Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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If you’re reading this, I probably don’t need to tell you that deep learning is amazing

and PyTorch is cool, right?

But I will tell you, briefly, how this book came to be. In 2016, I started teaching a

class on machine learning with Apache Spark and, a couple of years later, another

class on the fundamentals of machine learning.

At some point, I tried to find a blog post that would visually explain, in a clear and

concise manner, the concepts behind binary cross-entropy so that I could show it

to my students. Since I could not find any that fit my purpose, I decided to write one

myself. Although I thought of it as a fairly basic topic, it turned out to be my most

popular blog post [1] ! My readers have welcomed the simple, straightforward, and

conversational way I explained the topic.

Then, in 2019, I used the same approach for writing another blog post:

"Understanding PyTorch with an example: a step-by-step tutorial." [2] Once again, I

was amazed by the reaction from the readers!

It was their positive feedback that motivated me to write this book to help

beginners start their journey into deep learning and PyTorch. I hope you enjoy

reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

[1] https://bit.ly/2UW5iTg

[2] https://bit.ly/2TpzwxR

xxiii | Preface

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