Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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"But what is a hidden state anyway?"

Excellent question! A hidden state is simply a vector. The size of the vector is up to

you. Really. You need to specify the number of hidden dimensions, which means

specifying the size of the vector that represents a hidden state. Let’s create a twodimensional

hidden state just for kicks:

hidden_state = torch.zeros(2)



tensor([0., 0.])

That’s actually a fine example of an initial hidden state, as we’ll see shortly. But,

before diving deep into the journey of a hidden state through an RNN, let’s take a

look at its top-level representation:

Figure 8.5 - Top-level representation of an RNN

If you’ve ever seen figures representing RNNs, you’ve probably bumped into one of

the two versions depicted above: "unrolled" or not. Let’s start with the unrolled

one: It shows a sequence of two data points being fed to an RNN. We can describe

the flow of information inside an RNN in five easy steps:

1. There is an initial hidden state (h i ) that represents the state of the empty

sequence and is usually initialized with zeros (like the one we created above).

2. An RNN cell takes two inputs: the hidden state representing the state of the

592 | Chapter 8: Sequences

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