Haddonfield Today 136_2023Nov03_Parking

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26 | haddonfield.today<br />

<strong>Parking</strong> Survey<br />

Want data? Start here!<br />

› The <strong>Haddonfield</strong> commissioners say they are<br />

“very data driven” and won’t make any changes to<br />

the new parking scheme until they’ve reviewed the<br />

data. Here’s a good start! Basis = 200 responses.<br />

#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

Q1<br />

› Your home ZIP Code?<br />

n <strong>Haddonfield</strong> = 83%<br />

n Cherry Hill = 5%<br />

n Elsewhere = 12%<br />

Q2<br />

› Do you want<br />

the <strong>Haddonfield</strong><br />

Commissioners to<br />

restore free parking on<br />

Saturdays?<br />

n Yes = 97%<br />

n No = 3%<br />

See comments ><br />

Q3<br />

› Generally, which type<br />

of device do you prefer<br />

using to pay for parking?<br />

n <strong>Parking</strong> meters = 68%<br />

n <strong>Parking</strong> kiosks = 7.5%<br />

n <strong>Parking</strong> apps (on<br />

smartphone) = 24.5%<br />

Q4<br />

› Generally, which<br />

method of payment do<br />

you prefer using to pay<br />

for parking?<br />

n Coins at meter or<br />

coins/notes at kiosk =<br />

62%<br />

n Credit/debit card at<br />

meter or kiosk = 15%<br />

n Credit/debit card on<br />

smartphone app = 23%<br />

The six respondents (3%) who<br />

answered “No” to Q2 commented:<br />

Response 103 – I’m ok with<br />

parking M-Sa but 9am - 5 or 6pm.<br />

And near the Borough, schools,<br />

and post office there should be<br />

quick cheap parking.<br />

109 – I’d rather have free 12<br />

minutes and smaller increments<br />

of parking than free Saturdays.<br />

(I hate new minimum of $1 plus<br />

a whopping .35 fee for use of<br />

required app!!!). I’d rather not use<br />

kiosk or app frankly but very little<br />

hope of reversal.<br />

140 – I don’t really mind paying;<br />

it’s the method that is so annoying.<br />

165 – No comment<br />

172 – I don’t mind having to pay<br />

to park, especially as it’s a minimal<br />

amount. BUT I wish we used the<br />

same system as neighboring<br />

Collingswood and Philadelphia.<br />

I wish the town had been more<br />

transparent about the changes<br />

before they occurred. And I REALLY<br />

miss the 12 minute grace period<br />

for quick stops (EG picking up my<br />

kids from classes, grabbing dry<br />

cleaning, food take out, etc).<br />

174 – Allow payment for 15 and<br />

30 minutes increments<br />

Q5<br />

› Do you find it easy<br />

or difficult to use a<br />

smartphone to pay for<br />

parking?<br />

n I don’t have a<br />

smartphone = 3.5%<br />

n I don’t want to use my<br />

smartphone to pay for<br />

parking = 29%<br />

n Very easy = 8%<br />

n Easy = 15%<br />

n Straightforward but<br />

annoying = 25.5%<br />

n Difficult = 13%<br />

n Very difficult = 6%

#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

Basis = 200 Responses<br />

Q6<br />

› Do you find it easy or<br />

difficult to use a kiosk to<br />

pay for parking?<br />

n I don’t want to use a<br />

kiosk to pay for parking<br />

= 25%<br />

n Very easy = 4.5%<br />

n Easy = 10.5%<br />

n Straightforward but<br />

annoying = 39.5%<br />

n Difficult = 15%<br />

n Very difficult = 5.5%<br />

haddonfield.today | 27<br />

Q7<br />

› Have you had trouble<br />

finding or getting to a<br />

kiosk?<br />

n I don’t want to use a<br />

kiosk to pay for parking<br />

= 28%<br />

n Yes = 55.5%<br />

n No = 16.5%<br />

Q8<br />

› To run a quick errand,<br />

have you skipped paying<br />

for parking?<br />

n Yes = 66.5%<br />

n No= 8.5%<br />

n No, but I might = 25%<br />

Q9<br />

› Since pay-topark<br />

on Saturdays<br />

was introduced in<br />

<strong>Haddonfield</strong>, have<br />

you chosen to shop<br />

elsewhere on Saturdays?<br />

n Yes = 56%<br />

n No= 14%<br />

n No, but I might = 30%<br />

Q10<br />

› Generally, how do you<br />

feel about the new payto-park<br />

days and hours<br />

(Mon-Sat, 9am-8pm)?<br />

n Love it = 0.5%<br />

n Like it = 0%<br />

n Accept it = 6%<br />

n Dislike it = 32.5%<br />

n Hate it = 61%

28 | haddonfield.today<br />

<strong>Parking</strong> Survey<br />

#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

So ... What do you really think?<br />

› On Mon Oct 23, we posted a 10-question survey on our petition site. Pie<br />

charts for the 200 responses received as of 2:18pm on Wed Nov 1 are presented<br />

on pages 26 and 27.<br />

More than 120 respondents recorded comments – about 3 of every 5. The<br />

first 90 or so are published below, unedited (typos and all), in the order they<br />

were received.<br />

We do not have space here to publish all of the comments we received, but<br />

you can read them on <strong>Haddonfield</strong>[dot]<strong>Today</strong>. Scan the QR code n.<br />

_______________________<br />

RESPONSE 001 – Free parking on Saturdays and weekdays until 5:00 (five) PM.<br />

002 – Very unfriendly<br />

004 – The Mayor and two other Commissioners have severely damaged businesses in <strong>Haddonfield</strong>. It’s<br />

completely unacceptable their nonchalant behavior when questioned.<br />

005 – Simply return to the longstanding, historic, business supporting coin meter and day/timeframe<br />

007 – Even when it was free on Saturday so many people paid because it was never posted anywhere. Your<br />

patrons deserve a break! The money they spend at the stores and restaurants come back as taxes anyway.<br />

010 – It’s not feasible to pay for a full hour of parking & go through all of the hassle with a kiosk or app if you’re<br />

just running into the post office to drop off a package for 1 minute, or running into a restaurant to grab takeout.<br />

011 – <strong>Parking</strong> is difficult, especially if you have handicapped plates, and particularly at the Post Office.<br />

012 – With every concept & decision related to parking, please keep the following at the forefront of your mind:<br />

disabled & elderly people (both often the poorest people) will be excluded from necessary shops like grocery<br />

stores & pharmacies if parking policies aren’t sympathetic to them. Some states allow disabled placard holders<br />

to have free metered parking. If in those places, metered parking is removed for kiosk parking, that takes away<br />

something very important to people having a rough time in life. Please make sure that whatever parking<br />

scheme is chosen, that it doesn’t make things harder for those whom life has already kicked around & that the<br />

state has recognized, lawfully, as worthy of exception. Thank you for your consideration.<br />

013 – On Thursdays my wife and I used to dine in <strong>Haddonfield</strong> after work. We don’t anymore. We stop at the<br />

Haddon Diner with feee parking.<br />

014 – I go to stores like Target instead of going into town when I remember the kiosk. I don’t go to the library<br />

often except for 2 min trips when I avoid the horrible kiosks<br />


017 – Extending to 8 pm is frustrating and cumulatively expensive when attending events or running in to grab<br />

takeout downtown in the evening.<br />

020 – This is the worst decision ever made by the commissioners. After 6:00PM and Saturdays need to be free.<br />

It’s not fair to the shopkeepers and to those of us who keep this town alive by our support. I had an appointment<br />

one day and after finding a place to park the app wouldn’t load on my phone. I was late for my appointment<br />

and parked in the Acme lot, something I never do if I’m not shopping there. Not fair to Acme. <strong>Haddonfield</strong> is<br />

already being ruined by the mass tearing down of old houses and replacing them with unsightly monstrous<br />

houses. This parking situation is making our town less attractive to shoppers and will contort our downfall.<br />

021 – I would like free first 12 minutes back as well<br />

023 – While I prefer to use a parking app, I want the ability to choose minutes over a full hour. Much like<br />

MeterUp allows you to do.<br />

024 – I think parking meters are a thing of the past, but more Kiosks are needed. Including Saturdays was a big<br />

mistake for <strong>Haddonfield</strong>.<br />

025 – Go back to the old schedule and meters.<br />

026 – I miss the free 12 min feature on the meters so I could easily run in to pick up dry cleaning etc. I also don’t<br />

like the fact that people / employees can easily stay in their parking spaces all day. It’s harder to find spots close<br />

to my destination than it used to be. Finally I help facilitate an evening program downtown once a month. It<br />

starts at 7:30 pm. I now have to pay for an hour of parking for that 1/2 hour of time. I really don’t like that.<br />

Scan to read<br />

ALL<br />

SURVEY<br />



#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

What do you really think?<br />

haddonfield.today | 29<br />

RESPONSE 027 – I believe any additional revenue the borough may gain from parking will be offset by the<br />

lost revenue of local businesses because people will choose to shop elsewhere. It is difficult enough for small<br />

businesses to compete without local governments making it more difficult for their customers to park in town.<br />

030 – I don’t hate the idea of the app and kiosks but the hour minimum and. Now Saturdays is insane. I<br />

shouldn’t need to pay to run into the post office<br />

031 – Pay to Park up to 5 or 6pm. Let diners dine for free. Bring back the free 15 minute parking at UPS and Post<br />

Office!<br />

034 – I cannot even go to the post office without paying to park in the town I live in. I no longer go to any<br />

business in town. Including daily coffee & the post office. I no longer frequent the small businesses in town<br />

because of the parking situation and receiving a ticket when I was 3 minutes past my meter time.<br />

036 – The current app is terrible. I’d prefer parkmobile.<br />

037 – I am really annoyed than they took away the 15 minute grace period and also that I am forced to pay for<br />

one hour when I may only need 30 minutes or less .<br />

039 – The free 12 minutes missing with the app is what is really annoying. I end up having to pay $1.33<br />

so many times just to run into a store for 5 to 10 minutes, or for something in the evening that used to be<br />

free, which is adding a tax to get things done in downtown <strong>Haddonfield</strong>. I live in town, but don’t want to go<br />

downtown as much now.<br />

040 – The kiosks half the time don’t even work when you find one. Crossing the street to pay at a kiosk should<br />

not be. I have lived in <strong>Haddonfield</strong> half of my life; parking should be free after 6 on weekdays and free on<br />

weekends. With all of the tax revenue that is generated from million dollar housing being built in <strong>Haddonfield</strong>,<br />

parking should be free especially for the residents. Taking away the free 12 minute parking to do quick errands<br />

or stop in the post office is just absurd. This new parking arrangement was never discussed with the residents<br />

hurts all who live, work, and enjoy coming to <strong>Haddonfield</strong>.<br />

041 – I now avoid <strong>Haddonfield</strong> businesses I used to patronize due to the parking. Need an alternative for 5<br />

minute errands. Town residents should have parking stickers for quick errands. We don’t stay long.<br />

042 – Pulled into Fuji’s parking lot on Saturday for lunch and remembered the Saturday parking fees so we<br />

drove away and went to Cherry Hill to another restaurant. Wouldn’t mind paying a quarter but $1.35 min<br />

every time - no way. I’ve paid taxes here for 30 years. This is the worst decision I’ve ever seen made in this town.<br />

Business owners will suffer. disappointed<br />

048 – If you are a <strong>Haddonfield</strong> resident and pay property taxes, parking should be free. A sticker should be<br />

given out that you can display on your dashboard. We pay enough for living in <strong>Haddonfield</strong>, parking should be<br />

free for residents<br />

049 – I can’t go to Acme anymore. <strong>Parking</strong> lot is full bc people park there instead of paying. I go to Haddon<br />

Township Acme. I go to post office in Cherry Hill. Not paying to park when all I need is to put a letter in the mail.<br />

This mayor forgets she works for us. She isn’t the queen of <strong>Haddonfield</strong>! I have friends who won’t meet me here<br />

for lunch or go shopping now. She and her two puppets are ruining this town! I am very angry that we are<br />

paying for her Communication Officer. I thought lawyers were well spoken and didn’t need someone to speak<br />

for them!!! Seriously I do not want to live here anymore! If she represents the women vote as much as she says,<br />

why does she answer to the men in the Democratic Party and do what they tell her!? She needs lessons from<br />

Tish Columbi!! Totally fed up with her dirty politics! I am very angry!<br />

052 – I feel it’s bad for businesses in <strong>Haddonfield</strong>.<br />

053 – “Remember Milton Shapp? He was the governor of PA who wanted to be remembered for getting rid of<br />

pay toilets on the PA Turnpike. I still remember him. I used to eat and shop in <strong>Haddonfield</strong> almost daily. Now I<br />

only go on Sundays.<br />

055 – My biggest complaint is the fact that local residents now have to pay $1.35 simply to grab a coffee, run<br />

into a shop quickly, or drop something at the post office. Residents should have a 15 minute “free” parking<br />

option on the app. I refuse to pay extra every time I have to go to the post office. That makes mailing packages<br />

over the course of the year expensive. Residents should have better options.<br />

057 – I understand the need to charge for parking on Saturdays but I prefer meters.<br />

059 – I do not mind the parking app, but want the option for less than 1 hour without a fee. The $1.35 for<br />

a minimum of 1 hour is ridiculous if you are just running into a store for 5-10 mins. There should be another<br />

option. Maybe 1st 15 mins free.

30 | haddonfield.today<br />

<strong>Parking</strong> Survey<br />

#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

RESPONSE 060 – Dropping off/picking up my dog at the groomer went from free to $2.70. I could go to a place<br />

with free parking. I feel this way now about many stores and businesses. If the town needs more revenue, allow<br />

all residents to pay $20 for a permit, not just seniors. Or, charge the landlords an operations fee for downtown<br />

services.<br />

062 – Although this comment does not apply to me personally, the new technology is difficult for seniors and<br />

people without smartphones.<br />

065 – Metered parking prevents spots from being filled all day. I think time limits/restrictions of 3 hours should<br />

be enforced. Encouraging turnover allows for more parking availability and easier parking downtown. The<br />

township should look into alternatives for extended parking or designate other lots for longer parking and keep<br />

the street parking restricted. It should also be free on weekends plan and simple.<br />

066 – VERY inconvenient and annoying are the new parking regulations in <strong>Haddonfield</strong><br />

069 – I liked when paying for parking ended at 5 or 6 pm<br />

070 – Go back to 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri pay for parking<br />

071 – There has to be a better way...<br />

072 – In addition to the change of hours, parking has become even more unfriendly to both residents and<br />

business owner/employees. Keeping a small business profitable is challenging enough in this town where rent<br />

is already too high for most businesses, but the town is now making it more menacing for our elderly shoppers,<br />

quick pick-ups, etc. My mother won’t shop in town anymore (after being a lifelong <strong>Haddonfield</strong> shopper),<br />

she has a smart phone but barely knows how to use it. And, as a business owner, it completely stinks getting<br />

parking tickets when we’re already trying so hard to add value to the town and community.<br />

074– I do understand why there needs to be paid parking, but I find it somewhat unfriendly as a disabled<br />

person. I would prefer meters, because they are present where my car is, and I don’t have to wander off to find<br />

a kiosk, then return with a slip, then move on to my destination. I like the Westmont courtesy 15 minutes free<br />

meters; often that is plenty of time to get in and out on a brief errand. I do have a smart phone but do not use<br />

it for any kind of banking; I worked in IT and it’s just a matter of time before hackers will compromise phone<br />

security to steal funds. You also need to add crosswalks to the 400 block of Haddon Avenue. And you neglected<br />

to put a kiosk on that block, which causes no end of confusion for shoppers. <strong>Haddonfield</strong> is not doing any favors<br />

for these businesses!<br />

075 – Was a feasibility/cost study done before the installation of the kiosk parking? How long is it projected to<br />

recoup the investment.<br />

076 – I have started to use other businesses in other areas because of the inability to pay for short-term (

#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

What do you really think?<br />

haddonfield.today | 31<br />

RESPONSE 092 – The meters were so easy, and now I have to spend my time finding a kiosk that might not be<br />

nearby or convenient to where I parked. If I choose to use the app to pay to park instead, it costs MUCH more for<br />

the same amount of time if I had used a kiosk. Also the Saturday parking hours have completely deterred me<br />

from choosing <strong>Haddonfield</strong> on the weekend for dining or shopping. Why choose to support a town that seems<br />

to not want any outsiders there?<br />

094 – As a senior ( 81) I do not do a lot of shopping, but like having free parking after 6p (week-days) for<br />

dinning in <strong>Haddonfield</strong> and Saturday free for what little shopping I might wish to do. I DO NOT have a smart<br />

phone !!!<br />

095 – I dislike the current parking scan and pay. I just want to drop off and pick my dog up from the groomers.<br />

Less than 10 mins. I circle the damn lot 3-4 times before a spot comes open. If it’s didn’t love my groomer I would<br />

shop elsewhere. I prefer coin meters on the Main Street through the center of town. Easy.<br />

096 – Restore free parking on saturdays and after 6 and 15 minute free parking.<br />

101 – I have gotten hacked a few times before with pay by phone apps. I tried the <strong>Haddonfield</strong> one the first<br />

time and it was glitchy. I also am hating the xtra hours we need to now pay<br />

102 – Extra .35 convenience fee for app payment is a bit excessive<br />

103 – I’m ok with parking M-Sa but 9am - 5 or 6pm. And near the Borough, schools, and post office there<br />

should be quick cheap parking.<br />

105 – I pay too much in property taxes to have to pay for Sat. parking. It is an insult!!!<br />

107 – Really miss the 12 minute free. I frequently run to shops to pick up gifts, candy, food. Also, I disagree with<br />

the change from 6p to 8. Would love to know the difference in revenue.<br />

108 – If <strong>Haddonfield</strong> wants people to come WHY are they discouraging them and making it more difficult....as<br />

if finding a parking space wasn’t difficult enough. Also, why change to 8pm. It made me happy to have to go to<br />

4 or 5p. Yikes, even most stores are closed by 5p, yet we still have to pay to park.<br />

109 – I’d rather have free 12 minutes and smaller increments of parking than free Saturdays. (I hate new<br />

minimum of $1 plus a whopping .35 fee for use of required app!!!). I’d rather not use kiosk or app frankly but<br />

very little hope of reversal.<br />

110 – The change in pay-to-park days is a blow to both <strong>Haddonfield</strong> residents and businesses alike!<br />

112 – Increasing the pay for parking time (8:00pm) and day (now Saturdays) is a major deterrent to shoppers<br />

and visitors for coming here to <strong>Haddonfield</strong>.<br />

113 – Can residents purchase a parking sticker for the year? Dealing with the app takes longer than the errand I<br />

have to run most of the time.<br />

115 – Making people pay on Saturdays is not good for business. Also, making people pay via a smart phone (<br />

and load software on phones ) will deter business. This feels greedy to me...<br />

118 – I know change is a part of life but I do think having to use an app or a phone to pay for parking can be<br />

VERY difficult for older people and can discourage that age group from frequenting the downtown area.<br />

119 – With this age of technology it should be easy to add a free parking option for the 12 minutes we all used<br />

to get for quick errands. We can obviously change the hours and day probably within a day. Getting it it back to<br />

some happy medium for everyone should be very easy.<br />

120 – Bring back the option for free 12 minute parking! Lots of times I zip into town to pick something up, or<br />

drop off a package at the post office, now I have to pay $1.35 each time for a full 1 hour, when all I need is 5<br />

minutes. GREEDY! Also, my wife got a parking ticket for the 1st time in 30 years of living here, all because the<br />

app confused her, she thought she was all set, but hadn’t fully hit the confirm button in the app. As a result of<br />

the new paid Saturday parking, my wife use to say cheerfully that she’s running into town to shop for gifts, now<br />

she’s been opting to skip downtown and shop online. Lastly, it’s not very inviting to our out of town shoppers.<br />

121 – My stores sales are down 30% in October. These new parking stipulations are brutal.<br />

122 – Commissioners will host the downtown businesses free parking on Sat and Sunday and after 6<br />

124 – The old meters were charming and fit the look of the town. The new signs are cheap looking. Not easy to<br />

use for older people<br />

128 – Paying for parking after 6PM most negatively impacts the downtown restaurants disproportionally.

32 | haddonfield.today<br />

<strong>Parking</strong> Survey<br />

#<strong>136</strong> • NOVEMBER 3 TO 24, 2023<br />

RESPONSE 131 – The rollout - and fallout - of this new system has been handled so poorly that I am sincerely<br />

questioning the commissioners’ transparency and competency. Either they don’t understand their constituents<br />

or they think we are a bunch of compliant dopes.<br />

132 – Often I need to park on King’s Highway just to pick up a take out order that I have called in. I typically<br />

go after 6 pm but before 8 pm. It is nuts that I should have to pay for a 10 minute park, and try to find a kiosk<br />

on top of it. Or at the post office to drop off a package - also about 10 minutes. The previous meters with 12<br />

minutes free were perfect for this. I will most likely start ordering take out only at restaurants with parking lots.<br />

133 – This new policy has caused me to shop other places. I liked to just park and wander around. I’d pay at a<br />

meter, but don’t feel like finding the kiosk.<br />

135 – $1.35 per hour with only an hour option to run errands in town is taking advantage of residents. We<br />

have kids that we drop off and pick up at art class etc. I’m paying $2.70 each day to drop off and pick up! We<br />

used to get free 12 minutes to do quick errands. It’s also ludicrous that to use the app you don’t have a 15 minute<br />

option or 30 minutes. It’s ludicrous that the app company is charging a 35% up charge on a dollar to park w<br />

each transaction. The town is overpaying. This is not a sustainable solution for residents. I grew up here. I’m<br />

beyond irritated. You took it way too far. Bring back free 12 minutes, to pick up your mail at post office, to pick<br />

up your kids. Provide a 15 and 30 minute option. And stop up charging 35% on $1.00.<br />

138 – Free parking everyday means more $ to the merchants who are already paying ridiculous rent.<br />

139 – I could live with Saturday parking and extended hours. However, I feel <strong>Haddonfield</strong> residents should have<br />

the option of paying an annual flat fee ($40?) instead of pay per park.<br />

140 – I don’t really mind paying; it’s the method that is so annoying.<br />

141 – I know longer shop in <strong>Haddonfield</strong> (other than at the Acme), nor do I go to restaurants in town. Why?<br />

Because it is too difficult to park.<br />

145 – I’m typically fine with using a parking app and been around. Princeton does a good job- meters but<br />

you can also pay by app. But it’s obvious our town went for the lowest bidder or a friend/family member .<br />

HORRIBLE system, the signs haphazardly affixed to old meter poles are an eyesore and out of character for our<br />

quaint town, app is horrible - everyone is struggling. The hours to now pay does not support Retailers or the<br />

community. Just downright greedy. The free first few courtesy minutes are sorely missed by the community. A<br />

total fail!<br />

147 – Liked the 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri<br />

149 – The town was collecting enough money from people paying at meters when it was free. Now that they<br />

took away parking, many of my clients who live in town won’t shop or eatdue to the difficulty parking and they<br />

don’t feel like paying. They say they pay enough in taxes already<br />

150 – The manner in which the change to parking was done was underhanded. To not only change the whole<br />

system but then the time frame is maddening. I think the commissioners have forgotten that to be effective<br />

people care about speeding, quality of the roads, and services like garbage and leaf/snow removal. Instead, the<br />

mayor in particular seems bent on an agenda that is not moving the town forward. She has brought a level of<br />

divisiveness and this parking situation exemplifies how out of touch she and the team at Borough Hall are.<br />

Read all comments on <strong>Haddonfield</strong>[dot]<strong>Today</strong>. Scan the QR code n.<br />

Scan to read<br />

ALL<br />

SURVEY<br />


.<br />

Peeved about parking? Three things you can do:<br />

› 1: Contact the Commissioners: 856-429-4700<br />

Mayor Colleen Bianco Bezich cbbezich@haddonfield-nj.gov x 317<br />

Commissioner Kevin Roche kroche@haddonfield-nj.gov x 316<br />

Commissioner Frank Troy ftroy@haddonfield-nj.gov x 318<br />

› 2: Sign the Petition: › 3: Take the Survey:<br />

Go here: chng.it/54CZ4j8NDy Having reached 200 responses to the survey<br />

or scan the QR code:<br />

one day before this issue was due to go to<br />

press, and noticing that the pie charts for 200<br />

Help push<br />

responses varied little from those for the first<br />

it past 2,500 100 responses, we decided to pause the survey.<br />

names!<br />

Thank you to all who participated!

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