2024 March Newsletter

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Temple<br />

Adas<br />

Shalom<br />

M O N T H L Y<br />

N E W S L E T T E R<br />

5<br />

4<br />

5-7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

11<br />

13<br />

26<br />

27<br />

President's Message<br />

RPC Message<br />

Kehillah MAGNET<br />

Adult Education<br />

Sisterhood News<br />

Safety & Security<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Calendar of Events<br />

January <strong>2024</strong> -<br />

Donors<br />

Contents<br />

Mi Sheberakh<br />

Recently Passed<br />

<strong>March</strong> 2023 Yahrzeits<br />

Observed<br />

M A R C H 2 0 2 4 | 2 1 S T O F A D A R I 5 7 8 4 - 2 1 S T O F A D A R I I 5 7 8 4<br />

Rabbi Meeka’s Musings<br />

Shalom TAS’s Mishpacha משפחה (Family)<br />

The Fun (at times silly ) Holiday of Purim!<br />

משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה be’Simcha! Mishenichnas Adar, Marbin<br />

“When the month of Adar comes, we are to rejoice and have fun!”<br />

(Based on Scroll of Esther, Chapter 9 verse 22)<br />

The festival of Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar<br />

(late winter/early spring). It commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in<br />

ancient Persia (Paras ‏(פרס from the evil Haman’s (boo!) plot to destroy and annihilate<br />

all the Jews in a single day. In a nutshell, as always: They hated us; they wanted to kill<br />

us; we fought them; we won! Now let’s eat.<br />

This year at TAS we will celebrate Purim twice: On Sunday 3/17 everyone is welcome<br />

to join our annual Megilah Reading, followed by a Purim Carnival. On 3/22 our<br />

wonderful music director Mike Mullis and TAS Choir prepared a great musical Purim<br />

Schpiel (a parody on the story of Purim). Please check out our flyers and publicity for<br />

more information.<br />

The Purim Story: The Persian empire of the 4th century BCE extended over 127 lands,<br />

where many Jews were residing. When King Ahasuerus had his wife, Queen Vashti,<br />

executed for failing to follow his orders, he orchestrated a beauty pageant to find a<br />

new queen. A Jewish girl, Esther, found favor in his eyes and became the new queen<br />

—though she refused to reveal the identity of her nationality.<br />

Meanwhile, the anti-Semitic Haman (boo!) was appointed prime minister of the<br />

empire. Mordechai, the leader of the Jews (and Esther’s cousin), defied the king’s<br />

orders and refused to bow to Haman (boo!). Haman (boo!) convinced the king to issue<br />

a decree, ordering the extermination of all the Jews on the 13th of Adar—a date<br />

‏(פורים hence the holiday of Purim פור Pur, chosen by a lottery (in Aramaic and Hebrew<br />

that evil Haman (boo!) made.<br />

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Rabbi Meeka's Musings<br />

Continued<br />

Mordechai incited all the Jews, convincing them to repent, fast (as in ‘not eat’) and pray to God. Meanwhile, Esther<br />

asked the king and Haman (boo!) to join her for a feast. At the feast, Esther revealed to the King her Jewish identity.<br />

Haman (boo!) was hanged, Mordechai was appointed Prime Minister in Haman’s (boo!) stead, and a new decree was<br />

issued—granting the Jews the right to defend themselves against their enemies.<br />

Major Purim Customs & Practices:<br />

1) Read/Listen to the Megillah: To relive the miraculous events of Purim, listen to the reading of the megillah (scroll).<br />

At certain points in the reading where Haman’s (boo!) name is mentioned, it is customary to twirl groggers<br />

(Ra’ashanim, רעשנים Purim noisemakers), and stump one’s feet to “eradicate” or blot out Haman’s (boo!) evil name.<br />

2) Give to the Needy (Matanot La’Evyonim) Concern for the needy is a year-round responsibility; but on Purim it is a<br />

special mitzvah to remember the poor. The mitzvah is best fulfilled by giving directly to the needy, or at least place<br />

two coins into a Tzedaka, charity box. As with the other mitzvahs of Purim, even small children should be taught to<br />

fulfill this mitzvah.<br />

3) Send Food Portions to Friends (Mishloach Manot) On Purim we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and<br />

friendship by sending gifts of food to friends.<br />

4) Dress up (or down!) In Megilat (scroll of) Esther we read that Purim is a time for "feasting, and silly-making.” In<br />

addition to reading the Whole M'gillah we are to dress in costumes, poke gentle (and loving) fun at ourselves and<br />

those around us, and HAVE FUN! Many communities use this holiday as an opportunity to “unleash” hidden<br />

passionate acting skills to participate in "Purim-Schpiels," silly theatrical adaptations of the story of the M'gillah. As<br />

part of the carnival-like atmosphere of Purim, many of us, children of all ages, wear costumes, and engage in<br />

“silliness.”<br />

From a practical perspective – with chillness of winter – it is time to take off heavy winter coats and goulashes - and<br />

have fun!<br />

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President's Message<br />

Mark Wolkow<br />

Survey says…<br />

Results from our congregation-wide survey are in. I want to thank everyone who participated.<br />

This is a great way for members to communicate needs/desires directly to the Temple leadership<br />

team. Here’s a brief recap of the results. Those in charge of the affected areas will be working on<br />

specific actions based on feedback received. There were 30 participants in the survey.<br />

Overall, there was satisfaction with both Clergy and Lay Leadership.<br />

There was significant interest in both Sisterhood and Brotherhood activites.<br />

Members are participating in Temple activities both in person and/or online, and want<br />

to continue to have those choices.<br />

Regarding Adult Education, following were the areas of greatest interest:<br />

Book<br />

Reviews, Film screenings, and Regular Torah study program (all of which are ongoing),<br />

plus self-improvement activities, Israel history, and providing personal support to other<br />

congregants through sharing knowledge/expertise.<br />

20% of responders preferred both email and hard copy <strong>Newsletter</strong> delivery.<br />

Most read the monthly <strong>Newsletter</strong>, averaging about 15 minutes per issue<br />

Most read the weekly Bulletin, averaging about 5 minutes per issue<br />

Most use the website to check on services and event details.<br />

About half would like to receive short communications by text.<br />

Most congregants felt safe/secure at the Temple.<br />

A number of commenters replied to the call for suggestions about Shabbat services,<br />

including assuring proper amplification, maintaining a variety of service themes, and a<br />

number of topics already discussed in depth by the RPC.<br />

We also received a number of unsolicited positive comments, with shout-outs to<br />

Family Shabbats, Pride Shabbat, Visual T’filah, and Daven & Dine, plus the uplifting and<br />

engaging nature of our services.<br />

High Holiday service rating, in total, was 4.68 out of a possible 5. Kudos especially for<br />

the new Congregant hour.<br />

Almost everyone wants to keep Selichot merged with the Friday Shabbat service.<br />

<strong>March</strong> Service Multi<br />

Access Information<br />

and Links<br />

Please note that streaming will be<br />

done via YouTube.<br />

YouTube links for all of our services<br />

can be found on our calendar. No<br />

passcodes are required. Past and<br />

present services and other events<br />

can also be found on our YouTube<br />

channel.<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong> 1st<br />

New Member Shabbat Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:00pm-<br />

6:15pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 6:15pm<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong> 8th<br />

Shabbat Evening Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm-<br />

7:00pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong> 15th<br />

Shabbat Evening Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm-<br />

7:00pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong> 22nd<br />

Purim Schpiel<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm-<br />

7:00pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong> 29th<br />

Shabbat Evening Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm-<br />

7:00pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />

If you have any other thoughts or ideas regarding any aspect of Temple Adas Shalom, your<br />

emails, texts, and phone calls are always welcome – to me or any Board Member.<br />



https://www.youtube.com/@<br />

templeadasshalom/streams<br />

Shalom,<br />

Mark Wolkow<br />

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RPC Message<br />

Melissa Immel & Mike Mullis<br />

Happy Purim From The Religious Practices Committee!<br />

All year long we take things seriously, but Purim provides us with an<br />

opportunity to use humor to laugh at ourselves, while at the same time<br />

rejoicing in the victory of truth and justice.<br />

This Purim, let the joyous melodies of laughter drown out the echoes of doubt.<br />

Like Queen Esther, may you find courage in the face of challenges, and may the<br />

triumph of good over evil inspire resilience in your own journey. Celebrate the<br />

richness of life, the strength of community, and the power of faith as we<br />

embrace the spirit of Purim during our Purim Spiel service on <strong>March</strong> 22nd at<br />

7pm.<br />

On Friday, <strong>March</strong> 1st, come and meet our newest members during the New<br />

Member Shabbat, and then join Rabbi Meeka Simerly on Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 3rd for<br />

a Mish'kan T'filah Learners Service, as she brings great insights into our morning<br />

services and prayer book.<br />

B'Shalom,<br />

Melissa Immel & Mike Mullis, RPC Co-Chairs<br />

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Kehillah MAGNET<br />

Sarah O’Donnell & Joel Yoffee<br />

Shalom Temple Adas Shalom Community!<br />

Kehillah MAGNET is already gearing up for our <strong>2024</strong>-2025 school year! If you<br />

know of families with children in Grades Pre-K through ten who want their<br />

children to learn about their Jewish culture, history, and traditions, please<br />

send them our way! Our In-Person Registration Day will take place on<br />

Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 10, <strong>2024</strong>, from 9:30 to 12:00 pm with early bird tuition rates<br />

ending on May 19, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

We are currently looking to expand the number of educators that we have<br />

on staff, as well as move to an individualized model of teaching Mid-Week<br />

Hebrew. If you are interested in learning more about teaching or<br />

tutoring for the <strong>2024</strong>-2025 school year, please email Sarah O’Donnell at<br />

principal@templeadasshalom.org today!<br />

Upcoming Events:<br />

Mish’Kan T’filah Learners Service: Part II - Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 3rd<br />

Congregants, please join our Pre-Bar and Bat Mitzvah students on Sunday,<br />

<strong>March</strong> 3rd (10:40 am – 11:40 am) as they learn about the Shabbat morning<br />

liturgy. Rabbi Meeka and Linda Needel with lead this special event with<br />

musical accompaniment by Michael Mullis. Learners will focus on the<br />

“what,” “when,” “how” of our Torah service and complete the session with<br />

our ending prayers and blessings.<br />

Everyone is welcome, even if you missed Mish’Kan T’Filah Learner’s<br />

Service: Part I.<br />

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Kehillah MAGNET<br />

Continued<br />

Purim Carnival - Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 17th<br />

Our Kehillah MAGNET Purim Carnival is set to take place on Sunday, <strong>March</strong><br />

17, <strong>2024</strong>, and it is sure to be lots of fun! The public event will be from 12:00 to<br />

2:00 pm, and costumes are encouraged!<br />

If you are interested in participating, there are several ways to do so:<br />

1.Contribute monetarily<br />

2.Bake pastries or other breakfast items for our volunteers<br />

3. Volunteer your time:<br />

https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080C44ABAE2DA5F85-47777483-<br />

purim<br />


TOT SHIRA: Each month during the school year Kehillah MAGNET welcomes<br />

families with children ages 5 and under to attend the Pre-K/K music class at<br />

our religious school. “Tot Shira” is a wonderful way to introduce little ones to<br />

our dedicated teachers and fantastic students. Our next Tot Shira of the year<br />

will be on Sunday, April 7, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

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Kehillah MAGNET<br />

Continued<br />

Adas Shalom Temple (ASTY)<br />

Meeting:<br />

ASTY is held monthly during the<br />

school year with teens in grades<br />

7-12. This school year, the<br />

program is being led by TAS<br />

congregants, Alison Filicko and<br />

Joshua Larkin. Our teens are<br />

currently planning their first<br />

Esports competition, redesigning<br />

the teen lounge, and organizing a<br />

field trip to the Holocaust<br />

Memorial in Washington, D.C.<br />

Students are also working closely<br />

to support our social action<br />

initiatives in the synagogue. Their<br />

next meeting will be on Sunday,<br />

<strong>March</strong> 10th from 10:45 – 11:45 am.<br />


Every other month during the<br />

academic school year, Rabbi<br />

Meeka and Mike Mullis, music<br />

teacher and director, lead one<br />

Friday night service that is<br />

designed with families in mind.<br />

Family Shabbat nights begin at<br />

5:30 pm with a child-friendly meal,<br />

and the service runs from 6:15 –<br />

7:00 pm. Attending Family<br />

Shabbat is a great way to enjoy<br />

the company of friends, relax after<br />

a long week, and provide further<br />

understanding of Hebrew<br />

learning. Our next Family Shabbat<br />

will be held on Friday, <strong>March</strong> 1st in<br />

combination with our New<br />

Member Shabbat. Let’s help<br />

welcome our new families into<br />

the synagogue together!<br />

Please check out the temple calendar for all upcoming events and see you soon!<br />

Joel Yoffee<br />

Kehillah MAGNET Religious School Committee Chair<br />

Sarah O’Donnell<br />

Kehillah MAGNET Religous School Principal<br />

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Upcoming<br />

Adult<br />

Educational<br />

Events<br />

Changing Wisdoms of Loss &<br />

Renewal<br />

Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 10th<br />

10:00am - 12:00pm<br />

The Wonders pf Gilchrist<br />

Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 10th<br />

3:00PM to 4:30PM<br />

Changing Wisdoms of Loss &<br />

Renewal (VIRTUAL ONLY)<br />

Wednesday, <strong>March</strong> 13th<br />

10:00am - 12:00pm<br />

Adult Education<br />

Brian Folus<br />

Dear Congregants,<br />

We have a few exciting events coming up and I sincerely hope you will join us.<br />

On <strong>March</strong> 10 at 3:00pm in the Temple Social Hall we will be presenting “The Wonders of<br />

Gilchrist”. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Gilchrist’s services. We will answer<br />

questions about hospice such as: What is hospice care? What types of support are provided by<br />

Gilchrist? Who qualifies for and how do I start the process of getting care from Gilchrist? Can I<br />

afford hospice? Today’s Gilchrist is more than hospice we help people live every moment!<br />

Presented by Rachel Weitzner from Gilchrist Center. This is informational, not a sales pitch.<br />

On Tuesday February 13th we had our first Lunch & Learn of <strong>2024</strong>. The topic was Jewish<br />

Philosophy and Rituals on Death & Dying. Our presenters were Rabbi Meeka and a<br />

representative from Sol Levinson & Sons. Although a hard topic to face, we believed that this<br />

was a worthwhile discussion for everyone. This was presented on Zoom. If you missed this<br />

presentation you can watch the video of the Zoom presentation from this link:<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/3dGSeLl50t_tltb9Ylev7lt6ZFL-<br />

EjNonWAUlq3ZwkgluLp8Ji8YR-akgYEMygqC.w2rDABBSjNs_V7RW<br />

Passcode: MZS?R++1<br />

Rabbi Meeka will continue to teach her Torah study class, "Tea and Torah". This informative and<br />

interactive class will be held on the Library. The class is free, but Rabbi is asking people to<br />

register. A link is on the calendar. Even if you missed the initial classes, feel free to register and<br />

join the class.<br />

Here are the class meetings:<br />

<strong>2024</strong><br />

Mar 3 9:30-10:30 Apr 28 10:00 - 11:00<br />

Apr 7 10:00-11:00 May 5 10:00 - 11:00<br />

Apr 21 10:00-11:00 May 19 9:30-10:30<br />

Beginning in <strong>March</strong> Dr. David Dirlam will be offering a class on Changing Wisdoms of Loss and<br />

Renewal. Life is full of loss. Renewal is uncertain. Losses may be as great as the love of a lifetime<br />

or as small as a favorite object. They may involve loss of relationship or a dream. They may be<br />

surprising or long anticipated, void, or replaceable, permanent, or recoverable, identifiable, or<br />

vague. The accompanying anxiety, depression, loneliness, or insomnia may be transient or deep.<br />

People may renew in days, decades, or never. Dr. David is offering the first In-person class on<br />

Sunday <strong>March</strong> 10th at 10:00AM - 12:00PM , in the Temple Library and a Zoom session on<br />

Wednesday <strong>March</strong> 13th at 7pm, the link is in the calendar.<br />

We will be offering a film night soon and picking a new book to read and discuss.<br />

We truly hope you will join us for these upcoming events and send us suggestions and request<br />

for topics or movies or programs you would like the Adult Ed. Committee to provide for you.<br />

As always feel free to sit in on a meeting, just click on the link in the Calendar.<br />

Looking forward to hearing from you!<br />

Shalom,<br />

Brian Folus<br />

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Sisterhood News<br />

Deborah Temple<br />

The longer days of sunlight are a welcome blessing! As we shake off the winter doldrums<br />

and see life anew, it is an ideal time to reevaluate what is important to each of us. For<br />

me, I am firm in those being my family, my friends, and Temple Adas Shalom. Our<br />

temple is full of excitement and events overflowing with learning, compassion, and<br />

support. But the reality is that behind all the wonderful things our temple offers, there<br />

are volunteers working to put it together. From the Board of Directors and Kehillah<br />

Magnet to our Sisterhood and Security team, volunteers keep us running.<br />

Sisterhood<br />

Events<br />

All our Sisterhood dates are<br />

posted on the Temple Calendar<br />

and appear in bright pink.<br />

Women’s Event<br />

Saturday, <strong>March</strong> 9th<br />

10:00am - 12:00pm<br />

General Membership Meeting<br />

Saturday, April 13th<br />

5:00pm - 8:00pm<br />

Our Temple Adas Shalom Sisterhood is a vital part of our temple. We have a fun time<br />

while financially supporting the temple, the children, each other, and the community.<br />

We manage and fund the Gift Shop and all the pantry supplies; we make annual<br />

donations to the religious school and to the temple’s general fund. We purchased new<br />

Social Hall tables, provided meals for temple-wide events, and gave camper scholarships<br />

to children. We have paid for Social Hall chairs, upgraded the internet, kashered the<br />

kitchen, bought flowers for the bima, and a list of other things much too long to list. We<br />

can all agree that our Sisterhood has value, but we need you to keep it moving. We have<br />

Sisterhood board positions and committee chair positions that need to be filled.<br />

We know you are busy, but we also know that busy people get more done. We know<br />

that Sisterhood volunteers and their families are more Jewishly engaged. We know that<br />

the children of temple volunteers are more likely to stay in Religious School through<br />

Confirmation and to be more involved in Jewish life beyond high school graduation. We<br />

know that this is a commitment, but we also know that it pays off in many, many ways.<br />

Tell us what you like to do, we will find a way to utilize that. Tell us that you only have 2<br />

hours a month to dedicate, we will find a way to make that time meaningful. Tell us that<br />

you can only help for three specific months, and we will work with you to make that<br />

happen. But tell us something. Tell us that the Temple Adas Shalom Sisterhood is<br />

important by donating your time and talents. Pat Wolkow is chairing our nominating<br />

committee, please contact her to share your interest.<br />

Ann Cogan told us at last year’s installation that our success is built on the shoulders of<br />

the women who came before us, their commitment and dedications are the<br />

groundwork of our extraordinary Sisterhood. We have an obligation to pass that along to<br />

the next generation of women – l'dor v’dor (from generation to generation). Even though<br />

we are firmly rooted in our past, like the sisters before us, today our TAS Sisterhood<br />

reflects our views and our priorities – this is not your Bubbe’s Sisterhood. The more<br />

volunteers we have the lighter the load for everyone – we need you!<br />

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Sisterhood News<br />

Continued<br />


<strong>March</strong> 9th, 10am-12pm: International Women’s Day Brunch<br />

“A nod to the past, appreciation for the present, and support for the future.” Join us for a delicious<br />

brunch and listen as our guest speakers share their stories. Donations for SARC and Tabitha’s House<br />

will be collected now through <strong>March</strong> 9th -see the complete list of items needed in this newsletter.<br />

<strong>March</strong> 13th, 9am-1pm: Packing for Purim<br />

<strong>March</strong> 17th, 12pm: Purim Package Pick-up Day 1<br />

<strong>March</strong> 22nd, 8pm: Purim Package Pick-up Day 2<br />

April 13th, 5:00-8:00: Sisterhood Membership Meeting<br />

Mark your calendar now! This important and fun event will include a general membership meeting,<br />

voting on the new Sisterhood slate, Sisterhood survey results, and an introduction to Zen-Tangle by<br />

Julie Sang. Please bring your favorite Passover appetizer and/or dessert along to share; a light catered<br />

meal will be provided. If you will be cooking or baking your Passover appetizer/dessert, please send the<br />

recipe to sisterhood@templeadasshalom.org so we can compile them to share.<br />

If you want to know more about joining the TAS Sisterhood, please reach out to us at<br />

sisterhood@templeadasshalom.org. Our dues are affordable at only $36 for new members and $42 for<br />

renewing members.<br />

Wishing you the happiest of springs,<br />

Deborah Temple<br />

Sisterhood President<br />

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Safety & Security<br />

Pat Wolkow<br />

Security Team News<br />

Thank You to all attendees of the February, “First Aid/AED/CPR” We<br />

had 6 ELC Staff and 17 congregants who received certified training.<br />

The trainers were very professional and creative in presenting the<br />

valuable and most current practices in this area. We thank them for<br />

accommodating our needs in a timely and reasonable fashion so that<br />

we can apply our grant monies for the expense. We all enjoyed the<br />

social interaction, the food, and the knowledge we gained to help us<br />

help you and others in an emergency involving a possible life threat.<br />



SO, WE CAN DO<br />


security@templeadasshalom.org<br />

We hope to have this training opportunity again in the future. If you<br />

are interested, contact the Security Team through their email below.<br />

Building Updates:<br />

With grant funds we now have a remote ability to activate our<br />

current lock down, blue light system. Security Officers and<br />

teachers or others in the Chapel/classroom with first hand view of<br />

concern, will have access to use them.<br />

Fire and burglar alarm systems are currently in the process of an<br />

update.<br />

Happy to see some folks wearing name badges! – Thank You!<br />

If you see something …Say something!<br />

security@templeadasshalom.org<br />

-Pat Wolkow<br />

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Staff Member Spotlight<br />

About your HJC Director<br />

By Lanay Pettigrew<br />

Hello, I’m Ms. Lanay, HJC ELC Director. I have been in the childcare field for 17 years. In 2017, I<br />

graduated from CCBC College with an associate degree in general education. I first started working<br />

as a volunteer at my cousin’s family childcare at 11 years old. I learned many good life lessons at her<br />

facility and am grateful to have had that experience. My passion in life is to be able to help put a<br />

smile on a child’s face and to further their education with my experience.<br />

My favorite hobbies are going shopping, decorating, and playing<br />

basketball. I have dedicated my life to working with children<br />

by helping them further their education so they can be<br />

successful in whatever path they may choose to follow in life.<br />

With my extensive background in childcare, I am confident<br />

I can provide your little one with a safe, fun, and stimulating<br />

environment. I’m a patient and nurturing caregiver, who<br />

loves reading stories and playing imaginative games. I am a<br />

reliable, trustworthy, and responsible person, with a bit of a silly side.<br />

I’d love to help make your job as a parent a little bit easier. I<br />

believe in clear and effective communication with children as well<br />

as parents, making sure that everyone is heard and respected.<br />

Safety is a top priority in my job as a director. I’m certified in CPR<br />

and First Aid, and I regularly keep a tidy and neat environment. I<br />

am attentive in identifying and reducing risks and ensuring that<br />

the safety of children is not compromised.<br />

My philosophy of childcare centers around establishing a<br />

well-structured and organized routine while providing<br />

flexibility and flexibility. I try to find equilibrium between learning<br />

activities, playing outdoors and creativity, tailoring every experience<br />

to the specific requirements and interests of each child. I<br />

regularly attend conferences and workshops to keep up to date with<br />

the most current techniques and trends in early childhood education.<br />

I truly believe working with children is my calling. In my free time, I<br />

enjoy watching scary movies, and spending time with my niece and<br />

nephew who I take care of full-time. I’m more of an introvert so I truly<br />

appreciate and need some quiet time by myself.<br />

During the summer, I like traveling and visiting my family since<br />

everyone moved out of state. Fun Fact: I am also an interior designer;<br />

I went to college for it and lost interest in because it was so much<br />

work, and I was in the middle of working three jobs and raising my<br />

niece and nephew. But later down the road I decided to start the<br />

journey over and do it as a weekend and summer gig. My number one<br />

priority is ensuring you and your family are comfortable, happy, and safe.<br />

And I sincerely hope I can assist in creating a memorable school year<br />

with your children.<br />

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Temple Adas Shalom’s <strong>March</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Calendar of Events

January <strong>2024</strong> – Donors<br />

BUILDING FUND (L'dor V'dor)<br />

Elaine & Larry Cocco (L’dor V’dor)<br />

Rob & Charna Kinneberg (L’dor V’dor)<br />

Rayna & David Richardson (L’dor V’dor)<br />

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund<br />

Andrew & Marianna Fridberg<br />

David & Alena Schwaber<br />

Elise & Michael Woods - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />

Deborah Paladino - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />

Selma Wolkow<br />

HJC General Fund<br />

Rebecca & Kevin Winters - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />

Wendy & Patrick Drabinski - In memory of Joan & Ralph Karlin<br />

David & Brenda Jaffe - In memory of Peter Jay<br />

Karen & Frederick Wood<br />

David Brown & Carol Mohr - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />

David & Alena Schwaber<br />

Mark & Patricia Wolkow - In memory of Marsha Robinson &<br />

Rabbi Gila’s 70th Birthday.<br />

Arthur & Denise Gordon - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />

Frank Mazurek - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />


Terry Weiner & Herb Abrams - In memory of Marsha Robinson<br />

ONEG Fund / Torah Fund<br />

Stacy & Michael Lasinski (ONEG)<br />

David & Mindy Fang (ONEG)<br />

Marlene & Bruce Solomon - Torah Fund In memory of Marsha<br />

Robinson<br />

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Mi Sheberakh * We Pray for Healing<br />

Amelia Parsons<br />

Anita Rosenzweig<br />

Burt Bronk<br />

Elise Schipper<br />

Fred Belkin<br />

Harvey Malin<br />

Heather Mullis<br />

Justin Orellana Garcia<br />

Nancy Lever<br />

Natalie Litofsky<br />

Steve Nohowel<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2024</strong> - Yahrzeits Observed<br />

Jean Bowman<br />

2nd<br />

Bruce Linick<br />

9th<br />

Sophie Gordon<br />

2nd<br />

Arline H. Silverman<br />

9th<br />

Ida Santer<br />

3rd<br />

Frances Deresh<br />

11th<br />

Benjamin Farkas<br />

4th<br />

Roslyn Wingers<br />

13th<br />

Kay Blum<br />

4th<br />

Louis Schneck<br />

14th<br />

Jules Counts<br />

4th<br />

Andrew Klein<br />

14th<br />

Bernie Sukornick<br />

4th<br />

Joseph Sachs<br />

15th<br />

Hilda Mohr<br />

5th<br />

Jean Shore-Melnick<br />

15th<br />

Steven (Skip) Cogan<br />

5th<br />

Gracie Brodsky<br />

18th<br />

Henry Friedman<br />

5th<br />

Benjamin Rosenthal<br />

19th<br />

Molly Goldstein<br />

8th<br />

Max Belitzky<br />

19th<br />

Arlene Zweibach<br />

8th<br />

Rev. Nathan Gast<br />

26th<br />

Frank Mendelson<br />

8th<br />

Rebecca Rosenfeld<br />

26th<br />

Thomas Pribble<br />

8th<br />

Carnie Friedman<br />

26th<br />

Aaron Hutner<br />

9th<br />

Anne Bianchi<br />

28th<br />

Deborah Griesinger<br />

9th<br />

Stuart Evan Vogelhut<br />

29th<br />

Elden Levine<br />

9th<br />

Louis Getz<br />

29th<br />

Caring Note<br />

Caring is about both the simchas and healing through support and community.<br />

Is there a moment you would like to share, privately or publicly?<br />

We want to be there for you so please let us know.<br />

Email the Caring Committee at caring@templeadasshalom.org<br />

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