Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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given chapter are imported at its very beginning. For this chapter, we’ll need the

following imports:

import numpy as np

from PIL import Image

from copy import deepcopy

import torch

import torch.optim as optim

import torch.nn as nn

import torch.nn.functional as F

from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset, random_split

from torchvision.transforms import Compose, ToTensor, Normalize, \

ToPILImage, Resize

from torchvision.datasets import ImageFolder

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR, ReduceLROnPlateau, \

MultiStepLR, CyclicLR, LambdaLR

from stepbystep.v2 import StepByStep

from data_generation.rps import download_rps

Rock, Paper, Scissors…

…Lizard, Spock! The "extended" version of the game was

displayed in the "The Lizard-Spock Expansion" episode of The Big

Bang Theory series, and was developed by Sam Kass and Karen

Bryla. To learn more about the extended version, visit Sam Kass'

page [96] about the game.

Trivia aside, I guess you’re probably a bit bored with the image dataset we’ve been

using so far, right? Well, at least, it wasn’t MNIST! But it is time to use a different

dataset: Rock Paper Scissors (unfortunately, no lizard or Spock).

Rock, Paper, Scissors… | 417

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