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The Column<br />

By Chuck Van Riper<br />

Cusip Conspiracy<br />

Well, I really went down the rabbit hole on this venture.<br />

As of late, I’ve been seeing advertisements<br />

and articles online about using personhood or “strawman”<br />

theories to clear out all your debts or take a vacation or<br />

buy a warehouse full of twinkies or whatever you want.<br />

How do you access this amount of cash? Apparently, the<br />

federal government has a secret account that is set up for<br />

everybody when you are born. This falls under the auspices<br />

of “Sovereign Citizen” movement. The theory goes<br />

something like this:<br />

In 1933, FDR took the U.S. off the gold standard because<br />

of inflationary pressures caused by the great depression.<br />

The theory is that the U.S. was basically broke, so<br />

we became a corporation instead of a Democratic Republic.<br />

The corporation of the U.S., then started using birth<br />

certificates as kind of warehouse receipts sold on the international<br />

bond markets, making each child part of the<br />

“chattle” of the corporation. This is also known as the<br />

“Strawman” theory as each real person had two identities;<br />

your actual flesh and blood identity, and your bond<br />

or “strawman identity.” Now, why was this assumed to<br />

be true? Because a birth certificate contains 1. Your name<br />

in all capital letters (this will be important later), and 2. A<br />

cusip number. Oh, no! There’s a cusip number on my certificate<br />

of birth! Ok, what’s a cusip number. Basically, a<br />

cusip (cusip stands for Committee on Uniform Securities<br />

Identification Procedures) number is a 9 alphanumeric<br />

unique number assigned to stocks, bonds, and financial<br />

papers and other securities in the U.S. and Canada. It<br />

makes it easier to keep track of. So, the theory goes, since<br />

there is a cusip number on a birth certificate, it must be a<br />

financial instrument, in this case a bond. Being a bond, it<br />

therefore must have a financial value.<br />

This is my first disagreement with this theory as cusip<br />

numbers are not typically used on birth certificates. You<br />

can, however, file a UCC-1 form with the Treasury Department<br />

and get a cusip number, but it’s a long process.<br />

So the conspiracy continues. All manner of financial<br />

transactions, taxes, paying bills, etc., comes under the<br />

prevue of the “corporation”, which is why your name is<br />

always in all capital letters on tax statements, bank docu-<br />

18 - Brevard Live March 2024

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