Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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The patch embedding is not the original receptive field anymore, but rather the

convolved receptive field. After convolving the image, given a kernel size and a

stride, the patches get flattened, so we end up with the same sequence of nine



patch_embed = PatchEmbed(

img.size(-1), kernel_size, 1, kernel_size**2


embedded = patch_embed(img)



torch.Size([1, 9, 16])

Figure 10.24 - Sample image—split into a sequence of patch embeddings

But the patches are linear projections of the original pixel values now. We’re

projecting each 16-pixel patch into a 16-dimensional feature space—we’re not

changing the number of dimensions, but using different linear combinations of the

original dimensions.

The original image had 144 pixels and was split into nine patches

of 16 pixels each. Each patch embedding still has 16 dimensions,

so, overall, each image is still represented by 144 values. This is

by no means a coincidence: The idea behind this choice of values

is to preserve the dimensionality of the inputs.

852 | Chapter 10: Transform and Roll Out

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