Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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argument of nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(). To compensate for the imbalance, one can

set the weight to equal the ratio of negative to positive examples:

In our imbalanced dummy example, the result would be 3.0. This way, every point

in the positive class would have its corresponding loss multiplied by three. Since

there is a single label for each data point (c = 1), the tensor used as an argument for

pos_weight has only one element: tensor([3.0]). We could compute it like this:

n_neg = (dummy_imb_labels == 0).sum().float()

n_pos = (dummy_imb_labels == 1).sum().float()

pos_weight = (n_neg / n_pos).view(1,)




Now, let’s create yet another loss function, including the pos_weight argument this


loss_fn_imb = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(




Then, we can use this weighted loss function to compute the loss for our

imbalanced dataset. I guess one would expect the same loss as before; after all,

this is a weighted loss. Right?

loss = loss_fn_imb(dummy_imb_logits, dummy_imb_labels)


Loss | 229

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