2024 Women's Leadership Summit Program

RISE &<br />

Shine<br />



<strong>2024</strong> <strong>Women's</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Summit</strong>

T H A N K Y O U T O O U R<br />


W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 6 , 2 0 2 4<br />

10:00 a.m. - Registration Opens/Visit Vendors<br />

11:30a.m.-12:00p.m. - Lunch and Welcome<br />

12:00-1:15 p.m. - Opening Keynote - Kristen Brown<br />

1:30-2:30 p.m. - Breakout Session 1<br />

2:30-2:45 p.m. - Break/Visit Vendors<br />

2:45-3:45 p.m. - Breakout Session 2<br />

3:45-4:30 p.m. - Visit Vendors<br />

4:30-5:30 p.m. - Happy Hour and Networking<br />

T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 7 , 2 0 2 4<br />

8:00 a.m. - Breakfast in Hotel Common Area<br />

9:00-9:50 a.m. - Breakout Session 3<br />

10:00-10:50 a.m. - Breakout Session 4<br />

11:00-11:50 a.m. - Breakout Session 5 (Job-Alike Sessions)<br />

12:00 p.m. - Lunch<br />

12:30-1:30 p.m. - Closing Keynote - Carla Tantillo Philibert<br />

1:30-1:45 p.m. - Closing Remarks and Prize Drawings


BROWN<br />

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, <strong>2024</strong><br />

12:00-1:15 P.M.<br />


Kristen Brown is an energy mastery expert and<br />

bestselling author who helps you get charged up even<br />

during change and stress. She spent 15-years in<br />

corporate leadership roles and today continues her<br />

work with companies around the world as a keynote<br />

speaker. She has appeared in media like Live with<br />

Kelly, Forbes, Working Mother, Psychology Today, and<br />

more. Her biggest faults – she is an occasional knowit-all<br />

and frequent wine aficionado. She lives in<br />

Minneapolis and loves hiking, anything on, in, or near<br />

water, and hanging with her dog and daughter.

Wednesday, March 6, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 1 - 1 : 3 0 - 2 : 3 0<br />

The Glass Ceiling in K-12<br />

Education: What My<br />

Nationwide Study<br />

Revealed about Female<br />

Leaders in Education<br />

B O S I N 1 & 2<br />

D R . H E A T H E R R E N K<br />

For building leaders considering moving<br />

into district-level leadership. Learn about<br />

the career paths, knowledge, skills,<br />

abilities, and barriers that affect females<br />

nationwide as they ascended and hold<br />

the superintendency and how they apply<br />

to those of us considering moving up to<br />

the next level of leadership in education.<br />

Self Care<br />

B O S I N 3<br />

T O N Y A M E R R I G A N<br />

Public School leaders are constantly<br />

taking care of everyone around them.<br />

Female leaders often struggle to provide<br />

themselves that same level of care. This<br />

presentation will focus on strategies to<br />

ensure that female leaders at all levels in<br />

schools take the time to care for<br />

themselves and recharge. Ultimately, this<br />

self care will make you a more effective<br />

leader.<br />

Building Your Network<br />

of Women Leaders<br />

S T A T I O N 1<br />

L A C Y W A R R E N , K E L L Y<br />

W H I T T A K E R , M E L I S S A E V A N S<br />

In this session we will discuss how it is<br />

imperative to build a collaborative network<br />

with other leaders. We will give tips and ideas<br />

on how to create that network of other<br />

female leaders and ways to connect in busy<br />

times. We will also talk about how to be<br />

successful and continue to learn and grow as<br />

a women leader. We will also hit on how we<br />

have to let the stigma down in order to build<br />

capacity and grow other women leaders, how<br />

to manage a work-life and mom-life balance.<br />

Attendees will walk out with a Voxer group<br />

joined and an optional book study (and<br />

schedule) to participate in for the remainder<br />

of the year. We have an open discussion and<br />

Q and A. This will be a collaboration session<br />

for female leaders.<br />

Your Picture of<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

S T A T I O N 2<br />

D R . M E L I S S A V E A T C H<br />

This session encourages women in leadership<br />

to define who they are and stay true to that<br />

vision by anchoring to arts-based inquiry.<br />

Participants will be asked to find visual<br />

reminders of their purpose and use those<br />

tools as a reminder to stay true to their core;<br />

allowing them to find more success and<br />

happiness with their role as a leader.

Wednesday, March 6, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 1 - 1 : 3 0 - 2 : 3 0<br />

Best believe I’m still<br />

Bejeweled - Keep your<br />

Shimmer. Don’t miss<br />

Sparkling.<br />

S I E D H O F F<br />

S A R A H P E R R Y M A N<br />

In this session, we will walk through<br />

various ways you can ensure your work<br />

situation is allowing you to be your best<br />

self. You will learn tips for growing as a<br />

professional, developing your persona<br />

and voice, and best of all, how to<br />

embrace your quirks.<br />

Building Student<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Capacity<br />

through Community<br />

Partnerships<br />

R I V E R V I E W<br />

K E L L E Y C A P P E R , T A Y L O R<br />

S M I T H<br />

“The Women in <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Program</strong><br />

overall has prepared us to successfully<br />

go into the workforce by teaching us all<br />

sorts of leadership skills. I have learned<br />

to not only take every opportunity I am<br />

given but also to take the initiative to<br />

look for and create my own<br />

opportunities. I have learned the<br />

importance of humility, character, and<br />

empathy as I become a leader.” ~<br />

Former Student<br />

The SMSD Women in <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

program provides leadership and<br />

mentoring opportunities to our female<br />

students. Student learn from leadership<br />

literature, listen to female leaders in the<br />

community, participate in company<br />

based career experiences, and have the<br />

option to participate in a mentoring<br />

program. This session will provide a<br />

framework for how schools can build<br />

community partnerships and market<br />

value assets by embracing leadership<br />

potential of young female students.

Wednesday, March 6, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 2 - 2 : 4 5 - 3 : 4 5<br />

Our Time to Shine . . .<br />

Women <strong>Leadership</strong> at ALL<br />

Levels<br />

B O S I N 1 & 2<br />

P A M L E W I S , M I C H E L L E L O R D ,<br />

A B B Y M O R G A N , M I C H E L L E<br />

H U B B A R D<br />

As women leaders in education we are<br />

invested in serving our students and<br />

making a difference in their lives. We can<br />

magnify our impact by investing in our<br />

colleagues, providing opportunities for<br />

them to lead, and have an even greater<br />

impact on the future of education.<br />

Effective women leaders recognize the<br />

strengths in others. We must give our<br />

time to develop, coach, and mentor<br />

others. Be a woman in leadership that not<br />

only opens the door for others, but<br />

prepares them to confidently walk<br />

through that door. Learn how to use<br />

Career Coaching Conversations and<br />

design a framework to prepare women for<br />

leadership and build leadership capacity<br />

at all levels in your organization. Together<br />


Transform Your Health<br />

and <strong>Leadership</strong> Potential<br />

B O S I N 3<br />

A S C E N D R A D O N A L D ,<br />

L A K R Y S T A L M C K N I G H T<br />

Mental/emotional health, family/social<br />

health, spiritual health, and physical<br />

health, are what many indigenous groups<br />

refer to as overall health. The “4 Walls” of<br />

a house is an illustration of this. To<br />

effectively serve as a woman in<br />

educational leadership, each area of<br />

health must be prioritized. Like the safety<br />

instructions on a flight requiring you to<br />

put your oxygen mask on first, leaders<br />

must first ensure they are healthy overall<br />

before they can lead the educators they<br />

serve.<br />

Objective: During this interactive session,<br />

attendees will learn how prioritizing<br />

improving their overall health will propel<br />

them into transforming their educational<br />

leadership potential.<br />

Takeaways: During this session, attendees<br />

will recognize personal characteristics<br />

that lead them to leadership, define and<br />

identify their current health strengths<br />

and needs, develop an action plan to<br />

improve their overall health, and identify<br />

tools to help them to reach their full<br />

leadership potential and inspire the staff<br />

they serve. Let’s build our walls together!

Wednesday, March 6, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 2 - 2 : 4 5 - 3 : 4 5<br />

Communication is Key<br />

S T A T I O N 1<br />

T E R R I G L A S S<br />

Good communication can make the<br />

difference between confident, motivated<br />

employees and an unproductive team with<br />

low morale. It builds thriving relationships<br />

and gives people the information they need<br />

to contribute to the success of the business<br />

(BDC.ca) In this session, we will discuss ways<br />

to communicate effectively with your staff to<br />

set clear school wide expectations and to<br />

foster a school wide discipline routine that<br />

works. My staff discipline activity is a GAME<br />

CHANGER for unnecessary referrals. It helps<br />

put the behavior conversations back in the<br />

classroom between the teacher and parents<br />

instead of the traditional default of "go to the<br />

office."<br />

Leveling the Playing<br />

Field for Female Leaders<br />

S T A T I O N 2<br />

D R . L O R E N H A T F I E L D ,<br />

H O L L Y I N G R A M , A M A N D A<br />

S H A R S H E L , D R . C H R I S T I E<br />

M E Y E R , D R . S H E R R I E F R A Z E Y<br />

Despite women making up approximately<br />

70% of the teaching workforce in the United<br />

States, only 30% of district leadership<br />

positions are occupied by women. Join us as<br />

this cadre of dynamic female leaders discuss<br />

how to generate opportunities for women in<br />

leadership and how to support women in<br />

leadership roles.<br />

Leading with Resilience<br />

and Crisis Management<br />

S I E D H O F F<br />

K R Y S T A L Y O U N G<br />

In today's dynamic educational<br />

landscape, the ability to lead with<br />

resilience in the face of adversity is not<br />

just a valuable trait; it's a crucial skillset.<br />

This presentation delves into the art of<br />

leading with resilience and crisis<br />

management, a topic paramount for<br />

leaders. We will explore strategies to<br />

fortify mental and emotional well-being,<br />

equipping building and district leaders<br />

with the tools to overcome challenges.<br />

We will dissect real-world crisis scenarios,<br />

while honing decision-making and<br />

communication under pressure.<br />

Moreover, we'll emphasize the<br />

significance of fostering a culture of<br />

preparedness within teams, ensuring<br />

collective resilience in times of crisis.<br />

Drawing on expert insights, this session<br />

aims to inspire a proactive, adaptive<br />

leadership style that not only sustains<br />

organizations through turbulence but<br />

propels them towards growth. Together,<br />

we'll uncover the keys to fortitude in<br />

leadership, empowering you to navigate<br />

any challenge with confidence and<br />


Wednesday, March 6, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 2 - 2 : 4 5 - 3 : 4 5<br />

Veteran Educator<br />

Retirement Workshop<br />

R I V E R V I E W<br />

A N G E L A F O R D<br />

How will the KPERS changes impact<br />

my retirement?<br />

Which one option out of the 42<br />

KPERS options is right for me?<br />

Am I eligible to purchase additional<br />

pension years?<br />

What does my retirement plan look<br />

like with KPERS, Social Security and<br />

my own investments?<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Networking<br />

Walk<br />

M E E T I N L O B B Y ( W E A T H E R<br />

P E R M I T T I N G )<br />

J E S S I C A M O S S M A N ,<br />

S T E P H A N I E B O S I L J E V A C<br />

Put on your tennis shoes and join us for<br />

scenic networking and problem solving<br />

with other conference attendees.<br />

Participants will have the opportunity to<br />

engage in structured conversation with<br />

other attendees while we walk an<br />

approximate mile loop around the<br />

riverfront. Participants can expect to walk<br />

away with new contacts, new ideas for<br />

ways to solve current problems, and<br />

crossing "take a walk" off your to-do list<br />

for the day.<br />



Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 3 - 9 : 0 0 - 9 : 5 0<br />

Career Quest Builds<br />

Workforce Pipeline for<br />

Reno County: Embracing<br />

Future <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Potential<br />

B O S I N 1 & 2<br />

L Y N E T T E M C L E A N , L A U R E N<br />

S T O R M<br />

To build the workforce of tomorrow and retain<br />

local talent, communities need to collaborate<br />

to create the pipeline today. This inspired<br />

Hutchinson educators to create Career Quest<br />

with Greater Hutch, and economic<br />

development partnership with the<br />

Hutchinson/ Reno County Chamber of<br />

Commerce. In the spring of 2022, the pilot<br />

program organized on site business tours for<br />

80 6th grade students to explore jobs in Reno<br />

County. The program expanded county wide<br />

to connect over 650 6th grade students with<br />

career exploration opportunities through onsite<br />

business tours to discover individual local<br />

business and mega tour days to explore an<br />

industry sector. The second year in the fall of<br />

2023 begins with Education Days where over<br />

650 students tour Hutchinson Community<br />

College, Hutchinson Community College Fire<br />

Science, and Hutchinson Career and Technical<br />

Education Academy to discover what<br />

education and training opportunities are<br />

available to them in support of their future<br />

career goals. Upcoming mega tour days<br />

include Manufacturing Day during the<br />

Manufacturing Expo at the Kansas State,<br />

Healthcare, Public Service Day, and Agri-<br />

Business Day. These opportunities help young<br />

girls and all students see what they can be in<br />

Reno County.<br />

Holding the Line: How to<br />

Make and Keep Boundaries<br />

B O S I N 3<br />

D R . E M I L Y R I N E R<br />

You ARE exceptional, but you're not the<br />

exception to the rule. The hard truth is<br />

that we cannot be everything, for<br />

everyone, all of the time (even when<br />

that’s the societal expectation). We have<br />

to hold the line somewhere to take care<br />

of ourselves, our families and loved ones,<br />

and our work. As women, it is particularly<br />

difficult to make and hold boundaries<br />

without feeling judged. Let’s come<br />

together to discuss what boundaries are,<br />

why we need them, how to create them,<br />

and how to hold yourself accountable.<br />

You will leave with tips, new ideas, and<br />

opportunities to practice these critical<br />


Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 3 - 9 : 0 0 - 9 : 5 0<br />

Career Aspirations of<br />

Women in District Level<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> -<br />

Superintendent or Not?<br />

S T A T I O N 1<br />

D R . C A R R I E M U G R I D G E<br />

The presentation will explore the gender<br />

dynamics within the education profession,<br />

with a focus on women's representation in<br />

leadership roles. Currently, women<br />

comprise 75% of the education workforce,<br />

52% of principals, and 78% of district-level<br />

administrative positions. However, when it<br />

comes to the highest leadership position<br />

of superintendent, only 27% are women.<br />

This analysis will delve into the profiles of<br />

women in leadership roles who are<br />

potential candidates for the<br />

superintendent position. It will shed light<br />

on who these women are, their career<br />

aspirations, and the challenges they face<br />

along with the support they have received<br />

or lacked throughout their careers.<br />

Furthermore, the presentation will discuss<br />

strategies and initiatives aimed at<br />

encouraging and empowering women to<br />

aspire to and attain the position of<br />

Superintendent. By understanding the<br />

unique experiences and obstacles faced by<br />

women in educational leadership, we can<br />

work towards a more equitable<br />

representation at the highest levels of<br />

leadership in the field of education.<br />

Campfire Stories -<br />

Glamping Style<br />

S T A T I O N 2<br />

A M B E R W H E E L E R<br />

Storytelling has been used for centuries<br />

as a means of imparting wisdom. This<br />

session will feature female leaders from<br />

around the state sharing their stories<br />

and the leadership lessons they've<br />

learned along the way. Masters at<br />

storytelling, these women will have you<br />

laughing at "the things they don't share<br />

in school" and tugging at heartstrings as<br />

they share challenges along the<br />

leadership path.<br />

Lead Like a Duck<br />

S I E D H O F F<br />

T E R R I M O S E S , S T E P H A N I E<br />

Q U I C K<br />

Just like momma duck, we know from<br />

experience that women can not only<br />

lead during trying times they can do so<br />

very successfully. <strong>Leadership</strong> requires a<br />

number of skills. <strong>Leadership</strong> during a<br />

crisis magnifies the need for these skills.<br />

We will provide examples of leadership<br />

skills learned through over 30 years in<br />

law enforcement and a combined 40<br />

years in education.

Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 3 - 9 : 0 0 - 9 : 5 0<br />

Leveraging School<br />

Climate for Engagement<br />

and Growth<br />

R I V E R V I E W<br />

C H R I S T I N A M A N N , L S C S W ,<br />

S U S A N S C H I F F E L B E I N ,<br />

M S E D<br />

School climate data is an important<br />

first step in aligning the goals of<br />

learning, wellbeing, and school<br />

culture in a way that maximizes<br />

growth and success. Come learn<br />

valuable strategies for engaging staff,<br />

student, and parent stakeholders<br />

based on your data from the Climate<br />

Types Report in the Authenticated<br />

App. We’ll explore strategies from<br />

instructional practices, to new parent<br />

communications and engagement<br />

tools, to opportunties for student<br />

voice and specific skill areas, to<br />

leadership and systems practices that<br />

address your climate data in ways<br />

designed to leverage the outcomes<br />

that we all want for Kansas students.

Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 4 - 1 0 : 0 0 - 1 0 : 5 0<br />

Big Girl Job: How a<br />

District’s First Female<br />

Superintendent Made<br />

Meaningful Change<br />

Rapidly Using Effective<br />

Communications<br />

Strategies<br />

B O S I N 1 & 2<br />

D R . R A Q U E L G R E E R , L O R I<br />

O ’ T O O L E B U S E L T<br />

“Wow, that’s a big job … ” No matter what<br />

position in education or any other<br />

industry a woman may fill, she may<br />

encounter a statement like this at some<br />

point in her career. Dr. Raquel Greer,<br />

Maize USD 266’s first female<br />

superintendent, will share her<br />

experience stepping in to lead one of the<br />

fastest-growing public school districts in<br />

the state. Learn more about how she<br />

partnered with the district<br />

communications director to roll out a<br />

series of effective strategies related to<br />

leadership and communications. Hear<br />

tips that can be applied in school<br />

districts or individual schools of any size.<br />

Anecdotes will also acknowledge the<br />

unique burdens and expectations female<br />

leaders often face and how to navigate<br />

around them.<br />

Strong Women: It's Up to<br />

All of Us<br />

B O S I N 3<br />

D R . R A E N I L E S<br />

Dr. Rae Niles spent 22 years in Kansas<br />

public education before leaving her role<br />

to join Apple, Inc. 16 years ago. After<br />

leading the Apple Professional Learning<br />

Team for Apple Education Rae “funtired”<br />

—never once thinking she would find<br />

herself back in public education as a<br />

Kansas superintendent.<br />

If indeed the world needs strong women,<br />

then the first step in supporting a new<br />

generation of strong women belongs with<br />

each of us. Join Rae as she shares best<br />

practices from leading a team at Apple to<br />

the everyday application of what she<br />

learned working for the most recognized<br />

company on the planet. Hear how her<br />

experience impacts daily what she is<br />

doing as superintendent for Sedgwick<br />

Public Schools.

Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 4 - 1 0 : 0 0 - 1 0 : 5 0<br />

The Art and Science of<br />

Leading in Interesting<br />

Times<br />

S T A T I O N 1<br />

B R E N D A E D L E S T O N<br />

Pronouns challenged, book bans accepted,<br />

district lines erased, state funding<br />

threatened, and divisive politics are but a<br />

few of the societal uncertainties we face<br />

today. All these issues collide in our<br />

schools. Leading others through these<br />

potentially volatile discussions and<br />

decisions calls for knowledge and finesse.<br />

Library shelves are teaming with books<br />

and journals which speak to the volume of<br />

research on the development of leaders.<br />

Writings on leadership skills, styles, and<br />

“how-to’s” are informative and valuable,<br />

yet often tell but one side of the story of<br />

leadership – the science of leadership. The<br />

art of leading is a personal approach to<br />

implementing the technical fundamentals<br />

of leadership. This personal art can also be<br />

consciously developed.<br />

Appointments Project -<br />

Empowering Women to<br />

Serve on Appointed<br />

Boards and Commissions<br />

S T A T I O N 2<br />

C A T I E B U C K I N G H A M<br />

Attendees will learn about the need<br />

for more women to serve on<br />

appointed boards and commissions,<br />

how to navigate the appointment<br />

process at the city, county and state<br />

level and why representation matters.<br />

Throughout my 40-year+ career in<br />

education, I worked under many leaders:<br />

some self-appointed, some elected, others<br />

by nature of their position, and still others<br />

“voluntold.” Observing these leaders, I<br />

realized that the science of leading is more<br />

prevalent than the art of leading. Through<br />

analyzing, reflecting, watching, and<br />

listening you may strengthen your artistry<br />

and make your leadership more effective.

Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 4 - 1 0 : 0 0 - 1 0 : 5 0<br />

Girl Talk: Real<br />

Conversations about<br />

Women in <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

S I E D H O F F<br />

F A I T H F L O R Y , D R . C A R R I E<br />

M U G R I D G E<br />

This session will give women<br />

opportunities to have real<br />

conversations surrounding gender<br />

stereotypes and bias. We will ask the<br />

audience to participate in an exercise<br />

about implicit and explicit bias. This<br />

will open up conversation about our<br />

current, past, and possible future<br />

experiences in our profession. We will<br />

share research and provide strategies<br />

to help partner with both women and<br />

men to empower and grow women in<br />

leadership. We hope this session will<br />

allow everyone to get comfortable<br />

with uncomfortable conversations<br />

and have some fun with real life GIRL<br />

TALK!<br />

Don't Stress! Dress Your<br />

Best (For Less!)<br />

R I V E R V I E W<br />

K R I S T I N M A G E T T E , A S H L E Y<br />

R A Z A K<br />

Building a capsule wardrobe makes it<br />

simple to rise and shine as a leader.<br />

By focusing on quality over quantity,<br />

your day will begin with confident<br />

ease instead of wasting time (and<br />

brain power) getting ready. Take<br />

simple steps to reinvent your<br />

wardrobe to make your best<br />

impression all day long. And leave<br />

with practical, penny-pinching<br />

strategies to keep your budget in<br />

check — and make it easier to adapt<br />

when you encounter different needs<br />

or changing size.

Thursday, March 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N 5 - 1 1 : 0 0 - 1 1 : 5 0<br />

B O S I N 1 & 2<br />

Building Level Job-Alike Session<br />

B O S I N 3<br />

District Level Job-Alike Session<br />

S T A T I O N 2<br />

School Board Member Job-Alike Session<br />

S T A T I O N 1<br />

Special Education Job-Alike Session<br />

Gather in a cohort of women leaders to network and discuss<br />

key challenges you face as an educational leader. Discussion<br />

prompts will be provided by each groups’ facilitators to help<br />

you problem-solve and build community. Each job-alike<br />

session will focus on role-specific challenges, opportunities<br />

and quick wins.



THURSDAY, MARCH 7, <strong>2024</strong><br />

12:30-1:30 P.M.<br />


Carla Tantillo Philibert has literally written the book on<br />

collective wellbeing. She is the author of Cooling Down Your<br />

Classroom (2012) among other works. Carla has a master’s<br />

degree in curriculum and instruction, is a certified yoga teacher<br />

and is a founding teacher and curriculum director of a high<br />

school in Chicago. She has taught at both the elementary and<br />

secondary levels, is the co-creator of Hip-Hop Yoga, and is a<br />

highly sought after professional development provider and<br />

keynote speaker. As the founder of Mindful Practices, Carla is<br />

considered a thought-leader in the area of collective wellbeing<br />

and has worked with leaders in the field such as CASEL, The<br />

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Kripalu, and the United<br />

Nations. Carla and her husband Rob reside in Chicago, IL with<br />

their 2 children.


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Network: Drury Hotels<br />

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