Architecture + Urbanism_Portfolio


STUDY AREA - 01(Core of city, Peth Area)STUDY AREA - 02(Newly developed, Kharadi)Tangible ‘distinctive identity and character’ of the Study Areas (Survey outcome)The provided graph is based on a questionnaire-based survey conducted with 15 participants. Theparticipants were asked about the tangible distinctive identity and character of Pune, consideringdifferent factors for the study areas selected for the research. The majority of respondents believe thatthe core of the city (Study Area 01) represents the city’s distinctive identity in terms of architecturalstyle, marketplace, religious structures, and materiality. On the other hand, the newly developed areasin Kharadi (Study Area 02) was chosen for its accessibility and urban layout.Intangible ‘distinctive identity and character’ of the Study Areas (Survey outcome)The participants were asked to share their perspectives on the intangible distinctive identity andcharacter of Pune, considering various factors specific to the chosen study areas. The results clearlyindicate that when discussing the city’s intangible character related to historic influences, culture, andfestivities, the participants selected the core of the city (Study Area 01) to illustrate Pune’s uniqueidentity. This choice can be attributed to the presence of temples, significant heritage sites, andreligious structures in Study Area 01, which greatly influence the culture and utilization of this area.


(Core of city, Peth Area)


(Newly developed, Kharadi)

Tangible ‘distinctive identity and character’ of the Study Areas (Survey outcome)

The provided graph is based on a questionnaire-based survey conducted with 15 participants. The

participants were asked about the tangible distinctive identity and character of Pune, considering

different factors for the study areas selected for the research. The majority of respondents believe that

the core of the city (Study Area 01) represents the city’s distinctive identity in terms of architectural

style, marketplace, religious structures, and materiality. On the other hand, the newly developed areas

in Kharadi (Study Area 02) was chosen for its accessibility and urban layout.

Intangible ‘distinctive identity and character’ of the Study Areas (Survey outcome)

The participants were asked to share their perspectives on the intangible distinctive identity and

character of Pune, considering various factors specific to the chosen study areas. The results clearly

indicate that when discussing the city’s intangible character related to historic influences, culture, and

festivities, the participants selected the core of the city (Study Area 01) to illustrate Pune’s unique

identity. This choice can be attributed to the presence of temples, significant heritage sites, and

religious structures in Study Area 01, which greatly influence the culture and utilization of this area.

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