Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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Maybe you filled this blank in with "too," or maybe you chose a different word like

"here" or "now," depending on what you assumed to be preceding the first word.

Figure 11.7 - Many options for filling in the [BLANK]

That’s easy, right? How did you do it, though? How do you know that "you" should

follow "nice to meet"? You’ve probably read and said "nice to meet you" thousands of

times. But have you ever read or said: "Nice to meet aardvark"? Me neither!

What about the second sentence? It’s not that obvious anymore, but I bet you can

still rule out "to meet you aardvark" (or at least admit that’s very unlikely to be the


It turns out, we have a language model in our heads too, and it’s straightforward to

guess which words are good choices to fill in the blanks using sequences that are

familiar to us.

Before Word Embeddings | 917

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