Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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self.visualization[name] = None

# Register the forward hook and keep the handle

# in another dict

self.handles[name] = \


def remove_hooks(self):

# Loops through all hooks and removes them

for handle in self.handles.values():


# Clear the dict, as all hooks have been removed

self.handles = {}

setattr(StepByStep, 'attach_hooks', attach_hooks)

setattr(StepByStep, 'remove_hooks', remove_hooks)

The procedure is fairly straightforward now: Give it a list containing the names of

the layers to attach hooks to, and you’re done!

Hooking It


layers_to_hook=['conv1', 'relu1', 'maxp1', 'flatten',

'fc1', 'relu2', 'fc2']


To get the visualization attribute filled with values, we still need to make


Making Predictions (Logits)

images_batch, labels_batch = iter(val_loader).next()

logits = sbs_cnn1.predict(images_batch)

Don’t forget to remove the hooks after you’re finished with the predictions. By the

way, you can call predict() multiple times, and the outputs produced by the

hooked layers will be concatenated.

402 | Chapter 5: Convolutions

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