Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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Well, they’re not quite embeddings, but at least we can use cosine similarity to find

out how similar to each other two restaurants are:

ratings = torch.as_tensor([[.7, -.4, .7],

[.3, .7, -.5],

[.9, -.55, .8],

[-.3, .8, .34]]).float()

sims = torch.zeros(4, 4)

for i in range(4):

for j in range(4):

sims[i, j] = F.cosine_similarity(ratings[i],





tensor([[ 1.0000, -0.4318, 0.9976, -0.2974],

[-0.4318, 1.0000, -0.4270, 0.3581],

[ 0.9976, -0.4270, 1.0000, -0.3598],

[-0.2974, 0.3581, -0.3598, 1.0000]])

As expected, restaurants #1 and #3 are remarkably similar (0.9976), and

restaurants #2 and #4 are somewhat similar (0.3581). Restaurant #1 is quite

different from restaurants #2 and #4 (-0.4318 and -0.2974, respectively), and so is

restaurant #3 (-0.4270 and -0.3598, respectively).

Although we can compute the cosine similarity between two restaurants now, the

values in the table above are not real embeddings. It was only an example that

illustrates well the concept of embedding dimensions as attributes.

Unfortunately, the dimensions of the word embeddings learned

by the Word2Vec model do not have clear-cut meanings like


On the bright side, though, it is possible to do arithmetic with

word embeddings!

"Say what?"

926 | Chapter 11: Down the Yellow Brick Rabbit Hole

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