Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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RNN Cell

Let’s take a look at some of the internals of an RNN cell:

Figure 8.6 - Internals of an RNN cell

On the left, we have a single RNN cell. It has three main components:

• A linear layer to transform the hidden state (in blue)

• A linear layer to transform the data point from the sequence (in red)

• An activation function, usually the hyperbolic tangent (TanH), which is applied

to the sum of both transformed inputs

We can also represent them as equations:

Equation 8.1 - RNN

I chose to split the equation into smaller colored parts to highlight the fact that

these are simple linear layers producing both a transformed hidden state (t h ) and a

transformed data point (t x ). The updated hidden (h t ) state is both the output of this

particular cell and one of the inputs of the "next" cell.

But there is no other cell, really; it is just the same cell over and over again, as

depicted on the right side of the figure above. So, in the second step of the

sequence, the updated hidden state will run through the very same linear layer the

initial hidden state ran through. The same goes for the second data point.

594 | Chapter 8: Sequences

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