Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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model anyway. We’ll use it to compute statistics only. By the way, we needstatistics for each channel, as required by the Normalize() transform.So, let’s build a function that takes a mini-batch (images and labels) and computesthe mean pixel value and standard deviation per channel of each image, adding upthe results for all images. Better yet, let’s make it a method of our StepByStep classtoo.StepByStep Method@staticmethoddef statistics_per_channel(images, labels):# NCHWn_samples, n_channels, n_height, n_weight = images.size()# Flatten HW into a single dimensionflatten_per_channel = images.reshape(n_samples, n_channels, -1)# Computes statistics of each image per channel# Average pixel value per channel# (n_samples, n_channels)means = flatten_per_channel.mean(axis=2)# Standard deviation of pixel values per channel# (n_samples, n_channels)stds = flatten_per_channel.std(axis=2)# Adds up statistics of all images in a mini-batch# (1, n_channels)sum_means = means.sum(axis=0)sum_stds = stds.sum(axis=0)# Makes a tensor of shape (1, n_channels)# with the number of samples in the mini-batchn_samples = torch.tensor([n_samples]*n_channels).float()# Stack the three tensors on top of one another# (3, n_channels)return torch.stack([n_samples, sum_means, sum_stds], axis=0)setattr(StepByStep, 'statistics_per_channel',statistics_per_channel)Data Preparation | 421

first_images, first_labels = next(iter(temp_loader))StepByStep.statistics_per_channel(first_images, first_labels)Outputtensor([[16.0000, 16.0000, 16.0000],[13.8748, 13.3048, 13.1962],[ 3.0507, 3.8268, 3.9754]])Applying it to the first mini-batch of images, we get the results above: Each columnrepresents a channel, and the rows are the number of data points, the sum of meanvalues, and the sum of standard deviations, respectively.We can leverage the loader_apply() method we created in the last chapter to getthe sums for the whole dataset:results = StepByStep.loader_apply(temp_loader,StepByStep.statistics_per_channel)resultsOutputtensor([[2520.0000, 2520.0000, 2520.0000],[2142.5359, 2070.0811, 2045.1442],[ 526.3024, 633.0677, 669.9554]])So, we can compute the average mean value (that sounds weird, I know) and theaverage standard deviation, per channel. Better yet, let’s make it a method thattakes a data loader and returns an instance of the Normalize() transform,statistics and all:422 | Chapter 6: Rock, Paper, Scissors

first_images, first_labels = next(iter(temp_loader))

StepByStep.statistics_per_channel(first_images, first_labels)


tensor([[16.0000, 16.0000, 16.0000],

[13.8748, 13.3048, 13.1962],

[ 3.0507, 3.8268, 3.9754]])

Applying it to the first mini-batch of images, we get the results above: Each column

represents a channel, and the rows are the number of data points, the sum of mean

values, and the sum of standard deviations, respectively.

We can leverage the loader_apply() method we created in the last chapter to get

the sums for the whole dataset:

results = StepByStep.loader_apply(temp_loader,




tensor([[2520.0000, 2520.0000, 2520.0000],

[2142.5359, 2070.0811, 2045.1442],

[ 526.3024, 633.0677, 669.9554]])

So, we can compute the average mean value (that sounds weird, I know) and the

average standard deviation, per channel. Better yet, let’s make it a method that

takes a data loader and returns an instance of the Normalize() transform,

statistics and all:

422 | Chapter 6: Rock, Paper, Scissors

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