana, Trajana<br />

Decija, Trebonijana Gala, Valerijana i<br />

Galijena, koje su ~esto poprimale dramati~an<br />

tok. Iako je rimska istoriografija<br />

za ovaj period vrlo oskudna,<br />

doga|aji sredinom i u drugoj polovini III<br />

The consequences of this event are numerous<br />

and were equally to be felt at the level of politics<br />

and economics and of city planning. After<br />

becoming a colony, the land holdings of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> probably expanded to include the<br />

whole of Stig and Pincum with the mine. The<br />

most significant privilege of a colony was to<br />

mint its own coins.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> saw the period of its largest<br />

political and economic crise in the 3 rd century,<br />

when the great crisis was culminating throughout<br />

the Empire. It is apparent that <strong>Viminacium</strong> was<br />

reinstated as the centre of military and political<br />

happenings in the Empire due to circumstances<br />

brought about by historic events; (wars in these<br />


veka pokazuju da je upravo Viminacijum,<br />

kao sna`an i stabilan centar na dunavskom<br />

limesu, bitno uticao na nastupaju}i period<br />

balkanskih careva koji }e reformisati<br />

politi~ki i duhovno oslabqeno Carstvo.<br />

Jedna od posledwih bitaka iz perioda vojne<br />

anarhije, dogodila se kod Viminacijuma<br />

(civitas Viminacio, ubi Diocletianus occidit<br />

Carinum), mada pojedini izvori kao mesto<br />

sukoba navode Margum. Tu se 284. g.<br />

Dioklecijan sukobio sa Karinom i nakon<br />

pobede obezbedio sebi presto. Zna~ajan<br />

arheolo{ki dokaz iz tog perioda predstavqa<br />

monumentalna mermerna glava<br />

na|ena u Dubravici koja, sude}i po predstavama<br />

na novcu, predstavqa Karinovog<br />

oca,(slika 8) Marka Aurelija Kara (282-<br />

283. g.). 4 Osim arheolo{kih nalaza, zna~aj<br />

Viminacijuma krajem III i u IV veku<br />

potvr|uju ~este carske posete: 293 i 294. g.<br />

u wemu je boravio Dioklecijan, Konstantin<br />

Veliki 334. g., wegov naslednik<br />

Konstancije 338 i 358. g., Julijan 359.g., a<br />

Gracijan 382. g.<br />

Nakon reorganizacije Carstva krajem<br />

III i po~etkom IV, veka Viminacijum<br />

postaje glavni grad provincije Moesiae<br />

Primae. U wemu se nalazi jedno od episkopskih<br />

sedi{ta. Najstariji podaci o<br />

hri{}anstvu zabele`eni kod Hijeroklesa<br />

pomiwu da je episkop iz mezijskog glavnog<br />

grada Viminacijuma, Amantinus, u~estvovao<br />

na saboru u Serdici 343. g. Drugi episkop<br />

koji se pomiwe 356. g. je Cyriacus .<br />

Neposredne dokaze o zna~aju koji<br />

Viminacijum ima u IV veku pru`a Notitia<br />

Dignitatum koja reprodukuje vojno stawe na<br />

dunavskoj granici pre 376 g. Od ukupnih<br />

gorwomezijskih snaga, skoro tre}ina se<br />

nalazila u Viminacijumu. Iako su u tom<br />

periodu, legije sa oko 1000 vojnika, samo<br />

daleka reminiscencija nekada{wih koje su<br />

parts, the extraordinary significance of the<br />

Danube border and the shift of the centre of government<br />

to the Illyric provinces, the engagement<br />

of the Moesian legions in the wars in the East,<br />

the presence of Lower Moesian legions in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>). A further contribution in this<br />

direction was made by the struggle for the<br />

throne, in which legion VII Claudia took part,<br />

during the reigns of Philip I, Pacatian, Trajan<br />

Decius, Trebonian Gallus, Valerian and<br />

Gallienus, which often took a dramatic course.<br />

Although Roman historiography for this period is<br />

rather scarce, the events in the middle and late<br />

3 rd century show that it was <strong>Viminacium</strong>, as a<br />

strong and stable centre on the Danube limes that<br />

had a crucial influence on the onset of the period<br />

of Balkan emperors, who were to reform a<br />

politically and spiritually weakened Empire. One<br />

of the last battles in the period of military anarchy<br />

took place near <strong>Viminacium</strong> (civitas<br />

Viminacio, ubi Diocletianus occidit Carinum),<br />

although certain sources mention Margum as the<br />

place of the conflict. This is where Diocletian<br />

clashed with Carinus and, following a victory,<br />

secured himself a throne. An important archaeological<br />

proof from that period is the monumental<br />

marble head found in Dubravica, which, judging<br />

by depictions on coins, represents Carinus’<br />

father (figure 8), Marcus Aurelius Carus (year<br />

282-283) 4 . Apart from archaeological finds, the<br />

importance of <strong>Viminacium</strong> around the end of the<br />

3 rd and in the 4 th century is confirmed by frequent<br />

imperial visits: Diocletian stayed in it in<br />

293 and 294, Constantine the Great in 334,<br />

Constantius, his heir, in 338 and 358, Julian in<br />

359 and Gratian in 382.<br />

After the reorganization of the Empire<br />

around the end of the 3 rd and the beginning of<br />

the 4 century, <strong>Viminacium</strong> became the capital<br />

city of the province of Moesiae Primae. It was<br />

also the centre of a diocese. The earliest records<br />

of Christianity in Hierocles state that Amantinus,<br />

4 D. Srejovi}, A.Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, Rimska skulptura<br />

u Srbiji, Beograd 1987, 40,41, br.12.<br />

4 D. Srejovi}, A.Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, Rimska skulptura<br />

u Srbiji, Beograd 1987, 40,41, br.12.<br />


10. Bronzana aplikacija, IV vek<br />

Brass ornament, 4 th century A.D.<br />

brojale 5000-6000 qudi, ~iwenica je da je<br />

Viminacijum u IV veku imao jak garnizon i<br />

predstavqao va`no upori{te na dunavskoj<br />

granici. Prema podacima koje donosi<br />

Prisk, Viminacijum je, neposredno pre<br />

hunske najezde, bio va`an trgova~ki centar.<br />

O prosperitetu grada i bogatoj produkciji<br />

wegovih radionica u tom periodu,<br />

svedo~e i bogate kolekcije srebrnog<br />

posu|a, nala`ene na teritoriji grada pod<br />

razli~itim okolnostima. 5<br />

Veliki upadi Gota i drugih varvarskih<br />

plemena sa severoistoka u IV veku,<br />

doprinose op{toj nesigurnosti u ovom<br />

delu Podunavqa. Me|utim, tek }e hunski<br />

naleti 441. g. ostaviti za sobom pusto{.<br />

bishop of the Moesian capital of <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

took part in the Council of Cerdica in 343.<br />

Another bishop. mentioned in the year of 356 is<br />

Cyriacus .<br />

Notitia Dignitatum, a document accounting<br />

the military circumstances along the Danube border<br />

before the year of 376, offers direct evidence<br />

of the importance of <strong>Viminacium</strong> in the 4 th century.<br />

Almost a third of total Upper Moesian<br />

forces were stationed in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. Although<br />

the legions of the period, numbering around 1000<br />

people, were only a faint reminiscence of what<br />

Roman legions had used to be (5000-6000 people),<br />

it still remains a fact that <strong>Viminacium</strong> possessed<br />

a strong garrison in the 4 th century and<br />

was an important stronghold on the Danube bor-<br />

5 I. Popovi}, Produkcija srebra u periodu ranog<br />

Carstva: lokalni proizvodi i import, Anti~ko srebro<br />

u Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi}, Beograd 1994, 51<br />

(kat.287-281); J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko srebro, u:<br />

Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi},<br />

Beograd 1994, 63 (kat. 276, 338, 277-281).<br />

5 I. Popovi}, Produkcija srebra u periodu ranog<br />

Carstva: lokalni proizvodi i import, Anti~ko srebro<br />

u Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi}, Beograd 1994, 51<br />

(kat.287-281); J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko srebro, u:<br />

Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi},<br />

Beograd 1994, 63 (kat. 276, 338, 277-281).<br />


11. Kerami~ki pehar, VI vek<br />

Ceramic bowl, 6 th century A.D.<br />

Kao i svi drugi gradovi i pograni~na<br />

utvr|ewa u Srbiji, Viminacijum je<br />

razoren, a stanovni{tvo delom porobqeno,<br />

a delom raseqeno.<br />

Nakon sloma hunske dr`ave,<br />

Viminacijum je u{ao u oblast koju su<br />

dr`ali Gepidi. Period druge polovine V<br />

veka je period obnavqawa grada i `ivota u<br />

wemu. Naseqavawe germanskih plemena<br />

(Ostrogota i Gepida), krajem V i po~etkom<br />

VI veka zna~ilo je ponovno aktivirawe<br />

viminacijumskih radionica, koje svoju produkciju<br />

prilago|avaju novonastalim<br />

ekonomskim okolnostima, ukusu i potrebama<br />

doseqenog stanovni{tva. 6<br />

6 Lj. Zotovi}, Die Gepidische Nekropole bei <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLIII-XLIV, 1992/1993, Beograd 1994, 183-190.<br />

der. According to data offered by Priscus,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> was a significant trading centre<br />

immediately before the Hun invasion. Among<br />

other things, the rich collections of silverware<br />

found on the territory of the city under various<br />

circumstances 5 witness to the city’s prosperity<br />

and to the substantial production of its crafts<br />

shops in the period.<br />

The massive invasions of the Goths and<br />

other barbaric tribes from the north-east during<br />

the 4 th century contributed to general insecurity<br />

along this part of the Danube. Still, it was only<br />

after the attacks of the Huns that these parts<br />

would be left ravaged. Like all other cities and<br />

border fortifications in what is now Serbia,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> was destroyed and its population<br />

was partly enslaved and partly displaced.<br />

After the breakdown of the Hun state,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> became part of the territory controlled<br />

by the Gepids. The second half of the 5 th<br />


Do obnove utvr|ewa dolazi u vreme<br />

Justinijana (527-565. g.), koji je ponovo<br />

uspostavio provincijske granice. Pojedini<br />

arheolo{ki nalazi naro~ito srebrno<br />

posu|e sa izrazitim hri{}anskim obele`jima,<br />

ukazuju na zna~aj Viminacijuma i u VI<br />

veku, kada je on ponovo episkopija. 7<br />

Sredinom VI veka granica Carstva je<br />

ponovo uzdrmana upadima Slovena i<br />

Kutrigura. Pohodima Avara na Panonsku<br />

niziju zapo~iwe nova osvaja~ka etapa na<br />

Balkanskom poluostrvu. Woj ne}e odoleti<br />

ni Viminacijum 584. g., ali se Avari ne}e<br />

du`e zadr`ati u wemu, jer se ve} 600. g.<br />

pomiwe kao vizantijska vojna baza u ratu<br />

protiv Avara. Avarska razarawa podunavskog<br />

limesa krajem VI veka, otvori}e<br />

put slovenskoj infiltraciji na severnom<br />

Balkanu.<br />

Viminacijum, vekovno upori{te na<br />

granici Carstva, prestaje da postoji tokom<br />

VII veka pod udarima Slovena. Wihovo<br />

naseqavawe ozna~ava novu kulturnoistorijsku<br />

fazu u razvoju ove oblasti.<br />

Slovensko naseqe Kostolac dobilo<br />

je naziv po rimskom castrum-u, castellum-u<br />

(utvr|ewe) .<br />

century was a period of reconstruction of the city<br />

and life in it. The arrival of Germanic tribes<br />

(Ostrogoths and Gepids) around the end of the<br />

5 th and the beginning of the 6 th century meant<br />

reactivation of <strong>Viminacium</strong> crafts shops, which<br />

adjusted their production to the new economic<br />

circumstances and to the tastes and<br />

needs of the newly settled population. 6<br />

The fortress was reconstructed during<br />

Justinian’s reign (526-565) and the province was<br />

reinstated in its former borders. Some archaeological<br />

finds, particularly silverware with<br />

markedly Christian traits, point to the importance<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong> in the 6 th century, when it had<br />

once again become the centre of a diocese. 7<br />

Around the middle of the 6 th century the<br />

borders of the empire were yet again disturbed<br />

by the invasions of the Slavs and Kutrigurs. The<br />

incursions of the Avars into the Pannonian plain<br />

marked a new period of invasions in the Balkan<br />

peninsula. <strong>Viminacium</strong> would not be able to<br />

resist it in 584, but, on the other hand, the Avars<br />

would not stay there for long, as it is mentioned<br />

as a Byzantine military base in the war against<br />

the Avars as soon as 600. The Avar devastation<br />

of the Danube limes around the end of the 6 th<br />

century was to pave the way for Slavic infiltration<br />

in northern Balkans.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, the centuries-old stronghold<br />

on the border of the Empire, ceased to exist during<br />

the 7 th century, under the attacks of the<br />

Slavs. Their settlement marked a new cultural<br />

and historical phase in the development of this<br />

territory.<br />

The Slavic settlement of Kostolac got its<br />

name from the Latin words castrum or castellum,<br />

a fortification.<br />

7 J. Kondi}, Ranovizantijsko srebro, u : Anti~ko srebro<br />

u Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi}, Beograd 1994. 66, kat.<br />

(319-324).<br />

6 Lj. Zotovi}, Die Gepidische Nekropole bei <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLIII-XLIV, 1992/1993, Beograd 1994, 183-190<br />

7 J. Kondi}, Ranovizantijsko srebro, u : Anti~ko srebro<br />

u Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi}, Beograd 1994. 66, kat.<br />

(319-324).<br />


12. Plan Viminacijuma, Marsigli, Danubius II, tab. 5 fig. XIII<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> map, Marsigli, Danubius II, tab. 5 fig. XIII<br />

Rezimiraju}i podatke koje nam<br />

donose putopisci i drugi qubiteqi starina,<br />

oboga}ene rezultatima arheolo{kih<br />

iskopavawa izvr{enih od strane M.<br />

Valtrovi}a 1882. g., 8 M. Vasi}a 1902-1903.<br />

g. 9 i Q. Zotovi} i V. Kondi}a 1972-1975.<br />

g., 10 dobijamo ne{to jasniju sliku kulturnog<br />

razvitka u`e viminacijumske teritorije<br />

(slika 12, 13 i 14).<br />

Rani legijski logor, kastrum, podignut<br />

je na desnoj obali Mlave, na<br />

By summing up data found in works<br />

of travel writers and other admirers of antiquity,<br />

enriched with the results of archaeological excavations<br />

conducted by M. Valtrovi} in 1882, 8 M.<br />

Vasi} in 1902-1903, 9 and Lj. Zotovi} and V.<br />

Kondi} from 1972 to 1975, 10 we can see a somewhat<br />

clearer picture of the cultural development<br />

of the immediate environs of <strong>Viminacium</strong> (figures<br />

12, 13 and 14).<br />

The early military camp, the castrum, was<br />

built on the right bank of the Mlava, on the site<br />

8 M. Valtrovi}, Iskopavawa u Kostolcu, Starinar I,<br />

1884, 11, 14, 96.<br />

9 M. Vasi}, Arch. Anzeiger der Arch. Jahrb. XX, 1905, 102.<br />

10 Lj. Zotovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong>, AP 15, Beograd 1973, 47-50, T. XXV,<br />

1,2; T. XXVI, 1,2; V.Kondi}, Lj. Zotovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong>-rezultati<br />

arheolo{kih istra`ivanja u 1974. godini, AP 16, Beograd 1974,<br />

94-97.<br />

8 M. Valtrovi}, Iskopavawa u Kostolcu, Starinar I,<br />

1884, 11, 14, 96.<br />

9 M. Vasi}, Arch. Anzeiger der Arch. Jahrb. XX, 1905, 102.<br />

10 Lj. Zotovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong>, AP 15, Beograd 1973, 47-50, T. XXV,<br />

1,2; T. XXVI, 1,2; V.Kondi}, Lj. Zotovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong>-rezultati<br />

arheolo{kih istra`ivanja u 1974. godini, AP 16, Beograd 1974,<br />

94-97.<br />


13. Plan iskopavawa u Viminacijumu,<br />

Valtrovi}, Starinar I, 1884.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> excavation plan, Valtrovi}, Starinar I, 1884.<br />

lokalitetu „ ^air“. Na osnovu konfiguracije<br />

terena jasno se razaznaju vojni~ki<br />

logor i naseqe sa wegove zapadne strane,<br />

opasani odbrambenim bedemima i rovovima.<br />

Autori daju razli~ite dimenzije kastruma<br />

i naseqa, no ~ini nam se, da su mere<br />

prof. Vasi}a najta~nije. Odre|ene prema<br />

kardu i dekumanu iznose 442,70 h 385,60 m,<br />

dok bi pribli`ne dimenzije logorskog<br />

naseqa iznosile 850 h 600 m.<br />

Logor je podignut po uobi~ajenom<br />

sistemu gradwe velikih legijskih logora.<br />

Na uglovima su kule, a unutra{wost je ispresecana<br />

komunikacijama koje se seku pod<br />

pravim uglom. Dve glavne ulice, via praetoria<br />

koja se pru`ala u pravcu S-J, i via principalis<br />

koja se pru`ala u pravcu I-Z, spajale<br />

su ~etiri kapije.<br />

Glavne kapije su ulazna, porta praetoria,<br />

i izlazna, porta decumana, dok su se ostale<br />

dve nalazile levo, porta pricipalis sinistra i<br />

desno, porta principalis dextra. U sredi{tu<br />

logora se nalazio komandni {tab (praetorium),<br />

dok je zadwi deo, kod izlazne kapije,<br />

slu`io za sme{taj pomo}nih jedinica i<br />

zarobqenika. U centru logora se nalazilo<br />

i svetili{te, (sacellum). Logori su imali i<br />

bolnicu (valetudinarium), radionice (fabricae),<br />

`itnicu (horrea), kao i {tale za<br />

sme{taj kowa. Topografska istra`ivawa<br />

of „Cair“. Judging by the configuration of the<br />

ground, a military camp and a settlement on its<br />

western side are clearly discernible. These are<br />

surrounded by ramparts and ditches. Authors<br />

offer varying dimensions of the castrum and the<br />

settlement, but it appears that the measures supplied<br />

by Professor Vasic are the most accurate.<br />

Based on the measures of the cardo and the<br />

decumanus, they would have been 442.70 m X<br />

385.60 m, while the territory of the camp settlement<br />

would have been approximately 850m X<br />

600m.<br />

The camp was constructed in accordance<br />

with the usual system of building large legion<br />

camps. Towers were situated at the corners and<br />

the interior was crisscrossed by communications<br />

intersecting at right angles. The two main streets,<br />

Via Praetoria, laid in the direction N-S, and Via<br />

Principalis, laid in the direction E-W, linked the<br />

four gates.<br />

The main gates were the entrance, Porta<br />

Praetoria, and the exit, Porta Decumana, while<br />

the remaining two gates were situated to the left<br />

- Porta Principalis Sinistra - and to the right -<br />

Porta Principalis Dextra. In the middle of the<br />

camp lay the command headquarters (praetorium),<br />

while the back part, near the exit gate,<br />

served for accommodating auxiliary troops and<br />

prisoners. The shrine (sacellum) was situated in<br />

the centre of the camp. Apart from these, camps<br />


14. Plan Viminacijuma, M. M. Vasi},<br />

Archäologische Funde im Jahre 1904, Fig. 1<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> map, M. M. Vasi}, Archäologische<br />

Funde im Jahre 1904, Fig. 1<br />

na sredini severnog bedema 1980. g. otkrila<br />

su ostatke ulazne kapije (porta praetoria),<br />

deo ulice (via praetoria) i vodovodnog<br />

kanala, ispod 11 . Na osnovu raspolo`ivih<br />

podataka utvr|eno je da logor ne pripada<br />

jednoj epohi, ve} je vremenom do`ivqavao<br />

prepravke i mewao svoj izgled.<br />

Teritoriji logora pripadalo je i<br />

vojni~ko naseqe (canabae legionis) koje se<br />

nalazilo sa zapadne strane. Formirano je<br />

od vojni~kih porodica, zanatlija, trgovaca,<br />

a inspirisano je vojnom gradwom i na~inom<br />

`ivota koji je podre|en vojnim interesima.<br />

Izgled naseqa mo`emo delimi~no<br />

rekonstruisati na osnovu urbanisti~kih<br />

elemenata zajedni~kih za sve rimske<br />

gradove i dosada{wih parcijalnih istra-<br />

`ivawa. Dve glavne ulice su se sekle pod<br />

had a hospital (valetudinarium), workshops (fabricae),<br />

a granary (horrea), as well as stables for<br />

horses. Topographic research near the middle of<br />

the northern rampart in 1980 uncovered remnants<br />

of the entrance gate (Porta Praetoria), a part of<br />

the street (Via Praetoria) and a part of the aqueduct<br />

beneath it. 11 Based on disposable data it was<br />

ascertained that the camp did not belong to a single<br />

epoch, but that it underwent modifications<br />

over time and that it changed in appearance.<br />

The military settlement (canabae legionis),<br />

situated to the west, also belonged to the territory<br />

of the camp. It was inhabited by soldiers’<br />

families, craftsmen, merchants and was inspired<br />

by military construction and by a way of life<br />

which was in accordance with military interests.<br />

The appearance of the settlement can partially be<br />

reconstructed based on urbanistic elements com-<br />

11 Topografska istra`ivawa izvr{io je M. Pindi}.<br />

Rezultati nisu publikovani.<br />

11 The topographic survey was conducted by M. Pindic. The results<br />

were not published.<br />


15.<br />

15, 15a. Ostaci bedema vojnog logora i naseqa<br />

Ruined walls of military camp and civilian settlement<br />

15 a.<br />


pravim uglom, a u centru<br />

se nalazio pravougaoni<br />

trg sa hramom po-sve-<br />

}enim carskom kultu i<br />

dr`avnom Panteonu, javne<br />

gra|evine za obavqawe<br />

upravnih, zakonodavno-sudskih<br />

i trgova~kih<br />

poslova. Prof. Vasi}<br />

je otkrio jedan deo<br />

ulice {iroke 5 m sa kolonadom<br />

ili portikom. 12<br />

Arheolo{kim istra`ivawima<br />

1973. g. registrovan<br />

je bedem civilnog<br />

naseqa koje je tako|e<br />

bilo utvr|eno. Deo otkrivenog<br />

severnog bedema<br />

ra|enog od pritesanog<br />

kamewa vezanog malterom,<br />

debqine 2,00 m,<br />

mo`e se opredeliti u I<br />

vek. Ovo naseqe je uni{-<br />

teno u po`aru, a nakon<br />

nivelacije terena u II<br />

veku, do{lo je do podizawa<br />

novog naseqa (mo`da<br />

u doba Severa), u kome se<br />

`ivot bez prekida odvijao i u vreme<br />

Paleovizantije. 13 Naseqe je imalo svoju<br />

kanalizacionu i vodovodnu mre`u, tako da<br />

je stanovni{tvo imalo dobre higijenske<br />

uslove. U prilog tome ide i otkri}e javnih<br />

termi koje su bile luksuzno opremqene, sa<br />

oslikanim zidovima i mermernom oplatom<br />

bazena. 14 Rano izgra|eni vodovodni sistem<br />

dovodio je vodu sa kapta`a koje su se<br />

nalazile isto~no i jugoisto~no od Viminacijuma,<br />

u selima Kurja~e, Majilovac i<br />

Sirakovo. 15 Poqoprivredna imawa (villa<br />

mon to all Roman towns<br />

and on partial research conducted<br />

until the present day.<br />

The two main streets intersected<br />

at a right angle and<br />

in the centre there stood a<br />

square with a temple consecrated<br />

to the imperial cult<br />

and to the state Pantheon<br />

and public buildings for<br />

conducting government, legislative<br />

/ judicial and trade<br />

activities. Professor Vasi}<br />

discovered a part of a street,<br />

5 metres wide, with a<br />

colonnade or a portico. 12<br />

The rampart of the civilian<br />

settlement, which was also<br />

fortified, was discovered in<br />

the archaeological excavations<br />

in 1973. A part of the<br />

discovered northern rampart,<br />

made of cut stone, fixed<br />

with mortar, 2.00 m thick,<br />

can be dated to the 1 st century.<br />

This settlement was<br />

16. Mermerni stub<br />

Marble column<br />

destroyed in a fire, and,<br />

after a levelling of the terrain<br />

in the 2 nd century, a new settlement was<br />

erected (possibly during Severus’ reign), in<br />

which life continued uninterruptedly even in the<br />

times of older Byzantium. 13 The settlement had<br />

its own sewerage and water supply systems, so<br />

that the hygienic conditions amidst which the<br />

population of <strong>Viminacium</strong> lived were satisfactory.<br />

The discovery of a luxurious public bath,<br />

with painted walls and a marble-coated swimming<br />

pool, should also seem to speak in favour<br />

of such a conclusion. 14 The early built water supply<br />

system brought water into the city from the<br />

collection tanks located to the east and south-east<br />

12 M. Vasi}, op. cit., 102.<br />

13 Lj. Zotovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong>, AP 15, 47-50.<br />

14 Ibid, 49, T. XXVI, 12.<br />

15 D. Spasi}, D. Jacanovi}, Rimski vodovod na „ Tulbi“ u<br />

Po`arevcu, Glasnik SAD 13, Beograd 1997, 162, karta 1.<br />

12 M. Vasi}, op. cit., 102.<br />

13 Lj. Zotovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong>, AP 15, 47-50.<br />

14 Ibid, 49, T. XXVI, 12.<br />


17. Rimski nadgrobni spomenik uzidan<br />

u manastir Nimnik (Kurja~e)<br />

Roman headstone build in monastery Nimnik wall (Kurjace)<br />

rustica), su se nalazila van gradskog jezgra, i<br />

s obzirom na velike potencijale u obradivim<br />

povr{inama, svakako su predstavqala<br />

glavno proizvodno podru~je i izvor hrane.<br />

Brojni arheolo{ki nalazi razli~itog<br />

karaktera (ostaci arhitekture, epigrafski<br />

spomenici, toponomasti~ka gra|a,<br />

grobovi), ukazuju, da je {ira teritorija<br />

Viminacijuma bila gusto naseqena i da se<br />

izvan gradske teritorije, mora ra~unati sa<br />

ve}im brojem ruralnih naseqa, ali i luksuznijih<br />

rezidencija. Naseqe je, prema<br />

prof. Vasi}u, zahvatalo oko 72 hektara i<br />

spadalo je u najve}a naseqa na dowem<br />

Dunavu. Zbog lak{e distribucije robe,<br />

izvan grada (extra muros), a pored glavnih<br />

saobra}ajnica, bili su locirani veliki<br />

radioni~ki kompleksi.<br />

U logorskom nasequ su `ivele<br />

vojni~ke porodice, veterani, zanatlije i<br />

trgova~ki sloj ~ija je primarna delatnost<br />

bila snabdevawe vojske u logoru.<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, in the present day villages of<br />

Kurjace, Majilovac and Sirakovo. 15 Agricultural<br />

properties, (villa rustica) were located outside the<br />

city core and, bearing in mind the large surfaces<br />

of arable land, certainly constituted a pivotal area<br />

of production and a source of food. Numerous<br />

archaeological finds, varying in character, (architectural<br />

remnants, epigraphic monuments,<br />

toponomastic features, graves) suggest that the<br />

wider territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong> was densely populated<br />

and that the existence of a number of rural<br />

settlements as well as luxury dwellings is to be<br />

reckoned with. According to Prof. Vasi}, the settlement<br />

stretched across 72 hectares and was one<br />

of the largest settlements on the lower Danube.<br />

To ensure easier shipment of goods, large workshop<br />

compounds were situated outside the city<br />

walls (extra muros), and close to the main com-<br />

15 D. Spasi}, D. Jacanovi}, Rimski vodovod na „ Tulbi“ u<br />

Po`arevcu, Glasnik SAD 13, Beograd 1997, 162, karta 1.<br />


18. Lokalitet „ Todi}a Crkva“, razglednica sa po~etka XX veka<br />

„Todica crkva“ site, poastcard from the begining of a 20 th century<br />

Osim vojni~kog naseqa, koje je kasnije<br />

preraslo u gradsko, postojalo je i<br />

civilno naseqe kome je 117. g. dodeqen status<br />

municipijuma. Po~etkom III veka<br />

vojni~ko naseqe sa vojnom upravom i<br />

municipijum sa gradskim ure|ewem, paralelno<br />

postoje. Za sada je jo{ uvek nere{en<br />

problem gde se nalazilo civilno naseqe,<br />

odnosno municipium Aelium iz II veka?<br />

Odgovor na to pitawe mo`da le`i na levoj<br />

obali Mlave, na dominantnom platou, na<br />

samom izdanku Sopotske grede, sa u`im<br />

toponimom „ Mali i Veliki Grad“ (lokalitet<br />

„ Todi}a Crkva“). Na wemu se i danas<br />

nalaze ostaci kru`ne kule od kamena i<br />

deo zasvedenog hodnika od opeka i kamena<br />

koji se sa platoa spu{ta u pravcu Dunava.<br />

Kulturna evolucija na ovom lokalitetu je<br />

imala ne{to druga~iji tok nego na desnoj<br />

munications.<br />

Soldiers’ families, veterans, craftsmen<br />

and merchants, whose primary activity was catering<br />

to the needs of the troops all lived in the<br />

camp settlement.<br />

Apart from the military settlement, which<br />

later grew into a city, there was also a civilian<br />

one, which was awarded the status of a municipality<br />

in the year 117. At the beginning of the<br />

3 rd century, the military settlement with a military<br />

administration and the municipium, with<br />

town organization existed alongside each other.<br />

The problem of the location of the civilian settlement,<br />

i.e. the municipality of Aelium from the<br />

2 nd century still remains unsolved. The solution<br />

to the problem may lie on the left bank of the<br />

Mlava, on the dominant plateau at the very end<br />

of the long narrow hill of Sopot, with the<br />

toponym of “Mali Grad“ and “Veliki Grad“ (the<br />


19. Bronzana lampa (?),<br />

I-II vek<br />

Bronze lamp (?),<br />

1 st -2 nd century<br />

obali Mlave. Iznad autohtonog naseqa iz<br />

praistorijskog (eneolitskog, vatinskog,<br />

latenskog) doba, nalaze se ostaci rimske<br />

arhitekture, iznad koje je podignuto utvr|ewe<br />

iz Justinijanovog vremena. Najmla|i<br />

sloj je sredwovekovni. Dimenzije<br />

utvr|ewa sa ugaonim kulama iznose 270 h<br />

216 m, a ju`no se nalazi naseqe nepravilne<br />

osnove. O~igledno su naseqe i utvr|ewe na<br />

levoj i desnoj obali Mlave, jedno izvesno<br />

vreme paralelno postojali, s tim {to se<br />

`ivot na levoj obali nastavio i onda kada<br />

je grad na ^airu bio napu{ten. 16 Jo{ uvek<br />

nedovoqno istra`eni rimski arheolo{ki<br />

ostaci ukazuju samo na jednu od mogu}ih<br />

lokacija municipalnog naseqa.<br />

Viminacijum je imao svoju flotu i<br />

pristani{te (portus), koje je imalo zna~ajnu<br />

site of “Todica Crkva“). This is where even<br />

today the remnants of a circular stone tower and<br />

a part of a covered walkway in brick and stone,<br />

descending from the plateau down to the Danube<br />

can still be found. The cultural evolution on this<br />

site took a somewhat different course than on the<br />

right bank of the Mlava. Above the autochthonous<br />

settlement from the pre-historic<br />

(Aeneolithic, Vatin, La Téne) period, are found<br />

the remnants of Roman architecture, atop which<br />

a fortification from Justini-an“s period was erected.<br />

The most recent layer is Mediaeval. The fortification,<br />

including the corner towers, occupies<br />

an area of 270 m X 216 m, and to the south of<br />

it lies a settlement with an irregular base. It is<br />

obvious that the settlement and fortification on<br />

the left and right bank of the Mlava existed<br />

alongside each other for a period, but that life<br />

16 V. Popovi}, Uvod u topografiju Viminacijuma,<br />

Starinar XVIII, 1976, Beograd 1968, 30-49.<br />

16 V. Popovi}, Uvod u topografiju Viminacijuma,<br />

Starinar XVIII, 1976, Beograd 1968, 30-49.<br />


20. Nadgrobni spomenik Kornelija Rufa, II-III vek<br />

Headstone of Cornelius Rufus, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

21. Nadgrobni spomenik Kornelija Zosima, II vek<br />

Headstone of Cornelius Zosimus, 2 nd century<br />


ulogu u obezbe|ivawu granice, transportu<br />

i snabdevawu vojske i stanovni{tva. S<br />

obzirom na strate{ku i distribucionu<br />

ulogu Viminacijuma jo{ od Trajanovih<br />

da~kih ratova, ono se mo`e pretpostaviti<br />

krajem I veka, ako ne i ranije. Izvorni<br />

podaci koji se odnose na plovidbu i pristani{te<br />

su oskudni. Natpis iz II veka na<br />

`rtveniku posve}enom Mitri podigao je<br />

nauclerus, tj. navicularius, lice koje se bavi<br />

pomorskom trgovinom. Drugi natpis koji je<br />

postavio S. Valerius Vibianus, qvinqvinal<br />

Collegium nautarum, svedo~i o obnovi<br />

Neptunovog hrama i postavqawu statue<br />

Majke bogova, kao i postojawu udru`ewa<br />

pomoraca (collegium nautarum). 17 Na prisustvo<br />

lica iz pomorske slu`be, bilo civilne<br />

ili vojne, posredno ukazuju i pojedini arheolo{ki<br />

predmeti, kao {to je i bronzana<br />

lampa (lucerna) u obliku broda (slika 19). 18<br />

Dosada{wim arheolo{kim istra`ivawima<br />

pristani{te nije registrovano,<br />

ali odre|ene topografsko-arheolo{ke<br />

indicije ukazuju na lokalitete „ Svetiwu“<br />

i „ Galije“. Opeke s pe~atom RIPA VIM (inacensis)<br />

potvr|uju da je neka od brojnih viminacijumskih<br />

ciglarskih radionica specijalno<br />

izra|ivala opeke za potrebe viminacijumske<br />

obale. 19<br />

Kao glavni grad provincije,<br />

Viminacijum je bio sedi{te carskog namesnika,<br />

tj. upravnika provincije koji je imao<br />

vrhovnu vojnu i civilnu vlast, a na raspolagawu<br />

mu je stajao dosta razgranat administrativni<br />

aparat. O finansijskim<br />

poslovima brigu je vodio upravnik (procurator).<br />

U Viminacijumu se nalazio i legat<br />

continued on the left bank even when the city on<br />

“Cair“ had been abandoned. 16 The still not properly<br />

examined Roman archaeological remnants<br />

point to but one of the possible locations of the<br />

municipal settlement.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> had its own fleet and port<br />

(portus), which played a significant part in protecting<br />

the border, transportation and supplying<br />

the army and the local population. Considering<br />

the strategic and distributive function <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

had had ever since Trajan“s Dacian wars,<br />

a port can be expected to have existed here<br />

around the end of the 1 st century, if not earlier.<br />

Original data regarding sailing and the port is<br />

scarce. An inscription from the 2 nd century on a<br />

sacrificial altar dedicated to Mithras was commissioned<br />

by a nauclerus, i.e. navicularius - a<br />

naval trader. A second inscription, placed by C.<br />

Valerius Vibi-anus, qvinqvinal Collegium nautarum,<br />

witnesses a reconstruction of the Temple<br />

of Neptune and the laying of a statue of the<br />

Mother of Gods, as well as the existence of a<br />

naval association (collegium nautarum). 17 Certain<br />

archaeological artefacts, such as a boat-shaped<br />

bronze lamp (lucerna), (figure 19) 18 , indirectly<br />

point to a presence of naval personnel, either<br />

civilian or military.<br />

So far, archaeological research has not<br />

identified a port, but certain topographic and<br />

archaeological indications point toward the sites<br />

of “Svetinja“ and “Galije“. The finds of bricks<br />

bearing the sign RIPA VIM (inacensis) suggest<br />

that one of the numerous <strong>Viminacium</strong> brickmaking<br />

workshops specialized in producing bricks<br />

for the needs of the <strong>Viminacium</strong> riverbank. 19<br />

As a provincial capital, <strong>Viminacium</strong> was<br />

the seat of the imperial deputy, i.e. the governor<br />

17 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 35, 60, 123., P. Petrovi},<br />

Classis Flavia Moesica na Dunavu u Gorwoj Meziji,<br />

Starinar XL-XLI, 1989/1990, Beograd 1991, 208., A.<br />

Jovanovi}, Neptunov oltar iz Viminacijuma, VIMI-<br />

NACIVM 12, ZRNM, Po`arevac 2001, 203-207, sl. 1,2.<br />

18 D. Spasi}-\uri}, Zna~aj i uloga Dunava u snabdevawu<br />

Viminacijuma, Mitolo{ki zbornik 5, Ra~a 2002. g., u<br />

{tampi.<br />

19 Ibid,<br />

17 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 35, 60, 123., P. Petrovi},<br />

Classis Flavia Moesica na Dunavu u Gorwoj Meziji,<br />

Starinar XL-XLI, 1989/1990, Beograd 1991, 208., A.<br />

Jovanovi}, Neptunov oltar iz Viminacijuma, VIMI-<br />

NACIVM 12, ZRNM, Po`arevac 2001, 203-207, sl. 1,2.<br />

18 D. Spasi}-\uri}, Zna~aj i uloga Dunava u snabdevawu<br />

Viminacijuma, Mitolo{ki zbornik 5, Ra~a 2002. g.,<br />

currently being published.<br />

19 Ibid,<br />


legije VII Claudia. Sa natpisa na mermernoj<br />

bazi koja sadr`i spisak vojnika regrutovanih<br />

169. a otpu{tenih 195. g., poznat nam<br />

je legijski komandant, L. Laelius Maximus, a<br />

epigrafski spomenici potvr|uju i lica<br />

ni`eg vojnog ranga (oficire, zastavnike,<br />

vojne tribune, komornike i dr.), kao i veliki<br />

broj obi~nih vojnika i veterana. 20<br />

Funkcioneri dr`avne i gradske uprave,<br />

koji su tako|e potvr|eni na natpisima,<br />

~inili su sloj gradske aristokratije. Iz<br />

Italije i drugih oblasti su se naseqavali<br />

islu`eni veterani koji su ubrzali proces<br />

romanizacije. Proces romanizacije je<br />

zapo~eo davawem gra|anskih prava, u<br />

po~etku, samo malobrojnom sloju lokalne<br />

aristokratije, sve do 212. g. kada je<br />

Karakalinim ediktom, rimsko gra|ansko<br />

pravo pro{ireno na sve slobodne<br />

stanovnike provincija. Paralelno sa procesom<br />

romanizacije tekao je proces urbanizacije<br />

{to je pogodovalo br`em prihvatawu<br />

svih tekovina anti~ke civilizacije,<br />

kako materijalnih tako i duhovnih.<br />

Velike dru{tveno-ekonomske, kulturne i<br />

socijalne promene uslovi}e dinami~an<br />

razvoj Viminacijuma, koji postaje najve}i i<br />

najrazvijeniji grad u Gorwoj Meziji.<br />

of the province, who held supreme military and<br />

civilian authority, having a rather elaborate<br />

administrative apparatus at his disposal. A financial<br />

governor (procurator) was in charge of<br />

financial affairs. The commander (legatus) of<br />

legion VII Claudia was also stationed in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>. From an inscription on the marble<br />

base, containing the list of soldiers recruited in<br />

169 and discharged in 195, we learn of a legion<br />

commander, L. Laelius Maximus, and epigraphic<br />

monuments record the names of lower-ranked<br />

members of military personnel (officers, ensigns,<br />

military tribunes, warehouse clerks etc.), as well<br />

as of a large number of regular soldiers and veterans.<br />

20 Officials belonging to state and city<br />

administrations, whose names were also recorded<br />

in inscriptions, comprised the city“s aristocracy.<br />

War veterans from Italy and other provinces settled<br />

here, which speeded up the process of<br />

Romanization. This process began by initially<br />

restricting the right of citizenship to the local<br />

aristocracy, small in numbers, until the year of<br />

212 when Roman Civil Law started being<br />

applied to all free inhabitants of the provinces,<br />

through an edict by Caracalla. Parallel to the<br />

process of Romanization went on the process of<br />

urbanization, which ran in favour of a more rapid<br />

acceptance of all standards of the Classical civilization,<br />

both in material and spiritual domains.<br />

socioeconomic and cultural changes of a wide<br />

scope enabled<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> to<br />

dynamically<br />

grow into the<br />

largest and<br />

most developed<br />

town of<br />

Upper Moesia.<br />

20 M. Mirkovic, Rimski gradovi, 60, 117-126.<br />

20 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 60, 117-126.<br />


Privredni i ekonomski uslovi<br />

Economic conditions

Nagli ekonomski uspon Viminacijuma<br />

po~etkom II veka, predstavqa<br />

rezultantu vi{e prirodnih i dru{tvenih<br />

faktora. Od presudnog zna~aja je bio wegov<br />

geostrate{ki polo`aj i geomorfolo{ka<br />

situacija {ire okoline. Dru{tveni faktori,<br />

kao {to su razvoj u prethodnom,<br />

naro~ito latenskom, periodu, vitalnost<br />

autohtonih populacija i intenzitet romanizacije,<br />

tako|e su<br />

nezaobilazni preduslovi<br />

sveukupnog<br />

razvoja. Pozitivan<br />

zbir ovih<br />

elemenata doprineo<br />

je da Viminacijum<br />

postane<br />

centar ekonomskih<br />

zbivawa tokom<br />

nekoliko vekova<br />

Carstva, kao<br />

posrednik izme|u<br />

razvijenih zemaqa<br />

Juga i rano romanizovanih<br />

provincija<br />

Zapada. Veoma<br />

dinami~na ekonomska komunikacija, uz<br />

maksimalnu eksploataciju prirodnih<br />

bogatstava, stvorila je uslove za aktivno<br />

ukqu~ivawe ove oblasti u sve tokove<br />

anti~ke civilizacije i povoqno uticala<br />

na kulturni i duhovni `ivot viminacijumskog<br />

stanovni{tva.<br />

Paraleleno sa konsolidacijom<br />

rimske vojne i politi~ke vlasti krajem I<br />

veka, i intenzivnim naseqavawem trgovaca,<br />

zanatlija i drugih kolonista te~e i<br />

proces uspostavqawa robovlasni~kog sis-<br />

The sudden economic growth of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> at the beginning of the 2 nd century<br />

was the result of a number of natural and social<br />

factors. Its strategic geographic position and the<br />

geomorphologic structure of the wider surroundings<br />

were of crucial importance. Social factors,<br />

such as development during prior periods, especially<br />

La Téne, the vitality of the autochthonous<br />

population, paired with intensive Romanization,<br />

were also crucial<br />

conditions of allencompassing<br />

development.<br />

A<br />

favo-urable combination<br />

of the above<br />

elements contributed<br />

to<br />

V i m i n a c i u m “ s<br />

becoming an economic<br />

centre over<br />

a period of a few<br />

centuries, as a<br />

mediator between<br />

22. Gvozdena motika I-VI vek<br />

the developed lands<br />

of the South<br />

Iron hoe, 1 st -6 th century<br />

and the early-Romanized<br />

provinces of the West. Very dynamic<br />

economic communication, with a maximum level<br />

of exploitation of natural resources, enabled this<br />

region’s active participation in all aspects of<br />

Classical civilization and had a favourable influence<br />

on the cultural and spiritual life of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>“s inhabitants.<br />

Parallel to the consolidation of Roman<br />

military and political authority around the end of<br />

the 1 century and to intensive settlement of merchants,<br />

craftsmen and other colonists, lasted the<br />

establishment of a system of slavery and of new<br />


tema i novih proizvodnih odnosa. Poqoprivreda,<br />

zanatstvo i rudarstvo, kao<br />

osnovne privredne delatnosti domoroda~kog<br />

stanovni{tva, do`ivqavaju su{-<br />

tinske strukturalne promene kako u<br />

na~inu eksploatacije tako i organizacije.<br />

Privredna mo} grada se oslawala na poqoprivredu,<br />

sto~arstvo,<br />

zanatstvo, trgovinu i<br />

saobra}aj. Izuzetan polo`aj<br />

Viminacijuma na<br />

raskr{}u Carstva i puteva,<br />

ogroman promet<br />

putnika, dr`avnih slu-<br />

`benika, trgovaca, zanatlija<br />

i vojske, vi{e<br />

nego povoqno se odra-<br />

`avao na finansijske<br />

tokove grada i privredna<br />

kretawa. Osim tranzita,<br />

lokalna proizvodwa<br />

i stalno prisustvo<br />

finansijskog kapitala<br />

u vidu redovnih vojni~kih<br />

prihoda predstavqali<br />

su pokreta~ku<br />

bazu ekonomskog razvoja. Usled nedostatka<br />

pisanih izvora, razvoj pojedinih privrednih<br />

grana u velikoj meri dokumentuje arheolo{ki<br />

materijal.<br />

Plodna sti{ka ravnica pogodovala<br />

je razvoju svih poqoprivrednih grana,<br />

naro~ito gajewu `ita.<br />

Osvojena teritorija je bila podeqena<br />

na dr`avno (ager publicus), privatno (ager<br />

privatus) i carsko zemqi{te. Najve}i deo<br />

dr`avnog zemqi{ta su dobijali Italici,<br />

bilo predstavnici aristokratskog zemqoposedni~kog<br />

sloja, bilo koloni prilikom<br />

osnivawa kolonija ili veterani. Zemqi{te<br />

koje je dodeqivano veteranima je<br />

pripadalo teritoriji logora, tj. bilo je<br />

vojni~ko vlasni{tvo. Mnogobrojni arheolo{ki<br />

ostaci {irom Stiga ukazuju na postojawe<br />

imawa sitnijih seqaka. Carska<br />

production relationships. Agriculture, crafts and<br />

mining, being the basic economic activities of<br />

the native population, underwent crucial structural<br />

change, both in the ways of exploitation and<br />

in organization. The city’s economic power<br />

relied on agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts, trade<br />

and transport. The exceptional location of<br />

23. Gvozdene alatke I-VI vek<br />

Iron tools, 1 st -6 th century<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, at an important junction in the<br />

Empire, the enormous circulation of travellers,<br />

state officials, merchants, craftsmen and troops<br />

had more than a positive impact on the financial<br />

and economic circumstances in the city. Apart<br />

from transit, local production and a constant<br />

presence of financial capital, in the form of a stable<br />

income from the military, acted as a dynamic<br />

base of economic development. Due to a lack<br />

of written sources, the development of individual<br />

economic branches is largely documented by<br />

archaeological material.<br />

The fertile plains of Stig allowed all<br />

branches of agriculture to thrive, especially<br />

wheat-growing.<br />

Captured territory was divided into stateowned<br />

land (ager publicus), privately-owned<br />

land (ager privatus) and imperial land. The<br />

largest portion of the land was awarded to peo-<br />


imawa se mogu pretpostaviti<br />

na osnovu natpisa carskog<br />

prokuratora i carskih<br />

dispenzatora iz Viminacijuma<br />

i Raciarije. 21<br />

Stabilna vojnopoliti~ka<br />

situacija u ovom delu<br />

Podunavqa u periodu od II-<br />

IV veka, svakako je pogodovala<br />

razvoju svih poqoprivrednih<br />

grana {to potvr|uju<br />

nalazi poqoprivrednog<br />

alata (raonika,<br />

motika, a{ova, kosa, `rvweva),<br />

kao i posvete agrarnim<br />

bo`anstvima: Cereri,<br />

Majci Zemqi, Persefoni,<br />

Liberu i Liberi. 22 O gajewu<br />

i izvozu `ita iz ovih<br />

oblasti u Rim, za sada postoje<br />

samo indirektni podaci.<br />

Na postojawe javne<br />

`itnice (horrea publica),<br />

polovinom III veka ukazuje<br />

natpis na po~asnom stubu<br />

podignut od strane upravnika<br />

`itnice, a u ~ast prolaska<br />

imperatora Gala i<br />

Voluzijana, 251. g. 23 Brojni<br />

nalazi kosira potvr|uju da<br />

su blage padine Sopotske<br />

grede predstavqale pogodno<br />

tle za gajewe vinove<br />

loze.<br />

Sto~arstvo je tako|e, predstavqalo<br />

tradicionalnu privrednu granu, a lov i<br />

ribolov dopunsku delatnost. Potrebe za<br />

sto~arskim proizvodima su bile velike,<br />

kako za ishranu vojske i civilnog<br />

stanovni{tva, tako i kao sirovinska baza<br />

24. Mermerni stub<br />

Marble column<br />

ple from Italy, be they members<br />

of land-holding aristocracy,<br />

colonists settled during<br />

founding the colony or veterans.<br />

The land granted to veterans<br />

was part of camp territory,<br />

i.e. it was military property.<br />

Numerous archaeological finds<br />

throughout Stig point to the<br />

existence of property belonging<br />

to small farmers. That imperial<br />

property also existed can be<br />

seen from the inscriptions by<br />

the Imperial Procurator and<br />

Imperial Dispensators of <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

and Ratiaria. 21<br />

The stable military<br />

and political situation in this<br />

part of the flow of the Danube<br />

in the period between the end<br />

of the 2 nd to 4 th century, certainly<br />

boosted the development<br />

of all branches of agriculture,<br />

which is confirmed by the<br />

finds of agricultural tools<br />

(plough-shares, hoes, spades,<br />

scythes, millstones), as well as<br />

by the dedications to agricultural<br />

deities: Ceres, Mother<br />

Earth, Persephone, Liber and<br />

Libera. 22 So far, there are only<br />

indirect testimonies of wheat<br />

growing and exportation to<br />

Rome. The existence of a public granary (horrea<br />

publica) in the mid-3 rd century is documented<br />

through an inscription on a honorary column<br />

erected by a granary administrator on the occasion<br />

of the emperors Gallus’ and Volusian’s<br />

passing through the area in the year of 251. 23<br />

Numerous pruning knife finds confirm that the<br />

21 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 138.<br />

22 Ibid, 137; Lj. Zotovi}, Der Paganismus in <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLVII, Beograd 1996, 130-132.<br />

23 M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum 79,80, N0 40.<br />

21 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 138<br />

22 Ibid, 137; Lj. Zotovi}, Der Paganismus in <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLVII, Beograd 1996, 130-132<br />

23 M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum 79,80, N0 40.<br />


25. Mermerna baza<br />

Marble basis<br />

za odre|ene zanate (ko`arski, tka~ki i<br />

tekstilni). Od kosti se izra|ivao niz<br />

proizvoda za svakodnevnu upotrebu, ali i<br />

za tada{wu tehnologiju (tutkalo, lepkovi<br />

i sl). Poqoprivreda i transport su direktno<br />

zavisili od sto~arstva. Tokom arheolo{kih<br />

istra`ivawa `rtvenih povr{ina<br />

ju`nih nekropola registrovane su velike<br />

koli~ine `ivotiwskog osteolo{kog<br />

materijala koje ukazuju da su najvi{e<br />

gajeni: gove~e, kow, sviwa, ovca i koza, a<br />

lovqeni, divqa sviwa i jelen. Prilikom<br />

da}i pomenute `ivotiwe su `rtvovane, a<br />

nakon obeda, deo je namewivan pokojnicima.<br />

24<br />

24 Q. Zotovi}, ^. Jordovi}, VIMINACIVM 1, Nekropola<br />

Vi{e Grobaqa, Beograd 1990, 5-34.<br />

mild slopes of Sopot hill were a favourable location<br />

for vine-growing.<br />

Cattle breeding was also a traditional<br />

branch of the economy, while hunting and fishing<br />

were side activities. Cattle breeding products<br />

were in high demand, providing food for the military<br />

and civilians, and acted as a source of raw<br />

material for certain crafts (tanning, weaving, textile<br />

making). A wide array of products was made<br />

from bone, both for daily usage and for application<br />

in technology (solvents, glues etc.).<br />

Agriculture and transport directly depended on<br />

cattle breeding. Archaeological examination of<br />

sacrificial areas in the southern necropolises<br />

yielded finds of a large amount of animal bone<br />

material, which suggests that among the most<br />

commonly bred animals were: cows, horses, pigs,<br />

sheep and goats, while the most commonly hunt-<br />


26. Mermerna piscina<br />

Marble piscina<br />

Graditeqski zamah zapo~et u I veku<br />

izgradwom puteva i logora, intenzivira se<br />

sa Hadrijanom (117-138. g.), helenofilom i<br />

mecenom umetnosti. Prosperitet i urbanizacija<br />

na izgradwi javnih zdawa, palata,<br />

kupatila, hramova, zanatskih kvartova,<br />

vodovoda i saobra}ajnica se nastavqaju i u<br />

vreme Marka Aurelija, Septimija Severa i<br />

Galijena. Glavni grad provincije Gorwe<br />

Mezije naro~ito podi`e svoj standard za<br />

vreme dinastije Severa (193 - 217. g.), kada<br />

dolazi i do obnove logorskog naseqa. 25<br />

Za vreme Gordijana III (238-244. g.),<br />

kada postaje kolonija i jo{ vi{e dobija na<br />

zna~aju svojom kovnicom novca, mo`e se<br />

pretpostaviti nov graditeqski zamah na<br />

izgradwi rezidencija za brojne vojni~ke<br />

careve. Arhitektonski ostaci izorani u<br />

ed were wild boar and deer. The above animals<br />

were sacrificed at funeral feasts and a portion of<br />

the meat of the sacrificed animal was offered to<br />

the dead after the meal. 24<br />

The upswing in building that had commenced<br />

in the 1 st century was intensified during<br />

the reign of Hadrian (from the year 117- to the<br />

year 138), a Hellenophile and patron of the arts.<br />

Prosperity, urbanization and construction of public<br />

buildings, palaces, baths, temples, crafts quarters,<br />

aqueducts and roads was continued under<br />

Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus and<br />

Gallienus. The provincial capital of Moesia<br />

Superior saw a particular rise in standard of living<br />

during the period of the Severus dynasty,<br />

(193-217), when the camp settlement was<br />

rebuilt. 25<br />

25 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 64 - 65.<br />

24 Q. Zotovi}, ^. Jordovi}, VIMINACIVM 1, Nekropola<br />

Vi{e Grobaqa, Beograd 1990, 5-34.<br />

25 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 64 - 65.<br />


27. Opeka sa pe~atom<br />

Stamped brick<br />

28. No`evi i makaze, I-IV vek<br />

Knives and scissors, 1 st -4 th century<br />


29. Bronzana lampa, II-III vek<br />

Bronze lamp, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

wivama Stiga, nesumwiv su dokaz<br />

izrastawa Viminacijuma u gradski centar<br />

sa italskim obele`jima. Mermerni<br />

stubovi, rasko{no obra|eni kapiteli,<br />

ostaci vodovodnih, kanalizacionih i grejnih<br />

sistema, mermerne piscine, oplate<br />

zidova i podova, odaju svu veli~inu i<br />

rasko{ javnih i privatnih zdawa.<br />

Formirani sloj gradske aristokratije i<br />

kolonista, nije se odrekao svojih potreba<br />

za luksuzom, a arheolo{ki ostaci ukazuju<br />

na postojawe palata sa atrijumima,<br />

fontanama, statuama i porticima (sl. 24,<br />

25, 26).<br />

Gra|evinska delatnost, vojnog,<br />

civilnog i sakralnog karaktera, iziskivala<br />

je velike koli~ine gra|evinskog<br />

During the reign of Gordian III (238-<br />

244), when <strong>Viminacium</strong> became a colony and its<br />

importance was additionally increased by the<br />

opening of the mint, we can suppose a new construction<br />

upswing at building residences for the<br />

numerous military emperors. The architectural<br />

remains revealed by ploughing in the fields of<br />

Stig are a definitive proof of <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s<br />

becoming an urban centre with Italic traits.<br />

Marble columns, ornately crafted capitals, the<br />

remnants of water supply, sewerage and heating<br />

systems, marble pools, wall and floor coating<br />

reveal the grandeur and luxury of public and private<br />

buildings. The newly-formed class of town<br />

aristocracy and colonists did not give up their<br />

demand of luxury and archaeological finds point<br />

to the existence of palaces with atriums, foun-<br />


30. Zlatni nakit, I-IV vek<br />

Golden jewelry, 1 st -4 th century<br />

materijala. Obilato je kori{}en beli<br />

mermer importovan iz mediteranskog dela<br />

Male Azije i Sredozemqa. Specijalnim<br />

brodovima (lapidaria navis), on je u blokovima<br />

ili kao polufabrikat transportovan do<br />

Viminacijuma. 26 U izvori{nom delu Mlave<br />

va|eni su beli i crveni mermer, gabro i<br />

serpentin, a u Ramu i Ku~evu lokalni<br />

kamen, zelenac. Iz ovih kamenoloma, kamen<br />

je re~nim putem dopreman do viminacijumskih<br />

radionica.<br />

Razvoj arhitekture, monumentalne<br />

plastike i dekorativne umetnosti,<br />

privu}i }e u Viminacijum iskusne zanatlije<br />

i umetnike iz velikih radioni~kih centara<br />

Carstva, pre svega sa Istoka, i u<br />

velikoj meri uticati na formirawe i rad<br />

lokalnih kamenoreza~ko-skulptorskih<br />

tains, statues and porticoes (figures 24, 25, 26).<br />

Construction activity of military, civilian<br />

and sacral character demanded large quantities of<br />

building material. White marble, imported from<br />

the Mediterranean part of Asia Minor and from<br />

the Mediterranean, was abundantly used. It was<br />

transported to <strong>Viminacium</strong> by special ships (lapidaria<br />

navis) either in blocks or as semifinished<br />

products. 26 White and red marble, gabro and serpentine<br />

were quarried around the source of the<br />

Mlava, whereas a local stone, “green stone“ was<br />

quarried in Ram and Ku~evo. From these quarries,<br />

stone was transported to <strong>Viminacium</strong> workshops<br />

by river.<br />

The development in architecture, monumental<br />

plastic art and decorative art was to<br />

attract to <strong>Viminacium</strong> experienced craftsmen and<br />

artists from the great craft centres of the Empire,<br />

26 M. Tomovi}, Prokoneski sarkofag sa girlandama iz<br />

Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM 6, ZRNM, Po`arevac<br />

1991, 69, 70, 74 -78.<br />

26 M. Tomovi}, Prokoneski sarkofag sa girlandama iz<br />

Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM 6, ZRNM, Po`arevac<br />

1991, 69, 70, 74 -78.<br />


31. Liva~ke ka{ike, I-VI vek<br />

Casting spoons, 1 st -6 th century<br />

radionica. Indirektne podatke o radovima<br />

u kamenolomima i o pojedinim gra|evinskim<br />

delatnostima pru`aju razli~ite<br />

vrste gvozdenih alatki: krampovi, pijuci,<br />

~eki}i, keseri, dleta, sekire, mistrije itd.<br />

Specijalni instrumenti kao {to su<br />

{estari, razmernici, bronzani i olovni<br />

visci, predstavqaju neophodne rekvizite<br />

{kolovanih geometara, arhitekti i skulptora.<br />

27 Veoma rano, najkasnije u drugoj<br />

polovini I veka, dolazi do osnivawa vojnih<br />

ciglarskih radionica legije VII Claudia.<br />

Opeke sa `igom ove legije nala`ene su na<br />

teritoriji ~itave Mezije i {ire, {to<br />

svedo~i o izuzetno bogatoj produkciji<br />

wenih radionica. Zbog svojih tehnolo{kih<br />

above all from the East, and was largely to influence<br />

the formation and functioning of the local<br />

stonecutting/sculpting workshops. Various iron<br />

tools (pickaxes, hammers, adzes, chisels, axes,<br />

trowels, etc.) offer indirect information about the<br />

quarrying activity and about different types of<br />

construction works. Special instruments like<br />

compasses, gauges, bronze and lead plumb lines<br />

are examples of tools needed in the work of educated<br />

surveyors, architects and sculptors. 27<br />

Very early on, during the second half of<br />

the 1 st century at the latest, military brickmaking<br />

workshops of legion VII Claudia were founded.<br />

Bricks bearing the mark of this legion have been<br />

uncovered across the territory of Moesia and<br />

beyond its borders, which is a testimony of the<br />

exceptionally large production of its workshops.<br />

27 M. Jeremi}, Rimski razmernik (mensura) iz Viminacijuma,<br />

VIMINACIVM 12, ZRNM, Po`arevac 2001, 179-<br />

184, sl. 1-4.<br />

27 M. Jeremi}, Rimski razmernik (mensura) iz Viminacijuma,<br />

VIMINACIVM 12, ZRNM, Po`arevac 2001, 179-<br />

184, sl. 1-4.<br />


kvaliteta i postojanosti<br />

ove opeke su kori{}ene<br />

u gra|evinarstvu<br />

sve do XX veka.<br />

Sastavni ili prate}i<br />

vid gra|evinske<br />

delatnosti predstavqaju<br />

zanati na obradi drveta.<br />

O wihovoj zastupqenosti<br />

osnovne podatke<br />

pru`a arheolo{ki<br />

materijal. O<br />

delatnosti stolara, tesara<br />

i usko specijalizovanih<br />

zanatlija i umetnika,<br />

svedo~e nalazi<br />

sekira, krampova, no-<br />

`eva, dleta, svrdla,<br />

struga~a, kesera i rendi.<br />

Drvo je imalo {iroku<br />

primenu, ne samo u gra|evinarstvu, ve} i za<br />

izradu name{taja, utilitarnih predmeta i<br />

drvenih kov~ega za sahrawivawe. Najboqi<br />

dokaz za to su ostaci drvenih kov~ega u<br />

grobovima, oplata u grobnim bunarima i<br />

drvenih kov~e`i}a (arca, arcula), koji su<br />

slu`ili za sme{taj toaletnog pribora.<br />

Od presudnog zna~aja za ekonomski<br />

uspon Viminacijuma je bila blizina<br />

ridawsko-krepoqinske i neresni~kobeqani~ke<br />

metalogenetske zone sa bogatim<br />

le`i{tima zlata, srebra, bakra, olova i<br />

gvo`|a. Tradicionalno razvijena metalurgija<br />

u dolinama Mlave i Peka, sa<br />

dolaskom Rimqana dobija novi zamah. S<br />

obzirom na to da je ~itava ekonomska substruktura<br />

mo}nog Carstva po~ivala upravo<br />

na eksploataciji ruda, rudnici u<br />

dolinama ovih reka (metalla Pincensia), su<br />

bili od strate{kog zna~aja za dr`avnu blagajnu.<br />

Ono {to je Afrika zna~ila za `ito,<br />

to je Mezija bila za rudarstvo. Tokom prve<br />

polovine II veka ovi rudnici su vezivali<br />

veliki broj radnika i slu`benika za koje<br />

je, za vreme Hadrijana, kovana posebna mon-<br />

32. Zlatarski nakovaw<br />

Goldsmit’s anvil<br />

These bricks continued to be used in construction<br />

until the 20 th century due to their technological<br />

quality and durability.<br />

Wood crafts are an integral part of construction<br />

works or their accompanying activity.<br />

The basic data about their presence is obtainable<br />

through archaeological material. Finds of axes,<br />

pickaxes, knives, chisels, drills, adzes, and planes<br />

testify to a presence of carpenters, masons, and<br />

of highly specialized artists and craftsmen. Wood<br />

was used widely: not only in building, but also<br />

in furniture-making and in the production of<br />

objects for daily use and burial caskets. The best<br />

evidence of this are the remnants of wooden<br />

coffins in graves, the coating of burial wells and<br />

wooden chests (arca, arcula) which served for<br />

storing toiletries.<br />

The proximity of the areas of Ridanj-<br />

Krepoljin and Neresnica-Beljanica with rich<br />

deposits of gold, silver, copper, lead and iron ore<br />

played a crucial role in <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s economic<br />

rise. With the arrival of the Romans, the traditionally<br />

well-developed Pek and Mlava valleys<br />

metallurgy gained new momentum. As the entire<br />

economic substructure of the powerful Empire<br />


33. Olovni sarkofag<br />

Lead sarcophagus, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

eta sa natpisom AELIANA PINCENSIA. 28 O<br />

veoma intenzivoj rudarskoj delatnosti<br />

svedo~e brojna rudarska okna kao i pojedina~ni<br />

i grupni nalazi (ostave), alatki na<br />

terenu. 29<br />

Blizina rudni~ke zone se vi{estruko<br />

odrazila na razvoj Viminacijuma.<br />

Stalni izvor prera|ene rude ~inio je okosnicu<br />

krupne i monetarne privrede, {to je<br />

direktno uticalo na otvarawe lokalne<br />

kovnice novca, 239. g. Osnivawe posebnog<br />

rudni~kog distrikta i kovawe posebnog<br />

rudni~kog novca indirektno je uticalo na<br />

metaloprera|iva~ke i metalur{ke radionice<br />

Viminacijuma. Velika koncentracija<br />

iskusnih zanatlija, livaca, kova~a i<br />

kujunxija, doprinela je {irewu mre`e<br />

mawih liva~kih i kova~kih officina, od<br />

kojih je svaka bila usko specijalizovana za<br />

izradu odre|ene vrste predmeta: oru`ja i<br />

vojne opreme, dekorativnih i umetni~kih<br />

was based exactly on the exploitation of ore, the<br />

mines in the said river valleys (metalla<br />

Pincensia) had a strategic importance for the<br />

state treasury. What Africa was to wheat-growing,<br />

Moesia was to mining. During the first half<br />

of the 2 nd century, these mines employed a large<br />

number of workers and clerks, for whom a special<br />

coin was minted bearing the inscription<br />

AELIANA PINCENSIA. 28 Intensive mining activity<br />

is visible in the numerous mines and in individual<br />

and group finds of tools (tool storage<br />

facilities) in the field. 29<br />

The proximity of the mining zone reflected<br />

in many ways on the development of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>. The existence of a permanent<br />

source of processed ore was the crucial precondition<br />

for a large-scale and monetary economy,<br />

which directly brought about the opening of the<br />

local mint in the year of 239. The founding of a<br />

separate mining district and the minting of separate<br />

miners’ money indirectly influenced the<br />

28 S. Du{ani}, Rimsko rudarstvo u rudni~kim distriktima<br />

rimskog Ilirika, u: Radionice i kovnice srebra,<br />

Beograd 1995, 135-141.<br />

29 I. Popovi}, Anti~ko oru|e od gvo`|a u Srbiji,<br />

Beograd 1988, 213-229, 247, 249, 251.<br />

28 S. Du{ani}, Rimsko rudarstvo u rudni~kim distriktima<br />

rimskog Ilirika, u: Radionice i kovnice srebra,<br />

Beograd 1995, 135-141.<br />

29 I. Popovi}, Anti~ko oru|e od gvo`|a u Srbiji,<br />

Beograd 1988, 213-229, 247, 249, 251.<br />


predmeta, oru|a, nakita, utilitarija i dr.<br />

Polo`aj Viminacijuma na Dunavu,<br />

pogodovao je transportu metala i polufabrikata<br />

du` dolina Mlave i Peka. Jedan deo<br />

metala je ostajao u lokalnim centrima i<br />

radionicama, a drugi je u slitcima-polugama,<br />

transportovan u Rim. Transport se<br />

odvijao putevima du` ovih reka do Dunava,<br />

potom wime do Crnog mora i sredozemnim<br />

putem do Rima. 30<br />

Gubitak transilvanijskih rudnika<br />

zlata i srebra u III veku, jo{ vi{e je<br />

istakao zna~aj metalla Pincensia, ~ija se<br />

eksploatacija i produkcija intenziviraju<br />

otvarawem novih rudnika. U dramati~nim<br />

i nesigurnim vremenima III veka, kada ovaj<br />

deo limesa organizaciono i ekonomski ja~a<br />

radi o~uvawa Pax Romana, otvarawe<br />

kovnice novca u Viminacijumu, predstavqa<br />

primarni dr`avni interes. U takvom<br />

vojno-politi~kom i ekonomskom kontekstu<br />

je sasvim logi~na pretpostavka o postojawu<br />

sna`nog toreutskog centra za proizvodwu<br />

luksuznog srebrnog posu|a i drugih predmeta<br />

od plemenitih metala. 31 Taj primat }e<br />

Viminacijum zadr`ati i tokom kasne<br />

antike. Istra`eni metalur{ki kompleks<br />

iz IV veka, na u{}u Brodice u Pek, Kraku<br />

lu Jordan (Ku~evo), nesumwiv je dokaz duge<br />

eksploatacije zlata, srebra i drugih metala<br />

u ovoj oblasti . 32<br />

Arheolo{ke dokaze o liva~kim i<br />

kova~kim zanatima u Viminacijumu predstavqaju<br />

brojne alatke: kova~ki ~eki}i i<br />

kle{ta, dleta i liva~ke ka{ike, koje su<br />

slu`ile za ulivawe te~nog metala u odgovaraju}i<br />

kalup (sl. 31). Naro~ito zna~ajan<br />

podatak u tom smislu predstavqa zlatarski<br />

nakovaw, slu~ajno na|en na prostoru<br />

civilnog naseqa na „ Velikom ^airu“ (sl.<br />

metal-processing and metallurgical workshops of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>. The high concentration of experienced<br />

craftsmen, smelters, blacksmiths and goldsmiths,<br />

contributed to the spreading of a network<br />

of small foundries and smithies, each of which<br />

was highly specialized for producing one type of<br />

product: arms and weapons, decorative and artistic<br />

products, tools, jewellery, objects for everyday<br />

use etc .<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>’s position on the Danube<br />

was favourable for the transportation of metals<br />

and semifinished products along the valleys of<br />

the Mlava and the Pek. A portion of the metal<br />

remained in the local centres and workshops and<br />

the rest was shipped to Rome in the form of<br />

ingots. Shipment was by road along these rivers<br />

till the Danube and then by the Danube until the<br />

Black Sea, and through the Mediterranean to<br />

Rome. 30 The loss of Transylvanian gold and silver<br />

mines in the 3 rd century added to the importance<br />

of metalla Pincensia, whose exploitation and<br />

production were intensified when new mines<br />

opened. In the dramatic and precarious times of<br />

the 3 rd century, when this part of the limes was<br />

strengthened organizationally and economically<br />

so as to preserve the Pax Romana, the opening<br />

of the mint in <strong>Viminacium</strong> was of primary interest<br />

to the state. The hypothesis about the existence<br />

of a strong centre for producing luxury silverware<br />

and other precious metal products 31<br />

appears quite logical in such a military, political<br />

and economic context. <strong>Viminacium</strong> would keep<br />

this primacy during the late Classical period too.<br />

The examined metallurgical complex from the 4 th<br />

century, at the confluence of the Brodica and the<br />

Pek, Kraku lu Jordan (Kucevo), is a definite<br />

proof of long exploitation of gold, silver and<br />

other metals in this region. 32<br />

Numerous tools: blacksmith’s mallets and<br />

30 M. Tomovi}, Rimsko rudarstvo i metalurgija srebra u<br />

Gorwoj Meziji; u Radionice i kovnice srebra, Beograd<br />

1995, 117-126.<br />

31 J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko srebro, 53.<br />

32 Ibid, 57; J. Kondi}, Ranovizantijsko srebro, 65-67.<br />

30 M. Tomovi}, Rimsko rudarstvo i metalurgija srebra u<br />

Gorwoj Meziji; u Radionice i kovnice srebra, Beograd<br />

1995, 117-126.<br />

31 J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko srebro, 53.<br />

32 Ibid, 57; J. Kondi}, Ranovizantijsko srebro, 65-67.<br />


34. Portret pokojnice, grobnica sa freskama (G-2624), IV vek<br />

Portrait of a deceasted, fresco tomb, (G-2624), 4 th century<br />


32). 33 Na prisustvo zanatlije, majstora za<br />

izradu predmeta od srebra, ukazuje natpis<br />

na jednom spomeniku iz Smedereva na kome<br />

se pomiwe Refidije Eutih, faber argentarius<br />

iz Viminacijuma. 34 O upotrebi olova za<br />

izradu predmeta utilitarne, kultne i<br />

funerarne svrhe i na prisustvo majstora,<br />

plumbarius-a, svedo~e brojni nalazi olovnih<br />

ogledala, ikona, kalup za izradu olovnih<br />

ikona, sarkofaga, kao i amorfni komadi<br />

olova na terenu. 35<br />

Povoqni prirodni i dru{tveni<br />

faktori uslovili su razvoj i drugih zanata<br />

i delatnosti. Obrada kosti, tekstila i<br />

ko`e direktna su posledica razvijenog<br />

sto~arstva. Tehnolo{ki postupci prilikom<br />

obrade tekstila i ko`e kao i izgled<br />

odevnih predmeta i obu}e, delimi~no se<br />

mogu rekonstruisati na osnovu arheolo{kih<br />

ostataka. U olovnom sarkofagu, u<br />

kome je bila sahrawena odrasla `enska<br />

osoba, prona|eni su ostaci haqine od<br />

qubi~astog brokata protkanog zlatnim<br />

nitima, lanene ko{uqe, ~arapa pletenih<br />

od belog pamu~nog konca i obu}e od mrke<br />

ko`e sa |onovima od slagane plute, od<br />

kojih su neki bili ukra{eni tankim zlatnim<br />

listovima. 36 Izvanredan i vrlo redak<br />

primerak zlatom izvezene tkanine sa predstavom<br />

Viktorije, iz doba Septimija<br />

Severa, na|en je krajem pro{log veka u jednom<br />

sarkofagu u Viminacijumu, a sada se<br />

~uva u Ma|arskom Narodnom muzeju. 37 Osim<br />

33 D. Spasi}, Rimske nau{nice iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Po`arevcu, VIMINACIVM 8-9, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1994,<br />

81-83, crte` 1.<br />

34 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 140.<br />

35 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka olovna ogledala iz Narodnog muzeja<br />

u Po`arevcu, VIMINACIVM 10, ZRNM, Po`arevac<br />

1995/1996, 29-68; S. Golubovi}, Prilog prou~avawa<br />

olovnih sarkofaga u Gorwoj Meziji, VIMINACIVM 12,<br />

ZRNM, Po`arevac 2001, 135-158.<br />

36 Q. Zotovi}, Rano hri{}anstvo u Viminacijumu kroz<br />

izvore i arheolo{ke spomenike, VIMINACIVM 8-9,<br />

ZRNM, Po`arevac 1994, 60, 61; S. Golubovi}, Obu}a iz<br />

trikonhalne grobnice iz Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM<br />

11, ZRNM, Po`arevac 2000, 83-100.<br />

37 S. Golubovi}, Obu}a iz trikonhalne grobnice, 92,<br />

napomena 46.<br />

tongs, chisels and metal casting scoops, serving<br />

for pouring molten metal into moulds (figure 31),<br />

constitute archaeological evidence of the<br />

smelter’s trade and smithy in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. A<br />

goldsmith’s anvil, a random discovery from the<br />

area of the civilian settlement in “Veliki Cair“<br />

(figure 32) 33 is an especially important piece of<br />

evidence in this respect. The presence of a master<br />

craftsman who produced silver objects is documented<br />

by an inscription in a Smederevo monument<br />

mentioning Refidius Eutichus, faber<br />

argentarius of <strong>Viminacium</strong>. 34 The use of lead in<br />

the production of objects for daily, cult and<br />

funerary use and the presence of a master<br />

plumbarius is confirmed by the numerous finds<br />

of lead mirrors, icons, a mould for producing<br />

lead icons, a sarcophagus and of amorphous<br />

lumps of lead in the field. 35<br />

Favourable natural and social factors<br />

boosted the development of other crafts and<br />

activities too. The crafting of bone, textile and<br />

leather are all direct consequences of developed<br />

cattle-breeding. Based on archaeological finds,<br />

technological procedures in textile and leather<br />

crafting, as well as the appearance of clothes and<br />

shoes, can be partially reconstructed. Remnants<br />

of a dress made of purple brocade interwoven<br />

with gold threads, a linen shirt, socks knitted<br />

from white cotton thread and shoes of brown<br />

skin with soles of layered cork, some of which<br />

were decorated with thin gold sheets 36 were<br />

found in a lead sarcophagus in which a grown<br />

up female was buried. Around the end of the last<br />

century an exceptional and very rare specimen of<br />

33 D. Spasi}, Rimske nau{nice iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Po`arevcu, VIMINACIVM 8-9, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1994,<br />

81-83, crte` 1.<br />

34 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 140.<br />

35 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka olovna ogledala iz Narodnog muzeja<br />

u Po`arevcu, VIMINACIVM 10, ZRNM, Po`arevac<br />

1995/1996, 29-68; S. Golubovi}, Prilog prou~avawa<br />

olovnih sarkofaga u Gorwoj Meziji, VIMINACIVM 12,<br />

ZRNM, Po`arevac 2001, 135-158.<br />

36 Q. Zotovi}, Rano hri{}anstvo u Viminacijumu kroz<br />

izvore i arheolo{ke spomenike, VIMINACIVM 8-9,<br />

ZRNM, Po`arevac 1994, 60, 61; S. Golubovi}, Obu}a iz<br />

trikonhalne grobnice iz Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM<br />

11, ZRNM, Po`arevac 2000, 83-100.<br />


35. Sluga prinosilac, grobnica sa freskama (G-2624), IV vek<br />

The servant-sacrifice bearer, fresco tomb, (G-2624), 4 th century<br />


36. Nadgrobni spomenik „ Stela bankara“ III vek,<br />

Narodni muzej Beograd<br />

Headstone, „Banker’s stele“, 3 rd century, National Museum Belgrade<br />

ovih nalaza, zna~ajne podatke o ode}i<br />

imu}nijih stanovnika Viminacijuma pru`a<br />

slikarstvo grobnica, gde se izdvajaju<br />

portret pokojnice i sluga-prinosilac u<br />

paganskoj grobnici (sl. 34,35). Pokojnica<br />

je mlada `ena obu~ena u skupocenu, brokatnu,<br />

dugu haqinu, protkanu zlatnim nitima i<br />

ukra{enu klavusima. Haqina je u ramenom<br />

delu ukra{ena elipsoidnim i kvadratnim<br />

dragim kamewem. Sluga prinosilac je<br />

obu~en u belu tuniku op{ivenu porubom<br />

koja ima oblik ko{uqe bez rukava, a oko<br />

tela je pripasana kai{em. Preko ramena je<br />

a gold-embroidered fabric bearing the motif of<br />

Victoria, from the age of Septimius Severus, was<br />

discovered in a <strong>Viminacium</strong> sarcophagus and is<br />

now being kept at the National Museum of<br />

Hungary. 37 Apart from these finds, important<br />

data about the clothing of the more affluent<br />

inhabitants of <strong>Viminacium</strong> is obtained through<br />

sepulchre painting where the portrait of a<br />

deceased woman and her servant in a pagan<br />

37 S. Golubovi}, Obu}a iz trikonhalne grobnice, 92,<br />

napomena 46.<br />


preba~en palijum - neka vrsta kabanice.<br />

Obi~no je izra|ivan od vune. Na nogama<br />

ima ko`nu obu}u, nalik poluzatvorenim<br />

cipelama koje se vezuju jednim kai{em (calceus).<br />

38 Na prisustvo zanatlije koji izra-<br />

|uje ode}u ukazuje spomenik iz Smedereva,<br />

na kome se pomiwe P. Ael (ius) Valerianus, vestiarius<br />

iz Viminacijuma. 39<br />

Novi proizvodni odnosi i uvo|ewe<br />

novih tehnologija dovode do transformacije<br />

postoje}ih kasnolatenskih zanatskih<br />

centara, koji zajedno sa novoformiranim,<br />

postaju nosioci sna`nog ekonomskog preporoda,<br />

ne samo u kvantitativnom, ve} i u<br />

kvalitativnom smislu. Arheolo{ki materijal<br />

I - II veka pokazuje da su promene bile<br />

postepene, da bi po~etkom III veka privreda<br />

Viminacijuma do`ivela svoju kulminaciju,<br />

a kulturna integracija bila privedena<br />

kraju. Sinteza autohtonih, italskih,<br />

mediteranskih i maloazijskih elemenata<br />

dala je specifi~na obele`ja viminacijumskoj<br />

materijalnoj i duhovnoj kulturi.<br />

Istovremeno cveta trgovina kao posledica<br />

velikog prometa robe, vojske, putnika i<br />

dr`avnih ~inovnika, {to se povoqno<br />

odra`avalo na finansijsku mo} grada.<br />

Vode}u ulogu u trgovini, u po~etku su,<br />

verovatno imali Italici, Grci i Sirijci,<br />

da bi se kasnije ukqu~ili i starosedeoci.<br />

Sredinom V veka u Viminacijumu je `iveo<br />

Grk koji je do{ao radi trgovine, a zatim se<br />

tu trajno nastanio. 40 Natpisi s kraja II i<br />

po~etkom III veka potvr|uju prisustvo<br />

bogatih gra|ana koji svojim sredstvima<br />

u~estvuju u finansirawu javnih radova,<br />

objekata i slu`bi. Na jednoj steli iz<br />

Kostolca (tzv. „ Stela Bankara“), u reqefu<br />

je prikazano bankarsko poslovawe, gde<br />

bogati Rimqanin sedi za stolom i broji<br />

tomb occupy a prominent place (figures 34, 35).<br />

The deceased is a young woman clad in an<br />

expensive long brocade dress, interwoven with<br />

gold thread and decorated with clavi. The shoulder<br />

part of the dress is decorated with ellipsoid<br />

and square jewels. The servant is dressed in a<br />

hemmed sleeveless white tunica in the shape of<br />

a sleeveless shirt, gathered with a belt at the<br />

waist. A pallium, a kind of cloak, usually made<br />

of wool, can be seen covering the shoulders. The<br />

footwear is leather and resembles semi-open<br />

shoes with a single strap (calceus). 38 A monument<br />

from Smederevo on which a certain P.<br />

Ael (ius) Valerianus, a vestiarius from<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> is mentioned 39 , points to the presence<br />

of a clothes-making craftsman.<br />

New production relations and the introduction<br />

of new technologies led to a transformation<br />

of the existing Late La Teène crafts centres,<br />

which, along with the newly formed ones,<br />

became the champions of a strong economic<br />

revival, not only in the quantitative but also in<br />

the qualitative sense. Archaeological material<br />

from the 1 st and the 2 nd century shows that the<br />

changes were gradual, the economy of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> reaching its peak during the 3 rd century<br />

and its cultural integration being almost<br />

complete. A synthesis of autochthonous, Italic,<br />

Mediterranean and elements from Asia Minor<br />

gave <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s material and spiritual culture<br />

specific traits. At the same time, as a result of<br />

the large circulation of goods, troops, travellers<br />

and state officials, trade flourished, which had a<br />

positive impact on the city’s financial strength.<br />

In the beginning, the leading role in trade must<br />

have belonged to Italians, Greeks and Syrians,<br />

with the natives catching up somewhat later.<br />

Around the middle of the 5 th century, a Greek<br />

lived in <strong>Viminacium</strong> who had originally come to<br />

trade and had later settled here. 40 Inscriptions<br />

38 M. Kora}, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, Po`arevac<br />

1998, 76-84, 90-107.<br />

39 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 140.<br />

40 Ibid, 142-143.<br />

38 M. Kora}, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, Po`arevac<br />

1998, 76-84, 90-107.<br />

39 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 140.<br />

40 Ibid, 142-143.<br />


novac, a drugo lice, verovatno rob, sa<br />

svitkom u ruci, podnosi ra~un. 41<br />

Velika frekvencija trgovaca je<br />

logi~na posledica stalno stacionirane<br />

vojske sa redovnim prihodima, kao i povremenim<br />

poklonima koje su legionari dobijali,<br />

zatim plena i sume koja je ispla}ivana<br />

nakon odslu`ewa vojnog roka. Velika<br />

nov~ana sredstva skoncentrisana u privredi<br />

i stanovni{tvu grada, pru`ala su<br />

izuzetne poslovne mogu}nosti i {anse.<br />

Privreda Viminacijuma je bila dinami~na,<br />

zasnovana na importu, ali i eksportu<br />

proizvoda doma}ih zanatsko-umetni~kih<br />

radionica.<br />

from the of the 1 st and the beginning of the 3 rd<br />

century confirm the presence of well-to-do citizens<br />

who invested their capital into public works,<br />

buildings and services. A stele from Kostolac,<br />

(the so called “Stela Bankara“ or “the Banker<br />

Stele“) depicts in relief the banking business: a<br />

wealthy Roman is sitting at a table and counting<br />

money while another person, most likely a slave,<br />

scroll in hand, is rendering an accounting. 41<br />

The large number of merchants is a logical<br />

consequence of the presence of permanently<br />

stationed troops with a stable income and with<br />

an occasional reward that legionaries were given,<br />

with their share of the loot and their discharge<br />

money. The substantial capital concentrated in<br />

the economy and in the hands of the city’s<br />

inhabitants offered exceptional business opportunities.<br />

The economy of <strong>Viminacium</strong> was dynamic,<br />

based on importation but also on exporting<br />

the products of the local arts and crafts workshops.<br />

41 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 64, 142, 143; \. Mano-Zisi,<br />

Umetnost na tlu Jugoslavije, Zagreb 1982, 83, sl. 69.<br />

41 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 64, 142, 143; \. Mano-Zisi,<br />

Umetnost na tlu Jugoslavije, Zagreb 1982, 83, sl. 69.<br />


Zanatsko - umetni~ka produkcija<br />

Arts and Crafts Production

Nakon uspostavqawa rimske<br />

vojne vlasti zapo~eo je proces organizacije<br />

uprave i transformacije privrede, koju<br />

je bilo neophodno prilagoditi rimskim<br />

ekonomskim zakonima. Organizovana eksploatacija<br />

rudnika zapo~eta sredinom I<br />

veka, dovela je do osnivawa lokalnih<br />

prera|iva~kih i zanatskih centara. Iako<br />

jo{ nije jasno definisano, mo`e se pretpostaviti<br />

da se oni formiraju oko kasnolatenskih<br />

radionica, sa ve} razra|enim<br />

tehnologijama, a da do zna~ajnih promena<br />

postepeno dolazi u organizaciji same<br />

proizvodwe i distribuciji robe. Na to, pre<br />

After Roman military power had been<br />

established, a process of government organization<br />

and economic transformation began, as harmonization<br />

with Roman economic laws was<br />

required. Organized exploitation of mines began<br />

around the middle of the 1 st century and it led<br />

to the founding of local industrial and crafts centres.<br />

Even if not yet clearly defined, it can be<br />

supposed that these were formed around late La<br />

Téne workshops with already developed technology<br />

and that significant changes took place in<br />

production organization and product distribution.<br />

Strong autochthonous elements in all aspects of<br />

material culture during the 1 st and in the first<br />

37. Bronzani kr~ag,<br />

II-III vek<br />

Bronze jug, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />


38. Oru`je, I-IV vek<br />

Weapons, 1 st -4 th century<br />

svega, ukazuju sna`ni autohtoni elementi u<br />

svim vidovima materijalne kulture, tokom<br />

I i u prvoj polovini II veka. Oni su<br />

najizrazitiji u metaloprera|iva~koj i<br />

kerami~arskoj delatnosti.<br />

Period vojne stabilizacije prate<br />

predmeti iskqu~ivo vojne namene kao {to<br />

su: oru`je, alatke, kowska i kolska oprema,<br />

bronzano posu|e i dr. Wih proizvode<br />

kova~ke i liva~ke radionice koje su<br />

prate}i deo svake legije. Raznovrsni oblici<br />

oru`ja, pre svega kopqa, strelice i<br />

bode`i, ukazuju na razli~ite uticaje, ali i<br />

radionice. Skoro dominantna latenoidna<br />

forma mnogih delova vojne opreme ukazuje<br />

na produkciju autohtonih centara, ali i na<br />

pripadnike lokalnog stanovni{tva u rimskim<br />

pomo}nim trupama. Brojna su listolika<br />

kopqa sa vrlo izra`enim uzdu`nim<br />

rebrom koja ukazuju na starije autohtone<br />

uzore. Izdvaja se primerak sa tau{iranim<br />

bronzanim trakama, tako|e poznat latenskoj<br />

kulturi. 42 Sli~na je situacija sa strehalf<br />

of the 3 rd century are a primary indicator of<br />

this. They are most notable in metallurgy and<br />

ceramics.<br />

During the military stabilization period,<br />

mostly objects with military application were<br />

produced, such as: arms, equestrian and horse<br />

wagon equipment, bronze kitchenware etc. These<br />

were produced by smithies and foundries which<br />

accompanied every legion. Various kinds of<br />

arms, mostly spears, darts and daggers point to<br />

different influences but also to different workshops.<br />

The almost dominant La Téne-like form<br />

of many parts of military equipment points to the<br />

production of autochthonous centres but also to<br />

members of the local population in Roman auxiliary<br />

troops. Spears with leaf-shaped heads with<br />

a strong middle ridge of the blade which were<br />

based on older autochthonous models are numerous.<br />

Notable is a specimen with encrusted bronze<br />

bands, also known to the La Téne culture. 42 The<br />

situation is similar with arrows and daggers. The<br />

pilums were made with pyramid-shaped heads or<br />

with arrow-shaped tips. Battle axes, also an<br />

42 O. Brukner, V. Dautova-Ru{evljan, P. Milo{evi}, Po~eci<br />

romanizacije u jugoisto~nom delu provincije Panonije, Novi<br />

Sad 1987, 17, 18, T. 1/3, 4.;J. Todorovi}, Praistorijska<br />

Karaburma I, nekropola mla|eg gvozdenog doba, Beograd<br />

1972, 73, grob 32, T. XIII,3.<br />

42 O. Brukner, V. Dautova-Ru{evljan, P. Milo{evi}, Po~eci<br />

romanizacije u jugoisto~nom delu provincije Panonije, Novi<br />

Sad 1987, 17, 18, T. 1/3, 4.;J. Todorovi}, Praistorijska<br />

Karaburma I, nekropola mla|eg gvozdenog doba, Beograd<br />

1972, 73, grob 32, T. XIII,3.<br />


39. Bronzano vedro<br />

Bronze bucket (situla), 1 st century B.C. - I st century A.D.<br />

40. Bronzana lampa (lucerna),<br />

Bronze lamp, (lucerna), 1 st century<br />

licama i bode`ima. Pilumi su sa piramidalnim<br />

probojcem ili sa strelastim vrhom.<br />

Sekire, tako|e obavezan deo vojne opreme,<br />

ustaqenog su latenoidnog oblika. Tokom<br />

arheolo{kih istra`ivawa Viminacijuma<br />

nije prona|en ni jedan primerak ranorimskog<br />

ma~a. Slu~ajni nalazi ma~eva sa<br />

lokaliteta u selu Trwane (stanica Ad<br />

Nonum) i kod po`areva~ke bolnice iz I<br />

veka, ukazuju na vrlo sna`nu latensku<br />

tradiciju i u ovoj vrsti oru`ja. 43 Bronzano<br />

posu|e pokazuje iste uticaje. Bronzano<br />

vedro (situla), iz grobnog bunara, s kraja I i<br />

s po~etka II veka, pripada tipu Westerwann,<br />

veoma rasprostrawenom {irom Evrope<br />

po~etkom I v (sl. 39). 44 [titovi predstavqaju<br />

re|e nalaze, a nekoliko<br />

prona|enih primeraka umba sa sredwim<br />

indispensable part of military equipment, had a<br />

standard La Téne-like shape. No specimens of<br />

early Roman swords were found during archaeological<br />

excavation in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. The random<br />

finds of first century swords on sites in the present<br />

day village of Trnjane (the Ad Nonum station)<br />

and near the hospital in Pozarevac reveal a<br />

very strong La Téne tradition in the production<br />

of this kind of arms too. 43 Bronze kitchenware<br />

displays identical influences. A bronze pail (situla)<br />

from a burial well from the end of the 1 st<br />

and the beginning of the 2 nd century belongs to<br />

the Westerwann type, very common across<br />

Europe around the beginning of the 1 st century<br />

(figure 39). 44 Shields are less commonly found<br />

and the few finds of umbones with calotteshaped<br />

central sections and wider rims are char-<br />

43 D. Pileti}, Rimsko oru`je sa teritorije Gornje Mezije, VVM 17,<br />

Beograd 1971, 8, T. IV/14.<br />

44 O. Brukner, V. Dautova-Ru{evljan, P. Milo{evi}, op. cit. 20, 21,<br />

T. IX/2-6; D. Spasi}, Prilog prou~avawu tradicije<br />

Skordiska u Viminacijumu, 41, T.V/8.<br />

43 D. Pileti}, Rimsko oru`je sa teritorije Gornje Mezije, VVM 17,<br />

Beograd 1971, 8, T. IV/14.<br />

44 O. Brukner, V. Dautova-Ru{evljan, P. Milo{evi}, op. cit. 20, 21,<br />

T. IX/2-6; D. Spasi}, Prilog prou~avawu tradicije<br />

Skordiska u Viminacijumu, 41, T.V/8.<br />

45 J. Todorovi}, op. cit., 76-77, grob 92/7.<br />


42. Delovi trono{ca, I-III vek<br />

Parts of a trivet, 1 st -3 rd century<br />

41. Majmunoliko bo`anstvo, II-III vek<br />

Apelike deity, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

kalotastim delom i {irim obodom karakteristi~ni<br />

su za posledwe decenije stare<br />

ere. 45 Vrlo zna~ajan nalaz predstavqaju<br />

delovi gvozdenog plo~astog oklopa (lorica<br />

squamata), sa rupicama za spajawe, koji se<br />

javqa na nadgrobnim spomenicima legionara<br />

i pripadnika auksilijarnih trupa,<br />

ve} na po~etku I veka. 46<br />

Doseqavawem romanizovanog gradskog<br />

stanovni{tva u Viminacijumu se<br />

acteristic of the final decades of the Old Age. 45<br />

Another find of great significance are parts of<br />

iron plate armour (lorica squamata) with perforations<br />

for joining, which can be seen on<br />

legionaries“ and auxiliary troops“ gravestones as<br />

early as the beginning of the 1 st century. 46<br />

With the settling of a Romanized population<br />

of city-dwellers, luxury goods for practical<br />

usage appear in <strong>Viminacium</strong>: lamps, toiletries<br />

and medical instruments, furniture decorations,<br />

keys, locks, cases and chests, an abundance of<br />

appliques, figural bronze plastic art etc. The settlement’s<br />

military camp disposition attracted a<br />

45 J. Todorovi}, op. cit., 76-77, grob 92/7.<br />

46 O. Brukner, V. Dautova-Ru{evljanin, P. Milo{evi}, op. cit., 16,<br />

T. I/2.<br />

46 O. Brukner, V. Dautova-Ru{evljanin, P. Milo{evi}, op. cit., 16,<br />

T. I/2.<br />


43. Bronzana lampa (lucerna), I vek p.n.e. -I vek n.e.<br />

Bronze lamp, (lucerna), 1 st century B.C. - 1 st century A.D.<br />

44. Statueta<br />

Prijapa,<br />

II-III vek<br />

Priapus statuet,<br />

2 nd -3 rd century<br />

45. Bronzani poklopac, I-III vek<br />

Bronze lid, 1 st -3 rd century<br />


46. Bronzani strigil, I-III vek<br />

Bronze Strigilis, 1 st -3 rd century<br />

pojavquje i luksuzna roba utilitarne<br />

namene: lampe, toaletni i medicinski<br />

instrumenti, ukrasi name{taja, kqu~evi,<br />

okovi, kasete i kov~e`i}i, obiqe aplika,<br />

figuralna bronzana plastika i dr.<br />

Dispozicija vojnih logora uslovila je<br />

`ivu frekvenciju putuju}ih trgovaca i<br />

livaca, koji su snabdevali kupce<br />

najraznovrsnijom robom iz metropole, ili<br />

je izra|ivali na licu mesta, ve{to prilago|avaju}i<br />

svoje proizvode umetni~ko -<br />

estetskim i religiozno-kultnim kriterijumima<br />

lokalnog stanovni{tva. Luksuzna<br />

roba iz I-prve polovine II veka se mo`e<br />

vezati za kampanske radionice koje su pod<br />

jakim uticajem helenisti~kog zanatstva,<br />

naro~ito aleksandrijskog radioni~kog<br />

kruga. Takav zanatsko-umetni~ki rad predstavqa<br />

bronzana lampa (lucerna) sa<br />

tragi~nom maskom mladog Dionisa ili egipatske<br />

bogiwe Jo, koja je tokom I veka,<br />

large number of salesmen and travelling smelters,<br />

who supplied customers with a variety of goods<br />

from the capital, or made it on the spot, skilfully<br />

adapting their products to fit the artistic, aesthetic<br />

and religious criteria of the local population.<br />

Luxury goods from the 1 st and the first half<br />

of the 2 nd century are associated with the workshops<br />

of Campania, which were under a strong<br />

influence of the Hellenistic crafts tradition, in<br />

particular the Alexandrian manufacturing circle.<br />

An example of such art/craftwork is a bronze<br />

lamp (lucerna) with the tragic mask of young<br />

Dionysus or of the Egyptian goddess Jo, which,<br />

directly or indirectly (via Italy), arrived in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> territory during the 1 st century (figure<br />

43). 47 Bronze lamps are part of the inventory<br />

of the more affluent homes and were often<br />

used as votums in temples and shrines. The<br />

47 A. Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, Rimska bronzana lampa<br />

iz Po`arevca, Starinar IX-X, Beograd 1959, 203-204,<br />

sl. 1-3.<br />


47. Kozmeti~ko-medicinska kutija,<br />

II- prva polovina III veka<br />

Cosmetic-medical box, 2 nd - first half of a 3 rd century<br />

47 A. Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, Rimska bronzana lampa<br />

iz Po`arevca, Starinar IX-X, Beograd 1959, 203-204,<br />

sl. 1-3.<br />

48 Vid. napomenu br.18.<br />

48 See footnote 18.<br />

48. Ogledalo, II-III vek<br />

Mirror, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

direktnim ili indirektnim putem (preko<br />

Italije) dospela na teritoriju Viminacijuma<br />

(sl. 43). 47 Lampe od bronze su predstavqale<br />

inventar ku}a bogatijih gra|ana,<br />

a ~esto su upotrebqavane i kao votumi u<br />

hramovima i svetili{tima. Ve} pomenuti<br />

primerak bronzane lampe u obliku broda,<br />

sa ve{to stilizovanim detaqima pramca i<br />

kquna, upu}uje na rani import, verovatno<br />

iz kampanskih radionica, a kvalitet<br />

izrade na vi{i socijalni status vlasnika.<br />

48<br />

Specifi~nost rimskog duha naro-<br />

~ito se manifestuje u bronzanoj, figuralnoj<br />

plastici, koja se serijski proizvodi i<br />

koristi kao sredstvo ideolo{ke i reliaforementioned<br />

bronze lamp specimen in the<br />

form of a ship, with skilfully crafted detail at the<br />

prow seems to be an early import, probably from<br />

a Campanian workshop, and the quality of craftsmanship<br />

suggests it belonged to a person of<br />

higher stature. 48<br />

The specific character of the Roman spirit<br />

found its particular expression in bronze figural<br />

plastic art, which was produced serially and<br />

used as a means of ideological and economic<br />

propaganda. Bronze statuettes affirm Roman vir-<br />


49. Olovno ogledalo, II-IV vek<br />

Lead mirror, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

50. Ogledalo sa Proserpinom, II vek<br />

Mirror with Proserpina, 2 nd century<br />


giozne propagande. Statuete od bronze<br />

afirmi{u rimski virtus, propagiraju}i<br />

kapitolinsku trijadu i Dii Militares.<br />

Me|utim, wihova primarna svrha je umetni~ko-dekorativna<br />

i vi{e govori o popularnosti<br />

odre|enih bo`anstava i polubo`anstava.<br />

Naj~e{}e su zastupqene statuete<br />

bo`anstava rimskog Panteona: Jupitera,<br />

Minerve i Venere, a od drugostepenih<br />

vrlo su popularni Bah, Amor, Prijap,<br />

Herkul i Satir. Pored wih, sre}u se i<br />

poprsja bo`anstava ~iji su kultovi doneti<br />

sa Orijenta: Serapisa i Atisa. 49 Svojim<br />

zanatsko-umetni~kim kvalitetima izdvaja<br />

se statueta Prijapa, bo`anstva plodnosti<br />

i obiqa, sa keceqom punom gro`|a i<br />

plodova, koja se svojim stilskim karakteristikama,<br />

mo`e vezati za aleksandrijski<br />

radioni~ki krug. Identi~ne umetni~kostilske<br />

karakteristike sre}u se na bronzanom<br />

poklopcu, sa poprsjem Bahusa sa<br />

me{inom. Lik zrelog mu{karca sa bujnom<br />

kosom povezanom trakom i ukra{enom<br />

grozdovima, odlikuje plemenitost i dostojanstvena<br />

lepota zrelog mu{kog lika (sl.<br />

44, 45).<br />

Lokalna produkcija figuralne plastike<br />

postepeno dovodi do provincijalizacije<br />

koja je najizrazitija u olovnim<br />

{ematizovanim statuetama bo`anstva.<br />

Najbrojnije su statuete nagog `enskog<br />

bo`anstva, protuma~ene kao Venera sa<br />

detetom. 50<br />

Po~etkom II veka smawuje se priliv<br />

predmeta iz severnoitalskih centara, a<br />

lokalna produkcija dobija na intenzitetu,<br />

naro~ito nakon osnivawa metalla Pincensia.<br />

Krajem II i po~etkom III veka dolazi do svotus<br />

propagating the Capitoline triad and the Dii<br />

Militares. Still, its primary purpose is artistic and<br />

decorative and tells more about the popularity of<br />

certain deities and semi-deities. Most frequent<br />

were statuettes of the deities of the Roman<br />

Pantheon: Jupiter, Minerva and Venus and out of<br />

the lesser gods: Bacchus, Amor, Priapus,<br />

Hercules and Satyr. Apart from these, busts of<br />

deities whose cults had been imported from the<br />

Orient were found: those of Serapis and Attis. 49<br />

A statuette of Priapus, the deity of fertility and<br />

abundance, with an apron full of grapes and<br />

fruits, stands out in its artistic quality and can be<br />

associated with the manufacturing circle of<br />

Alexandria. We come across the same artistic<br />

and stylistic traits on the bronze lid depicting the<br />

bust of Bacchus with a wineskin. The representation<br />

of a mature man with thick hair is characterized<br />

by nobleness and the dignified beauty<br />

of a mature male face (fig. 44 and 45).<br />

Local production of figural plastic art<br />

gradually led to provincialization which is mostly<br />

visible in schematized lead statuettes of<br />

deities. The most numerous are the statuettes of<br />

a nude female deity thought to be Venus with a<br />

child. 50 The influx of objects from north Italian<br />

centres decreased around the beginning of the 2 nd<br />

century and local production gained momentum,<br />

especially after the opening of the metalla<br />

Pincensia. Around the end of the 2 nd and the<br />

beginning of the 3 rd century, a kind of trading<br />

revolution took place which brought about a rise<br />

in importation from all over the Empire. Goods<br />

were massively imported from Gallia, the<br />

Mediterranean, the Black Sea and from the East.<br />

Local crafts were enriched with new decorative<br />

techniques (perforation, enamelling, encrustation<br />

49 Lj. B. Popovi} , \. Mano -Zisi, M. Veli~kovi}, B. Jeli~i},<br />

Anti~ka bronza u Jugoslaviji, Beograd 1969, kat. br. 117, 132,<br />

140, 143, 160, 166, 171, 175, 184, 254, 264; Bogata kolekcija<br />

rimske bronzane plastike je ukradena iz<br />

Narodnog muzeja u Po`arevcu 1989 .g.<br />

50 I. Popovi}, Radionica olovnih predmeta ili svetili{te<br />

kulta dunavskih kowanika u Viminacijumu,<br />

VIMINACIVM 7, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1992, 45-46, 50-54.<br />

49 Lj. B. Popovi} - Dj. Mano -Zisi-M. Veli~kovi}, B. Jeli~i}, Anti~ka<br />

bronza u Jugoslaviji, Beograd 1969, kat. br. 117, 132, 140, 143, 160,<br />

166, 171, 175, 184, 254, 264; The rich collection of Roman bronze<br />

plastic art was stolen from the Po`arevac National Museum in its<br />

entirety in 1989.<br />

50 I. Popovi}, Radionica olovnih predmeta ili svetili{te<br />

kulta dunavskih kowanika u Viminacijumu,<br />

VIMINACIVM 7, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1992, 45-46, 50-54.<br />


51. Ogledalo sa Dionisom i Arijadnom,<br />

kraj II - prve decenije III veka<br />

Mirror with Dionysus and Ariadne,<br />

end of a 2 nd - secod decades of a 3 rd century<br />

jevrsne trgova~ke revolucije, tj. do<br />

ekspanzije importa iz svih delova Carstva.<br />

Masovno se uvozi roba iz Galije, sa<br />

Mediterana, Ponta i Istoka. Lokalno<br />

zanatstvo se oboga}uje novim dekorativnim<br />

tehnikama (prolamawe, emajl, tau{irawe i<br />

nielo). Predmeti utilitarnog karaktera<br />

su veoma brojni i pokazuju razli~ite<br />

stilske uticaje i kosmopolitiski duh koji<br />

se ose}a u svim sferama `ivota. Visok<br />

standard viminacijumskog stanovni{tva<br />

potvr|uju razli~iti medicinski, kozmeti~ki<br />

i toaletni instrumenti. Kozmeti-<br />

~ko-medicinska kutija, piksida, sa urezanim<br />

ornamentom sitnih listova pore|anih u<br />

vidu ribqe krqu{ti, donekle ponavqa<br />

and niello). Objects for everyday use are very<br />

numerous and display various stylistic influences<br />

and a cosmopolitan spirit, which was felt in all<br />

areas of life. The presence of an assortment of<br />

medical instruments, cosmetics accessories and<br />

toiletries are proof of the high standard of living<br />

the population of <strong>Viminacium</strong> enjoyed. A cosmetic/medical<br />

box, a pyxis, with a carved ornament<br />

in the form of tiny leaves laid out like fish<br />

scales partly repeats the ornaments seen on the<br />

terra si-gillata vessels from Rheinzabern from<br />

the mid 2 nd century (figure 47). Apart from cosmetic<br />

bo-xes, a frequent find in <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

graves are bronze, silver, and less frequently lead<br />

mirrors, gilded or not. Circular bronze and silver<br />

mirrors were decorated with simple geometric<br />


52. Fibule sa emajlom, II-III vek<br />

Fibula with enamel, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

ornamentiku terra sigillata, posuda iz<br />

Rheinzaber-na, sredinom II veka (sl. 47).<br />

Osim kozmeti~kih kutija, ~est prilog u<br />

viminacijumskim grobovima su ogledala od<br />

bronze, srebra, a re|e od olova ili sa<br />

pozlatom. Bronzana i srebrna ogledala,<br />

kru`ne forme, su ukra{ena jednostavnom<br />

geometrijskom ornamentikom izvedenom<br />

{estarom i urezivawem. Minijaturna,<br />

olovna ogledala pokazuju tipolo{ko<br />

bogatstvo sa znatno slo`enijom dekoracijom<br />

koja je, kao i samo ogledalo, nosilac<br />

jedne dubqe simboli~no-kultne ideje.<br />

Specifi~ne stilske karakteristike ukazuju<br />

na produkciju viminacijumske radionice.<br />

51 Vrlo retka, a zbog tehnike izrade<br />

skupocena reqefna ogledala su zastupqena<br />

sa sedam primeraka. Reqefna predstava je<br />

iskucavana na tankom bronzanom limu, a<br />

zatim se vr{ilo posrebrivawe ili pozlaornaments<br />

carved with a compass. Miniature lead<br />

mirrors show typological variety and bear far<br />

more complex decorations, which, like the mirrors<br />

themselves, are carriers of a deeper symbolic<br />

and cult idea. The specific stylistic characteristics<br />

suggest that these were crafted in a<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> workshop. 51 Very rare relief mirrors,<br />

precious for their production technique, are represented<br />

by seven specimens. The relief was<br />

made on thin bronze plates by chiselling and<br />

these were then silver-plated or gilt. <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

relief mirrors from the period of the second half<br />

of the 2 nd and the first half of the 3 rd century are<br />

characterized by quality crafting, visible in<br />

smooth modelling and refined stylization of characters.<br />

Idealizing in the spirit of the Classical<br />

style and harmony of composition proper places<br />

them among the highest quality specimens of this<br />

kind on the territory of the Empire, with notable<br />

influences of the Asia Minor and African pro-<br />

51 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka olovna ogledala iz Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu, 41, 42.<br />

51 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka olovna ogledala iz Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu, 41, 42.<br />


74<br />

53. Pojasne garniture, II-IV vek<br />

Belt set, 2 nd -4 th century

}ivawe. Viminacijumska reqefna ogledala<br />

iz perioda druge polovine II i prve<br />

polovine III veka, odlikuje kvalitetna zanatsko-umetni~ka<br />

izrada, izra`ena u mekoj<br />

modelaciji i prefiwenoj stilizaciji likova.<br />

Idealizacija u duhu klasi~nog stila<br />

i harmoni~nost same kompozicije svrstava<br />

ih u najkvalitetnije primerke ove vrste na<br />

teritoriji Carstva, uz primetne uticaje<br />

maloazijskog i severno-afri~kog proizvodnog<br />

kruga. Originalnost ikonografskih<br />

predstava ukazuje na obrazovane<br />

naru~ioce i zanatlije, dobro upoznate sa<br />

religijsko-filozofskim u~ewima II-III<br />

veka i odgovaraju}im mitolo{kim matricama<br />

i wihovom simbolikom (sl. 50, 51). 52<br />

O delatnostima metaloprera|iva~kih<br />

radionica svedo~e mnogobrojni<br />

predmeti neophodni u svakodnevnom<br />

`ivotu civilnog i vojnog stanovni{tva:<br />

alatke, delovi kola, udice, igle, klanfe,<br />

klinovi. Nalazi kqu~eva, brava, okova,<br />

dr{ki i ukrasnih oplata, predstavqaju<br />

ostatke mawih ili ve}ih kov~ega-{kriwa<br />

koji su bili obavezan inventar svake ku}e.<br />

Mawe kutije su slu`ile za sme{taj i<br />

no{ewe kozmeti~kog i toaletnog pribora,<br />

a umetni~ka obrada oplate je zavisila od<br />

standarda vlasnika. Bronzane oplate sa<br />

reqefnom dekoracijom, ra|ene iskucavawem<br />

na matrici, svakako su znatno<br />

skupqi i zato re|i vid dekoracije ovih<br />

predmeta. Sa teritorije Viminacijuma<br />

poti~u tri bronzane reqefne oplate.<br />

Jedna oplata sadr`i personifikacije<br />

meseci i godi{wih doba, druga motiv tijasosa<br />

53 , a na tre}oj se nalazi predstava Muze.<br />

Vrlo visoke zanatsko-umetni~ke<br />

domete viminacijumski majstori su desegli<br />

duction traditions. The originality of iconographic<br />

representation points to an educated clientele<br />

and craftsmen, well acquainted with the religious<br />

and philosophic teachings of the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries,<br />

with suitable mythological matrices and<br />

their symbolism (figures 50 and 51). 52<br />

The activity of metal-processing workshops<br />

is witnessed by numerous objects necessary<br />

for everyday life of civilians and military<br />

personnel: tools, parts of horse-wagons, fishing<br />

hooks, pins, clamps, nails. Finds of keys, locks,<br />

handles and metal decorations are the remains of<br />

smaller or larger chests, which were an indispensable<br />

item in every household. Smaller boxes<br />

were used for storing and carrying cosmetic<br />

accessories and toiletries and the artistic crafting<br />

of the surface of the box depended on the<br />

owner’s standard. Bronze plating with relief decorations<br />

crafted by chiselling following a matrix,<br />

was certainly a more expensive and therefore<br />

less common way of decorating these objects.<br />

Three examples of bronze relief plating come<br />

from <strong>Viminacium</strong>. One of these features a personification<br />

of the months and seasons, another<br />

one the motif of a Thiasos 53 and a third one<br />

depicts a Muse.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> craftsmen achieved very<br />

high standards in making bronze jewellery,<br />

which is also the most numerous. As a material,<br />

bronze offered the most opportunity for applying<br />

all crafting and decoration techniques. The techniques<br />

of bronze perforating were largely used,<br />

especially in making belts and accessories, crafted<br />

in minute detail, and often decorated with<br />

gilding and enamel, with intricate web-shaped<br />

and floral motifs. The bronze jewellery of the 2 nd<br />

to 4 th centuries displays great crafting and typological<br />

variation, with all techniques used: casting,<br />

forging, cutting, filigree, granulation, perfo-<br />

52 D. Spasi}-\uri}, Reqefna ogledala iz Viminacijuma,<br />

VIMINACIVM 12, ZRNM, Po`arevac, 2001,<br />

159-178, sl. 2-10.<br />

53 M. \or|evi}, Bronzane oplate za kov~e`i} iz<br />

Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM 8-9, ZRNM, Po`arevac<br />

1994, 43-49.<br />

52 D. Spasi}-\uri}, Reqefna ogledala iz Viminacijuma,<br />

VIMINACIVM 12, ZRNM, Po`arevac, 2001,<br />

159-178, sl. 2-10.<br />

53 M. \or|evi}, Bronzane oplate za kov~e`i} iz<br />

Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM 8-9, ZRNM, Po`arevac<br />

1994, 43-49.<br />


54. Ostava iz sela Bare, I vek<br />

Bare hoard, 1 st century<br />

u izradi nakita od bronze koji je i najbrojniji.<br />

Bronza je kao materijal pru`ala<br />

naj{ire mogu}nosti za primenu svih tehnika<br />

izrade i dekoracije. Masovno se koriste<br />

tehnike probijawa, naro~ito za izradu<br />

pojasnih garnitura i aplikacija, izra|ene<br />

do krajwe minucioznosti, a ~esto ukra-<br />

{avane pozlatom i emajlom sa slo`enim<br />

mre`astim i vegetabilnim motivima.<br />

Bronzani nakit II-IV veka, pokazuje veliko<br />

zanatsko i tipolo{ko bogatstvo uz primenu<br />

svih tehnika: livewa, kovawa, isecawa,<br />

filigrana, granulacije, probijawa,<br />

pozlate, emajla, tau{irawa, iskucavawa i<br />

punktirawa. Najbrojnije su bronzane:<br />

pojasne garniture, prstewe, fibule,<br />

narukvice, privesci i aplikacije, dok su<br />

rating, gilding, enamelling, encrustation, chiselling<br />

and puncturing. Most numerous are bronze<br />

belts, rings, fibulas, bracelets, pendants and<br />

appliques, while earrings are somewhat scarcer.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> jewellery making was obviously<br />

determined by the needs and means of its wider<br />

population, apparently not having access to jewellery<br />

of high artistic value. 54<br />

Alongside bronze, iron and lead,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> craftsmen also used silver in producing<br />

jewellery, other decorations, objects for<br />

everyday use and luxury kitchenware. The beginning<br />

of local production of silver objects cannot<br />

54 Q. Zotovi}, Tipolo{ka analiza min|u{a od srebra<br />

iz rimskih radionica iz Viminacijumau: Radionice i<br />

kovnice srebra, Beograd 1995, 233-241.<br />


55. Srebrni nakit, I-III vek<br />

Silver jewelry, 1 st -3 rd century<br />

ne{to re|e min|u{e. Viminacijum-ska<br />

produkcija nakita je o~igledno bila diktirana<br />

potrebama i mogu}nostima {irokih<br />

narodnih slojeva, kojima nije bio dostupan<br />

luksuzan nakit visoke umetni~ke vrednosti.<br />

54<br />

Za izradu nakita i drugih ukrasnih<br />

predmeta, utilitarija i luksuznog posu|a<br />

viminacijumski majstori su osim bronze,<br />

gvo`|a i olova, koristili srebro.<br />

Po~etak lokalne produkcije predmeta od<br />

srebra, za sada se ne mo`e pouzdano hronoas<br />

yet be precisely dated. Silver had been used<br />

in the production of luxury goods ever since the<br />

4 th century BC and dominated in the La Téne<br />

period. During the period of Roman colonization<br />

and stabilization, silver objects, above all jewellery,<br />

retained autochthonous forms, created<br />

through a synthesis of Hellenistic, Illyric, Dacian,<br />

Thracian and Celtic elements. A depot containing<br />

silver coins, jewellery and religious objects<br />

in the village of Bare near Pozarevac, dated by<br />

Domitian’s coins from the years of 81 to 84, is<br />

the most notable example of this cultural integration<br />

(figure 54). 55 The jewellery from this<br />

54 Q. Zotovi}, Tipolo{ka analiza min|u{a od srebra<br />

iz rimskih radionica iz Viminacijumau: Radionice i<br />

kovnice srebra, Beograd 1995, 233-241.<br />

55 I. Popovi}, B. Bori}-Bre{kovi}, Ostava iz Bara,<br />

Beograd 1994.<br />


56. Agrafa, druga polovina I veka<br />

Agraffe, second half of a 1 nd century<br />

58. Ka{ika (ligula), kraj II - III vek<br />

Spoon (ligula), end of a 2 nd -3 rd century<br />


lo{ki odrediti. Srebro<br />

se za izradu luksuznih<br />

predmeta koristi jo{ od<br />

VI v. p. n. e. i dominira u<br />

latenskom periodu. U<br />

periodu rimske kolonizacije<br />

i stabilizacije,<br />

srebrni predmeti, pre<br />

svega nakit, zadr`avaju<br />

autohtone forme nastale<br />

kroz sintezu i preplitawe<br />

helenisti~kih, ilirskih,<br />

da~kih, tra~kih i<br />

keltskih elemenata. Ostava<br />

srebrnog novca, nakita<br />

i kultnih predmeta<br />

iz sela Bare kod Po`arevca,<br />

datovana novcem<br />

Domicijana iz 81-84. g.,<br />

najizrazitiji je primer<br />

ove kulturne integracije<br />

(sl. 54). 55 Nakit iz ove<br />

ostave (narukvice i alke<br />

od uvijene `ice, kao i one<br />

sa spiralno namotanim<br />

krajevima ili krajevima u<br />

obliku glave i repa zmije,<br />

tordirani torkvesi), kao<br />

pre`ivele autohtone forme,<br />

traja}e u Viminacijumu<br />

i tokom II i III<br />

veka. 56 Paralelno sa lokalnom<br />

produkcijom predmeta<br />

i nakita od srebra,<br />

sa prvim italskim doseqenicima<br />

i trgovcima,<br />

na viminacijumsku teritoriju<br />

sti`u i prvi luksuzni<br />

primerci rimskog<br />

57. Stidqiva Venera,<br />

po~etak II veka<br />

Venus Pudica, beginning<br />

of a 2 nd century<br />

depot (bracelets and hoops of<br />

wrung wire as well as those<br />

with spirally shaped ends, or<br />

with ends shaped like the<br />

head and tail of a snake,<br />

wrung torques) were to live<br />

on in <strong>Viminacium</strong> as surviving<br />

autochthonous forms during<br />

the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries.<br />

56<br />

Parallel to local<br />

production of silver objects<br />

and jewellery, luxurious<br />

specimens of Roman crafts<br />

production began arriving in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, brought by the<br />

first Italic settlers and merchants.<br />

A silver agraffe depicting<br />

the scene of Hercules<br />

fighting the lion of Nemea is<br />

an extraordinary example of<br />

a first century work of art.<br />

The meticulous crafting and<br />

decoration technique, with<br />

gold encrusted details, points<br />

to elements of the Late<br />

Hellenistic, Alexandrian artistic<br />

circle (figure 56). 57<br />

Another specimen is a miniature<br />

silver statuette of Venus<br />

Pudica, which most likely<br />

used to be the decorative<br />

head of a hairpin. Judging by<br />

the hairstyle with a diadem<br />

in the hair, characteristic of<br />

empresses Plotina (Trajan’s<br />

consort) and Sabina (Hadrian’s<br />

consort) it can be<br />

dated to the first half of the<br />

2 nd century (figure 57).<br />

55 I. Popovi}, B. Bori}-Bre{kovi}, Ostava iz Bara,<br />

Beograd 1994.<br />

56 I. Popovi}, Autohtone i helenisti~ke tradicije na<br />

rimskom nakitu I do III veka, u : Anti~ko srebro u<br />

Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi}, Beograd 1994, 25-31.<br />

56 I. Popovi}, Autohtone i helenisti~ke tradicije na<br />

rimskom nakitu I do III veka, u : Anti~ko srebro u<br />

Srbiji, priredila I. Popovi}, Beograd 1994, 25-31.<br />

57 I. Popovi}, Produkcija srebra u periodu ranog carstva:<br />

lokalni proizvodi i import, 54, kat. 181.<br />


zanatstva. Izvanredan zanatsko<br />

- umetni~ki rad iz<br />

I veka predstavqa srebrna<br />

agrafa sa scenom<br />

Herakla u borbi sa Nemejskim<br />

lavom. Minuciozna<br />

tehnika izrade i<br />

dekoracije sa detaqima<br />

izvedenim tau{irawem u<br />

zlatu, ukazuje na elemente<br />

k a s n o h e l e n i s t i ~ k o g ,<br />

aleksandrijskog umetni-<br />

~kog kruga (sl. 56). 57 Drugi<br />

primerak je minijaturna<br />

srebrna statueta Stidqive<br />

Venere koja, najverovatnije,<br />

predstavqa ukrasnu<br />

glavu igle za kosu.<br />

Sude}i po frizuri sa<br />

dijademom u kosi, karakteristi~noj<br />

za carice<br />

Plotinu (Trajanova `ena)<br />

i Sabinu (Hadrijanova<br />

`ena), mo`e se opredeliti<br />

u prvu polovinu II<br />

veka (sl. 57).<br />

Zanatsko - umetni-<br />

~kom sazrevawu lokalnih<br />

majstora svakako je doprinela<br />

sna`na koncentracija<br />

ve{tih zanatlija<br />

u rudni~kom disktriktu.<br />

Me|u wima je bilo i majstora<br />

iz poznatih italskih<br />

i isto~no - mediteranskih<br />

toreutskih centara.<br />

Pomenuti Refidije<br />

Eutih, faber argentarius,<br />

verovatno je poreklom iz<br />

Gr~ke ili neke od<br />

helenisti~kih zemaqa. 58<br />

59. Srebrno prstewe, II-III vek<br />

Silver rings,<br />

2 nd -3 rd century<br />

A high concentration<br />

of skilful craftsmen in<br />

the mining district undoubtedly<br />

contributed to the artistic<br />

maturing of local craftsmen.<br />

Among the said skilled<br />

craftsmen were people from<br />

famous Italic and Eastern-<br />

Mediterranean toreutic centres.<br />

The aforesaid Refidius<br />

Eutichus, faber argentarius,<br />

was probably from Greece or<br />

a Hellenistic country. 58 A<br />

Syrian diaspora was formed<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong> at the end of<br />

the 2 nd and the beginning of<br />

the 3 rd century, through the<br />

settlement of people from<br />

Comagene in Syria. 59 These<br />

social circumstances certainly<br />

reflected upon the importation<br />

of goods from the East<br />

as well as on local production,<br />

enriching it with new<br />

forms and decorative techniques<br />

such as encrustation,<br />

filigree, granulation and niello.<br />

A silver spoon (ligula)<br />

with an egg-shaped bowl and<br />

a handle with an ending<br />

shaped like a (goat’s) hoof is<br />

2 nd or 3 rd century. The middle<br />

of its bowl is decorated<br />

with a gold-encrusted motif<br />

of a fish (figure 58).<br />

Silver was used<br />

more rarely in making belts,<br />

fibulas and rings. Silver jewellery<br />

from the 2 nd and 3 rd<br />

centuries is simple in form,<br />

made by casting or cutting,<br />

58 Vid. napomenu 34.<br />

57 I. Popovi}, Produkcija srebra u periodu ranog<br />

carstva: lokalni proizvodi i import, 54, kat. 181.<br />

58 See footnote 34.<br />

59 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 128.<br />


60. Srebrne narukvice, II-III vek<br />

Silver bracelets, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

Krajem II i po~etkom III veka u Viminacijumu<br />

se formira sirijska dijaspora, naseqavawem<br />

stanovni{tva iz sirijske Komagene<br />

59 . Ove dru{tvene okolnosti nesumwivo<br />

su se odrazile na priliv robe sa<br />

Istoka i lokalnu produkciju, oboga}uju}i<br />

je novim formama i dekorativnim tehnikama<br />

kao {to su tau{irawe, filigran, granulacija<br />

i nielo. Iz perioda II-III veka<br />

poti~e srebrna ka{ika (ligula), sa jajolikim<br />

recipijentom i dr{kom koja se<br />

zavr{ava u obliku kopita (kozje noge). U<br />

sredi{wem delu recipijenta je, zlatom<br />

tau{irana, predstava ribe (sl. 58).<br />

Srebro je re|e kori{}eno za izradu<br />

pojasnih garnitura, fibula i prstewa.<br />

59 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 128.<br />

mostly decorated by carving. According to Lj.<br />

Zotovic, the main reason for this was the high<br />

level of purity of the silver used in <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

workshops, which rendered it difficult for modelling<br />

and for more complex crafting techniques.<br />

60 Pseudo-granulation is most frequently<br />

found, while specimens with filigree or granulation<br />

are rare.<br />

Outstanding is a silver earring specimen<br />

with an interlacing in the form of the knot of<br />

Heracles, which reflects influences of Hellenistic<br />

jewellery-making, mostly of Black Sea jewellerymaking<br />

centres (figure 62). 61<br />

The most substantial evidence of<br />

60 Q. Zotovi}, Tipolo{ka analiza min|u{a od srebra,<br />

236-241.<br />

61 Q. Zotovi}, Ibid, 236-241, tip V B; I. Popovi}, Roman<br />

Jewelry int the Form of hercules Symbols in Central Balkans,<br />

Starinar XLIX 1998, Beograd 1999, 77-92, Fig. 11.<br />


Srebrni nakit iz II-III veka je jednostavnih<br />

formi, izra|en livewem i isecawem, a<br />

naj~e{}e ukra{avan urezivawem. Osnovni<br />

razlog za to je, kako smatra Q. Zotovi},<br />

visok stepen ~isto}e srebra koje je<br />

kori{}eno u viminacijumskim radionicama,<br />

i kao takvo nepogodno za obradu i<br />

slo`enije zanatske tehnike. 60 Naj~e{}e je<br />

zastupqena pseudogranulacija dok su<br />

primerci sa filigranom i granulacijom<br />

retki.<br />

Izdvaja se primerak srebrne min-<br />

|u{e sa prepletom u vidu Heraklovog ~vora<br />

koji reflektuje uticaje helenisti~kog<br />

zlatarstva, pre svega crnomorskih zlatarskih<br />

centara (sl. 62). 61<br />

Najsna`nije arheolo{ke potvrde o<br />

Viminacijumu kao zna~ajnom toreutskom<br />

centru pru`aju nalazi srebrnog posu|a. U<br />

Kostolcu je 1899. godine otkriven depo<br />

koga je ~inilo: pet pehara od kojih su dva sa<br />

poklopcem, dva tawira sa ukra{enim obodima<br />

i jedna cilindri~na kutija. Nalaz se<br />

datuje u drugu polovinu IV veka. Iz<br />

Viminacijuma poti~e i srebrna zdela<br />

izvanredne izrade, sa {irokim obodom<br />

oivi~enim sitnim perlama, koja je sude}i<br />

po naknadno urezanom Hristovom monogramu,<br />

pripadala hri{}aninu. Iz perioda V-<br />

VI veka poti~e jo{ jedan nalaz koji se sastajao<br />

od dve zdele na {irokoj, {upqoj<br />

stopi, vrlo bliske prethodnim formama.<br />

Pretpostavqa se da su kori{}ene u toku<br />

hri{}anskih obreda, a stilski se vezuju za<br />

isto~no-mediteranski proizvodni krug.<br />

Specifi~ne i elegantne forme viminacijumskih<br />

posuda, nezabele`ene u repertoaru<br />

sli~nih ostava na {irokom prostoru od<br />

Britanije do Sredozemqa, nastale su u viminacijumskim<br />

toreutskim radionicama.<br />

60 Q. Zotovi}, Tipolo{ka analiza min|u{a od srebra,<br />

236-241<br />

61 Q. Zotovi}, Ibid, 236-241, tip V B; I. Popovi}, Roman<br />

Jewelry int the Form of hercules Symbols in Central Balkans,<br />

Starinar XLIX 1998, Beograd 1999, 77-92, Fig. 11.<br />

61. Nakit od srebra, II-IV vek<br />

Silver jewelry, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>’s being a strong toreutic centre are<br />

silver kitchenware finds. A depot was discovered<br />

in Kostolac in 1899 which contained: five<br />

beakers, out of which two had lids, two plates<br />

with decorated edges and a cylinder-shaped box.<br />

The find is dated to the second half of the 4 th<br />

century. Also coming from <strong>Viminacium</strong> is an<br />

exquisitely-crafted silver bowl, with a wide rim<br />

lined with small beads, which, judging by<br />

Christ’s monogram, engraved at a later date,<br />

belonged to a Christian. Another find, coming<br />

from the period of 5 th -6 th century, consisted of<br />

two bowls upon wide, hollow bases, very similar<br />

to earlier forms. These are supposed to have<br />

been used in Christian rituals and are stylistically<br />

associated with the Eastern Mediterranean<br />


62. Srebrna min|u{a, II-III vek<br />

Silver earring, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

63. Ka{ika (ligula), VI-VII vek<br />

Spoon (ligula), 6 th -7 th century<br />

Wihova stilsko-umetni~ka prepoznatqivost<br />

i originalnost, rezultat su dugogodi{weg<br />

iskustva i sinteze razli~itih<br />

uticaja. 62 Istom nalazu su pripadale i<br />

srebrne ka{ike od kojih se tri ~uvaju u<br />

Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu, a jedna u<br />

Narodnom muzeju u Po`arevcu. Ka{ika<br />

manufacturing circle. The particular and elegant<br />

forms of <strong>Viminacium</strong> crockery, absent from the<br />

inventories of similar depots in the wide area<br />

from Britain to the Mediterranean, were made in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>’s metal workshops. Their artistic<br />

and stylistic uniqueness and originality were the<br />

result of long-accumulated experience and of a<br />

62 J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko i ranovizantijsko srebrno<br />

posu|e iz Srbije, u : Radionice i kovnice srebra,<br />

Beograd 1995, 184-186. T. IV/c,e, T. V/c,d; T./ VII/a-d.<br />

62 J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko i ranovizantijsko srebrno<br />

posu|e iz Srbije, u : Radionice i kovnice srebra,<br />

Beograd 1995, 184-186. T. IV/c,e, T. V/c,d; T./ VII/a-d.<br />


84<br />

64. @enski nakit,<br />

Narodni muzej<br />

Po`arevac<br />

Female jewelry,<br />

National Museum<br />


65. Bronzana zdela, V - VI vek<br />

Bronze dish, 5 th - 6 th century<br />

(ligula) je ovoidnog recipijenta sa monogramom<br />

urezanim na prelazu dr{ke u recipijent.<br />

Monogram sadr`i li~no ime,<br />

AENEVS (sl. 63). 63<br />

Srebrno posu|e je bilo nameweno<br />

otmenom i bogatom aristokratskom sloju<br />

viminacijumskog dru{tva. Dugo je upotrebqavano<br />

i kao izuzetno blago ~uvalo se u<br />

porodici i nasle|ivalo kroz vi{e generacija.<br />

Za sredwi dru{tveni sloj, viminacijumske<br />

radionice su izra|ivale i<br />

posu|e od bronze, tako|e visokog zanatskog<br />

kvaliteta, a po uzoru na forme srebrnog<br />

posu|a. Jedan takav primerak plitke, bronzane<br />

zdele sa {irokim obodom oivi~enim<br />

pseudogranulama, na koni~noj, {upqoj<br />

stopi, na|en je tokom arheolo{kih<br />

istra`ivawa i mo`e se datovati u period<br />

V-VI veka (sl. 65).<br />

Za izradu nakita viminacijumski<br />

majstori su, procentualno, vi{e koristili<br />

synthesis of various influences. 62 Silver spoons,<br />

three of which are kept at the National Museum<br />

in Belgrade and one at the National Museum in<br />

Pozarevac, belonged to the same find. The spoon<br />

(ligula) has an ovoid bowl with a monogram<br />

engraved at the point where the handle meets the<br />

bowl. The monogram contains a personal name,<br />

AENEVS (figure 63). 63<br />

Silverware was made for the wealthy<br />

aristocratic class of <strong>Viminacium</strong> society. It was<br />

used over long periods of time being kept in the<br />

family like a treasured possession being handed<br />

down from generation to generation. For the<br />

middle-classes <strong>Viminacium</strong> workshops also produced<br />

bronze kitchenware, which was also of a<br />

high craftsmanship standard, modelled on the silverware.<br />

One such piece is a shallow bronze<br />

bowl with a wide rim lined with pseudo-granules<br />

upon a hollow conical base which was uncovered<br />

during archaeological excavations and can be<br />

dated to the period of the 5 th -6 th centuries (fig-<br />

63 J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko srebro, kat. 321-324. 63 J. Kondi}, Kasnoanti~ko srebro, kat. 321-324.<br />


66. Zlatne min|u{e, I-IV vek<br />

Golden earrings, 1 st -4 th century<br />

67. Zlatne min|u{e, II-IV vek<br />

Golden earrings, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

zlato od srebra. Kao metropola provincije,<br />

Viminacijum je diktirao modna strujawa,<br />

formiraju}i ukus {irokih narodnih<br />

masa. Intenzivnu produkciju viminacijumskih<br />

radionica, koja se mo`e pratiti jo{<br />

od po~etka II veka, potvr|uju bogate kolekcije<br />

zlatnog nakita iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Beogradu 64 i Narodnog muzeja u Po`arevcu.<br />

Nalaz zlatarskog nakovwa na prostoru<br />

civilnog naseqa ukazuje na prisustvo<br />

ure 64).<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> craftsmen used gold more<br />

frequently than silver in jewellery-making. Being<br />

a provincial capital, <strong>Viminacium</strong> dictated fashion<br />

trends, forming the taste of the wide population.<br />

Intensive production, which can be followed<br />

from as early on as the beginning of the 2 nd century,<br />

is confirmed by the rich collections of gold<br />

jewellery from the National Museum in<br />

Belgrade 64 and the National Museum in<br />

64 I. Popovi}, Rimski nakit u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu,<br />

II Zlatan nakit, Beograd 1996, kat.<br />

3,5,12,21,22,48,68,69,70,83,84,87,97,106,107,108,113,142.<br />

64 I. Popovi}, Rimski nakit u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu,<br />

II Zlatan nakit, Beograd 1996, kat.<br />

3,5,12,21,22,48,68,69,70,83,84,87,97,106,107,108,113,142.<br />


68. Zlatne min|u{e, I-III vek<br />

Golden earrings, 1 st -3 rd century<br />

zlatara (vascularii), me|u kojima je svakako,<br />

bilo i zanatlija iz helenisti~kih oblasti<br />

Carstva. Sude}i po standardnim provincijalnim<br />

formama jednostavne konstrukcije,<br />

ta produkcija je bila namewena ni`im i<br />

sredwim kategorijama, koje su ~inile<br />

ve}inu viminacijumskog stanovni{tva.<br />

Najbrojniju grupu nakita od zlata ~ine<br />

min|u{e koje se, po na~inu kop~awa, dele u<br />

tri grupe: sa otvorenim, zatvorenim i<br />

karikama „ S“ oblika. U okviru wih se<br />

pojavquju brojne varijante ~ije precizne<br />

hronolo{ke okvire nije mogu}e definisati<br />

zbog produ`ene upotrebe pojedinih<br />

formi. Freska iz IV veka sa likom mlade<br />

`ene sa min|u{ama tipi~nim za II-III vek,<br />

najboqe ilustruje aktuelnost pojedinih<br />

formi tokom du`eg perioda (sl. 67). 65<br />

Pozarevac. The find of a goldsmith’s anvil on the<br />

territory of the civilian settlement indicates the<br />

presence of goldsmiths (vascularii), among<br />

which there must also have been craftsmen from<br />

the Hellenistic parts of the Empire. Judging by<br />

the standard provincial forms, simple in making,<br />

this production was intended for the lower and<br />

middle classes, which comprised the largest part<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s population. The largest group<br />

of gold jewellery consists of earrings, which,<br />

according to how they were closed, are divided<br />

into three categories: open, closed and S-shaped.<br />

Within these categories, numerous variations are<br />

found for the making of which no specific timeframe<br />

can be defined, due to the prolonged use<br />

of certain forms. A 4 th century fresco depicting<br />

a young woman wearing earrings typical for the<br />

2 nd -3 rd century is the best illustration of the pop-<br />

65 M. Kora}, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, 97. 65 M. Kora}, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, 97.<br />


69. Zlatne<br />

min|u{e, I-IV vek<br />

Golden earrings,<br />

1 st -4 th century<br />

70. Zlatne<br />

min|u{e,<br />

I-IV vek<br />

Golden<br />

earrings,<br />

1 st -4 th century<br />


71. Zlatne min|u{e, II-IV vek<br />

Golden earrings, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

Najjednostavnije i najbrojnije su min|u{ekarike<br />

sa preba~enim i spiralno namotanim<br />

krajevima, ~esto sa `i~anim priveskom<br />

koji je razli~ito re{en. Period II-<br />

III veka karakteri{e bogatstvo formi sa<br />

vrlo izra`enim koloristi~kim efektima<br />

pod uticajem polihromnog stila koji sti`e<br />

sa doseqenicima isto~nog porekla. Modni<br />

trend nala`e masovnu upotrebu poludragog<br />

kamewa, bisera i staklene paste. Paralelno<br />

se nose min|u{e sa ukrasnom glavom u<br />

vidu kalote ili rozete iskucane u zlatnom<br />

limu, kao i min|u{e sa ukrasnom glavom u<br />

kojoj je poludragi kamen ili staklena<br />

pasta. Pojedine varijante su dopuwene<br />

privescima od zlatnog lima ili `ice sa<br />

perlicama na kraju. Vrlo dekorativnu<br />

formu predstavqaju min|u{e koje poti~u<br />

iz mermernog sarkofaga u kome je bila<br />

sahrawena mlada `ena, verovatno isto~nog<br />

porekla. Na kari~ici „ S“ forme se nalazi<br />

pravougaona ukrasna glava sa ufasovanim<br />

fasetiranim granatom (ili rubinom), a na<br />

uglovima kasete se nalaze zrakasto postaularity<br />

certain forms enjoyed over longer periods<br />

(figure 67). 65 The simplest and most frequently<br />

found were earrings with crossed and spirallywound<br />

endings, often with a wire pendant in various<br />

shapes . The period of the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries<br />

was characterized by an abundance of<br />

forms with very marked colourist effects, appearing<br />

under the influence of the polychromatic<br />

style brought by settlers from the East. Fashion<br />

trends dictated the massive use of semi-precious<br />

stones, pearls and glass paste. At the same time,<br />

earrings with decorative calotte- or rosette-shaped<br />

heads made out of thin gold were worn, as well<br />

as earrings with a decorative head with an inset<br />

semi-precious stone or glass paste. Certain varieties<br />

were complemented with pendants made of<br />

gold foil or wire with beads at their ends. A pair<br />

of earrings, found in a marble sarcophagus in<br />

which a young woman, probably Eastern in origin,<br />

was buried, is an example of a very decorative<br />

form. The S-shaped earring has a decorative<br />

rectangular head with an inset faceted<br />

granate (or ruby). Wire pendants are positioned<br />

at the corners of the cassette in a radial layout.<br />


72. Zlatna min|u{a, II-III vek<br />

Golden earring, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

vqeni, `i~ani privesci. Na osnovu arheolo{kog<br />

konteksta, datuju se u kraj III i IV<br />

vek (sl 71).<br />

Min|u{e visoke zanatsko - umetni~ke<br />

vrednosti, namewene istan~anom<br />

ukusu bogatih rimskih gra|anki, su znatno<br />

re|e. Razlog tome su, svakako, vi{evekovne<br />

pqa~ke viminacijumskih grobnica koje su<br />

tokom XX veka dobile neslu}ene razmere.<br />

Osim toga, rimska zbirka formirana<br />

daleke 1895. godine, sa veoma bogatom<br />

kolekcijom rimskog nakita, nestala je<br />

Based on the archaeological context, these are<br />

dated to the end of the 3 rd century, or to the<br />

4 th .(figure 71).<br />

Earrings of high artistic value, counting<br />

on the refined taste of wealthy female Roman<br />

citizens, are considerably less common. The reason<br />

for this is, surely, the centuries-long raiding<br />

66 M. Manojlovi}, Sto godina od osnivawa Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu u: Narodni muzej Po`arevac 1896-<br />

1996, grupa autora, Po`arevac 1996, 12-39; Apart from<br />

this, important collections of Roman coins disappeared in the great<br />

robberies of the Museum in the years1989 and 1994, only a small<br />

part of which has been returned to the Museum.<br />


73. Zlatna min|u{a,<br />

kraj III vek<br />

Golden earring,<br />

end of a 3 rd century<br />


74. Zlatno prstewe, II-IV vek<br />

Golden rings, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

75 Zlatni prsten, III-IV vek<br />

Golden ring, 3 rd -4 th century<br />

prilikom evakuacije 1915. g. 66 Luksuzniji<br />

tipovi min|u{a su ra|eni u tehnici opus<br />

interrasile, kojom je, prolamawem metala<br />

postignut ~ipkast utisak. 67 U grupu<br />

min|u{a visokog umetni~kog kvaliteta<br />

spadaju primerci sa ufasovanom kamejom,<br />

naj~e{}e od plavo-belog opala ili kvarca,<br />

sa popularnim predstavama Meduze i<br />

Amora. 68 Najreprezentativniji primerak<br />

sa teritorije Viminacijuma je min|u{a s<br />

kraja III veka, na|ena na teritoriji severnih<br />

nekropola Viminacijuma. U zlatnom,<br />

tordiranom okviru nalazi se kameja od<br />

dvoslojnog ahata sa bistom mu{karca u<br />

66 M. Manojlovi}, Sto godina od osnivawa Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu u : Narodni muzej Po`arevac 1896-<br />

1996, grupa autora, Po`arevac 1996, 12-39; U velikim<br />

pqa~kama Muzeja 1989 i 1994. g. nestale su zna~ajne<br />

kolekcije rimskog srebrnog i zlatnog nakita, a samo je<br />

mawi deo vra}en Muzeju.<br />

67 I. Popovi}, Zlatan nakit II, kat. 97.<br />

68 D. Spasi}, Rimske nau{nice iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Po`arevcu, kat. 9,10.<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong> tombs, which took on unforeseen<br />

proportions during the 20 th century. Apart from<br />

this, the Roman collection formed in the remote<br />

year of 1895, which included a very rich collection<br />

of Roman jewellery, disappeared during<br />

evacuation in 1915. 66 The more luxurious types<br />

of earrings were made in the technique of opus<br />

interrasile, which achieved a lacy look of the<br />

metal. 67 Earring specimens with inset cameos,<br />

most frequently of blue-and-white opal or quartz,<br />

bearing the popular motifs of Medusa and<br />

Amor, 68 belong to the group of high artistic quality<br />

earrings. The most representative item from<br />

the territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong> is an earring from<br />

the end of the 3 rd century found in the northern<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> necropolises. In a wrung gold frame<br />

67 I. Popovi}, Zlatan nakit II, kat. 97.<br />

68 D. Spasi}, Rimske nau{nice iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Po`arevcu, kat. 9,10.<br />

69 I. Popovi}, Rimske kameje iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Po`arevcu, VIMINACIVM 6, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1991, kat.<br />

8.<br />


76. Ogrlice, I-IV vek<br />

Necklaces, 1 st -4 th century<br />

desnom profilu. O popre~nu gredu su<br />

oka~ena 4 priveska od zlatnog lima u vidu<br />

delfina sa bisernim perlama na kraju<br />

(sl.73). 69<br />

Prstewe od zlata je uglavnom ra|eno<br />

livewem, sa nagla{enim ramenima i kasetom<br />

za gemu, ili je uglastih ramena sa<br />

le`i{tem za gemu. Masivni primerak<br />

izra|en livewem sa {irokom, trakastom<br />

alkom i glavom ukra{enom pseudogranulacijom,<br />

poti~e iz grobne celine koja je<br />

lies a cameo of two-layer agate with the bust of<br />

a man seen as a right profile. Four dolphinshaped<br />

gold foil pendants with pearls at their<br />

ends are suspended from a horizontal bar (figure<br />

73). 69 Gold rings were mostly produced by casting,<br />

with strong shoulders and gem cassette or<br />

with angular shoulders with a gem bedding . A<br />

massive specimen produced by casting, with a<br />

wide band and a head decorated by pseudo-granulation,<br />

was found in a grave dated to the middle/end<br />

of the 3 rd century. The head of the ring<br />

69 I. Popovi}, Rimske kameje iz Narodnog muzeja u<br />

Po`arevcu, VIMINACIVM 6, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1991,<br />

kat. 8.<br />

70 D. Spasi}, Jedna grobna celina iz Viminacijuma,<br />

Glasnik SAD 12, Beograd 1996, 103-104, sl. 2.<br />


datovana sredinom, odnosno<br />

krajem III veka. Na glavi prstena<br />

se nalazi ufasovana zlatna<br />

plo~ica sa reqefnom predstavom<br />

mu{karca i `ene u stavu<br />

dextrarum iunictio, tipi~nom za<br />

tzv. „ vereni~ko prstewe“ III -<br />

IV veka. Prsten je proizvod<br />

viminacijumske radionice sa<br />

primetnim uticajima isto~nomediteranskog<br />

kulturnog kruga<br />

(sl. 75). 70<br />

Viminacijumske ogrlice<br />

su uglavnom sastavqene od raznobojnih<br />

perli i segmenata<br />

om~asto savijenog lanca. Ponekad<br />

su perle od staklene paste,<br />

poludragog kamena, }ilibara<br />

ili korala, kombinovane sa perlama<br />

od zlatnog lima, prete`no cilindri~nog<br />

ili po sredini pro{irenog oblika.<br />

Ovakva re{ewa ogrlica se vezuju za<br />

isto~no-maditeranske uticaje.<br />

Zavidan umetni~ki kvalitet koji<br />

prevazilazi standardne provincijalne<br />

forme, viminacijumski majstori su postigli<br />

u izradi medaqona sa bogato dekorisanim<br />

okvirima od zlatnog lima i ufasovanim<br />

kamejama. 71 Osim wih, vrlo popularni<br />

u periodu II-III veka su i medaqoni<br />

iskucani u zlatnom limu sa reqefnim<br />

predstavama bo`anstava. Ne{to skromniju<br />

varijantu sa izra`enim koloristi~kim<br />

efektom, predstavqaju primerci sa tordiranim<br />

okvirom i ufasovanim kamenom od<br />

staklene paste, tako|e karakteristi~ni za<br />

period II-III v. (sl.77).<br />

U okviru radionice za izradu nakita<br />

odvijala se i delatnost zanatlija za obradu<br />

poludragog kamewa, tj. za izradu gema i<br />

77. Privesci, I-III vek<br />

Pendants, 1 st -3 rd century<br />

contains an inset gold plate with a relief depiction<br />

of a man and a woman in the position dextrarum<br />

iunctio, which was typical of the socalled<br />

“engagement rings“ of the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries.<br />

The ring is the product of a <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

workshop and bears visible Eastern-<br />

Mediterranean influences (figure 75). 70<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> necklaces were mostly made<br />

of beads in various colours and segments of a<br />

loop-in-loop chains. Occasionally, beads made of<br />

glass paste, semiprecious stones, amber or coral,<br />

were combined with beads made of gold foil,<br />

mostly cylindrical in shape, sometimes with a<br />

wider middle section. Such form of necklace is<br />

associated with Eastern Mediterranean influences.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> craftsmen achieved formidable<br />

craftsmanship standards, surpassing customary<br />

provincial forms, in making medallions with<br />

richly decorated frames of gold foil with inset<br />

cameos. 71 Apart from these, very popular in the<br />

period of the 2 nd -3 rd centuries were medallions<br />

chiselled in gold foil with relief depictions of<br />

deities. A somewhat more modest variety, with<br />

70 D. Spasi}, Jedna grobna celina iz Viminacijuma,<br />

Glasnik SAD 12, Beograd 1996, 103-104, sl. 2.<br />

71 I. Popovi}, Rimski nakit, II, 59, kat. 136, 137, 142, 144. 71 I. Popovi}, Rimski nakit, II, 59, kat. 136, 137, 142, 144.<br />


78. Geme i kameje, I-IV vek<br />

Gems and cameos, 1 st -4 th century<br />

kameja. U okviru ove produkcije podela<br />

posla je bila usko specijalizovana, tako da<br />

je svaka faza rada bila poverena specijalnom<br />

zanatliji. Nakon pripreme poludragog<br />

kamena, pristupalo se urezivawu, tj.<br />

izradi geme, koja je bila poverena majstoru<br />

za urezivawe (cavatores). Izradom reqefnih<br />

predstava - kameja, bavile su se<br />

zanatlije pod imenom coelatores. Zatim je<br />

sledilo polirawe, a izrada nakita od gema<br />

i kameja bila je poverena majstorima pod<br />

imenom flatuarii i compositores. Obra|ivawe<br />

sitnih komada poludragog kamewa je bio<br />

vrlo slo`en i zahtevan posao koji je<br />

iziskivao veliku preciznost i specijalne<br />

instrumente. Poludrago kamewe se smatralo<br />

dragocenim materijalom, tako da je<br />

velika potra`wa dovela do izrade kameja i<br />

gema od staklene paste, koje su livene u<br />

kerami~kim kalupima. Brojni nalazi gema<br />

marked colourist effects, were specimens with a<br />

wrung frame and an inset glass paste stone, also<br />

characteristic of the 2 nd -3 rd centuries (figure 77).<br />

Craftsmen modelling semiprecious stones,<br />

i.e. gems and cameos, also worked within the<br />

jewellery-making workshop. In this type of production<br />

there was narrow specialization regarding<br />

the kind of work performed, with individual<br />

craftsmen specializing in individual production<br />

stages. After a semiprecious stone had undergone<br />

the preparation stage, it was carved, i.e. a gem<br />

was made, which was done by carvers (cavatores).<br />

Relief motifs on cameos were made by<br />

craftsmen called coelatores. Polishing followed<br />

and craftsmen called flatuarii and compositores<br />

were entrusted with the making of jewellery with<br />

gems and cameos. Modelling tiny pieces of semiprecious<br />

stones was a complex and demanding<br />

task, which required great precision and special<br />

instruments. Semiprecious stones were regarded<br />


i kameja iz Viminacijuma ukazuju na sna`an<br />

glipti~ki centar koji je formiran sredinom<br />

II veka. 72 Osim primeraka osredweg<br />

kvaliteta, izdvajaju se precizno gravirane<br />

i modelovane geme i kameje, koje ukazuju na<br />

prisutnost ve{tih majstora, dobrih poznavalaca<br />

helenisti~ko-rimske gliptike.<br />

Viminacijumska glipti~ka produkcija se<br />

sirovinama, tj. mineralima, najve}im<br />

delom snabdevala iz mezijskih le`i{ta,<br />

koja se zajedno sa rudama metala, kontinuirano<br />

eksploati{u, jo{ od praistorije.<br />

Za izradu gema i kameja kod Rimqana je<br />

na visokoj ceni bio ahat, koji se kao opalsko<br />

- ahatno - jaspisne mase javqa u Centralnoj<br />

Srbiji. U Isto~noj Srbiji, u<br />

potoku Re{kovice, registrovana su le-<br />

`i{ta granata. Granat i kvarc se javqaju u<br />

Neresnici i kod Blagojevog kamena, a u<br />

Vlaolu kod Majdanpeka se javqaju hematit<br />

i granat. Le`i{ta kalcita se nalaze kod<br />

Krepoqina. 73 Mineralna bogatstva Srbije,<br />

a posebno viminacijumskog zale|a, direktno<br />

su uticala na razvoj glipti~ke<br />

zanatsko-umeti~ke produkcije.<br />

Viminacijumski nakit kao svojevrsni<br />

vid materijalne i duhovne kulture<br />

odra`ava prakti~ne, estetske, religijske<br />

ili profesionalne potrebe wegovog<br />

stanovni{tva. To se naro~ito odnosi na<br />

nakit od zlata koji je, ne samo modni, ve} i<br />

stale{ki, porodi~ni, kultni ili vojni<br />

simbol. U tom smislu, naro~ito su<br />

zna~ajne bronzane pozla}ene fibule<br />

krstoobraznog tipa. Izdvaja se fibula sa<br />

debelim slojem pozlate iz jednog skeletnog<br />

groba, na|ena sa novcem iz 320-329/30. g.<br />

Fibula je dobro o~uvana, s glatkim, na vrhu<br />

za{iqenim lukovicama. Na gredi se nalazi<br />

as a precious material, so that high demand led<br />

to the production of cameos and gems of glass<br />

paste cast in ceramic moulds. Numerous finds of<br />

gems and cameos from <strong>Viminacium</strong> indicate the<br />

existence of a strong glyptic art centre formed in<br />

the mid-2 nd century. 72 Apart from average<br />

quality items, finely engraved and modelled<br />

gems and cameos stand out. These seem to indicate<br />

the presence of skilled craftsmen who were<br />

well acquainted with Hellenistic and Roman<br />

glyptic art. <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s glyptic production<br />

mostly depended on Moesian deposits for raw<br />

material, i.e. minerals. These deposits had been<br />

continuously exploited alongside metal ore since<br />

the prehistoric period. Agate was highly valued<br />

by the Romans in the production of gems and<br />

cameos. Agate deposits appear in Central Serbia<br />

as opal-agate-jasper masses. In eastern Serbia<br />

deposits of granate have been detected in the<br />

Creek of Reskovica. Granate and quartz are<br />

found in Neresnica and near Blagojev Kamen,<br />

whereas hematite and granate are found in<br />

Vlaole near Majdanpek. There are calcite<br />

deposits near Krepoljin. 73 Serbia’s rich mineral<br />

deposits, especially those in the <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

region, directly resulted in the development of<br />

glyptic arts and crafts.<br />

As a special form of material culture,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> jewellery reflected the practical, aesthetic,<br />

religious or professional requirements of<br />

its population. This was especially true of gold<br />

jewellery, which, apart from being a fashion<br />

symbol, was also a class, family, religious or<br />

military symbol. Especially significant in this<br />

sense were gilded cross-shaped bronze fibulas.<br />

Notable is a fibula with a thick layer of gilding<br />

from a skeleton grave, found with coins from<br />

years 320-329/30. The fibula is well-preserved,<br />

with smooth bulbs, pointed toward the top. The<br />

72 Popovi}, Rimske kameje u Narodnom muzeju u<br />

Beogradu,Beograd 1989, 8-13; I. Popovi}, Rimske kameje<br />

iz Narodnog muzeja u Po`arevcu, kat. 1-19.<br />

73 Geologija Srbije VI, pregled minerala Srbije,<br />

Beograd 1987, urednik: akademik Petkovi} Kosta,<br />

51,53,66,80.<br />

72 I. Popovi}, Rimske kameje u Narodnom muzeju u<br />

Beogradu, Beograd 1989, 8-13; I. Popovi}, Rimske kameje<br />

iz Narodnog muzeja u Po`arevcu, kat. 1-19.<br />

73 Geologija Srbije VI, pregled minerala Srbije,<br />

Beograd 1987, urednik: akademik Petkovi} Kosta,<br />

51,53,66,80.<br />


79. Fibula, IV vek<br />

Fibula, 4 th century<br />


ukras od plasti~nih traka savijen u S spiralu.<br />

Po sredini luka i stope, traka je<br />

ukra{ena spiralom u nielo tehnici. Na<br />

stopi se nalaze dva para plasti~nih voluta<br />

u obliku pelti, a na kraju stope i ispod<br />

luka, po par poluvoluta. Lukovice su od<br />

popre~ne grede odvojene prstenovima<br />

ukra{enim pseudogranulacijom, a isti<br />

prsten se nalazi na po~etku luka iznad<br />

stope. (sl. 79).<br />

Krstoobrazna fibula je simbol<br />

vojne slu`be i sastavni deo vojne opreme.<br />

Fibule od zlata, srebra i pozla}ene<br />

bronze su dodeqivane oficirima i ~inovnicima<br />

ni`eg ranga. Proizvodili su ih<br />

dvorski majstori, najpre na Maksencijevom,<br />

a zatim, Konstantinovom dvoru.<br />

Radionice za izradu dvorske vojne i<br />

~inovni~ke opreme preme{tale su se zajedno<br />

sa Konstantinom, prate}i ga na putevima<br />

po Carstvu. Kako je politi~ka situacija<br />

na Dunavu zahtevala du`e prisustvo<br />

cara, u periodu izme|u 318 i 322. g.<br />

Konstantin je vi{e puta boravio u Viminacijumu,<br />

da bi ga ratovi sa Sarmatima<br />

ponovo doveli 334. g., zajedno sa wegovom<br />

dvorskom radionicom. Fibula predstavqa<br />

Konstantinov donativ oficiru, prilikom<br />

boravka u periodu 318-322., ili, {to je<br />

verovatnije, 334. godine. 74<br />

beam is decorated with a band-shaped plastic<br />

ornament winding in an S spiral. At the middle<br />

of the arch and the catchplate, the band is decorated<br />

with a niello spiral. The catchplate contains<br />

two pairs of plastic pelta-shaped volutes<br />

and at its end and below the arch are two pairs<br />

of semi-volutes. The bulbs are separated from the<br />

horizontal beam by rings decorated by pseudogranulation<br />

while an identical ring stands at the<br />

beginning of the arch, above the catchplate (figure<br />

79).<br />

The cross-shaped fibula was a symbol of<br />

military service and an integral part of military<br />

uniform. Gold, silver and gilded bronze fibulas<br />

were awarded to officers and lower ranking<br />

clerks. They were produced by court craftsmen,<br />

at Maxentius’s and then at Constantine’s court.<br />

Court, military and clerical equipment producting<br />

workshops that produced moved along with<br />

Constantine, following him on his journeys<br />

throughout the Empire. As the political situation<br />

along the Danube demanded an extensive presence<br />

of the Emperor in the period between years<br />

318 and 322, Constantine stayed in <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

on a number of occasions, and came here again<br />

in the year 334, during the Sarmatian wars, along<br />

with his court workshop. The fibula was<br />

Constantine’s gift to an officer, either during the<br />

318-322 stay or, more likely, in 334. 74<br />

74 M. Vasi}, Osvrt na nalaz IV veka iz Star~eva, Zbornik<br />

Narodnog muzeja XVII-1, Beograd MMI, 178-197.<br />

74 M. Vasi}, Osvrt na nalaz IV veka iz Star~eva, Zbornik<br />

Narodnog muzeja XVII-1, Beograd MMI, 178-197.<br />


Radionica za izradu predmeta od<br />

kosti za sada je posvedo~ena obiqem predmeta,<br />

kao i nalazima poluobra|enih rogova<br />

i paro`aka sa tragovima obrade. Sude}i po<br />

raznovrsnosti i zanatsko-umetni~kom kvalitetu,<br />

mo`e se zakqu~iti da je to bila<br />

velika i dobro organizovana manufaktura,<br />

u okviru koje su se odvijale delatnosti<br />

specijalizovanih radionica i majstora.<br />

Solidnu bazu za weno osnivawe predstavqala<br />

je sna`na tradicija obrade kostiju,<br />

kao i razvijeno sto~arstvo, naro~ito<br />

govedarstvo. Relativno brza i jeftina<br />

izrada uslovila je serijsku proizvodwu<br />

The existence of a workshop which produced<br />

bone ob-jects has by now been confirmed<br />

by the presence of an abundance of ob-jects and<br />

through the finds of semiprocessed horns and<br />

antlers bearing crafting marks. Judging by diversity<br />

of objects and the quality of craftsmanship,<br />

it can be concluded that this was a large and<br />

well-organized manufacture featuring specialized<br />

workshops and craftsmen. Strong traditions of<br />

bone-processing and welldeveloped cattlebreeding<br />

provided a solid base for the development of<br />

this industry. Due to relatively quick and inexpensive<br />

manufacture, objects for everyday use<br />

were produced in series. These were mostly per-<br />

80. Predmeti od kosti, I-IV vek<br />

Bone artifacts, 1 st -4 th century.<br />


81. Ko{tane ukosnice, kraj I - pocetak II veka<br />

Bone pins, end of a 1 st - beginning of a 2 nd century<br />

predmeta za svakodnevnu upotrebu. To su<br />

naj~e{}e predmeti za li~nu higijenu i kozmetiku,<br />

nakit i delovi no{we, farmaceutske<br />

spatule i ka{ike, alatke i oplate,<br />

delovi name{taja, vretena, igle i sl. Oni<br />

su izra|ivani na tokarskom strugu, naj-<br />

~e{}e od gove|e kosti i roga, a re|e od<br />

kostiju sviwa, kowa, kozjeg i jeleweg roga.<br />

Naknadno su ukra{avani urezivawem i<br />

gla~awem. Po naruxbini, ru~no su rezbareni<br />

predmeti umetni~kog karaktera<br />

sonal hygiene and cosmetic obje-cts, jewellery<br />

and clothing decorations, pharmaceutical spatulas<br />

and spoons, tools and coating, pieces of furniture,<br />

spindles, pins, needles etc. These were<br />

made on lathes, mostly out of cow bone and<br />

horn, less commonly of pig or horse bone, goat<br />

horn or out of deer antlers. They were decorated<br />

by carving and polishing. Expensive ivory<br />

imported from Li-bya was used in producing<br />

commissioned hand-carved objects of some artistic<br />

value (wind instruments, parts of stringed<br />


82. Stidqiva Venera, I vek<br />

Venus Pudica, 1 st century<br />


83. Ko{tana ukosnica, druga polovina II veka<br />

Bone pin, second half of a 2 nd century<br />

(duva~ki instrumenti, delovi `i~anih<br />

instrumenata, sitna plastika, reqefi), za<br />

koje je upotrebqavana skupocena slonova~a<br />

uvo`ena iz Libije. Najpoznatije radionice<br />

za izradu predmeta od kostiju nalazile su<br />

se u velikim gradskim centrima na Mediteranu,<br />

a ne{to kasnije u Rimu, Ostiji, Pizi<br />

i Akvileji. U periodu od III-V veka, primat<br />

vode}ih centara }e preuzeti radionice u<br />

Konstantinopoqu i Aleksandriji. 75<br />

84. Ko{tana ukosnica sa Sabazijevom rukom,<br />

II-III vek<br />

Bone pin with Sabazius arm, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

instruments, miniature plastic art, relief). The<br />

most renowned bone objects producing workshops<br />

were located in large cities of the<br />

Mediterranean, somewhat later also in Rome,<br />

Pisa, Ostia and Aquileia. In the period between<br />

the 3 rd and 5 th centuries, workshops in<br />

Constantinople and Alexandria took over the<br />

75 Detaqno o predmetima od kosti i kostoreza~kom<br />

zanatu vid. u: S. Petkovi}, Rimski predmeti od kosti i<br />

roga sa teritorije Gorwe Mezije, Beograd 1995, 9-20.<br />

75 For a detailed overview of bone objects and the bone-crafting<br />

trade, consult: S. Petkovi}, Rimski predmeti od kosti i<br />

roga sa teritorije Gorwe Mezije, Beograd 1995, 9-20.<br />


85. Kozmeti~ka kutija, I-IV vek<br />

Cosmetic box, 1 st -4 th century<br />

Ko{tani predmeti iz Viminacijuma<br />

se, tipolo{ki i hronolo{ki, uklapaju u<br />

dosada{we nalaze sa teritorije Carstva.<br />

Prvi luksuzni predmeti od kosti vlasni{tvo<br />

su doseqenika, koji krajem I veka,<br />

dolaze u Viminacijum. Tom periodu pripadaju<br />

ko{tane ukosnice sa `enskim<br />

poprsjem. Slu`ile su za pri~vr{}ivawe i<br />

oblikovawe `enske frizure koja je,<br />

ponekad, bila vrlo komplikovana, ~ak i za<br />

ve{te robiwe-frizerke (ornatrices). To su<br />

bile visoko podignute frizure, a da bi<br />

mogle da stoje, kori{}eni su umeci la`ne<br />

kose. Sve je naknadno ukra{avano dijademama,<br />

iglama ili cvetovima. Stil frizura su<br />

position of leading centres. 75<br />

Typologically and chronologically, bone<br />

objects from <strong>Viminacium</strong> fit in with previous<br />

finds from the territory of the Empire. The first<br />

luxury bone objects were the property of the<br />

migrants who arrived in <strong>Viminacium</strong> at the end<br />

of the first century. Bone hair pins depicting a<br />

female bust belong to this period. They served<br />

for holding and shaping the female hairstyle,<br />

which was, at times, very complicated, even for<br />

the skilful female hairstylist slaves (ornatrices).<br />

The hair was worn high up and false hair insertions<br />

were used in order to keep the hairstyle<br />

upright. Later on, the hairstyle was decorated<br />

with diadems, pins and flowers. Fashionable<br />


86. Medicinsko-kozmeti~ka kutija, II-III vek<br />

Medical-cosmetic box, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

diktirale carice i matrone sa carskog<br />

dvora. Ukosnice sa reqefno oblikovanom<br />

glavom u vidu Venere ili `enske biste<br />

predstavqaju portrete carica, tako da<br />

osim dekorativne, imaju i propagandnu<br />

funkciju (sl. 81). Izvanredan primerak iz I<br />

veka, verovatno glava ukosnice, modelovan<br />

je u vidu Stidqive Venere (Venus Pudica) sa<br />

delfinom. Meka modelacija tela, obna-<br />

`enog trbuha i bedara, sa draperijom koja<br />

pokriva dowi deo, odi{e jakom klasi~nom<br />

tradicijom. Ra|ena je po ugledu na helenisti~ke<br />

uzore, Praksitelovu Knidsku<br />

Afroditu i Afroditu iz Kirene (sl. 82).<br />

Znatno jednostavniji tip frizure sa<br />

pun|om nisko na zatiqku, karakteristi~an<br />

je za carice Faustinu Junior i Lucilu.<br />

Ko{tane ukosnice sa `enskim poprsjem iz<br />

hairstyles were dictated by the empress and her<br />

ladies-in-waiting. Hairpins with heads shaped<br />

like Venus or a female bust are portraits of<br />

empresses, so that their function was not only<br />

decorative but also propagandist (figure 81). An<br />

exceptional item from the 1 st century, probably<br />

the head of a hairpin, is shaped like the Timid<br />

Venus (Venus Pudica) with a dolphin. The soft<br />

modelling of the body, the nude abdomen and<br />

buttocks, with draping covering the lower part,<br />

fully adheres to the Classical tradition. It was<br />

modelled on Hellenistic hairpins, Praxiteles’s<br />

Aphrodite of Knides and Aphrodite of Cyrene<br />

(figure 82). A much simpler hairstyle was characteristic<br />

of empresses Faustina Junior and<br />

Lucilla. Bone hairpins with female busts from<br />

this period, varying in artistic quality, also poin<br />

to the work of local craftsmen. Pins with the arm<br />


87. Oplata ~e{qa, IV vek<br />

Comb sheat, 4 th century<br />

ovog perioda razli~itog zanatsko-umetni~kog<br />

kvaliteta, ukazuju i na rad lokalnih<br />

majstora. Magijsko kultnog karaktera<br />

su ukosnice sa Sabazijevom rukom koja<br />

simboli{e plodnost, uskrsnu}e i bo`anstva<br />

inicijacijskog karaktera, ~ija se popularnost<br />

{iri krajem II i po~etkom III v.<br />

Ko{tane ukosnice jednostavne forme su<br />

imale prakti~nu namenu {to potvr|uju<br />

brojni nalazi u `rtvenim horizontima.<br />

Kori{}ene su kao instrumenti za izvla~ewe<br />

dogorelih fitiqa u `i{cima<br />

koje su srodnici palili u toku da}a nad<br />

grobovima svojih srodnika. 76<br />

Za ~uvawe kozmeti~kih preparata,<br />

boja i pudera slu`ile su ko{tane kutije<br />

of Sabazius, a symbol of fertility, resurrection<br />

and of initiation-type deities had a magical and<br />

cult character and were increasingly popular during<br />

the 2 nd and the beginning of the 3 rd century.<br />

Bone hairpins with simple shapes were intended<br />

for practical use, which is confirmed by numerous<br />

finds in sacrificial layers. These were used<br />

as instruments for taking out the burnt out fuses<br />

of lamps lit at funeral feasts by relatives at the<br />

graves of their loved ones. 76<br />

Bone boxes, pyxides, were used for keeping<br />

cosmetic substances, colours and powder.<br />

Bone boxes of various shapes were also used for<br />

storing sewing accessories, as comb cases, for<br />

keeping jewellery and other valuables, but also<br />

medical instruments and medicines. A hexagonal<br />

76 Q. Zotovi}, ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 14. 76 Q. Zotovi}, ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 14.<br />


88. Ko{tani krevetac (igra~ka), I-II vek<br />

Miniature bone bed (toy), 1 st -2 nd century<br />

cilindri~ne forme - pikside (pyxides). U<br />

ko{tanim kutijama ~uvan je: {iva}i pribor,<br />

~e{qevi, nakit i dragocenosti, ali i<br />

lekarski instrumenti i lekovi. Kutija iz<br />

Viminacijuma, {estostrano zaravwenih<br />

strana, sa dva ve}a poluloptasta recipijenta<br />

i poklopcem koji se uvla~io u `qebove,<br />

svakako je kori{}ena u kozmeti~ko-medicinske<br />

svrhe (sl. 86). Od kosti su izra-<br />

|ivani i ~e{qevi ukra{eni jednostavnom<br />

geometrijskom ornamentikom ili koncentri~nim<br />

kru`i}ima. Izuzetak predstavqa<br />

lu~na oplata trodelnog ~e{qa sa erotskom<br />

predstavom koja ima dubqe simboli~no<br />

zna~ewe (sl. 87). 77<br />

flat-sided box with two large hemispherical<br />

receptacles was certainly used for cosmetic or<br />

medical purposes. It was found in <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

(figure 86). Combs were also made of bone and<br />

they were decorated with simple geometric ornaments<br />

or small concentric circles. The arch plating<br />

of a comb which consists of three parts with<br />

an erotic motif has a deeper symbolic meaning<br />

(figure 87). 77<br />

Judging by numerous chips and dice, the<br />

inhabitants of <strong>Viminacium</strong> were no different<br />

from other people in not being able to resist the<br />

passion for gambling. Although gambling was<br />

prohibited, especially to soldiers, it was clandestinely<br />

very widespread. Stones or chips served in<br />

77 S. Petkovi}, op. cit., 27, T. X/3. 77 S. Petkovi}, op. cit., 27, T. X/3.<br />


Sude}i po brojnim `etonima i kockicama,<br />

kockarskoj strasti nisu odoleli<br />

ni stanovnici Viminacijuma. Iako je kockawe<br />

bilo zabrawivano, naro~ito vojnicima,<br />

potajno je bilo vrlo rasprostraweno.<br />

Plo~ice ili `etoni su slu`ili<br />

za igrawe dru{tvenih igara koje su zahtevale<br />

visprenost i inteligenciju, sli~no<br />

dana{wem {ahu (ludus latronculorum). Pored<br />

odraslih, igrala su je i deca zbog razvijawa<br />

o{troumnosti. Kockice sa ozna~enim<br />

vrednostima od jedan do {est, kori{}ene<br />

su u igri sli~noj „ ~ove~e ne quti se“.<br />

Obi~aj je bio da se igra sa tri kockice, i to<br />

tako, da se me{aju u jednom peharu (fritillus),<br />

zatim istresu, a dobijene vrednosti<br />

saberu. 78<br />

Dosada{wim istra`ivawima registrovana<br />

je samo jedna igra~ka od kosti.<br />

To je krevetac na rasklapawe koji se sastoji<br />

od ko{tanih {ipki i profilisanih<br />

nosa~a. Plo~e bo~nih strana su ukra{ene<br />

stilizovanim grifonima. 79 O~igledno se<br />

radi o kreveti}u za lutku, kakav su bogati<br />

stanovnici Viminacijuma mogli da<br />

priu{te svojoj deci.<br />

playing board games which demanded shrewdness<br />

and intelligence, similarly to present-day<br />

chess (ludus latronculorum). Apart from grownups,<br />

it was played by children too, in order to<br />

help them develop their intelligence. Dice with<br />

marked values from one to six were used in a<br />

game similar to Trivial Pursuit. It was customary<br />

to play with three dice tossed from a beaker (fritillus),<br />

adding the rolled values together. 78<br />

So far, research has registered only one<br />

bone toy. It was a folding cradle with bone bars<br />

and curved legs. Its sideboards were decorated<br />

with stylized griffons. 79 It was obviously a doll<br />

cradle, one that rich inhabitants of <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

were able to buy for their children.<br />

78 V. [aranovi}-Svetek, Tipologija ko{tanih predmeta<br />

iz Sirmijuma, Rad vojvo|anskih muzeja 27, Novi Sad<br />

1981,163, 164.<br />

79 D. Spasi}, Zbirka arheolo{kog materijala sa za{titnih<br />

istra`ivawa Viminacijuma (1977-1992), u: Narodni<br />

muzej Po`arevac 1896-1996, Po`arevac 1996,<br />

156, kat. 6.<br />

78 V. [aranovi}-Svetek, Tipologija ko{tanih predmeta<br />

iz Sirmijuma, Rad vojvo|anskih muzeja 27, Novi Sad<br />

1981,163, 164.<br />

79 D. Spasi}, Zbirka arheolo{kog materijala sa za{titnih<br />

istra`ivawa Viminacijuma (1977-1992), in: Narodni<br />

muzej Po`arevac 1896-1996, Po`arevac 1996,<br />

156, kat. 6.<br />


Na teritoriji Viminacijuma, za<br />

sada, nije potvr|ena radionica stakla. Na<br />

weno postojawe ukazuje veliki broj balsamarijuma<br />

ujedna~enog kvaliteta kao i<br />

povr{inski nalazi staklene zgure.<br />

Prisustvo duva~a stakla je pretpostavqeno<br />

na osnovu analize zuba sa registrovanom<br />

profesionalnom abrazijom. 80<br />

Najsna`nije afirmativne argumente u tom<br />

smislu predstavqaju izuzetno pogodni<br />

geolo{ki uslovi na u`oj i {iroj teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma, {to je po~etkom XX<br />

veka, rezultiralo otvarawem fabrike<br />

stakla u Kostolcu. 81 Geolo{ku osnovu u`e<br />

teritorije ~ine peskoviti i {qunkoviti<br />

sedimenti prose~ne debqine 5-20 m, dok<br />

debqina aluvijalnih nanosa peska i<br />

{qunka u dolinama Mlave i Dunava iznosi<br />

od 30-40 m. [ira teritorija Viminacijuma<br />

raspola`e izuzetnim mineralnim sirovinama<br />

neophodnim za staklarsku industriju.<br />

U okolini Krepoqina su registrovana<br />

le`i{ta kvarcnog peska vrlo dobrog<br />

kvaliteta sa sadr`ajem silicijuma preko<br />

90%. 82 Tokom arheolo{kih istra`ivawa<br />

na|eno je preko 2000 staklenih posuda,<br />

uglavnom u grobovima i `rtvenim povr{inama<br />

nad wima.<br />

Zastupqeni su svi tipovi (stono<br />

posu|e, posu|e za ambala`u i kozmeti~kofarmaceutske<br />

preparate), karakteristi-<br />

The existence of a glass making workshop<br />

has not been confirmed by archaeological<br />

research so far. The appearance of a large number<br />

of unguentariums similar in quality, as well<br />

as by surface finds of glass slag suggests there<br />

was one. Numerous finds of teeth with professional<br />

abrasion should seem to indicate the presence<br />

of glass-blowers. 80 The strongest arguments<br />

in this respect are the exceptionally favourable<br />

geological conditions in the closer and wider surroundings<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, which resulted in the<br />

opening of a glass factory in Kostolac at the<br />

beginning of the 20 th century. 81 The geological<br />

base of the closer environs of <strong>Viminacium</strong> is<br />

comprised of sandy and gravelly sediments 5-20<br />

metres thick on the average, whereas in the valleys<br />

of the Mlava and the Danube they reach 30-<br />

40 metres. The wider territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong> is<br />

rich in high quality minerals, essential in the production<br />

of glass. Deposits of quartz sand of<br />

exceptional quality containing over 90% of silicium<br />

have been detected near Krepoljin. 82<br />

Over 2000 glass vessels were found during<br />

archaeological research, mostly in graves and<br />

on the sacrificial surfaces above them.<br />

All types of vessels characteristic of the<br />

wider territory of the Empire are present (tableware,<br />

packaging and cosmetic/pharmaceutical<br />

receptacles). The vessels were made by casting,<br />

pressing, mould-blowing and free-blowing.<br />

From the 1 st to the 4 th century the number<br />

of glass vessels varied and their influx was<br />

80 D. Muci}, Slu~aj profesionalne abrazije zuba sa<br />

nekropole anti~kog Viminacijuma, Glasnik SAD 6,<br />

Beograd 1990, 26-28, sl. 1.<br />

81 D. Feldi}, Fabrika stakla u Kostolcu, VIMINACIVM<br />

4-5 , ZRNM, Po`arevac 1989-1990, 223.<br />

82 Kostolac 1870-1970, monografija, urednik S.<br />

Markovi}, Kostolac, 1971, 36-41.<br />

80 D. Muci}, Slu~aj profesionalne abrazije zuba sa<br />

nekropole anti~kog Viminacijuma, Glasnik SAD 6,<br />

Beograd 1990, 26-28, sl. 1.<br />

81 D. Feldi}, Fabrika stakla u Kostolcu, VIMINACIVM<br />

4-5 , ZRNM, Po`arevac 1989-1990, 223.<br />

82 Kostolac 1870-1970, monografija, urednik S.<br />

Markovi}, Kostolac, 1971, 36-41.<br />


89. Boca, I-II vek<br />

Bottle, 1 st -2 nd century<br />

~ni za {iroku teritoriju Carstva. Posude<br />

su izra|ene livewem, presovawem, duvawem<br />

u kalup i slobodnim duvawem.<br />

Zastupqenost staklenih posuda od I-<br />

IV veka varira i wihov priliv odra`ava<br />

istorijsko-politi~ku situaciju, odnosno<br />

stepen urbanizacije i ukqu~enosti u<br />

anti~ku civilizaciju. Stoga je stakleni<br />

materijal I veka malobrojan u odnosu na<br />

kasnije periode, jer predstavqa luksuz i<br />

vlasni{tvo prvih doseqenika, pripadnika<br />

vojnog i administrativnog aparata. Staka<br />

reflection of the historical and political situation,<br />

i.e. of levels of urbanization and keeping<br />

abreast of Classical civilization. This is why 1 st<br />

century glass material is scarce compared to the<br />

later periods, as it was a luxury and belonged to<br />

the first colonists, the members of the military<br />

and administrative apparatus. Glass objects<br />

arrived in Vi-minacium by river from Aquileia,<br />

the biggest trading post for Syrian and<br />

Alexandrian glass. A jug made by pressing in a<br />

mould, using a technique that imitated natural<br />

stone, the socalled agate glass (figure 89),<br />


90. Staklene posude, I-II vek<br />

Glass receptacles, 1 st -2 nd century<br />

91. Staklene ~a{e, II-III vek<br />

Glass vessels, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />


92. Balsamarijumi, II-III vek<br />

Unguentes, 2 nd -3 th century<br />

lena roba je re~nim komunikacijama, iz<br />

Akvileje, koja je bila najve}i posrednik za<br />

sirijsko i aleksandrijsko staklo, dopremana<br />

do Viminacijuma. Tom radioni~kom<br />

krugu pripada kr~ag ra|en presovawem u<br />

kalupu, u tehnici koja podra`ava prirodni<br />

kamen, tzv. ahat-staklo (sl. 89). Nakon organizacije<br />

uprave i tr`i{ta, krajem I i<br />

po~etkom II veka, zapo~iwe import iz italsko-galskih<br />

i isto~nomediteranskih radionica.<br />

To su posude toplih i sna`nih<br />

boja kao {to su: urna od jarko-plavog stakla,<br />

boca kobaltno-plave boje i kr~ag od<br />

{afran `utog stakla (sl. 90). Od sredine II<br />

do sredine III veka brojnost staklenog<br />

posu|a se naglo pove}ava, a tehnika slobodnog<br />

duvawa omogu}ava pojavu potpuno<br />

novih formi. Naro~itu popularnost sti~e<br />

belongs to this manufacturing circle. After government<br />

and a market had been established at the<br />

end of the 1 st and at the beginning of the 2 nd<br />

century, importation from Italo-Gallic and<br />

Eastern Mediterranean workshops began. These<br />

were vessels warm and bright in colour such as<br />

an urn of bright blue glass, a cobalt-blue bottle<br />

and a saffron-yellow glass jug (figure 90). From<br />

the mid 2 nd to the mid 3 rd century the number of<br />

glass vessels increased sharply and the technique<br />

of free-blowing made it possible for completely<br />

new forms to be introduced. Colourless or discoloured<br />

glass became especially popular. Apart<br />

from Italo-Gallic glassware, the produce of<br />

Cologne-Rhine workshops was also imported,<br />

simultaneously with the influx of goods from<br />

Mediterranean centres, especially from Cyprus.<br />

The most numerous were toilet flasks (unguen-<br />


93. Staklene posude, IV vek<br />

Glass vessels, 4 th century<br />

95. Staklene narukvice, IV vek<br />

Glass bracelet, 4 th century<br />

94. Staklene posude, IV vek<br />

Glass vessels, 4 th century<br />


ezbojno-dekolorisano staklo. Osim italsko-galskog,<br />

uvozi se roba iz kelnsko-rajnskih<br />

radionica, paralaelno sa prilivom<br />

robe iz mediteranskih centara, naro~ito<br />

Kipra. Najbrojnije su toaletne bo~ice -<br />

balsamarijumi, koje su slu`ile za ~uvawe<br />

kozmeti~kih i farmaceutskih preparata.<br />

Staklene posude u obliku stilizovanog<br />

pti~jeg tela - gutusi, sre}u se tokom du`eg<br />

perioda od I-IV veka. Pretpostavqa se da su<br />

slu`ile za precizno dozirawe te~nosti u<br />

farmaciji ili kozmetici. Wihova pojava u<br />

de~jim grobovima Viminacijuma, reaktuelizuje<br />

staro mi{qewe da su kori{}ene<br />

za davawe mleka deci.<br />

U periodu III-IV veka dosegnuta je<br />

tehnolo{ka zrelost, tako da dolazi do kulminacije<br />

staklarske ve{tine. Pored ve}<br />

poznatih oblika, pojavquju se i novi, a<br />

dominira import iz kelnsko-rajnskih i<br />

crnomorskih radionica, paralelno sa<br />

lokalnom produkcijom koja tako|e dosti`e<br />

svoj vrhunac. Dominantne boje su zelenoplavi~asta,<br />

maslinasto ili mahovina-zelena.<br />

^este su boce sa heksagonalnim recipijentom<br />

ukra{enim kosim kanelurama i<br />

koni~ni pehari, naj~e{}e ukra{eni bobicama<br />

od plavog stakla. Pojedine posude su<br />

veoma vitkih i elegantnih oblika (sl. 94),<br />

a prisutno je podra`avawe starijih kerami~kih<br />

i metalnih formi (kantaros od<br />

svetlo maslinastog stakla). 83<br />

Osim posuda, od stakla su masovno<br />

izra|ivani prozorsko staklo i nakit,<br />

naro~ito u III-IV veku. Zrelost lokalne<br />

staklarske radionice potvr|uju brojne<br />

geme i kameje od staklene paste. Livene su<br />

u kalupu ~esto po uzoru na novac, tako da su,<br />

iskqu~ivo, slu`ile u politi~ko-propagandne<br />

svrhe.<br />

tariums) used for storing cosmetic and pharmaceutical<br />

substances. Birds of glass - (gutti) - were<br />

present over a longer period from the 1 st -4 th century.<br />

They are believed to have served for precise<br />

dosage of liquids in pharmacy and cosmetics.<br />

Their appearance in children’s graves in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> lends new currency to the old theory<br />

that they might have been used for feeding<br />

milk to infants .<br />

In the period from the 3 rd -4 th century, a<br />

stage of technological maturity was reached, so<br />

that there was a culmination in glassmaking skill<br />

too. New forms appeared alongside the already<br />

known ones and importation from Cologne-Rhine<br />

and Black sea workshops predominated, parallel<br />

to local production, which was also reaching its<br />

peak. The prevailing colours were bluish-green,<br />

olive-green and moss green. Bottles with hexagonal<br />

bodies decorated with diagonal ribs and<br />

conical beakers, mostly decorated with drops of<br />

blue glass were the most frequent. Certain vessels<br />

had very slender and elegant contours (figure<br />

94) and were modelled on older ceramic and<br />

metal forms, such as a light olive-green glass<br />

kantharos. 83<br />

Apart from making receptacles, glass was<br />

also widely used in making windowpanes and<br />

jewellery, especially in the 3 rd -4 th centuries. The<br />

maturity of the local glassmaking workshops is<br />

confirmed by a large number of glass paste gems<br />

and cameos. They were cast in moulds and were<br />

often modelled on coins, so that their exclusive<br />

purpose was political propaganda.<br />

83 Detaqnije o staklu vid. u: A. Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi},<br />

Rimsko staklo, Beograd, 1987; deo materijala sa nekropole<br />

„ Vi{e Grobaqa“ obradila ja M. A. Ru`i},<br />

Rimsko staklo u Srbiji Beograd 1994, 59-68.<br />

83 A more detailed overview of glass can be found in: A. Cermanovi}-<br />

Kuzmanovi}, Rimsko staklo, Beograd, 1987; part of the material<br />

from the necropolis „Vi{e Grobaqa“ was examined by M. A.<br />

Ru`i}, Rimsko staklo u Srbiji Beograd 1994, 59-68.<br />


Paralelno sa intenzivirawem<br />

romanizacije i urbanizacije, na teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma se pojavquju prva skulptorska<br />

dela mawih dimenzija i uglavnom religioznog<br />

karaktera. Hronolo{ka identifikacija<br />

pokazuje da se krajem I veka<br />

pojavquje sitna bronzana plastika, a pojava<br />

kamene skulpture usledi}e ne{to kasnije,<br />

u prvim decenijama II v. Radi se o importu<br />

iz ve}ih umetni~kih centara Carstva<br />

(Italije, Panonije, Trakije), visokog<br />

umetni~kog kvaliteta koji se stilski vezuje<br />

za gr~ku skulpturu IV v.p.n.e. Izuzetno<br />

lep rimski rad iz tog perioda predstavqa<br />

glava Apolona (ili Venere), koja je ra|ena<br />

po helenisti~kom uzoru (slika 96). 84<br />

Kultna skulptura }e neoklasicisti~ke<br />

odlike zadr`ati i tokom II i III v.<br />

Nakon osnivawa municipijuma (117.<br />

g.), u posledwoj fazi romanizacije, dolazi<br />

do prevladavawa rimskog kulturnog modela<br />

u svim oblastima umetni~kog stvarala{tva.<br />

Eksterijeri urbanih prostora<br />

(trgova, termi, javnih i privatnih zdawa,<br />

hramova i dr.) se oplemewuju monumentalnom<br />

skulpturom koja, osim estetske, ima i<br />

politi~ko-propagandnu funkciju u ciqu<br />

afirmacije velike i mo}ne Imperije. Na<br />

javnim mestima se postavqaju statue imperatora,<br />

uglednih li~nosti i bogova, a privatna<br />

i oficijelna zdawa se ukra{avaju<br />

kultnom i profanom plastikom sredweg<br />

formata kao i brojnim reqefima.<br />

Simultaneously to intensified Romanization<br />

and urbanization, the first smaller sculptural<br />

pieces, mostly religious in character, started<br />

appearing in the territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong>.<br />

Chronological identification shows that small<br />

bronze plastic art appeared at the end of the 1 st<br />

century, while stone sculpture was soon to follow,<br />

appearing during the first decades of the 2 nd<br />

century. It was mostly imported from the larger<br />

arts centres of the Empire (Italy, Pannonia,<br />

Thrace), and was of a high artistic quality, which<br />

was stylistically related to Greek sculpture of the<br />

4 th century B.C. The head of Apollo (or Venus),<br />

which draws upon a Hellenistic model, is a particularly<br />

fine-looking example of Roman sculpture<br />

of the period (figure 96). 84 Religious sculpture<br />

kept its Neoclassical traits during the 2 nd and<br />

3 rd centuries as well .<br />

After the municipium was founded (in the<br />

year 117), during the last stage of Romanization,<br />

the Roman cultural model started prevailing in<br />

all areas of artistic creation. The appearance of<br />

urban spaces (squares, public baths, public and<br />

private buildings, temples etc.) was enriched with<br />

monumental sculpture, which, apart from having<br />

an aesthetic function, also had a political and<br />

propaganda function, aiming at affirming the idea<br />

of a great and powerful Empire. Statues of<br />

emperors, distinguished citizens and deities were<br />

displayed in public places, whereas private and<br />

public edifices were decorated with middle-sized<br />

religious and secular plastic art, as well as with<br />

numerous reliefs. Private portraits from<br />

84 D. Srejovi}, A. Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, Rimska<br />

skulptura u Srbiji, 64, kat. 27; M.Tomovi}, Tri mermerne<br />

glave iz zbirke Narodnog muzeja u Po`arevcu,<br />

VIMINACIVM 1, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1986, 35,36, sl. 3 a-d.<br />

84 D. Srejovi}, A. Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, Rimska<br />

skulptura u Srbiji, 64, kat. 27; M.Tomovi}, Tri mermerne<br />

glave iz zbirke Narodnog muzeja u Po`arevcu,<br />

VIMINACIVM 1, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1986, 35,36, sl. 3 a-d.<br />


96. Apolon (Venera ?), prva polovina II veka<br />

Apolo (Venus ?), first half of a 2 nd century<br />


97. Jupiter Dolihen, II-III vek<br />

Jupiter Dolichenus, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

Privatni portreti iz Viminacijuma,<br />

sude}i po dosada{wim nalazima, nisu stariji<br />

od kraja II v. Izvanredan primerak,<br />

koji se stilski i formalno vezuje za<br />

carice Plautilu (196-217. g.) ili Juliju<br />

Paulu (218-222. g.), na|en je u selu Petki i<br />

verovatno se radi o statui ( ili poprsju)<br />

koja se nalazila u sklopu enterijera neke<br />

privatne rezidencije. 85 Iz posledwe faze<br />

perioda vojne anarhije, poti~e mermerni<br />

portret Kara (sl. 8), ra|en u natprirodnoj<br />

veli~ini, sa elementima realisti~kog<br />

stila postseverijanske epohe, uz na-<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> are not older than the late 2 nd century,<br />

judging by previous findings. An exceptional<br />

piece, stylistically and formally associated<br />

with Empress Plautilla (years 196-217) or Julia<br />

Paula (years 218-222) was found in the village<br />

of Petka and it was probably a statue (or bust)<br />

which was part of the interior of a private residence.<br />

85 A marble portrait of Carus (figure 8),<br />

sculpted in a larger-than-life size with elements<br />

of the realistic style of the post-Severian epoch,<br />

with traces of the kind of linearity and stylization<br />

which were to prevail in the 4 th century,<br />

dates from the last phase of the period of mili-<br />

85 M. Tomovi}, Tri mermerne glave iz zbirke Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu, 31, 32 sl. 1 a-d; D. Srejovi}, A.<br />

Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, op. cit., 32, kat. 8.<br />

85 M. Tomovi}, Tri mermerne glave iz zbirke Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu, 31, 32 sl. 1 a-d; D. Srejovi}, A.<br />

Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, op. cit., 32, kat. 8.<br />

86 M. Tomovi}, Tri mermerne glave iz zbirke Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu, 32. 33. sl. 2 a-c; D. Srejovi}, A.<br />

Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, op. cit., 40, kat 12.<br />


98. Herkul sa Telefom, III-IV vek, Narodni muzej Beograd<br />

Heracles with Telephus, 3 rd -4 th century, National museum Beograd<br />


tary anarchy. 86<br />

gove{taje linearnosti i stilizacije koja<br />

inicijative viminacijumskih majstora. 89 and geometrical, genre scenes, mythological<br />

}e preovladati u IV v. 86<br />

During the 4 th century great artists,<br />

U IV veku u Viminacijumu borave<br />

veliki umetnici, slikari i skulptori koji<br />

su za sobom ostavili zna~ajna slikarska i<br />

skulptorska dela, prilago|ena istan~anom<br />

ukusu obrazovanog sloja viminacijumske<br />

painters and sculptors, resided in <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

which left behind significant paintings and sculptures<br />

in line with the sophisticated taste of educated<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> aristocracy. The sculpture of<br />

Hercules with Telephus from the first decades of<br />

aristokratije. Skulptura Herkul sa the 4 th century, made in quality marble, boasts<br />

Telefom, iz prvih decenija IV v., ra|ena od<br />

kvalitetnog mermera, poseduje visoku eleganciju,<br />

a na osnovu stilskih karakteristika<br />

tipi~nih za gr~ku skulpturu IV v.p.n.e.,<br />

najbli`a je Lisipovom originalu. 87<br />

Sude}i po dosada{wim nalazima<br />

skulptura u Viminacijumu, formirawe<br />

skulptorskog ateqea se mo`e opredeliti u<br />

posledwe decenije II v. Kamenoreza~ko-klesarska<br />

radionica koja je izra|ivala<br />

exquisite elegance and, in terms of stylistic characteristics<br />

typical of Greek sculpture of the 4 th<br />

century B.C., it is closest to the original by<br />

Lyssipus. 87<br />

Judging by previous sculpture finds in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> finds, it can be estimated that a<br />

sculptural atelier existed in <strong>Viminacium</strong> during<br />

the last decades of the 2 nd century. A stonemason’s<br />

workshop, which produced sacrificial<br />

stones, gravestones and sarcophagi had been<br />

`rtvenike, nadgrobne spomenike i formed earlier at the beginning of the second<br />

sarkofage, je formirana ranije, po~etkom<br />

II veka. Wena relativno rana produkcija je<br />

logi~na posledica novih obi~aja sahrawivawa<br />

century. Its relatively early production was a logical<br />

consequence of the new burial traditions dictated<br />

by the newly settled population.<br />

koje je diktiralo doseqeno <strong>Viminacium</strong> was one of the most impor-<br />

stanovni{tvo.<br />

tant stonemasonry and sculptural centres in<br />

Viminacijum je predstavqao jedan od<br />

najve}ih kamenoreza~ko-skulptorskih centara<br />

u Gorwoj Meziji. Iz Viminacijuma<br />

poti~e gotovo 50% svih skulptura Gorwe<br />

Mezije, kao i veliki broj reqefa i kultnih<br />

ikona. 88 Osim toga, oko 50 otkrivenih<br />

sarkofaga, brojni nadgrobni i epigrafski<br />

Upper Moesia. Almost 50% of all Upper<br />

Moesian sculptures originated in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, as<br />

well as a large number of reliefs and cult icons. 88<br />

Apart from this, around 50 discovered sarcophagi,<br />

numerous gravestones and epigraphic monuments<br />

are a conclusive proof of the rich production<br />

of its workshops and of the artistic initiative<br />

spomenici nesumwiv su dokaz bogate produkcije<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s craftsmen. 89 Marble and stone<br />

wegovih radionica i umetni~ke steles feature numerous decorative motifs: floral<br />

scenes and animal friezes. The tomb stele of<br />

augustal T. Baebius and his wife Marcella,<br />

86 M. Tomovi}, Tri mermerne glave iz zbirke Narodnog<br />

muzeja u Po`arevcu, 32. 33. sl. 2 a-c; D. Srejovi}, A.<br />

Cermanovi}-Kuzmanovi}, op. cit., 40, kat 12.<br />

87 Grupa Herkul sa Telefom se ~uva u Narodnom muzeju u<br />

Beogradu; D. Srejovi}, A. Cermanovi}- Kuzmanovi},<br />

op. cit., 116, kat. 49.<br />

88 Viminacijumsku skulpturu je obradio M. Tomovi},<br />

Roman Sculpture in Upper Moesia, Beograd 1992; Najve}i<br />

deo kamenih votivnih ikona iz Viminacijuma publikovao<br />

je M. Tomovi}, Prilog prou~avawu kamenih<br />

votivnih ikona sa teritorije Viminacijuma, VIMI-<br />

NACIVM 4-5, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1989-90, 89-132.<br />

89 Sve epigrafske spomenike publikovala je prof.<br />

Miroslava Mirkovi}. Vid. napomenu broj 1.<br />

87 The group Hercules with Telephe is kept at the National Museum<br />

in Belgrade: D. Srejovi}, A. Cermanovi}- Kuzmanovi},<br />

op. cit. 116, kat. 49.<br />

88 <strong>Viminacium</strong> sculpture was examined by M. Tomovi}, Roman<br />

Sculpture in Upper Moesia, Beograd 1992; M. Tomovi} published<br />

the largest part of stone votive icons, Prilog prou~avawu<br />

kamenih votivnih ikona sa teritorije Viminacijuma,<br />

VIMINACIVM 4-5, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1989-90, 89-132.<br />

89 All epigraphic monuments were published by professor Miroslava<br />

Mirkovic. Consult footnote number 1.<br />


99. Nadgrobni spomenik T. Bebija,<br />

druga polovina II veka<br />

Headstone of T. Bebius, second half of a 2 nd century<br />

Na mermernim i kamenim stelama se<br />

pojavquju raznovrsni dekorativni motivi:<br />

vegetabilni i geometrijski, `anr prizori,<br />

scene iz mitologije i animalni frizovi.<br />

Izuzetan klesarsko-umetni~ki rad predstavqa<br />

nadgrobna stela avgustala, T.<br />

Baebius-a i wegove `ene, Marcellae, koja se<br />

prema ikonografskim karakteristikama<br />

which, based on its iconographic characteristics,<br />

is estimated to have belonged to the period of<br />

Marcus Aurelius (161-180) and Lucius Verus<br />

(161-169), is an exquisite work of stonemason’s<br />

art. The stele is architectural in type, with carefully<br />

shaped fields, each of which carries different<br />

ideal and religious content, with the symbolic<br />

content of the last field being dominant.<br />


100. Prokoneski sarkofag sa girlandama, kraj II - po~etak III veka<br />

Sarcophagus with wreaths from Proconesus, end of a 2 nd - beginning of a 3 rd century<br />

opredequje u period Marka Aurelija (161-<br />

180. g.) i Lucija Vera (161-169.g.). Stela je<br />

arhitektonskog tipa sa bri`qivo obra-<br />

|enim poqima od kojih je svako nosilac<br />

razli~itog idejno-religioznog sadr`aja, sa<br />

dominiraju}om simboli~kom sadr`inom<br />

posledweg poqa. Predstava vu~ice sa<br />

blizancima ra|ena u klasicisti~kom<br />

stilu, potencira ideju besmrtnosti Rima i<br />

carskog kulta i u potpunoj je simboli~koj<br />

harmoniji sa predstavom pokojnika koji je<br />

bio sve{tenik, upravo carskog kulta<br />

( sl. 99).<br />

The motif of a female wolf with twins, modelled<br />

in the Classicist style, propagates the idea of the<br />

immortality of Rome and of the imperial cult and<br />

is in complete symbolic harmony with the depiction<br />

of the deceased, who was a priest of the<br />

imperial cult (figure 99).<br />

Imposing sarcophagi were made of marble<br />

and of local stone (sandstone and limestone).<br />

The engraved inscriptions on these witness that<br />

wealthy Roman citizens, mostly colonists, lived<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong> from the 2 nd until the end of the<br />

4 th century, and that sarcophagus burying was<br />

their usual burial ritual. <strong>Viminacium</strong> sarcophagi<br />


101.<br />

Impozantni sarkofazi od mermera i<br />

lokalnog kamena (pe{~ara, kre~waka) i<br />

uklesani natpisi, svedo~e da su od II do<br />

kraja IV veka u Viminacijumu `iveli<br />

bogati rimski gra|ani, prete`no doseqenici,<br />

kojima je sahrawivawe u sarkofazima<br />

bio uobi~ajeni pogrebni ritual.<br />

Viminacijumski sarkofazi se, generalno,<br />

mogu grupisati u tri osnovna tipa: tzv.<br />

maloazijski sarkofag, bez dekorativnih<br />

ukrasa, sa poklopcem koji na uglovima ima<br />

polukru`ne akroterije; drugi tip sadr`i<br />

reqefnu obradu sanduka i poklopca.<br />

Sanduk je sa predwe strane podeqen na tri<br />

poqa, od kojih je sredi{we, nameweno za<br />

natpis, uokvireno odre|enim ornamentalnim<br />

motivom, a sa leve i desne strane se<br />

nalaze ni{e u kojim mogu biti predstavqeni<br />

geniji, mitolo{ki likovi ili<br />

portreti pokojnika. Pojedini primerci na<br />

poklopcu imaju imitaciju krova sa tegulama.<br />

Oba tipa su proizvod viminacijumske<br />

radionice, koja je koristila lokalni<br />

kamen iz nekog od obli`wih kamenoloma,<br />

can generally be grouped into three basic types:<br />

the so-called Asia Minor sarcophagus, without<br />

decorations, with semicircular acroteria at the<br />

corners of the lid; the other type has relief on<br />

both the sarcophagus and lid. On the front side,<br />

the sarcophagus is divided into three fields, of<br />

which the middle one, intended for an inscription,<br />

is bordered by an ornamental motif, with<br />

niches to the left and to the right, in which genii,<br />

mythological characters or portraits of the<br />

deceased could be depicted. Certain specimens<br />

feature the imitation of a roof with tiles on the<br />

lid. Both types were made in the <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

workshop, which used local stone from one of<br />

the nearby quarries, probably from the Kucevo or<br />

Homolje regions. In workshops located in these<br />

quarries, the sarcophagi were given their basic<br />

shape only and were thereupon finished and decorated<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. The third type, the socalled<br />

sarcophagus of Proconnesus with garlands<br />


101 a.<br />

101, 101 a. Nadgrobni spomenici, II-IV vek<br />

Headstones, 2 nd -4 rd century<br />

verovatno, iz oblasti Ku~eva i Homoqa. U<br />

radionicama, pri tim kamenolomima,<br />

sarkofazima je davana samo osnovna forma,<br />

a tek u Viminacijumu su definitivno<br />

obra|ivani i dekorisani. Tre}i tip, tzv.<br />

prokoneski sarkofag sa girlandama,<br />

izra|en je od mermera sa ostrva Prokones<br />

(ostrvo Marmara), odakle je u formi polufabrikata,<br />

naknadno zavr{en, mo`da u<br />

radionicama Trakije. Na tu mogu}nost<br />

ukazuje predstava Tra~kog kowanika na<br />

bo~noj strani, koja jasno isti~e, za Tra~ane<br />

karakteristi~nu i va`nu, ideju o heroiziranom<br />

pokojniku (sl. 100). 90<br />

was made of marble from the island of<br />

Proconnesus (Marmara), from where it was<br />

exported in the form of semifinished product, to<br />

be finished afterwards, possibly in Thracian<br />

workshops. What seems to suggest this possibility<br />

is the motif of a Thracian horseman on the<br />

lateral surface, which is a clear expression of the<br />

idea of the heroism of the deceased person, characteristic<br />

of and important to the Thracians (figure<br />

100). 90<br />

The stonemasonry and sculptural works<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong> are not uniform. They are characterized<br />

by the various types of stone they were<br />

made of as well as by their craftsmanship and<br />

90 Jedan deo sarkofaga publikovala je M. \or|evi}:<br />

Rimski kameni sarkofazi iz Viminacijuma, VIMI-<br />

NACIVM 4-5, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1989-90, 133-147; Vid.<br />

napomenu br. 26.<br />

90 M. \or|evi} has written on part of the sarcophagi: Rimski<br />

kameni sarkofazi iz Viminacijuma, VIMINACIVM 4-5,<br />

ZRNM, Po`arevac 1989-90, 133-147; Consult footnote number<br />

26.<br />


Kamenoreza~ko-skulptorska dela iz<br />

Viminacijuma nisu jedinstvena. Karakteri{e<br />

ih raznolikost kamena od koga su<br />

izra|ena, kao i zanatsko-umetni~ke i<br />

stilske karakteristike koje ukazuju na<br />

razli~ite tradicije, odnosno radionice.<br />

Heterogenost viminacijumske demografske<br />

strukture uslovila je pojavu skulpture<br />

i kamenoreza~kih dela, gr~ko-rimskih,<br />

orijentalnih ili tra~kih bo`anstva i<br />

heroja. Na wima se prepli}u italski,<br />

helenisti~ko-gr~ki i maloazijski uticaji,<br />

koji dokazuju toleranciju i veliku slobodu<br />

stilova i ideja, naro~ito u periodu<br />

II-III v. 91<br />

stylistic characteristics, which suggest different<br />

traditions, that is to say workshops.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>’s demographic heterogeneity caused<br />

the presence of sculpture and stonemasonry<br />

works depicting Greco-Roman, Oriental or<br />

Thracian deities and heroes. They combine Italic,<br />

Greco-Hellenistic and influences from Asia<br />

Minor, which is proof of tolerance and a great<br />

91 M. Tomovi}, Roman Sculpture in Upper Moesia, 9-14. 91 M. Tomovi}, Roman Sculpture in Upper Moesia, 9-14.<br />


Jedan od najrazvijenih zanata u<br />

Viminaciju je kerami~arski. Wegov intenzivan<br />

razvoj i kontinuiranu proizvodwu<br />

omogu}ili su izuzetno povoqni prirodni i<br />

ekonomski uslovi: kvalitetna glini{ta,<br />

bogatstvo {umom, blizina vode, plovni<br />

re~ni tokovi i sna`na tradicija kerami~arskog<br />

zanata. U po~etnom periodu<br />

rimske stabilizacije i organizacije, kerami~arska<br />

proizvodwa se odvija u okviru<br />

postoje}ih kasnolatenskih kerami~arskih<br />

radionica. Wihova postepena organizaciona<br />

i tehnolo{ka transformacija usledi}e<br />

nakon dolaska rimskih kerami~ara i<br />

organizovanog importa koji je predstavqao<br />

primarni kreativni impuls za doma}u profreedom<br />

of style and ideas, especially in the period<br />

of the 3 rd -4 th century. 91<br />

102. Kerami~ke pe}i, II-III vek<br />

Ceramic kilns, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />


103. Kerami~ke posude, I-III vek<br />

Ceramic vessels, 1 st -3 rd century<br />

dukciju. Ona se oboga}uje rimskim formama<br />

i dekorativnim motivima, uz osetan<br />

uticaj domorodne tradicije, ~ija je vitalnost<br />

sna`na tokom I i II veka.<br />

Osnivawe radionice, lokalne tera<br />

sigilate <strong>Viminacium</strong> - Margum, relativno<br />

rano, u drugoj ~etvrtini II veka, mo`e se<br />

Pottery were one of the best developed<br />

crafts in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. Its intensive development<br />

and continuous production were possible because<br />

of extremely favourable natural and economic<br />

conditions: the quality of clay deposits, large<br />

forests, the proximity of water, navigable rivers<br />


smatrati posledicom naseqavawa rimskih<br />

majstora, ali u velikoj meri i rezultatom<br />

du`eg kerami~arskog iskustva.<br />

Za{titnim arheolo{kim istra-<br />

`ivawima na prostoru ju`nih nekropola<br />

otkriveno je 14 kerami~arskih pe}i. U<br />

okviru grn~arsko-ciglarskog centra sa<br />

pokrivenim tremom za su{ewe proizvoda,<br />

istra`ene su 4 kerami~arske pe}i. Kerami~ka<br />

produkcija se dugo odvijala, tokom<br />

II i III veka, {to potvr|uju nadzi|ivawa<br />

pe}i. 92 Osim generalne podele na luksuznu i<br />

svakodnevnu (kuhiwsku) keramiku, kerami~ki<br />

materijal se, prema radioni~kim i<br />

stilskim karakteristikama, mo`e podeliti<br />

na: keramiku sa izra`enim autohtonim<br />

karakteristikama, import, lokalnu tera<br />

sigilatu i rimsku provincijsku keramiku.<br />

Uticaj starije, naro~ito latenske<br />

kerami~arske produkcije, prati se kako<br />

kod posuda ra|enih rukom tako i kod posuda<br />

ra|enih na vitlu. Rukom ra|ene posude<br />

(lonci sa plasti~nim ornamentom kao i<br />

da~ke {oqe), sre}u se zajedno sa importovanom<br />

i provincijskom keramikom II veka. 93<br />

Najstariji import se vezuje za severnoitalske<br />

radionice tera sigilate i<br />

datuje se krajem I v. To su naj~e{}e zdele sa<br />

apliciranim ukrasom i pe~atom na dnu u<br />

vidu planta pedis (sl. 103). 94 Na teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma, importa iz ju`nogalskih<br />

radionica gotovo da nema, dok je ne{to<br />

brojniji materijal iz sredwogalskih<br />

radionica. Najintenzivniji import se<br />

bele`i u posledwoj ~etvrtini II do kraja<br />

prve ~etvrtine III veka, prilivom robe iz<br />

isto~nogalskih radionica (Rajncabern i<br />

92 ^. Jordovi}, Grn~arski i ciglarski centar u<br />

Viminacijumu, SAOP[TEWA XXVI, Beograd 1994,<br />

95-96, sl. 1-7.<br />

93 D. Spasi}, Prilog prou~avawu tradicije Skordiska u<br />

Viminacijumu, 40-43.<br />

94 Kompletan tera sigilata materijal u svojoj doktorskoj<br />

disertaciji obradila je Q. Bjelajac. Neznatno<br />

izmewenu verziju disertacije predstavqa monografija:<br />

Terra sigillata u Gorwoj Meziji, Beograd 1990, 136.<br />

and a strong pottery tradition. During the initial<br />

period of Roman stabilization and organization,<br />

pottery production went on within the existing<br />

Late La Téne pottery workshops. Their gradual<br />

organizational and technological transformation<br />

happened after the arrival of Roman potters and<br />

after organized importation began, which acted<br />

as the primary creative impulse for domestic production.<br />

It was enriched with Roman forms and<br />

decorative motifs with significant indigenous<br />

influences, very vital during the 1 st and 2 nd centuries.<br />

The founding of a local terra sigillata<br />

workshop of <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Margum relatively<br />

early on, in the second quarter of the 2 nd century,<br />

can be considered as a consequence of the<br />

settlement of Roman potters, but also largely as<br />

a result of long-lasting ceramic experience.<br />

Pottery was one of the best developed<br />

crafts in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. Its intensive development<br />

and continuous production was possible because<br />

of extremely favourable natural and economic<br />

conditions: the quality of clay deposits, large<br />

forests, the proximity of water, navigable rivers<br />

and a strong pottery tradition. During the initial<br />

period of Roman stabilization and organization,<br />

pottery production went on within the existing<br />

Late Latene pottery workshops. Their gradual<br />

organizational and technological transformation<br />

happened after the arrival of Roman potters and<br />

after organized importation began, which acted<br />

as the primary creative impulse for domestic production.<br />

It is enriched with Roman forms and<br />

decorative motifs with significant indigenous<br />

influences, very vital during the 1st and 2 nd centuries.<br />

The founding of a local terra sigillata<br />

workshop of <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Margum relatively<br />

early on, in the second quarter of the 2 nd century,<br />

can be considered as a consequence of the<br />

settlement of Roman potters, but also largely as<br />

a result of long-lasting ceramic experience.<br />

Fourteen pottery kilns were discovered<br />

during protective archaeological excavations in<br />

92 ^. Jordovi}, Grn~arski i ciglarski centar u<br />

Viminacijumu, SAOP[TEWA XXVI, Beograd 1994,<br />

95-96, sl. 1-7.<br />


104. Kerami~ke posude, kraj II - po~etak III veka<br />

Ceramic vessels, end of a 2 nd - beginning of a 3 rd century<br />

Vesterndorf), koja je Dunavom dopremana<br />

do viminacijumskih pijaca (sl. 104). S<br />

obzirom na dobre saobra}ajne veze i organizovano<br />

tr`i{te, Viminacijum je bio<br />

najve}i distribucioni centar isto~nogalskih<br />

proizvoda za logore i naseqa du`<br />

Dunava i u unutra{wosti Mezije.<br />

Tera sigilata posude, sa crvenom<br />

prevlakom i reqefnim, odnosno pe~a}enim<br />

ukrasom, }e svojim tipovima i varijantama<br />

zdela, tawira i pehara uticati na<br />

lokalnu proizvodwu koja imitira tera sigilata<br />

posude.<br />

Proizvodwa lokalne tera sigilate,<br />

radionice Viminacijum-Margum, potvr|ena<br />

je nalazima preko 1000 posuda kao i<br />

velikim brojem kalupa. Veliki radioni~ki<br />

centar je bio lociran u blizini reke<br />

the territory of the southern necropolises. Four<br />

kilns were examined on the site of a pottery and<br />

brick making centre with a covered produce-drying<br />

porch. Pottery production continued over a<br />

long period, during the 2 nd and third centuries,<br />

which is confirmed by the fact that kilns were<br />

reconstructed and expanded. 92<br />

Aside from the general division of ceramics<br />

into luxury earthenware and earthenware for<br />

daily usage (kitchen earthenware); according to<br />

their craftsmanship and stylistic characteristics,<br />

ceramic objects can be divided into: pro-<br />

93 D. Spasi}, Prilog prou~avawu tradicije Skordiska u<br />

Viminacijumu, 40-43.<br />

94 The complete terra sigillata material was examined by Lj. Bjelajac<br />

in her doctoral dissertation. The monograph: Terra sigillata u<br />

Gornjoj Meziji, Beograd 1990, 136 is a slightly altered version of<br />

this dissertation.<br />


105. Kalup za keramiku, II vek<br />

Ceramic mould, 2 nd century<br />

Mlave, na lokalitetu „ Rudine“, na periferiji<br />

municipalnog naseqa. Wegova<br />

produkcija se prati od vremena Hadrijana<br />

(117 g.), do kraja II veka, sa vrhuncem<br />

proizvodwe i eksporta oko sredine II veka.<br />

Proizvodi radionice Viminacijum-<br />

Margum su eksportovani u Panoniju, Dowu<br />

Meziju i Dakiju. Iako lokalna tera sigilata<br />

u tehnolo{kom smislu zaostaje za<br />

importovanom, viminacijumske majstore<br />

odlikuje ve{tina i inventivnost u<br />

ukra{avawu. Repertoar ukrasnih figura i<br />

motiva ~ini ukupno 290 razli~itih simbola,<br />

koji se javqaju u velikom broju kombinacija.<br />

Iako znatno re|i, nalazi gle-<br />

|osanih posuda, jedinstvenom stilskom<br />

organizacijom ornamenta, ukazuju na produkciju<br />

viminacijumske radionice.<br />

Najoriginalniji proizvod ove radionice<br />

predstavqa reqefno ukra{ena gle|osana<br />

posuda, Klepsidra-vodeni sat ili „ lopov<br />

vode“, koja je datovana u prvu polovinu II<br />

veka. Na dnu posude nalazi se vi{e malih<br />

nouncedly autochthonous ceramics, imported<br />

ceramics, local terra sigillata and Roman provincial<br />

ceramics.<br />

The influence of older, particularly La<br />

Téne, ceramic production is visible both in hand<br />

and wheel-raised vessels. Hand-raised vessels<br />

(pots with plastic ornaments as well as Dacian<br />

cups) are seen alongside imported and provincial<br />

ceramics of the 2 nd century. 93<br />

The oldest imports are believed to have<br />

come from North Italic terra sigillata workshops<br />

and are dated to the end of the 1st century.<br />

These were mostly bowls with added decorations<br />

and a planta pedis - shaped mark at the bottom<br />

(figure 103). 94 There were almost no imports<br />

from South Gallic workshops in the territory of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, while material from Middle Gallic<br />

workshops is somewhat more frequent.<br />

Importation was at its most intensive from the<br />

last quarter of the 2 nd century until the end of<br />

the first quarter of the 3 rd century, during the<br />

influx of produce from East Gallic workshops<br />

(Rheinzabern and Western-dorf), which was<br />

shipped into <strong>Viminacium</strong> markets by the Danube<br />

(figure 104). In view of the good communications<br />

and its organized market, <strong>Viminacium</strong> was<br />

the biggest distributional centre of East Gallic<br />

produce for camps and settlements along the<br />

Danube and in Moesian interior.<br />

The variety and types of terra sigillata<br />

vessels (bowls, plates and beakers) with red coating<br />

and relief (i.e. impressed) decoration influenced<br />

the local production, which the imitated<br />

it.<br />

The finds of over 1000 vessels and a<br />

large number of moulds confirm the production<br />

of the local terra sigillata workshop <strong>Viminacium</strong>-<br />

Margum. A large crafts centre was located in the<br />

vicinity of the river Mlava, at the site of<br />

“Rudine“, on the outskirts of the municipal settlement.<br />

Its production can be followed from the<br />

time of Hadrian (the year 117) until the end of<br />

the 2 nd century, with production and exportation<br />

reaching their peak in the mid-2 nd century. The<br />

produce of the <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Margum workshop<br />


106. Kerami~ke posude, II-IV vek<br />

Ceramic vessels, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

otvora raspore|enih kao kod tu{a, a na<br />

vrhu cevaste dr{ke, tako|e, otvor. Posuda<br />

je primala sadr`aj, tako {to se jednostavno<br />

potopi u te~nost, ~ije je isticawe<br />

regulisano zatvarawem i otvarawem<br />

rupice na dr{ki. Klepsidra je mera vremena,<br />

koja je u stawu da reprodukuje uvek isti<br />

period. Periodi koje reprodukuje su<br />

slede}i: 180 sek., ako se zapu{i {est otvora<br />

na dnu, a voda isti~e samo kroz jedan, i<br />

30 sek., ako voda oti~e kroz svih sedam<br />

otvora. Naziv „ klepsidra“, kao i wen<br />

oblik, poti~u jo{ iz klasi~nog gr~kog<br />

perioda kada su slu`ile za merewe kratkih<br />

vremenskih intervala. Kod Rimqana je<br />

upotrebqavana u sudnicama, radi ograni~avawa<br />

vremena izlagawa govornika, u<br />

was exported to Pannonia, Lower Moesia and<br />

Dacia. Although local terra sigillata lagged<br />

behind imported terra sigillata, <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

craftsmen were known for skilfulness and inventiveness<br />

in decoration. The repertory of decorative<br />

motifs is comprised of a total of 290 different<br />

symbols, which appear in a large number of<br />

combinations.<br />

Although significantly scarcer, through<br />

the unique stylistic organization of their ornaments,<br />

the finds of glazed vessels imply<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> workshop production. The most<br />

original product of this workshop is a glazed<br />

95 Lj. Bjelajac, Terra sigillata, 143-147, 173-175, Svet merewa,<br />

odgovorni urednik D. Srejovi}, Beograd 1995, 83, kat.<br />

017.<br />


130<br />

107. Klepsidra - vodeni sat, prva polovina II veka<br />

Clepsydra water-clock, first half of a 2 nd century

108. Kerami~ka patera, kraj II - prva polovina III veka<br />

Ceramic pathera, end of 2 nd - first half of a 3 rd century<br />


109. Kerami~ka kasica, II-IV vek<br />

Ceramic casket, 2 nd -4 th century<br />

medicini za merewe pulsa bolesnika, a<br />

bila je i u svakodnevnoj, ku}noj upotrebi<br />

(sl. 107). 95<br />

Viminacijumsku kerami~ku produkciju<br />

karakteri{e i jedna posebna grupa<br />

kerami~kih posuda, koje svojim oblicima<br />

predstavqaju vernu imitaciju formi tera<br />

sigilata posuda (tzv. <strong>Viminacium</strong>-Margum<br />

II). Visokim tehnolo{kim i umetni~kim<br />

kvalitetom, ove posude prevazilaze produkciju<br />

mnogih provincijskih radionica.<br />

Dekorativni motivi na posudama su mitolo{kog,<br />

figuralnog i vegetabilnog karaktera.<br />

Izdvaja se patera sa erotskom scenom<br />

na dnu, koja se datuje krajem II i u prvu<br />

polovinu III veka (sl. 108). 96<br />

vessel decorated with relief, a clepsèdra or<br />

water clock, dated to the first half of the 2 nd century.<br />

At the bottom of the vessel are a number<br />

of small openings laid out like the holes on a<br />

shower head and, at the top of the pipe-like handle,<br />

also, an opening. A clepsydra is a timepiece<br />

which can consistently measure a time period.<br />

The periods it shows are the following: 180 seconds<br />

if six openings at the bottom are closed and<br />

the water flows through only one opening, and<br />

30 seconds if all seven holes are left open. The<br />

term “clepsydra“ and the shape of a clepsydra<br />

date as far back as the Classical Greek period,<br />

when it served for measuring short intervals of<br />

time. The Romans used it in courtrooms, in order<br />

to limit the time a speaker was allowed to speak,<br />

in medicine, for taking the patient’s pulse, and it<br />

95 Lj. Bjelajac, Terra sigillata, 143-147, 173-175, Svet merewa,<br />

odgovorni urednik D. Srejovi}, Beograd 1995, 83, kat.<br />

017.<br />

96 V. Ivani{evi}, S. Nikoli}-Djordjevi}, Novi tragovi anti~kih fortifikacija<br />

u Singidunumu- lokalitet Knez Mihajlova 30,<br />

SINGIDVNVM, 1, Beograd 1997, 110, 112.<br />

96 V. Ivanisevic, S. Nikolic-Djordjevic, Novi tragovi antickih fortifikacija<br />

u Singidunumu- lokalitet Knez Mihajlova 30, SINGIDVN-<br />

VM, 1, Beograd 1997, 110, 112.<br />


110. Kerami~ki pehar, III - IV vek<br />

Ceramic cup, 3 rd -4 th century<br />

Kerami~ke posude za svakodnevnu<br />

upotrebu su najbrojnije, a odlikuje ih<br />

raznovrstnost formi koje su standardne za<br />

~itavu teritoriju Carstva: kr~azi, tawiri,<br />

zdele, lonci, pitosi, mortarijumi,<br />

amfore i dr. Karakteri{e ih solidna<br />

izrada od crveno pe~ene, sive ili beli-<br />

~aste gline, uz primenu razli~itih dekorativnih<br />

tehnika. Zastupqeno je bojewe,<br />

barbotin, urezivawe i aplicirawe, `igosawe<br />

i dr. Paralelno sa lokalnom produkcijom,<br />

traje i import luksuzne robe iz zapadnih<br />

oblasti Carstva (sl. 110). U okviru<br />

grn~arsko-ciglarskog centra, u kerami-<br />

~kim pe}ima i otpadnim jamama oko wih,<br />

otkrivena je ve}a koli~ina loptastih<br />

amfora, koja dokazuje da je ovo, za sada,<br />

jedino sigurno, potvr|ena organizovana<br />

kerami~ka proizvodwa, koja je ukqu~ivala<br />

i produkciju amfora. Amfore su<br />

iskqu~ivo kori{}ene za transport namirnica,<br />

a na osnovu porekla pojedinih tipova<br />

i wihovog sadr`aja, dobijeni su osnovni<br />

was also in daily use in the home (figure 107). 95<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> pottery production is also<br />

characterized by a special group of ceramic vessels,<br />

which in their shape were accurate imitations<br />

of terra sigillata vessels (the so-called<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>-Margum II). With their high technological<br />

and artistic quality, these vessels outshined<br />

the produce of many provincial workshops.<br />

The decorative motifs on the vessels were<br />

mythological, figural and floral in character.<br />

Outstanding is a patera with an erotic scene at<br />

the bottom, which is dated to the end of the 2 nd<br />

century or to the beginning of the 3 rd century<br />

(figure 108). 96<br />

Ceramic vessels for daily use are the<br />

most numerous and they are characterized by a<br />

variety of forms, which are standard for the<br />

entire territory of the Empire: jugs, plates, bowls,<br />

pots, pithoi, mortars, amphorae etc. They are<br />

characterized by solid making of red-burnt, grey<br />

97 Lj. Bjelajac, Amfore gornjomezijskog Podunavlja, Beograd 1996,<br />

109-114.<br />


134<br />

111. Kerami~ke posude, I-VI vek, Narodni muzej Po`arevac<br />

Ceramic vessels, 1 st -6 th century, National museum Po`arevac

112. Venera, terakota, II-III vek<br />

Venus, terra-cotta, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

113. Kerami~ka maska, II-III vek<br />

Ceramic mask, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

ekonomski pokazateqi i u velikoj meri<br />

rekonstruisani putevi trgovine re-<br />

{avaju}i problem snabdevawa ove oblasti<br />

od I-VI v. 97<br />

Krajem I veka, u Viminacijum su<br />

po~eli da pristi`u proizvodi iz Severne<br />

Italije (vino), a ne{to kasnije sosovi i<br />

maslinovo uqe sa Iberijskog poluostrva,<br />

97 Lj. Bjelajac, Amfore gornjomezijskog Podunavlja, Beograd<br />

1996, 109-114.<br />

or white clay, with various decorative techniques<br />

being used. Among the used techniques were:<br />

colouring, barbotine, incising and adding,<br />

impressing etc. Alongside local production, luxury<br />

goods were being imported from Western<br />

parts of the Empire (figure 110). A large number<br />

of spherical amphorae were found on the site<br />

of the pottery/brickmaking centre, in the potter’s<br />

kilns and waste storage holes and around them,<br />

which proves that this is, so far, the only indisputably<br />

proven organized ceramic production<br />

facility which included the production of<br />


114. Igra~ka, II-III vek<br />

Toy, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

tropsko vo}e iz zapadnomediteranskih<br />

oblasti, a od sredine II veka vino sa gr~kih<br />

ostrva.Tokom III i IV veka iz Male Azije se<br />

uvoze vino i uqani balzami, a u VI veku<br />

vino i balzami iz Sirije i Palestine. Jo{<br />

tokom III veka uspostavqene su redovne<br />

trgova~ke veze sa Crnomorskim oblastima,<br />

odakle pristi`u `ito, vino i maslinovo<br />

uqe. Krajem III i u IV veku registruje se<br />

import vina, maslinovog uqa i ribqih<br />

prera|evina iz Afrike (Egipta i<br />

Tunisa). 98<br />

Znatan deo kerami~ke produkcije<br />

pripada izradi terakota koje su u ve}em<br />

broju nala`ene na `rtvenim povr{inama<br />

ju`nih nekropola Viminacijuma, u funkciamphorae.<br />

Amphorae were exclusively used for<br />

transporting provisions and, based on the origin<br />

of certain types and on their contents, basic economic<br />

indicators have been obtained and trade<br />

and supply routes for this region in the period<br />

from the 1 st -4 th centuries have been determined. 97<br />

At the end of the 1 st century, north Italian<br />

produce started arriving in <strong>Viminacium</strong> (wine),<br />

and, somewhat later, sauces and olive oil from<br />

the Iberian peninsula, tropical fruit from the<br />

western Mediterranean, and, from the mid-2 nd<br />

century, wine from the Greek islands. During the<br />

3 rd and 4 th centuries, wine and oil balm started<br />

being imported from Asia Minor and wine and<br />

balm from Syria and Palestine. Permanent trad-<br />

98 Ibid,103-114.<br />

98 Ibid,103-114.<br />

99 Q. Zotovi}, ^. Jordovi}, op. cit; 28-29.<br />


115. Zve~ka, II-III vek<br />

Rattle, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

116. Kalup za `i`ak, II-III vek<br />

Lamp mould, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

ji apotropejske `rtve pokojniku, bilo da je<br />

izra`ena kroz lik bo`anstva ili putem<br />

wegovog zoomorfnog simbola. 99 Osim kultne,<br />

imale su {iroku namenu i u svakodnevnom<br />

`ivotu. Raznovrsni motivi se mogu<br />

grupisati u: religiozno-kultne, zoomorfne,<br />

teme iz svakodnevng `ivota i igra~ke.<br />

Plinije navodi da su bogati roditeqi<br />

pravili prave male zoolo{ke vrtove svojoj<br />

deci ili zbirke `ivotiwa. Na lokalnu<br />

viminacijumsku produkciju terakota znatan<br />

uticaj je izvr{io import iz Galije i<br />

Rajnske oblasti. 100<br />

Kao najve}i kerami~ki centar u<br />

Gorwoj Meziji, Viminacijum je imao i vrlo<br />

razvijenu produkciju lampi (`i`aka).<br />

Najsna`niji dokaz za ovu tvrdwu preding<br />

relations with the Black Sea region had been<br />

established as early as the 3 rd century, and wheat,<br />

wine and olive oil were imported from there.<br />

Wine, olive oil and fisheries products imports<br />

from Africa (Egypt and Tunisia) were registered<br />

at the end of the 3 rd and in the 4 th century. 98<br />

A considerable portion of the pottery production<br />

was the making of terracotta objects,<br />

found in large numbers on the sacrificial surfaces<br />

of the southern necropolises of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, with<br />

the function of an apotropaic sacrifice to the<br />

deceased, either expressed through a depiction of<br />

the deity or through its zoomorphic symbol. 99<br />

99 Q. Zotovi}, ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 28,29.<br />

100 A. Premk, Terra-Cotta Animal Figurines from <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLV-XLVI, 1994/1995, Beograd 1995, 143-154.<br />

100 A. Premk, Terra-Cotta Animal Figurines from <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLV-XLVI, 1994/1995, Beograd 1995, 143-154.<br />

101 ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 98, 105.<br />


117. Kerami~ke lampe, II-III vek<br />

Ceramic lamps, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

stavqaju nalazi kalupa sa pe~atima majstora<br />


OCTAVI) u kerami~kim pe}ima grn~arskociglarskog<br />

centra, koji je bio u funkciji<br />

tokom II i III veka. 101 Osim toga, istovetan<br />

kvalitet gline od koje su izra|ivane lampe<br />

i kerami~ke posude ukazuje na isti<br />

radioni~ki krug.<br />

Prvi importovani primerci lampi<br />

poti~u iz vremena Vespazijana (69-79. g.) i<br />

vezuju se za severnoitalske radionice koje<br />

su, osim kerami~kih, proizvodile i luksuzne<br />

metalne lampe.<br />

Relativno rano, krajem I i po~etkom<br />

II veka, sa organizacijom kerami~arske<br />

produkcije, zapo~iwe i proizvodwa lampi,<br />

koje nastaju po uzoru na importovane<br />

101 ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 98, 105.<br />

Apart from their religious use, they were widely<br />

used in daily life. The various motifs can be<br />

grouped into: religious, zoomorphic, everyday<br />

life themes and toys. Plinius states that well-todo<br />

parents had entire miniature zoological gardens<br />

or animal figurine collections made for their<br />

children. Imports from Gallia and the Rhine<br />

region exerted a significant influence on the local<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> terracotta production. 100<br />

As the largest centre of ceramics production<br />

in Upper Moesia, <strong>Viminacium</strong> also had a<br />

very well-developed production of lamps. The<br />

strongest piece of evidence for this are the finds<br />

of moulds with workshop marks (CARIA, CERE-<br />

ALIS, FORTIS, FESTI, OCTAVI) in the kilns of<br />

the pottery and brickmaking centre, which functioned<br />

during the 2 nd and 3 rd centuries. 101 Aside<br />

from this, the identical quality of the clay that<br />

the lamps and ceramic vessels were made of<br />

indicates the same manufacturing circle.<br />

The first lamp imports date from the time<br />


118. @i`ak sa Silenom, II vek<br />

Lamp with Sillenus, 2 nd century<br />

119. Kerami~ke lampe, II-IV vek<br />

Ceramic lamps, 2 nd -4 th century<br />


primerke sa pe~atima severnoitalskih<br />

majstora i figuralne lampe kao jeftinija<br />

varijanta metalnih (sl. 117, 118).<br />

Glavne odlike viminacijumske produkcije<br />

su kreativnost i ma{tovitost u<br />

ukra{avawu dokumentovane velikim brojem<br />

dekorativnih motiva i wihovih kombinacija.<br />

Zastupqeni su mitolo{ki i profani<br />

likovi, predmeti kultnog i profanog<br />

karaktera, maske, zoomorfni, vegetabilni<br />

i geometrijski motivi, `anr scene i dr. U<br />

tipolo{kom i hronolo{kom smislu, viminacijumska<br />

zbirka lampi, jedna je od najbogatijih<br />

i najzna~ajnijih, jer je najve}im<br />

delom datovana novcima iz grobnih celina.<br />

U velikom broju su zastupqene lampe sa<br />

pe~atom, reqefnim predstavama na disku i<br />

figuralne. O razgranatim trgova~kim<br />

vezama i intenzivnoj lokalnoj produkciji<br />

najvi{e govori podatak da su na<br />

Viminacijumu ostavile traga 82 firme<br />

(radionice), od ~ega se 43 mogu smatrati<br />

viminacijumskim, a 34 pripada severnoitalskoj<br />

produkciji. Analiza viminacijumskih<br />

lampi je u velikoj meri korigovala<br />

dosada{wa hronolo{ka i tipolo{ka opredeqewa,<br />

a izdvojen je i poseban, tzv. „ viminacijumski“<br />

tip. 102<br />

Zbirka lampi broji oko 4100<br />

primeraka, {to je pored kvalitativnih i<br />

tipolo{kih karakteristika, svrstava u<br />

najbrojniju zbirku lampi na teritoriji<br />

Rimskog carstva.<br />

of Vespasian (years 69-79) and are associated<br />

with northern Italic workshops, which, apart<br />

from ceramic lamps, also produced luxury metal<br />

ones.<br />

Relatively early on, at the end of the 1 st<br />

and the beginning of the 2 nd century, production<br />

of lamps began too, modelled on imported items<br />

bearing marks of northern Italic workshops and<br />

on figural lamps as cheaper variants of metal<br />

ones (figures 117 and 118).<br />

Creativity and imaginativeness in decoration,<br />

documented by a large number of ornamental<br />

motifs and combinations thereof, are the<br />

main characteristics of the <strong>Viminacium</strong> production.<br />

Mythological or religious and secular characters<br />

and objects were used, as well as masks,<br />

zoomorphic, floral and geometrical motifs, genre<br />

scenes etc. Typologically and chronologically,<br />

the <strong>Viminacium</strong> lamp collection is among the<br />

richest and most important ones, as it has most-<br />

120. Kerami~ke lampe, III-IV vek<br />

Ceramic lamps, 3 rd -4 th century<br />

102 Sve lampe sa Viminacijuma obradio je u svojoj doktorskoj<br />

tezi koja nije publikovana M. Kora}, @i{ci<br />

sa teritorije Viminacijuma, Beograd 1995.<br />

102 All <strong>Viminacium</strong> lamps have been examined in M. Korac’s doctoral<br />

thesis, which was never published: M. Korac, @i{ci sa teritorije<br />

Viminacijuma, Beograd 1995.<br />


Sude}i po rasprostrawenosti<br />

opeka, sa `igom legije VII Claudia,<br />

najzna~ajniji udeo u eksportu viminacijumske<br />

privrede imali su proizvodi<br />

ciglarskih radionica. Viminacijumske<br />

opeke se nalaze na teritoriji ~itave<br />

Mezije, ali i Panonije, {to ukazuje na<br />

dobro organizovanu proizvodwu, trgovinu<br />

i postojan kvalitet, koji su lokalni majstori<br />

odr`ali tokom kontinuirane<br />

proizvodwe od I-IV v. Izuzetno bogata i<br />

kvalitetna glini{ta, blizina reka, bogatstvo<br />

{umom, kao i razvijena saobra}ajna<br />

mre`a, predstavqali su osnovu<br />

pokreta~kog razvoja ciglarske industrije.<br />

Dosada{wim arheolo{kim istra-<br />

`ivawima otkriveno je 14 ciglarskih<br />

pe}i. Od tog broja, 3 su otkrivene prily<br />

been dated by the presence of coins from<br />

graves. Lamps with marks, with disc reliefs or<br />

figural lamps are present in large numbers. The<br />

fact that 82 workshops have left their trace in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, out of which 43 can be considered<br />

to have been <strong>Viminacium</strong> workshops, while 34<br />

belonged to northern Italic production, speaks<br />

most vividly of development levels of trading<br />

connections at the time and of the intensity of<br />

local production. Analysis of <strong>Viminacium</strong> lamps<br />

brought significant corrections to previous<br />

chronological and typological classifications, and<br />

a separate “<strong>Viminacium</strong>“ type of lamp was identified.<br />

102 The lamp collection numbers around<br />

4100 items, which places it among the most<br />

numerous collections of lamps in the territory of<br />

the Roman Empire, regardless of its qualitative<br />

and typological characteristics.<br />

121.<br />


121 a..<br />

likom gra|evinskih radova u Novom<br />

Kostolcu 1956. g., a 11 tokom za{titnih<br />

istra`ivawa u periodu od 1977-1992. g. U<br />

okviru zanatskog, grn~arsko-ciglarskog<br />

centra istra`ene su 3 pe}i koje su, sude}i<br />

po popravkama, bile dugo u upotrebi. U jednoj<br />

od wih, registrovani su fragmenti<br />

hipokausnih opeka, tegula i opeka sa<br />

`igovima LEG VII CL, {to dokazuje da se<br />

radi o vojnoj radionici. Dosada{wi nalazi<br />

pe}i i ra{irenost viminacijumske opeke<br />

koja je u gra|evinarstvu kori{}ena sve do<br />

savremnog doba, svrstavaju Viminacijum u<br />

jedan od najve}ih, ako ne i najve}i, ciglarski<br />

centar na Balkanu i u Podunavqu. U<br />

wemu su proizvo|ene opeke razli~itih<br />

dimenzija i oblika: opeke za zidawe,<br />

kvadratne za stubi}e, lu~ne i kru`ne za<br />

segmente stubova, opeke sa ispustima<br />

(no`icama), za oblagawe zidova i sprovo|ewe<br />

toplog vazduha, krovne-tegule i<br />

wihove spojnice-imbreksi, vodovodne cevi<br />

i minijaturene podne opeke, naj~e{}e heksagonalnog<br />

ili leptirastog oblika.<br />

Judging by how widespread bricks bearing<br />

the mark of legion VII Claudia are, we can<br />

conclude that brickmaking products were the key<br />

export of <strong>Viminacium</strong>’s economy. <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

bricks are encountered throughout Moesia and<br />

Pannonia, which testifies to well-organized production,<br />

trade and to a constancy of quality during<br />

the whole period of production, from the 1 st -<br />

4 th century. The exceptionally rich clay deposits,<br />

the proximity of rivers, the large forests and the<br />

developed communications network acted as<br />

the basis for development of brickmaking industry.<br />

Previous archaeological excavations have<br />

uncovered 14 brickmaking kilns. Out of this<br />

number, 3 were discovered during construction<br />

works in Novi Kostolac in the year 1956, and 11<br />

during the conservational activities in the period<br />

from the year 1977 to 1992. Three kilns within<br />

the pottery and brickmaking centre have been<br />

examined. Judging by the visible traces of<br />

repairs, these were used for a long time.<br />

Fragments of hypocaust bricks, tiles and bricks<br />


121 b.<br />

121 - 121 a,b. Opeke iz Viminacijuma, I-IV vek<br />

Bricks from <strong>Viminacium</strong>, 1 st -4 th century.<br />

Najstarija ciglarska pe} poti~e s<br />

kraja I veka. Periodu II i III veka pripadaju<br />

pe}i u okviru zanatskog centra, dok su sve<br />

ostale iz perioda III-IV veka. 103 Period II-<br />

III veka je ujedno i period najve}eg graditeqskog<br />

zamaha i urbanizacije, pri ~emu su<br />

iziskivane velike koli~ine gra|evinskog<br />

materijala. Izgradwa utvr|ewa, naseqa,<br />

wegovo {irewe, kao i konstantne popravke,<br />

rezultirale su kontinuiranom produkcijom,<br />

najpre vojnih, a zatim gradskih<br />

i privatnih radionica. Za sada, nisu potvr-<br />

|ene carske radionice. Nalazi opeka sa<br />

pe~atom legije VII Claudia u utvr|ewima<br />

dunavskog limesa ukazuju na proizvodwu<br />

ove legije ili wenih odeqewa stacioniranih<br />

u tim oblastima. 104<br />

bearing the mark LEG VII CL (which suggests it<br />

was a military workshop) have been found in<br />

one of the kilns. Judging by the previous finds<br />

of kilns and the territory in which <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

bricks, have been found, which continue to be<br />

used until the present day, have been found,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> was among the largest brickmaking<br />

centres, if not the largest, in the Balkans and<br />

along the Danube. Bricks varying in shape and<br />

size were produced here: building bricks, squareshaped<br />

ones for posts, arched and circular ones<br />

for segments of pillars, bricks with outlets, wallcoating<br />

and insulation bricks, tiles (tegulae) and<br />

parts which connected them - imbrices (raintiles),<br />

water-supply pipes and miniature floor<br />

tiles, mostly hexagonal or butterfly-shaped.<br />

The oldest brickmaking kiln was late 1st<br />

103 ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 98, 105<br />

104 M. Mirkovic, Rimski gradovi, 140,141.<br />

103 ^. Jordovi}, op. cit., 98, 105<br />

104 M. Mirkovic, Rimski gradovi, 140,141.<br />


122. Zanatski centar, (ciglarska pe})<br />

Workshops, (brick kiln)<br />

Iz Viminacijuma poti~e preko 200<br />

razli~itih pe~ata koji potvr|uju vojnu,<br />

gradsku i privatnu produkciju. Dominiraju<br />

pe~ati legije VII Claudia u razli~itim<br />

kombinacijama. Iz Viminacijuma poti~e i<br />

veliki broj opeka sa `igovima privatnih<br />

radionica: VAL. SEV., P. AEL. SEV., STATES,<br />



dr. 105 Ti pe~ati su ne samo znak<br />

radioni~kog prepoznavawa, ve} i garancija<br />

odre|enog kvaliteta. Veoma su ~este<br />

geometrijske {are, urezani simboli,<br />

ostaci `ivotiwskih {apa, ma{toviti<br />

century. The kilns in the crafts centre belong to<br />

the period of the 2 nd -3 rd centuries, while the rest<br />

are from the period of the 3 rd -4 th centuries. 103<br />

The period of the 2 nd -3 rd centuries was also the<br />

period of the greatest building and city-planning<br />

upswing, which meant demand of large quantities<br />

of building material. The construction of the<br />

fortifications, of the settlement, its expansion<br />

and constant repairs resulted in continuous production,<br />

at first in military and later in privately<br />

owned workshops. So far, there has been no confirmation<br />

of an existence of imperial workshops<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. The finds of bricks bearing the<br />

mark of legion VII Claudia in the fortifications<br />

105 Ibid, 141.<br />

105 Ibid, 141.<br />


122 a. Zanatski centar<br />

Workshops<br />

urezi izvedeni prstom u sve`oj glini (sl.<br />

121 a-b). Wihova funkcija je prakti~na:<br />

proveravan je stepen isu{enosti i spremnosti<br />

opeka za pe~ewe, ili se to ~inilo da<br />

bi opeka boqe vezala malter. Samo otiskivawe<br />

i izrada pe~ata je vrlo zahtevan<br />

posao, a broj pe~ata registrovanih u<br />

Viminacijumu ukazuje na vrlo ve{te gravere.<br />

Pe~ati su izra|ivani od drveta,<br />

kamena ili metala {to je, naravno, uticalo<br />

na o{trinu i konture slova.<br />

Istra`ene pe}i su ~etvrtastog ili<br />

pravouganog oblika, dimenzija osnove 4-5<br />

m. Zidane su u kombinaciji }erpi~a, opeka<br />

i tegula a malterisane blatom. Sastoje se<br />

od: lo`i{ta (praefurnium) zasvedenog<br />

opekama, sistema kanala i re{etke.<br />

of the Danube limes point to the production of<br />

this legion or of its parts stationed in those<br />

regions. 104<br />

Over 200 various brick marks confirming<br />

military, municipal and private production, originated<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. Marks of legion VII<br />

Claudia predominate in various combinations. A<br />

large number of bricks with the marks of private<br />

workshops also come from <strong>Viminacium</strong>: VAL.<br />



RIA, AVRELIVS CORBINVS etc. 105 These marks<br />

were not merely an identification of the workshop<br />

a brick was made in, but were also a quality<br />

guarantee. Geometric motifs, carved symbols,<br />

animal footprints and imaginative finger-drawn<br />

motifs in soft clay were very common (figure121<br />


122 b. Ciglarska pe} (zanatski centar)<br />

Brick kiln (Workshops)<br />

Re{etka je zidana od opeka sa otvorima za<br />

strujawe toplog vazduha u gorwi prostor<br />

pe}i, gde su bile, po posebnom sistemu,<br />

pore|ane sirove opeke. Spoqni i unutra{wi<br />

deo pe}i gra|en je }erpi~em koji je<br />

premazan blatom. Lo`i{te se nalazi<br />

ukopano u zemqu, a deo za opeke, iznad<br />

zemqe.<br />

Sve dosada{we pe}i su otkrivene<br />

izvan gradskih bedema (extra muros), {to su<br />

nalagali rimski gradski propisi. Kao<br />

kabasta roba, opeke su prodavane na samim<br />

ciglanama, odakle su re~nim putevima<br />

transportovane, na mezijsko tr`i{te ili<br />

daqe.<br />

a-b). Their function was practical: they were an<br />

indicator of if a brick was dry and ready for<br />

burning, or they helped bind the brick to the<br />

mortar. Impressing a mark and making the stamp<br />

was a very demanding task, and the mere number<br />

of brick marks in <strong>Viminacium</strong> points to very<br />

skilled engravers. The stamps used for marking<br />

were made of wood, stone or metal, on which,<br />

surely, the sharpness of the letter contours<br />

depended.<br />

The examined kilns are square or rectangular<br />

in shape and the dimensions of their bases<br />

were 4-5m. They were made of a combination of<br />

unbaked bricks, bricks and tiles, which were held<br />

together by mud. They consisted of: the firebox<br />

(praefurnium), arched by bricks, a system of<br />

canals and a system of slots. This structure was<br />

made of bricks and allowed air to circulate<br />


Lokalna kovnica novca<br />

The local mint

Dobijawem statusa kolonije, 239. g.<br />

za vreme Gordijana III, Viminacijum je<br />

stekao pravo da kuje svoj bakarni novac.<br />

Razlozi za otvarawe kovnice lokalne monete<br />

su vi{estruki; Viminacijum se razvijao<br />

u bogatoj oblasti nedaleko od rudnika a<br />

geografski, politi~ko-strate{ki i<br />

ekonomski zna~aj Viminacijuma u~inio je<br />

da su se u wemu, sredinom III veka, nalazile<br />

najboqe rimske trupe. Doga|aji na mezijskom<br />

delu dunavskog limesa ~esto su imali<br />

dramati~ne tokove. Redovno pla}awe<br />

vojske poreme}eno je nesta{icom dr`avnog<br />

novca koja se ose}ala na tlu dunavskih<br />

provincija. Trebalo je hitno finansijski<br />

intervenisati i organizovati kovnicu u<br />

neposrednoj blizini zbivawa.<br />

Lokalna kovnica novca u Viminacijumu<br />

je radila od 239/240. do 254/255. g.<br />

Do prekida je do{lo u 248/249. i 253/254. g.,<br />

verovatno, zbog ote`anog snabdevawa<br />

kovnice rudom, koje su izazvali nestabilni<br />

vojnopoliti~ki doga|aji. 106<br />

Viminacijumski novac nosi na<br />

reversu natpis: P (rovincia) M (oesia) S (uperior),<br />

Col (onia) Vim (inacium), a u ise~ku An (no)<br />

i broj lokalne ere, koja te~e od I do XVI,<br />

izuzimaju}i godine X i XV, kada se nije<br />

kovalo. Na reversu je po pravilu predstavqena<br />

`enska figura obu~ena u dugu<br />

opasanu haqinu (personifikacija Viminacijuma<br />

ili provincije), kako dr`i ruke<br />

nad bikom i lavom, simbolima legije VII<br />

Claudia i IIII Flavia, koje su bile stacionirane<br />

u Meziji. Na aversu se nalaze biste<br />

between the firebox and the upper part of the<br />

kiln, where unbaked bricks were laid according<br />

to a special pattern. Both the inside and<br />

the outside of the kiln were built with<br />

unbaked bricks and covered with a mud coating.<br />

The firebox was dug into the ground, while the<br />

brick part was above the ground.<br />

Up to now, all the kilns were discovered<br />

outside the city walls (extra muros), which was<br />

a stipulation of Roman municipal legislation.<br />

Being bulky freight, bricks were sold in the brick<br />

plant proper, from where they were shipped by<br />

river, into the Moesian market or further.<br />

106 B. Bori}-Bre{kovi}, Novac kolonije Viminacijum u<br />

zbirci Svetozara St. Du{ani}a, Beograd 1976, 8-23.<br />

106 B. Bori}-Bre{kovi}, Novac kolonije Viminacijum u<br />

zbirci Svetozara St. Du{ani}a, Beograd 1976, 8-23.<br />


150<br />

123. Kovnica Viminacijum, Gordijan III (238.-244. g.)<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> mint, Gordian III (A.D. 238-244)

124. Kovnica Viminacijum , Kvint (249.-251. g.) i Etruscila<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> mint, Quintus (A.D. 260-261) and Etruscilla<br />


125. Kovnica Viminacijum, Trebonijan Gal (251.-253. g.)<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> mint, Trebonianus Gallus (A.D. 251-253)<br />

careva i ~lanova vladarske ku}e okrenute<br />

nadesno, sa lovorovim vencem (velika i<br />

mala bronza), ili zrakastom krunom na<br />

glavi (sredwa bronza).<br />

Pored Gordijana III, u Viminacijumu<br />

su jo{ kovali: Filip I, Otacilija, Filip<br />

II, Decije Trajan, Etruscila, Decije II,<br />

Kvint, Herenije Etrusk, Hostilijan,<br />

Trebonijan Gal, Voluzijan, Emilijan,<br />

Valerijan, Marinijana i Galijen .<br />

Glavne odlike viminacijumskog<br />

kovawa su brojnost izdawa i {irina<br />

wihovog opticajnog dometa. Cirkulacija<br />

viminacijumske monete zabele`ena je na<br />

teritoriji van Gorwe Mezije: u Panoniji,<br />

Dalmaciji i Dakiji. Tehni~ki i umetni~ki<br />

kvalitet oscilira, zavisno od godine<br />

kovawa. Generalno se mo`e re}i da su<br />

graveri bili dobri majstori, a odlikuje ih<br />

When it was promoted into a colony,<br />

in the year 239, during the reign of Gordian III,<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> acquired the right to mint its own<br />

copper money. There were multiple reasons for<br />

opening a mint for a local currency; <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

was developing in a rich area, in the vicinity of<br />

mines and its geographical, political, strategic<br />

and economic importance in the mid-3 rd century<br />

brought some of the best Roman troops to<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>. Events often took dramatic twists<br />

along the Moesian section of the Danube limes.<br />

A shortage of the state currency in the Danube<br />


upotreba brojnih kalupa za kovawe, {to je<br />

rezultiralo ikonografskim bogatstvom.<br />

Viminacijumska produkcija se izdvaja u<br />

masi provincijalnih kovawa, naro~ito<br />

precizno{}u hronolo{kih podataka koje<br />

pru`aju oznake lokalne ere. V. Kondi} smatra<br />

da su osnovni ton proizvodwi davali<br />

majstori iz Rima. 107<br />

Op{te siroma{ewe Carstva, politi~ka<br />

nestabilnost i sve ~e{}i upadi<br />

Varvara, uticali su na kraj kovawa<br />

kovnice u Viminacijumu. Kovnicu je zatvorio<br />

Galijen 254/255. g. Op{ta dru{tvenopoliti~ka<br />

situacija u~inila je nerentabilnim<br />

svako izdavawe gradskog novca.<br />

U Viminacijumu su od 248. g. kovani<br />

i antoninijani za Filipa I, potom za uzurpatora<br />

Pakacijana, Trajana Decija,<br />

Trebonijana Gala, Voluzijana i Emilijana.<br />

Otvarawe carske kovnice u Viminacijumu<br />

sasvim je logi~no u kontekstu<br />

{ire dru{tveno-politi~ke i ekonomske<br />

situacije. Viminacijum je posedovao organizacionu<br />

i kadrovsku bazu formiranu 239.<br />

g. kovawem u bakru. Kovawe novca predstavqa<br />

slo`en i komplikovan aparat,<br />

povezan sa tehnolo{kom obradom rude i<br />

wenom pripremom za kovawe. Sa dugom<br />

tradicijom u proizvodwi i preradi rude,<br />

osnovima kovni~ke tehnike i obu~enim<br />

stru~wacima (reza~i kalupa), Viminacijum<br />

je bio najboqi izbor. 108<br />

provinces was causing disruptions in the rhythm<br />

with which the troops received their wages.<br />

There was a need for urgent intervention, which<br />

meant setting up a mint in the immediate vicinity<br />

of the happenings.<br />

The local <strong>Viminacium</strong> mint operated<br />

from the year 239/240 to 254/255. There were<br />

interruptions in the years 248/249 and 253/254,<br />

proba- bly due to hindrances in ore supplies<br />

to the mint, caused by an unstable military and<br />

political situation. 106<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> coins bore the following<br />

inscriptions on the reverse side: P (rovincia) M<br />

(oesia) S (uperior), Col (onia) Vim (inacium),<br />

and, below: An (no) and the number of the local<br />

era, from I to XVI, excluding the years X and<br />

XV, when no minting took place. As a rule, the<br />

reverse featured the motif of a female clad in a<br />

long dress with a belt (a personification of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> or the Province), holding her hands<br />

over a bull and a lion, the symbols of legions<br />

VII Claudia and IIII Flavia, both of which were<br />

stationed in Moesia. The obverse featured the<br />

busts of emperors and members of the ruling<br />

house facing right, wearing a laurel wreath<br />

(large-sized and small-sized bronze coins) or a<br />

radial crown on their heads (middle-sized bronze<br />

coins).<br />

Aside from Gordian III, the following<br />

rulers also minted coins in <strong>Viminacium</strong>: Philip I,<br />

Otacilia, Philip II, Trajan Decius, Etruscilla,<br />

Decius II, Quintus, Herennius Etruscus,<br />

Hostilian, Trebonian Gallus, Volusian, Aemilian,<br />

Valerian, Mariniana and Gallienus.<br />

107 V. Kondic, Beogradski nalaz denara i antoninijana, Beograd 1969,<br />

54.<br />

108 Ibid, 47-65.<br />

107 V. Kondic, Beogradski nalaz denara i antoninijana, Beograd 1969,<br />

54.<br />

108 Ibid, 47-65.<br />


Medicina<br />


Teritorija Viminacijuma ima<br />

tradiciju medicinske za{tite dugu oko<br />

sedam milenijuma. Brojni arheolo{ki<br />

predmeti, po~ev od vin~anske, pa sve do<br />

latenske civilizacije, nesumwiv su dokaz<br />

poznavawa odre|enih lekarskih ve{tina i<br />

brige o zdravqu, koja se`e do najstarijih<br />

civilizacija. 109<br />

The main characteristics of <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

minting are the large number of editions and<br />

their wide circulation. The <strong>Viminacium</strong> currency<br />

was in use outside Upper Moesia: in Pannonia,<br />

Dalmatia and Dacia. Their technical and artistic<br />

quality varies depending on the year of minting.<br />

In general, it can be said that the engravers were<br />

good craftsmen and what characterized them was<br />

126. Medicinsko-kozmeti~ka kutija, II-III vek<br />

Medical-cosmetic box, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

109 D. Jacanovi}, Praistorijski medicinski instrumenti<br />

u Srbiji, ZA ZDRAVQE, iz istorije narodne medicine<br />

i zdravstvene kulture, VIII nau~ni skup Zaje~ar<br />

2001, u {tampi 2002.<br />

109 D. Jacanovi}, Praistorijski medicinski instrumenti<br />

u Srbiji, ZA ZDRAVQE, iz istorije narodne medicine<br />

i zdravstvene kulture, VIII nau~ni skup Zaje~ar<br />

2001, u {tampi 2002.<br />


127. Medicinski instrumenti, I-IV vek<br />

Medical instruments, 1 st -4 th century<br />

Dolazak rimskih legija po~etkom I<br />

veka izazva}e zna~ajne dru{tveno-politi~ke<br />

i socijalne promene koje }e uticati<br />

na sve sfere javnog i privatnog `ivota.<br />

Urbanizacija i kontakti sa razvijenim<br />

dru{tvima znatno podi`u kvalitet `ivota<br />

autohtonog stanovni{tva. Velika dostignu}a<br />

su postignuta na poqu organizovane<br />

zdravstvene za{tite i komunalne<br />

higijene, koja nije odr`avana samo u Rimu,<br />

ve} i svim provincijama Carstva. Dobro<br />

poplo~ane ulice sa razgranatom vodovodnom<br />

i kanalizacionom mre`om ispod, postojawe<br />

javnih kupatila, dokazuju visoke<br />

standarde viminacijumskog stanovni-<br />

{tva. 110 Kao deo novog na~ina `ivota, javna<br />

the use of various minting moulds, which resulted<br />

in iconographic diversity. <strong>Viminacium</strong> production<br />

stands out in a mass of other provincial<br />

coinages, especially by the accuracy of the<br />

chronological data it displays, which specifies the<br />

local era a coin was minted in. According to V.<br />

Kondic’s opinion, this production was crucially<br />

determined by craftsmen from Rome. 107<br />

General impoverishment of the Empire,<br />

political instability and a growing number of<br />

Barbaric incursions caused the <strong>Viminacium</strong> mint<br />

to stop its activity. It was closed down by<br />

Gallienus in the year 254/255. The general sociopolitical<br />

circumstances rendered all municipal<br />

minting unviable.<br />

From 248 onwards, antoninians were<br />

110 Vid. napomenu 14. 110 See note 14.<br />


128.<br />

kupatila zna~ajno uti~u na dru{tveni<br />

`ivot gra|ana. Pose}ivali su ih mu{karci<br />

i `ene, a wihov slo`en sadr`aj, sa gimnasti~kim<br />

dvoranama, toplim i hladnim<br />

kupatilima, pru`ao je mogu}nosti za kompletne<br />

tretmane tela - masa`u, gimnastiku<br />

i kupawe.<br />

Prvi profesionalni lekari u Viminacijumu<br />

se mogu pretpostaviti jo{ u<br />

ranoj fazi osnivawa vojnog logora, sredinom<br />

I veka. U sastavu svake redovne i<br />

pomo}ne jedinice slu`ili su i vojni<br />

lekari. U periodu od kraja I-III veka, kada<br />

Viminacijum izrasta u municipijum, a<br />

zatim koloniju, wihovo prisustvo je sasvim<br />

pouzdano potvr|eno.<br />

Sna`na koncentracija vojske, trgovaca<br />

i rimskih gra|ana, dovodi do {irewa<br />

coined in <strong>Viminacium</strong> for Philip I, later for the<br />

usurper Pacatian, for Trajan Decius, Trebonian<br />

Gallus, Volusian and Aemilian.<br />

The opening of an imperial mint in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> appears quite logical if seen in the<br />

context of the wider socio-political and economic<br />

situation. <strong>Viminacium</strong> possessed an organizational<br />

and personnel basis, which was formed in<br />

239, when copper minting began. Minting is a<br />

demanding activity, as it entails technological<br />

processing of ore and its preparation for coinage.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> was an ideal choice for a minting<br />

centre, as it had a long tradition of ore production<br />

and processing, in basic forging techniques,<br />

as well as trained craftsmen (mould makers). 108<br />


129.<br />

kulta Eskulapa i afirmacije gr~kih<br />

lekara i hirurga, ~iji se rad zasniva na<br />

nau~noj tradiciji. Versku i magijsku medicinu<br />

sa upotrebom amajlija, bajalica, simbola<br />

i nerazumqivih formula, postepeno<br />

potiskuju metode profesionalnih, {kolovanih<br />

lekara.<br />

Za pra}ewe razvoja medicine na teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma, najve}eg gradskog<br />

naseqa u Gorwoj Meziji, od zna~aja su<br />

posredni i neposredni izvori. Kao<br />

posredan izvor koristi se anti~ka istoriografija<br />

i originalni medicinski spisi<br />

koji sadr`e zapa`awa o anatomiji,<br />

fiziologiji, patologiji, farmaceutskoj i<br />

hirur{koj terapiji. Iz rimske istoriografije<br />

su poznati zakoni koji ta~no reguli{u<br />

organizaciju zdravstvene slu`be,<br />

du`nosti i obaveze lekara u vojnoj i civilnoj<br />

upravi. Zakon koji je doneo Avgust<br />

propisuje da svaka legija mora imati pet, a<br />

kohorte jednog lekara. Zakon iz vremena<br />

Antonija Pija (138-161. g.), dozvoqava<br />

The territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong> has a<br />

seven - millennium - long medical tradition.<br />

Numerous archaeological finds, ranging from<br />

Vinca to La Téne civilizations, are an indisputable<br />

proof of the presence of certain medical<br />

skills and health care reaching all the way back<br />

to the most ancient civilizations. 109<br />

The arrival of the Roman troops at the<br />

beginning of the 1 st century caused important<br />

socio-political and social changes, which were to<br />

influence all segments of public and private life.<br />

Urbanization and contact with developed societies<br />

significantly improved the quality of living<br />

of the autochthonous population. There were<br />

great achievements in the fields of organized<br />

health care and communal hygiene, which was<br />

not exclusively restricted to Rome, but was present<br />

in all the provinces of the Empire. The wellpaved<br />

streets with well-developed water supply<br />

and sewerage systems and the existence of public<br />

baths are proof of the high standards of the<br />

inhabitants of <strong>Viminacium</strong>. 110 As part of the new<br />


130<br />

najvi{e pet lekara u malim gradovima,<br />

sedam u sredwim, a najvi{e deset u glavnim<br />

gradovima provincija, kakav je bio i<br />

Viminacijum. 111<br />

Najegzaktniji podaci dobijeni su<br />

putem arheolo{kih istra`ivawa otkri}em<br />

originalnih medicinskih instrumenata,<br />

pe~ata i lekova. Takva otkri}a na<br />

Viminacijumu nisu retka i do sada je publikovano<br />

vi{e pojedina~nih i zatvorenih<br />

(grobnih) celina. 112 Medicinski instrumenti,<br />

pe~ati i lekovi omogu}avaju selekway<br />

of life, public baths exerted an important<br />

influence on the social lives of the population.<br />

They were frequented by men and women, and<br />

their varied amenities, such as gymnasiums and<br />

hot and cold baths offered full body treatments -<br />

massage, physical workout and bathing.<br />

We can expect that the first professional<br />

physicians were present in <strong>Viminacium</strong> during<br />

the early phase of military camp foundation, in<br />

the mid-1 st century. Military physicians were part<br />

of every regular and auxiliary unit. During the<br />

period from the late 1 st -3 rd centuries, when<br />

111 S. Kruni}, Rimski medicinski i farmaceutski<br />

instrumenti iz Singidunuma i okoline, Beograd 1992,<br />

9-14.<br />

112 M. Kora}, Medicus et chirurgus ocularius iz<br />

Viminacijuma, Starinar XXXVII 1986, Beograd 1986;<br />

D. Stupar, Anti~ki lekovi i medicinski instrumenti na tlu<br />

Jugoslavije, Acta hist. med. stom. pharm. med. vet. 2/1,<br />

Beograd 1989, 15-18; M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

et Margum, No 225; D. Spasi}, Anti~ka medicina u<br />

Viminacijumu, ZA ZDRAVQE, iz istorije narodne<br />

medicine i zdravstvene kulture, IV i V nau~ni skup,<br />

Zaje~ar 1989. i 1997., Bor 1999; D. Spasi}-\uri}, Grob<br />

lekara iz Viminacijuma, ZA ZDRAVQE, iz istorije<br />

narodne medicine i zdravstvene kulture, VIII nau~ni<br />

skup, Zaje~ar 2001, Zaje~ar 2002, u {tampi.<br />

111 S. Kruni}, Rimski medicinski i farmaceutski<br />

instrumenti iz Singidunuma i okoline, Beograd 1992,<br />

9-14.<br />

112 M. Kora}, Medicus et chirurgus ocularius iz<br />

Viminacijuma, Starinar XXXVII 1986, Beograd 1986;<br />

D. Stupar, Anti~ki lekovi i medicinski instrumenti na tlu<br />

Jugoslavije, Acta hist. med. stom. pharm. med. vet. 2/1,<br />

Beograd 1989, 15-18; M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

et Margum, No 225; D. Spasi}, Anti~ka medicina u<br />

Viminacijumu, ZA ZDRAVQE, iz istorije narodne<br />

medicine i zdravstvene kulture, IV i V nau~ni skup,<br />

Zaje~ar 1989. i 1997., Bor 1999; D. Spasi}-\uri}, Grob<br />

lekara iz Viminacijuma, ZA ZDRAVQE, iz istorije<br />

narodne medicine i zdravstvene kulture, VIII nau~ni<br />

skup, Zaje~ar 2001, Zaje~ar 2002, u {tampi.<br />


131.<br />

128-131. Grob lekara, medicus et chirurgus ocularius, kraj I - po~etak II veka<br />

Doctors tomb, medicus et chirurgus ocularius, end of a 1 st - beginning of a 2 nd century<br />

tivnu analizu pojedinih grana medicine,<br />

farmacije i farmakologije.<br />

Sa teritorije Viminacijuma pouzdano<br />

je opredeqeno 5 lekarskih grobova.<br />

Cifra se ne mo`e smatrati kona~nom, jer<br />

jo{ uvek nije zavr{ena konzervacija<br />

celokupnog pokretnog materijala sa arheolo{kih<br />

istra`ivawa. U prvom, koji je<br />

datovan u III vek, sahrawen je nepoznati<br />

„ medicus chirurgus VII Claudiae“, zajedno sa<br />

hirur{kim instrumentarijem. Drugi grob<br />

je pored kauterijuma, orsondi i pinceta,<br />

sadr`ao i instrument za trepanaciju. 113 U<br />

tre}em lekarskom grobu na|ena je kutija za<br />

lekove, trodelne konstrukcije sa poklopcem<br />

koji se uvla~io u `qebove. Svaka<br />

od unutra{wih kaseta ima svoj poklopac sa<br />

`i~anom dr{kom fiksiranom za kutiju<br />

{arkama. Na osnovu dosada{wih nalaza sa<br />

teritorije Carstva, opredeqena je u II-III v.<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> became a municipium, and then a<br />

colony, their presence was confirmed with full<br />

reliability.<br />

A strong concentration of troops, merchants<br />

and Roman citizens brought about an<br />

expansion of the cult of Asclepius and an affirmation<br />

of Greek physicians and surgeons, whose<br />

work was based on scientific tradition. Religious<br />

and magical medicine, with the use of charms,<br />

magical spells, symbols and incomprehensible<br />

formulae was gradually driven out by the methods<br />

of educated, professional physicians.<br />

There are indirect and direct sources which<br />

are significant for completing our picture of the<br />

development of medicine in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, the<br />

largest urban settlement in Upper Moesia.<br />

Classical historiography and original medical<br />

writings containing notes on anatomy, physiology,<br />

pathology, pharmaceutical and surgical ther-<br />

113 M. Kora}, Medicus et chirurgus, 53.<br />

113 M. Kora}, Medicus et chirurgus, 53<br />

114 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka medicina u Viminacijumu, 91, 92,<br />

T. I/1.<br />


(sl. 126). 114 U ~etvrtom grobu su se tako|e<br />

nalazili medicinski instrumenti i kutija<br />

za lekove, koja se, najverovatnije, sastojala<br />

iz dva nivoa. Od instrumenata su na|ene<br />

dve sonde, instrument sa radnim delom u<br />

obliku ~eki}a, paleta od kamena, dve<br />

poluge, kao i ve}i kov~e`i}. U kov~e`i}u<br />

je bio sme{ten ~itav instrumentarijum i<br />

kutija sa lekovima. Na osnovu prate}ih<br />

priloga i grobne forme, datovan je u kraj<br />

II i prvu polovinu III veka. 115<br />

Izuzetno zna~ajan nalaz predstavqa<br />

grob lekara - specijaliste za bolesti oka<br />

(medicus et chirurgus ocularius). Grob je, na<br />

osnovu novca, datovan u period pre Galena<br />

(129-199. g.), krajem I i po~etkom II veka.<br />

Lekar je sahrawen sa kompletnim instrumentarijem<br />

i lekovima. Instrumentarij se<br />

sastojao od: ~etiri skalpela, dve igle-kuke<br />

za fiksirawe mi{i}a i tkiva, pincete,<br />

katarakt-igle i poluge. Instrumenti su se<br />

nalazili na poklopcu kutije, a u pregradama<br />

kutije su bili sme{teni medikamenti<br />

kompaktne strukture u formi pastila<br />

(pilula), i u obliku pra{ka. Ispod<br />

kutije sa lekovima, nalazila se mermerna<br />

paleta (sl. 128, 129, 130, 131). Vrsta instrumenta<br />

dokazuje da se radi o o~nom hirurgu<br />

koji je radio vrlo slo`ene operacije na<br />

oku, kao {to su katarakta i trahom. Na to<br />

upu}uje i hemijski sastav lekova, koji su se<br />

koristili za le~ewe zapaqenskih procesa<br />

i posipawe rana. 116 Masovne pojave bolesti<br />

oka potvr|uje i pe~at o~nog lekara (Caius<br />

Iuliius Iunianus), koji je pravio lekove za<br />

trahom na bazi {afrana. 117 Ra{irenost<br />

trahoma, bolesti koja je posledica<br />

vojni~kog na~ina `ivota, razumqiva je u<br />

apy are used as indirect sources. Laws which<br />

strictly regulated the organization of the health<br />

care system and the duties of a physician in military<br />

and civilian service are known from Roman<br />

historiography. A law passed by August prescribed<br />

that each legion had to employ five<br />

physicians, whereas a cohort was obliged to have<br />

one physician. A law from the time of Antonius<br />

Pius ( years 138-161) stipulates that there shall<br />

be no more than five physicians in small towns,<br />

no more than seven in mid-sized ones and no<br />

more than ten in provincial capitals, such as was<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>. 111<br />

The most accurate data was obtained during<br />

archaeological excavations, through the finds<br />

of original medical instruments, stamps and medicines.<br />

Such discoveries were not uncommon in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> and a number of individual and<br />

closed (grave) units have been written about thus<br />

far. 112 Medical instruments, stamps and medicines<br />

allow selective analysis of individual branches of<br />

medicine, pharmacy and pharmacology.<br />

Five physician’s graves have been reliably<br />

dated in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. This number cannot<br />

be considered to be final, as the conservation of<br />

artefact finds uncovered during excavations is<br />

still ongoing. The first grave, dated to the 3 rd<br />

century, belonged to an unknown „medicus<br />

chirurgus VII Claudiae“ and contained surgical<br />

instruments. A second grave, apart from a cauterium,<br />

orsounds and pincers, also contained a<br />

trepanation instrument. 113 A third surgeon’s grave<br />

contained a three-part medicine box with a lid<br />

that fitted into sealing grooves. Each of the inner<br />

compartments had its own lid with a wire handle<br />

hinged to the box. Based on the previous<br />

finds from the territory of the Empire, the box<br />

was dated to the 2 nd -3 rd centuries (figure 126). 114<br />

A fourth grave also contained medical instru-<br />

114 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka medicina u Viminacijumu, 91, 92,<br />

T. I/1.<br />

115 D. Spasi}-\uri}, Grob lekara, ZA ZDRAVQE, u<br />

{tampi.<br />

116 M. Kora}, Medicus et chirurgus, 55-70.<br />

117 M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, No 225<br />

(signum ocularii).<br />

115 D. Spasi}-\uri}, Grob lekara, ZA ZDRAVQE, u<br />

{tampi.<br />

116 M. Kora}, Medicus et chirurgus, 55-70.<br />

117 M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, No 225<br />

(signum ocularii).<br />


Viminacijumu koji je imao sna`nu koncentraciju<br />

vojske.<br />

Zna~ajan nalaz predstavqa i instrument<br />

za trepanaciju, u ve} pomenutom<br />

lekarskom grobu, kao i jedinstveno<br />

otkri}e lobawe sa tragovima trepanacije.<br />

Radi se o tipi~noj medicinskoj trepanaciji<br />

koja je izvedena jo{ za `ivota rimskog<br />

vojnika, a razlog ovog „ hirur{kog zahvata“<br />

se mo`e samo pretpostaviti.<br />

Trepanacija se pomiwe jo{ u<br />

Hipokratovim zapisima, a najva`niji deo<br />

instrumentarijuma za weno izvo|ewe su<br />

no`-struga~ i nazubqena burgija. 118<br />

Razvijenost medicine i farmacije u<br />

Viminacijumu potvr|uju i brojni pojedina~ni,<br />

slu~ajni ili grobni nalazi sondi,<br />

spatula, paleta, specijalnih no`eva,<br />

skalpela, dleta, pinceta i dr. (sl. 127).<br />

Osim toga, oni pokazuju da se na teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma, najverovatnije u vojnom<br />

logoru, nalazila bolnica (valetudinarium) sa<br />

profesionalnim i vrlo stru~nim lekarima.<br />

Mnogi instrumenti su imali primenu u<br />

medicini, farmaciji i kozmetici, jer je u<br />

Rimu profesija lekara podrazumevala i<br />

znawa iz farmakologije i bila objediwena<br />

u jednoj li~nosti. 119 Pored vojnih lekara,<br />

mo`e se pretpostaviti prisustvo i civilnih<br />

lekara koji su, prema potrebi, le~ili<br />

pacijente po ku}ama i na licu mesta<br />

izra|ivali lekove.<br />

118 @. Miki}, Viminacijum- prilog poznavawa istorije<br />

medicine, Saop{tewa XXVI, Beograd 1994, 91-93.<br />

119 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka medicina u Viminacijumu, 91, 92,<br />

T. I,II.<br />

ments and a medicine box, which most likely<br />

consisted of two levels. The medical instruments<br />

found in the grave included: two sounds, a hammer-shaped<br />

instrument, a stone palette, two<br />

levers and a comparably large case. The case<br />

contained an entire set of instruments and a medicine<br />

box. Based on other objects found and on<br />

its shape, this grave was dated to the end of the<br />

2 nd and the first half of the 3 rd century. 115<br />

The grave of a specialist for eye diseases<br />

(medicus et chirurgus ocularius) is of extraordinary<br />

significance. Based on the coins it contained,<br />

the grave was dated to the period prior to<br />

Gallienus (years 129-199.), at the end of the 1 st<br />

and beginning of the 2 nd century. The physician<br />

was buried alongside a full set of instruments<br />

and medicines. The set of instruments contained:<br />

four scalpels, two hooked needles, used for fastening<br />

muscles and tissues, pincers, cataract-needles<br />

and levers. The instruments were placed on<br />

top of the box, while the compartments inside<br />

the box contained medicines in the form of<br />

pastilles (pills) and powder. Below the medicine<br />

box lay a marble palette (figures 128, 129, 130<br />

and 131). The sort of instruments found proves<br />

that the grave belonged to an eye surgeon who<br />

performed rather complex eye surgery, such as<br />

removing cataracts and trachoma. The chemical<br />

composition of the medicines leads to the same<br />

suggestion, as these were used for healing<br />

inflammatory processes and for dressing<br />

wounds. 116 That eye diseases were a massive<br />

occurrence is also proved by the stamp of an<br />

ophthalmologist (Caius Iuliius Iunianus) who<br />

produced saffron-based trachoma medicines. 117<br />

That trachoma, a disease typically accompanying<br />

the military way of life, was widespread in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> was understandable, due to<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>’s high concentration of military personnel.<br />

The find of a trepanation instrument in<br />

the aforementioned grave of a surgeon, as well<br />

118 @. Miki}, Viminacijum- prilog poznavawa istorije<br />

medicine, Saop{tewa XXVI, Beograd 1994, 91-93.<br />

119 D. Spasi}, Anti~ka medicina u Viminacijumu, 91, 92,<br />

T. I,II.<br />


Religija i kult<br />

Religion and cult

Dolaskom Rimqana na teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma se stvaraju novi kulturni i<br />

religiozni odnosi koji su svojstveni<br />

sredi{wim delovima Carstva. Na wihovo<br />

formirawe uticali su, kako lokalni, tako<br />

i dru{tveno-politi~ki uslovi u Carstvu,<br />

koji su se sna`no reflektovali i na<br />

Viminacijum.<br />

Specifi~an i vrlo slo`en etni~ki<br />

sastav starosedela~kog stanovni{tva, vojna<br />

posada iz Italije i drugih provincija,<br />

uslovili su pojavu brojnih bo`anstava i<br />

kultova. Wihovom {irewu pogodovali su i<br />

odre|eni istorijski trenuci u kojima je<br />

do{lo do infiltracije doseqenika tra~kog<br />

i gr~ko-helenisti~kog porekla. Prvi<br />

talas doseqenika iz ovih oblasti zabele`en<br />

je za vreme Hadrijana (117-138. g.),<br />

a naro~ito Marka Aurelija (161-180. g.). Do<br />

drugog orijentalno-helenisti~kog talasa<br />

dolazi za vreme dinastije Severa, kada se u<br />

vojnim jedinicama naglo pove}ava broj sirijskih<br />

regruta. Na teritoriji Viminacijuma<br />

je potvr|ena zajednica qudi iz<br />

oblasti Dolihe u sirijskoj Komageni. 120<br />

Rezultat etni~kih i religioznih talasawa<br />

je pojava sinkretizma, koji je potpuno<br />

shvatqiv u jednom kosmopolitskom mozaiku<br />

kakav je bio Viminacijum. Oficijelno<br />

se insistiralo na rimskim zvani-<br />

~nim bo`anstvima koja su slu`ila za za-<br />

{titu dr`ave, grada, vojske i porodice.<br />

Brojna bo`anstva i kultovi koji su<br />

po{tovani od stanovnika Viminacijuma<br />

120 M. Mirkovi}, Rimski gradovi, 128.<br />

121 M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, (vid.<br />

napomene 1 i 89).<br />

as the unique find of a skull bearing traces of<br />

trepanation, are significant. It had been a typical<br />

medical trepanation, performed while the Roman<br />

soldier was still alive, while the reasons for this<br />

“surgical intervention“ can only be guessed.<br />

Trepanation was mentioned as early as<br />

Hypocrite’s writings, and the most important<br />

instruments for performing it were a grating<br />

knife and a serrated drill. 118 Numerous individual<br />

miscellaneous or grave finds of sounds, spatulas,<br />

palettes, special knives, scalpels, chisels, pincers<br />

etc. testify to the development of medicine and<br />

pharmacy in Vimina-cium (figure 127). Apart<br />

from this, they show that there was a hospital<br />

(valetudinarium) in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, most likely<br />

within the military camp, which employed professional<br />

and very knowledgeable physicians.<br />

Many instruments were used in medicine, pharmacy<br />

and cosmetics, as the medical profession in<br />

Rome entailed pharmacological expertise, so that<br />

the same person was both a physician and a<br />

pharmacist. 119 Apart from military physicians, a<br />

presence of civilian physicians can be assumed<br />

too, who, when required, cured the patient in<br />

their own home and made medicines on the spot.<br />

120 M. Mirkovic, Rimski gradovi, 128.<br />

121 M. Mirkovic, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, (see notes 1<br />

and 89).<br />

122 M. Tomovi},Roman Sculpture in Upper Moesia, 59-62, cat. 65, 68,<br />

69-74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 86, 87, 107, 120, 121, 123.<br />

123 M. Tomovi}, Prilog prou~avawu kamenih votivnih<br />

ikona, 89, 120.<br />


132. Grb Viminacijuma, III vek<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> coat of arms, 3 rd century<br />

dokumentovani su epigrafskim spomenicima,<br />

121 monumentalnim skulpturama bogova<br />

122 i reqefnim ikonama. 123 Za sada, jo{<br />

uvek nisu arheolo{ki potvr|eni ostaci<br />

svetili{ta kao najsna`nije potvrde<br />

po{tovawa odre|enog kulta. Problemom<br />

kultova iz Viminacijuma najvi{e se bavila<br />

Q. Zotovi} koja je sva bo`anstva<br />

razvrstala u ~etiri osnovne grupe:<br />

bo`anstva zvani~nog rimskog Panteona,<br />

121 M. Mirkovi}, Inscriptions, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, (vid.<br />

napomene 1 i 89).<br />

122 M. Tomovi},Roman Sculpture in Upper Moesia, 59-62, cat.<br />

65, 68, 69-74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 86, 87, 107, 120, 121, 123.<br />

123 M. Tomovi}, Prilog prou~avawu kamenih votivnih<br />

ikona, 89, 120.<br />

With the arrival of the Romans in the<br />

territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, new cultural and religious<br />

relations were created, which were typical<br />

of the central parts of the Empire. Local and<br />

wider socio-political conditions in the Empire,<br />

which strongly reflected upon <strong>Viminacium</strong>, influenced<br />

their formation.<br />

124 Lj. Zotovi}, Der Paganismus in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, 127-137; Q. Zotovi},<br />

Rano hri{}anstvo u Viminacijumu kroz izvore i arheolo{ke<br />

spomenike, 59-71; Q. Zotovi}, Da li je u<br />

Viminacijumu postojala zajednica mitraista?, UZDARJE<br />

Dragoslavu Srejovi}u, Beograd 1997, 409-415; Olovne ikone<br />

sa teritorije Viminacijuma, VESTIGATIO VETVSTATIS<br />

Aleksandrini Cermanovi} - Kuzmanovi}, Beograd 2001,<br />

167-179; Q. Zotovi}, Cult of Lunar Goddess or the Cult of Danubian<br />

Horseman, Starinar XLIX/1988, Beograd 1999,63-75.<br />


133. Ikone boga Mitre, III vek<br />

Icons of Mithra, 3 rd century<br />

ostala rimska bo`anstva, orijentalna i<br />

tra~ka bo`anstva. 124<br />

Verovawe u besmrtnost i postojawe<br />

bogova podzemnog sveta sa kojima se du{e<br />

umrlih poistove}uju, bilo je veoma sna`no<br />

u Viminacijumu iz koga poti~e i najve}i<br />

broj epigrafskih zaveta upu}enih du{ama<br />

pokojnika. Samo na jednom spomeniku<br />

zabele`ena je predstava bogova podzemnog<br />

sveta, Plutona i Persefone.<br />

124 Lj. Zotovi}, Der Paganismus in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, 127-137; Q. Zotovi},<br />

Rano hri{}anstvo u Viminacijumu kroz izvore i arheolo{ke<br />

spomenike, 59-71; Q. Zotovi}, Da li je u<br />

Viminacijumu postojala zajednica mitraista?, UZDARJE<br />

Dragoslavu Srejovi}u, Beograd 1997, 409-415; Olovne ikone<br />

sa teritorije Viminacijuma, VESTIGATIO VETVSTATIS<br />

Aleksandrini Cermanovi} - Kuzmanovi}, Beograd 2001,<br />

167-179; Q. Zotovi}, Cult of Lunar Goddess or the Cult of Danubian<br />

Horseman, Starinar XLIX/1988, Beograd 1999,63-75.<br />

The specific and very complex ethnic<br />

composition of the indigenous population and the<br />

military garrison from Italy and from other<br />

provinces meant the presence of various deities<br />

and cults. Certain historic moments, at which<br />

influx of Thracian and Greco-Hellenistic settlers<br />

occurred, were favourable to their spreading. The<br />

first wave of settlers from these regions arrived<br />

in the times of Hadrian (years 117-138), and<br />

especially of Marcus Aurelius (years 161-180). A<br />

second Orien- tal/Hellenistic wave arrived during<br />

the reign of the Severus dynasty, when the number<br />

of Syrian recruits in the army units rose<br />

sharply. The presence of a community from the<br />

Dolicha region of Syrian Comagene in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> has been confirmed. 120 The result of<br />

ethnic and political upheaval was syncretism,<br />

which was completely understandable in a cosmopolitan<br />

mosaic that <strong>Viminacium</strong> was. Official<br />


134. Ikona podunavskih kowanika, II-III vek<br />

Icon of Danubian horseman, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

Sude}i po broju spomenika, najpopularnije<br />

rimsko bo`anstvo bio je Jupiter<br />

~iji je kult, kao vrhovnog rimskog boga,<br />

regulisala dr`ava zvani~nim propisima.<br />

Najverovatnije da se na teritoriji vojnog<br />

logora ili civilnog naseqa nalazio hram<br />

ovog boga. Junona Regina i Minerva Avgusta,<br />

iako deo zvani~ne rimske trijade, u<br />

Viminacijumu nisu potvr|ene kao samostalna<br />

bo`anstva.<br />

Vojni~ko stanovni{tvo Viminacijuma<br />

je najve}e po{tovawe iskazivalo<br />

Roman deities were insisted on publicly. Their<br />

function was to protect the state, the city, the<br />

military and the family.<br />

The numerous deities and cults upheld by<br />

the <strong>Viminacium</strong> populace was documented in<br />

epigraphic monuments 121 and sculptures of gods<br />

122 , as well as by relief icons. 123 Thus far, there<br />

has been no archaeological confirmation of remnants<br />

of shrines, as the strongest confirmation of<br />

the following of certain cults. The problem cults<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong> has been dealt with in most detail<br />

by Lj. Zotovic, who classified all deities in four<br />


135. Ikona podunavskih kowanika, II-III vek<br />

Icon of Danubian horseman, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

prema Herkulu (Hercules), i to prvenstveno<br />

kao bogu rata. Kvalitet spomenika<br />

posve}enih Herkulu ukazuje na postojawe<br />

hrama ovog boga koji je najve}u popularnost<br />

stekao u vreme dinastije Severa (sl. 98).<br />

Herkulova juna~ka dela su ~esto predstavqena<br />

na predmetima primewene umetnosti<br />

i u sitnoj bronzanoj plastici.<br />

U Viminacijumu su registrovana dva<br />

oltara posve}ena Neptunu, prvobitno bogu<br />

teku}ih voda, a zatim, mora i pomoraca. Na<br />

mogu}nost postojawa tre}eg, ukazuje simboli~ko<br />

- funkcionalna analiza A.<br />

Jovanovi}a (sl. 137a). 125 Verovatno je u<br />

basic groups: deities of the official Roman<br />

Pantheon, other Roman deities, Oriental deities<br />

and Thracian deities. 124<br />

The belief in immortality and in the existence<br />

of gods of the underworld, with which the<br />

souls of the dead were identified, was very<br />

strong in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, from where the largest<br />

number of epigraphic dedications directed to the<br />

souls of the dead come. Only a single monument<br />

depicted the gods of the underworld, Pluto and<br />

Persephone.<br />

Judging by the number of monuments,<br />

Jupiter was the most popular Roman deity,<br />

whose cult, as that of the supreme Roman god,<br />

125A. Jovanovi}, Neptunov oltar iz Viminacijuma, 203-210. 125A. Jovanovi}, Neptunov oltar iz Viminacijuma, 203-210.<br />


136. Kalup za ikone podunavskih kowanika, II-III vek<br />

Mould for Danubian horseman icons, 2 nd -3 rd century<br />

Viminacijumu postojao Neptunov hram ~iji<br />

su dedikanti naj~e{}e bili ~lanovi<br />

udru`ewa dunavskih brodara.<br />

U Neptunovom hramu je bila<br />

postavqena i statua Velike Majke<br />

(Kibela), koja, sude}i po tome, nije imala<br />

svoj samostalni hram. Iz Viminacijuma<br />

poti~e mermerna statua ove bogiwe, sa<br />

izradiranim licem. Najverovatnije da<br />

o{te}ewe datira iz perioda hri{}anstva.<br />

Iznena|uje podatak da, u velikom<br />

trgova~kom centru kakav je bio Viminacijum,<br />

spomenici posve}eni bogu trgovine i<br />

was regulated by the state by means of official<br />

regulations. In all probability, there was a temple<br />

dedicated to this god either on the territory<br />

of the military camp or in the civilian settlement.<br />

Junona Regina and Minerva Augusta, although<br />

parts of the official Roman triad, have not been<br />

documented as separate deities in <strong>Viminacium</strong>.<br />

The military population of <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

reserved their greatest reverence for Hercules,<br />

primarily as a war deity. The quality of the monuments<br />

dedicated to Hercules suggests that there<br />

may have been a temple dedicated to this god,<br />

who gained the greatest popularity during the<br />


psihopompu, Merkuru, nisu brojni. Znatno<br />

su brojnije predstave dekorativnog karaktera,<br />

naro~ito na dr{kama kerami~kih<br />

patera.<br />

U sastavu zvani~nog dr`avnog Panteona<br />

bio je i kult plodnosti, a wegov<br />

nosilac, bo`anski par, Liber i Libera.<br />

Registrovan je samo jedan epigrafski zavet<br />

posve}en ovom paru. Znatno su brojniji<br />

privesci u obliku falusa, koji ukazuju da je<br />

kult boga Libera bio popularniji. Osim<br />

toga, dva ve}a kamena spomenika sa predstavom<br />

falusa upu}uju na mogu}nost postojawa<br />

hrama.<br />

Iako vrlo popularan u Carstvu,<br />

kult boga Silvana, u Viminacijumu je registrovan<br />

samo u zajednici sa {umskim<br />

nimfama koje su u tesnoj vezi sa wim. Na<br />

{iroj teritoriji Viminacijuma su brojni<br />

kultni izvori sa jo{ uvek vrlo `ivim<br />

paganskim ritualnim obredima, koji<br />

navode na pretpostavku da je kult {umskih<br />

nimfi (ili nekog bo`anstva sli~nih<br />

funkcija), bio znatno popularniji nego<br />

{to arheolo{ki nalazi to potvr|uju.<br />

Arheolo{ki dokumentovan visok<br />

nivo medicine, u direktnoj je nesrazmeri<br />

sa registrovanim brojem spomenika<br />

posve}enih bo`anskom paru lekarskih<br />

ve{tina, Eskulapu i Higiji. O~uvane su<br />

dve mermerne baze, a na osnovu vidqivog<br />

tela zmija, mogu se pripisati ovom kultu.<br />

Bo`anstva ni`eg reda, Geniji, su<br />

imala za{titni~ku funkciju. Iz<br />

Viminacijuma poti~u tri zaveta koja se<br />

odnose na wih. Jedan zavet je posve}en<br />

Geniju bogiwe Tihe, a drugi Geniju mesta<br />

koje je u logoru, bilo predvi|eno za odmor<br />

i okupqawe. Na tre}em je o~uvana samo re~<br />

GENIO. Ovoj grupi spomenika se mo`e<br />

prikqu~iti i predstava sa tzv. „ Grba<br />

Viminacijuma“ koja sadr`i stoje}u `ensku<br />

figuru sa rukama nad lavom i bikom, simbolima<br />

provincijske vojske. Radi se o personifikaciji<br />

provincije ili samog grada,<br />

reign of the Severus dynasty (figure 98).<br />

Hercules’ heroic deeds were often depicted on<br />

the works of applied art and on miniature bronze<br />

plastic art.<br />

Two altars dedicated to Neptune, primarily<br />

the god of flowing waters, and subsequently,<br />

of the sea and sailors, were registered in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>. The possibility that there was a<br />

third alter is suggested by the functional symbolic<br />

analysis of A. Jovanovic (figyre 137a). 125<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> probably had a temple of Neptune<br />

whose donators were mostly members of the<br />

society of the Danube sailors.<br />

The Temple of Neptune also contained a<br />

statue of the Magna Mater (Cybeles), who, judging<br />

by this, had no separate temple dedicated to<br />

her. A marble statue of this goddess with a damaged<br />

face. The damage was most probably<br />

inflicted in the Christian period.<br />

The fact that monuments dedicated to<br />

Mercury, the god of trade, were scarce in a large<br />

commercial centre as <strong>Viminacium</strong> is surprising.<br />

Decorative depictions of Mercury were much<br />

more common, especially those on the handles of<br />

ceramic pateras.<br />

The cult of fertility was part of the official<br />

state Pantheon, and its exponents were the<br />

divine couple Liber and Libera. Only a single<br />

epigraphic dedication dedicated to this couple has<br />

been registered. Phallus-shaped pendants are<br />

much more common, which suggests that the cult<br />

of Liber was more popular. Aside from this, two<br />

large stone monuments depicting phalluses suggest<br />

that there may have been a temple dedicated<br />

to Liber.<br />

Although very popular in the Empire, the<br />

cult of Sylvan was only registered in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> in conjunction with forest nymphs,<br />

which were closely related to him. There are<br />

numerous cult sources in the wider territory of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> which still keep pagan rituals very<br />

much alive, which should seem to suggest that<br />

the cult of forest nymphs (or of a deity with similar<br />

functions) was far more popular than archaeological<br />

finds would suggest.<br />


174<br />

137. @rtvenik, III vek<br />

Altar, 3 rd century

a kompozicija je sa novca preneta u plastiku<br />

u lokalnoj radionici (sl. 132).<br />

Iz perioda III veka i ve} dominiraju}eg<br />

sinkretizma, poti~u tri spomenika<br />

posve}ena bogiwi pravednosti, Nemezi<br />

koju su najvi{e po{tovali vojnici.<br />

Starorimska bogiwa plodnosti i<br />

doweg sveta, Cerera, u Viminacijumu je<br />

potvr|ena sa epitetima Augusta i<br />

Conservatrix.<br />

Rimska bogiwa {uma i lova, Dijana,<br />

sude}i po otkri}u jednog oltara koji je stajao<br />

u nekom hramu, mogla je biti po{tovana<br />

u zajednici sa nekim drugim bo`anstvom.<br />

Sa lokaliteta „ ^air“ poti~e i deo mermerne<br />

statue koja se verovatno, nalazila u<br />

svetili{tu ili ku}noj kapeli.<br />

Kultovi Venere i Afrodite nisu<br />

epigrafski potvr|eni. Brojne su likovne<br />

predstave iskqu~ivo dekorativnog karaktera,<br />

naro~ito Venus Pudica. Neo{te}ene<br />

statue ove bogiwe ukazuju da su je, kao ideal<br />

`enske lepote, prihvatili i hri{}ani.<br />

Brojnost epigrafskih i ikonografskih<br />

zaveta posve}enih orijentalnom<br />

bo`anstvu, Mitri, ukazuje na veliku popularnost<br />

ovog boga, naro~ito me|u pripadnicima<br />

legije VII Claudia. Najverovatnije su<br />

se u Viminacijumu nalazila dva mitreja od<br />

kojih se jedan sa velikom sigurno{}u mo`e<br />

locirati na brdu Sopot. Minijaturne<br />

ikone ovog bo`anstva su stajale u ku}nim<br />

kapelama u kojima se iskazivalo<br />

po{tovawe razli~itim bo`anstvima. U<br />

Mitrine misterije su mogli biti upu}eni<br />

samo mu{karci, dok su `ene bile sledbenice<br />

wegove vere, bez prava da budu<br />

posve}ene. Stoga su `ene, kako smatra Q.<br />

Zotovi}, postajale vernice solarnog para,<br />

Sola i Lune. Potvrda za to su brojne ikone<br />

tzv „ podunavskih kowanika“ sa konstantnim<br />

i nepromenqivim mestom bogiwe<br />

izme|u kowanika. Wihova brojnost, kao i<br />

serijska proizvodwa u kamenu, bronzi, a<br />

naro~ito, olovu, ukazuje na masovnost<br />

The archaeologically documented high<br />

levels of medical development are directly disproportionate<br />

to the registered number of monuments<br />

dedicated to the divine couple of patrons<br />

of the medical skills: Asclepius and Hygia. Two<br />

marble bases have survived which can be<br />

ascribed to this cult based on the visible bodies<br />

of snakes.<br />

Lower-ranking deities, the Genii, had a<br />

protective function. Three dedications related to<br />

them come from <strong>Viminacium</strong>. One of the dedicated<br />

went dedications went to the Genius of the<br />

goddess Tyche and the second one to the Genius<br />

of the place in the camp dedicated to rest and<br />

gatherings. The only surviving word of the third<br />

one is GENIO. The motif from the so-called<br />

“Vimi-nacium coat-of-arms“, depicting a standing<br />

female holding her hands over a lion and a<br />

bull, the symbols of the province’s military, can<br />

be considered to be part of this group. It is a<br />

personification of the province or the city itself,<br />

and the composition was copied from coins onto<br />

plastic art in a local workshop (figure 132).<br />

Three monuments dedicated to the goddess<br />

of righteousness, Nemesis, mostly respected<br />

by soldiers, dates from the 3 rd century, a period<br />

of already predominating syncretism.<br />

Ceres, the ancient Roman goddess of fertility<br />

and the underworld has been confirmed in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> with the attributes Augusta and<br />

Conservatrix.<br />

Judging by the discovery of an altar<br />

which was part of a temple, Diana, the Roman<br />

goddess of forests and hunting, might have been<br />

worshipped alongside another deity. A fragment<br />

of a marble statue, which was probably kept in<br />

a shrine or in a house chapel, co-mes from the<br />

lo-cality of “Cair“.<br />

The cults of Venus and Aphrodite have<br />

not been confirmed epigraphically. Visual representations<br />

of these goddesses purely decorative in<br />

character are numerous, especially the Venus<br />

126 Q. Zotovi}, Olovne ikone sa teritorije Viminacijuma,<br />

175-177.<br />


vernika razli~itog socijalnog statusa (sl.<br />

134, 135). 126 Zbog toga je u Viminacijumu<br />

organizovana i proizvodwa ikona, {to je<br />

potvr|eno nalazom kamenog kalupa (sl.<br />

136).<br />

Drugo orijentalno bo`anstvo koje je<br />

ikonografski potvr|eno na dva spomenika<br />

iz Viminacijuma, je sirijski Jupiter<br />

Dolihen. Potvr|ena sirijska zajednica<br />

doseqenika iz oblasti Dolihe, kao i epigrafski<br />

zaveti, predstavqaju realnu<br />

osnovu za postojawe hrama ovog bo`anstva.<br />

Osim toga, Jupiter Dolihen je imao veliku<br />

podr{ku imperatora iz dinastije Severa,<br />

koji su u vi{e navrata boravili u<br />

Viminacijumu.<br />

Iz perioda III veka datira i kult<br />

starog orijentalnog bo`anstva visina i<br />

rata, Turmasgada, koji je ~esto,<br />

izjedna~avan sa Jupiterom i bio po{tovan<br />

me|u vojnicima.<br />

Na jednom mermernom oltaru registrovan<br />

je, za sada, usamqen zavet Deo<br />

Aeterno (sl. 137). Sude}i po dimenzijama,<br />

oltar je, verovatno, stajao u nekom hramu.<br />

Pojedini autori smatraju da se radi o<br />

bo`anstvu orijentalnog porekla iz kruga<br />

solarne teologije. 127<br />

U periodu III veka i izra`enog<br />

sinkretizma sre}u se i pojedina~ne posvete<br />

odre|enim bo`anstvima, ~ije ime i<br />

funkcija nisu definisani. Tu spadaju<br />

Domnus et Domna kao i Diis Angelis. Interesantno<br />

i prihvatqivo mi{qewe Q.<br />

Zotovi}, da se radi o a|elima kao vodi~ima<br />

du{a, umesto ranijih paganskih bogova<br />

(vetrova i orlova), {to je u skladu sa<br />

hri{}anskom interpretacijom o odvo|ewu<br />

du{a umrlih. 128<br />

Pudica. The fact that there are surviving undamaged<br />

statues of this goddess suggests that she<br />

was also accepted by Christians as an ideal of<br />

female beauty.<br />

The number of epigraphic and iconographic<br />

dedications dedicated to the oriental god<br />

Mithras is proof of this god’s large popularity,<br />

especially among the members of legion VII<br />

Claudia. <strong>Viminacium</strong> most probably had two<br />

temples of Mithras, one of which can be located<br />

on the hill of Sopot with great certainty. Home<br />

chapels, in which various deities were worshipped,<br />

featured miniature icons of this deity.<br />

Only men could be initiated into the mysteries of<br />

Mithras, while women were allowed to be followers<br />

of his religion without a right to be initiated.<br />

According to Lj. Zotovic, this is why<br />

women became worshippers of the solar couple,<br />

Sol and Luna. This is confirmed by numerous<br />

icons of the so-called “Danube horsemen“ with<br />

a constant and unchangeable position of the goddess<br />

between the horsemen. The numbers of<br />

these icons, as well as their mass production in<br />

stone, bronze and especially in lead points to<br />

large numbers of believers of differing social status<br />

(figures 134 and 135). 126 This is why there<br />

was organized production of icons in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, which is proved by the find of a<br />

stone mould (figure 136).<br />

Another oriental deity whose presence<br />

has been iconographically confirmed on two<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> monuments is the Syrian Jupiter<br />

Dolichenus. The confirmed presence of a Syrian<br />

community from the region of Dolicha, as well<br />

as epigraphic dedications are a realistic basis for<br />

the supposition that there was a temple dedicated<br />

to this deity in <strong>Viminacium</strong>. Apart from this,<br />

Jupiter Dolichenus was strongly supported by<br />

emperors from the dynasty of Severus, who<br />

127 Q. Zotovi}, Der Paganismus in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, 135<br />

128 Q. Zotovi}, Promene pogrebnih rituala tokom pet<br />

vekova istorije Viminacija, Saop{tewa XXX/XXXI,<br />

1998/199, Beograd 2000, 15, 17.<br />

127 Q. Zotovi}, Der Paganismus in <strong>Viminacium</strong>, 135<br />

128 Q. Zotovi}, Promene pogrebnih rituala tokom pet<br />

vekova istorije Viminacija, Saop{tewa XXX/XXXI,<br />

1998/199, Beograd 2000, 15, 17.<br />


Od tra~kih kultova, na teritoriji<br />

Viminacijuma su zabele`ena dva bo`anstva:<br />

Sabazije i Tra~ki heros (Tra~ki kowanik).<br />

Tra~ki kowanik se javqa na nadgrobnim<br />

spomenicima u funkciji psihopompa,<br />

a na epigrafskim je izjedna~en sa<br />

Asklepijem, Apolonom, Dionisom i Silvanom.<br />

Kult Sabazija, tra~ko-frigijskog<br />

boga sa misti~nim igrama i vra~awem,<br />

{irio se i tokom II i III veka, koje<br />

obele`avaju brojni isto~ni kultovi. Oni<br />

su vernicima pru`ali nadu, da se putem<br />

misterijskih obreda i ritualnih o~i{-<br />

}ewa, mo`e do}i u vezu sa bogom i prevladati<br />

smrtnost. Iz Viminacijuma poti~e<br />

jedna kamena ikona ovog boga i dve ukrasne<br />

igle sa kosu u vidu Sabazijeve {ake (sl. 84).<br />

Dosada{wi nalazi iz Viminacijuma<br />

jo{ uvek nisu pru`ili podatke o lokalnim,<br />

keltskim i drugim rimskim i orijentalnim<br />

bo`anstvima. Neistra`enost vojnog logora<br />

i civilnog naseqa, ostavqa {iroke<br />

mogu}nosti za upotpuwavawe saznawa o<br />

religiji i kultovima, koji su bili prihva}eni<br />

od stanovnika Viminacijuma.<br />

stayed in <strong>Viminacium</strong> on a number of occasions.<br />

The cult of the old oriental deity<br />

Thurmasgad, who was often seen as an equivalent<br />

of Jupiter and worshipped by soldiers, also<br />

dates from the 3 rd century.<br />

What is as yet a single dedication containing<br />

the words “Deo Aeterno“ was found on<br />

a marble altar. Judging by its dimensions the<br />

altar was probably placed in a temple. Certain<br />

authors believe that it was an oriental deity<br />

belonging to the circle of solar theology. 127<br />

In the third century, a period of pronounced<br />

syncretism, certain dedications to certain<br />

deities whose names and functions have not as<br />

yet been defined. Domnus et Domna as well as<br />

Diis Angelis belong to this group. Lj. Zotovic<br />

has an interesting and acceptable opinion that the<br />

deities in question were angels, in the function<br />

of soul guides, instead of the older pagan gods<br />

(winds and eagles), which is in accord with the<br />

Christian postulate of the souls of the dead being<br />

taken away. 128<br />

Of Thracian cults, two deities have been<br />

recorded in the territory of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, Sabazius<br />

and the Thracian Horseman. The Thracian<br />

Horseman appears in tombstones and has the role<br />


178<br />

137 a. @rtvenik, I - II vek<br />

Altar, 1 st -3 rd century

Ju`ne nekropole Viminacijuma<br />

i pogrebni obredi<br />

The southern necropolises of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> and interment rituals

129 M. Valtrovi}, Iskopavawa u Kostolcu, 3-114; I, 2-49-<br />

63; I, 3-89-104; I, 4-121-142.<br />

130 M. Vasi}, Nekolike grobne konstrukcije iz<br />

Viminacijuma, Starinar, n.r. II (1907, 66-98).<br />

Prve podatke o viminacijumskim<br />

nekropolama zabele`io je daleke 1882.<br />

godine M. Valtrovi}, koji je pri tom, registrovao<br />

i „ te{ka razarawa“ ovog<br />

lokaliteta. Naro~ito su na udaru bili<br />

grobovi i „ dragocenosti“ u wima, a na<br />

ceni je bila i vrlo tra`ena rimska opeka,<br />

koja je prodavana po komadu. U odnosu na<br />

vojni logor i naseqe, M. Valtrovi} je<br />

grubo izdvojio teritorije severnih,<br />

ju`nih, isto~nih i zapadnih nekropola. 129<br />

Iscrpnu analizu grobnih oblika sa<br />

viminacijumskih nekropola izvr{io je<br />

prof. M. Vasi} 1907. g. 130<br />

Posleratna istra`ivawa zapo~eta<br />

1973. g. i slu~ajni nalazi grobova,<br />

potvrdili su zakqu~ke prvih istra`iva~a.<br />

Zapadno od logora i naseqa, postojawe<br />

nekropole je registrovano na osnovu tragova.<br />

Na levoj obali Mlave, u s . Kostolcu,<br />

prilikom gra|evinskih radova, nailazilo<br />

se na zidane grobne konstrukcije i mermerne<br />

sarkofage.<br />

Gra|ewem termoelektrane „ Kostolac<br />

B“, ugro`ena je teritorija ju`nih<br />

nekropola. Obimni istra`iva~ki radovi<br />

za{titnog karaktera trajali su od 1977-<br />

1992. g. U tom periodu je istra`eno blizu<br />

13.000 grobova, u kojima je sahraweno vi{e<br />

od 30 000 qudi. Osim nekropole iz bronzanog,<br />

latenskog i sredwovekovnog perioda,<br />

izdvojeno je sedam nekropola u hronoof<br />

a psychopomp, whereas in epigraphic monuments<br />

he is the equivalent of Asclepius. Apollo,<br />

Dionysus and Sylvan. The cult of Sabazius, a<br />

Thracian and Phrygian god with its mystical<br />

dances and chanting, was spreading during the<br />

2 nd and 3 rd centuries, which were marked by<br />

numerous eastern cults. They offered their<br />

believers the hope that a connection with gods<br />

can be established and mortality overcome by<br />

mystical rituals and ritual purification. A stone<br />

icon of this god and two decorative hairpins<br />

shaped like Sabazius’ hand have been uncovered<br />

in <strong>Viminacium</strong> (figure 84).<br />

To date, finds in <strong>Viminacium</strong> have not<br />

yielded any data of local, Celtic and other<br />

Roman and Oriental deities. The fact that the<br />

military camp and the civilian settlement have<br />

not been fully examined leaves broad opportunities<br />

for a more thorough knowledge of the religion<br />

and cults accepted by the population of<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>.<br />

129 M. Valtrovi}, Iskopavawa u Kostolcu, 3-114; I, 2-49-<br />

63; I, 3-89-104; I, 4-121-142.<br />

130 M. Vasi}, Nekolike grobne konstrukcije iz<br />

Viminacijuma, Starinar, n.r. II (1907, 66-98).<br />

131 Q. Zotovi}, Ju`ne nekropole Viminacija i pogrebni<br />

obredi, VIMINACIVM 1, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1986, 41-<br />

55; Q. Zotovi}, Promene pogrebnih rituala tokom<br />

pet vekova istorije Viminacija, 7-17; Q. Zotovi}, ^.<br />

Jordovi}, op.cit., 1-110.<br />


138. Plan Viminacijuma i nekropola, M. Mirkovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, IMS, Vol. II, Beograd 1986.<br />

Map of <strong>Viminacium</strong> and its necropolis; M. Mirkovi}, <strong>Viminacium</strong> et Margum, IMS, Vol. II, Beograd 1986.<br />

lo{kom rasponu od sredine I do sredine VI<br />

veka. 131 Od sredine I do sredine III veka,<br />

paralelno se primewuju kremirawe i inhumirawe<br />

pokojnika. Od sredine III do sredine<br />

V veka, obi~aj kremacije se definitivno<br />

gubi, tako da se formiraju nekro-<br />

131<br />

Q. Zotovi}, Ju`ne nekropole Viminacija i pogrebni<br />

obredi, VIMINACIVM 1, ZRNM, Po`arevac 1986, 41-55;<br />

Q. Zotovi}, Promene pogrebnih rituala tokom pet<br />

vekova istorije Viminacija, 7-17; Q. Zotovi}, ^.<br />

Jordovi}, op.cit., 1-110.<br />

The first records of <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

necropolises were made by M Valtrovic in the<br />

distant year of 1882. On this occasion he noticed<br />

“heavy destruction“ of this site. The graves and<br />

the “valuables“ they contained were particularly<br />

aimed at, and Roman tiles, sold by the piece,<br />

were in great demand. M. Valtrovic roughly<br />

divided the necropolises into northern, southern,<br />

eastern and western. 129<br />

Professor M. Vasic conducted a<br />

detailed analysis of the grave forms found in<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> necropolises in the year 1907. 130<br />

Excavations initiated in 1973 and random<br />


139.<br />

pole sa raznovrsnim grobnim konstrukcijama.<br />

Inhumirawe i kremirawe karakteri{u<br />

gotovo identi~ni pogrebni rituali.<br />

Inhumacije su vr{ene u obi~nim grobnim<br />

rakama, re|e u drvenim kov~ezima.<br />

Pokojnici su nekad umotani u laneni<br />

pokrov, a nekad su pokriveni daskom. Deca<br />

su iskqu~ivo sahrawivana, naj~e{}e u<br />

drvenim kov~ezima (sl. 139, 140). Kremirani<br />

pokojnici su sahrawivani u grobnim<br />

rakama koje su bile zape~ene vatrom.<br />

Prilikom kremacije, telo pokojnika je na<br />

nosiqci ili u kov~egu odno{eno do<br />

loma~e, na kojoj se vr{ilo spaqivawe<br />

zajedno sa predmetima koje je pokojnik<br />

upotrebqavao. Znatno su re|e sahrane u<br />

urnama, u koje su polagane isprane kosti<br />

pokojnika. Posle polagawa pokojnika ili<br />

kremiranih ostataka u grobnu raku, polagrave<br />

finds have confirmed the conclusions of<br />

the early researchers. Based on traces the existence<br />

of a necropolis was detected to the west of<br />

the camp and the settlement. On the left bank of<br />

the Mlava, in the village of Kostolac, built grave<br />

constructions and marble sarcophagi were found<br />

during construction works.<br />

The territory of the southern necropolises<br />

was endangered during the building of the steam<br />

power plant „Kostolac B“. Extensive protective<br />

excavations took place between the years 1977<br />

and 1992. During this period nearly 13.000<br />

graves were examined, in which more than<br />

30.000 people had been buried. Apart from the<br />

necropolis from the Bronze age, La Téne and<br />

mediaeval periods, seven necropolises were identified<br />

ranging chronologically from the mid-1 st<br />

century to the mid-6 th century. 131<br />

From the mid-1 st to the mid-3 rd century,<br />

cremation and inhumation of the dead were both<br />


140.<br />

139.-140. De~iji grobovi II-III vek<br />

Children’s tombs, 3 nd -3 rd century<br />

gani su darovi za koje se smatralo da }e<br />

pokojniku koristiti u novom `ivotu:<br />

nakit, posu|e, `i{ci, novac i dr. Lampe su<br />

obezbe|ivale svetlost pokojniku, a novcem<br />

se pla}ao prelaz preko reke Aheront koji<br />

je ~uvao ~amxija, Haron.<br />

Nad grobovima inhumiranih i<br />

kremiranih pokojnika vr{ene su teku}e<br />

da}e, kao i pripreme obroka, o ~emu<br />

svedo~e `rtvene povr{ine. Pogrebni i<br />

postpogrebni obredi za oba vida sahrana<br />

pokazuju jedinstveno shvatawe zagrobnog<br />

`ivota. Grob je predstavqao novo<br />

boravi{te umrlog koji nastavqa vezu sa<br />

svetom `ivih. Ko nije bio sahrawen po<br />

propisima, nije imao trajno boravi{te, a<br />

wegova du{a je bila osu|ena na ve~no<br />

lutawe.<br />

Stanovni{tvo isto~nog porekla je<br />

obavezno inhumirano, tako da su pri<br />

used. From the mid-3 rd to the mid 5 th century,<br />

the custom of cremation was definitely abandoned,<br />

which resulted in the formation of<br />

necropolises with varied grave constructions.<br />

Inhumation and cremation were characterised<br />

by nearly identical burial rituals.<br />

Inhumations were done in ordinary grave holes,<br />

less often in wooden caskets. The body was<br />

sometimes wrapped in a linen shroud, and occasionally<br />

it was covered by a board. Children<br />

were buried exclusively, most often in wooden<br />

caskets (figures 139 and 140). Cremated dead<br />

people were buried in fire-burnt grave holes. At<br />

cremation, the body was carried to the bonfire on<br />

a stretcher or in a casket, where it was burnt<br />

132 A. Jovanovi}, Rimske nekropole na teritoriji<br />

Jugoslavije, Beograd 1984, 124-126; Burial wells were written<br />

about by S. Golubovic in her magisterial thesis, which was not<br />

published.<br />


141. Grob-urna, I-II vek<br />

Tomb-urn, 1 st -2 nd century<br />

istovremenim sahranama registrovani<br />

ostaci kremiranog i inhumiranog pokojnika.<br />

Re|i vid sahrana predstavqaju grobni<br />

bunari, dubine od 4 do 10 m, proistekli<br />

iz ideje da se telesni ostaci {to vi{e pribli`e<br />

Majci Zemqi. Pojedini autori smatraju<br />

da oni predstavqaju keltsku<br />

sepulkralnu manifestaciju, nastalu iz<br />

verovawa u izvore i bunare, kao mestima<br />

ulaska u dowi svet. 132<br />

132 A. Jovanovi}, Rimske nekropole na teritoriji<br />

Jugoslavije, Beograd 1984, 124-126; Grobne bunare je u<br />

magistarskom radu, koji nije publikovan, obradila S.<br />

Golubovi}<br />

alongside the personal belongings of the<br />

deceased. Urn burials were far less common. The<br />

washed bones of the dead person were laid in the<br />

urn. After lowering the urn in the grave, gifts<br />

were laid into the grave which were deemed to<br />

be of use in the deceased person’s new life: jewellery,<br />

dishes, lamps, money etc. The lamps were<br />

supposed to provide the deceased with light and<br />

the money served to pay for crossing the river<br />

Acheront, guarded by boatman Charon.<br />

Libatio burial feasts and preparation of<br />

meals took place on top of the grave of the<br />

inhumed or cremated person, to which sacrificial<br />

surfaces testify. Burial and post-burial ceremonies<br />

indicated a unified view of the afterlife.<br />

The grave was the new dwelling of the deceased<br />


142. 142 a.<br />

Do promene pogrebnih i postpogrebnih<br />

rituala, a samim tim i do novih eshatolo{kih<br />

na~ela, dolazi sredinom III veka.<br />

Grob vi{e nije boravi{te umrlog. Du{a je<br />

postala primarna, {to je zahtevalo weno<br />

potpuno osloba|awe od telesnih ostataka.<br />

Grob predstavqa neophodno mesto za osloba|awe<br />

du{e. Inhumacija je stoga, postala<br />

jedini vid propisanog na~ina sahrane.<br />

Obavezna je orijentacija zapad-istok, sa<br />

glavom uperenom ka istoku i izlaze}em<br />

Suncu, shodno verovawu u ponovno ro|ewe<br />

posle smrti. Nad grobovima nisu<br />

odr`avane da}e. Sahrane se vr{e u<br />

raznovrsnim grobnim konstrukcijama,<br />

obi~nim grobnim rakama, drvenim<br />

kov~ezima, kamenim ili olovnim sarkofazima,<br />

zavisno od ekonomskih mogu}nosti<br />

pokojnika. Luksuznije grobne konstrukcije<br />

person, whose connection with the world of the<br />

alive continued. Those who were not buried<br />

according to tradition had no permanent resting<br />

place, and their souls were condemned to eternal<br />

wandering.<br />

Members of the eastern-descended population<br />

were always inhumed, so that there could be<br />

cremation and inhumation type burials taking<br />

place in the same given period.<br />

Burial wells were a less common way of<br />

burial. These were 4 to 10 metres deep and were<br />

dug as a result of the idea that remains should<br />

be as close as possible to Mother Earth. Certain<br />

authors believe that these were a Celtic sepulchral<br />

manifestation, originating in the belief in<br />

133 Q. Zotovi}, Rano hri{}anstvo u Viminacijumu kroz<br />

izvore i arheolo{ke spomenike, 59-71.<br />


142 - 142 a,b. Grobovi III-IV veka<br />

Tombs, 3 rd -4 th century<br />

142 b.<br />

imaju poluobli~asti svod i kori{}ene su<br />

za sahrane vi{e ~lanova jedne porodice.<br />

Najskupqi vid porodi~ne grobnice predstavqaju<br />

memorijalne gra|evine. Osim<br />

toga one predstavqaju svojevrsni vid<br />

grobqanske crkve, jer je u wima odr`avan<br />

kult vezan za pokojnika (sl. 143, 144).<br />

U periodu hri{}anstva nije zabele`eno<br />

odvajawe pagana i hri{}ana u<br />

okviru nekropole, {to govori o visokom<br />

stepenu tolerancije i veri u besmrtnost<br />

du{e koja je zajedni~ka i paganima i<br />

hri{}anima. Sahrane sa hri{}anskim<br />

obele`jima su retke. 133 Skromne ili mawe<br />

- vi{e luksuzne grobne konstrukcije sa<br />

hri{}anskim obele`jima, potvr|uju da je<br />

hri{}anstvo bilo prihva}eno od stanovnika<br />

razli~itih socijalnih stale`a. Veoma<br />

skup vid sahrane predstavqaju ranohri{}anske<br />

oslikane grobnice. 134 U istorijskom<br />

i slikarsko-umetni~kom smislu,<br />

najizrazitija je grobnica sa Hristovim<br />

monogramom na zapadnom, prikazima lova<br />

na bo~nim i predstavom rajskog naseqa na<br />

isto~nom zidu (sl. 145, 146, 146 a, 146 b).<br />

Simboli besmrtnosti, paunovi, kantaros,<br />

drvo `ivota, ~esta su tema viminacijumskih<br />

slikara (sl. 147). Ve{to izabrani<br />

slikarski i simboli~ki elementi izdvajaju<br />

viminacijumske slikare kao izuzetne<br />

tuma~e i poznavaoce hri{}anske interpretacije<br />

smrti. To potvr|uje motiv spirale<br />

na isto~nom zidu grobnice koja nosi<br />

signaturu G-5464 (sl. 148). Dvodelna spirala<br />

oslikana crvenom i plavom bojom simboli{e<br />

sveukupnost `ivota, svetlost ovog,<br />

i ~istotu i mir onog sveta. Istovremeno je<br />

i simbol putovawa du{e posle smrti.<br />

Ambivalentnu simboliku sadr`e crvena i<br />

plava boja i u grobnici sa Hristovim monosprings<br />

and wells as entrance points to the underworld.<br />

132<br />

A change in funeral and post-funeral rituals,<br />

and thereby the advent of new eschatological<br />

views, took place in the mid-3 rd century. The<br />

grave was no longer the dwelling of the<br />

deceased. The soul had become primary, which<br />

demanded its full liberation from bodily remains.<br />

The grave was the necessary place of this liberation<br />

of the soul. Inhumation, therefore, became<br />

133 Q. Zotovi}, Rano hri{}anstvo u Viminacijumu kroz<br />

izvore i arheolo{ke spomenike, 59-71.<br />

134 Ibid, 63, 64; Q. Zotovi}, Promene pogrebnih rituala,<br />

15,15.<br />

134 Ibid, 63, 64; Q. Zotovi}, Promene pogrebnih rituala,<br />

15,15.<br />


143. Memorijalna gra|evina, IV vek,<br />

Memorial building, 4 th century<br />

gramom (terenska signatura G-5517).<br />

Viminacijumski slikari su, kroz ve{to<br />

osmi{qene kompozicije uravnote`enog<br />

ritma i psiholo{ko nijansirawe likova<br />

postigli visok umetni~ki domet (sl. 34,<br />

35). 135 Oni se igraju ~etkicom i bojama,<br />

izvla~e}i linije sigurno, a obrise i senke,<br />

lako, tek ovla{ nanesenim namazima<br />

~etkice. Intenzitet linije se mewa, zavisno<br />

od motiva: nekad je to sna`na linija,<br />

135 M. Kora}, Late Roman Tomb with Frescoes from<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong>, Starinar XLII/1991, Beograd 1991, 107-122,<br />

fig. 3 a-15; M. Kora}, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu,<br />

110-122.<br />

the only prescribed form of funeral. The eastwest<br />

orientation of the body was mandatory, with<br />

the head facing the east and the rising sun, in<br />

accordance with the belief in a new birth after<br />

death. Funeral feasts did not take place on top of<br />

graves. People were buried in various grave constructions,<br />

mostly in grave holes, wooden caskets<br />

or stone or lead sarcophagi, depending on the<br />

financial means of the deceased. Luxury grave<br />

constructions had a calotte-shaped ceiling and<br />

were used to bury more than one member of a<br />

family. Memorials were the most expensive form<br />

of family tomb. Apart from this, they were a<br />

kind of graveyard church, as they were used for<br />

maintaining the cult of the dead (figure 133. and<br />

144.).<br />


144. Memorijalna gra|evina IV vek<br />

Memorial building, 4 th century<br />

(npr. ode}a pokojnice), a ~esto samo brzi<br />

drhtaj ruke pri iscrtavawu nogu paunova,<br />

drveta `ivota i vre`a sa srcolikim listovima<br />

i gro`|em (sl. 149, 150). Dominiraju}a<br />

ideja prelaza iz zemaqskog u onozemaqski<br />

svet, dosledno je koloristi~ki<br />

potencirana, naj~e{}a kontrastima crvene<br />

i plave boje.<br />

O~igledno da je u periodu IV veka, u<br />

Viminacijumu postojala jedna od najzna~ajnijih<br />

slikarskih {kola, koja je<br />

slikarskim elementima, uspevala da izrazi<br />

slo`ena filozofsko-teolo{ka na~ela<br />

paganstva i hri{}anstva, pre svega, veru u<br />

besmrtnost i vaskrsewe.<br />

No separation of Pagans and Christians is<br />

known to have taken place during the Christian<br />

period, which speaks of a high level of religious<br />

tolerance and of the belief in immortality of the<br />

soul, which Pagans and Christians had in common.<br />

Burials with Christian symbols were rare. 133<br />

Modest or more or less luxurious grave constructions<br />

with Christian symbols confirm that<br />

Christianity was accepted by people of differing<br />

social standing. Early Christian painted tombs<br />

were an exceptionally expensive form of bur-<br />

135 M. Korac, Late Roman Tomb with Frescoes from <strong>Viminacium</strong>,<br />

Starinar XLII/1991, Beograd 1991, 107-122, fig. 3 a-15; M.<br />

Kora}, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, 110-122.<br />


Brojni otkriveni grobovi sa<br />

velikim hronolo{kim rasponom, omogu}avaju<br />

dono{ewe zakqu~aka o istorijsko-ekonomskom,<br />

ali i umetni~kom razvoju<br />

Viminacijuma, kao i o socijalnom statusu<br />

wegovih stanovnika. Na osnovu wih se<br />

prate op{ti rimski i ranohri{}anski<br />

propisi, koji su se primewivali {irom<br />

Carstva, a koji su bili po{tovani i od<br />

stanovnika Viminacijuma.<br />

ial. 134 Most notable in the historical and artistic<br />

sense is the tomb with Christ’s monogram on its<br />

western wall, with depictions of a hunt on the<br />

lateral walls and with the depiction of a paradise<br />

dwelling on the eastern wall (figures 145, 146,<br />

146 a and 146 b). The symbols of immortality,<br />

peacocks, a kantharos and the tree of life were a<br />

frequent theme for <strong>Viminacium</strong> painters (figure<br />

147). Skilfully chosen pictorial and symbolic<br />

elements make <strong>Viminacium</strong> painters outstanding<br />

interpreters and knowers of the Christian understanding<br />

of death. This is confirmed by the motif<br />

of a spiral on the eastern wall of the tomb<br />

marked as G-5464 (figure 148). The two-part<br />

spiral painted in red and blue symbolises the<br />

entirety of life, the brilliance of this life and the<br />

purity and peacefulness of the other world. It is<br />

simultaneously a symbol of the soul’s after-death<br />

voyage. The red and blue colours in another<br />

tomb bearing the monogram of Christ (field<br />


145. Hristov monogram, grobnica sa freskama (G-5517), IV vek<br />

Christogram, fresco tomb (G-5517), 4 th century<br />


192<br />

146. Predstava raja, grobnica sa freskama (G-5517) IV vek<br />

Heaven depiction, fresco tomb (G-5517), 4 th century

146 a. Scena lova, grobnica sa freskama (G-5517) IV vek<br />

Hunting scene, fresco tomb (G-5517), 4 th century<br />


194<br />

146 b. Scena lova, grobnica sa freskama (G-5517) IV vek<br />

Hunting scene, fresco tomb (G-5517), 4 th century

147. Predstava raja, grobnica sa freskama (G-5464), IV vek<br />

Heaven depiction, fresco tomb (G-5464), 4 th century<br />


196<br />

148. Grobnica sa freskama (G-5464), IV vek<br />

Fresco tomb (G-5464), 4 th century

149. Grobnica sa freskama (G-5464), IV vek<br />

Fresco tomb (G-5464), 4 th century<br />


198<br />

150. Grobnica sa freskama (G-5464), IV vek<br />

Fresco tomb (G-5464), 4 th century

Posle dugih, te{kih ali<br />

uspe{nih arheolo{kih kampawa, delimi~no<br />

smo osvetlili stanovnike<br />

Viminacijuma, wihove obi~aje i verovawa.<br />

Nekropole su nam u~inile prepoznatqivim<br />

i bliskim viminacijumskog<br />

~oveka, wegovo stvarala{tvo i otiske<br />

na keramici, staklu, u mermeru ili metalu.<br />

U wivama Stiga jo{ uvek ostaju<br />

skriveni: vojni logor, urbano i suburbano<br />

jezgro, radioni~ki centri i umetni~ki<br />

ateqei, pristani{te, episkopija, autohtona<br />

naseqa, rezidencijalni objekti i<br />

dr.<br />

Nakon 120 g. od prvih iskopavawa M.<br />

Valtrovi}a i 100 g. od istra`ivawa M.<br />

M. Vasi}a, oni za nas jo{ uvek predstavqaju<br />

tajnu. Mnogo je pretpostavki<br />

izre~eno samo na osnovu {turih istorijskih<br />

izvora, podataka putopisaca i<br />

prvih istra`iva~a, epigrafskih i nad-<br />

After long and difficult, but also<br />

successful archaeological campaigns, we<br />

have partially shed light on the inhabitants<br />

of <strong>Viminacium</strong>, their customs and beliefs.<br />

The necropolises have brought <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

man closer to us and rendered him recognizable,<br />

as well as his creative work, his<br />

traces in ceramics, in glass, marble and<br />

metal. In the fields of Stig remain concealed:<br />

the military camp, the urban and suburban<br />

cores, the manufacturing centres and artists“<br />

ateliers, the port, the bishop’s palace,<br />

indigenous settlements, residences etc.<br />

120 years after the first digs by M.<br />

Valtrovic and 100 years after M. M. Vasic’s<br />

excavations, these are still a secret to us.<br />

Many hypotheses have been made merely<br />

based on the sparse historical sources, writings<br />

of travel writers and first explorers, epigraphic<br />

tombstones and other archaeological<br />

finds. They are yet to be confirmed by time.<br />


grobnih spomenika i drugih arheolo{kih<br />

nalaza. Wih }e proveriti VREME.<br />

Budu}a arheolo{ka istra`ivawa }e nas<br />

negirati ili potvrditi.<br />

Bez obzira na to, iza nas ostaje<br />

jedna nepobitna ~iwenica: u vremenu kada<br />

se Carstvo osipalo i Balkan obnavqao, u<br />

vremenu ekonomske i duhovne istro{enosti<br />

i praznine, u Viminacijumu se ukazala<br />

nit puno}e i stvarala~ka svetlost<br />

umetnika, koji su ovekove~ili nevidqivu<br />

granicu koja deli prolazno od besmrtnog<br />

i uzvi{enog.<br />

Future archaeological excavations will either<br />

prove us right or wrong.<br />

Regardless of this, an indisputable fact<br />

stays behind us: in the times when the<br />

Empire was on a decline and the Balkans<br />

were undergoing a renaissance, in times of<br />

spiritual burnout and emptiness, <strong>Viminacium</strong><br />

boasted a thread of plenitude and light of<br />

artistic creation, which eternalized the invisible<br />

boundary separating the ephemeral and<br />

the immortal and sublime.<br />


S A D R @ A J<br />

Predgovor ....................................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Uvod ................................................................................................................................................. 7<br />

Viminacijum - glavni grad rimske provincije Gorwe Mezije .......................................... 11<br />

Privredni i ekonomski uslovi ................................................................................................ 41<br />

Zanatsko - umetni~ka produkcija ............................................................................................ 61<br />

Lokalna kovnica novca .............................................................................................................. 147<br />

Medicina ...................................................................................................................................... 155<br />

Religija i kult ............................................................................................................................ 163<br />

Ju`ne nekropole Viminacijuma i pogrebni obredi ............................................................ 179<br />

C O N T E N T S<br />

Foreword ................................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 7<br />

<strong>Viminacium</strong> - the capital of the Roman province of Upper Moesia ....................................... 11<br />

Economic conditions ................................................................................................................ 41<br />

Arts and Crafts Production ....................................................................................................... 61<br />

The local Mint ........................................................................................................................... 147<br />

Medicine ................................................................................................................................... 155<br />

Religion and cult ...................................................................................................................... 163<br />

The southern necropolises of <strong>Viminacium</strong> and interment rituals .............................................. 179<br />








Nikole Tesle bb, Telefoni: centrala - (012) 241-688,<br />

direktor - (012) 221-244, 240-842, faks - (012) 241-992.<br />

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CIP - katalogizacija u publikaciji<br />

Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd<br />

904 (497.11) “652“<br />

94 (398)<br />

SPASI]-\uri}, Dragana<br />

Viminacijum : glavni grad rimske provincije Gorwe Mezije / Dragana Spasi}-\uri} ;<br />

(prevod Vedran Drowi} ; fotografije Stanko Kosti}, Mario Lisovski). - Po`arevac :<br />

Narodni muzej = Pozarevac : National Museum, 2002 (Po`arevac : Kompromis dizajn). - 203. str.<br />

ilustr. ; 30 cm<br />

Na spor. nasl. str.: <strong>Viminacium</strong> : the Capital of the Roman Province of Upper Moesia. - Upor. tekst<br />

na srp. i engl. jeziku - Tekst {tampan dvostuba~no. - Tira` 1 000. - Str. 5-6 predgovor ;<br />

Foreword / Aleksandar Jovanovi}. - Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst.<br />

ISBN 86-84147-00-6<br />

1. Stv. nasl. na upor. nasl. str.<br />

a) Viminacijum (arheolo{ko nalazi{te)<br />

COBISS-ID 100185868

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